August 2021
31.08.2021 21:11 Sirius
Dearest Ones, you are all a part of the One being called GOD, GAIA, ALLAH, JEHOVAH, GREAT SPIRIT, etc, etc. It is time now to realise this and to know how mighty you all are. For centuries you have been so used to thinking of a God who is apart from you in some cloud in the sky. In some ways this has been perpetuated by the dark element to keep you dumbed down, so to speak. GOD is not some distant being looking down on you, waiting for you to do something wrong and to punish you. GOD is just a name for all that he/she/it encompasses. GOD is LOVE and a part of you and all of us, and as such, every single one of you CAN move mountains. YOU are that great being called GOD, YOU are that great being called GAIA. BELIEVE this Dear Ones and your future will be assured on the planet that YOU call home. Read More…
2022 - AMPLIFIED DUALITY - Highest Council of Light Through Penni Moore
31.08.2021 20:50 Penni Moore
Greetings dearest light beings! May we direct your attention to the numbers 2022. The #2 is one of duality. Divided equally into two 1+1=2. The year 2022 also symbolizes new beginnings from a duality standpoint but compounded because the number is in fact a 2. Now add to that a 0 which symbolizes infinity, and all that is. In otherwards the full spectrum of the Divine. It represents a complete circle with no beginning and no end. Stay with us here as this may seem a bit confusing. Add to the 2+0 the double 2’s. Do you see where this is going? Duality is amplifying on your planet right along with angelic guidance, love, and abundance on all levels. Read More…
From Buddha: Stay in Your Center
I am here. I have been here for a long time now. I have been studying from above just as I did when I was below, on Earth. I am pleased to be able to give my message through this one. It has been many centuries since I was in physical form. Much that is both positive and negative in general, has happened since my time. I have been observing all of the many varying “reactions” to the events that are a part of the 3rd dimensional life...and it is those reactions that I would like to address, at this time. Read More…
SAVING THE PLANET EARTH KINDERGARTEN - Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - August 2021
31.08.2021 20:40 Aita
Ashian: You are Magical
31.08.2021 20:15 Jennifer Crokaert
As the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, it dissolves its old body; as the butterfly emerges from the chyrsalis, it has to fight its way free so that its wings are strong enough to fly. This is where you are: you are melting the old you, and fighting your way free. This fight is not a literal one for most of you, it is symbolic. It is owning your truth and defining what is truth for you, what is meaningful in your life. It is the act of creation and ownership of your creation. Your divine power has been hidden from you: you are magical. You are powerful creators, who are capable of far more than you realise, even now. You are so powerful that it has taken millenia to convince you that you are powerless. That time is over. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/28/2021 • What are you for?
31.08.2021 19:54 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, What are you for? We're not asking in the generic sense. We're offering you a tool that you can ask yourself any time you find yourself in the position of feeling that you are against something. In a culture of complaints, you empower what you are complaining about... simply because you place your strong focus upon it. Right now upon your planet, there are so many people focusing on viruses, and variants, that your pandemic has gone on long past when it could have ended. Focus is focus, whether positive or negative and focus tunes you into a given reality in the field of all possibility. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 27, 2021
27.08.2021 21:27 Mike Quinsey
It is difficult for you to see the direction things are going in when so much is happening all at once. But for certain, things cannot return as before and most belong to an Age that was suited to its time, but not in the present time when things have moved on through changes that are here to stay. What is happening is that you are shaking off that which no longer serves you, to a more appropriate lifestyle that is suited to the New Age. It has not been easy especially for those who cling to the old ways and some are even scared as to what the changes may bring. However, be assured that in the long run all will be well received and result in a more pleasant life. Read More…
Behold & Embrace Inner & Outer Change by The Andomedans ~ Channeled by Kate Woodley
27.08.2021 21:25 Kate Woodley
