Buried Ukraine space ark in Kherson activates so Russia takes over
04.03.2022 15:08
News reports have confirmed that the Russian army has captured the Ukrainian port city and region (oblast) of Kherson, where an ancient space ark is claimed to be buried. According to two independent sources, the space ark is buried under Oleshky Sands National Nature Park, which is only 25 km (15 miles) east of Kherson. The space ark is said to be activating and predicted to eventually begin flying into the air. Read More…
New Chapter in Knowledge-Base: Another Dark Chapter of our Hidden History
02.11.2021 20:20
I have been sitting on this information for some years now, hesitating to publish it. Now I have decided that the moment has come to go deeper into our Hidden History to bring a better understanding about some dark chapters of it. I also bring this information now that I am convinced that the Light has already won. The Earth Alliance with the help of the positive Galactics are cleaning up this mess behind the scenes and are preparing Mother Gaia and all its Kingdoms for the entry into the new Golden Age. Read More…
How “The Bidan (sic) Show” is saving America (and the world)
02.03.2021 21:32
MAGA is the end game of the original 18th century American Revolution. The European banking aristocracy and monopolising monarchies didn’t just pack up and go home when they were shot at and it was heard around the world. They simply switched tactics and played a long game to stealthily retake America. The war of invasion became a war of infiltration; the War of Independence never ended in reality. After various attempts to impose a central bank, the 19th century Civil War plunged America into debt and set up the conditions for a “bankocracy” to take power. America was turned into a corporation ruled by a Masonic city state — Washington DC — that was effectively an extension of the alliance of the British Crown. Read More…
26.02.2021 21:21
Arrests and clearing of the whole DS (Deep State) cabal group worldwide continues. The EA (Earth Alliance) has managed to clear the vast majority of their underground bases and made a significant blitzkrieg breakthrough on Feb. 10 and now holds the upper hand in the subterranean domain and sex trafficking is almost at a complete end. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call - Media most important Deep State Tool
05.02.2021 22:02
Hopefully, more people are now waking up to the fact that for their entire live they have been lied to. From where they come from, to where they are heading, everything is a huge lie. But the lies people have been living, are about to come to a screeching halt. Don’t trust mainstream media to explain the socio-political processes shaping our world with any real accuracy and certainly not without infusing their own insidious agendas. The Protocols of Sion explain in detail the meaning of the Deep State world domination, and how that will be achieved by controlling the thinking of the populace by monitoring what they hear and see. With the help of these methods, they weaken resistance in the people and offer them better control over the world; at least that is their way of thinking; to become soon the rulers of planet Earth. Read More…
Are Plans Afoot to Remove the Chinese Communist Party?
02.02.2021 20:28
In a most interesting interview, Singaporean journalist Cirsten W, who was selected by a member of the Taiwanese government to share this information with those who are listening, asserts that in the coming months, plans exist, with Chairman Xi participating, to dissolve the Chinese Communist Party and reform the government along democratic lines. Read More…
26.01.2021 21:08
D.C. is fenced off and the President is never going back to the White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking. Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the hands of a new administration. They went to all the trouble to steal a corporation whose assets are in the process of being seized. Most did not see this coming for they did not even know their nation was a Corporation. But, it is indeed but now, no more are the states subject to it. Please read on to understand the nature of the battle we are in. Read More…
21.01.2021 21:24
The Second Revolutionary War will be Revealed for all to See!
