Sananda - Jesus
Jesus through John: You were created as Life, as Love, as One with God
21.02.2023 16:20
As you all continue to wait expectantly and enthusiastically for the great moment of your collective awakening, do let go of your doubts and anxieties about its certainty. It is God’s divine plan for those who chose to experience the totally unreal state of separation from Him that they awaken when they freely choose to do so, and that irreversible collective choice to awaken has already been made. Your awakening is assured, no other option is required or available. As you continue waiting, be in peace and be patient, as you become increasingly aware of the disasters that major corporate and political organizations are allowing to occur across the world, and as the frequency of extreme weather conditions and earth movements also appears to be increasing worldwide. Read More…
Jesus through John: I, Jesus, am always with you all, loving and embracing you constantly
17.02.2023 17:45
All are One, and deep within yourselves you do know this. And the One is Mother/Father/God, Source, Love – you. Only this is Real, any sense or feeling that is not in alignment with Love is unreal, temporary, and will not last. There will be no memory of the unreal to remind you of pain and suffering seemingly experienced as extremely real in the nightmare or dream state of separation from which you will awaken, as you are in fact doing right now. All is well, and you know this is the divine Truth. Love is All. There is nothing else. Read More…
Jesus through John: Only Love is Real, It is Who you are
06.02.2023 19:39
You and I, we are One, and to be One is All that we need, because One is Mother/Father/God, Love, Source, from Whom All flows constantly and infinitely lovingly in the ever ongoing act of energetic creation. This is never interrupted or paused for even the most infinitely small instant that you can conceive of. God, Love, Source is forever and always flowing abundantly into and through each individuated expression of Herself in pure joy, because that is Her divine Will, which is always being extended in delight at the endless wonder that She is. Every sentient beingis an individuated or differentiated expression of God experiencing Herself in a ceaseless and eternal Relationship with Herself through each and every one of you, and it is very good. Read More…
Lord Sananda: Change is Coming, Change Is Upon You
27.01.2023 20:42
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these times that continue to bring great change into your lives, to the lives of your loved ones, to the lives of your friends, your family, to all of those that are around you. Change is coming. Change is upon you. And all of you have been preparing for these changes. You have been preparing for lifetimes for these changes, but now you are right here in the midst of them. Right here at the cusp of the greatest changes to come over this Earth in your entire history. Read More…
Jesus through John: While experiencing life as humans you are unconscious
24.01.2023 20:15
Life as a human in form presents you with many lessons that you planned for yourselves prior to incarnating, and which sometimes shock you when they are presented to you, as they normally arrive unexpectedly; or you may not even notice them, in which case they will definitely be presented again. This is NOT a failure on your part! Life as a human is confusing and demanding, and just day to living is frequently extremely difficult for many people purely because of the paths they planned for themselves before incarnating. Read More…
Jesus through John: Respect and honor yourselves, and respect and honor others
17.01.2023 20:52
Humanity’s collective awakening process is proceeding apace! Do not allow yourselves to be unduly distracted by world events, although they seem very real, very troubling, and as though they are leading to further pain, suffering, and conflict for all of humanity. Instead, be fully aware – and this why you are presently incarnate – that what you are seeing in the world around you IS unreal! Humanity IS awakening, there is no going back because you have collectively chosen to open fully to your true nature – LOVE! This has always been your intention, and God’s Will for you. Read More…
Jesus through John: God’s Love for His children is infinite, eternal, and unchanging
03.01.2023 14:11
As you prepare to start a new year, do relax into that space of deep inner knowing that you all possess, and allow yourselves to know that God’s plan for humanity is unfolding precisely as She intends, knowing, as you all do, that what She intends always occurs exactly as She wills. Humanity is awakening, and there are signs of this all across the world, even as it seems from the presentations of the various media outlets that pain, suffering, and conflicts are increasing enormously. Yes, there is much conflict occurring, and that is because there are still many on Earth who are clinging very fearfully to large amounts of judgment, anger, resentment, and hatred as it becomes ever more apparent to them, quite naturally, that the authoritarian governmental organizations on whom they have been relying for personal and global safety have been failing in that task. Read More…
