A Message to Lightworkers – Aug 31, 2017
01.09.2017 20:59 Caroline Oceana Ryan
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Light Warriors who are anchoring Fifth Dimensional frequencies into a planet being reborn!
You have witnessed, within a single month of your calendar, two terrible events—one in Virginia, with much waving of angry red flags, and another in Texas, symbolized by the lost and panicked looks thrown into basic survival situations by a severe hurricane.
You have, most of you, correctly intuited that neither situation simply evolved on its own.
Each was carefully engineered, planned, and executed with the dark intentions of not only disrupting life in the United States, but seeding fear, disruption, panic, and chaos in the heart-minds of many millions of people, particularly children and families, many of whom are already in a state of stress and worry that their loved ones may be deported.
However seemingly well-planned, these ploys are nevertheless already failing.
Similar to the events surrounding September 11, they have indeed created a wave of shock that has spread throughout the United States, and by extension, throughout the world.
We see the energy waves of low frequency surrounding these events, and as you, send higher vibrations of courage and inner strength to those falling prey to them.

Yet beyond this disruption, we also see that which you are now sensing: an astounding outpouring of Love, concern, hope, and support on all levels—physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, and social—that the dark hats prefer not to include in their equations.
You have in fact in these last few months, particularly since the Lion’s Gate of August 8, and the eclipse of August 21, come out of the polarizing good/bad, dark/light orientation that the hypnotized modern mind has been trained to follow.
You are preferring, rather than to fall into yet another rut of Us/Them, to simply reach out to one another, whether through volunteering to aid storm evacuees, donating to organizations providing food and shelter, or voicing statements of loving support for those killed or wounded in Charlottesville, with compassion for those hired who willingly took on the role of disruptors in either situation.
So that far from deflating an entire country, these situations have only unified it, and by extension, unified the human spirit, which continues to move forward in unprecedented upward moves of consciousness, as the Earth Herself continues to rise in frequency.
You see the hertz measurement of the Earth’s current frequency, which is impressive enough, having risen remarkably over the past decade to heights that human beings could not have physically kept up with in times previous to this.
Yet even beyond that, you sense and experience the beauty and power of the response to what appear to be earth-shattering events, which in fact are not shattering Earth life, but healing not only the shock of current trauma, but many centuries of past trauma.

How is this possible, you may ask, when these events shake us with shock or anger, bringing us to tears as we see small children and animals being carried over flood waters, knowing that not all can be rescued in time?
When we see parents and a grandparent who have lost a beloved daughter, speaking at her memorial service?
Yet it is possible, because at Earth’s current increasing vibration, the events of Earth life are increasingly losing their “accidental” or chaotic aspect.
Everything in your life from now on, including all that occurs around you, is a matter of soul intent, to be handled on a soul journey level.
Everything you view around you now is part of an ongoing contribution to the creation of fifth dimensional life on this planet, and the announcement and collective assent of Earth’s joining intergalactic society.
All that you experience now can only strengthen your souls’ higher intentions, can only support you in dissolving and healing old karma, and all the past events of your current life, including that which you were once convinced was beyond healing.

And so, though we feel and understand the sadness and anger which with you view these engineered events, we stand with your souls and higher selves, and all those guides and Angels supporting them, and say, “You have come now to that place in the path where there is no return to the old ways.”
The separation has occurred; the old Earth has separated from the New.
You are on the path now into purely fifth dimensional living, or you would not be here now.
And to those who doubt it is worth it to stay, who feel exhausted and overcome by the struggle to push through many centuries of dross in order to find the gold underneath, we say:
“You have chosen this, and you know at the deepest level of your heart-mind, the joy that awaits you as you sail through this storm, and create by your own intention the moment when you reach the Light that is always beyond the darkest clouds.”

