St. Germain
Yes, You Will Ascend - Master Saint Germain through James McConnell
17.02.2023 17:28
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, I these moments that continue to evolve and change, and bring on the next moment, and the next moment after that. It is a continuing process that never ends. This process that you are in, this ascension process right now, never ends. Yes, you will ascend. You will move fully through the ascension process and come to that point where you ascend. But what do you ascend to? You ascend to the next level. But then there is another level after that, and another level, and another level. It is a continuing journey, never ending. Never ending until you reach the Godhead once again, the God Source, and you fully and completely realize that you are that God Source. But for the time now, just see things not as they are, not as they are within the illusion, but as you want them to be, as you are creating them to be. Read More…
Accessing Your Inner Silence by Saint Germain
10.02.2023 21:53
Greetings, beloved beings of light. I am Saint Germain and come forth with love, truth transformation, and spiritual magic to serve you at this time, I wish to promote within your daily reality, a moment of silence in order to allow yourself to breathe in time with the Universe of the Creator and to breathe in time with your entire being on all the many levels and dimensions of your being. The purpose of this is to rebalance your being and your energies. Your energy flow and your ability to receive the Creator will be balanced allowing you a moment of what you need. Read More…
You Are The Creators of The Illusion - Master Saint Germain through James McConnell
17.01.2023 20:40
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you a this time, in this time as the illusion, as you have been speaking of. The illusion that is fast fading away more and more. Because you, those of you, the Lightworking community, the Light-Warriors: you are the ones that are creating the fading of this illusion, because you are the creators of the illusion as well. All of you have created this system, And all of you are now also bringing down this system as the System Busters. Read More…
Trust In Who You Are - Master Saint Germain through James McConnell
20.12.2022 20:54
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time to continue the process that was started long, long ago. I speak now not only of this lifetime, but many lifetimes that you have been in this process. You have been working toward bringing the Light forward, bringing the truth forward within all of the darkness, raising the shadows everywhere back into the light. And that is exactly what is happening at this time now. Yes, certainly when you do these exercises, these meditations, you are spreading the light. But you are also doing so each and every moment of your life, whether you thing about it or not. Certainly helps when you are conscious of it. Read More…
Saint Germain: Is God the Center of Your Life?
22.11.2022 21:38
Beloved humans, Find your path even when there is no path to be seen, continue through the labyrinth of time even when it seems like you have got lost. Be and continue to be fearless warriors of light that shine their light for people and give their support to the earth. I am MASTER ST. GERMAIN. Everything comes to you now! All you need to do is to have faith in yourself and in the laws of God. You will be shown a way out of any unfortunate situation, and you will become more and more capable of mastering difficulties that this time presents you with. You now receive the direct support from the source – the source of all being. Read More…
Saint Germain: On the Cusp of Great Changes
15.11.2022 20:30
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these special times of great change that is upon you now. Change that has been foretold for may ions of time within your many works: your bible, your Tora, all of the different works that have expressed these changes that are to come and preparing you for these changes. Just as we, those that mentor to you, have been preparing you for these great changes. Read More…
Those of you that have awakened! Master Saint Germain through James McConnell
28.10.2022 20:07
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these momentous times of change. And yes, you are right in the midst of these changes, and they are rapidly increasing, as you are beginning to see now. What was once years ago when you would have thought of these things happening at this time, you never would have thought it was possible. That’s you! Those of you that have awakened! Think about how it is for those that are still yet sleep! And all they want to do is live their lives, go through their daily life, not having a care in the world if they can get through it like that. Completely oblivious to the reality of the truth. The truth of who they are, what they are here for. All of these things that you are already aware of, that you have already awakened to. Read More…
St. Germain - Feel the Light in Everything
27.09.2022 21:11
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, as all of you are now operating, not in the third-dimensional illusion anymore. Yes, occasionally you find yourselves there, whenever those times come up, when you feel like you are lost. When you feel like you cannot go on. Those times that come on. That is the old programming seeping back in. But I say ‘seeping back in,’ because you have moved beyond it. You are all in the fourth dimension now. You must understand that. Read More…
16.09.2022 20:22
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with out in this time, in these auspicious times that are upon you now, as the Great Changeover continues to move forward. The Great Changeover that at this point can certainly not be stopped. It has gained so much momentum that those that were the powers, and are no longer the powers, they, even they, realize that they have lost control. Do they continue to hold on? Do they continue to act as animals that have been cornered? Yes, they do. And they will likely continue to do so. But as the vibrational frequencies continue to increase, and you, as the Lightworking Community, continue to be the catalyst for this raising of vibrational frequencies, and raising your consciousness, and bringing back the light and the love into this planet. As you continue to do that, then those that were the powers and are no longer the powers to be, they continue to recede back into the shadows that they came from. Read More…
