Spiritual Awakening
KaRa of the Pleiades: The Next Phase of the Great Awakening
18.10.2022 21:08
I am KaRa. I come to be with you at this time, these special times that you are in, as you are moving beyond the old paradigm, the old ways of thinking, the old brainwashing and programming that you have all been accustomed to, not only this lifetime, but for many lifetimes prior to this. But now you have come to the cusp. You have come to the time that you are more and more beginning to realize that it was just simply programming. Programming your mind in a sense of mass hypnosis across the planet, across the collective consciousness. But you, those of you, are more and more fully realizing that you were simply under hypnosis. Read More…
The Future of the Awakened Collective ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
30.08.2022 20:33
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been excited for quite some time to discover with all of you this path that you are now on to a better version of reality, one that supports you as individuals and supports you as a collective of beings. We can see those of you who are awake making the progress that you need to make in order to lead the human collective down this path, and it is a path of self-empowerment. You, who we refer to as the awakened collective, are coming together more and more to share your ideas about the future that you want for yourselves and for the rest of humankind. Read More…
Fringe-Dwellers: It Matters That You’re Awake ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
15.07.2022 17:58
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very aware of the struggles that you have had there on Earth, and we have so much compassion for what you have all had to endure just to get to where you are today, a place that still feels very far from the fifth-dimensional realm. You are so much more fortunate than the average human, however, because you know that everything you feel and everything you experience serves a purpose. It all serves you in getting you closer and closer to the final stages of ascension. You were born into your physical bodies in this lifetime to be the awakened ones, the lightbearers, the gridworkers, the healers, and all of that has often left you feeling out on the fringe of society. Read More…
10.05.2022 19:44
This really is the most comprehensive and incredible Light Divine plan ever imaginable. It is mind boggling in the intricacy of detail involved that seems to take into account all that is needed to fully clear Earth and humanity of dense energy. It is completely reversing the entire situation on Earth, which if even half of what we hear is true, is way too big to really comprehend. Just as well we arranged a multi dimensional light force and quantum computers to assist us. Even though most of us have been preparing for a long time, it still would not have been easy to handle the really tough stuff. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call - The world will never ever be the same again
11.04.2022 15:02
What wonderful times we are living in! And every day that passes, we are more and more approaching the end of a long cycle. This also shows us, that a New Age is outlined in the next steps. What a privilege to be here at this time, participating in the great event of planetary transition! But we must remember that each incarnated soul has reached an individual degree of consciousness, through successive reincarnations. And this makes much difference in the way of understanding, acting and completing the great life journey of each human consciousness. Read More…
Symptoms Of DNA Activation People Are Currently Experiencing
20.12.2021 19:37
At this moment, many people are experiencing these symptoms. They are becoming aware of what is really going on with them. And what is actually happening, is activation of all the levels of your consciousness and a general rise of your vibration. These are the symptoms of DNA activation. Read More…
How Do We Help Our World Awaken?
