Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 29, 2021

Matters have reached rock bottom on Earth, and out of the chaos shall come a new way forward that will recognise the end of many old ways that still persist. You must move on and set up the Earth so that it can receive your help to manifest the new ways of life that will introduce many advances that have been held in check. It is because you passed the marker in 2012 that you signaled your readiness to take a great step forwards. As a result much of what you have taken for granted and has been part of your daily lives, will no longer serve you, as you are now on a new path that will bring many improvements in your daily life. Indeed, changes will come very quickly and many are ready when the appropriate time arrives. After all you have been through you are due many pleasant surprises. Read More…

Elthor: All is About to Change

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The Best Possible Ascension ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are attempting to be very succinct in what we give to all of you through this channel here. We know that we could get a lot more elaborate and verbose in the delivery of these transmissions to you, but we also know what actually serves you, and we know that getting in your head about everything that is going on only leads to more confusion, more second-guessing, and more paranoia than may already exist in your physical minds. Therefore, we invite you to the simple strategy for dealing with life there on Earth on a day-to-day basis. Read More…

7 Powerful Types Of LIGHTWORKERS & Their Missions!

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Galactic Federation: A New Light is Rising!

We are here! We are dazzling with excitement! We have been waiting for this. We have been occupied with this grand show that is happening upon your beautiful Earth. There have been quite a few celebratory conversations and we will say meetings that have taken place here in the higher levels of the Galactic Federation. The entire Federation is in a beautiful, joyous uproar, and a beautiful uprising of victory, of light, of new hope that is not only felt among all members of the Federation, but that we are all beginning to glimpse throughout humanity and it is delightful to witness, to savor, to feel, to absorb, to sense. It is the rising of a new sun. It is the dawning of a new era. But it is just the beginning. This sun is finally beginning to rise and humanity is beginning to see light, true light, a new light, a light not seen before or at least not seen in a very, very long time. Read More…


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Secret Underground War reaches its Final Countdown

According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, we have entered the Final Countdown in an epic behind the scenes war taking place in remote underground facilities scattered throughout the US and the rest of the planet. His latest update, relayed through his contactee, Megan Rose, gives many details on coordinated military campaigns conducted by special forces belonging to an Earth Alliance working alongside their peers from the Galactic Federation aiming to remove the last remnants of a Deep State extraterrestrial alliance ensconced in multiple underground facilities. Read More…


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My Dear Ones many of you know me from our past lives together. I come to you now to surround you all in LOVE. You are all going through so many challenges on Earth at this time and I see many of you who are feeling unsupported, unloved and alone. I feel your pain and I want you all to know that I am here for you. I stay very close to you all and I want you to know that you are never, ever alone or unloved. I cannot interfere with your life unless you ask, so call to me in your times of need and I will be with you in an instant to support and guide you through these challenging times. Read More…

June 2009 Star Glyph Crop Circle translation: Galactic Federation of Light through Dancing Dolphin on October 23, 2021

Attention! Attention! The time of the ‘Great Experiment’ has ended. Time everlasting on your planet has been devoted to the contributions of hu-mans and their potential to inhabit the galaxy and the omniverse. The ‘Great Experiment’ has been a test of your species. The test has been long and arduous and even longer and more difficult than you realize. After eons of watching and observing, we have decided that the future of hu-mankind in the galaxy is not to be reckoned with. This means that it is inevitable. You have proved yourselves worthy of joining (what you may call) the Galactic Federation of Light, (but what we call) Our Group of Enlightened Beings from all over your galaxy, the universe and even beyond what you can imagine. Read More…

Infinite Intelligence Report - Episode #7 (Listening to the Inside)

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LIFE IS HAPPENING FOR YOU AND NOT TO YOU - Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - October 2021

