September 2017
Adama via Ann Dahlberg, September 27th, 2017
29.09.2017 21:10 Ann Dahlberg | Hollow Earth
I am Adama who sends greetings to all people on Earth today. It is an honor for me to be able to talk to you and to acknowledge that the time for us coming together is near. We on Telos have long been preparing to welcome you back to the light and that we one day would meet as sisters and brothers again. It has been hard for humanity to wake up, but now we can see that you are making great progress and nobody can be happier than us. Read More…
“Past, Present & Future” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Friday – September 29, 2017
29.09.2017 21:04 Geopolitics | Financial System
Chinese Sovereign Elders bought and still own the vast majority of the Republic of the United States of America sovereign debt circa 1776. When these bonds defaulted in 1933, instead of turning over the country’s assets to their creditors, the fake cabal government formed in 1861 gave us WW2. Now there is no more USA, Inc and there hasn’t been since August 2012 when Obama surrendered the cabal’s illegal government in exchange for keeping the American economy afloat until September 30, 2017. Read More…
Sananda via Ann Dahlberg, September 28th, 2017
28.09.2017 22:27 Ann Dahlberg | Sananda - Jesus
I am Sananda and I walk together with you. It is a day for the wake-up song that sounds all over Earth today. There are many souls that are waking up now and they see the sun rising over the horizon. Their eyes have become clearer and they can see a clearer light. Read More…
Saul through John: Knowing yourselves is a major aspect of your awakening process
28.09.2017 22:24 John Smallman | Saul
The energy of the Tsunami of Love is strengthening and intensifying daily, and many of you can feel it. Many others, who remain very much involved in the 3D issues of daily life as a human, are also aware of and feeling these energies, which they find disruptive and confusing because they are bringing to the surface of their sensory faculties emotional issues that have lain buried or denied for a long time. It is very unsettling for many. Read More…
27.09.2017 19:51 Beautiful Nature
James Gilliland Update – Ancient History and Understandings To Free The Soul, September 25th, 2017
26.09.2017 19:06 James Gilliland | Galactic History
Well looks like the double speak is here. The masks are all coming down. No rock is being left unturned and all iniquities will be shouted from the roof tops. The days of tyranny and deception are coming to a close. We are in the Apocalypse defined as the great uncovering. We are going to realize almost everything we have been told is a lie, half-truths designed to steer humanity off course, hinder human evolution. Read More…
26.09.2017 19:03 Patricia Cota-Robles
Message from Matthew - September 25, 2017
25.09.2017 17:57 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Deepening concerns surrounding North Korea have led to inquiries such as “Can ships land if ET presence would avert a nuclear war?” and comments like “It would be really helpful if disclosure and spacecraft landings happen soon!” Dear ones, let us assure you that escalating rhetoric will not lead to nuclear war, and if any missiles are launched with nuclear warheads, crews in spacecraft will prevent their detonation. Read More…
A Blessing from the Arcturians - through Suzanne Lie
25.09.2017 17:15 Suzanne Lie
We the Arcturians, appreciate and bless the many humans, animals and plants in the lower United States and Mexico who have greatly suffered. We are sorry that dear Gaia needs to “shake her self out” a bit before she can begin her transmutation from the third/fourth dimension into the fifth dimension. Read More…
Pleiadian Love Song
25.09.2017 17:01 Enlightened Songs
Jesus through John: When God created you He gave you everything that He had
24.09.2017 18:41 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
Humanity is in the process of awakening from a very deep sleep, filled with myriad dreams and nightmares. Some of the dreams have indeed been enjoyable, but the nightmares have left many in intense pain and suffering – and they seem intensely real. When you awaken the memory of them will fade rapidly as you settle back into the divine and infinite field of Love, Reality, the state of perfect peace, joy, and harmony that in truth you have never left. It is your HOME! And there is nowhere else. Read More…
Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, September 24th, 2017
24.09.2017 18:38 Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I have a few things to tell you today. First of all you have reached the critical mass and large changes are on the way on your Earth. It will not take long before we can meet on our Earth again. There is a great expectation in the air and I can hear how the birds chirp out their songs at the top of their voices. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Make love not war
24.09.2017 16:05 Ann Albers
You exist in a beautiful vibrational dance upon your planet earth. You are drawn to those people and circumstances to which your energy is attuned. Your energy consists of all you think, feel, and believe – both consciously and unconsciously. Read More…
New Galactic Glossary in the Knowledge Base
24.09.2017 15:53 Education
Bentinho Massaro - Eclipse of Disclosure
24.09.2017 15:34 Bentinho Massaro
Mother/Father God via Ann Dahlberg, 22 september, 2017
23.09.2017 14:36 Ann Dahlberg
I am Father/Mother God and I see you dear children on Earth. I see your strife, I see your fears, I see your agony and your sorrow, but I can also see your joy, your creativity and your love. I can see the hope grow in your hearts and I see that many people turn their faces to the sky with expectations in their eyes. I can also see them look into their hearts to seek the light there. It is a joy to see all that is happening on Earth today. Read More…
A Message to Lightworkers – September 22, 2017
23.09.2017 14:30 Caroline Oceana Ryan
We are seeing profound change occurring now, in these post-eclipse, post-Lion’s Gate, autumn (or spring) equinox days. You may be feeling a strange assortment of energies flowing through and around you now. We are aware that many are feeling a “disturbance in the Force” in their mental/emotional/physical journey.
