June 2021
New Search Function on IntoTheLight.news
29.06.2021 22:35
A lot of you have been asking for a Search Function on IntoTheLight.news. I have now finally figured out how to realise this in a simple but efficient way. It is powered by DuckDuckGo and gives you quite good results. You can find the Search Bar on the right at the top of the blue sidebar. You can directly try it out here below:
WHY ARE WE TOLD TO JUST BE, JUST BREATHE? Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - June 2021
29.06.2021 22:30 Aita
Crystals of Inner Earth and Agarthans ~ galaxygirl 6/27/2021
29.06.2021 22:29 Galaxygirl | Hollow Earth
Greetings, most beloved ones. We are the Crystals of Inner Earth. We are connecting currently with this one from Agartha, inner realm of peace and great beauty. (I am seeing a crystal city surrounded by forests and fields of green. I am hearing a humming and feeling that this is a very high vibrational place. Beautiful tall people are walking wearing simple white clothing that is draped, adorned with precious metals in their hair and on their clothing. Serene crystal homes that are size adjustable, simple and clean have privacy technology or can be made transparent, depending on the need. Fountains, springs, water is all around and you can hear it through the city and neighborhoods. Read More…
Saul through John: Let go of any felt need to proselytize, to convert others to God
29.06.2021 22:10 John Smallman | Saul
Humanity is moving ever more rapidly towards its grand awakening, as more and more information about corruption in many and various kinds of organizations, that people have for many years believed to be honest, are being publicly revealed. It is shocking for the vast majority, who are themselves honest and who live lives of honesty and integrity, when it is very clearly demonstrated to them that the organizations that they were brought up to trust and respect have been lying, cheating and misleading them for decades. This is now coming to an end because those who have for many years – often quite unwillingly – supported those who control those delinquent organizations are no longer able in good faith to remain silent. Many “whistle-blowers” are now coming forward to reveal the enormity of the deception that has been perpetrated on the citizens of the world by their power-obsessed rulers and leaders. Read More…
Alien Ship Landing in African School: Over 60 Children Witness It
29.06.2021 22:04 Extraterrestrial Races | Disclosure
What Lies Within the Star Children ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council
29.06.2021 21:55 Daniel Scranton | Star Children
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are determined to play our part in the evolution of consciousness there on Earth, just as we know that many humans are determined to play their parts and help in whatever ways that you can. We know that you all recognize the potential that exists within each child to make Earth a better place. We know that you all know that the children who are coming in are quite different than all the children of all previous generations. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/26/2021 • Does your focus spark joy?
29.06.2021 21:30 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As the human race continues your transition into the 5D reality, you are learning a very different way of living – one that has always been the way the universe truly works, but one that is more obvious than ever before. Your focus determines your thoughts. Your thoughts (or silent mind) tune you into a vibration, and your vibration is made manifest first through your feelings, then by what shows up in your life. Read More…
Remote Viewing the Galactic Federation of Worlds AND Multiple 'Galactic Federations' are Intervening in Human Affairs
29.06.2021 21:12 Dr. Michael Salla | Galactic Federation
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 25, 2021
25.06.2021 22:41 Mike Quinsey
At our higher level we see all before us and it is a quagmire of actions that are mostly negative, but we must give credit to those who are attempting to bring stability and purpose into your lives. There is a cleansing taking place that is proving successful but the size of the task is formidable so it is impossible to accurately predict when it will be near to completion, however progress is being made and success is assured. It is no mean task to round up the dark Ones who have broken the Law and ensure a stop to their activities. The purge will go on until it is safe to introduce beneficial changes that will lift the people up. The plan for your upliftment has already been prepared and simply waiting for the right circumstances to proceed. Read More…
HOW WE UP SPIRAL INTO THE LOVE VIBRATION ~ Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - June, 2021
25.06.2021 22:33 Aita
Preparing for First Contact
25.06.2021 22:24 Suzanne Lie