Jesus through John: It is in fact you that are vast, and, in relation to you, the universe is truly insignificant
16.12.2022 21:39
The collective human awakening is almost upon you, it will NOT be delayed! Now is the moment for this magnificent event to come to fruition, to bear fruit, and it will. You have, with massive intent and through the enormous power of Love, now reached the point from which colossal joy will flow freely and abundantly through vast numbers of you, joy that will totally envelop, embrace, and amaze you. You are going to be so glad that you you chose to be incarnate as a human at this moment in this most beautiful further unfolding of God’s divine will for Her beloved children. Yes, the environment that you experience as humans in form is most certainly unreal, illusory. Read More…
Lord Sananda through James McConnell - Perspective
13.12.2022 20:43
I am Sananda. It is always a pleasure to be here with you in this way, that I can continue to bring forward messages that pertain to not only you, those of you that are on this call, but all of those that resonate to these words. And I wish to go back now. I wish to go back to an earlier time when I spoke about the idea of perspective. And how important that is today, as all these things that are happening around you are part of that perspective. Each one has their own perspective on this. But I wish you to understand that as you’re coming to the end of this year now, this 2022, much, much, much this year. Read More…
Jesus through John: Releasing personal doubts is an essential aspect of everyone’s awakening
13.12.2022 20:32
We are all One! Any of you reading this cannot be unaware of this divine Truth, the very Foundation upon which Reality, Mother/Father/God rests in eternally glorious Peace and Love. This provides for and satisfies all your needs before you have any, and so you have none! As humans in form, however, it seems that you do have endless needs, a multitude of needs that never are and never can be satisfied. That is what the state of separation is, only it is not, because separation from the One cannot ever happen. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all individual and brilliant Sparks of the Light that is God expressing Herself through you
06.12.2022 20:30
Life is good, it is always good, but then you allow yourselves to be distracted by the unrealities or illusions of the world of form in which you have collectively chosen to experience separation from your Source, Mother/Father/God; and then intense suffering, pain, or terror can rise up into your field of consciousness. When that happens you temporarily cease to experience life as good, and frequently blame the dissatisfaction or pain that you are experiencing on others, the government, or even on God. Read More…
Jesus through John: Separation is unreal, and has not and never will occur
25.11.2022 21:12
As you wait most expectantly, and filled with excitement for the grand awakening, it is essential that you continue to visit the holy inner sanctuaries deep within yourselves every day to reset the intent to be only loving whatever arises. You are all Love incarnate, but for the most part you become so busy with your daily human lives, and distracted from the reality of who you truly are by the stress of those daily lives as humans, that you remain in your illusory or dream-like state of unawareness of your authentic nature. The world of form seems very real, because this was your intention when you built it, and this is indeed very confusing for you as you live within it today. Read More…
Sananda: Continue to Fully Realize Who You Are, What You Are Here For, and How You Can Continue to Move Everything Forward in a Positive Fashion
18.11.2022 21:25
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue to give you hope. To continue to provide further understandings of all that is happening in your lives, and all of the lives of the collective consciousness of man throughout the planet. For this is that time that you have heard about for so long now, that has been predicted for so long, the Great Changeover that is in process now. Do not become disheartened by things that you are seeing within the illusion. Because as you have heard many times, it is simply that: it is an illusion. It is a show, a movie, that is playing out, if you see it that way. Read More…
Jesus through John: Every one of you is an absolutely indispensable master craftsman
11.11.2022 21:25