12.01.2021 20:29
The Storm is upon us, dear Americans and Patriots worldwide brace yourself and have faith. The Great Awakening for the public is at hand. President Trump, the Q Team, military and especially our great military Special Operation are in control. Let us call it “Thor’s Hammer” of justice that is coming, as the picture above portrays. The [D]eep State players have all revealed their hands, to which side they are on, and Justice will rain around their whole corrupt organization worldwide. Read More…
Martin Geddes ~ The Digital Coup and the Great Exposure
01.12.2020 20:33
In the next few weeks, the awful truth about the recent US election and the attempted theft of the Presidency from the People will become impossible to ignore. The Director of National Intelligence is tasked with delivering his assessment of the integrity of the election within 45 days — the deadline being December 18th. Other lawsuits and events are progressing in the interim. We are already witnessing the run-up to the disclosure of fraud and foreign interference prior to the December 14th electoral college vote. Fraud vitiates everything and annuls the Biden candidacy; foreign interference makes this a matter of military law. You are going to see a mass treason event and huge numbers of people brought to justice. This wasn’t really an election; it was a military intelligence sting operation against a corrupt establishment. Read More…
Chair of the Federal Election Commission Drops Bombshell Announcement
13.11.2020 21:21
The Chairman of the Federal Election Commission went on record with one of what us media types like to call a “bombshell” announcement. It this case, it really is explosive. The top boss of all the election officials, Trey Trainor, confirms that in his professional opinion, this election is “illegitimate.” Read More…
The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters
13.11.2020 21:18
Who chooses the President of the United States? This question is by no means rhetorical. For example, the mass disinformation media has chosen Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election. Many people liked this news, but I must disappoint them – the television broadcasters have, according to the U.S. Constitution, nothing to do with who will live in the White House for the next four years. Read More…
The Final Battle Between the Light and the Dark
30.10.2020 20:02
Now it is extremely clear, this United States Presidential Election will decide the fate of the world for many years to come. The question is; will Earth go to the Dark side, or will the Earth go to the Light? This election is not about Democrat or Republican, it is about good vs. evil! Will good people and leaders of the world defeat the evil illuminati who have run the world for many hundreds of years? The election in 2016 decided the beginning of the “Fall of the Cabal” all over the world. This is very clear. But what will happen? Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call: The Year of the Light - When the TRUTH will Prevail
01.01.2020 20:17
The Mainstream media may be more widespread because they are better funded but while they have the power of money, we the people have the power of many. And we have the facts on our side. We need to unite in our fight against the cabal’s disinformation apparatus, there are many ways in which everyone can help. Read More…
Magenta Pixie Weighs in on Brexit
08.11.2019 21:11
The frustration of the British people is palpable regarding yet another Brexit extension. Unless you truly understand the game that is being played at such high levels (or should I say deep levels) then you will forever be caught up in a roller coaster emotional ride of frustration, dashed hopes, incredulous disbelief, anger and fury. Understand the game and jump off that destructive roller coaster ride. Read More…
October 24, the Day When the World Changes
26.10.2019 17:38
Today is the 24th of October, where we can expect action. Yes, the road to the liberation of the world's population has been very long, but we are there, thank God. Donald J Trump and his Q Team together with the Alliance have with a lot of patience allowed the Deep State to unmask themselves, after 2,5 years of opposition and refusal to work of the Deep State puppets will now come the conclusion. Read More…
White Hat Takeover!
24.07.2019 17:47
If you look back only a couple years wow have things changed, this is because of the White hat takeover. They are assisting humanity bringing us to a shared timeline of Light. The success of the White Hat takeover within the U.S Military was a key factor. Cosmic, Universal law was petitioned to help assist our species confidently trigger the shift in consciousnesses and role out a global shift towards a timeline of Light. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call: Power and Wealth, Not Economics
05.07.2019 22:01
The root of today’s problems, clearly show that history has not been a random series of events, but rather a carefully planned and executed ‘design’ of land-, wealth-, and resource-grabbing by a small number of wealthy and privileged individuals bent on world domination. This has been done on such a massive scale that it seems almost incomprehensible, but as the old saying goes, “The best kept secrets are the ones hidden in plain sight.” Read More…
The 2nd American Revolution
05.07.2019 21:47
President Trump's Comments on Iran - Reading the Signals
23.06.2019 20:59
The final Wakeup Call - Gold in the Spotlight
19.06.2019 22:08
President Trump with his magic wand, will delay the economic collapse for a while, until the new QFS, with gold-backed money officially goes into operation worldwide. That will be the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset-backed money, to replace the Rothschild-Khazarian controlled Central Bank debt monetary system. The waiting is for the completion of GESARA compliance by Iran, Britain with the Brexit, and Venezuela when the cabal remnants, including Juan Guaido are kicked out. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call: EU Super State
26.04.2019 22:33
The EU is a major example of what is called the post-industrial, post-democratic society in which unelected bureaucrats, technocrats, and ‘experts’ dictate to an oppressed human society. This can be witnessed and is prevalent every day. The giant deception of the century is the establishment of a totalitarian bureaucratic Super State called the European Union, which was planned and concocted in today’s form over 60 years ago. It started with a ‘free trade area’ and morphed into todays’ centrally dictated Super State, where the line has been crossed in the direction of fascism and communism.