It is the NOW for the Awakened Ones, to awaken those humans who are still asleep. By “ sleep" we mean that there are still too many humans who do not know about and/or believe that there are higher dimensional beings that live in the higher frequencies of reality. Of course, many humans still have no idea at all that there are different frequencies of reality. In fact, many, if not most, humans on Gaia’s Earth within this NOW, have no idea that there are Galactic Beings who exist in the higher frequencies of the reality that encircles dear Planet Earth, whom we often call "Mother Gaia,” or “Mother Earth.” Unfortunately, there are still far too may humans who do not think of planet Earth as a living being. In fact they think of Earth as a big rock that somehow has been the home world for many third dimensional versions of reality. Read More…
The 9D Arcturian Council: Your Mission to Save Humanity, Earth & the Universe
25.06.2021 22:14 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are absolutely delighted to see so many of you tuning in to galactic energies and realizing that you have a history that goes far beyond your lifetimes there on Earth. We know that Earth is a challenging place to incarnate, and we know that many of you who receive these transmissions know that you incarnated for the sole purpose of helping the humans of Earth. Read More…
Gregg Braden - Major Implication for Humanity Through Three Cycles of Times
25.06.2021 21:50 Climate Change | Gregg Braden
Source via Galaxygirl | June 21, 2021
25.06.2021 21:45 Galaxygirl | Prime Creator
In the beginning all was me, the light of myself, illuminating and free, unbound by any physicality of expression. In the beginning all I knew was of myself and the great mystery beyond myself. For I had not further expanded, I was all that I knew. And so I created aspects. Aspects of myself that I could communicate with, share the great mystery and joy of life with. And as aspects of myself they were creators of the highest order, for they were the first order. Elohim. Seraphim. Archangels. All were created to experience further differentiation of themselves as myself. Read More…
The "Border" Children Give Their Message...
25.06.2021 21:34 Losha
We are One now, those of us who were children at the “borders.” We are safe and loved now, but we would still like for our “story” to be heard. We feel it is important. We were children mostly from countries outside of the United States...and we were “used” as leverage, and hostages at times, so the organized crime members could then gain large amounts of money for us. Read More…
The Galactic Federation of Light - You are the chosen ones
22.06.2021 22:19 Galactic Federation
I'm excited to bring you this message directly from the Galactic Federation of Light, specifically for this newsletter. Thank you GFL! Thank you Shawna. Thank you all souls on Earth who are reading this message. You are the chosen ones. You are the way-showers. You are the ones who will bring this planet into the next phase of its existence. How are you feeling on this glorious day, about this decision you have made for yourself? Read More…
Bethulia: Earth’s Sister Planet
22.06.2021 22:07 Galaxygirl | Mother Gaia
I am Bethulia. I am watching your progress upon my sister planet, Gaia. We are energetically linked for we have had similar experiences in many ways. I have ascended beyond my pain and I am assisting with sending my love to your planet, my dear friend, moment by moment. We planetary grid members are banding together more and more to offer our support and love for you and for Gaia, for we are like the neurons in your brain. We are always firing messages to each other and together create a pulsing white grid of light, of interdimensional consciousness and deep community. Read More…
HISTORY OF THE SOUL’S JOURNEY ON PLANET EARTH Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - June 2021
22.06.2021 22:05 Aita
The 9D Arcturian Council: June 2021 Solstice Energy Update
22.06.2021 22:02 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in seeing what you will all do with these solstice energies that are already upon you. You have many different uses for the energies, and as we have previously mentioned, you are getting third eye chakra upgrades that will impact your pineal glands and open you up to more inter-dimensional contact. However, that was just a piece of the June solstice story. There are other energies that are coming in, energies that are meant to support you in becoming the leaders of the awakened, the teachers to the newly awakened, and the activators to the unawakened. Read More…
This Is The Real Pandemic! - June 19, 2021 Update
22.06.2021 21:51 Exiting the Matrix | Hidden Truth
Great day Patriot, Today is Juneteenth. This is the day that celebrates the freedom of all people. But did you know there are more slaves now than in any other time in known human history? It’s true. And I’m not talking about the brainwashed sheep watching television and walking around with their masks on. They are slaves too. But they are mental slaves. I am referring to physical slaves! Read More…
Message from my Dear Departed Pop!
