Elisabeth Trutwin
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 26, 2019
26.04.2019 23:00
I am back feeling all the better for a nice break and renewing links with my family. Generally matters seem to be getting out of hand again, but they should be viewed as the last efforts of the dark Ones to prevent us from achieving our goal. Much is progressing in spite of outer appearances, and it is notable that the young people are well organised and able to demonstrate peacefully to achieve their aims. It was anticipated as those souls incarnating upon Earth are far more informed, sensible and organised, to help Humanity advance on the path to Ascension. Bear in mind that most of the changes mentioned cannot take place until after Ascension. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 25, 2019
25.01.2019 23:19
Following the interest shown in the “Event” extract in a recent message, I am now including a longer extract that is very informative and well detailed. It certainly reads better in the present day, bearing in mind that the original message as per the extract below went out on the 22nd November 2013.
“THE EVENT” a Lord Sananda message extract through ElizabethTrutwin. Read More…
“THE EVENT” a Lord Sananda message extract through ElizabethTrutwin. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 02, 2018
02.11.2018 21:15
About 2000 years ago Sananda Kumara was incarnate on Earth as Jesus with the Master plan to put in place, and to Ascend Earth. The plan failed then as Caesar of Rome created Maritime Law making slavery the Law of the Land. A new plan had to be made because the dark Cabal had taken the grand experiment beyond anyone’s intentions. Read More…
Total Solar Eclipse Across America - August 21, 2017 - This Is The Story of Bliss
27.08.2017 13:21

Today is a significant celestial event designed to help Earth and accomplishes many goals as She spirals back to her rightful place in the Milky Way Galaxy. How did Earth fall so far off course? That is a very big story which spans millions of years and several destructions such as the last extraterrestrial impact which sent us into an ice age for 1000 years. Read More…