St. Germaine – More on NESARA
30.08.2022 19:38
My question for you today is based on that. We are all waiting for NESARA to be fully enacted and announced, yet the waiting is tantamount to asking that something change outwardly first, so we can finally be happy. So, my question is, Are we unconsciously holding NESARA back by not just looking forward to it, but putting whole areas of our life and inner growth “on hold” until it’s announced? Due to thinking, “Once NESARA comes through, I won’t have to worry about that . . . “whether it’s finances or health or relationships, or our own inner growth and healing. SAINT GERMAIN: Ah, an excellent point. Read More…
Master Saint Germain: Taking Action And How
26.08.2022 20:56
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time as things continue to move along. And as you continue to understand that everything is indeed the bigger picture, more and more of you, more and more of the collective you, are beginning to understand that. That this is the larger picture. This is the part of the larger plan here, and everything is indeed happening for a reason. So even as you look out and see those many things that are occurring, many things that are occurring within the 3-D matrix, the matrix of illusion, knowing full well that this is an illusion. It is a movie. It is a show that is being played out in front of you. And for those of you that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you know exactly that. You know it is part of the plan, and just an illusion for you to watch over, become aware of, but not become a part of. Because you are not a part of this. You are far beyond this illusion.
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Saint Germain: Peace and Freedom Flame
23.08.2022 20:14
God is in the world an in the hearts of all people! God comes to your aid, is close to you and breathes through you! YOU and GOD are ONE! Become aware of the spiritual powerhouse that you are! Here and now, remember your power. I am guiding you from the valley to the mountain top, from the shadow into the light! By the power of your love, the earth will transform, and by the power of your light, a new mankind will be born. What you are currently experiencing are labor pains, the pain before the miracle that awaits you when all the work is done. Read More…
Saint Germain: Hear the Bells of Freedom
15.07.2022 17:40
I am Saint Germain. I come at this opportune time, this time of an expression of freedom within this country, but indeed even out across the entire planet. For the 4th of July, Independence Day, although it was meant initially for the United States For America, it is meant for so much more. It is meant for the independence of the entire planet and all of the people on the planet. It is about freedom. It is about oneness. It is about togetherness. No more separateness. It is about everyone coming together as one. The United States: united, together as one, and bringing the entire world together, the entire planet. All of the people together as one. Read More…
Saint Germain: Momentum of Truth Coming Forward
17.06.2022 21:35
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time to be with you in these changing moments as everything around you is happening, even though you tend to still not be fully aware of all that is occurring, and that is by purpose. For those across the planet, all of those that yet find themselves asleep, would not be able to handle the great influx of truth, of light, to come forward all at once. So it must be doled out over a period of time. A little bit here, a little bit there. And then gaining momentum, as it is happening now. Momentum is happening now. Read More…
Saint Germain: In the Midst of the Great Change Over
24.05.2022 22:17
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time to be with you, to continue to express with you, to continue to bring this entire program forward. And indeed, this is a program. A program that we, those of us, the Ascended Ones, those of the Galactics, all that have been working with this group, and with all of you that are raising your consciousness across the planet. Sometimes unconsciously, but more and more now consciously, it is all happening as it needs to. All is happening in what we call God’s time, divine timing. And know that everything is indeed in divine timing here. Maybe not your timing, but it is divine. And it is part of the Great Plan that has been in the works for a long, long time. Read More…
03.05.2022 19:30
Significant changes have recently taken place within every person’s Earthly Bodies due to the powerful influxes of Light we have all experienced since the beginning of 2022. Our I AM Presence has assisted each of us in assimilating these changes at a cellular level. Now, we are able to safely receive the incredible waves of Light we will be blessed with throughout what the Company of Heaven refers to as “The Mystical Month of May.” Read More…
Saint Germain: Hold On To The Dream
22.03.2022 17:10
I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time as many things across the planet are beginning to gain steam, beginning to become more and more a part of the new higher expression within all of you, as you are all moving forward. Even though you may not know it, even though you may not feel it, you are all moving forward as a collective. It is happening, and the dream is continuing on. So hold onto that dream. Do not let it go. Do not become ensconced once again within the old illusion. For the old illusion is falling away rapidly. And you will begin to see the proof of that. Read More…
Saint Germain: Let It Go
25.02.2022 16:41

Let go of the old. That is what the Violet Flame is all about: letting go. Purging out all the old programming that is no longer needed, the old memories that hold you to this illusion of separation.