22.06.2021 21:36 Losha
Hello to all who are reading my darling daughter’s website! I am so very happy to be able to speak through my daughter today. I miss her greatly, but I am also very happy where I am right now, and with how much I have learned about many subjects since I crossed over in 2016. As a side note, Losha’s mother also crossed over just before I did, in the same month of February. I have been slightly pestering my daughter to receive my message because I have seen what is going on in the world right now from a new and different perspective, and I have also seen the wondrous future which is upcoming for all of you!...and I would like to impart my thoughts to whomever wishes to read it. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/19/21 • From exhaustion to inspiration & tools for happiness
22.06.2021 21:24 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Never in your human history have you, as a species, been clearer on what you want from life. Your pandemic inspired you to send cries unto the heavens. "We want to be in this together. We are one world." "We want to connect! We are tired of hatred!" "We are tired of polluting the planet we walk upon." "We are tired of doing things that feel meaningless, going through the motions in life, and feeling duty-bound." "Dear heavens, we are tired..." Read More…
22.06.2021 21:20 Juan O Savin | Dave Waterbury
Message from the Andromeda Galaxy - June 16, 2021
22.06.2021 21:13 Extraterrestrial Races
We in the Andromeda Galaxy are well aware of what is happening on Earth now. We follow with excitement but from a distance because we do not want to be seen by the people on earth. Not yet. We bid our time. When the time is right, we will interact with the people who work for the light. with the light bearers. We will work together to end the dark age on this time. Many down there believe that this may be the end of the earth but we tell you. This is the beginning of the new earth, the beautiful earth with fresh greenery, clean water and people who live in peace and harmony with themselves, each other and the animals. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 18, 2021
18.06.2021 21:57 Mike Quinsey
The end of the worldly troubles is in sight but even when you return to what you would call normality there is much to be done to start anew and leave much of the old behind. With lockdown many countries have been laid bare and their shortcomings so apparent. It is not always the result of mismanagement but circumstances that have led to the acknowledgement of antiquated systems and a lack of foresight. Inequality has led to a great disparity between countries, although it is also due to the misuse of funds that have been kept for personal gain. These situations are coming to light and steps are being taken to remove those who have abused their power for their personal benefit. Read More…
Ashtar: The Current Role of Star Seeds
18.06.2021 21:48 Ashtar
Good day to you humans, I come with news and joy. It has come to my attention that you all are in a great ordeal and format of confusion and fear. You will soon come to understand what it is like to be of a Galactic nature, to carry the galactic blueprint as it will start to activate in a short notice. Allow me to inform you that your Stellar sisters and brothers of Light have been downloading different forms and formats of information for each individual on this Earth. All templates of a Galactic nature are receiving, or are rather being bombarded, with multiple codes and information from different Galactic planes. As this differs for each individual, no Being is forgotten nor ignored. ALL of you are receiving the codes which serves the Highest good of Humanity and the SELF. Dear Star seeds: if you are tuning into my message for Humanity: welcome and listen carefully for further instructions. Read More…
The Whole Truth Must be Revealed
There have been so many references to “watch the water” and “TerraMar” that at last I went to an article on TerraMar. (No, I’m not going to reference it.) I had to put my laptop down for an hour. Again I offer the concept of “honest witnesses to the truth.” (1) Some people watch the videos of human-rights abuses so that you don’t have to. Usually it’s their job. Read More…
TRUTH CANNOT BE SHARED WITH THOSE WHO ARE INSANE~Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - June 2021
18.06.2021 21:37 Aita
The 9D Arcturian Council: E.T. Encounters, UFOs & Non-Interference
18.06.2021 21:35 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are letting you in on as much as we can at this time, because certain information that we have obtained would be interference if it were shared with you at this time. There is a reason why the non-interference rule is in place for humanity. You must be allowed to evolve on your own, and we have seen your history and know what happens when attempts are made to nudge you forward. Read More…