We are your Andromedan collective and we are joined by a few members of the spiritual high Andromedan Council. We are always honored to connect with you. You have asked what messages humanity needs to hear at this time. There is much change happening upon your world. Many of these changes are visible. To some extent they are tangible, but there are many more changes that are happening energetically, vibrationally, and at the individual level. As we have mentioned in the past, the process of raising one’s consciousness, or ascension, first begins at the individual level. Once an individual has raised their vibration, their light, and their energy is perpetuated to beautifully impact and affect those around them gradually through the process of energetic osmosis. Read More…
Twin flame Ascension report: Moving out of the Lionsgate. the energies have been extremely intense
27.08.2021 21:22 Jen Mccarty | Ascension
Dearest brothers and sisters, Greetings of the most high. We come forward now, in this moment of your time with much news to share with you, ever-evolving humanity. We are just moving out of the Lion's Gate Portal, and everyone on the ascending path would agree it has been extraordinarily intense this year. The reason why the gamma rays have been so prolific this year is due to the stage that we have reached in our individual and collective ascension. We are transforming from carbon based two stranded DNA beings to crystalline based 12 stranded multidimensional beings. Read More…
Saul through John: As humans in form you do need your egos
27.08.2021 21:18 Saul | John Smallman
As you all – humans all over the world – move powerfully forward in your awakening process, open yourselves to the awareness that we in the spiritual or non physical realms are most enthusiastically supporting you and cheering you on. You have made enormous progress during the last few decades, just as you all intended when you chose to incarnate and be present now in human form on Planet Earth to participate in this momentous event – humanity’s awakening from the dream or illusion of unreality. It is approaching the moment of fruition far more rapidly than you can imagine, because, as the chaos and confusion that has arisen and is continuing to arise in many places has encouraged you to listen to your egos and doubt and disbelieve in God’s divine plan for you, you find it difficult not to focus your attention on reports from the MSM instead of on your trust in Mother/Father/God. Read More…
Ivo of Vega: It’s About Being Able to see the Bright Side
27.08.2021 21:13 Sharon Stewart
We have been prepared. We see in the news what they have planned for us because the DS has to tell us before they implement something because otherwise they can’t implement it. We are the creators of the reality they are trying to impose upon us. Ironically. We’ve been prepared. We know the rules. We heard all the intel, or at least as much as we need in order to make an educated choice, or educated choices. Which way do you choose? The whole world is watching. Read More…
A Great Announcement - Sananda through James McConell
27.08.2021 21:07 Sananda - Jesus | James McConnell
I am Sananda. I am here at this time. In this quite opportune time, I will add, as things are rapidly changing, both internally and externally, within all that you are coming to understand your lives, as things more and more are coming to the surface. It has been said, those in the shadows cannot stand within the light, so they are coming out of those shadows and being shown for what they are, what they represent, as they do not represent love and Light. They represent fear and darkness, attempting to hold onto the unknown. Keeping you, rather, in the unknown. Keeping you in the shadow within yourself. Read More…
2nd Source on Jupiter Meetings & Galactic Federation Intervention in Solar System
27.08.2021 21:05 Dr. Michael Salla | Megan Rose
Almost there
27.08.2021 21:01 Teri Wade
Just a little bit further, I know you cannot see the finish line yet but trust me it's there. This is not your typical 26.2 mile marathon. Nope, since November 3rd we've been running an ultramarathon through Hell. Metaphorically speaking this is the greatest ultramarathon the world has ever known. It is 666 miles. We're approaching mile 500 and are about to start picking up the pace a bit. If you want to change your socks do it now. It's about to get real ugly. Read More…
Ashian: How to cope when the matrix implodes
24.08.2021 20:13 Jennifer Crokaert | The Event
Beloved brothers and sisters of Gaia, very soon you are about to see the rules, norms and cultures of your world unveiled as lies and manipulations. Many of you are aware of much of this information already. Most will have a great deal to learn. Even those of you who know a lot will find yourselves presented with new, more deeply upsetting information. How to cope with this implosion? Read More…
Plans for a Star Trek Future began with US Navy in the 1950s
Exopolitics Today Podcast identifying the history, planning and creation of a Star Trek Future that secretly dates back to the 1950s, and is most recently revealed in the recommendations of a 2019 Space Futures Workshop. The creation of a multinational space alliance, the Artemis Accords, intervention by the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and an unknown Temporal War involving the Earth, Moon and Mars are among some of the recent space developments relevant to an unfolding Star Trek future for humanity. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your awakening will be a most glorious occasion
24.08.2021 19:39 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
We are all One . . . there is NO separation. The experience of separation is unreal, illusory, like an excessively long dream, from which you are awakening. You need to awaken to enjoy the fullness of life as One with Source, life as it is meant to be lived, fully conscious, fully mindful, fully aware, fully AWAKE! However, your thinking human minds are constantly distracting you from your intended path of spiritual evolution, the path you designed for this human lifetime, and which is leading you – ALL of humanity – back to Reality, the Home that your Father created for you, and in which you have your eternal existence. Separation never occurred, never could occur, because there is only the infinite and limitless energy field that is God, Mother/Father/God, Source, LOVE! Read More…
Matt Kahn: The Ego's Endgame
24.08.2021 19:35 Matt Kahn
The ego always yearns for an endgame scenario. “How do I stop this, get rid of that, eliminate this, transcend that?” As long as this is the approach, you will simply redecorate ego with a new outfit made out of the same conditioning. While the ego always looks for things to stop, the one thing it cannot do is start something new. This is a choice only the soul can accomplish. By daring to focus on new choices, one empowered option at a time, you begin communing with your soul while simultaneously parting ways with attachments to ego with respect, humility, compassion and love. While the time spent asleep in ego undoubtedly leaves one with varying degrees of laziness, apathy, and exhaustion, it is your willingness to make new choices that aligns you with your soul, its wisdom, and the inspiration to choose wisely instead of impulsively. Such inspiration not only benefits you, but helps others evolve, once you are willing to be the first one to change for the better. This is the power of leading by example. Read More…
Monthly Message through Dianne Robbins - Changes Coming!
24.08.2021 19:22 Dianne Robbins | Hollow Earth
I am Mikos, Today we talk about Summer 2021, and how it is unfolding on Earth's surface. It will be a tumultuous time for the citizens of Earth, with much change in America as her government is going through changes to uncover deceit and darkness - you might say a "Spring House Cleaning" is about to happen with changes of governments, changes of hearts and changes of consciousness that will bring your planet into the Light once again, never to fall back into darkness, just a steady climb into the Light. Read More…
LIGHTWORKERS ARE EXPERTS IN SUFFERING Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - August 2021
24.08.2021 19:18 Aita | Lightworkers
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/21/2021 • The kingdoms within
24.08.2021 19:14 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You are rulers of a kingdom. Every one of you is sovereign over the fate of trillions of individual cells that live and breathe, eat, digest, metabolize, and create within you. Take a moment and see if you can imagine the vast populations of little tiny beings that make up the body you inhabit. Imagine them working together, signaling each other, taking in nourishment through their membranes, and releasing waste. Imagine the workers carrying the nutrients in the blood stream. Imagine the messengers in the nervous system carrying the guidance to each cell. Read More…
24.08.2021 19:12 Sirius
Dearest Ones the most important work that you can ever do is to work on yourselves to be the best that you can be. Many of you have been working tirelessly to wake people up to what has been going on in the last few months. Many of you tell us that you are now tired and exhausted by this work. We are here to tell you that it is TIME now to relax to just BE and to do all the things that you LOVE to do. Read More…
Saul through John: This is the age of Miracles!
24.08.2021 19:08 Saul | John Smallman
Humanity’s awakening is a done deal! Many are now feeling/intuiting the truth of this, the actuality of it, because it is occurring NOW. There is only Now, and more and more of you are becoming aware of this at moments of peace that arise in your daily lives, and it is inspiring and uplifting you as you wonder how many others are also experiencing this inner peace in these now moments. Initially they are but brief fleeting moments, bringing you a sense of wonder, of delight, but as you continue to open your hearts to invite Love in to embrace you they will manifest more frequently and last longer, as you realize more fully how life is Love, is Source, is Oneness and is always happening NOW. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 20, 2021
20.08.2021 21:20 Mike Quinsey
The future beckons and is full of promise and of an upliftment of your vibrations, and it is unstoppable as you start to enter a new area of space. In fact it is beginning to affect those of you who are already living your life with Ascension in mind. There are also signs that Governments are losing their appetite for warlike actions, and you will find a growing reluctance to war with other nations. It was expected and welcomed as a precursor to world peace. Countries are seeking a more friendly approach to their actions where differences are causing strife and problems that in the past would have resulted in a cold war. It is particularly apparent where religious differences have previously been so powerful that peaceful solutions have been difficult to come by. Read More…
20.08.2021 21:14 Teri Wade
Many have woken up to not only the darkness of the true reality of our world but just how global corporacy has hijacked our lives. Many are paying close attention to their shrinking wallets and the political circus currently being played out on the global stage. The system is now in the limelight but not how the global power structure would like. The social engineering agenda of dumbing the masses down to obedient little minions has been successful but too many are suffering and looking for answers now. Read More…
20.08.2021 21:08 Teri Wade
It will take 2,000 years to travel through these high frequency bands of the Photon Belt being streamed from the Great Central Sun. When we entered Aquarius in 2012 there was no other option but change. A higher vibrational existence was bound to happen. Every transition into a new Age is accompanied by global change and increasingly radical weather conditions. Read More…
How to Help the Unawakened Up Until Ascension ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
20.08.2021 20:58 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are opening ourselves up to the higher-dimensional energies that are coming in to our realm to support us in our support of you all. We know that you are needing more help from above, and we are happy to channel that for you. It is like this throughout the universe. Those who have risen up to a higher-dimensional plane or have never left that higher-dimensional plane help those who are yet to ascend to that level. We are all helping each other get back to Source, and when those of you who are awake look around at your fellow humans, you can see that certain ones have not reached your level of spiritual evolution, and so you want to help them out. Read More…
Gregg Braden - Two Way Conversation with the Divine Matrix… Physical & Non - Physical Worlds
20.08.2021 20:55 Gregg Braden | Science and Technology
What You Will Say After You Ascend ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
20.08.2021 20:50 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been taking all the time in the world to release ourselves from the bondage of limitation, limitation that keeps us in our current dimension. And we have been going about it in the slow, deliberate, methodical way that we have because we enjoy the journey so much, and we want to feel every last bit of release as we let go of all that is required to keep us in this dimension. The way that you all are shifting is similar, but it is also different in that most people are not choosing to go about the shedding of their layers in the same intentional way that we are. Read More…
THIRD DIMENSIONAL ARROGANT CERTAINTY ~ Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - August 2021
20.08.2021 20:45 Aita
Xiaera: Are you distracted?
20.08.2021 20:30 Jennifer Crokaert
Beloved sisters and brothers, it is our great pleasure and honour to revisit you this day, You are both on the cusp and in the moment. This is an historic moment that those of the dark side have tried to steal from you, to vanish from in front of your very consciousness, but they could not, as they had stepped beyond the laws of the Divine Oneness. This is the legacy that you were always destined to experience, and although it has been delayed more than you may like, it is in perfect alignment for this now moment. Read More…
We Got Abducted By Aliens Last Night...