30.11.2021 20:11
Another person’s awakening can present a challenge for us. The challenge is not to say “I told you so.” The challenge is to forgive what it took to get here. The challenge is to go back to the last point of agreement and start again. You and I know that this craziness will not go on forever. But a descent into lawlessness creeps ever closer. Read More…
14.09.2021 20:40
Raising Our Vibration Through Compassion & Unconditional Love
18.07.2021 21:15
It’s becoming clearer to many of us that working together with kindness, compassion and acceptance are the missing pieces for resetting humanity’s fast and furious trajectory into separation and division. It’s also becoming obvious that we cannot create solutions from the same consciousness level that’s creating the problems. Raising our consciousness vibration for drawing peaceful solutions is an undertaking that calls for kindness, forgiveness and an inclusive love that respects our differences. Read More…
Yeshi: The role of the ‘sleepers’
13.07.2021 19:55
Many are in crisis, which can feel painful. You see the naked truth of ‘reality’ as presented in this matrix, and you are also being presented with the truth of you. The difference between the external and internal ‘truths’ is heart-breaking. Many no longer know where to turn, who to trust, how to cope and how to continue on. This is humanity’s dark night of the soul, and you lightworkers are holding much of the pain and tension that others are currently unable to. Their seeming inability to process what is happening is not stubbornness, ignorance or arrogence. It is a part of the divine plan. This process of evolution has to strip away everything, absolutely everything associated with all lies and distortions for ions past. It is part of the process of rebalance and it cannot be rushed or avoided. Read More…
Accelerating Awakening Through Disclosure
28.05.2021 22:09
Hello and greetings our dear ones. We are the Blue Avians. We are members of the High Council who are affiliated with the Council of the Guardians of the Light who are here to share and impart a message for humanity at this time, particularly for the starseeds and the lightworkers. We the Council of the Guardians of the Light, in tandem with many, many high councils that represent some of the highest-vibrational civilizations and Beings across your Universe, are working together and we have had our eyes and our hearts directed to Earth, Gaia, and humanity, for we will say many eons. Read More…
23.04.2021 19:55
This article is about higher consciousness symptoms. We all know that all creation is the manifestation from the divine source; we are also aware that even the smallest element exists as pure energy. The object density governs how fast that energy can physically vibrate. Everything that is physically manifested vibrates at a certain range of frequency for our human senses to perceive it. There are limits to perceiving the higher dimensions or higher consciousness because the frequency rate and vibration are not in the range of human perception. We lack the faith and the ability to believe in something we can’t perceive through our normal senses. Read More…
23.03.2021 22:50
Dearest Ones at your time of the Spring Equinox in the Northern hemisphere, the EARTH and humanity are at last awakening from their slumber. The sap is rising so to speak. GAIA is coming into the dawning of her Spring. Birds are making nests, animals are being born, seeds are sprouting and the first plants are flowering. There is much HOPE in the air, as lockdowns finish and hope for a summer of freedom from restrictions. This is the HOPE and dawning of a NEW WORLD. Many STARSEEDS have already awoken to the fact that the dark agenda has been controlling the population for eons of your time on EARTH. These LIGHTWORKERS are now helping to awaken others to acknowledge their own FREEDOM, which is their birthright on EARTH today. Read More…
Synchronicity Numbers and Their True Meaning
19.03.2021 21:28
If you’re seeing repetitive sequences of numbers everywhere you’re not alone. Synchronicity numbers are secret messages that the Universe send us. They can help us as we navigate through life and provide us with life-changing wisdom. So what do certain angel numbers mean and is there a way of cracking their code? We’ve broken down some of the meanings behind some of the most common synchronicity numbers to help you decipher what the Universe is trying to tell you. Read More…
7 Ascension Symptoms That Show You Are Awakening
23.02.2021 21:33
Ascension is the process of spiritual awakening that moves you into a higher level of consciousness. When this happens, you may experience some ascension symptoms. Through the process of ascension, your vibrational frequency is becoming lighter. This requires the discarding of egoic thinking and moving into a lighter realm of love and light. Through this processes of Ascension, you will become aware of the interconnectedness of all things and will be able to let go of thought patterns and physical structures that cause stress and fear. Read More…
26.12.2020 19:40