18.06.2021 20:51 Sirius
Dearest Ones we are here to say to you yet again. ALL IS WELL. You have all been through so much in the past year and many of you are feeling tired, weak, exhausted and wondering what your life is all about. You wonder when the darkness that is being shown to you, will all end and why you are even here on the Earth's plane at all. Many of you feel downhearted that your families and friends are still asleep and why you haven't been able to awaken them so to speak. Read More…
How The Media Is WEAPONIZED Against Us (On Both Sides)
18.06.2021 20:49 Mockingbird Media | Exiting the Matrix
Dianne Robbins Monthly Message - Unity Consciousness
18.06.2021 20:47 Dianne Robbins | Hollow Earth
I am Mikos, and today I will talk about our lives within the Globe, and how synchronicity guides our every movement and thought, for we are within the Unity Consciousness that prevails in our Universe. And once within this frequency of consciousness, you have access to all thoughts and information that exist within this wave band. This is the path that is opening to all surface dwellers. It is this path that, if you follow it, will lead you into emergence with all of us underground, and all life in the Universe. Read More…
The Children from the "Ever Given" Cargo Ship...
18.06.2021 20:41 Losha
We are the children who died while we were being held on the cargo ship called the Ever Given. Everyone was talking about the ship, and what it might be holding...well, it was “holding” us. There were a lot of us on that ship who did not live to be rescued. We are very sad about that...but we have been told by the beings who are helping us now that we will not be sad for much longer. They tell us that we have some “deprogramming” to do...they say we have to let go of all the bad stuff that happened to us. They say that we have had other lifetimes that we will learn about later...but right now, all we want to do is to feel better...no more pain, no more darkness, no more being afraid, no more loneliness. Read More…
Exposing the Big Lie - America's UFO Technology
15.06.2021 22:24 UFO Cover UP | Dr. Michael Salla
Twin Flame ascension report: massive wave of unions incoming... rest now beloveds
15.06.2021 22:18 Jen Mccarty | Ascension
Dearest beloveds, greetings of the most high. We come through in this moment to offer you all some insights into the current energetics that are subsuming Terra Gaia at the moment. Dearest hearts, hold tight. We are all on the verge of receiving a huge upgrade in our DNA patterning. This refers to you and all flowers and trees and animals. This current ASCENSION trajectory is on, and at this conjecture, there is no turning back. It's like the moment that the bungee jumper jumps off the cliff. At that moment, there is no turning back. Neither is there the possibility to backtrack. So, beloved, we invite you to say yes to everything that is presenting to you as a divine mirror in your reality at the moment. Read More…
UFO Disclosure Is Coming To The Forefront Of Human Consciousness
UFO disclosure is hitting the mainstream media these days, and many wonder about the different directions this still-unfolding story could potentially take. The governmental leaders and mainstream media may create another fear-based narrative by twisting the truth and utilizing this subject to their advantage. UFOs have always been around, but never before has there been more activity than now. That is because the peoples of Earth had never been abused to such extremes as in this present moment. It is imperative to understand who these beings are who are navigating the mysterious aircrafts. We have lived in supreme arrogance, thinking we're the only populated planet of the universe for a very long time because those who rule over Earth decided that they would be more powerful if they kept us in darkness. Read More…
The 9D Arcturian Council: A June Solstice Gift for the Awakened
15.06.2021 21:15 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are watching and waiting, feeling into the possibilities for what we can deliver to you all for the upcoming June solstice event. We know that many of you feel that you are ready for anything and everything that we could possibly throw at you, but we have to work within the parameters of what is allowed by your higher selves, and we also cannot overwhelm the rest of humanity with what they are not ready for. And so, we negotiate and contemplate, and as always, we look for opportunities to reach only those of you who are ready. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/12/2021 • Untether the Rope....