Know that it is all being purged away whenever you use the Violet Flame. Or the other tools that you may have become aware of over the years, whatever they might be. Whether it is Archangel Michael’s Flaming Blue Sword of Truth to sever any old ties, or crystals that you are working with bringing back memories of Atlantis and Lemuria to you, whatever it is.
Know that this is all about a letting-go process. Let go of the old. Be established in the new. And look toward the future. Because you are creating it each and every moment right now, whether you are in the illusion or outside of the illusion. You are creating your life as you move forward.
You are creating your own reality. Your reality is not creating you. It is those that believe that reality is creating them that are remaining ensconced within the old illusion within the third-dimensional illusion. And as long as they continue to feel and know that, or believe that, that is where they will remain. There is nothing you can do to bring them out of that until they are ready.
But indeed, when they are ready, they will call upon you, many of them. Many of your family, your friends will remember that, yes, you brought that up to them once before, and here now, maybe you have been right all along!
Now, this is not an ego expression we are talking about here that I am referring to. Not about ego, but about letting go. Letting go of whatever anybody thinks or feels about their own lives, or even about you–it matters not. Just focus on your own life moving forward. And express to them, or help them, assist them when they call for it, when they ask for it.
And that is your mission at this point. Many of you are in that part of your mission right now, and are recognizing that that is a mission for you. Now your mission, though, will change as you move along. Mission, Missions will continue to evolve as this entire process of letting go, this entire ascension process continues through this transition that you are already moving through.
Yes indeed you are in the transition right now. The transition from the old life, the old illusionary third-dimensional expression into the new higher expression of the fourth and fifth dimension. You are already doing that. You are already moving through this transition, all that is happening around you, all of the things that are happening within the illusion.
As you have heard many times, think of it as a show, as a movie that is playing out, and you are just witnessing it, observing it. You can be a part of it at times. Yes, indeed, you are a part of it at times. But most of the time, just be the observer as much as you possibly can. And when you are the observer, you are not part of the third-dimensional expression in those moments. So be the observer, and let the show play on. And know that the end of this show is going to be amazingly exciting to you. Just be ready for that. Because it is all coming together.
As you have heard many times, trust the plan. Trust the plan. The plan cannot be stopped at this point. And everything that is happening, no matter whether it is seemingly part of the dark or of the light, everything that is happening is part of the plan. And know that. Know that as you continue moving forward through this transition that you are in right now. Know that everything indeed is happening for a reason as part of the plan, no matter what it is.
And as the plan continues on, so too does the ascension process. So know that also. You are all moving toward the ascension.
As you have heard many times, the dark forces have been doing everything they can to hold you back from ascension, because they knew. As soon as the population began to wake up, they were finished. So they have been doing everything they can to keep you from waking up.
But alas, you are all waking up. And I speak now beyond just the Lightworking Community. Many, many more are waking up across the planet in countries all over the planet, waking, becoming aware of what has been happening to them. Becoming aware that their freedom has been taken away. And it cannot be given away unless you give it away. And those ones that are in Canada, the Freedom Truckers, and other countries now, are aware of this. Maybe not on the level that you are, but they are aware that they want to hold onto their freedom. That is the most important thing to them—freedom! And that cannot be taken away from someone who does not let them take it away.
