Saint Germain: Hear the Bells of Freedom
15.07.2022 17:40 St. Germain | James McConnell

For the 4th of July, Independence Day, although it was meant initially for the United States For America, it is meant for so much more. It is meant for the independence of the entire planet and all of the people on the planet.
It is about freedom. It is about oneness. It is about togetherness. No more separateness. It is about everyone coming together as one. The United States: united, together as one, and bringing the entire world together, the entire planet. All of the people together as one.
For these are those moments that were foreseen so long ago when those stepped forth and signed that document. And I, as Saint German, was there to assist in this process to encourage those to sign that document. Just as I am here now to continue this process of bringing the world together.
That is my mission. It began to bring the country of The United States, but it has morphed now into the entire planet. And it was foreseen back then when those that signed that document, they saw the freedom. Freedom not only in those moments from the dictatorial leadership that was holding control over them.
They saw this as much more at that time as the freeing up of not only an entire country, but an entire world. They had the foresight to see beyond what those moments meant at that time. And to see what it is now as we look at the very freedom that is indeed coming to this planet.
It may not appear to be so as many of you look within the illusion and continue to see that illusion. You continue to see the paradigm that was started by what you know of as the cabal or the dark forces. The paradigm that they wanted you to see. The illusion that they hold in front of you, even now to this day. But those of you that can see beyond this, you do not see that illusion any more. You are seeing beyond the illusion . You are seeing the reality that is possible; and not only possible, but is probable and will be.
For as you have heard many times, it cannot be stopped, will not be stopped. So continue to allow for this process to continue and to hold sway as everything continues to move along more, and more, and more. And you know this. All of you know this. Because again, you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, and are seeing beyond the illusion. Beyond what they are wanting you to see.
There is a force at work. A force grander and greater than you can possibly imagine, encompassing all that is around you and within you. All is coming together as one, this great force. This great force that was foreseen so long ago and is now becoming a part of your reality more and more, and will be a huge part of your reality as you are moving forward. And this is coming. It is almost here now. And you can begin to hear the bells of freedom once again as the great bell sounds once again, calling for freedom across the world.
Yes, this day, or this day tomorrow, your Fourth of July, you celebrate here in this country. But it is the sounding forth across the planet that is what will be heard.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. That you would continue to know that you are indeed moving beyond this expression of the illusion and continuing to find the freedom outside of that illusion. For freedom is everywhere around you if you just but look for it. It is within all of you as an expression of your destiny.
Peace and love be with all of you.
**Channel: James McConnell
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