August 2017
Saint Germain via James McConnell, August 27th, 2017
31.08.2017 21:09 St. Germain | James McConnell
I AM St. Germain. I come with the Violet Flame, Violet Light to continue this process that was begun long ago, the process that you all came here with as the light workers, the light sharers, the light warriors that you were and have once again become. Read More…
Jesus through John: When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety
30.08.2017 19:15 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman

All of humanity is now on a highly accelerated path towards waking up, it is both exciting and uplifting, and, at the same time, quite unsettling because you appear to have lost your sense of direction spiritually speaking. Really it is a time of allowing life to unfold for you, just as you originally planned it, instead of attempting to direct it from your human and egoic perspective which nearly always leads to pain and disappointment. Read More…
Sheldan Nidle Update - 29.08.2017 - It is time for all to come to fruition!
29.08.2017 21:30 Sheldan Nidle | Galactic Federation
Selamat Jalwa! Funding is now approaching. Multitudes of currencies are being readied to make everyone in the various programs wealthy, healthy and wise! It has taken a long time for us to overcome the lethargy that has delayed these programs. All is in place to show you that the long wait is justified and at last you can enjoy the wondrous fruits of your labors. Read More…
"Tantrum" - GCR/RV SITREP - Tuesday - August 29, 2017
29.08.2017 21:23 Geopolitics | Financial System
Meaning, there is no permanent or real chaos remaining in the world, so all this foolishness must be manufactured or ginned up chaos in an attempt to stop the RV. This you know. What you don't know is the cabal end game started over 20 years ago when their alien Annunaki mastermind left them. Read More…
29.08.2017 21:16 Beautiful Nature
Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, August 27th, 2017
28.08.2017 18:18 Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I want to apologize for all delays that have been caused by both bankers and the cabal. But now we are on the right keel again and have wind in our sails. Thank you for your patience dear Earthlings. It is nice that you have anchored the light so steadily on Earth that nothing could go wrong. Everything is going in the right direction my friends and the work with restoring our Earth has already started. Read More…
“Star Wars” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Monday – August 28, 2017
28.08.2017 18:05 Geopolitics | Financial System

Now that I have everyone’s full attention… Benevolents stopped Hurricane Harvey before it reached Fort Hood (Killeen, Texas) which is the military and gold headquarters for the restored Republic. Read More…
Message from Matthew - August 26, 2017
27.08.2017 13:32 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by addressing a reader’s email that is much the same as numerous others my mother is receiving: “Every light worker I know is either sick or in situations which are less then enviable. It makes us wonder if it's all for naught. People are on the verge of exhaustion and do not have the energy level to keep sustaining others in either teaching or just being present. Maybe Matthew could give us some insight.”
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Total Solar Eclipse Across America - August 21, 2017 - This Is The Story of Bliss
27.08.2017 13:21 Elisabeth Trutwin | Galactic History

Today is a significant celestial event designed to help Earth and accomplishes many goals as She spirals back to her rightful place in the Milky Way Galaxy. How did Earth fall so far off course? That is a very big story which spans millions of years and several destructions such as the last extraterrestrial impact which sent us into an ice age for 1000 years. Read More…
Orkney 'Surf n Turf' | Fully Charged
27.08.2017 13:17 Science and Technology | Free Energy
"Deeper" - GCR/RV SITREP - Saturday - August 26, 2017
27.08.2017 12:44 Geopolitics | Financial System
It’s the end of August, a perfect time to release the RV due to low business / trading volume. The kids are still out of school, and most families are soaking in one of the last summer weekend before everyone gets back to work post Labor Day. Read More…
26.08.2017 21:04 Spirit Science | Astrology

Astrology is a major topic of discussion these days, people are becoming more and more aware of the intimate connection between the forces of the cosmos and the events that happen on Earth. Nobody can say for certain that the movement of celestial bodies can actually dictate or facilitate events in our lives, but yet it is not hard to find correlations between the movements of the planets and the experiences that we have, if we are willing to look.