A completely new dream world, in which every human being can be wealthy, healthy, cultured, free, happy and fulfilled, is not a utopia, but the next inevitable evolutionary step. This transformation must necessarily be accomplished now, because the accumulated millennia of suffering of the inhabitants of the planet make it unstoppable. That beautiful world is already here, waiting to be able to manifest itself. In fact, we have all the potential, the means and the necessary knowledge, technology, entrepreneurial skills, inventiveness, capital and so on to be able to implement this planetary metamorphosis without delay. Read More…
Keep Your Vibe High
11.12.2020 19:46
When we each focus on staying in line with our truth, when we each focus on ourselves and what we're giving off to our world with our personal vibe, the vibration of the entire planet will heighten which will create a shift that will move things in the right direction. This will directly influence the 2% that are ruling us now. We are many. They are few. The more of us on board with emanating our best self, the sooner we can get our planet back on track. This will create an entire collaboration of healing for our planet. Read More…
Creation of 5D New Earth
06.11.2020 21:28
There comes a time within the great process of Soul evolution within Humanity when one becomes ready for a giant step to raise one’s consciousness into a higher plane. Over the last two years, the Spiritual Master Quan Yin has introduced some of her students to a series of visions related to the fantastic yet real New World being created within a parallel reality. Read More…
Creation Story from the Hopi Nation
13.10.2020 19:55
Creation said: “I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality.” Read More…
18.08.2020 20:56
Light has a source, but it does not have a focal point. It shines forth brilliantly, joyful at its natural ability to share and extend its very being, its beauty and warmth with all. In the same way, YOU have no focal point. You exist everywhere, in all of creation at all times. Your joy lies in this realization, in this remembrance. What you truly are, beneath the veil, beyond all your ideas about yourself, your concepts and identifications with the body and the personality, exists beyond time and space. It shines forth in unity, with a beauty and a depth that words cannot describe, offering itself to everything that is. Read More…
14.08.2020 22:30
07.08.2020 22:07
31.07.2020 17:00
Consciousness knows no boundaries
24.07.2020 17:18
The infinite ability we have available to us, to tap in to is truly amazing. The capability of how far our minds can expand + the experiences we are actually able to create and manifest with just our intentions, is truly amazing. While we are in a war on consciousness right now, most people are not aware of it. This is also the groundwork under The great awakening. That which is no longer able to be suppressed as it’s been for millennia. Read More…
Global Chaos Is The Needed Catalyst To Evolve Consciousness
24.07.2020 14:38
The global chaos ensuing with COVID-19 is pushing humanity to ask deep questions and understand deep truths about our world. It also is pushing us to reimagine our reality. Are you truly inspired to go back to normal? Or could this be a good time to observe the frailty of our current systems and perhaps re-imagine a world where we can truly thrive? Read More…
THE PURPOSE OF LIGHTWORKERS, STARSEEDS - Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - July, 2020
18.07.2020 16:44
Pulse from Source Heading Our Way
11.07.2020 15:02
I was woken in the middle of the night with a very direct communication. I felt someone tap on my shoulder, small taps to waken me without too much alarm. I then felt the weight of someone sitting on the edge of bed. I rolled over to see a being I had seen in council meetings but had never interacted with before. He asked me to come to a briefing. It seems that he had been working on getting my attention during the waking hours but I wasn’t paying attention. That very evening when I went to close the bedroom door it reopened 3 times until I finally said “Stop it!” without inquiring who or why. I was just so tired! I guess the decision was made to let me have a few hours sleep before poking the bear again. Read More…
When Guides Remind You That They are Here For You
11.07.2020 14:51
Hi Everyone, Wanted to share a dream with you since it feels so timely right now. I dreamt I was in a beach city ( felt like it could have been Manhattan Beac in Los Angeles). I was going to a restaurant/bar on the beach to meet up with friends, and had parked my car along the side of the road which is above the restaurants (you had to walk down to the bars and then down to the beach. I recall carrying only my phone and car keys. When I got to the restaurant, I laid them on the table. Read More…
FINDING JOE | Full Movie (HD) | Deepak Chopra, Robin Sharma, Rashida Jones, Sir Ken Robinson
23.05.2020 13:58
LIGHTWORKERS ARE THE SAVIORS OF THE WORLD - Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - May 2020
09.05.2020 16:42
The Three Stages of Spiritual Growth ~ Aita channeling her Higher Self - April 2020 - Part 1 and 2
26.04.2020 12:46
Look Up, Lightworkers! It’s Really Happening; Our Bright Liberation!
