December 2020
Happy New Year 2021
30.12.2020 17:47

Dear Reader
I want to thank all of you for being part of our community. I also want to thank all those of you who have sent me your positive feedback. I am more than happy that our information serves you well. The ever increasing numbers of you finding this site is proof that The Great Awakening of Humanity is truly underway.
This year 2020 has been amazing although not easy in a lot of ways. All those challenges brought our way have helped us to work on ourselves and bring into the light and heal a great number of deeply hidden issues. Our souls have grown by leaps and bounds these last months and this is most certainly only the beginning.
We are looking forward to share more enlightening News with you in this coming New Year. We wish You and your family a healthy, funny, miraculous and especially Happy New Year 2021. See you again on the other side.
In Love and Light
Koshima of
Saul through John: There is an infinite abundance of Love available to all
30.12.2020 15:36 Saul | John Smallman
As the year of 2020 draws to a close people are increasingly concerned about the restrictions on their freedom that were put into place because of COVID 19, and wondering when they will be rescinded. The damage that they have caused to so many is enormous, and was unnecessary. The truth of this is becoming ever more apparent as more information is being released into the public domain. Fear of imminent death due to the infection was used to convince people to honor these unwise and unnecessary restrictions. Read More…
YOU ARE PRIMED AND READY TO HELP HUMANITY Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - 12.28.2020
30.12.2020 15:25 Aita
Sanat Kumara: Awakening Becomes Conflagration
30.12.2020 15:21 Sanat Kumara
Disturbance, strife and inhumanity remain prevalent on earth, to a certain extent and to a certain point. Humanity is in the process of awakening, and circumstances are created that accelerate this process. Hardship, suppression and deprivation of freedom, that come with the “Corona virus manipulation” and increasingly threatening scenarios, in the end cause many people to look more closely. Many people can’t imagine the background and abyss of the dark alien race – they lack the power of imagination for that. That’s why now situations are being created where at first it seems that the dark satanic side is winning, and more and more people lose hope for a peaceful change. Read More…
University Labs Suing CDC for Covid Fraud: Virus does not exist and is fictitious
This article has been removed by my source the Golden Age of Gaia based on information that it may be false information. Further research from my side has shown a lot of conflicting information. Therefore I have now also removed this first part of my post based on the article from Golden Age of Gaia. The second part of this post which consists of a video from Gemma O'Doherty also indicating into the direction that the virus does not exist remains valid. Read More…
Message From The Galactic Federation of Light | Our Role in 2021
30.12.2020 15:14 Lorie Ladd | Galactic Federation
Understanding QFS Gold Certificates by Ron Giles - 12.28.2020
30.12.2020 15:12 Financial System | Ron Giles
It has been hard for many to understand the new gold-backed financial system, the new Quantum Financial System (QFS). The absurd amounts of money we will get is incredible, to say the least. Where did it all come from? The best way to understand this new system is to look at currency as gold certificates. Instead of saying I have five hundred dollars in my account, it is now appropriate to say I have five hundred gold certificates in my account. It could be USD or it could be British Pounds, it makes no difference. Let me explain. Read More…
A message from Archangel Michael - 27.12.2020
30.12.2020 14:51 Archangel Michael
My dear Legions of Light, Have no Fear. All is well. Do no fear the virus. Bless the virus. It has brought humanity together in a way nothing else could. It has brought together those who would hate each other in a fight against a so called common enemy. In truth this virus is not your enemy. Bless it for it has done a great job in waking humanity from its slumber. When it has done so it will fade away as quickly as it came. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/26/2020 • What will you carry into 2021?