Good day to you all, and, despite any worries or anxieties you may be feeling, it is a very good day. Humanity is awakening rapidly, the main event is very close now, and, of course, there is only Now! Yes, I and many others have told you that again and again to assist you to come to an awareness of the unreality of time. In fact your most recent science has come to the realization that time is flexible and variable, changeable, and therefore unreal, even though it continues to seemingly flow from the past through the present to the future. And as you can choose to be aware that there is only now, you are, therefore, always in the now; you may remember the past and dream of or dread the future, but you always do that now. Read More…
It Is Not The Same Old, Same Old - Lord Sananda through James McConnell
04.11.2022 19:51
I am Sananda. I am here now with you in these times, in these grand momentous times of change which you are right in the midst of now. Everything is evolving and revolving around you and within you. So continue to allow the process of change to move through you. Do not shy away from it, for it is all purposeful. But the changes and the movement from the third-dimensional expression to the fourth and higher dimensional expression shall continue. Read More…
Jesus through John: Only Love is Real
01.11.2022 10:45
As you are well aware humanity is awakening right now! This is God’s Will, God’s Will for humanity, and God’s Will always comes to fruition just as intended, and His Will is always for eternal peace, joy, and harmonious cooperation throughout heaven – Reality. When you awaken and see the divine gardens of heaven, their brilliance and beauty will most joyfully astound you. To awaken is your divine and fully assured destiny, and the moment for that to happen is closer than you can possibly imagine. Read More…
Jesus through John: To awaken is to know yourselves as Love incarnate
25.10.2022 21:08
We are, to put it human terms, working over time here in the spiritual realms as the human collective continues to move rapidly toward the grand and momentous event – your collective awakening! It truly is very, very close! Yes, we have for many years now been telling you that your awakening is close, that it will happen soon, and that was true. But time, as you experience it in the unreal environment of pure materialism, is variable, it is not a constant one directional flow, as it appears to you, and therefore it makes it difficult for us to address it in a way that makes sense to you. Having made that clarification, I will say again “Your moment of awakening is very close.” Read More…
Jesus through John: Your awakening is divinely assured and guaranteed
18.10.2022 20:57
As you await humanity’s collective awakening with eager anticipation, practice being in the ‘now’ as frequently as you can during the day and allow yourselves to enjoy the moments as they unfold. Doing this is very healing for you if you are dealing with trauma that you are in the process of releasing. You have all suffered trauma, and for each of you it has been personal, very intense, and has probably stirred up old emotions you had forgotten or did not even know were within you. Do not attempt to diminish those feelings by comparing what you have experienced to the experiences of other far more horrifically traumatized people you know of or who you have read about. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are Divine
04.10.2022 20:35
We, your individual support teams in the non-physical realms, are with each one of you constantly, in every moment, offering you love and comfort if you choose to open yourselves to receive it from us. You are never alone, even when it perhaps feels to you that you are alone, or even abandoned. You have all experienced trauma during infancy and childhood, which has often left enormous emotional scars. Those traumas have passed, they are over, but when you revisit them – retelling yourselves your (hi)stories – you bring the resultant emotions into the present with almost as much intensity as you felt at the time that they happened; you bring the dead back to life! Read More…
Jesus through John: You are the beloved children of God, forever inseparably in Her Presence
27.09.2022 20:13
All are One, there is only One. You, each and every one of you are One with the One. It is that simple. The divisiveness and separation that you experience as humans in form is extremely confusing for you because, for the brief moment that you spend in form, experiencing the pain and suffering of separation, that state of separation appears to your human senses to be very Real. It is NOT! Reality is One, and the sense of separation that you are all experiencing is completely unreal. Read More…
Jeshua Through Pamela Kribbe: Become Aware of Your Loneliness
16.09.2022 21:14
Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I greet you all from an ocean of silence and love. This invisible ocean ensures that everything is connected throughout your world. An invisible tapestry, a network of energy, connects everything with everything, and supports all. The consciousness that you seek, and to which you belong, is not bound by time and space. It is also not somewhere else, neither beyond nor above the Earth. It is much closer, yet at the same time you are always separated from it because you are drawn into the world of the senses, the physical world, the voices and sounds of the people and the society around you. And those voices you hear come not only through your ears, they come also from your inner space. Those voices have filled that space, your consciousness, with content: thoughts and beliefs which are not free from fear. Read More…
Jesus through John: It is utterly impossible to be separated from Source
13.09.2022 21:28
We are all one, and yet as humans in form that is not what you experience, and the reason for this is that you made a collective choice and decision to construct an unreal environment in which to experience the unreal, the impossible – separation from Source. And that is what you are experiencing, each one of you by your own individual choices because, by choosing to engage with unreality, you insisted on experiencing the individuality of separation instead of the unity of Oneness. And that choice remains an insane illusion. It is utterly impossible to be separated from Source, there is nowhere to separate to. Read More…
Jesus through John: You and M/F/G are in complete harmony in every moment
30.08.2022 20:55
You are all dearly loved – infinitely loved by our loving Father. You always have been and you always will be because the Love of God is eternal and unchanging. Therefore there is nothing you can do to alter this divine truth. As you live your human lives you frequently experience doubts about God’s love for you because, from early infancy, you have all experienced some, or maybe much, shaming and punishment by those who were responsible for your well-being, and having naturally assumed that those who are caring for you are good, you therefore concluded (in very early life!) that there must be something wrong with you. Read More…
Jesus through John: You have chosen to enormously limit your full awareness
19.08.2022 19:42
As you are all well aware, humanity is at a major moment of change, a turning point in its spiritual evolution, a massive moment of growth – it’s long planned awakening from unreality – with which it is engaging whole-heartedly as most purposefully intended from the instant in which it appears that separation occurred. The unreal has always been unreal, but because of your most powerful creative abilities as the divine children of God, it has, from the first instant in which you collectively constructed it, seemed absolutely real, which was your intent in the decision and choice to concoct it. Now you have decided that enough is enough. Read More…
Sananda Through James McConnell: In the Midst of the Great Changeover
16.08.2022 17:19
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, these times that are changing rapidly. For you are in the midst right now of a great changeover. Not quite the Great Changeover that will accompany The Event, or the Great Solar Flash, but the changeover that is leading to all of that which is taking you out of the old third-dimensional expression, or that illusionary expression, and taking you into the higher fourth dimension and fifth-dimensional expression of your creation. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are doing what you incarnated to do, you are Being
12.08.2022 16:03
As you have been told so often: “There is only One!” This is an impossible concept for you to understand as humans in form, living in an unreal dream/nightmare environment that appears to you to be intensely and unalterably real, firm, and solid. But it is true, and at the depths of your being, behind the veil or mist that you have placed between your true or higher selves and your egos, you do know and can access this divine truth. Take time out at least once daily and set the intent very firmly and positively to access this deep and true inner knowing, and then relax totally – without expectation – thus allowing your higher selves to reveal themselves to you through your inner knowing, your divinely given intuition. Read More…
29.07.2022 17:00
I am Sananda. I am here to be with you in these times as yes, indeed, you are moving through the various vibrational frequencies, the various dimensions. You are traversing them, as one gave earlier in your discussion. You are moving freely through them because you have the awareness to do so. How many across the planet do not have that awareness? Do not even know that they are in third dimension, or that there are dimensions beyond. So they would not know that they are traversing, just as you are. But it is awareness that is enabling you to do so, awareness as you have moved already from the third dimension, and the illusion within that third dimension, into the fourth and beyond into the fifth. Read More…
Jesus through John: Awaken now into the Love that you are