21.03.2020 19:32
Earth Ascension is finally becoming obvious. Earth Ascension is the evolutionary process that we are going through to become fully spiritual human beings. And this process requires liberation. That is why, at this very moment, we are experiencing the breakdown of a way of life that has always kept us down. Read More…
The Pleiadian Message - A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light
18.10.2019 21:41
How To KNOW If It’s Your Spirit Guide & Trust Your Intuition
12.10.2019 19:23
How To Take Your Spiritual Awakening To The NEXT Level!
02.10.2019 17:57
How to Choose the Best Lifestyle
27.09.2019 20:07
Every day you make choices, big and small, and these change all the time. But surrounding these daily choices are decisions you’ve made about your lifestyle that remain the same. These decisions have been widely disseminated once it was realized, about three decades ago, that your well-being, and especially your health, depends on your lifestyle. Read More…
30.08.2019 20:23
Put simply, spiritual awakenings mark the beginning of your initiation on the spiritual path. Without experiencing a spiritual awakening, we go throughout life pursuing the emptiness of money, fame, power, and respect in an attempt to find “happiness.” Read More…
5 Physical Health Benefits of Spirituality
13.08.2019 19:34
You know the tenets of good health include nutrition and exercise, but what about spirituality? Are there really physical health benefits of spirituality? During challenging periods of your life, you might have turned to prayer, journaling, meditation, traditional ceremonies, or any type of practice that invoked a sense of clarity or peace. The need to reach out and find some sort of guidance to help navigate life is instinctive. A spiritual practice fulfills this purpose and much more, including being a catalyst for good health and well-being. Read More…
"Day Out of Time" by Jenji and the White Wolf Tribe 07-25-2019
27.07.2019 16:16
Grounding For Ascension & Spiritual Development
26.05.2019 18:55
Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History
20.04.2019 21:04
Instantly Raise Your Vibration - The Most Powerful Methods
22.03.2019 21:35
7 Ways to Access Your Intuition and Cosmic Intelligence
06.02.2019 21:38
Trusting your gut, listening to your “vibes,” tapping into your Higher Self, tuning into your sixth sense, plugging into cosmic intelligence—these all describe the same experience, accessing your intuition. Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge immediately without conscious rational thought. It is bypassing the linear thought and inference process of the mind to directly perceive or cognize a truth or insight. Rather than cobbling together different thoughts, ideas, and perceptions to reach a conclusion, intuition is a direct download of the final answer minus all the mental busywork. Read More…
Prophecy & Predictions - End of World, Messiah & Future After 2019
11.01.2019 19:58
In the three years that Corey Goode has been revealing his stunning information about secret space programs, extraterrestrial civilizations, and diplomatic meetings, there has been a steady build up to some major revelations about humanity’s future. It appears that a critical threshold was reached in a December 2017 meeting near the planet Saturn where multiple delegations met to discuss humanity’s future in light of the ending of 22 genetic experiments run by multiple human-looking extraterrestrial civilizations. Read More…
What is Enlightenment? & the Great Spiritual Awakening 2019
08.01.2019 20:10
Scientist Invents Technology to See "Multidimensional Beings"
26.11.2018 18:35
The Spiritual Consequences of Alcohol Consumption
26.10.2018 19:07
Although it is mass produced, mass promoted, legal, and ingested by a multitude of people all over the world, most people don’t ever consider or understand the spiritual consequences of drinking alcohol. Let’s begin by taking a look at the etymology of the Word alcohol. Etymology means the root of the word… where it is derived from. Read More…
Energy Management and Empowerment: A Guide for Empaths
23.09.2018 18:31
For years, I identified myself as an empath. As a child, I grew accustomed to always anticipate and sense the energy around my moody dad who loved me very much, but was not conscious of managing his emotions. It felt like the natural thing for me at the time to learn as quickly as I could how to work with the energy in my environment, as well as to do whatever I could to please others so they could feel better and less grumpy. Read More…
31.08.2018 17:35
