Christina von Dreien

How do you know that your vibration has increased?

Dear friends, Increasing our vibration is a process. Sometimes people ask how they can tell that their vibration has increased. We are all different, of course, but there are certain things that are similar for many people. Here are some examples: You follow your heart to a greater extent and feel your intuition more easily. Read More…


Dear friends, Most people actually do want peace. There are only a few people who really want war. These few people see to it, for example, that no peaceful solution can be found. Especially in these times, when certain groups are deliberately aiming to create war, human beings are needed who anchor peace. This is only possible if a person clearly decides to do so. Read More…

Our life plan

Dear friends, Our life plan, which we make ourselves before we are born, is always about wishing to heal certain issues, wishing to recognise certain things or wishing to help others with our light. Our life plan is therefore always positive for us, even though we may not always be able to see it that way once we are here on the Earth. We don't plan every single week ahead in our life plan, but only certain roughly defined circumstances. Read More…

From within the Earth

Dear friends, The Earth has her own vibration that is increasing, regardless of how many human beings are accompanying this increase in vibration. The energies that human beings are subjected to are sometimes difficult because the consciousness of many human beings is in the old, and because that is exploited by certain forces. Read More…


Dear friends, The direction our future will take depends on the consciousness of human beings. And there will only be one future. The Earth is not going to divide into two levels on which there are two different "futures". Even though there's still a lot of unconsciousness on the Earth and even though unpleasant things will still happen, I'm confident that all will be well in the end. The light will eventually dissolve the shadows on this Earth. Read More…

Christina's Christmas message

Dear friends, For many people, love and peace are brought to mind at Christmas. In Christianity, people celebrate the birth of Jesus. He anchored the Christ consciousness here on the Earth. True love is always unconditional and some people call this Christ consciousness. The 21st of December, i.e. today, also has to do with turning to the light again. From the shortest day with the most darkness, we move back towards the light. These are things we shouldn't only concern ourselves with at Christmas or on the day of the winter solstice, but every day. It's probably what some people call "the Second Coming of Christ". Read More…