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Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: You cannot fail
26.08.2017 20:57 Ann Albers

It is only the human conditioning which robs you of your natural state of joy and makes you feel anything less than Divine.
In our eyes, you are perfect, exactly as you are.
When you came to earth as babies, you knew you were perfect. You loved yourselves. You cried when you had need. You laughed when something was funny without worrying about being "socially correct" You didn't have a shred of guilt in reaching out for what fascinated you. You lived authentically.
And then, as you say, life happened. You became conditioned by others.You started to feel guilty when your authentic self no longer matched what others wanted, or expected of you. You were trained to conform, to "succeed," and to "please."
Deep down however, a fire of Divine Love (self love) burns within you. Whether it has been covered over so strongly that the sheer effort of denying your truth has resulted in depression, whether it erupts in angry spurts when quenched too long, or whether it burns warmly... it is always there. It cannot be extinguished. It is who you really are.
A rose does not feel guilty for its thorns. A river makes no apology for carving a channel through stone. The sun does not take responsibility for anything other than shining, even though clouds may obscure its light. All of nature knows that its only duty is to be what it is in a given moment. That is all that is ever asked of you.
Don't apologize, dear ones, for being who you really are. Don't worry about whom you please or whether or not you are a "success" in the eyes of the world. Don't change yourself to "fit in" with what others expect. Don't let guilt rob you of your natural joy.
You are already "good enough." You already "fit" perfectly in this beautiful puzzle of life. If you think even the smallest loving thought about yourself or another, you have succeeded today. If you have loved in even one breath then, in our eyes, you have not lived in vain.
In our eyes, you are perfect. In our eyes, you cannot fail.
26.08.2017 20:54 Spiritual Awakening
Saul through John: To evolve spiritually is your earthly task, it always has been
26.08.2017 20:44 John Smallman | Saul

Within the human collective there is enormous creative ability which will be put forward in service to heal the damage to humanity, all life forms, and the planet herself. These restorative procedures, which are long overdue, are now being initiated in many parts of the world as realization dawns and intensifies that you can no longer use and abuse the Earth and her inhabitants and expect to survive. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 25, 2017
25.08.2017 18:01 Mike Quinsey
The most important events that are waiting to go ahead are dependent on the first move to introduce a re-valuation of the currencies. It is the key to many important changes that have been prepared in advance, that will see elections quickly arranged to enable a new Republic to be established and a new President installed. Read More…
"Clay" - GCR / RV SITREP - Friday - August 25, 2017
25.08.2017 17:56 Geopolitics | Financial System
Like a slab of raw clay, here's Thursday's latest Intel for you to shape, mold, fire and glaze: End of August has always been the desired release period because it's the slowest trading / banking time of the year. End of August has always been the safest releas period because children are out of school (soft targets) and the vast majority of Western world vacations are taken in August before September begins.