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Saul through John: You can even live in a war zone and be at peace
23.09.2017 14:25 John Smallman | Saul
Humanity is on a roll! You already know that because I have told you before, but I very much want to reemphasize this point. Enormous changes are happening right now, as you read or listen to this, all across the planet. And I am not talking about the political, seismic, or weather events that are well reported on by most of the media, but about spiritual events that are having a very powerful effect on all of humanity in preparation for the awakening. Read More…
“Reckoning” – GCR/RV SITREP – Friday – September 23, 2017
23.09.2017 14:16 Geopolitics | Financial System
This is the end or the beginning depending on which side you’re on. And while you will get wealthy this weekend, you will be such a small number that will do so worldwide it is your moral and human responsibility to serve the masses. Read More…
Sheldan Nidle Update - 19.09.2017
19.09.2017 17:56 Sheldan Nidle | Galactic Federation
Selamat Balik! Progress towards prosperity continues to be made. All procedures are moving along as planned. What we intend to discuss with you at this time is the growth of higher consciousness within every one of you. When Heaven set about to forge a new earthly reality, the main strategy was simply to ensure that your overall spiritual awareness continued to grow until it approached an agreed-upon threshold. Read More…
Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, September 18th, 2017
19.09.2017 17:53 Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I have a few things to tell you today. Much has happened on our Earth in spite of the fact that not much can be heard or seen in your media. It is mostly different terror attacks and other negative things that surface there. How many of you have not longed for a media that covers all the beautiful and wonderful things that people do in your world today. What do you think would happen if people focused on this instead? Read More…
Northern Norway - 4K Timelapse
19.09.2017 17:49 Beautiful Nature
CoCreating Abundance
19.09.2017 17:48 Patricia Cota-Robles
Sananda via Ann Dahlberg, September 17th, 2017
18.09.2017 18:08 Sananda - Jesus | Ann Dahlberg

I am Sananda and I come today to wish welcome to the new era that has taken a great step forward. Up till now all wars have been stopped, which have been attempted to start up. There are loving and conscious beings that sit on many important posts today and they have seen through all attempts to sow divisions on our Earth. Read More…
Ashtar via James McConnell, September 10th, 2017
18.09.2017 17:49 Ashtar | James McConnell
There are those moments that come when all things do not seem as they need to be or that you want them to be but yet they are so. Yet they are doing what they need to do in those times, in those moments. I speak now of consciousness. I speak now of the love that you share and you spread throughout all the planet. Read More…
“The Benevolents” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Monday – September 18, 2017
18.09.2017 17:30 Geopolitics | Financial System
The world is a big scary place… so we are told. Full of terrorists and dictators, thieves and hidden dangers waiting to pounce on our naive but good nature. Until it’s not. Which is precisely what’s happening this week in New York City.