Now–right now–just as you feel the worst has arrived, your most brilliant Divine aspect takes up residence in your physical being, to remind you that in fact, the best has begun.
Namaste, dear ones! We are beside you, at every moment.
Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan
Greetings, Light Warriors who are anchoring Fifth Dimensional frequencies into a planet being reborn!
You have witnessed, within a single month of your calendar, two terrible events—one in Virginia, with much waving of angry red flags, and another in Texas, symbolized by the lost and panicked looks thrown into basic survival situations by a severe hurricane.
You have, most of you, correctly intuited that neither situation simply evolved on its own.
Each was carefully engineered, planned, and executed with the dark intentions of not only disrupting life in the United States, but seeding fear, disruption, panic, and chaos in the heart-minds of many millions of people, particularly children and families, many of whom are already in a state of stress and worry that their loved ones may be deported.
However seemingly well-planned, these ploys are nevertheless already failing.
Similar to the events surrounding September 11, they have indeed created a wave of shock that has spread throughout the United States, and by extension, throughout the world.
We see the energy waves of low frequency surrounding these events, and as you, send higher vibrations of courage and inner strength to those falling prey to them.

Yet beyond this disruption, we also see that which you are now sensing: an astounding outpouring of Love, concern, hope, and support on all levels—physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, and social—that the dark hats prefer not to include in their equations.
You have in fact in these last few months, particularly since the Lion’s Gate of August 8, and the eclipse of August 21, come out of the polarizing good/bad, dark/light orientation that the hypnotized modern mind has been trained to follow.
You are preferring, rather than to fall into yet another rut of Us/Them, to simply reach out to one another, whether through volunteering to aid storm evacuees, donating to organizations providing food and shelter, or voicing statements of loving support for those killed or wounded in Charlottesville, with compassion for those hired who willingly took on the role of disruptors in either situation.
So that far from deflating an entire country, these situations have only unified it, and by extension, unified the human spirit, which continues to move forward in unprecedented upward moves of consciousness, as the Earth Herself continues to rise in frequency.
You see the hertz measurement of the Earth’s current frequency, which is impressive enough, having risen remarkably over the past decade to heights that human beings could not have physically kept up with in times previous to this.
Yet even beyond that, you sense and experience the beauty and power of the response to what appear to be earth-shattering events, which in fact are not shattering Earth life, but healing not only the shock of current trauma, but many centuries of past trauma.

How is this possible, you may ask, when these events shake us with shock or anger, bringing us to tears as we see small children and animals being carried over flood waters, knowing that not all can be rescued in time?
When we see parents and a grandparent who have lost a beloved daughter, speaking at her memorial service?
Yet it is possible, because at Earth’s current increasing vibration, the events of Earth life are increasingly losing their “accidental” or chaotic aspect.
Everything in your life from now on, including all that occurs around you, is a matter of soul intent, to be handled on a soul journey level.
Everything you view around you now is part of an ongoing contribution to the creation of fifth dimensional life on this planet, and the announcement and collective assent of Earth’s joining intergalactic society.
All that you experience now can only strengthen your souls’ higher intentions, can only support you in dissolving and healing old karma, and all the past events of your current life, including that which you were once convinced was beyond healing.

And so, though we feel and understand the sadness and anger which with you view these engineered events, we stand with your souls and higher selves, and all those guides and Angels supporting them, and say, “You have come now to that place in the path where there is no return to the old ways.”
The separation has occurred; the old Earth has separated from the New.
You are on the path now into purely fifth dimensional living, or you would not be here now.
And to those who doubt it is worth it to stay, who feel exhausted and overcome by the struggle to push through many centuries of dross in order to find the gold underneath, we say:
“You have chosen this, and you know at the deepest level of your heart-mind, the joy that awaits you as you sail through this storm, and create by your own intention the moment when you reach the Light that is always beyond the darkest clouds.”

Now–right now–just as you feel the worst has arrived, your most brilliant Divine aspect takes up residence in your physical being, to remind you that in fact, the best has begun.
Namaste, dear ones! We are beside you, at every moment.
Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan