Suzanne Lie

February 2023 Energies Update ft. Arcturian Messages

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January 2023 Energies Update ft. Arcturian Messages

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Energy Update and Recent Messages from the Arcturians with Sue Lie

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The dawning of a new reality. Yes, more and more humans are beginning to sense, feel, hear, dream, and remember. They are remembering to feel the dawning of our new fourth-dimensional expression of self. There is a growing awareness that there is something different that the Galactics and higher-dimensional humans are connected to. Please, before you move forward, take a long, deep relaxing breath and dare to believe that there is something within you which whispers into your soul.  Read More…

September 2022 Energies Update & Recent Messages from the Arcturians

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There are many ways to be a leader. However, what leaders have in common is that they have the courage to state their opinion and put their opinion to work for the best reasons that you see within the Now. One of the ways that we can be and learn to be leaders, is to call in your Higher SELF to assist you to remember the vows you made to others, as well as to yourself. Your Inner/Higher SELF is willing to tell you if you are on the right road, or if you have wavered from your intended decision. Read More…

Are we Ready?

Are we ready to move our thoughts, feelings, desires and knowings in to our next frequency of reality? It takes very little searching on the Internet to find pages and pages and pages of stories about preparation for our own next adventure. This next adventure just may be that more and more third dimensional Earth Humans are realizing that we, the humans on Gaia's Earth, are now being to awaken to their higher dimensional self. Read More…

Preparing for a NEW Reality

Whether we are aware of it, or not, we are ALL preparing for a new reality. Now this new reality that we are unconsciously, or consciously, preparing for has actually ALWAYS  been there, but our third dimensional bodies were, and mostly, still are, to primitive to be able to perceive beyond the limitations of their third dimensional physical form. However, more and more, of humanity is beginning to remember the fourth, fifth and beyond frequencies of their true Galactic SELF. Yes, more and more humans are beginning to remember their own Higher Dimensional "Galactic Self." Read More…

Preparing for First Contact

It is the NOW for the Awakened Ones, to awaken those humans who are still asleep. By “ sleep" we mean that there are still too many humans who do not know about and/or believe that there are higher dimensional beings that live in the higher frequencies of reality. Of course, many humans still have no idea at all that there are different frequencies of reality. In fact, many, if not most, humans on Gaia’s Earth within this NOW, have no idea that there are Galactic Beings who exist in the higher frequencies of the reality that encircles dear Planet Earth, whom we often call "Mother Gaia,” or “Mother Earth.” Unfortunately, there are still far too may humans who do not think of planet Earth as a living being. In fact they think of Earth as a big rock that somehow has been the home world for many third dimensional versions of reality.  Read More…

Galactics Settling on Gaia - The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians, We, the members of humanity, are faced with many challenges within this NOW. We know that many of us have forgotten our true Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, we have also forgotten how to reach out to our Multidimensional SELF. In fact, many of us Galactic Beings had completely forgotten that we ARE Galactic Beings who came to Gaia's Earth long, long ago.  Read More…

What is Planetary Ascension? The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

We, the Arcturians, would like to pass on a message to the ones who are still wearing a human disguise. We remind you to remember that you are higher dimensional beings who have volunteered to take a third-dimensional earth vessel so that you can better assist Gaia as She moves into, and through, Her process of “Planetary Ascension.” Read More…

Visitors to the Starships - Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians, Why do we usually have memory loss about our visits to our Star Ships and Fifth Dimensional home worlds? Dear Ascending Ones, Memory loss is usually because you are having an “argument” between the part of your consciousness that wants to remember the visitations and the part of your self that does not want to believe that these visitations ever happened.
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Preparing your Self to Remember the "First Contact" you already had - Your Galactic Family through Suzanne Lie

Greetings, We are a collective of Ascending ONES who have been called to Active Duty. We are sure that many of you would like an Operational Definition about what we mean by “active duty.” By “active duty” we mean that YOU have come enough into your own, Personal Power that you realize that YOU are a member of Planet Gaia, and She GREATLY  needs your assistance. Read More…

A Blessing from the Arcturians - through Suzanne Lie

We the Arcturians, appreciate and bless the many humans, animals and plants in the lower United States and Mexico who have greatly suffered. We are sorry that dear Gaia needs to “shake her self out” a bit before she can begin her transmutation from the third/fourth dimension into the fifth dimension. Read More…

Eclipse Conversation with Suzanne Lie & David Miller on 8-15-17

Greetings, I am Juliano.  We are the Arcturians.  So we look at the eclipse as a partial intersection of the dimensions.  And, we note that this is an alignment of the sun and new moon. Alignments have the ability to pierce veils and go through blocks and go through falsehoods. The alignments also have the potential of opening doorways.  This particular eclipse is a planetary influencer.  Read More…