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Dearest Ones I am here with you today to applaud you all for the amazing work that you have been doing and to offer you some spiritual solace and practical help. Many of you have been feeling exhausted during this awakening period on Planet Earth. You have been engaged in a fight to wake people up to the darkness that has abounded the planet for eons of your time. Beloved friends, we see your sadnesses and irritations when you feel as if life is not going the way that you wanted it to and you may be feeling as if the Awakening process is taking too long. Read More…

Vital Message to Starseeds for 2022

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Dianne Robbins: New Messages from Mikos and Ashtar - October 2021

Greetings from the Hollow Earth, located inside the very center of your planet, which is Hollow, with an Inner Central Sun and Oceans and Mountains still in their pristine state. I come to you today with news of the GREAT AWAKENING that is rapidly spreading across the surface of Earth, as people by the millions are waking up to the realization of what the governments of Earth are trying to do by limiting people’s freedom of choice.  This is a great travesty of Universal Law, and will not succeed. Read More…

2022-2032 Timelines - Building 5D New Earth

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Jesus through John: Let go of your doubts and BE yourselves with courage and determination

We are all connected, we are all at one with each other, we are in a collective and intimate relationship with each other – always, in every moment.  There is NO separation because there is only the ONE!  Life is eternal, It is forever, It is Mother/Father/God, the infinite energy field of Love that is REALITY Presently you are experiencing a dream, an illusion, a game of separation in which multitudes are suffering greatly because the human collective believes that life as a human in form is real, is a one time event that unavoidably and inevitably terminates finally and forever in the death of your human bodies.  But you are NOT your bodies, your conscious awareness is Who You are and is in an eternal and joy filled state of existence at One with God– even if that awareness, as is the case for the majority of humans, is itself mostly in a state of unawareness! Read More…

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/23/2021 • Are Your Docks Unblocked?

My dear friends, we love you so very much, Each one of you is a microcosm of the entire universe. You can activate any frequency you like within yourself. With love and appreciation, you can activate your connection with the Source, or you can activate your connection with world problems, such as supply-chain issues, by pinching off the love waiting to flow through your own borders. You can activate frequencies of joyous celebration or frequencies of abject hatred. Within each one of you is the potential to tune into anything at all that already does, or can, exist in your reality. Read More…

These Are the Keys & the Real Secret to Everything ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very in love with all of you, and we sprinkle that love into your energy fields constantly. We are the ambassadors of love from our system to all of you who seek to experience more connection to your galactic family, and we spread that love to all humans, regardless of whether they are interested in connecting with us or any other e.t. beings. We know that love will always help to connect us to all of you. We know that love is the answer. It is the key, and it really is all there is. Read More…

THE INTERPLAY OF EMPATHS AND NARCISSISTS Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - October 2021

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Age-old is this battle between the dark and the light!

The human race began in the Lyran star system approximately 40 million years ago. We were a peace-loving civilization and thrived primarily on agriculture and artistic pursuits. Life was peaceful, harmonious, and beautiful. We lived in balance with nature and there was plentiful abundance to be shared amongst the people. One day the Alpha Draconis race came to visit the Lyran star system and were quite impressed with its abundance of food and natural resources. The Alpha Draconians were an advanced warrior race with heavy military-grade space ships. Read More…

Simon Parkes: 20th October 2021 Update Current News

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Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 22, 2021

The changes are coming more quickly than ever as new technologies have taken a massive leap forwards. Changes that had been held in check waiting for the right time for them to be introduced are now being released. In a few short years you will have directly benefited from some of them, and slowly but surely your quality of life will have greatly improved. It is of course relative to your existing levels of achievement and in the long run there will be a levelling up. It is now the appropriate time to give you the advantages of new ideas that will propel you into the New Age. There are many who are ready to adapt to a new way of living that makes life a lot easier, and so it will continue in a new era where you have sufficient time to follow your own desires. Read More…