15.06.2021 20:59 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You have a saying upon your earth, "A rising tide raises all boats." We would add, "as long as the rope that tethers the boats to the dock is long enough to withstand the tide!" Can you imagine what happens to a boat tethered by a short rope during a high rising tide? You already know the answer – either the rope must break, or the boat will flood. Read More…
15.06.2021 20:50 Environment | Climate Change
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 11, 2021
11.06.2021 22:22 Mike Quinsey
The hopes and wishes of the people are gathering force and must eventually bring about changes that are long overdue. It features the removal of those in power who do not carry the best interests of the people, and it is sad for us to see that the only way you can achieve your freedom is through the use of force. The will is there to succeed but until your efforts are drawn together, they cannot fully benefit from the potential power that they have. Thought alone is powerful and all of the time people are projecting them they become a collective that will have the power to materialise them. So never assume that your positive thoughts are a waste of time, as certainly every little helps and remains in the ethers waiting to be used. Read More…
Is the 4th Reich’s Dark Fleet abandoning Antarctica?
According to Elena Danaan, a former professional French archeologist who claims to be a contactee with the ‘Galactic Federation of Worlds’, an exodus of a German 4th Reich controlled “Dark Fleet” is currently underway that is creating a power vacuum that different nations are trying to fill by building bases in Antarctica. Her information comes from an extraterrestrial from the Taygeta star system in the Pleiades she identifies as ‘Thor Han’, and a current resident at the US McMurdo base who goes by the name ‘Frank’, and whose last name I will keep private. Read More…
Alisheryia the Dragon: Align with Peace
11.06.2021 21:57 Galaxygirl
Greetings little humans. I Alisheryia am speaking. I am here as representative of the divine feminine with my soothing blue vibration of deep peace, creativity, tranquility. I soothe the fires of the divine masculine. Those who align with peace, harmony and creativity are aligned with the divine feminine deep within them that is now rising and coming full force to the surface realm. She retreated deep within the earth and within the distant memories of men as the time of imbalance and discord played out upon the surface and inner astral realms. The divine feminine is rising, returning into the memories of those who had forgotten and it is cooling the fires of disharmony upon your planetary sphere. Read More…
The One through Sophia Love - June 9, 2021
11.06.2021 21:32 Sophia Love
It is the One. Things are occurring right now on this planet that effect the course of the (human) race. These are hidden from the public view at this point. They will not always be. It is helpful for you to hear of these things. As you do, and you process their meaning, you’ll have a more expanded view. Part of the process of your expansion is this view. You will incorporate a broader perspective into your seeing, and will have a deeper comprehension of how your life fits. How your life fits into the greater scheme of things. For you are here with purpose. That purpose is both personal and what you might call global. Read More…
The Next Phase of Mass Awakenings ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council
11.06.2021 21:05 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are entering into a new phase, along with all of you and all other beings and collectives within the galaxy and universe. This phase represents the evolution of consciousness that has occurred there on Earth in particular, as we have seen you all take another giant leap forward in the reclaiming of the truth of who you really are as Source Energy Beings. There has been another mass awakening of individuals who had their own unique awakening experiences, experiences that left their minds blown, their worlds shaken, and yet their hearts opened in ways that they are finding difficult to communicate to the others in their lives. Read More…
Matt Kahn: More Than The Eyes Can See
08.06.2021 22:00 Matt Kahn
Dear Friend, If you can see the bravery it takes to be open, heart-centered, and rooted in love throughout a world engulfed in fear, steeped in pain, and overwhelmed by trauma, you are beginning to remember why you came to help. It is a depth of help that doesn’t always require your choice to be helpful, but the natural state of your energy field to radiate frequencies of light in all directions-- whether you are aware of it or not. Read More…
June Galactic Federation Monthly Message
08.06.2021 21:57 Elizabeth April | Galactic Federation
James Gilliland: End Time Madness, The Days to Come