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"Big Deal" - GCR/RV SITREP - Thursday - August 24, 2017
25.08.2017 17:51 Geopolitics | Financial System
Everything below has been confirmed via multiple sources over several weeks: Banks worldwide have been given an updated transaction code list for all other participating RV global banks. That is a big deal. Read More…
24.08.2017 20:53 Spirit Science | Spiritual Awakening

What does it mean to truly love yourself? This may seem like an act that would come naturally to all of us, but it is not uncommon to find ourselves focusing more on everything happening externally, and forget to direct our attention inward. Read More…
Quan Yin via Ann Dahlberg, August 23d, 2017
23.08.2017 19:41 Lady Quan Yin | Ann Dahlberg
I am Quan Yin and I have been given the permission to appear today and present my message to the world. It is a tumultuous world that slowly is recovering after thousands of year of war and misery. You have done a fantastic job and we are so proud and happy for your efforts to transform this world from a place of darkness to letting the light reappear on Gaia again. There has been many goings back and forth, but it has always advanced forward towards the goal to transform this surface to a light and loving place to live on. Read More…
Ashtar via James McConnell, August 13th, 2017
23.08.2017 19:33 Ashtar | James McConnell
I AM Ashtar. I did not announce myself to James but here I Am. And I Am here to continue this process, to continue to let you know that all is in motion. All is in preparation. We are all prepared, we of the Ashtar Command and all of the other various commands within the Galactic Confederation and the Galactic Confederation of planets, we are all here ready, willing, and able to assist in any way that is needed as these times continue on. Read More…
Archangel Raphael via Ann Dahlberg, August 21st, 2017
23.08.2017 19:29 Ann Dahlberg | Archangel Raphael
I am Raphael and I thank you for the fine healing that you today have performed on Gaia. You have sent healing to both Gaia and the whole of humanity. You have today lit great hope in many a heart – a hope for peace and love. It is a hope for compassion and solidarity. You have envisioned an Earth where everybody is working together in unison and harmony – An Earth that once again has clean and clear water. It is an Earth where we can breathe clean and clear air. Read More…
"Reasons" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Wednesday - August 23, 2017
23.08.2017 19:15 Geopolitics | Financial System
Listen to this song's lyrics closely as we are all Human Angels chosen to enter into our bodies, for this time, to do greater good acts of mercy and return home. Nothing more, nothing less. Sobeit.
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Sheldan Nidle Update - 22.08.2017
22.08.2017 19:24 Sheldan Nidle | Galactic Federation
Dratzo! Necessary initial movement of funding is now occurring in its own due time. This process was set in motion nearly five years ago, and requires that the Elders let go and rely on what is now called the primary motion. It is this motion that frees all who were involved from this task and gladly gives it up to Heaven. Herein there is a divine purpose. Long ago, vast uncountable sums were set aside to begin this final action, and the process has at last been formally instituted. Now, all that is left is a sacred act that Heaven has longed for. This means that the final release and distribution of monies is close at hand! Read More…
“Showtime” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Tuesday – August 22, 2017
22.08.2017 19:20 Geopolitics | Financial System
The American Republic Government is slowly being introduced to the public person by person, day by day, leader by leader, policy by policy, until it all appears both obvious and long standing or in place (aka normal). Obama is behind everything having to do with the US transition domestically and globally. Absolutely everything. Like him or don’t like him… that’s a fact. Read More…
Emotional Forecast - 8/21/17 - Entering Unity Consciousness
22.08.2017 18:06 Matt Kahn
Today’s eclipse represents the emotional and energetic harvest for all the hard work so many lightworkers and earth angels have been doing over the past many weeks. For many years, energetically-sensitive souls have laid the crucial foundation for the energies that today’s eclipse celebrates as the further unveiling of unity consciousness. Read More…
Eclipse Conversation with Suzanne Lie & David Miller on 8-15-17
21.08.2017 18:19 Suzanne Lie
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. So we look at the eclipse as a partial intersection of the dimensions. And, we note that this is an alignment of the sun and new moon. Alignments have the ability to pierce veils and go through blocks and go through falsehoods. The alignments also have the potential of opening doorways. This particular eclipse is a planetary influencer. Read More…
A Message to Lightworkers – Aug 20, 2017
21.08.2017 18:13 Caroline Oceana Ryan