19.07.2022 21:48
Humanity is on a roll! The collective awakening process, in which you are all fully engaged, is moving along quite beautifully, as is to be expected because it is God’s divine will. The chaos and confusion planet-wide are themselves signs of your awakening as people start to become more fully aware of the corruption and dishonesty that has always been an aspect of the illusion that is life in form. The illusion was constructed to experience a sense of freedom, and was established to allow an ‘apparent’ movement away from Love, and for each individual to live without consideration for others if he so chose. Read More…
Sananda: The Christ Consciousness Grid
12.07.2022 10:06
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue the process. The program that we began some time ago with each and every one of you, both within this group on this call, but even far before this, lifetimes before this, bringing you all together once again as lost souls coming together, as gathering my flock together again. For that is what you are. You all belong to me. To me as Sananda, as Yeshua. You are my flock. You are the ones that I tend to. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are to awaken into the Brilliance that is M/F/G infinitely loving Itself
28.06.2022 21:15
We are One, there is only One, and yet the One constantly manifests Itself – the power and energy that is the One – in myriad uncountable numbers of sentient beings as expressions of Love. All of us, all life, all consciousness, all awareness, all sentient beings are aspects of and permanently at one with the One. There is NO SEPARATION, and there never could be because the One is ALL, constantly and eternally Present, just wholeheartedly LOVING! Read More…
Sananda via James McConnell - June 5th, 2022
14.06.2022 20:02
I am Sananda. I come at this time again to be with you, to continue to bring forth the understanding of all that you are experiencing in these times. These times of great change that many of you, if not all of you, are experiencing in various ways now as these energies become stronger and stronger. Or, as your terminology says, ‘ramping up.’ And, indeed, these energies are ramping up. Read More…
A Matter of Perspective - Sananda through James McConnell - Mai 30, 2022
07.06.2022 20:20
I am Sananda. I come at this time to be with you, to continue to share, to continue to bring messages forward. So it is time now for you to consider a matter of perspective, as many of you are at times disconsolate, afraid even, but coming to the control issues, the fear issues that are everywhere across the planet, as those of the forces of darkness continue to hold on to, or attempt to hold onto that control and attempt to continue to spread fear. Sometimes we do succumb to that, even for just a moment. Then once that moment has passed, your discernment kicks in, and you realize once again, and you feel those higher vibrations once again, then the fear dissipates, no longer to be controlled. Read More…
Jesus through John: No one needs to seek Love
03.06.2022 21:39
To awaken is your destiny because, being One with Source – being fully aware in complete conscious wakefulness in every moment – is your constant state. As humans in form it is difficult for you to conceive of such a state, because you are almost constantly being distracted by your worldly concerns and interests. They are, of course, totally appropriate while you are in form as they assist you in maintaining your physical well-being. Read More…
Sananda Through James McConnell: Allow the Process
27.05.2022 22:12
I am Sananda. I come at this time to be with you in these special times that you are in. These times of great change that is coming based on the energies that are coming into the planet. And we know that many of you have been feeling these greater higher energies coming in and having an effect on you. In the past, these effects would have wrecked havoc with your central nervous system. But not any longer. For most of you are able to withstand or take these energies in because you have been acclimating to these energies. And you can take more and more stronger levels of these energies coming in and be able to work with the energies, and know that the energies, although very strong, and even may bring some difficult times as far as your physical body is concerned, but you know that it is something that will pass. And it always passes. So know that each time as these energies become stronger, and stronger, and stronger. Read More…
Jesus through John: There are no accidents, every event and experience has a purpose
20.05.2022 21:21