26.12.2020 19:50 Ann Albers
As you approach the end of a year unlike any other, ask yourself, "What do I want to take with me as I move forward into a new year?" As challenging as this year has been, the gifts have been many. If you focus on what you are vehemently glad to be leaving behind, you will energetically take it with you. If instead you focus with appreciation upon what you have learned, how you have grown, and all the gifts of grace that have emerged from the seeming chaos, then you take those gifts with you. You can pick up the gifts of 2020 and bring them into 2021, or you can carry the baggage and bring that forward. Read More…
A completely new dream world, in which every human being can be wealthy, healthy, cultured, free, happy and fulfilled, is not a utopia, but the next inevitable evolutionary step. This transformation must necessarily be accomplished now, because the accumulated millennia of suffering of the inhabitants of the planet make it unstoppable. That beautiful world is already here, waiting to be able to manifest itself. In fact, we have all the potential, the means and the necessary knowledge, technology, entrepreneurial skills, inventiveness, capital and so on to be able to implement this planetary metamorphosis without delay. Read More…
James Gilliland: We Are In The Times of Prophesy
26.12.2020 19:09 James Gilliland
There have been so many prophesies about these times it is not as if we were not warned. No rock shall be left unturned, all the inequities will be shouted from the roof tops, the world of opposites where who we thought were the good guys turn out to be the dark hearts. Some call this end time madness. As we move into the Age of Aquarius the consciousness and energy shift will reveal everything. There is a lot of in house fighting within the UFO and Spiritual communities some with merit others venting their own personal problems within the communities. Still others are succumbing to some very dark divisive energies. There are those going off in their own personal crusade to make a name for themselves trying to take down others avoiding their own shadow side projecting it on others. This is not a new problem it is a very old problem. Read More…
WE ARE AS GREAT AS THE ANGELS AND ARCHANGELS Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - December 2020
26.12.2020 19:05 Aita
THE GATEWAY TO SIRIUS: Challenging Times - 23.12.2020
26.12.2020 18:56 Sirius
Dearest Ones these are challenging times on your planet as you move from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th and beyond and humans start to awaken from a dark agenda that has been controlling them for eons. We wanted to urge you all to use your own INTUITION at this time and to DISCERN every piece of information that you are being told, are reading or hearing in your Main and Social media. We have to say that even some so called Lightworkers' information is not quite as pure as you might have thought. Read More…
Jesus through John: All are infinitely loved, seen, understood, and accepted by God
26.12.2020 18:50 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
God is One. You, each individual spark of consciousness, are One, One with God, One with Yourself, there is NO separation. However there is an illusion of separation, which all who are in form experience as reality, but only when they are choosing to be immersed within it. You are free to discontinue that sense of separation whenever you wish. But, because the illusion, which you collectively chose to establish, is so beautifully designed and constructed – remember, when you were created, God instilled within You All that She is – that once you immerse yourself within it its apparent material solidity and your physical forms constantly reaffirm for you your belief that it is real. And that belief needs to be dissolved. There are some who have succeeded – the Buddha, Lao Tzu for instance – but for the majority it appears to be impossible. Some spend lifetimes following spiritually motivated paths, and some of them do become very wise and allow themselves to be guided by Love, which is of course, Mother/Father/God, Source, the divine energy field that is All That Exists. Read More…
26.12.2020 18:39 Michael Love
Free Book: New Maps of Ascension
26.12.2020 18:11 Ascension | Steve Beckow
A Christmas Gift from Golden Age of Gaia: A copy of the newly-completed, 577-page New Maps of Ascension. This book looks at Ascension from a number of angles. I consider it especially important for reminding ourselves, at this time of chaos and mayhem, what the Mother’s Plan is. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call: Is COVID Lockdown Necessary?
The press and the health-authorities try to pretend that there is a battle going on between the mask-wearing “science” of Dr Fauci and the unmasked politics of Donald Trump. But where is the science? Is there evidence that a non-mask-wearing society will be worse off than one where masks are obligatory? It doesn’t exist. Some places require face masks; some don’t. Some people wear them; some don’t. Even the World Health Organisation now disputes the need for masks. Read More…
Merry Christmas
23.12.2020 00:48

Dear readers,
I wish all of you and your families a Merry Christmas with Love and Joy. May these days give you some rest and time to reflect on this extraordinary year 2020 and to go within to prepare for what will come in 2021.