It’s been a while since the last newsletter. At the sake of those who wish to live in denial and bury their heads in the sand we are going to express a little tough love. It is undeniable now that we have just experienced a cyber and biological attack on America and the world. The extreme now proven election fraud, draconian measures to shut down America and the world due to covid 19 which is now proven to be a bio weapon created in a lab in Wuhan China has all been part of a master plan. This plan was implemented and made public by the Cabal or global elite which were joined by the CCP, Communist Chinese Party in an all-out global assault on humanity. Read More…
Earth Intelligence Report - June 2021
08.06.2021 21:45 Earth Intelligence Report | Brad Johnson
The 9D Arcturian Council: More Personal E.T. Encounters
08.06.2021 21:43 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very happy to be speaking with all of you who will receive this transmission. We are very pleased to report to you that the progress you’ve been making has been making waves throughout the galaxy. More and more beings have been paying attention to those of you who are opening yourselves up to extra-terrestrial contact and to the higher frequency energies coming from the non-physical realms. There is of course quite a bit of talk about when each of you who is awake will be ready for full, physical extra-terrestrial contact. Read More…
"The Children" Speak...
08.06.2021 21:13 Losha
Welcome to all who read this message...we currently exist in the higher realms and we are the collective of “children” who have crossed over after being tortured, killed, raped, and sacrificed...throughout the last several millennia. Yes, that is how long these heinous acts have been happening to “us.” We have asked Losha to speak for us now...as she is also one of us, because she had the same horrific acts exacted upon her in several earlier lifetimes...that is why she is “hearing” us now. We have asked Losha to carry our words to as many as will hear them and we appreciate all who do hear us. Read More…
The Event
What is the Event? The Event could possibly be the most important event to occur in humanity's evolution to date and could possibly occur in our very near future. If you're coming from a biblical perspective some call this the Rapture. The Event is a quantum shift in our consciousness that will affect everyone of us in profound ways. Currently, every person is/has been going through an Ascension process whether you're aware of it or not. You are going through it on an individual level and we're going through it collectively also. This Ascension process is made up of many multi-layered, gradual experiences all to prepare us for this final event that could soon erupt in a single powerful event that would bring to an end of humanity's long, long history and usher in a new beginning. Read More…
This is Getting too REAL, History is NOT What We Are Told
08.06.2021 21:02 Michael Tellinger | Galactic History
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/05/2021 • Obi Wan Had it Right!
08.06.2021 20:54 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, It is time upon your planet earth to care about how you feel and to tend to your own feelings. Like a gardener nurtures his or her plants in all phases of development – whether they are lying dormant in dark soil, sprouting, blossoming, or releasing their seeds – so too you can gently tend to your heart at all times. Whether you are in a phase of dormancy, creating new life, enjoying a harvest, or letting go, your feelings matter. Your feelings let you know whether or not you are in a higher vibration and traveling on a grace-filled path. They are your guides. Read More…
Jesus through John: Awakening to Reality - A Joy-filled Book from Jesus
04.06.2021 22:38 John Smallman | Sananda - Jesus
Reality is where you are in every moment. So you will awaken Now, and when you do it will seem that you were never asleep, as the joy of this eternal Now moment continues to embrace you and enfold you in the field of divine Love that is Source, that is You! You have never left Home because there is nowhere else, there is nowhere that you could go. You are One with Source in every moment as You constantly co-create in concert with and utterly harmoniously with the One, with the All, in a glorious symphony of praise that is continuously being offered to and accepted by Source, Mother/Father/God, One, Love, Wisdom – You! Joy is your nature and nothing can disturb or change it because Love, which is eternally unchanging, is, by It’s very nature, Joy. Read More…
Initiating Dream Contact with Aliens: Ancient Civilizations Used This Method
04.06.2021 22:30 Galactic History
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 04, 2021
04.06.2021 22:22 Mike Quinsey