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The Big (Exopolitics) Picture behind Trump Russia Collusion Narrative & its Collapse
30.03.2019 15:51
With the stunning collapse of the Trump Russia collusion narrative, many are now beginning to ask why an anti-Russia hysteria was fueled by the mainstream media that drove apart the world’s foremost nuclear powers, and brought them to the brink of direct military confrontation. An explanation lies in the pivotal role Russia has been playing behind the scenes in revealing the truth about visiting extraterrestrial life and secret space programs, and Trump’s desire to collaborate in such a momentous venture. Read More…
Massive Repression in France against Peaceful Citizens
22.03.2019 21:42
Georgia Pouliquen, a French female lawyer, a "Legal sniper for the "Yellow Vests", exposes in this video, the massive repression from the criminal, illegitimate and fake president, Emmanuel Macron! Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call - Gold is Back on Track
15.03.2019 19:30
- The End of Khazarian-controlled Central Bank debt monetary system
- The Advantages of a gold-backed Monetary System
- Gold and Silver rigging will end
- Restoration of the American Republic and EU-dismantling Read More…
- The Advantages of a gold-backed Monetary System
- Gold and Silver rigging will end
- Restoration of the American Republic and EU-dismantling Read More…
23.02.2019 20:51
Will the fall of the EU be the biggest event in modern-day financial history? Most likely yes. When the Brexit domino does fall, it will unleash a series of unstoppable events that will culminate in the fall of the EU. Most likely the majority of people, at least many of them, have no idea how radically this shaking-out process is affecting their prosperity. The entire global economy is going to suffer a massive transformation. Read More…
Q-Phenomenon for more Consciousness
02.02.2019 20:11
President Donald Trump has a role to play in exposing the Deep State cabal; the “dark” criminal people who are doing everything possible to keep humanity from waking up. They’re desperate and they are pulling out all the stops to prevent the change into a better world for all of us. The cabal hate humanity because they fear humanity as they know what humanity’s true capabilities are and that’s why they’ve gone all out to destroy us through Big Pharma’s poisoning pills; so-called “Health care’s” obstructive methods to healing; toxic fluoridated water; processed foods with toxic chemicals; soft drinks with dangerous sugars and sweeteners; chemtrails that destroy the environment; an education system full of lies, to name just a few facts. They want followers, not leaders. They don’t want people questioning anything, while we should in actual fact question everything! Read More…
Rinus Verhagen - The Big Plan, Which has Taken a Totally Different Turn
04.01.2019 19:30
The big plan, which has taken a totally different turn. Here I do a report as I think it was based on facts. The Elite had a plan that turned out completely different from what they worked for. Through the intervention of the Alliance (positive forces against the Cabal) their nefarious plan is 100% reversed for the sake of ending the Cabal and their debt slave system. Read More…
David Wilcock: MOMENT OF TRUTH - Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program
28.10.2018 20:50
On Wednesday, September 19th, 2018, the mysterious Q Anon revealed that we are not alone in the universe, and that we do indeed have a Secret Space Program. This is arguably the single most exciting development we’ve had in the entire time we’ve been doing this research… which has been full-time since February 1993. Read More…
Message from Per Staffan – Temporary Turmoil in October, October 8th, 2018
13.10.2018 17:06
This message is prompted in part by some reactions to the recent message from POTUS, but also as a preparation for what is coming. Some of you might have heard that this month has been labeled Red October, by Q and others. Originally, Red October was the name given to the month of October in 1917 in Russia, when the revolution took place there. Read More…
"GCR/RV, Zim Bonds, and Zimbabwe" by Ron Giles - 9.15.18
16.09.2018 13:20
Through the tapestry of intel comes the reality of what is taking place, UNLESS one does not see what can be seen. The value of the Zim Bonds ends up being astronomical. How can that be? The narrative begins with the use of the in-ground assets by the Zimbabwean Government under the Mugabe Regime. The assets have been prostituted for personal gain. When a puppet dictator tries to take back what he has sold to the Cabal, he and the country will suffer. He's lucky he was not killed by his people. Read More…
Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent?