We speak with you today, in this beautiful eclipse moment on your timeline, with joy and anticipation of all that these particular energies are bringing to and drawing forth from your world. For this is not only a one-day event you are looking forward to now. The August 21/22 total solar eclipse is a shining moment, a time when a flood of higher energies is being released onto your planet, and will continue to flow in high levels for some time to come. Read More…
"Collision" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Monday - August 21, 2017
21.08.2017 17:53 Geopolitics | Financial System
It’s all happening. The RV. Feel any different? Better? Worse? Same? No difference? Have lost all sensation in your heart for anything currency related? Most to all have. Great psy-ops Elders. Time. Start and stop so many times and deal fatigue will wear down even the most dedicated treasure hunters. Genius. Read More…
Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, August 20th, 2017
20.08.2017 19:53 Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I have come to explain a few things today. It might look like everything is at a stand still, but that is also an illusion. There is nothing that stands still. Everything is in motion. Developments are always moving forward in one way or another. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Dealing with Violence in the world
20.08.2017 19:44 Ann Albers
We know that so many of you are deeply disturbed by the violence you witness in the world. Certainly we would wish for each and every one of you a kind and loving experience in your lives, and peace in your hearts even when the world is not loving. Read More…
“Frog Feet" - GCR/RV SITREP - Sunday - August 20, 2017
20.08.2017 19:37 Geopolitics | Financial System
The boiling frog is a parable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out. But if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. Yet what if we reverse this parable to speak of peace and prosperity. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 18, 2017
18.08.2017 18:58 Mike Quinsey
Be assured that everything is proceeding well in spite of the outer appearances. The new energies are becoming established, and in consequence the old ones are struggling to maintain a place upon Earth. It is like a battle to survive except that the old energies have had their day and losing their power to continue existing, and eventually will die away. Read More…
"APTB" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - August 18, 2017
18.08.2017 18:54 Geopolitics | Financial System
So much disturbance today in the political, financial and military arenas. Makes one ask is the greatest good really being served here? In Feng Shui terms this time deemed unstable, as chi (energy) prefers calm so its healing powers can settle in the soils of benevolence.
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"Quantum" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday, August 18, 2017
18.08.2017 18:43 Geopolitics | Financial System
What's hard... what's difficult about change is changing. Thinking differently is challenging, but permanently changing is painful. Just considering different points of view, different constructs of reality... it's no easy task. But the truth evolves. And so must we. Read More…
The End of Inner Conflict - Matt Kahn
17.08.2017 21:54 Matt Kahn
"Vice" - GCR/RV SITREP - Thursday - August 17, 2017
17.08.2017 21:31 Geopolitics
All major world decisions are made based on astrological events. And why you noticed a rise in senseless violence and endless hate-filled rhetoric recently. And globally. Constantly. On purpose.
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Sheldan Nidle Update - 15.08.2017
15.08.2017 19:54 Sheldan Nidle | Galactic Federation
Dratzo! All continues to quickly move forward. Those in the know expect that a major energy shift is to occur with this month's solar eclipse. It has been foretold that this galactic event should take place after a major global release of a vast amount of currency. This solar event would then jump-start the NESARA Republic and the worldwide kick-off of GESARA. It is this series of global events that could truly set this month apart. Read More…
15.08.2017 19:21 Patricia Cota-Robles
"Paper Lion" - GCR/RV SITREP - Sunday - August 13, 2017
13.08.2017 19:57 Geopolitics | Financial System
Very hard to impeach a sitting US President during a potential time of war? Even harder to RV though:(
Isn't it interesting how two "potential wars" suddenly arose in both North Korea and Venezuela at exactly the same time Special Prosecutor Bob Mueller is closing his investigative noose around President Trump's closest confidants? Read More…
Isn't it interesting how two "potential wars" suddenly arose in both North Korea and Venezuela at exactly the same time Special Prosecutor Bob Mueller is closing his investigative noose around President Trump's closest confidants? Read More…
Kryon through Nancy Tate - 12.08.2017
I bring you tonight a message I received from Kryon, a wonderful being whom I have not received messages from for several years. Read More…
A quick google search of “is veganism healthy” produces very polarized results from both pro-vegan sites promoting the diet and from personal stories of veganism ruining people’s health. This debate is filled with opinion and fiery passion, many saying veganism will destroy your health, and others claiming it can help in healing our bodies and actually reduce the growth of cancer cells. But where is the science in all of this? Casting opinions aside, we need to look at the actual studies that have been conducted, and observe the factual results. Read More…
