Archangel Metatron

How to Embrace Freedom and Expansion by Archangel Metatron

Greetings beloved ones, I am Archangel Metatron. I invite you to step into the stillness within your being, to rest in this moment of stillness, a moment that is almost like a pause. However, it may be noisy, chaotic and there might be upheaval. Whether those energies are within your being or outside of you, you can always step into the stillness, a pause within your being. Where you remind yourself of your truth, as if you are gazing at your divine essence, reminding yourself of who you are, your mission, and your purpose.  Read More…

How to Awaken the Beauty Within by Archangel Metatron - Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to be in your presence today as I come forth speaking of activating and awakening the beauty within. We first need to acknowledge what beauty is. Beauty is the essence of the Creator, it is the purity, the core, the truth of the Creator. This translates and manifests into well-being, health, inner peace, calmness. The ability to access one's inner power, to manifest one's dream in their reality, to speak the truth or their truth, and to allow for transformation, healing and rejuvenation to take place. Read More…

Wisdom of the Ages by Archangel Metatron - Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Greetings and love, I am Archangel Metatron. May the joy of the Creator engulf you and surround you, may it bubble from within you. I wish to share the joy of the Creator with you so that you may experience joy in your current reality. Let your physical reality be a joyful experience, let your spiritual reality be a joyful experience. I know for many that it may not be a joyful time. It is important to realise that joy is born from within your being and therefore it radiates and reflects into your reality. You create a joyful reality for yourself from your own inner experience of joy. This is something that I encourage you to contemplate and bring into your awareness and embodiment. As you experience joy in your reality, so your energy vibration quickens therefore you speed along your ascension process.  Read More…

What is Your Infinite Blessing? By Archangel Metatron

Greetings beacons of light, I am Archangel Metatron. I come forth with Angelic frequencies to support and assist you in this time of your Ascension. Today I wish to speak of your infinite blessing, the infinite blessing that you can bestow upon yourself and upon the world. Many of you wish to be of service and many of you do not understand or cannot recognise how to be of service in your reality and for Ascension. Read More…

Forgiving the World to Heal Yourself by Archangel Metatron

Greetings, beloved beacons of light upon the Earth, I am Archangel Metatron. What a joy it is to be in your presence and to participate in the Ascension journey unfolding in every moment of your reality. It is in this communication with you that I, Archangel Metatron wish to speak with you about healing yourself by forgiving the world around you. In order to achieve this, we first must realise that you are the Creator of everything around you. You are also the Creator of everything within you, your thoughts, your emotions, and so forth. Read More…

Discover Your Internal Reset by Archangel Metatron

I Archangel Metatron extend my blessings and love to all beings upon the Earth now, we are walking tremendous, and magnificent transformations with you. Upon the inner planes we are supporting major shifts that are occurring within your being, for all of humanity and the Earth. Our role in this moment is to support you in remaining grounded, balanced, stable and connected with the Creator. Such vast transformations are taking place within your being. This has been occurring for some time now, however, it is climaxing. We are noticing many souls and beings upon the Earth are now making shifts internally that they have been preparing for in the last months. This shift may come about because of a cleanse of the body, a new perspective born in the mind, an upset that brings forth clarity, or a new sense of gratitude and appreciation for all that is.  Read More…

Into the Light by Archangel Metatron

Greetings beloved Beings of Light, I am Archangel Metatron. I invite you to contemplate my words as I refer to you as Beings of Light. You may recognise yourself as having a physical body. Do you recognise yourself as having a light body? That every part of your physical body and energetic systems or field is filled with and created by light? Every part of your being holds a light frequency and vibration and yet it is something that you may not recognise in your daily reality. It is easy to recognise your physical body, and it can be easy to recognise your emotional and mental bodies as you are aware of how you feel and your thoughts. Read More…

ArchAngel Metatron: The Equinox and Integration

You have entered yet another new time/space vibrational vortex with the New Moon of March.  There is an increased intensity to the blending, merging and aligning of the male/female energy: you are being called to integrate and balance both aspects of the male and female within yourself. There is also a merging, blending or even a bleeding through of the the 3D into the 5D energy, almost like shape shifting, subtle and yet at some moments you are so clearly in the 5D of joy, peace, love and harmony, and just as quickly back in the 3D of pain and suffering. Moving between them is the journey at present, as each time you step into the 5D higher vibrational frequency you anchor more of that energy within you, within the collective. Read More…


Dearest Ones we come together to help you navigate this wonderful time of Christmas tide. Sadly Christmas on 3rd Dimensional Earth has somehow become a stressful time for so many, especially in the last few years. We are here to remind you all, how wonderful this time can be. Jeshua came to Earth over 2000 year ago to bring in the Christ Consciousness and now he comes again to help bring in the 5th Dimension of Peace, Love and Harmony. Read More…

Separation the Initiation by Archangel Metatron - Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Greetings, I am Archangel Metatron, I bring forth the Angelic Kingdom to embrace you now. It is so important at this time of Ascension that you call forth the Angelic vibration and Kingdom to surround you, it is essential that you recognise that we are your companions as you Journey upon this Earth. We are present to gift you with love, to support you, to protect you, and to guide you. We are present to speak with you, to communicate with you and to share. It is essential that you understand that we the Angelic Kingdom are present with you in friendship now because an initiation is unfolding and has already begun. Read More…

Archangel Metatron: Stability

Greetings, I am Archangel Metatron, what a joy to be in your presence. At this moment you are blossoming, blossoming into the Ascension process and being you came to the Earth to embody? It is a wonderful contemplation to ask yourself what did I come to the Earth to embody? What part of my Ascension process did I come to the Earth to embody? I wish to share with you that your Ascension journey spans across numerous lifetimes and numerous journeys upon the inner planes. This lifetime you are currently existing in is, but a moment, in your mammoth and expansive Ascension journey. You have chosen to be on the Earth in this moment of your vast Ascension journey. When you exist upon the Earth it is a moment, a process and experience of grounding. Read More…

2022 - The Veil is finally lifting - A Metatron Channeling

2021-10-05-aa-metatron Read More…

Metatron & Source ~ galaxygirl 7/9/2021

I am Metatron, greetings, light bearers of Gaia. You are in the midst of a storm of spiritual and energetic proportions that the multiverse has not previously witnessed or experienced. (I am seeing a purple temple curtain with stars embroidered on it rip from top to bottom. I am seeing space rip apart and feeling the ensuing silence.) Those of you who are ardent students of the light and of Creator’s purpose understand that with great experience comes great learning and development. Read More…

Earth is getting Unbearable We want out - A Metatron Channeling for Starseeds & Lightworkers

2021-06-04-archangel-metatron Read More…

ArchAngel Metatron "the Time of Peace and Prosperity Has Come!" through Dancing Dolphin 1-16-21

Yes, dear one, I AM here and I AM your Metatron. I AM here today to give you a message for Lightworkers - all those in body and out of body who are working towards the Ascension, working towards the RV, the Golden Age of Gaia, Peace on Earth, the Golden Age, whatever you may call it. The time of Peace and Prosperity has come! It is finally here on Gaia. Read More…