In Love and Light
Koshima of
Message from John F. Kennedy: Hold the Line, Patriots!
Oh, very happy I am to be able to communicate with all of you loving, courageous, persistent, and emboldened Patriots again! Yes, as you can hear in my tone of voice, I am very excited to speak with you at this particular moment in time. First, let me say regarding “moments in time”...that you all are living in one of the most spectacular moments in time, right now! I realize that to many of you, my muse included, it may not feel very spectacular in your current reality...but allow me to give you a reason or two why it is so, please. Read More…
A Message from the Divine Angels of Sirius
22.12.2020 23:03 Sirius
The Divine being called GOD or THE ONE knows every single one of you. YOU are all God's children and as such he has you all in his hands. He holds you and protects you from the chaos that is happening on GAIA today. As She reaches the Tipping point after the Winter Solstice of 21.12.2020 she is being surrounded in a Brilliant bubble of a Sparkling Pink, LOVING LIGHT. Imagine this as you sit in his hands. Read More…
Solstice Stargate Activations - The Excalibur Prophecy 21st December 2020
22.12.2020 22:57 Magenta Pixie
22.12.2020 22:48 Aita
20.12.2020 20:06 Rebecca Porter | Inspiration of the day
Saul through John: Massive releases of ancient trauma clear the space to allow Love to enter and embrace all
20.12.2020 19:54 Saul | John Smallman
As the year end approaches the human collective is experiencing considerable fear and anxiety, because the increasingly authoritarian restrictions on your freedom of movement and freedom to interact socially have been having a very negative impact on family gatherings, especially during the nationwide holiday at Thanksgiving, and now it seems likely that these restrictions will continue through Christmas and the New Year as well. People are very sensibly and naturally questioning the need for these restrictions as it becomes ever clearer that there are no practical plans in place to bring these restrictions to an end, and as it also becomes very clear that the number of people dying from all causes has remained just about normal throughout the year in spite of the dire warnings that were made when the virus was first identified. It can be seen that the damage caused by these restrictions far exceeds any that the virus has actually caused. Read More…
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light - December 19, 2020
20.12.2020 19:49 Galactic Federation
Today is a massive day for all lightworkers on the planet to awaken to the truth of reality, the truth of existence. Here we watch as so many of you continue to struggle through the illusion of your 3D lives, lost in the sea of confusion, fret, worry, desperation, pain and suffering. This is not who you are, nor were you ever meant to be this. Humanity has been lost to these emotions and identifications for far too long. We are here – collective “WE” are here – to help usher in the new Earth, at her higher frequency, so that those who decide to follow behind you to this plane of existence can have an experience that is much more in line with your true natures as divine aspects of Source. Read More…
20.12.2020 19:39 Michael Love
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/19/2020 • Celebrate your Bright Shining Light!