Humanity has entered the final stages of the collective awakening process. You have all done incredible work, both individually and collectively, to bring this about, and you are about to be enormously honored for the work you have been doing, absolutely vital work that only you could do. All are One, so every individual thought or intention to be only loving at all times combines with those of all others with the same intent, vastly and purposefully intensifying the final stages of your collective awakening process. Do not doubt the immense power of your individual intentions to be only loving, because they are massive, being completely integrated with and in alignment with God’s Will. Read More…
Lord Yeshua and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, April 17th, 2022
23.04.2022 16:21
I am your brother, Yeshua. I come at this time, in these moments, these moments of great cheer, because the Spring has come. The renewal of all of life is here now in these moments. This day, which you call Easter, is not about what you have been told many, many times over, and over, and over. It’s not about that at all. It is about the renewal. It is about the new Spring coming forward. All of life coming back alive. It’s about not my resurrection, but ascension. It is all about ascension. Not my ascension, but all of our ascension. Ascension has humanity together, as one, moving into higher space of vibration in dimensional frequency. Read More…
Jesus through John: You all dearly desire to honor and love God
11.04.2022 15:31
Lovewards is the way forward. You all know that Love is the only Reality, the only way that relationships can grow and evolve, and you all want Love in your lives. But you often do not trust yourselves, mainly because of traumas experienced in childhood, or traumas from past lives as humans, and that lack of trust shows up in yourselves as guilt, shame, unworthiness, and other invalid beliefs you cling to as a result, and then you indulge in further meaningless negative self-assessments as you compare yourselves to others. Read More…
Sananda: All is Being Revealed
08.04.2022 20:38
I am Sananda. Again, I come to you at this time, to continue to bring to you the new expression. The new expression of love and oneness that is overtaking all of life here on the planet, even though you do not realize it. Maybe you do. But many across the planet to not realize this, or even know anything about this. But this indeed is a great expression of the Great Plan that is in the works. And all of you are the ones that are bringing this plan forward. And you must continue to understand, even though it appears to not be so, that the plan is not working out the way you wanted it to. Know that perhaps in a round-about-way, but it is still coming forward. For you do not know the full ramifications of all that is involved. Your three-dimensional consciousness is not yet ready to experience it or express it. But your fifth-dimensional consciousness, which you find yourselves in from time to time, can accept this, and is accepting this. And not only accepting this, but being the creator of all that is yet to come. Read More…
Jesus through John: Fear empowers your egos, but Love dissolves fear
05.04.2022 18:52
Life is about Love, and nothing else! Yes, I do keep talking about Love, and that’s because all that exists is enfolded most lovingly within It because It is All That Exists. There is not and could not possibly be anything or anywhere else because It is infinitely vast, enveloping all sentient life, all of creation, and thereby satisfying every need and desire, and, of course, all that exists is alive. Every one of God’s infinite number of creations is alive, is sentient, although humanity has chosen to believe that most of the apparently inanimate matter or basic elements which makes up the world of form – in fact the whole universe – is without life, consciousness, or sentience of any kind. Read More…
Jesus through John: Large numbers of you do still not believe in your own unchangeable perfection
25.03.2022 19:37
As your collective awakening process approaches completion an enormous amount of ‘stuff’ is bursting into the collective consciousness for acknowledgment, thanks, forgiveness, and release. It holds within it many generations worth of resentment, denial, and anger that has been deeply buried because it was too intensely painful to acknowledge either as it was happening or at any time afterwards, up until now. Now the whole human collective is allowing it into awareness, and with it comes much guilt and shame for past long forgotten words and actions. Read More…
Jesus through John: God/Love/Source never punishes anyone!
22.03.2022 17:32
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are very much aware of your concerns and anxieties as chaos and confusion seem to be escalating on your beautiful planet Earth. DO make a point of starting your day by going deep within yourselves, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and then opening your hearts to Love, which resides there permanently, waiting patiently, ready and most willing to embrace and comfort you when you choose and remember to invite It in. Read More…
Jesus through John: Life is a Miracle, and you are all Alive!