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DEAR ONES NOW IS THE TIME TO WAKE UP AND BE IN LOVE NOT FEAR. Now is the time to awaken from your old world of fear and move into the New world of LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY. In recent years much of your time on Earth has been spent in fear. Fear of not having enough money, fear of dis-ease, fear of different cultures, fear of not having enough food or shelter, a fear of the ravages of Nature and the climate, a fear of God, a fear of the Devil, a fear of not being loved and a fear of death. These are all fears which may well have a basis in some truth in your own life or even in a past life led in fear but they are all learned fears. Read More…

Saint Germain channelled by Sandy Stevenson on 15th October 2021 - EARTH’S BIRTH INTO LIGHT

The main goal for everything occurring on Earth is to wake people up. From the moment a person wakes, their awareness and consciousness begins to change and they start to break free of limitations. They become more who they really are and their light frequency begins increasing in preparation for a higher dimensional existence. Their raising of personal frequency also adds to the overall light of the human collective, and everything in and upon Earth. Read More…

Saul through John: You will feel complete, whole, fulfilled, perfect

As humanity waits expectantly for the collective awakening to happen – for each individual in their daily lives – be aware that it is happening right NOW!  Look around you, observe the large numbers of people behaving far more peacefully and lovingly than you are accustomed to seeing.  This is happening because all of you keep setting and maintaining the intent to be only loving whatever arises in your own daily lives.  Each of you are personally, individually, and collectively delivering the awakening to all of humanity, even though you are probably not receiving any positive personal feedback to allay your continuing doubts, about whether humanity really is in the process of awakening – doubts that are constantly being activated or intensified by your ceaseless and growing awareness of the enormous amount of suffering that so many are undergoing worldwide, and that is constantly being reported on the MSM. Read More…

Lightworkers are being disconnected from the 3D matrix

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Archangel Michael and OWS via James McConnell, October 10th, 2021

I am Archangel Michael. And as always, it is my pleasure to be here with you and connect with you in this way. To be able to continue the process that was started long ago for many of you. Lifetime after lifetime we have been working with you. But it is this lifetime where you have all been drawn back together again where we can work with you as a group, coming together as you are. Old souls being called back into service once again. And I say service, because that is what you are here to do. You are here to be of service. And all of you are being exactly that in your own way. Read More…

Nikola Tesla Secret Inventions That Were Lost or Censored

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JFK: Time to Focus on Yourself...for All of Us!

To all my beloveds...I am here! I am watching over you all and assisting in our greatest ever “comeback” for Humanity! We are prevailing, I promise you that! We are going to send the cabal the biggest message ever...we do not back down, we do not cower, we do not waver! We awakened ones are the biggest threat ever to the cabal and their overlords (dark galactics). They know already that they are done...what is going on now is just the “cleanup on Aisle 10!” (smile) As for what each of you can do individually to assist in this cleanup, I would encourage you to look inward more, and pay attention to what emotions are stirring within you, and where those emotions may have first originated in your lives. Read More…

Update on Earth Alliance meetings on Ganymede with Intergalactic Confederation

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Ashian: Freedom and Breaking Down 3D Grids

Each beloved person has areas in their emotional world where they feel that they have been beaten, where they have to endure what happens next, where they are without the power to exercise their divinely given sovereignty. We would like to suggest that this is the time to take back your sovereignty. We are not saying to react, to lash out, or to be wreckless. Not at all. Those are 3D responses based on fear programming. We are suggesting a 5D mastery approach that uses intention and attention to create change and transformation. During your day, if you pay attention to your decisions, you will begin to notice little clues that show where you are bound by a distortion that is not love, but fear. Read More…

Infinite Intelligence Report - Episode 6 (Helping the world & merging with the non-linear)

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 16th October 2021

Hello you! I am trying to rise above the insanity of our Planet, as I know we have to focus on a bright future in order to bring it about. In Australia, many are talking about escaping to the hills and apparently, guns are now in short supply as people feel the need to protect themselves! * I thought perhaps you could take us on a journey of Joy and talk to us about The Bridge … The Rainbow Bridge. Sounds like a trip I would like to make. I have my bag packed! Read More…

TRUST THAT THE DECEPTION PERCEPTION IS ENDING Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - October 2021

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/16/2021 • Are You a Reactor or Creator?