20.12.2020 19:36 Ann Albers
While so much has been unpredictable, scary, and unfamiliar this year, our wish is that you find peaceful solace in the celebrations of your season of light. Whether you are alone or with family and friends, the light in the manger and the lamp that burned brightly are the same light that lives and breathes, and burns brightly within you. Read More…
20.12.2020 19:17 Sirius
Dearest Ones this time on your Earth is truly momentous. Look within to find the Truth of this. You all came here to witness the change that is happening on Earth at this time of 2020/2021 and beyond. Much has changed in your world in this 2020 year and we want to encourage you that this change is for the better. Those of you who are connecting with the higher realms are already beginning to see this change. Be not discouraged Dear Ones ALL IS WELL. Read More…
18.12.2020 22:20 Aita
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 18, 2020
18.12.2020 22:16 Mike Quinsey
It has been a traumatic year and it has not yet finished, but we perceive a “happy ending” so do not be downcast as without a doubt better times lay ahead. I will tell you again that “change” is the keyword and a lot will happen in this interim period before it becomes clear what it is all leading to. There are certain preparations that are necessary to put you on the new track that sets you up nicely for the final thrust to Ascension. For some of you it will happen when you are back in the etheric realms between incarnation. Read More…
Ashtar on the December 21st Energies
18.12.2020 22:14 Ashtar | Galactic Federation
Hello and greetings! We are here. This is Ashtar. And I’m joined by a few key members of the Galactic Federation of Light. It is always a pleasure and a delight to be in your presence and we know and understand exactly why you have come to us. There is much ado about nothing! And we chuckle as we say this for we closely tune in to your social media platforms, and we understand that there are many theories, beliefs and much conflicting information with regards to what will actually occur around this winter solstice on December 21. Read More…
18.12.2020 22:00 Patricia Cota-Robles
We have just completed one of the most powerful Eclipse Series we have ever experienced. That is due to the fact that truly life-transforming events have taken place since January 1, 2020 which Birthed this New Decade. Humanity and Mother Earth are now able to safely receive higher frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light from the Celestial alignments occurring throughout the Universe than ever before. This is allowing us to greatly accelerate our Ascension process. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Energy Update December 2020
18.12.2020 21:33 Matt Kahn
In what can feel like a multi-layered grand finale to the year 2020, the month of December offers a dichotomy of experiences, particularly during the timespan between 12/12 to 12/21. The Universe often refers to this time each year as the 12-12 gateway during which time, high vibrational photon energy enters the atmosphere from the central sun to further activate dormant DNA strands. This activation process is the transition from the density of physical matter toward the new horizon of human being as light body consciousness. Throughout this process, it equally amplifies the attributes of the soul you’ve been cultivating along your journey such as love, faith, peace, compassion, cooperation, mercy, and unity, while also manifesting core wounds and imbalances into magnified expression for greater reflection and resolve. Read More…
The 9D Arcturian Council: Mind Altering Energies to End 2020
18.12.2020 21:19 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been anticipating this time that humanity is in for a while. We have been eager to see what you would do with the energies that are upon you now, and we are very happy to report that they are having the desired effect. You are beginning to settle down, relax more, and realize that you have to come together as a unified collective if you want to go to the next level of your spiritual evolution. That means putting your beliefs aside and operating from your hearts. Read More…
Twin soul Ascension report: solstice energies and the grand conjunction of 2020
18.12.2020 21:09 Jen Mccarty | Ascension
Dearest brothers and sisters, greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you, ever-evolving humanity. We are now cosmic moments away from the Ascension Horizon Event, the grand conjunction of 2020, whereby Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in Aquarius at nought degrees. Many astrologers the world over have indicated that this grand conjunction is the true marker of the age of Aquarius. Read More…
James Gilliland: ECETI News
18.12.2020 20:52 James Gilliland
While meditating I asked several questions concerning what is unfolding on Earth. I was told there are events coming natural, social and economic. The sun is going to become very active eventually taking down the grid and most satellites. It is also creating changes in consciousness. Expect severe weather and an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity, the Earth is expanding. Read More…