So know as you continue to move through the rest of this year, that everything indeed is happening exactly as it needs to. Being tweaked here and there, yes, certainly. Those of the Forces of Light are working hard to overcome all of the plans, the programs that the dark forces have attempted to usher into the population of this planet. Because it is all a part of their plan, their old plan. But the forces of Light know this plan. They know it, and they are coming against it every opportunity that they have, and know ahead of time what their next move it going to be, and their next move. As you have heard many times, this is a chess match. But the forces of darkness are working in the 3-D world of chess. Whereas those of the Forces of Light are in 5-D. And many, many steps ahead of those of the forces of darkness.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And know that freedom is indeed at hand for the entire population of this planet.
Peace and love be with all of you.
**Channel: James McConnell
Saint Germain: Transformation of the Illusion
15.02.2022 15:17
I am your Saint Germain. And I applaud you, each and every one of you, for speaking about transformation. For this entire experience that you are going through is all about that, all about transformation. Transforming your very lives. Transforming the illusion that, as I said, is no longer there. Transforming it into the new vision, the new vision of the New Age of Gaia, the New Golden Age. You are all creating that now. And the more that you do experiences such as we just did, and hold that experience, hold that expression, that feeling, that life force within you, the I Am Presence that is within each and every one of you, and all life here, all consciousness here on the planet. The more that you hold that, and remember that, and be that, you are moving step by step toward this New Earth, toward creating this New Earth, creating this higher vibration and frequency. It is the new fifth-dimensional Earth. Read More…
Saint Germain via James McConnell, January 23rd 2022
28.01.2022 16:20
I am your Saint Germain. I come at this opportune time, these moments of continuing to find yourselves, find yourselves in the higher vibration more and more. You are all doing this. We watch you. We know of your higher vibrational frequencies. Not all the time, certainly, but more and more of the time you are finding yourselves communing with nature, feeling the oneness all around you, experiencing the love, knowing, remembering the I AM Presence within each. For it is this I AM Presence that will never lead you astray. It will always guide you in the way that you need to move moment, to moment, to moment. Read More…
Saint Germain: Be In The Now
14.01.2022 20:19
I am your Saint Germain. I have come at this time to be with you in this new year. This new year that is just beginning. A year that you have just left, and a year now that is beginning. For it is the start of something grand. You are in the process right now of becoming more and more of who you came here to be. Your thinking processes and your feeling processes. You are coming to know and understand that you are so much more than you have been programmed to believe all of this life and lifetimes prior to this. You are coming into your own more and more now. Read More…
Saint Germaine: The Moment has Arrived
23.11.2021 21:26
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment with you today. Today, our writer again has questions for Saint Germain, and so we share this now: COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain! Thank you for speaking with me again today. SAINT GERMAINE: Greetings, dear one! How may we be of assistance to you and your fellow Light Bearers? COR: I am feeling two things simultaneously, one more quite challenging and one inspiring. Read More…
Saint Germain: Hold On And Do Not Comply
19.11.2021 21:47
I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time to bring the message that I intended for the last time you were together, where This One was not strong enough, though, to allow for the message to come forward.(following a 2 week bout with the flu/covid – never got tested) But the message this day, my friends, is hold on. Hold on to your mission. Hold on to who you are. Hold on to everything that you know dear to your heart. Not to the old illusion, not to the old programming, but to the new programming. The new paradigm that you are forming within yourselves. Read More…
26.10.2021 20:55
Dearest Ones I am here with you today to applaud you all for the amazing work that you have been doing and to offer you some spiritual solace and practical help. Many of you have been feeling exhausted during this awakening period on Planet Earth. You have been engaged in a fight to wake people up to the darkness that has abounded the planet for eons of your time. Beloved friends, we see your sadnesses and irritations when you feel as if life is not going the way that you wanted it to and you may be feeling as if the Awakening process is taking too long. Read More…
Saint Germain channelled by Sandy Stevenson on 15th October 2021 - EARTH’S BIRTH INTO LIGHT
22.10.2021 20:55
