Megan Rose
Lets Make Disclosure Great Again: Galactic Federation of Worlds Plans For Disclosure with Val Nek
03.01.2023 13:40
Secret Underground War reaches its Final Countdown
29.10.2021 21:03
According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, we have entered the Final Countdown in an epic behind the scenes war taking place in remote underground facilities scattered throughout the US and the rest of the planet. His latest update, relayed through his contactee, Megan Rose, gives many details on coordinated military campaigns conducted by special forces belonging to an Earth Alliance working alongside their peers from the Galactic Federation aiming to remove the last remnants of a Deep State extraterrestrial alliance ensconced in multiple underground facilities. Read More…
Were Facebook & Social Media Blackouts due to Capture of Tall Gray Aliens?
08.10.2021 20:08
On October 3, I reported on the sensational news that nine Tall Gray (Eban) extraterrestrials had been captured by the Galactic Federation of Worlds only four days earlier, which has sparked quite a bit of online interest and debate. These Grays were allegedly the same leadership group that had reached agreements with the Eisenhower Administration in the 1950s, and were subsequently key players in the New World Order that had been secretly set up by their Deep State partners. Only five days after the reported capture, Facebook, Instagram and Whatapp all experienced blackouts on October 4. A coincidence? Not so according to the latest updates from two Galactic Federation representatives, Val Nek and Thor Han, as relayed through independent sources. Read More…
China gives Dark Fleet Antarctica Bases to Earth Alliance to build Space Fleets
28.09.2021 22:08
On September 24, I received a new update about recent developments in Antarctica concerning former Dark Fleet bases taken over by China, and how these were being turned over to the Earth Alliance as a result of the Jupiter Agreements. The update was released by Val Nek, from the Galactic Federation of Worlds, through Megan Rose who again relayed the information. Read More…
Are suppressed healing technologies being mass produced on the Moon for public release?
14.09.2021 22:04
On September 11, I received an important update concerning the impending public release of advanced healing technologies that are being mass produced on the Moon, as a result of the Jupiter Agreements involving military and space program officials from 14 nations and cutting-edge aerospace companies that occurred back in July. The update was given by Val Nek, a High Commander of the Galactic Federation of Worlds who took part in the Jupiter Agreements, according to Megan Rose who relayed Val Nek’s intel. Read More…
Galactic Federation is helping Humanity build a Starfleet for Planetary Defense
10.09.2021 22:02
According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Earth is undergoing a major power shift with the exodus of the Dark Fleet and their Draco Reptilian and Orion allies from our solar system. In his latest communication, relayed through one of his contactees, Megan Rose, we learn more about the status of unfolding events on Earth and our solar system, especially concerning the construction of huge motherships in Earth orbit that will serve as international outposts, and the development of a Starfleet for planetary defense. Read More…
Has US Space Command received advanced tech from Galactic Federation?
03.09.2021 20:30
The Galactic Federation of Worlds is sharing advanced technologies with the US Space Command to prevent future infiltration by hostile extraterrestrials according to the latest update by one of two known ‘contactees’ working with the Federation. On August 29, I got an update from Megan Rose regarding a communication she had just received from her primary Galactic Federation source, Val Nek. The information is very significant given real-time events concerning outer space and the creation of new satellite systems. Read More…