Channeling from Sirius: TIME FOR UNITY
15.12.2020 21:10 Sirius
It is time now for you all to come together into UNITY. It may seem to you that the Dark is winning the so called war against the LIGHT but in TRUTH the LIGHT has already won. What you are seeing in the 3rd Dimension is the last vestiges of the dark still trying to control you as they realise that they have lost the war. As your poet Dylan Thomas once said: " They are railing against the Light". As you are all part of the ONE GOD, ALLAH, BRAHMA, JEHOVAH, THE ALMIGHTY, THE ELOHIM, FATHER/ MOTHER GOD or just a LOVING energy. However you name it come together now in LOVE. Read More…
The 9D Arcturian Council: The Enormity of What’s Happening Right Now
15.12.2020 20:50 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun a journey of our own that we would like to share with you all now. We have begun to sense the enormity of what is happening in the universe to all of us, no matter what dimension, no matter whether you are in a physical body or in nonphysical form. The enormity of the universal shift in consciousness can only be measured in a feeling state, even though you can and will see changes all around you. And there will be changes in your bodies and in your abilities. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Smiling at you
15.12.2020 20:39 Matt Kahn
A smile is an offering of goodwill as the spark of Divine energy in two people pulls back the curtain of perception to remember the light dwelling in all. A smile is a subconscious ethical agreement, exchanging the ways society interacts with strangers to the openness of engagement, now that eyes have made direct contact. A smile is a celebration of your untainted innocent heart, always ready and willing to burst with joy throughout moments of inspiration, no matter how broken down, beat up, or defeated the past seemed to be. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/12/2020 • Dreaming of a better future
15.12.2020 20:31 Ann Albers
You are all so very precious and so important to this world. You are the lights on the tree, the candle in the menorah, and the rays of hope that shine brightly in a world where so many beautiful souls are frozen in fear. Your light, your hope, your love, the present of your Presence, and the gift of your positive expectations are the most important things you can share with humanity during your holiday season. Read More…
Galactic Federation Message to Humanity December 2020 (Elizabeth April)
15.12.2020 20:26 Elizabeth April | Galactic Federation
LIVE Q&A - Answers From The Galactic Federation
11.12.2020 23:03 Lorie Ladd | Galactic Federation
The 9D Arcturian Council: The Age of Full Extra-Terrestrial Contact
11.12.2020 21:31 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are convinced that you are ready for more contact with extra-terrestrial beings. Now, when we say that, we want to be perfectly clear that we are talking about those of you who are awake. You are ready for more extra-terrestrial contact, even though the vast majority of humans are not. Read More…
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Avoid the Corona Vaccine at all Costs
This is an urgent message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., son of Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former president John F. Kennedy. to all people around the world. In summary: The Covid vaccine should be avoided at all costs. Learn why below! Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 11, 2020
11.12.2020 21:13 Mike Quinsey
The troubles of the world continue and seem never ending, yet as time passes so the aspects of life that need uplifting become clearer. You cannot expect to continue as before as you had become caught in a vice like grip of the old energies, and it was holding back opportunities to move into a more acceptable and agreeable way of living. It has not taken very long for the frailties of your old ways to be recognised and it is realised now that much of what you have taken for granted must change, It has to so that you can lay down the basis of a New Age that can be developed to give you a more acceptable way of living. Read More…
The Crystalline Treatment by Archangel Michael through Natalie Glasson
11.12.2020 21:00 Natalie Glasson | Archangel Michael
Greetings and love I extend to you all, I am Archangel Michael. It is an honour to be in your presence and I bring forth the love of the Angelic Kingdom, a love that is so intense, unconditional, strong, and expansive, it flows directly from the Creator. The love of the Angelic Kingdom allows you to recognise the beauty within the love you hold and the love you express. Read More…
Doctors Around the World Issue Dire Warning: Do Not Get The Covid Vaccine
In an effort to combat Big Pharma Corporate Media and Big Tech censorship, doctors around the world are frantically trying to warn the masses of the devastating effects of the experimental COVID vaccines about to be mass injected into the unsuspecting public assisted by military forces around the world. Read More…
Keep Your Vibe High
11.12.2020 19:46 Spiritual Awakening