There are two main groups on Earth at present occupying each end of the spectrum, you would know them as those of the Light and the Dark. They are both fighting for control of the Earth and as it stands the Light is leading the way. The dark Ones will try by every means possible to regain their position but it will be to no avail. You could say that the dark Ones have had their day but they will not accept defeat. However, as events move on and the vibrations increase their place and influence will cease to have the power to dictate the future of mankind. With the arrests that have been taking place their strength has been diminished and their plan for world domination is in tatters. It is difficult to see it with so much unrest all around, but the people have awakened to what has been going on. They have been making their protests all over the world and will eventually be heard and taken notice of. In reality it is the people who hold the power and when they put their petty squabbles behind them and come together amazing things can be achieved. Read More…
04.06.2021 22:10 Covid-19 | Exiting the Matrix
A Mindful Future by Saint Germain - Channeled through Natalie Glasson
04.06.2021 22:08 Natalie Glasson | St. Germain
Greetings, I am Saint Germain, and it is an honour to come forth to you once more. I have been delivering many messages and expressions of insights or energy to you over this period of ascension. I am extremely excited and in the midst of ascension process that is taking place, adding my own wisdom, guidance and support to all who are moving through the ascension process now. In this moment, I Saint Germain, wish to share an insight to open your mind, to create a new perspective, a vision, or an understanding that you can carry forth in your ascension and your existence upon the Earth. When we have a vision or an understanding in our minds it supports us in moving forth in achieving what is necessary. It also allows your own being to open up some new opportunities and experiences, as well as allowing new energies to enter into your space. Read More…
‘We Made a Big Mistake’ — COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels From Injection Site, Can Cause Organ Damage
COVID vaccine researchers had previously assumed mRNA COVID vaccines would behave like traditional vaccines. The vaccine’s spike protein — responsible for infection and its most severe symptoms — would remain mostly in the injection site at the shoulder muscle or local lymph nodes. But new research obtained by a group of scientists contradicts that theory, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week. “We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.” Read More…
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner June 2, 2021
04.06.2021 21:38 Valerie Donner
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am also placed in the Earth Council for the exact purpose of this Ascension process occurring now with your planet. As most of you know, we assist other planets with their Ascension process. We have a precious and vested interest in the earth. We are here to assist humanity, all of life on the earth, as well as the earth herself. We are dear friends with the earth. We know love and respect her immensely. We celebrate her ascension for she deserves this graduation from the enormous and atrocious forces of darkness. Some of you may be feeling lighter frequencies due to the dark ones’ isolation and removal from your beloved planet. You might be feeling as if you can breathe again. Read More…
Ronna Vezane ~ Archangel Michael: The State of the Earth and Humanity
04.06.2021 21:11 Archangel Michael
Beloved masters, allow us to give you a brief overview as to the “current state of humanity and the Earth” from our perspective. Imagine that you are viewing your planet with our visual capabilities from one of the great Light Cities high above the Earth. We see the greatest and the most minuscule solid forms and structures, but we also see and sense the vibrational patterns and colors radiated forth from every animate and inanimate object on Earth. We constantly observe and monitor the changing patterns within the Earth, the oceans, the atmosphere and Auric Field of the Earth, as well as the activities of your sun and the Elements of nature. We see the areas, both large and small, that are beginning to radiate the brighter, harmonious colors and vibrations of the Archetypal Planes of Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension and the new Divine Blueprint for the Age of Aquarius. Read More…
CHARACTERISTICS OF LIGHTWORKERS Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - June 2021
04.06.2021 21:07 Aita | Lightworkers
Twin Flame ascension report: Deep restoration for the divine feminine
04.06.2021 21:02 Jen Mccarty | Ascension