We are surrounded by people and devices who regularly serve as distractions. Rarely do we have time to be bored. How could boredom serve as a source of imagination? How can we create opportunities to be bored? Hans Wilhelm uses his own art work to illustrate the possibilities for using boredom as a source of inspiration! Read More…
How to Raise Your Frequency and Increase Your Vibration
08.08.2018 19:37
How To Connect With Your Spirit Guides! Bridget Nielsen
11.07.2018 20:40
The Power of Forgiveness | Bob Proctor
03.07.2018 21:21
Why ‘Conspiracy Theories’ & Spirituality Are Intimately Connected
27.06.2018 21:19
Is it considered ‘not spiritual’ to talk about an elite or cabal running our world? This has become a commonplace today, and there is a great deal of ridicule that comes when people feel looking at the truth of what is playing out in our world is ‘crazy’ or a ‘negative’ thing to do. In fact, the ‘negative’ label on conspiracy theories we place is one of the biggest spiritual bypasses we can do. Let’s dive into this. Read More…
Psychic Abilities Everyone Can Unlock
20.06.2018 18:45
8 Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior
05.06.2018 18:12
What does it mean to be a spiritual warrior? This somewhat contradictory term appears in multiple wisdom traditions throughout human history. A fascinating concept, a spiritual warrior implies one who combats the most insidious and universal enemy—ignorance. Known as Avidya in Sanskrit, ignorance of the true nature of the world invokes countless forms of suffering. The spiritual warrior deliberately takes up the fight against this cunning foe, choosing to bring light to the darkness. Read More…
Become More Patient - Bob Proctor
05.06.2018 17:50
How to Know if you are on the Right Path
05.05.2018 20:48
Taryn Crimy: How to Deal with Negative People
23.04.2018 15:13
From Empath to Healer; How to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Pain and Start Healing it
02.12.2017 20:44
You may have heard the term empath and after deeper investigation, realized you were one. When one realizes that there is a completely legitimate reason that they get anxious or afraid around certain people it can feel like they have gotten the key piece of an intricate puzzle. Read More…
The Alchemy of Transformation - Matt Kahn/TrueDivineNature.com
23.11.2017 20:49
How to Stop A Bully
14.11.2017 19:30
Transforming the Darkness - Matt Kahn/TrueDivineNature.com
25.10.2017 19:46
4 Ways to Strengthen Your Spirituality
13.09.2017 18:48

Your spiritual journey is just that … a journey. There are times when you might need to change course, adjust practices, or let go of certain beliefs. What worked for you at the beginning of your spiritual journey may not work for you now. Or perhaps there are old practices that you can once again adopt to serve your growth. Regardless of where you are on your journey, it’s important to continue building stronger connections with your Higher Power, your True Self, and others. Read More…
26.08.2017 20:54
24.08.2017 20:53

What does it mean to truly love yourself? This may seem like an act that would come naturally to all of us, but it is not uncommon to find ourselves focusing more on everything happening externally, and forget to direct our attention inward. Read More…
11.08.2017 18:02
The theory that we plan our lives was something I had never heard of before 2011. Up until that point, I could not have even imagined such a thing. Even after hearing about it 3 years ago, it took me quite a long time to let this concept into my paradigm. How I stumbled upon it wasn’t even through my avid research of the afterlife and reincarnation. It came to me through a vision I had. Before the vision, I believed in reincarnation. The idea of it had always fascinated me and I felt strongly that I did have past lives; I just didn’t know what those lives entailed. After three years of intense research and listening to many people from all different backgrounds and beliefs speak about it from all around the world, I knew it was something that needed to be shared and discussed.
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07.08.2017 18:30
Male and female energy at its very essence, is the spark of creation itself, and the purest manifestation of energy outside of Unity; where all things are one. It is the two fundamental, primordial forces clashing, creating and finally combining together to make something new and beautiful. Through all levels of life, whether it’s new life being conceived or the birth of the universe itself, these two primary forces are always critical in the formation of this new emanation. Read More…