When we each focus on staying in line with our truth, when we each focus on ourselves and what we're giving off to our world with our personal vibe, the vibration of the entire planet will heighten which will create a shift that will move things in the right direction. This will directly influence the 2% that are ruling us now. We are many. They are few. The more of us on board with emanating our best self, the sooner we can get our planet back on track. This will create an entire collaboration of healing for our planet. Read More…
The “Great Conjunction” On December 21st 2020: People Are Saying There’s Going To Be An “Event”
11.12.2020 19:45 The Event
On December 21st of this year, the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn are going to be an astonishing 0.1 degrees apart — less than the diameter of a full moon. March 4, 1226, was the last time they were in such close proximity. Is it a coincidence that this is happening on the winter solstice? Do major astrological events like this impact human consciousness in any type of way? Are the cosmos directly intertwined with human consciousness? Or universal consciousness? Read More…
CLARITY AND LOVE ARE BEING SHONE ON PLANET EARTH Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - December 2020
11.12.2020 19:44 Aita
The Quantum Computer, Society's Moral Compass" by Ron Giles - 10.12.2020
11.12.2020 19:40 Ron Giles
To be sure, some politicians think they are above those who they are supposed to serve. The problem is very apparent that the elections have been rigged for a whole generation of Americans that thought their votes counted. Just the idea that the SPTB, Sick Powers That Be came up with a ruling class that has kept themselves in power over our Government and We The People, like forever, is a travesty that needs to be fixed. "Dominion" over us no more. Read More…
A New Special Message from the Galactic Federation of Light via Inger Noren, December 9th, 2020
11.12.2020 19:33 Galactic Federation
On the occasion of the election in the United States, the incumbent President has ordered that this notice be issued to the people of the United States for information about election fraud in all the United States of America. It is of great importance that this announcement shows how great the corruption and fraud has been in the United States in connection with this election. Read More…
Channeling from Sirius - Time for reflection - 8.12.2020
08.12.2020 20:37 Sirius
Dearest Ones it is now time for you all to go within and to work on yourselves to be the best that you can be. The confusion that the darker elements have been throwing at you is making some of you question what is actually going on. We have been told that some of you need more evidence of the Light that is increasing daily on the planet, which we see as overwhelming. We can tell you that All is Well and on track for the New Earth that you all so desire. There is much Hope for that future Timeline. The Time is now for you all to go within and finally clear away all the darker feelings that have been coming up for you in the past few weeks. Read More…
Dianne Robbins Monthly Message - Ashtar Command
Dear Readers, I am Ashtar, from the United Confederation of Planets, division of the Ashtar Command, which circles your galaxy and solar system. We are part of the great brotherhood and sisterhood of Light for this part of the Milky Way Galaxy. We oversee your sector of the galaxy and solar system, and protect you from any outside intrusion intending to interfere with your evolution. We protect you from the outlying reaches of space, where there are still pockets of dark forces that would like to overtake your planet for the wealth of resources it contains, including the human. Read More…
08.12.2020 19:55 Aita
Masks don’t stop COVID-19 spread, peer-reviewed study finds
A major study published by the Annals of Internal Medicine last week found no statistically significant difference in COVID-19 cases between mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers. The Danish randomized controlled trial was the first in the world to test for the efficacy of face masks to prevent wearers from contracting the coronavirus. Read More…
John F. Kennedy through Losha, Dec. 5, 2020
Salutations, my beautiful Patriots! To use one of your terms…wow, what a lot is going on right now!…especially with regard to the U.S. Presidential Election. We must all hold onto our hats and our sanity, during these tumultuous times! On a more serious note…I used to think the deceit and treachery couldn’t get much worse than when I was President…however, I was so wrong! I cannot believe the ever-worsening levels to which the dark ones have taken our “Due Process” Rights…it is very disheartening to see…and I can see the same frustrated emotions inside many of you, too. Read More…
Saint Germain: Time to Finish the Game
08.12.2020 19:33 St. Germain | James McConnell
I am your Saint Germain. I have come again at this time because of a calling, a calling that is reaching out to the many. The many, not only here in this country, but across the entire planet. A calling that is raising the voices on-high, and the power coming back to all of you as you fully awaken into who you are. For these are those times, those times you have been working for. Not just this lifetime, but for many lifetimes, working up to this time. These moments that are ahead yet, but coming on swiftly. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/05/20 • The Power of Simple Appreciation