13.08.2017 14:34 Bentinho Massaro | Exiting the Matrix | Disclosure | Dr. Steven Greer | UFO Cover UP
Part 2 of this series gives an excellent resume of the decades long cover-up of the past featuring Dr. Steven Greer. If you are interested in the details of how this cover-up came upon us or how it was possible to be kept secret then part 2 is for you. If you are rather interested in the future and how we can overcome the problems and prepare for a brand new world in love and unity then I would suggest you skip part 2 and go directly to part 3 featuring Bentinho Massaro. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: A Story of creation
12.08.2017 14:37 Ann Albers
Your lives were meant to be a joyful co-creative dance with the Divine and with one another. "So what has happened upon your earth?" you ask us. Why is life so challenging? Let us tell you a little fairy tale – a story of how you came to exist... Read More…
STRANGER THAN SCIENCE FICTION | Part 1 - Mechanics of Creation
12.08.2017 14:12 Bentinho Massaro | Exiting the Matrix | Spiritual Awakening | Disclosure | Dr. Steven Greer
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 11, 2017
11.08.2017 19:50 Mike Quinsey
You are well into the New Age and the necessary changes are progressing and beginning to take place. They cannot be stopped and are necessary to commence the establishment of the new version of the Earth. The old Earth is to be cleansed and all that is of the lower vibrations will disappear. Read More…
How Forests Heal People
11.08.2017 19:34 Health
11.08.2017 18:02 Spiritual Awakening | Akashic Records
The theory that we plan our lives was something I had never heard of before 2011. Up until that point, I could not have even imagined such a thing. Even after hearing about it 3 years ago, it took me quite a long time to let this concept into my paradigm. How I stumbled upon it wasn’t even through my avid research of the afterlife and reincarnation. It came to me through a vision I had. Before the vision, I believed in reincarnation. The idea of it had always fascinated me and I felt strongly that I did have past lives; I just didn’t know what those lives entailed. After three years of intense research and listening to many people from all different backgrounds and beliefs speak about it from all around the world, I knew it was something that needed to be shared and discussed.
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Spirit Science 0 ~ A Vision of the Future
11.08.2017 17:43 Spirit Science
This episode takes a step back to look at the bigger picture of Spirit Science and what we want to accomplish on a global scale both collectively and individually.
We have created a type of roadmap that we believe can support all of us in creating heaven on Earth, and describes in detail the aspects of what would be required to help make this a reality! Read More…
We have created a type of roadmap that we believe can support all of us in creating heaven on Earth, and describes in detail the aspects of what would be required to help make this a reality! Read More…
“Dinner” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Thursday – August 10, 2017
10.08.2017 18:38 Financial System | Geopolitics
If you’re from a big family, you know what it means to be made to wait for a tardy brother or sister before eating dinner.
Momma says nobody eats till everyone is present, seated and well behaved. And since she is the one who cooked the meal, she calls the feeding frenzy start time.
The Elders are doing the same thing to the world as it appears they won’t start the RV until little brother North Korea is safely seated at the dinner table. Read More…
Momma says nobody eats till everyone is present, seated and well behaved. And since she is the one who cooked the meal, she calls the feeding frenzy start time.
The Elders are doing the same thing to the world as it appears they won’t start the RV until little brother North Korea is safely seated at the dinner table. Read More…
“We’re in for a Wild Ride” – James Gilliland: August Update 2017
09.08.2017 21:43 James Gilliland
The Sun is cooperating with the Earths desire to ascend. It is as if the whole multiverse is behind this event. We are living in exciting times, just remember you bought this E ticket and Gods/Goddesses don’t do boring things. You will be called upon to do your part. Read More…
“Cash Grab” – GCR/RV Sitrep – Wednesday – August 9, 2017
09.08.2017 21:38 Financial System | Geopolitics
It’s a brand new paradigm, for a brand new dimension, in a brand new era. Exciting? For some. Terrifying? For most. Reality? For all. Read More…
A Message to Lightworkers – Aug 8, 2017
09.08.2017 19:18 Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings to all on this August 8 Lion’s Gate! We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today. And we see much at work, much Change occurring—and we say this with a capital “C” because this is not the sort of Change you have witnessed before now.