17.08.2021 21:41 Alien Abduction | Elizabeth April
Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet via Galaxygirl | August 14, 2021
17.08.2021 21:39 Galaxygirl
Welcome humanity to the fold of the higher dimensions. Many of you have felt the escalation of the energies of late especially with the Lion’s Gate Portal, or the Earthly Portal of the Lion as we say. For we all have our own planetary portals and constellations that work with our own planetary stars and systems. Heaven is very complex and yet simple in its predictability of mathematical and energetic interactions. As heavenly bodies move they create massive gravitational pulls, energetic pulls and as the stars dance through the vortexes all are affected, especially those nearest. We have been coming near to your sphere to aid, to assist. Many of you have been assisting in your sleep state. Many of you know and love us deeply. As you are never ending souls you have had infinite adventures within many different forms, and this is another one of those adventures that you are having. We wish for you to lighten up and to not take yourselves so seriously for it will be like oil and water for you, and the lower dimensional muck will not stick. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/14/2021 • Water the fruits, not the weeds
17.08.2021 21:30 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine you had a garden. Imagine that every time you paid attention to one of the plants, it received nourishment, water, and plenty of sunshine. If you focus your attention on your fruits and vegetables they would ripen into a glorious harvest. If you focused on the weeds, they would grow just as eagerly. By your focus alone you would determine what would grow in your garden. Read More…
KaRa and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, August 1st, 2021
17.08.2021 21:24 James McConnell
I am KaRa. I come at this time to continue to bring you along, bring you along through this long period of darkness. For indeed, you have weathered the storm through these dark ages, lifetime, after lifetime, after lifetime. You find yourselves now at the end of those dark ages. Even though it seems quite dark now to many of you as you look within the illusion, and at times you forget that it is an illusion. You forget that it is a show. A drama being played out in front of you. And the more that you can be the observer self and witness all that is happening as a show, as a movie, as a play that is being enacted, and in many cases re-enacted, the better. Read More…
The One via Sophia Love - August 2nd, 2021
17.08.2021 21:11 Sophia Love
It is the One. There are subjects to consider and reasons for them that are necessary to discuss. You begin a rapid moment in your race’s history; in Gaia’s history. Time accelerates. The processes that cannot keep up with this acceleration will be abandoned. This is a trip of choice and also of function. What you will discover as you move forward is that many of the procedures which your society asks you to engage in, are not meant to evolve with you or to assist you. No. Instead they were invented to hold you up and stifle the process of unfolding. Unfolding occurs as an opening up – not a closing down or covering. Things are revealed in an opening. Surprises await. Read More…
Elena Danaan, Dr. Michael Salla And James Gilliland Covering The Latest GALATIC NEWS
17.08.2021 20:43 Elena Danaan | Dr. Michael Salla | James Gilliland | Galactic Federation | Secret Space Programs
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 13, 2021
13.08.2021 22:57 Mike Quinsey
As you adapt to the changes that are being made it has become obvious that some are here to stay. It is acceptable as you have much lost time to make up because you have been deliberately held back by the actions of the dark Ones. However, you have broken loose from their control and are making up for lost time. The changes are making the way you do things somewhat different, and for many who have got used to the “old ways” they do not come easily. But as with any changes you do eventually get used to them and can benefit from them. However on a worldwide basis many countries are so backward or live in poverty it is almost impossible to make up for lost time. Yet if the quality of life is to improve the beneficial changes must come in and quickly before you are overtaken by the climate changes that are already causing havoc. Read More…
Earth Intelligence Report (Holding the Line)
13.08.2021 22:53 Earth Intelligence Report | Brad Johnson
13.08.2021 22:50 Rebecca Porter | Exiting the Matrix