My dear friends, we love you so very much, It is time upon your earth to ask yourself, "Am I a reactor, or a creator?" Are my feelings based on reactions to what I see around me in my external world, or are my feelings based on the kinder, happier thoughts I choose to embrace in my inner world? Do I live in the 3D paradigm and feel my fate is determined by external conditions and how I manage to control the external world? Or am I willing to embrace a 5D reality wherein I value my focus in my inner world, knowing that as I emanate a vibration I draw unto myself the very same? Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 15, 2021

Dear friends, as I am not sending out my message this week, I thought it would be helpful to send one I have always kept a copy of as I consider it to be one of the most informative ones. It advises how you can conduct yourselves as a helpful example to help others. It certainly seems very appropriate at such a time as we are in at present. Read More…

Grandmother Anna & Andrew ~ galaxygirl 10/12/2021

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The 9D Arcturian Council: Awakening the Sleeping Ones

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are working so closely with your sun to bring about a different type of energy and light transmission that will be detectable by those of you who are awake and paying attention to what you can feel. You can already feel so much coming from your sun, your Earth, your oceans, and all of Mother Nature. You can feel so much coming from the stars, from starlight, and even from moonlight, if you are tuned in, if you are paying attention.  Read More…


Dearest Ones we come to you now to allay all of your fears at this moment in time. Humans are starting to wake up to the fact that the dark side has been trying to divide them into two camps for millennia. Jews against Christians, Black against White, Male against Female and in your current time, those who believe the current narrative fearing this "new" disease and those who do not, and now those who are vaxed against those who are not. The dark side feed off your so called fears of the other side and are terrified of humans coming together in Love. Their time on Earth has come to an end now and it is time now to stop all of the divisions within humanity and as a collective come together in Peace and Love. You are all souls living in a human body and you all came here to help Gaia to move into the 5th Dimension and to rid her of these dark souls. Coming together in a Collective Consciousness of a Love based Earth is the only way forward Dear Ones. Read More…

Psychic Protection and Demonic Attacks

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Ashian: The ‘injection’ and Ascension

The first thing that we would wish to say is that there are many competing narratives around the injections. The different narratives reflect the different aspects of time/space reality that commentators are accessing: some access the scenario, which seems successful, but ultimately betrays, injures and kills; others access a scenario where the injection has no affect on those who take it; yet others see a partial negative impact from accepting the injections. Read More…

Earth Alliance Mission to Ganymede to greet ET visitors & inaugurate a Star Trek Future

A fleet of spacecraft from a highly evolved group of friendly extraterrestrial visitors has arrived in our solar system and established a presence on Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, according to three independent sources familiar with unfolding events in deep space. This latest intel coincides with William Shatner, globally revered for his role as Captain Kirk in the Star Trek franchise, being launched into space on October 13, a likely cover for him playing a significant role in unfolding events on Ganymede. Read More…

Q&A Special - THE RETURN OF THE SEEDERS / Oct 13 2021

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The Future of Humanity

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj. The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you. The future of humanity is no longer at stake. It is secured, with abundance, advancements in all fields, with love and unity for all. Contrary to what you may see on your media, all hell is not breaking lose. There is a change occurring. Humanity and Mother Earth have all ready been uplifted into a higher dimensional reality. Read More…

James Gilliland: The Final Battle, Merging Timelines

In the days to come we are going to face many challenges. There will be people that will rise to the occasion and people that will willingly or in ignorance submit themselves, their families, loved ones, society in general to a severe diminishing and loss of health and freedom. The integrity challenged and socially engineered will walk lockstep down a very dark path. They are driven by manufactured fear, lies and deceptions by the corrupt, bought and paid for integrity and morally challenged politicians, mainstream and social media. The socially engineered, unconscious will be offered promises of positions, power and wealth of which are ill gotten gains. In the end they will lose all of it due to Universal Law.   Read More…