08.12.2020 19:29 Ann Albers
As you enter your busy holiday season, pause every now and then for moments of pure appreciation. Take a few seconds here and there to stop and give thanks for life's simply pleasures. Enjoy a shaft of sunlight as it filters through your windows in the morning, the scent of fresh coffee or tea, a snuggle with your beloved animals, a moment of connection as you look into the eyes of a total stranger. Admire the smoothness of you dishes, the softness of your towels, the strength of the engine that powers your car, the beautiful blue sky, and the air that you breathe. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 04, 2020
04.12.2020 22:08 Mike Quinsey
The problems you have been experiencing through Covid19 are far from finished, and causing more problems without an end in sight. Job losses are mounting and future prospects look bleak, and every day more companies are going out of business. It is a symptom of the times you are living in, and the necessity to clear out that which will have no further use in the New Age. Where the US elections are concerned it looks like evidence will be provided to prove that fraud had taken place to prevent Trump from winning. There is ample time to provide proof of it but the outcome cannot be predetermined. Read More…
The Great Jupiter Saturn Conjunction - 21st December 2020
04.12.2020 22:02 Spiritual Awakening | Astrology
The Rose of Awakening by Mother Mary - Channeled through Natalie Glasson
04.12.2020 21:58 Natalie Glasson | Mother Mary
Greetings beloved children of the light, I am Mother Mary. I hold the vibrations and frequencies of the Divine Mother and the Goddess energies which I distribute throughout the entire world, and the entire Universe of the Creator. I am more than a mother, I am an expression of the divine feminine, I have mastered the many levels of ascension. I understand the Universe of the Creator and can navigate through the Universe of the Creator and its multiple dimensions. I understand what it is like to exist on the Earth, to experience separation and limitations. To experience a disconnection with the Creator and to work through this to access what is truly yours. The energy, vibration, the wisdom, the presence of the Creator within, and then the joy that comes when you are able to live a life on the Earth that is filled with the Creator, as you express the Creator through your being. Read More…
Jesus through John: You truly can have no idea of the immense power of Love that flows through you all in every moment
04.12.2020 21:30 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
Today I want to talk to you about self-acceptance, not self-esteem, just self-acceptance. There are very few among you who have not suffered psychological and emotional trauma as you grew from infancy – as soon as your consciousness began to arise in-utero – to adulthood. Those traumas are the basis of your fears and lack of self-acceptance. The traumas were the result of judgment and shaming by those who were your caregivers – parents, close relatives, siblings, school teachers – who were all, with no exceptions, doing the best that they could in each moment. They too had been traumatized from infancy. Read More…
04.12.2020 21:16 Aita
December 21st, a Solar Flare and So Much More Coming in | Lord Ashtar, The Galactic Federation via Lynne Rondell
04.12.2020 21:10 Ashtar | Galactic Federation
Hello beloveds it is I Lord Ashtar along with the galactic federation of light. We are so pleased to both be coming through this channeler today. We wanted to speak to you today about things that are going on, on your planet. We wanted to speak to you today about what you’re going through is going to be propelling you forward very quickly and we also wanted to speak to you today about energies that are entering the solar system and that are energies that are within your solar system that are coming in to help you the month of December with actually progressing on your ascension. Read More…
Message from Matthew - December 2, 2020
04.12.2020 20:48 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. How greatly this season of holy days differs from previous years dominates thoughts and feelings around your world. Instead of traditional observances and festivities with family and friends, many are mourning loved ones to whom they were denied goodbyes and are having to forego attending sacred services. We, too, feel sadness that your year 2020 is ending on that solemn note. Read More…
A channeling from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council November 30, 2020 through Valerie Donner
04.12.2020 20:39 Valerie Donner
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am pleased to speak with you. Much is occurring on the grandest scale. Truly, this is a huge operation in which we are involved to shift the earth into the fifth dimension and all of life along with it. You and the earth are pivotal in the ascension of all creation. Never forget for a minute how important you are and how grateful we are for the work that you’ve done to get the earth and the consciousness to the stage that you are in now. We acknowledge your greatness and the vastness of your light, your determination, your commitment and your skills that are facilitating this grand shift. Read More…