Dearest brothers and sisters, Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time, with much news to share with you, ever-evolving humanity. Those of you who are on the awakening path are being extremely tested at the moment. Tested to see whether you are able to stand in a space of non-judgment towards those around you that are making choices that you considered to be incongruent towards health and wellbeing. We have much news to share with you as ever. The first thing that would like to be discussed is what is being presented currently on the world stage at the moment. Many times in these ascension reports we have spoken about the bifurcation timeline split, which is connected to the intense bombardment of photonic light particles that are pouring into Earth currently from galactic central. Read More…
Earth is getting Unbearable We want out - A Metatron Channeling for Starseeds & Lightworkers
04.06.2021 20:52 EldoRa & Siman | Archangel Metatron
Message from Matthew - June 2, 2021
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Energy surges that are propelling Earth along her ascension pathway are raising vibrations throughout your world. This will continue until she reaches her destination in high fifth density, where Gaia, the soul that embodied as the planet, remained during the long ages that amassing negativity spiraled her body downward into deep third density. Only readers of information from messengers of the light know Earth is steadily ascending into higher astral planes, but two effects of rising vibratory levels, although not attributed to such, are clearly evident. Read More…
Galactic Fleet Command: Change by Contract
01.06.2021 21:45 Galactic Federation | Covid-19
Greetings, Dear Ones on our beloved Earth planet! We wish to share with you at this time something that you may already well know, but we feel it bears repeating. As more information is being revealed concerning the truth of COVID19, there have been statements made about the needless deaths of countless millions because of incorrect procedures for containment, etc. You have heard the stories, and so we shall not recount them here. What we wish to bring to your attention – whether already known or not – is the reality of those deaths. Read More…
JUDGEMENT VS. DISCERNMENT and OLD SOULS VS. YOUNG SOULS - Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - May 2021
01.06.2021 21:40 Aita
JFK: Postscript re. the Vaccine, and Our Future 5D World!
My beloved Patriots, Lightworkers, and all who are working for the Light...welcome, welcome! Before I begin my message, I would like to address my most recent message through Losha, regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. In it, I stated that the vaccine had the ability to “upgrade” the galactic DNA which is not of the Light, that is inside you...there have been both light and dark galactic species inlaying their DNA into your physical vessels throughout the millennia. As such, the vaccine has recently been altered by the benevolent galactics to provide the upgrade about which I speak. Read More…
James Gilliland - As You Wish Talk Radio
01.06.2021 21:24 James Gilliland | Exiting the Matrix
June 2021 Energies: Big Changes ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 05-31-2021
01.06.2021 21:17 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very happy to be able to give you our perspective on the energies that we can feel coming in for humanity and planet Earth in the month of June. In many ways, June is a month of new beginnings. It is a month of you being able to receive energies that will assist you in making the big changes that you want to make in your own lives. These are very supportive energies that are coming, but they are also energies that are meant to stir things up. Read More…
From Tyranny to Liberation
01.06.2021 21:07 Exiting the Matrix | Teri Wade
With all this extreme chaos currently going on so many don't realize that it stems from a global control structure. Humanity is having their own victim patterns used against them and manipulated into emotional storms of hatred and violence serving the very people they claim to be against, completely ignorant of their handlers. What so many people aren't asking themselves is who are the dividers? Who are the profiteers that sit on the top of the pyramid of war and disease? They own your religions, politicians, mainstream media and monetary systems. What many don't understand is they also own your mind and the last thing they want is for you to take the red pill. Read More…
The children are the solution. They are here to create a new world!
01.06.2021 20:58 Ashley Ulizzi | Star Children
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/29/2021 • Force, Source, Impulse, & Surrender
01.06.2021 20:53 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Be gentle with yourselves. These are intense times upon your planet earth. A mighty force of love is cascading into your planet right now and it is stirring up all that was once stagnant, releasing all that was once stuffed, and pushing up against all the walls of your resistance to love. This force of love is catalyzing the massive awakening that humanity, collectively, has prayed for. You are re-birthing yourselves, and birth can either be a glorious experience of surrender, or a tough process of pushing past the pains of resistance. Read More…