No Chance of Nuclear War

I repost this article from 2016 to allay fears of a nuclear confrontation between the USA and China – no matter how much it looks like things are going that way. Rumors of a nuclear World War III persist but will a world war be allowed to happen? And need it be a factor in our considerations of building Nova Earth? Those of us who know that the planet is surrounded and protected by intergalactic federations of light know that Armageddon will never happen. Read More…

Matt Kahn: Awakening Your Inner Healer

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A Message for Lightworkers, Channels & Healers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are able to read the vibration of any being and any collective that we come across, and this helps us in determining what that person or group of beings needs. We know that you awakened ones want to help others as well. We know that you are service oriented and that you want to help others to awaken and to live better lives. Reading the energy, the vibration of, the person or people you are working with is a skill that takes practice, because most individuals are trying to hide something from you. Read More…

THE MIRACLE WE NEED FOR ASCENSION - Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - October 2021

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Xylenia: Medical Beds

We are the consciousness of the medical beds that are about to and are in process of serving humanity in this auspicious moment of the transition upon your planetary world. I Xylenia am speaking, head operator of the medical beds of one of the many facilities. Many of you have been operating your process of ascension. Individuated ascending moments coalesce into the whole. (I am seeing how one aspect of DNA its being lit up from within and spreading down the chain). Each moment of choice for the light makes an incredible impact on your body, on your human consciousness and upon Gaia. We are seeing human ones becoming more kind and loving with these higher dimensional shifts. Read More…

David Wilcock: The Culmination - 4D Activation and Being a Spiritual Warrior

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Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, October 3d, 2021

I am Saint Germain. I come at this time, in these times that are expressing great change, across not only this country where many of you find yourselves now, but across the entire planet. Many changes. Many changes that are seemingly not what you are wanting to happen, but knowing that these are changes that must happen. For it cannot be stopped. For the light coming into this planet, raising the vibrations, raising the consciousness of this planet and all within this planet, all must rise as one. So great many changes are in process right now. Read More…


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COVID Doesn’t Even Exist in Fully Normal Sweden, While Deaths Are Skyrocketing in Fully Vaccinated Israel

Sweden has basically told the Branch Covidians to go to hell, and the result is that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is basically non-existent. Meanwhile in Israel, one of the most “fully vaccinated” countries in the world, the death toll is skyrocketing. The latest data shows that the death rate in the “Promised Land” is going parabolic as Israelis get injected with two, three, and soon to be four Chinese Virus needles. In Sweden, on the other hand, where natural immunity reigns supreme, life is pretty much back to pre-covid normal. Read More…

God Shows Atheist That Every Human Soul Is Pure - Why Do Humans Carry Out Evil Acts Then?

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/09/2021 • Expanding the Universe

My dear friends, we love you so very much, In your hearts dear ones, there is a bridge between heaven and earth. In fact, you are a bridge. You are an embodiment of the Divine experiencing a human reality. You are pure consciousness taking a beautiful form, interacting with consciousness in other forms, and creating new forms. It is easy at times to wonder about your value upon this earth and yet we reassure you that there is not a moment in your life or even a breath that is wasted. In every moment, you have tremendous value. In every moment, you are part of the unfolding creation. In every moment you are either adding to the vibration of love on the planet or calling for more. It is through your willingness to be upon the earth, to experience diversity and contrast, and to desire more, that you become creators within creation. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 08, 2021

As intimated a long time ago you are starting to see that what was hidden comes to the surface and where there have been crimes against Humanity, the perpetrators will face justice. It is all part of as you might say “clearing the decks” so that a New Age can be established. There will be no place for those whose vibrations are still at a stage of early development and are unable to lift themselves up by seeking the Light. They will be given every help but some are so captivated with the lower level they cannot move on. However, their destiny is to rise up but with freewill the timing is up to them.  Read More…