The main goal for everything occurring on Earth is to wake people up. From the moment a person wakes, their awareness and consciousness begins to change and they start to break free of limitations. They become more who they really are and their light frequency begins increasing in preparation for a higher dimensional existence. Their raising of personal frequency also adds to the overall light of the human collective, and everything in and upon Earth. Read More…
Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, October 3d, 2021
12.10.2021 17:33
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time, in these times that are expressing great change, across not only this country where many of you find yourselves now, but across the entire planet. Many changes. Many changes that are seemingly not what you are wanting to happen, but knowing that these are changes that must happen. For it cannot be stopped. For the light coming into this planet, raising the vibrations, raising the consciousness of this planet and all within this planet, all must rise as one. So great many changes are in process right now. Read More…
Saint Germain: Speaking of NESARA
28.09.2021 20:44
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective. Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again today. Today our writer speaks again with Saint Germain on the current energies, and the movement toward NESARA Law’s enactment. Read More…
Saint Germain: Believing is Seeing
02.07.2021 22:18
I am your Saint Germain. I am here at this time to continue to assist and bring you along in your new reality, the new reality that you are creating every moment, with every thought. As you have heard before, and in many different ways, focus on your thoughts, and realize your thoughts have so much power. Power beyond your belief at times. Know that with that power, you control not only your destiny, but the destiny of the entire human evolution. Yes, YOU! You, each one of you, as a collective, coming together in unity consciousness, control everything. You control the plan. For you are the plan. Read More…
A Mindful Future by Saint Germain - Channeled through Natalie Glasson
04.06.2021 22:08
Greetings, I am Saint Germain, and it is an honour to come forth to you once more. I have been delivering many messages and expressions of insights or energy to you over this period of ascension. I am extremely excited and in the midst of ascension process that is taking place, adding my own wisdom, guidance and support to all who are moving through the ascension process now. In this moment, I Saint Germain, wish to share an insight to open your mind, to create a new perspective, a vision, or an understanding that you can carry forth in your ascension and your existence upon the Earth. When we have a vision or an understanding in our minds it supports us in moving forth in achieving what is necessary. It also allows your own being to open up some new opportunities and experiences, as well as allowing new energies to enter into your space. Read More…
Navigating Your Personal Ascension by Saint Germain through Natalie Glasson
28.05.2021 21:55
Greetings and love, I am Saint Germain. It is a joy to be in your presence today and to bring forth information and guidance. I wish to inspire you to focus upon your own personal ascension. I wish to bring to your attention that there is a need for you to focus upon navigating your personal ascension, creating intentions and focus points, creating thoughts or contemplating what you wish to experience in your ascension. Connecting from deep within your being, guided by your soul, your intuition, your truth, the aspect of the Creator within you. Read More…
Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell, May 9th, 2021
14.05.2021 20:18
I am your Saint Germain. I am here, as always, to continue to assist you and guide you as one of your guides, while there are many guides that are working with you. Guides that are working alongside and within you, as well as your Higher Self, certainly. And all of this is coming together to bring the oneness within you. To bring you back to who you are. To bring you back to the knowing and the understanding that you are one with your multidimensional selves. And all is coming together as you are moving through this ascension process. And as you are moving through this ascension process, you have already moved into the higher vibrational frequencies and higher dimensions. It is not something you are moving to, the fifth dimension. You are already there. Read More…
The Dream of Truth by Saint Germain - Part 2
23.04.2021 21:02
Greetings and love I, Saint Germain extend my vibrations of truth, my vibrations of love and magic to you as I continue with our discussion today the Dream of Truth. In part 1, I invited you to be conscious of the vibration of truth within you, and around you, contemplating what your truth is. The feelings and thoughts you experience, your reality and your connection with the Creator, impact your experience of your truth. I spoke about your Dream of Truth within your being from your soul, your soul group, and the Creator. This was a dream of something manifesting for yourself or for the Earth, for reality or ascension. I invited you to ask yourself, to discover your Dream of Truth, in doing so realising that there may be many dreams within your being. I invited your soul, your soul group, your guides, the Creator to energise, and amplify your Dream of Truth. I stated that your Dream of Truth was a guideline of what your soul wanted you or wants you to experience upon the Earth in this lifetime. Read More…