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Kryon through Lee Carroll: Timing
17.09.2017 21:09 Kryon
Jesus through John: Providing a safe space for others is why you are on Earth
16.09.2017 20:21 John Smallman | Sananda - Jesus
There is only Love. You all know that, you also know that everything else is illusory, and yet many of you engage unlovingly and judgmentally with others almost every day – frequently you are so unaware of your own ingrained beliefs and behaviors that you do not even realize that you are doing this. Taking time daily to go within, to your sacred altar, and relax in the divine Presence that is always there with you, the field of infinite and unconditional Love that is your true nature, will help you, if you choose, to become increasingly aware of how your egos are constantly attempting to distract you from perceiving yourselves as others see you. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Not in control
16.09.2017 20:17 Ann Albers
Being human is a beautiful experience when you realize you can take charge of your inner world. Being human can be a very difficult experience when you feel disconnected from the Divine, and seek to control your outer world. In this scenario, happiness is a temporary experience, dependent upon the cooperation of more than seven billion other souls with whom you share your current reality, and the natural forces as well. Read More…
A Message to Lightworkers – September 15, 2017
16.09.2017 20:05 Caroline Oceana Ryan
And so as you step out into the world each day, the voices and presence of the trees, the blades of grass, the clouds and sky above, the buildings, vehicles, and people—all of it affects you now in ways you are beginning to notice, and take far greater heed of. The time of wandering through the world, numbed to vibration and its effects on your individual frequency, is well over. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 15, 2017
15.09.2017 20:20 Mike Quinsey
As you are beginning to realise you are on the verge of something big, because some events can no longer be held back and you can expect some action very shortly. Fortunately you have been very patient, and it has made the process of change so much easier. Read More…
Papa Force returns through Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba - September 14, 2017
15.09.2017 20:12 Disclosure | Nancy Tate
I return today in such a short time because I want to share some more information about what is going on everywhere on earth and in the higher dimensions. Even though many may find it almost impossible to believe because of the smoke screens and mirrored reflection of the old guard, you find it hard to believe, let alone accept that change is here and that what appears to be is not and what is not, is. Read More…
Saul through John: Remember, fear is just an absence of Love, but there is only Love
14.09.2017 18:13 John Smallman | Saul
We commune with you, and the many other channels presently incarnate as humans on Earth, because the messages that you receive and share greatly assist the Grand Awakening process by conveying to many the divine plan for humanity. All on Earth at this point in your spiritual evolution, whose purpose is to lead you Home to Oneness, chose and volunteered to be human in order to take part in the awakening by dissolving the veil you had inserted between yourselves and Reality. Read More…
"The Transition" by Jeff - 9.14.17
I always thought The Event and Disclosure were about the public announcement of our UFO Star Families. Now I see there must be Disclosure of the falsehood of our government and banking system and an Event to oust their control, first. Read More…
4 Ways to Strengthen Your Spirituality
13.09.2017 18:48 Spiritual Awakening

Your spiritual journey is just that … a journey. There are times when you might need to change course, adjust practices, or let go of certain beliefs. What worked for you at the beginning of your spiritual journey may not work for you now. Or perhaps there are old practices that you can once again adopt to serve your growth. Regardless of where you are on your journey, it’s important to continue building stronger connections with your Higher Power, your True Self, and others. Read More…
Papa Force through Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba - September 13, 2017
13.09.2017 18:26 Disclosure | Nancy Tate
Papa Force (Porda):
I would like to begin by greeting all of humanity with the greetings of freedom, empowerment, divine love and oneness. That greeting is known as Mushaba Greetings.
I come to you today as the voice of the Mushaba People. I have been given permission to speak on behalf of all people on the planet Mushaba. All of creation is now moving into what is called "The New Era of Evolvement" as decreed by The All That Is. The All That Is is the energy, the being where everything in existence comes from. This being created everything that exists before creation, as well as everything in creation. In this new era of evolvement, the Mushaba People have been given the responsibility to have the leadership position. Just recently, the planet earth has been put under the authority of the Mushaba People to take the leading role in the evolvement and ascension of planet earth and all beings inhabiting the earth on the surface and within the earth.
There have been many major changes that have taken place in the universe and the high dimensions. Many of the universal, galactic, and planetary council's have been removed, restructured, or disbanded. All the beings of evil and negative darkness have been put on notice to work toward evolvement or be either sent to source, or quarantined and taken through training until they evolve toward the only way of being, which is love, light, truth and integrity.