01.03.2022 14:18
As you are all well aware, humanity’s awakening process is moving forwards beautifully, just as God intends, no other way is possible. Therefore, relax! God’s intent is always perfectly achieved, so release your doubts about His Reality, which is Reality in all its magnificence and glory, and TRUST Him completely. You only have problems or issues when you engage with doubt about the reality of the divine plan, and when you attempt to conceive of how, in your opinion, it could or should be unfolding. Those ‘mind-games’ that you play with yourselves – the ‘what-ifs,’ and the ‘this has to be wrong,’ and the ‘God would not allow this to happen’ thoughts and arguments you have with yourselves – are egoic distractions which delay your acceptance of the fact that the collective awakening process is occurring right now. Read More…
Sananda: Touch Others With Your Light
22.02.2022 11:57
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments during this great transformation that is occurring, the great transition that is moving more and more people throughout the planet to awaken. They are awakening. More and more are finding themselves becoming distressed, becoming disillusioned by the life that they have always known. More and more are realizing that it is time to move out of that illusion. And many are realizing that it is an illusion now. They are seeing all of those things that they had come to believe were true, they are realizing now that they are not true any longer. They have been lied to. Just as many of you, all of you, have come to that understanding as well. You have been lied to most of your entire life. But you are now seeing through the veil. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are REAL, form and the fear it stimulates are NOT
18.02.2022 17:05
There is only Love. Nothing else is needed because Love is All. All sentient life is enfolded in the One, the energy field that is the infinite Vastness that is All. Never for even the briefest of instants has Love ceased embracing Its creation. However, due to the free will that is an essential aspect of the freedom in which all were created, free choice is always available, and a choice was made to experience separation, and a seemingly unattached state – an unreal imaginary state that has never existed – was constructed in which to engage in that experience. That state has seemed extraordinarily real because that was the purpose for which it was constructed, and all sentient life that chose to experience form has found it to be an extremely convincing reality, even though it is totally Unreal! Read More…
Jesus through John: Intend to be fully integrated within the field of Love
01.02.2022 15:49
The collective awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, so do not allow yourselves to be unduly disturbed by the less than uplifting stories that the MSM focuses on, and then publishes with monotonous regularity in order to spread fear and anxiety. There is far more going on in the world, and of a far more uplifting nature, that is clearly indicating that your awakening is progressing quite beautifully. The divine Will is always achieved, so release any doubts to which you may be clinging, even inadvertently. Read More…
Jesus through John: Keep on being and expressing the Love that you all are
21.01.2022 16:54
You – all of humanity – are awakening, there are signs of this all around you, so let go of any doubts or negative judgments about it, and allow yourselves to become aware of these signs. As you do so you further strengthen and empower the flow of Love, the Life Force that enlivens you and your human bodies, as it flows through you and out into the collective energy field of humanity, intensifying everyone’s sense of the imminence of the awakening. To do this, and just this, is why you are presently incarnate as a human on Planet Earth at this precise moment of now. Each one of you made the most positive, personal, and individual choice to be here now. So, now that you are here, allow yourselves to know this, and then at least once daily reset your intent to share and extend the Love that you are to all of humanity, thus gently and compassionately nudging all towards wakefulness. Read More…
Jeshua: Remember Joy
18.01.2022 18:05
I am with you again and I rejoice in being with you. Feel my joy. Just to share this moment with you lifts my heart because you are one with me, so close to my heart. Feel the joy rushing over you and through you. Joy is the essence of creation. Everything, every act of creation begins with joy. Your very journey to Earth once began with a sense of joy. Remember that feeling. You once held a vision in your heart of a beautiful and balanced Earth. This vision is still alive and now it is coming closer every day. Read More…
27.12.2021 17:56
Dearest Ones we are all here together with a strong bond of Unity and a great force for LOVE on the planet NOW. JESHUA: Many of you are going through great stresses as you prepare for the Christmas of this year of 2021. Even though this time is a supposed time of a celebration of my birth, it can also bring up many fears and negative emotions. You may be planning food and drink for the special day and wondering if you have enough, you may be agonising over your gifts for others and whether they are good enough, you may still have many chores yet to be completed, you may even be dreading the day if you are having to spend it on your own. Read More…