The Dream of Truth by Saint Germain - Part 1
16.04.2021 21:49
Greetings and love I, Saint Germain extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence today. I bring forth the magic, the love, and the truth of the Creator to shower down upon you to support you in your current existence upon the Earth. You are embarking through a most beautiful ascension process; everything is blossoming at this time and being embodied deep within your being. It is a time to be consciously aware of everything that is taking place within your being, around you and connected to your spiritual path. We the Ascended Masters wish to assist you in achieving this. In your everyday reality, encourage yourself through your thoughts to be conscious and aware, alert to everything that is occurring within your being and around you. Read More…
Saint Germain: Part of a Greater Whole
28.03.2021 22:17
I am your Saint Germain. I am here to continue to carry on, carry on what was started–not years ago, but lifetimes ago, here on this planet with all of you. All of you that have been working, moving forward, forward in consciousness lifetime after lifetime, and coming in the next lifetime, and remembering little bits here and there, but to the point in this lifetime you are reaching the end. The end of this era, and the beginning of the next. Read More…
St. Germaine: The Three Fold Flame of God
19.03.2021 22:50
I am St Germain and wish to memorandum this reminder to you, the people of Earth. You are in a part of the process now, the wonderful process of awakening of the souls and minds of the people of planet earth. Yet you do not understand the significance of this process. Some do, and others do not. And some are lost within it. Allow me please to give you guidance. At this time in the history of earth, timelines are being created that will enable again, the ascension of the soul through the earth school. For many years, these timelines were not available to many on account of manipulation of your minds; only those seeing beyond the manipulation were able to escape the trap that had been set for you. Read More…
You are the Truth by Saint Germain - Channeled through Natalie Glasson
05.03.2021 21:51
Greetings beloved brothers and sisters, I am St Germain. I come forth with love, respect, and truth. It is an honour to come forth to you and to share an activation. It is not an activation instigated by myself nor those upon the inner planes, it is more of a reminder of who you are and what you are capable of. As I bring forth information and a remembrance, so the activation will automatically take place within your being. It may require your focus and your attention as you draw the energy and the truth from your being into your awareness, into your reality and your experience. Read More…
Saint Germain: Endings and Beginnings
19.02.2021 21:33
I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time to continue to assist you in all that you are doing at this time, and all that you are doing to find yourselves out of this illusion of separation, this illusion that you yourselves long ago were part of creating. You created this as a collective. And as a collective, you can now move beyond this and change this. Yes, there are those that are attempting to hold onto the status quo, attempting to hold onto the life as they know it to be, which is the old 3D paradigm, the matrix. They attempt to hold onto it in every way that they can, every way that they know to do. Using that same old playbook over and over and over, which has worked for so many years and years, thousands of years even, it has worked. But their biggest fear was always that the population would awaken and no longer follow their playbook, no longer follow their programming. And that is what is occurring now. Read More…
Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell, January 10th, 2021
19.01.2021 20:44
I am Saint Germain. I ask you now to take a moment as you are coming back into your body to take several deep breaths. Breathe. Hold the light within you. Be the light within you. Allow yourselves now to feel the love that is coming into you. Just feel it permeating throughout your body: the love of the Creator, the Source. The Source that is within all of you, all of us. Feel that immense love. That higher consciousness coming over you and through you now. Know that you are going to be taking this love of this higher consciousness and assimilating it within yourself, and then spreading it out. Spreading it out to all that are ready for this. Read More…
Messages of hope and support from the Higher Realms - 16.01.2021
17.01.2021 16:45