THE FINAL LESSON FOR EMPATHS Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - October 2021

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Dianne Robbins Monthly Message - Ashtar Command

Our Galaxy is divided into 12 sectors.  Earth is located in sector 9. The Ashtar Command oversees our sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.  Ashtar is the Commander. This is Ashtar, from the Ashtar Command overseeing your planet Earth.  The destiny of planet Earth is to rise into a planet of Light and ascend with the other planets in your Solar System who are already in the ascended state and just waiting for Earth to join with them so that your whole solar system can rise into a higher dimension.  This will soon happen – as people by the millions are now waking up to the injustices being imposed upon them that are limiting their freedom of movement and freedom of speech. Read More…

The October 2021 Energies ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

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Ashian: Proof that you have made a difference

Beloved lights of Ascension, we are pleased to connnect with all who resonate with these words. Many of you are feeling overwhelmed by the response of others when you speak your truth, or when you simply choose to stand in your soverignty, even silently. Why is this so? It is because those who appear to be sleeping have felt the resonance of truth in your words and actions. Your truth has vibrated deep within them, and this throws them into confusion and denial. Your words and actions don’t align with their programming yet they register as truth. The result is confusion: emotional dissonance, spiritual dissonance and cognative dissonance. Read More…

Lorie Ladd ~ There is More Coming. This is Just the Beginning

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Kryon ~ Your Soul is Part of the Creative Source of the Universe

How many of you are aware that all Humans have the potential for what I will call “Self-Channelling?” Teachers are starting to give you information that says the very thing that is inside you (call it whatever you want to), we will say Innate, Higher Self, or any of these things that are part of your multidimensional selves, have always been there. That’s what is responsible for Spontaneous Remission in the magic that you’ve seen and desire. Many of you say, “If I could only have that. Or, what can I do for it? Let’s get another book. Let’s get another process. Let’s get another pill.” Read More…

Atheist Asks God “Why Are Humans So Dark and Doomed?" He Was Amazed By The Answers He Received

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Dearest Ones, souls on Earth may sometimes wonder what life on Earth is all about. Not everyone can imagine what a New Heaven on Earth can possibly be like. The talk of LOVE and LIGHT may be an anathema to them. The Earth to them feels as if it is a place of anger, sadness, greed, illness and poverty. These thoughts and emotions have been instilled in many of you for eons of your time on Earth. Souls come in and go out, enduring much hatred to other souls in their time incarnate on the planet. It is sometimes imbedded in their very way of being, so to speak. This way of life has been engendered by the darkness that abounded on Earth from souls who fed on these dark emotions. Read More…

Seth's Speech at the ReAwaken America Tour in Colorado Springs, CO

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Jesus through John: You Are the awakening process, so trust it and celebrate it

There is no separation, such a state is impossible because we are all – and ALL – One.  Mother/Father/God, Source, Love – whatever word or words anyone chooses to use to label the All is totally immaterial – can only be known and experienced because It is totally beyond naming.  And when there is only the One naming is obviously completely unnecessary.  The One is infinite consciousness, infinite awareness, infinite wisdom, infinite intelligence that expresses Itself – makes Itself known to Itself, to all sentient life – as the infinite all-embracing vastness that is All.In humans It is experienced as consciousness aware of itself, as constrained and restricted by the limitations that are the nature of human form, the inability to see or sense energy frequencies that are not extremely close to those that enliven that form. Read More…


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Were Facebook & Social Media Blackouts due to Capture of Tall Gray Aliens?