Also those beings of the light that have been convoluted have also been put on notice to shape up as well. You see, The All That Is has intervened in all of what is going on in creation and have discovered many things that were being done by dark hearted beings dressed in the clothes of light. All of the universe, and that includes all planets in all dimensions and all beings, have been subject to the house cleaning decreed by The All That Is. No one or nothing gets away. All things are being made right in all of creation.
Beings everywhere not just on earth have not been given the appropriate assistance needed, especially those sent on missions on behalf of the councils. All is being rectified now and you will begin to see many changes taking place everywhere on earth and the universe. For earth, you have been witnessing the cleansing of darkness, evil and corruption everywhere. The energetic codes and established protocols have been removed and rewritten and all the built up negative energies are being swept away by the many tribulations of nature through, fire, water, and shaking of the earth. Earth is cleansing, blowing away, washing away, burning away, and shaking off the build up of negative protocols, codes and energies that have been causing great unbearable stress in all of earth and humanity.
These energies were feeding those in power to stay in power and to continue to usurp the free will of the people. The holding up of the prosperity and healing technologies from the People will all come forth now. No more do the negative dark hearted beings have unchallenged power anymore. The RV process has also been taken away on the galactic level from the ones that were in charge of it, and those beings were sent back to their home planet along with their mothership and scout ships. They weren't doing their job so they lost it.
On the earth level, the elders have been completely replaced by a group of new elders. Also those around General Dunford that resisted his orders concerning the RV release have been removed and replaced. Other people in the entire chain of command from the highest to the lowest have been removed and replaced. Now we can expect a smooth transition to the era of prosperity. Know that the way for your President Trump to be removed has been cleared as well.
Why am I telling you all this? Because its total freedom time for you; it’s your independence day. You have some of the same beings that are of light, love, truth and integrity working with new beings with the same qualities on your behalf and on the behalf of all beings in the universe. These new beings have been ordered here by the All That Is to assist in getting the New Era of Evolvement well on the way and all planets and people in the universe on the right track toward evolving to be the living epitome of Love, Light, Truth and Integrity! A major universe wide wake up call has been sent out to all beings in the universe rather light or dark, good or evil. So dear loving brothers and sisters of earth, your prayers are now in the throes of being answered right in front of your face. Look for it because it's there. Embrace it because you earned it.
You are dearly loved forever!
I am Porda known as Papa Force
Father of Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba
I would like to begin by greeting all of humanity with the greetings of freedom, empowerment, divine love and oneness. That greeting is known as Mushaba Greetings.
I come to you today as the voice of the Mushaba People. I have been given permission to speak on behalf of all people on the planet Mushaba. All of creation is now moving into what is called "The New Era of Evolvement" as decreed by The All That Is. The All That Is is the energy, the being where everything in existence comes from. This being created everything that exists before creation, as well as everything in creation. In this new era of evolvement, the Mushaba People have been given the responsibility to have the leadership position. Just recently, the planet earth has been put under the authority of the Mushaba People to take the leading role in the evolvement and ascension of planet earth and all beings inhabiting the earth on the surface and within the earth.
There have been many major changes that have taken place in the universe and the high dimensions. Many of the universal, galactic, and planetary council's have been removed, restructured, or disbanded. All the beings of evil and negative darkness have been put on notice to work toward evolvement or be either sent to source, or quarantined and taken through training until they evolve toward the only way of being, which is love, light, truth and integrity.
Also those beings of the light that have been convoluted have also been put on notice to shape up as well. You see, The All That Is has intervened in all of what is going on in creation and have discovered many things that were being done by dark hearted beings dressed in the clothes of light. All of the universe, and that includes all planets in all dimensions and all beings, have been subject to the house cleaning decreed by The All That Is. No one or nothing gets away. All things are being made right in all of creation.
Beings everywhere not just on earth have not been given the appropriate assistance needed, especially those sent on missions on behalf of the councils. All is being rectified now and you will begin to see many changes taking place everywhere on earth and the universe. For earth, you have been witnessing the cleansing of darkness, evil and corruption everywhere. The energetic codes and established protocols have been removed and rewritten and all the built up negative energies are being swept away by the many tribulations of nature through, fire, water, and shaking of the earth. Earth is cleansing, blowing away, washing away, burning away, and shaking off the build up of negative protocols, codes and energies that have been causing great unbearable stress in all of earth and humanity.