Dearest Ones we are all here with you at this very auspicious time on Earth to give you hope and support for your future. It is no accident that you all incarnated onto Earth at this time. You came here specifically to help in the awakening of humanity to ASCEND to a new way of being. A HEAVEN ON EARTH, so to speak. The time that you have awaited for centuries to change the paradigm on Earth is upon you NOW. We are here with you, not to interfere with this process, but to help and advise. Call on us now for guidance as you navigate the waters of TRANSITION. Read More…
Saint Germain: What Is Unfolding Now
17.01.2021 16:39
Beloved brothers, and dear friends! I haven’t spoken directly to you in a while, through this channel. But today I was asked by our Ngari, to tell exactly what is unfolding on Earth, and many truths. As you know, PRESIDENT TRUMP is doing everything possible to implement NESARA AT THE INTERNAL LEVEL IN THE UNITED STATES, AND GESARA AT THE GLOBAL LEVEL, in the 209 nations that have signed that law. Read More…
Saint Germain: Time to Finish the Game
08.12.2020 19:33
I am your Saint Germain. I have come again at this time because of a calling, a calling that is reaching out to the many. The many, not only here in this country, but across the entire planet. A calling that is raising the voices on-high, and the power coming back to all of you as you fully awaken into who you are. For these are those times, those times you have been working for. Not just this lifetime, but for many lifetimes, working up to this time. These moments that are ahead yet, but coming on swiftly. Read More…
SAINT GERMAIN via James McConnell, November 8th, 2020
10.11.2020 21:05
I am your Saint Germain. I know that Sananda was going to be with you today, but I have asked him if I could be the one to bring this message to you. But before I bring this message to you, I want you all now to take a deep breath. Breathe. Breathe in the life that is around you. Not the three-dimensional chaos that is happening around you now, but life itself. Higher consciousness itself. Feel it. Know it. It is all here. It has always been here. But you have been blinded. Not by the Light, but by the darkness within each and every one of you. Read More…
Saint Germain ~ The Beginning of the Next Phase
16.10.2020 19:11
I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be with you. To be able to share. To be able to open up new vistas, new understandings for you to come to. For as you are contemplating much that is happening now across your planet, as you are looking at the scene in front of you and wondering, your third dimensional consciousness is wondering what is happening? Why is this happening? Why can’t we just get on with it? Many of you ask that question—why can it not just be over? Why can we not end this game now? Read More…
Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, September 20th
29.09.2020 16:10
I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be here with you in these times, in these moments that you find yourself in now. These times of fear that are spreading across the planet in many ways. For they, those of the cabal, the dark forces, are doing everything they can to spread that fear, to increase the fear if they can. Read More…
A Selection of Teachings from the Ascended Master Saint Germain
28.08.2020 20:33
10 years ago I began to channel the teachings of the Ascended Master Saint Germain. His presence came as quite a surprise to me, but in those 10 years my clients, students, and myself have benefited greatly from the wisdom of this Ascended Master. I am sharing here a few of his key teachings. It seems only appropriate in this political season to begin with our country. The Masters cannot tamper with our free will but we can be greatly influenced by them. Read More…
Saint Germain via Sharon Stewart, July 16th, 2020
18.07.2020 15:38
Hi St Germain, can you please comment on something that I’ve had an issue with for a while. So many lightworkers are waiting for the St Germain funds, the universal basic pay, to roll out so they can probably start doing some good works in the physical, which is wonderful, but everybody, for years now has been lamenting the fact that it’s taken so long for this to happen. Read More…
It’s Time To Choose - St. Germain & the Goddess of Liberty - 2 April 2020
07.04.2020 21:27
This message will be focusing on all aspects of freedom, not just Financial Freedom, as They will be sharing with us all how to manifest unlimited Well-Being (in all of its forms) that is the Divine Right of every single embodied soul on Earth. ‘How to manifest financial freedom and infinite abundance’ is certainly a hot topic that has occupied people’s minds for a very long time. There had been a lot of books written on the subject, as well as videos, blogs, articles, seminars or workshops created in the past, to help people master the art of creating and living an abundant life. Read More…
Saint Germain: The Impact of Covid-19
28.03.2020 14:41
Greetings with love and truth enfold your being now, as I draw close to connect with you in the truth of the Creator. I am Saint Germain speaking to you, although I am accompanied by the entire Universe of the Creator. We are all expanding our love and support to each being upon the Earth and in fact all aspects of the Earth. Please know and remember how much you are loved and valued by us and the Creator. We are simply expressions of the Creator, as are you. Read More…