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Sheldan Nidle Update - 08.08.2017 - Never lose sight of what you wish to create...
08.08.2017 21:57 Sheldan Nidle | Galactic Federation
Dratzo! Many signs now indicate that we are actually moving closer to the much-anticipated deliveries. The numerous delays and their accompanying glitches have reached a most critical point. We continue to fully expect your promised deliveries to occur. This process, as noted in previous reports, is taking far too long to successfully execute. The constant delays by the deliverers is appalling. At times, their frequent excuses would appear planned. The distribution process should not be a hit-or-miss procedure. It would be much easier to work in large and complete delivery batches to achieve a success. Read More…
07.08.2017 18:30 Spirit Science | Spiritual Awakening
Male and female energy at its very essence, is the spark of creation itself, and the purest manifestation of energy outside of Unity; where all things are one. It is the two fundamental, primordial forces clashing, creating and finally combining together to make something new and beautiful. Through all levels of life, whether it’s new life being conceived or the birth of the universe itself, these two primary forces are always critical in the formation of this new emanation. Read More…
"Dinosaurs" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Monday - August 7, 2017
07.08.2017 17:59 Geopolitics | Financial System
Not sure how to post the intel tonight. So I’ll just say wow.
The cabal was pronounced dead this week on Friday afternoon at the ASEAN summit in Manila. Over. Gone. Dead. Poof.
Words that come to mind are easy, simple, invisible, abundant and safe. Love defeated fear in every corner of the world.
Hallelujah! Read More…
The cabal was pronounced dead this week on Friday afternoon at the ASEAN summit in Manila. Over. Gone. Dead. Poof.
Words that come to mind are easy, simple, invisible, abundant and safe. Love defeated fear in every corner of the world.
Hallelujah! Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers - Dissolving the shell
06.08.2017 18:30 Ann Albers
Take a moment right now. Imagine for a moment that you have a shell around your body. Imagine this shell is made of any beliefs or circumstances that have convinced you that you are unloved or unworthy of love. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 04, 2017
06.08.2017 16:07 Mike Quinsey
The vibrations continue to rise and those souls of the lowest vibrations are slowly but surely finding them more difficult to deal with the and as a result they become disorientated. Needless to say, they will leave such levels when Ascension takes place, and move to one that they find comfortable and to their liking. Naturally those of you who are raising your vibrations will feel no adverse effect, and on the contrary will become enthused and uplifted by them. All souls that are able to go along with the higher vibrations will find that their life becomes more pleasant and rewarding, and they will be attracted to those souls who are compatible with them. Like attracts like and it is so where you are concerned, although for karmic reasons many souls of different levels can be a part of your experiences. Indeed, karma takes precedence over other considerations, as it is a major factor in your development.
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Sheldan Nidle Update - 01.08.2017
02.08.2017 21:49 Galactic Federation | Sheldan Nidle
Dratzo! The recent blackout created by the elders is only now being lifted. This was caused by those who seek anonymity and hence desire for these monies to be delivered in as ceremonial a way as possible. What is now required is your continued patience combined with the knowledge that all of our plans are truly being readied to unfold. In this regard, we simply ask all to remain in a positive mode, ready to receive the great gifts to be given them by Heaven. Therefore wonderful surprises are nearly ready for dispersal.
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02.08.2017 20:08 Patricia Cota-Robles | Sananda - Jesus
Message from Matthew - July 27, 2017
02.08.2017 20:05 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Many of you have expressed much the same as this reader: “With so much craziness and corruption in governments all over the world, it is difficult to see how we can transform our planet and its people into the New Age we envision.” We can relate to that feeling because many of us have lived in those circumstances in one civilization or another, and we also have lived in those kinds of civilizations after they had transformed their worlds into magnificence beyond your imagining. Someday it will be so on Earth. Read More…