As we catalog the day to day events occurring around us, it is difficult to believe that our thoughts create the world we perceive. Few of us would consciously choose a reality of lockdowns, masks, “distancing”, and forced injections, a reality that people across the globe are in the throes of either witnessing or experiencing. But when we consider the power of our subconscious minds, the repressed trauma and the programs of fear and guilt to which humanity has subjected itself, the concept that the outer world is born from thought begins to make more sense. Read More…
The Secrets of Creation - Sound Energy Vibration Resonance Frequency - Michael Tellinger
13.08.2021 22:42 Michael Tellinger
Jeshua and Mary Magdalene: TIME FOR LOVE
13.08.2021 22:39 Sananda - Jesus | Mary Magdalene
Dearest Ones many of you are wondering when things are going to change. Those of you who are awake are wondering when those around you will also awaken from their slumbers. You watch the news and the real TRUTH is not being revealed and you get disappointed. You get angry when others discriminate against you, for not believing the current agenda and do not listen to your words of TRUTH. Many of you feel alienated from some of your friends and family. Life seems tough but Dearest children we are here to uplift you and to let you know that you are not alone. Read More…
HELL, AS OUR RELIGIONS DESCRIBE IT, DOES NOT EXIST ~ Aita channeling Her Higher Self. August - 2021
13.08.2021 22:32 Aita
SaLuSa: Behind The Scenes Activity
13.08.2021 22:23 Salusa
The behind-the-scenes movements are in full swing as major healings continue to take place. Around the Earth, there are many healing bases in the form of large spaceships, as well as environments called by many of you “Healing Houses” or “Transitional Houses” or even “Spiritual Hospitals”. These environments have been updated in recent times receiving more Light from the Angelic Realms, which, at this time, are even closer to Earth. Of course, with everything that’s been going on, we need to accelerate some things behind the scenes, and consequently this acceleration will directly affect the planet’s surface. Read More…
10.08.2021 21:55 Sirius
Dearest Ones WAKE UP THE TIME IS NOW. The so called Lions Gate is again upon the Earth at this time of your 8.8. every year when the Sirius star connects with the portal that is The Great Pyramid of Giza. However Dearest Ones, what you may not know is that you are all shining pyramids of LIGHT which can be attuned and activated by your own connection to Sirius and the frequencies of Light and Harmonics at this time and any time!!!! Read More…
10.08.2021 21:46 Covid-19
Update on Jupiter Meetings with the Galactic Federation of Worlds
More information has become available that better clarifies what happened at a set of secret meetings that took place in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter in mid-July involving representatives from different spacefaring nations and the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Elena Danaan, who first released news of the dramatic meetings from her extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon, has provided a diagram along with further explanatory comments that help considerably in getting a better idea of the different nations, corporations, and organizations that participated in the meetings, and the selection process for the nation that would be chiefly responsible for coordinating humanity in taking responsibility for the solar system – the USA. Read More…
Chief Eagle Feather via Galaxygirl | August 7, 2021
10.08.2021 21:19 Galaxygirl
Hou. I am Chief Eagle Feather. Humans of Earth, of Gaia’s reawakening. Mother Earth needs you now. You are here for such times that lie ahead. You must not grow weary or become faint of heart. The warrior rests in between battle. You have been in near constant battle for energy hijacking, clearing. Smoke. Sage smoke assists. I blow it towards you now to soothe you, mighty warriors all around I see listening. I do not see much talking. I see much listening, a quiet has come over the grounded ones of Gaia. And this is good. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/07/2021 • Coming to our Senses
10.08.2021 20:50 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a breath and as you exhale, relax. Take another one. Exhale. Relax even more deeply. With each exhale release your cares to the universe. All is well at this moment. You are sitting here and now, connecting with angels, and open to receiving our love. Right here, right now, breathe. Sit quietly for a few moments and imagine streams of light from our hands pouring into your hearts. Imagine your heart is open, like a flower is to the sunshine, drinking in this light. As you breathe and take in this light through your heart, imagine it filling your body, nurturing you, enlivening your cells, and loving you from the inside out. Stay in this space as long as you like. Read More…
Ashtar: Be Ready My Soldiers
10.08.2021 20:40 Ashtar
Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN! It is with great joy that I come once again to spread the feeling of victory and to demonstrate to you, that we are closer than ever to the great events. Be assured, nothing is out of control. Everything is happening as it has been meticulously planned. Every event, every move on the big board that is this planet, has been planned down to the last millimeter, and is being 100% successful. Every day, the more it seems that your world is going crazy, the more it seems that people are going crazy, because everything seems out of whack; everything seems much worse than it has ever been, and as we have often said, the veils have fallen, there are no more masks to drop. Read More…
10.08.2021 20:36 Tarot by Janine | Covid-19
Jesus through John: The state in which you are most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God
10.08.2021 20:21 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with joy as humanity processes and releases all the ‘stuff’ that is arising purely in order to be lovingly released. The lessons with which the ‘stuff’ has presented you have served their purpose and are no longer needed as an aspect of your awakening process. When all has been fully released – that release is occurring now worldwide – you will feel the strength of peace pervading your individual physical environments, your personal human space, as you open your hearts fully to Love, offering It the invitation to enter into your hearts to embrace you. It has been patiently waiting for this invitation for eons, and receiving it now allows Love to spread the magnificence of Its joy to all of humanity. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 06, 2021
06.08.2021 23:15 Mike Quinsey
Many changes are taking place on Earth as the old ways are being replaced with those that are more in line with your needs to move with the necessary changes. As you are now finding, much of which you have taken for granted and has served you well, is no longer adequate for the period of advancement you have now entered. Bear in mind that such changes are normal after the end of a solar cycle. The vibrations are continuing to lift you up giving you every opportunity to raise your own. Some of you will find it hard to maintain such high levels but that is to be expected, as you are not all at the same level of evolution. There is no shame or reason to be disappointed if you struggle to keep a positive outlook and are unable to lift your vibrations, as many souls are like you and as time passes you will progress and be given every assistance to do so. Read More…
Murdered CIA Agent Warned Us Of Underground Alien Bases & Abductions
06.08.2021 23:11 UFO Cover UP | Hidden Truth
Kryon ~ Crossing the Bridge to a Grander Truth
06.08.2021 22:33 Kryon
That non-changing, beautiful Source of Energy, that is the Creator of Love, will always be the same, but the relationship of the consciousness of an evolving Human Being will change. And this is who you are. Come a little closer. The revelation in the “Circle of Twelve” is this: you’re bigger than you were ever told. The plan, and there is one, is bigger than you were ever told. Read More…
Ashian: You are etched in the Divine Plan
06.08.2021 21:45 Jennifer Crokaert
Many in the light are struggling now, we are very aware of this and we send extended higher vibrations to the light community to help keep morale up. You are doing this. You came here with a sacred purpose, all of you, and whether you doubt yourselves or not, you are continuing to create the momentum that will create quantum change on your planet and solar system. Read More…
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner August 4, 2021
06.08.2021 21:25 Valerie Donner
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and also the Earth Council. I am with you today to shed some light on the current situation. There is much occurring on the earth and in your planetary system. We see that humanity is under great stress and so is the ground crew. There is a rapid influx of light and energies from creation contributing to vast change on the planet. This change is a requisite for ascension. Some might be feeling lost but please understand we are with you. There is a delightfully positive future coming your way. Read More…
EMBRACE PEACE AND JOY - Highest Council of Light Through Penni Moore
03.08.2021 22:26 Penni Moore
Greetings light beings! May we begin by advising that all is unfolding as planned, over these next few days, weeks, and months. For sure the earth is changing along with all of creation, and you are being recalibrated to meet the demands of future evolvement. This is a beautiful and creative time on our planet. Rest assured the right people and entities are in place, and they are carrying out the procedures that need to be taken care of, at this time. Step back and look at the bigger picture each time you are confronted with and introduced to the changes and situations occurring around your global communities. All, as you know is in divine order and no step or piece of the puzzle is left out. Each step leads to the next, and each step must be achieved before proceeding forward. Read More…
The Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild - August 3rd, 2021
03.08.2021 21:57 Galactic Federation | Blossom Goodchild
Yet, with respect … can you not see, can you not FEEL the amping up of Energies? The amping up of tensions all around you? When we say ‘These are the end times’ we do not mean for your Planet. We mean for the Game to be over. For the newness of Life to Blossom into fulness once again. We have said it will get worse before it gets better. We have told you that you will need every part of your Being to be on call, in order to remain in Strength during these times. On your mainstream media, there is little room for Truth. Yet, between the network of souls who KNOW THE TRUTH … so much is coming about in ways of breakthroughs. Read More…
Why Hugging Is Powerful: Especially When We’re So Isolated
03.08.2021 21:43 Health
When’s the last time you had a good hug? Can you even recall a time when one lasted longer than 10 or 15 seconds? Hugging releases oxytocin, a bonding hormone, as well as serotonin and endorphins. These hormones are a big part of what makes us feel good and build a sense of community and connection with others. When we hug our friends or family, or even spend a good few hours with them, we often don’t know what exactly the mechanism is that makes us feel good, but often times it’s touch, eye contact and reading facial expressions. Read More…
We Are Awakening Your Immortality ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton 07-29-2021
03.08.2021 21:30 Daniel Scranton
Message from Matthew - August 2, 2021
03.08.2021 21:25 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We begin by addressing your comments and questions—and understandable confusion—about vaccinations. In urging everyone to get them, mainstream media are emphasizing outbreaks of “the highly infectious Delta variant” in areas where many of the population have not been vaccinated. In Internet videos and interviews, medical specialists are issuing alarming reports about health conditions that will occur later in people who have been vaccinated. Read More…
Saul through John: Love never imposes or forces Itself on anyone
03.08.2021 21:21 Saul | John Smallman
Here in the spiritual realms we are watching over you lovingly and enthusiastically as you continue your rapid and unstoppable progress towards your awakening, which is now very close. Yes, the MSM is consistently reporting on news that encourages fear and alarm – events and happenings that are mostly of a collective karmic nature that need to be fully acknowledged and released – but the truth is that there is much to uplift and inspire you occurring worldwide as well that is not being widely reported. ‘Stuff’ continues to arise in everyone’s awareness, often painfully, for recognition, forgiveness, and release, and you are all doing great work as you deal in the present with this ancient, painful, and horribly shaming butunrealbaggage. It is not fun, and it is not enjoyable, but it has to be done so that you can fully open your hearts to Love, and your success in dealing with it and completely releasing it is divinely assured. Read More…
German newspaper APOLOGIZES for pushing COVID lockdown hysteria and harming society
For its contributions in spreading Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) lies that led to mass lockdowns, mask mandates, and psychological and physical torture by power-hungry government officials, the German news outlet Bild has issued a formal apology. Read More…
The Pineal Gland unveiled ~ with Kimberley Palm - July 30/2021
03.08.2021 21:03 Elena Danaan | Spiritual Awakening
Matt Kahn on Ego
03.08.2021 20:58 Matt Kahn
The ego always yearns for an end-game scenario. “How do I stop this, get rid of that, eliminate this, transcend that.” As long as this is the approach, you will simply re-decorate ego with a new outfit made out of the same conditioning. While the ego always looks for things to stop, the one thing it cannot do is start something new. This is a choice only the soul can accomplish. By daring to focus on new choices, one empowered option at a time, you begin communing with your soul, while simultaneously parting ways with attachments to ego with respect, humility, compassion and love. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/31/3031 • Are you enjoying your day?
03.08.2021 20:52 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Are you enjoying your life now? If not, what could you do today, to enjoy your life more? Are you enjoying your thoughts? If not what could you think about instead? Are you enjoying the things you focus on in the world? If not, what else might you focus upon? Read More…