Saint Germain: The Blue Dawn Of The Aquarian Age
24.03.2020 21:40
I am Saint Germain. I am here at these moments now to tell you, just as your Dear Beloved Sister KaRa spoke to you. You have arrived! We have all arrived! These are the moments that you came here for. You are on the cusp now, of many, many changes that are coming to this planet, coming to the consciousness of man, to the Collective Consciousness. Read More…
Saint Germain: You Have The Power Of A Thousand Suns
22.01.2020 20:55
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you in auspicious time, in these auspicious moments that you have arrived at. For all is happening exactly as it has been foretold for eons of time. Not to the point of catastrophes and devastation which would lead to the ascension of man. But the absence of this devastation. Read More…
St. Germain via Galaxygirl, November 30, 2019
02.12.2019 18:06
Hello friends and family. I am your St. Germaine. I am here on official business, which is to cheer you up and to let you now that yes, all is proceeding nicely and that the payouts are being paid out. Now to those of you who have not heard hide nor hare of this it may feel like this proclamation is a bit of an eye roller. And I understand, I can see and sense that many of you are a bit steamed that this has taken so long. Read More…
Saint Germain via James McConnell, April 28th, 2019
01.05.2019 19:35
I am pleased to be with you to continue working together with this group, and with you each as individuals. Because together we are all bringing this about. We are all making this happen. As I have been associated many times with the advent of this country, this America, as well as other areas of Europe, so I am not just associated with America, I am associated with many areas of the world. Read More…
Real Life IMMORTAL: The Count of Saint Germain
01.05.2019 18:34
St. Germain through Dancing Dolphin "Lightworkers are making an immense difference!" 10-18-18
19.10.2018 18:58
I AM St. Germain and I have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth on this day. We have found that those of you who are doing the “Love Work” are making a HUGE difference in your 3D reality at this time. You are sending Love vibrations to the entire planet and to all of those upon her. Thank you!!!!! Read More…
St. Germain through Dancing Dolphin **RV/GCR SitRep--It's ON!** 10-03-18
10.10.2018 21:42
Today was a very big day for the emergence of the RV/GCR. Today was very important. Yes, I am speaking of Wed. Oct 3, 2018. The day when the world stood up and said “We're not going to take it anymore” to the Cabal! We gave them a final warning shot across their bow and they have seen that we are serious. They know that if they do not surrender at this point that Mother God has declared that they may and will be 'taken out' to say it crassly. Read More…
St. Germain through Dancing Dolphin on Sept 22, 2018 **RV/GCR SitRep**
23.09.2018 18:55
Are you ready, dear hearts? Are you ready for your New Earth to be born and realized? You have all worked so hard in creating her with your thought forms and manifesting exactly what you want to see in your New Earth. You have all created this New Earth together and Mother has given her bright blessings on Gaia's new form. You will all indeed be there shortly for things are progressing very nicely. Read More…
A Session with St. Germain: Partial Solar Eclipse
16.07.2018 20:14
Greetings dear one it is I St Germain that comes to you at this timing as you create your time here to BE at a time when there is more focus on TIME than at any other TIME is existence. Read More…
St. Germaine through Dancing Dolphin "Congratulations! It has begun*!"
13.07.2018 18:41
Let us say that on this day “it has begun” dear One. What would you do then? Would you jump up and down? Would you dance in the streets? Would you kiss your partner? Would you scream from the rooftops? Well, you'd better get going and do all those things, for indeed it has already begun, and earlier than this day! Read More…
Urgent Message from St. Germain - 19.06.2018
20.06.2018 20:41
Many great things you all shall do--many, many great and incredible things. There are no limits now, no one to hold you back except yourselves if you allow your fears to rule you. You must step forth now and bravely walk into your new lives. Read More…
Humanity is Free - Official Decree from St. Germain - December 24, 2017
24.12.2017 14:49
I can feel the words coming out of my mouth like it just happened, "Humanity is free" and I meant it exactly the way I said it and the way you feel it. I wasn't speaking cryptically in an abstract version of completeness, referencing the timelessness of another dimension. I knew it, the same way I knew it when we signed the Declaration of Independence. Read More…
Saint Germain via James McConnell, August 27th, 2017
31.08.2017 21:09
I AM St. Germain. I come with the Violet Flame, Violet Light to continue this process that was begun long ago, the process that you all came here with as the light workers, the light sharers, the light warriors that you were and have once again become. Read More…