Ashian: How to cope when the matrix implodes
24.08.2021 20:13 Jennifer Crokaert | The Event

How to cope with this implosion?
The lies are being made visible in order to dissolve them in the light of clarity, compassion and love. Darkness is dissolved by the light and you are the light. It is for that reason that every action you take from the light will expand the global grace required to transmute this time most quickly and effectively. What we present below is a reminder of what you already know, and it is by no means exhaustive. It is a cheat sheet! It is a reminder for when your mind goes blank and your heart goes numb: return to the basics.
- At your essence, humanity is of the light. Recentre in your hearts, in your love. It is worthwhile noticing what makes your heart sing now, so that you may develop a menu of solutions, pathways to the feelings of love and lightness; this will help when you feel overloaded and can’t even remember how to feel love. Suggestions include family, friends, pets, meditation, nature, yoga, deep breathing…. take notice now and make a list of what helps you reconnect with your inner light, your inner divine self, your sense of love.
- Limit your exposure. When you feel overwhelmed by the situation, it’s appropriate to take time out for self care, self love, self nurture. You cannot be there for anyone if you have lost yourself: there’s a reason adults must put on their oxygen masks before children in a plane. Many will return to the experience of child-like overwhelm – you cannot comfort them if you have lost your centre.
- Remember: this is a phase, the most painful phase in many respects. It will end. This flood will clear, cleanse and purify more than anything ever has, so when you feel overwhelmed remember that the worst of this will end: soon.
- Be Gentle. Be gentle with your self, and with others. Compassion, forgiveness, heart-centred listening, kindness… these qualities are your soul-compass. When in doubt about how to respond, return to these qualities.
- Channel anger and outrage appropriately. This is not the time to divide against each other, it is time to see reality clearly and when your innate sense of decency is so appalled that you are overwhelmed by anger, take time out. Immediately. Write out your anger, speak it out to a plant, cry into a pillow, draw it … there are as many ways to disseminate anger (without hurting or scaring others) as there are humans.
- Deep breathing is one of the most transformative exercises you can do. It opens up channels to your deepest heart, your innate wisdom and divine source. When stressed, B R E A T H E. It is magic.
- Allow others to have their reactions – most will be unable to respond in thoughtful ways. If you are prepared for this, you will not take their reactions personally. None of it is aimed at you. If you are sensitive or empathic, as is likely if you are reading this, be consistent in clearing your energies, daily and even hourly. You may use any and all methods you currently use, from smudging, to using light tools such as St Germaine’s violet flame, where you imagine his violet flame dissolving all negative thoughts, feelings and fears from your energy field instantly.
- Self Care. As far as you can, use all tools at your disposal to keep your energy clear, this includes fresh air (open a window), drinking water, choosing healthier food options, where you have access to them. Zoning out using addictive substances may seem attractive, but it does prolong the pain.
- Generosity of spirit towards others, sharing your time and resources, will reassure others that humanity is good, kind and loving. Many will need this reminder, it will be their safety net.
- Be yourself. You are the strongest of the strong, the bravest of the brave. You have awoken to be a conscious light in this time. While others will see only tragedy and terror, you will have greater insight and a wise heart. Trust yourself. You are where you are for a reason. Allow your mastery to shine with kindness and compassion.
- CALL UPON US. Whoever you turn to in times of trouble, call upon them. Whether you turn to a divine source, a gallactic, angelics or nature – whosoever you turn to, bring them closer to you. All who assist humanity on the subtle levels are here for you, as equals, as partners. We are all One. Notice signs, symbols and coincidences: these are our ways of signalling our presence.
- We love you and we are with you at all times.