09.09.2018 20:48
Six different insider sources have confirmed that several spy satellites and computer systems for the Deep State have been blinded… in a stunning attack. There is widespread agreement among these insider sources that some sort of major, visible action against this genocidal, globalist entity is now impending. Read More…
GCR/RV/GESARA Intel Update: "Welcome" -- September 1, 2018
02.09.2018 17:11
If you’re reading this it means you have reached the end of the revaluation of global currencies odyssey (aka the RV)! This summary is to help those who are late to awaken to the coming global economic transition, as well as serve to aid in your deeper educational understanding of what has already occurred to reach this end; and what may occur in the future, as well as to calm your heart and mind so that you can engage in a very safe, historically abundant currency redemption event which will change life for generations of your friends and family. Read More…
Who Is Q? Mainstream Media Crashes The Party To Take Control Of The Narrative
12.08.2018 18:15
Who is Q? If you don’t have a clue, then you are one of the people that the mainstream media is targeting to make sure you get their narrative on the subject first. But let’s be frank here. Our mainstream friends never wanted to cover the Q-Anon phenomena. Their idea was to not dignify the movement with any recognition, so as not to bring any more attention to it. But that was before Trump rallies across the country started showing a growing number of supporters sporting Q shirts and posters. Read More…
David Wilcock: Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now
28.04.2018 12:43
The behind-the-scenes war to take down the Deep State has finally reached critical mass, based on multiple insiders. “It” is happening now. Even though things may still appear fairly quiet to the casual observer, multiple independent sources are now saying major, visible moves against the Deep State are imminent. Read More…
"Refresher" - GCR/RV Intel Update - Sunday - 4.15.18
16.04.2018 18:31
To any and all Human Angels out there still lost in the fog, new and old, maybe out there wanting a refresher course as to who and why we all got here, and where here really is and also where we all might end up shortly… the post is for you. Read More…
Geopolitical RV/GCR Report: "Discernment" - April 9, 2018
09.04.2018 20:47
By any measure, it was openly understood to the global intel community that the end of March, or by Easter we would see and feel the RV, as to celebrate of the resurrection and future ascension of Christ. Didn’t happen. We heard the same thing back at the start of of Q1 (October) and Q2 (January)… nothing materialized. Now we’re into Q3 (April) and again, no release. Are you seeing a pattern here. That after 10 years of planning and execution their still not ready to pull the trigger. Who exactly is that? Not ready to heal the soul of the world? Read More…
"America the Not So Beautiful" - GCR/RV/GESARA Update - Friday - 4.6.18
07.04.2018 19:40
The historical fact of America being the most powerful nation on earth was true for over 74 years, but that truth is over... and that period in history shamefully passing with limited suffering. American soft power, while still loaded with tremendous strengths and unique virtues, is a rapidly changing organism headlined by an irreversible trend backwards, marked by the orange dignity wrecking ball known as the Trump Administration. Read More…
"Final Compromises" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - 1.12.18
12.01.2018 18:30