On October 3, I reported on the sensational news that nine Tall Gray (Eban) extraterrestrials had been captured by the Galactic Federation of Worlds only four days earlier, which has sparked quite a bit of online interest and debate. These Grays were allegedly the same leadership group that had reached agreements with the Eisenhower Administration in the 1950s, and were subsequently key players in the New World Order that had been secretly set up by their Deep State partners. Only five days after the reported capture, Facebook, Instagram and Whatapp all experienced blackouts on October 4. A coincidence? Not so according to the latest updates from two Galactic Federation representatives, Val Nek and Thor Han, as relayed through independent sources. Read More…

Your Journeys Throughout the Galaxy ∞ The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of exploring which of your personality traits can be assigned to the different star systems that you are all from originally. We know, for example, that the trait associated with helping others, being of service, is something that you have brought to Earth and to yourselves from the Sirius star system. You incarnate there to explore that theme. The theme of being of service then becomes a part of you, and you are all there to integrate these various themes and aspects of self. In some instances, like Sirius, the Pleiades, and our little star system, it is obvious. Read More…

Simon Parkes: 5th October 2021 Update Current News

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A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner October 3, 2021

Greetings I am Mira: I am pleased to speak with you today to give you a short report on some vital information. I am from the Pleiadean high Council and have been devoted and dedicated to the Earth's ascension by working with the Earth Council for many years now. I am pleased to announce that our presence is very close and nearby. Everything is in place for the next steps for earth’s freedom as well as for yours. This makes all the difference in the world and in our planetary system, as well as, for all of life. The horrendous control of the earth is about to be completely released. Much has been done already. There will be a lot of work and cleanup that is required while rearranging much of life on the earth. Read More…

David Wilcock: The Amplifying - Gravitational Anomalies in Nature

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Matt Kahn: There is SO much to be learned from....

Dear Friend, As humans, we may tend to judge those we haven’t learned from. Equally so, there is much to be learned from those being judged. While it doesn’t have to be a lesson of agreement based on the content of beliefs, values, choices, or perceptions, such lessons are always rooted in learning how to respect the innocence, divinity, and diversity of all. This teaching celebrates equality, inclusivity, and acceptance. Read More…

Ushering in the Light - A Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session

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Have Tall Gray alien leaders just been captured by the Galactic Federation?

On September 30, I received an update from Elena Danaan and her extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon, concerning a contingent of Tall Gray alien leaders from Orion who had just been captured by the Galactic Federation of Worlds. It was claimed that the Tall Grays were the same aliens that had in the 1950s reached an agreement with the Majestic 12 Group without President Eisenhower’s approval, and selling out humanity in the process. If accurate, the capture marked a major step forward in humanity taking back control of the solar system. Read More…

2022 - The Veil is finally lifting - A Metatron Channeling

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/02/2021 • Be the love of your own life

My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine that you are with the love of your life, whether you are or not. It might be a partner, a child, a beloved pet, or anyone – real or imagined – that you can bring to mind in this instant. Imagine now how you would treat this individual. How would you greet them every morning? What would you love to do for them? How would you encourage them? How would you soothe them when they were feeling down? Can you treat yourselves this way? Read More…

I Lived (OneRepublic) | One Voice Children's Choir feat. One Voice International

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From Tyranny to Liberation

With all this extreme chaos currently going on so many don't realize that it stems from a global control structure. Humanity is having their own victim patterns used against them and manipulated into emotional storms of hatred and violence serving the very people they claim to be against, completely ignorant of their handlers. What so many people aren't asking themselves is who are the dividers? Who are the profiteers that sit on the top of the pyramid of war and disease? They own your religions, politicians, mainstream media and monetary systems. What many don't understand is they also own your mind and the last thing they want is for you to take the red pill. Read More…

Infinite Intelligence Report - Episode #5

2021-10-05-infinite-intelligence-report Read More…

Saul through John: Fear is unreal, so invite Love into your hearts to dissolve it