These energies were feeding those in power to stay in power and to continue to usurp the free will of the people. The holding up of the prosperity and healing technologies from the People will all come forth now. No more do the negative dark hearted beings have unchallenged power anymore. The RV process has also been taken away on the galactic level from the ones that were in charge of it, and those beings were sent back to their home planet along with their mothership and scout ships. They weren't doing their job so they lost it.
On the earth level, the elders have been completely replaced by a group of new elders. Also those around General Dunford that resisted his orders concerning the RV release have been removed and replaced. Other people in the entire chain of command from the highest to the lowest have been removed and replaced. Now we can expect a smooth transition to the era of prosperity. Know that the way for your President Trump to be removed has been cleared as well.
Why am I telling you all this? Because its total freedom time for you; it’s your independence day. You have some of the same beings that are of light, love, truth and integrity working with new beings with the same qualities on your behalf and on the behalf of all beings in the universe. These new beings have been ordered here by the All That Is to assist in getting the New Era of Evolvement well on the way and all planets and people in the universe on the right track toward evolving to be the living epitome of Love, Light, Truth and Integrity! A major universe wide wake up call has been sent out to all beings in the universe rather light or dark, good or evil. So dear loving brothers and sisters of earth, your prayers are now in the throes of being answered right in front of your face. Look for it because it's there. Embrace it because you earned it.
You are dearly loved forever!
I am Porda known as Papa Force
Father of Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba
“Neutrality” – GCR/RV SITREP – Wednesday – September 13, 2017
13.09.2017 18:07 Geopolitics | Financial System
The longer the Elders make humanity wait in the short term, the safer it is to redeem and enjoy the blessings long-term for all of humanity; thus, serving the greater good of 7.8 billion means more than the 70 million who hold currency. Read More…
Sheldan Nidle Update - 12.09.2017
12.09.2017 19:45 Sheldan Nidle | Galactic Federation
Dratzo! We begin by thanking all whose grand visions are making possible the release of prosperity funds long awaited by all. What we wish to discuss with you today is the immense progress of Gaia and her people toward accepting the growing role of higher consciousness in this world. When we first arrived many decades ago, we saw a population being run around in circles by the Anunnaki and their worldwide network of minions. This tyranny is being brought to an end by the rising up of each one of you! Read More…
The Key to Financial Freedom
12.09.2017 19:20 Patricia Cota-Robles
“They Don’t See the Cabal” by Victor – 9.11.17
12.09.2017 18:39 Disclosure
They don’t see the Cabal. I live in a small town in the South. You are an outsider here if your family has not been here 150 years or more. We have music in the old town square all summer once a week. Read More…
Wake up Call: Mushaba and Porda, September 11, 2017
11.09.2017 18:43 Nancy Tate
We are here this day to bring you all an update on what is taking place around the world. There is a great deal of controversy being created and it is not because people do not know what they are saying. They are being told some things by some people who are doing it for the well being of themselves, and no others. These ones who are still in the works to keep control are in the last vestiges of their experiencing what they consider to be the best way of living on this planet. Read More…
Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, September 9th, 2017
11.09.2017 18:17 Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I know there are many doubters on our Earth, at the same time as there are many believers and then I do not mean only those that are tied to some kind of church. There are many spiritual believers today where some of them belong to a church, but they are led by a belief in their hearts. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Not the end
09.09.2017 21:21 Ann Albers
It is not Armageddon. You are not facing the end of the world. There is never a time on earth when you are being punished, nor is earth "mad" at you. The fires, floods, earthquakes, solar flares, and other natural phenomena do not signify the "end times" but rather opportunity for new beginnings. It is a time in which you are invited to expand into a more beautiful flow of love, trust, and respect for your interconnected reality. Read More…
A Message to Lightworkers – September 8, 2017
09.09.2017 21:16 Caroline Oceana Ryan
We ask in this moment, as you pause from your daily tasks and responsibilities, that you view your life and the Creation into which you were born as an intricate design of perfect balance, perfect energy flow, and perfect systems of renewal. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 08, 2017