Singles day Thursday was for final compromises of the GCR completion. All lose issues were “suddenly” announced as settled and completed. The gauntlet has been thrown down by the APTB/NPTB. Penalties include: Complete collapse of national economies, full disclosure of all war crimes committed against humanity, list of pedophilia names and/or human extra terrestrial agenda sympathizers (aka cabal). Read More…
"Beta/Beta" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - 11.01.2018
11.01.2018 20:03
A prime directive from Alpha Command emanated midnight Wednesday in Beijing. Handpicked military command generals from all nations were alerted and ordered to have assets ready for full engagement and deployed in 12 hours, which would have been around 11am Tuesday in the United States. Read More…
Global Elite taken to GITMO by US Special Forces – Full Disclosure Implications
06.01.2018 17:44
The internet has been buzzing with rumors that high level VIP members of the Deep State (aka Cabal/Illuminati/Global Elite) are being detained for human rights abuses and corruption, and are being taken by U.S. Special Forces to military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Gitmo) as a result of thousands of sealed indictments. Multiple sources have been reporting on some of the key VIP figures taken there. Read More…
2018: THE YEAR OF PEDO PERP WALKS -- Bill Holter
31.12.2017 16:30
12.22 - Q/Executive Order/Uranium One/FBI/Pedogate News & More!
23.12.2017 15:06
White Hats Report #61, December 22nd, 2017
23.12.2017 14:54
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land,
The swamp creatures were worried, cause a line has been drawn in the sand.
The indictments were sealed and sent to the courts,
Plans being made to cut off escape and cancel passports. Read More…
The swamp creatures were worried, cause a line has been drawn in the sand.
The indictments were sealed and sent to the courts,
Plans being made to cut off escape and cancel passports. Read More…
"Master Plan" - GCR/RV Intel Update - Tank - 12.21.17
22.12.2017 20:18
Anything can happen I'm just putting the pieces together for you. You can draw your own conclusions but this is pretty close to right. Read More…
Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for December 7, 2017
08.12.2017 17:37
… Worldwide peace (no wars) and Cabal containment have always been the primary requirements for the RV release. Authorities under the orders of the Republic are cleaning up the streets in D.C. prior to initiating the mass indictments. … Read More…
Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 30, 2017
30.11.2017 21:18
Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 27, 2017
28.11.2017 20:13
Benjamin Fulford Full Report, November 20th, 2017
22.11.2017 20:06
The purge of the Satanic Khazarian cabal that turned the West evil is accelerating at an undeniable pace. Most importantly, Pentagon sources confirm multiple Internet reports that Marines stormed the CIA headquarters this past weekend. One of the aims was to shut down Operation Mockingbird, the CIA group that turned the mass media, as well as Google, Facebook, etc. into mass mind-control propaganda, say NSA sources. Read More…
Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat?
13.11.2017 17:20
49 top Saudi officials were arrested and hundreds more have had their bank accounts seized, beginning on November 4th. Once we understand that these individuals were coordinating ISIS, 9/11 and other "false flag" attacks for the Cabal, the significance of these arrests becomes quite awesome. Read More…
11.7 - Storm is Getting Stormier/SKYKINGS/Help From Above?