Deep within every sentient entity there rests an eternal and completely unbreakable connection to the One, the All, LOVE.  Every sentient being therefore has access to Source in every moment of their eternal existence, whether they are experiencing life as separate beings in form or as pure consciousness at One with Source.  The difference of course is that when a sentient being is in form it has concealed from itself this unbreakable connection.  However, by going within to your holy inner sanctuary, which you all have deep within yourselves, and because it is deep within you, you have to be able to be extremely quiet as you allow your consciousness – your Self, your Oneness with the All – to invite the connection to become active, and It will, immediately. Read More…

South Africa's Highest Court Set To Free The Continent From The New World Order & The Central Bank

2021-10-05-south-africa-highest-court Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 01, 2021

The changes continue to take place and will carry on for quite a time yet, one thing leads to another and so it shall continue until all are truly on the same path. It will clearly take some time to raise the levels of those countries that still have populations living in near poverty. It has to change, and it will change as the voices of those who are compassionate to the plight of others find strength and support, to force those in power to respond with the true intention to get things done to raise the standard of living. So much has been wrong for so long that to put it right calls for full support from the governments of the world. Read More…

Judith Kusel: The Great Divine Masterplan for the New Earth is not only on Track, but Indeed Being Fully Implemented

A magnet magnetizes. Thus is consists of a negative and a pole. If you try to cut a magnet in two pieces, because you do not like the negative pole, you will find it does not work. The whole Omniverse rests on exact Universal Laws. All of Creation is created on the same Universal Laws which govern all life and all existence. All is perfectly balanced. No-thing is out of place. What is this teaching us? Read More…

Welcome To The Future: A Short Story of Current Events

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Message from Matthew - October 1, 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The most succinct answer to “What’s causing these wild energies?” is, along with the light forces uprooting the darkness is the crumbling of systems, policies, procedures and ideologies that no longer serve the civilization. The third density lessons those provide are nearing the end of their purposeful course of offering opportunities to Earth humankind to complete chosen karma and evolve into higher densities, where marvels await. Read More…

Is There Science on Reiki?

When I began researching for my new book, ‘Why Woo Woo Works’, one of the first subjects I investigated was Reiki. Reiki is really popular nowadays, but a lot of people unfamiliar with it still refer to it as woo woo, meaning, to them, there’s nothing in it. Well, it turns out that there is quite a lot of science on it. A 2018 meta-analysis of four randomised controlled trials (RCTs) into the use of Reiki to reduce pain over a range of medical conditions found that it produced a statistically significant reduction in pain. Read More…


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Ashian: Riding the slipstream

Above these chaotic and turbulent winds is the slipstream. Imagine it as a highway instead of a bumpy laneway, imagine it as a smooth, coherent stream of energy, imagine that it is a river of grace that effortlessly brings you to where you wish to be. When you got in the car, you decided that a pathway of grace and ease would bring you to your destination on time, regardless of how busy the traffic was. You allowed others onto your lane, demonstrating grace instead of stress. You engaged with and activated the slipstream. You shifted from the 3D to the 5D energy flow. Read More…

India: “Absolute Evidence of Ivermectin’s Efficacy”

Around 97 percent of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Delhi metropolitan area in India have been effectively dealt with thanks to the widespread use of ivermectin. Earlier in the year, India dealt with a devastating post-vaccine wave of the coronavirus. This post-vaccine outbreak affected the country differently. In states that did not use ivermectin, cases soared. But the data shows that by the end of May, this second wave of COVID-19 was under control in parts of the country that treated patients with ivermectin. Read More…

If You Are Feeling Lost, This Message Is For You!

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The 9D Arcturian Council: Will Humanity Ascend on December 21st 2021?

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very satisfied with your progress since you had your equinox event there in September on your world. You have been acclimating to these energies very well, and you have been building the remainder of 2021 on your calendar with so much joy, so much love, so much confidence in yourselves and in your collective. It has been very easy to get down on humanity over the past year and a half, because of all that has transpired, all that has not come from a place of love or from a place of joy. But enough of you have seen the true heart of humankind, of yourselves, of your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers, and even your family members. Read More…