08.09.2017 17:58 Mike Quinsey
Dear Ones do not be influenced by the outer signs of turmoil and ongoing problems that seem to be endless and show no signs of coming to a conclusion. As you will see one day soon when you look back, the New Age commenced as predicted but it took time to establish the new ways of life. Read More…
"Recess" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - September 8, 2017
08.09.2017 17:10 Geopolitics | Financial System
The GCR/RV is a high level chess match between two powerful global domination adversaries, not some checkers game by children on the play ground at recess to determine who gets all the lunch money (which your individual currency redemption represents to both parties). Read More…
Mikos through Dianne Robins: Earth Is Shifting into Higher Dimensions
06.09.2017 19:13 Dianne Robbins | Hollow Earth
We have only your highest good in mind. All we think is the goodness we feel in our hearts for all of humanity. Your Earth is shifting into the higher dimensions at a rapid pace, and your loss of time is your confirmation of this shift. Notice how quickly your days pass. Disregard the negativity you read about and hear on the news. It is the last stand of the dark forces, as they rear their heads in one last battle to dominate the Earth. Read More…
Sheldan Nidle Update - 05.09.2017
05.09.2017 21:16 Sheldan Nidle | Galactic Federation
Selamat Balik! All continues to move forward. The dark cabal persists in assuming that they are still untouchable, but this deep belief is about to be shattered. The various Light forces now possess arrest warrants to formally put away these rapscallions. This development is to also terminate the old illegal USA, Inc. and the attached-at-the-hip Federal Reserve Bank. The ugly truth is going to completely break them. The dark's future is to be revealed as they are swiftly rounded up and sent unceremoniously to the holding cells in the sky. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are loved, guided, and supported by those in the spiritual realms in every moment of your human life time
03.09.2017 21:30 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
Humanity’s awakening process is opening out, coming into bloom, and therefore extending to all, as always divinely planned and intended. It may seem to you that chaos and confusion are increasing worldwide, but in fact an enormous amount of releasing is occurring. Read More…
Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, September 3d, 2017
03.09.2017 21:21 Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I am here today to thank you for the great patience you have shown. Patience is a good tool to carry with you in these times of trials. If it does not work one time it might work next time. The difficulty lies in not giving up. Read More…
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL – Creating a New Empowered You – 01.09.2017 – via Ronna Herman
03.09.2017 21:10 Archangel Michael
Beloved Masters, as the Supreme Creator increases the flow of the Elixir of Life throughout the Omniverse, it is affecting all Creation. You cannot hide from it. You cannot deny it. Your lifeline to your Source is growing stronger and more compelling all the time. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 01, 2017
01.09.2017 21:03 Mike Quinsey
There is no doubt that time continues to speed up, as you make progress towards the time of great changes that will transform your world. You are venturing further into the higher vibrations that come with the photon belt, and they will transform your Earth into what will eventually seem a paradise compared to your present life experiences. Read More…
"2018" - GCR/RV SITREP - Friday - September 1, 2017
01.09.2017 21:01 Geopolitics | Financial System
All redemptions must be complete by the new fiscal year 2018 which begins on Saturday October 1, 2017. October 1st is the NPTB's drop dead date (maybe always was the RV backwall). Do the NPTB trust that they can pull off a safe and quiet September RV while the world is fascinated watching Trump's public execution? Yes. Read More…
A Message to Lightworkers – Aug 31, 2017
01.09.2017 20:59 Caroline Oceana Ryan
You have witnessed, within a single month of your calendar, two terrible events—one in Virginia, with much waving of angry red flags, and another in Texas, symbolized by the lost and panicked looks thrown into basic survival situations by a severe hurricane. You have, most of you, correctly intuited that neither situation simply evolved on its own. Read More…
Saul through John: Love is all-pervasive. All you have to do is open yourselves to receive It
01.09.2017 20:47 Saul | John Smallman

The awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, and most enthusiastically, because, in spite of the unsettling and disturbing mainstream media news, people everywhere are beginning to see the Light and feel uplifted and inspired to make the daily intent, on waking in the morning, to be loving throughout the day, whatever arises. Doing only that is enormously powerful and effective, it is what you all incarnated to do – to be conduits for the Tsunami of Love enveloping the planet. Read More…