08.11.2017 19:37
11.5 - Saudi Deaths/TX False Flag/Paradise Papers/The Days Ahead
06.11.2017 17:10
“Past, Present & Future” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Friday – September 29, 2017
29.09.2017 21:04
Chinese Sovereign Elders bought and still own the vast majority of the Republic of the United States of America sovereign debt circa 1776. When these bonds defaulted in 1933, instead of turning over the country’s assets to their creditors, the fake cabal government formed in 1861 gave us WW2. Now there is no more USA, Inc and there hasn’t been since August 2012 when Obama surrendered the cabal’s illegal government in exchange for keeping the American economy afloat until September 30, 2017. Read More…
“Reckoning” – GCR/RV SITREP – Friday – September 23, 2017
23.09.2017 14:16
This is the end or the beginning depending on which side you’re on. And while you will get wealthy this weekend, you will be such a small number that will do so worldwide it is your moral and human responsibility to serve the masses. Read More…
“The Benevolents” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Monday – September 18, 2017
18.09.2017 17:30
The world is a big scary place… so we are told. Full of terrorists and dictators, thieves and hidden dangers waiting to pounce on our naive but good nature. Until it’s not. Which is precisely what’s happening this week in New York City.
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"The Transition" by Jeff - 9.14.17
14.09.2017 17:22
I always thought The Event and Disclosure were about the public announcement of our UFO Star Families. Now I see there must be Disclosure of the falsehood of our government and banking system and an Event to oust their control, first. Read More…
“Neutrality” – GCR/RV SITREP – Wednesday – September 13, 2017
13.09.2017 18:07
The longer the Elders make humanity wait in the short term, the safer it is to redeem and enjoy the blessings long-term for all of humanity; thus, serving the greater good of 7.8 billion means more than the 70 million who hold currency. Read More…
"Recess" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - September 8, 2017
08.09.2017 17:10
The GCR/RV is a high level chess match between two powerful global domination adversaries, not some checkers game by children on the play ground at recess to determine who gets all the lunch money (which your individual currency redemption represents to both parties). Read More…
"2018" - GCR/RV SITREP - Friday - September 1, 2017
01.09.2017 21:01
All redemptions must be complete by the new fiscal year 2018 which begins on Saturday October 1, 2017. October 1st is the NPTB's drop dead date (maybe always was the RV backwall). Do the NPTB trust that they can pull off a safe and quiet September RV while the world is fascinated watching Trump's public execution? Yes. Read More…
"Tantrum" - GCR/RV SITREP - Tuesday - August 29, 2017
29.08.2017 21:23
Meaning, there is no permanent or real chaos remaining in the world, so all this foolishness must be manufactured or ginned up chaos in an attempt to stop the RV. This you know. What you don't know is the cabal end game started over 20 years ago when their alien Annunaki mastermind left them. Read More…
“Star Wars” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Monday – August 28, 2017
28.08.2017 18:05

Now that I have everyone’s full attention… Benevolents stopped Hurricane Harvey before it reached Fort Hood (Killeen, Texas) which is the military and gold headquarters for the restored Republic. Read More…
"Deeper" - GCR/RV SITREP - Saturday - August 26, 2017
27.08.2017 12:44
It’s the end of August, a perfect time to release the RV due to low business / trading volume. The kids are still out of school, and most families are soaking in one of the last summer weekend before everyone gets back to work post Labor Day. Read More…
"Clay" - GCR / RV SITREP - Friday - August 25, 2017
25.08.2017 17:56
Like a slab of raw clay, here's Thursday's latest Intel for you to shape, mold, fire and glaze: End of August has always been the desired release period because it's the slowest trading / banking time of the year. End of August has always been the safest releas period because children are out of school (soft targets) and the vast majority of Western world vacations are taken in August before September begins.
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"Big Deal" - GCR/RV SITREP - Thursday - August 24, 2017
25.08.2017 17:51
Everything below has been confirmed via multiple sources over several weeks: Banks worldwide have been given an updated transaction code list for all other participating RV global banks. That is a big deal. Read More…
"Reasons" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Wednesday - August 23, 2017
23.08.2017 19:15
Listen to this song's lyrics closely as we are all Human Angels chosen to enter into our bodies, for this time, to do greater good acts of mercy and return home. Nothing more, nothing less. Sobeit.