The 9D Arcturian Council: The Mass Awakenings of December 2020
01.12.2020 21:41 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very satisfied with the progress that we can feel you all making, as you continue on there during this very challenging time that you have on Earth. We are seeing more and more people awakening every single day, and they are a part of a mass awakening that was guaranteed to be a part of this calendar year that you have been in. More time spent by oneself means a greater likelihood for the expansion of consciousness. Read More…
Ashtar, Raphael, Angelic High Kingdom: The State of your Planet Now
01.12.2020 21:36 Ashtar | Archangel Raphael
Hello beloveds it is i Lord Ashtar coming back through this channel again with another message for all of you. This is going to be a message where i’m going to talk about the state of your planet, the state that all of you are in. I’m also going to talk about what all of you are feeling that we in the high collective of light can actually feel and i’m going to bring through where that is leading you and what is actually happening because of how you’re feeling and because of what’s going on, on your planet and then Archangel Raphael will be bringing through some emerald green healing light, down onto the planet plane after i’m through. Read More…
Channeling from Sirius: Time to wake up
01.12.2020 21:20 Sirius
DEAREST ONES, NOW IS THE TIME for all of humanity to awaken from their slumbers. The LIGHTWORKERS or those who seek the REAL TRUTH have done an amazing job of highlighting the dark on EARTH at this time. They have been shining a LIGHT on all of the darkness that has been shadowing and controlling the EARTH for centuries. Read More…
James Gilliland: Several Questions to Answer
01.12.2020 21:13 James Gilliland
Why did the outbreak in China end without a vaccine and why is no one talking about it? Why did Fauci write a paper about the Spanish Flu saying it was not the flu that killed so many it was bacterial pneumonia from the masks breathing in their own expelled bacteria? Why did countries that did little or nothing, no lockdowns mask requirements flatten the curve and are now finished with the epidemic due to herd immunity? Read More…
FOCUS ON ENLIGHTENMENT - ON LOVE AND LAUGHTER ~ Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - November 2020
01.12.2020 21:10 Aita
From a Facebook Fact Checker
01.12.2020 21:08 Exiting the Matrix
Steve Beckow from Golden Age of Gaia: Paulette Stevens sends along a rather remarkable document if it’s credible. I have no idea whether it is or not so please read with discernment. If this is a true description of Facebook’s activities, it becomes one more thing for the Alliance to clean up. And we know they’re already on it. The clean-up has begun. Read More…
Coronavirus: Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “the Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”
Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.” Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently uploaded to YouTube. Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.” Read More…
The More You Give (The More You'll Have) | One Voice Children's Choir Cover
01.12.2020 20:40 Enlightened Songs
Martin Geddes ~ The Digital Coup and the Great Exposure
In the next few weeks, the awful truth about the recent US election and the attempted theft of the Presidency from the People will become impossible to ignore. The Director of National Intelligence is tasked with delivering his assessment of the integrity of the election within 45 days — the deadline being December 18th. Other lawsuits and events are progressing in the interim. We are already witnessing the run-up to the disclosure of fraud and foreign interference prior to the December 14th electoral college vote. Fraud vitiates everything and annuls the Biden candidacy; foreign interference makes this a matter of military law. You are going to see a mass treason event and huge numbers of people brought to justice. This wasn’t really an election; it was a military intelligence sting operation against a corrupt establishment. Read More…
The Greatest Technology Shift on Planet Earth of all Time is Now on the Way!
The U.S. Government has over 6,000 classified patents in the name of “national security.” These are all going to be released, worldwide. Some of those patents I have been involved in are for clean energy devices called “zero-point energy” and can supply clean and portable energy to one’s home with a device no bigger than a big dehumidifier. I am an engineer and have built a prototype. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/28/2020 • Change your focus Change your life
01.12.2020 20:11 Ann Albers
We have, in recent months, been gently assisting and guiding you in shifting your reality from a 3D paradigm to the 5D – a reality in which energy is more important than effort or action. We continue to do so because it serves your soul, your joy, and your desire to create a happy experience of life no matter what the rest of the world is doing. Read More…