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“Showtime” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Tuesday – August 22, 2017
22.08.2017 19:20
The American Republic Government is slowly being introduced to the public person by person, day by day, leader by leader, policy by policy, until it all appears both obvious and long standing or in place (aka normal). Obama is behind everything having to do with the US transition domestically and globally. Absolutely everything. Like him or don’t like him… that’s a fact. Read More…
"Collision" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Monday - August 21, 2017
21.08.2017 17:53
It’s all happening. The RV. Feel any different? Better? Worse? Same? No difference? Have lost all sensation in your heart for anything currency related? Most to all have. Great psy-ops Elders. Time. Start and stop so many times and deal fatigue will wear down even the most dedicated treasure hunters. Genius. Read More…
“Frog Feet" - GCR/RV SITREP - Sunday - August 20, 2017
20.08.2017 19:37
The boiling frog is a parable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out. But if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. Yet what if we reverse this parable to speak of peace and prosperity. Read More…
"APTB" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - August 18, 2017
18.08.2017 18:54
So much disturbance today in the political, financial and military arenas. Makes one ask is the greatest good really being served here? In Feng Shui terms this time deemed unstable, as chi (energy) prefers calm so its healing powers can settle in the soils of benevolence.
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"Quantum" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday, August 18, 2017
18.08.2017 18:43
What's hard... what's difficult about change is changing. Thinking differently is challenging, but permanently changing is painful. Just considering different points of view, different constructs of reality... it's no easy task. But the truth evolves. And so must we. Read More…
"Vice" - GCR/RV SITREP - Thursday - August 17, 2017
17.08.2017 21:31
All major world decisions are made based on astrological events. And why you noticed a rise in senseless violence and endless hate-filled rhetoric recently. And globally. Constantly. On purpose.
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"Paper Lion" - GCR/RV SITREP - Sunday - August 13, 2017
13.08.2017 19:57
Very hard to impeach a sitting US President during a potential time of war? Even harder to RV though:(
Isn't it interesting how two "potential wars" suddenly arose in both North Korea and Venezuela at exactly the same time Special Prosecutor Bob Mueller is closing his investigative noose around President Trump's closest confidants? Read More…
Isn't it interesting how two "potential wars" suddenly arose in both North Korea and Venezuela at exactly the same time Special Prosecutor Bob Mueller is closing his investigative noose around President Trump's closest confidants? Read More…
“Dinner” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Thursday – August 10, 2017
10.08.2017 18:38
If you’re from a big family, you know what it means to be made to wait for a tardy brother or sister before eating dinner.
Momma says nobody eats till everyone is present, seated and well behaved. And since she is the one who cooked the meal, she calls the feeding frenzy start time.
The Elders are doing the same thing to the world as it appears they won’t start the RV until little brother North Korea is safely seated at the dinner table. Read More…
Momma says nobody eats till everyone is present, seated and well behaved. And since she is the one who cooked the meal, she calls the feeding frenzy start time.
The Elders are doing the same thing to the world as it appears they won’t start the RV until little brother North Korea is safely seated at the dinner table. Read More…
“Cash Grab” – GCR/RV Sitrep – Wednesday – August 9, 2017
09.08.2017 21:38
It’s a brand new paradigm, for a brand new dimension, in a brand new era. Exciting? For some. Terrifying? For most. Reality? For all. Read More…
"Dinosaurs" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Monday - August 7, 2017
07.08.2017 17:59
Not sure how to post the intel tonight. So I’ll just say wow.
The cabal was pronounced dead this week on Friday afternoon at the ASEAN summit in Manila. Over. Gone. Dead. Poof.
Words that come to mind are easy, simple, invisible, abundant and safe. Love defeated fear in every corner of the world.
Hallelujah! Read More…
The cabal was pronounced dead this week on Friday afternoon at the ASEAN summit in Manila. Over. Gone. Dead. Poof.
Words that come to mind are easy, simple, invisible, abundant and safe. Love defeated fear in every corner of the world.
Hallelujah! Read More…