Jesus through John: Death is unreal because all life is eternal, endless, forever
27.12.2021 17:39
Humanity is on a roll! Your collective awakening is happening right now, as many of you are engaged in celebrating the anniversary of my birth, which apparently occurred over two thousand years ago – and yet it was but a moment ago! Time is dissolving now into the eternal NOW as you awaken from an eons long sleep in which you have experienced dreams and nightmares of separation, pain, and wide-spread and pervasive suffering. You have all collectively decided that you have had enough, that finally it is time to dismiss and dissolve the game of separation in which you have been engaged, and to come back together again as ONE. Read More…
Jesus through Dianne Robbins - Journey of Your Soul
27.12.2021 17:29
I am Jesus, here to take you on a journey of your soul. You will be traveling along with me as we embark on this excursion. You won’t need to take anything along, except your thoughts and feelings, for all else will be left behind. We will be taking a long broad road that will lead out to the nethermost reaches of time and space. Read More…
Jesus: A Christmas Message
23.12.2021 20:55
Beloveds, I am with you in Spirit and always in your hearts. As the religious festival of Christmas approaches with another commemoration of my birth, I reach out to all living souls at this time, regardless of your religious faith, sexual preference, race, colour, creed or criminal history. I, like you, was born in the light of the love of the Creator and I returned to it at the time of death. During my life on Earth, I never doubted that the love of God was with me, no matter how alone I might have felt at different times. Read More…
Sananda: Moving Forward
03.12.2021 21:46
I am Sananda. I come at this time, in these opportune times. These opportune times for truth, indeed, is coming forward from many different directions, many different sources. The truth is coming. The truth is here. It is still yet for those that have the ‘eyes to see, and the ears to hear.’ For those that are closed off to the truth, those that don’t want to know, those that will stay stagnant where they are in their comfort zones, they themselves will not know the truth. They will be shown it, perhaps. They will be told it, but they will not accept it. There will be many of these that will not accept this truth, that will not accept the light. Read More…
Jesus through John: Forgive yourselves for whatever you feel or believe is unworthy or unacceptable in yourselves
30.11.2021 19:46
You were created free, free beings whose true and only nature is Love. That has never changed, and never can change, because what is created is perfect and eternal. That does not appear to be so for the vast majority of humans, because the dream or unreal environment you constructed collectively in which to experience separation is, by its very nature, imperfect and decays over time. Time is simply an unreal characteristic of the physical environment in which you live your human lives, causing you fear of the seemingly final point – termination and death. Read More…
Jesus through John: To be awake is your God-given right
09.11.2021 20:25
All is unfolding precisely as our dear and beloved Father intends. It always does! No other unfoldment is possible. Therefore, allow yourselves to relax as the Tsunami of Love continues to warmly and completely envelop the Earth, and all the sentient lives who are presently experiencing a very realistic but utterly unreal sense of separation as individual beings. Read More…
Jesus through John: Let go of your doubts and BE yourselves with courage and determination
26.10.2021 20:37
We are all connected, we are all at one with each other, we are in a collective and intimate relationship with each other – always, in every moment. There is NO separation because there is only the ONE! Life is eternal, It is forever, It is Mother/Father/God, the infinite energy field of Love that is REALITY Presently you are experiencing a dream, an illusion, a game of separation in which multitudes are suffering greatly because the human collective believes that life as a human in form is real, is a one time event that unavoidably and inevitably terminates finally and forever in the death of your human bodies. But you are NOT your bodies, your conscious awareness is Who You are and is in an eternal and joy filled state of existence at One with God– even if that awareness, as is the case for the majority of humans, is itself mostly in a state of unawareness! Read More…
15.10.2021 18:26
Dearest Ones we come to you now to allay all of your fears at this moment in time. Humans are starting to wake up to the fact that the dark side has been trying to divide them into two camps for millennia. Jews against Christians, Black against White, Male against Female and in your current time, those who believe the current narrative fearing this "new" disease and those who do not, and now those who are vaxed against those who are not. The dark side feed off your so called fears of the other side and are terrified of humans coming together in Love. Their time on Earth has come to an end now and it is time now to stop all of the divisions within humanity and as a collective come together in Peace and Love. You are all souls living in a human body and you all came here to help Gaia to move into the 5th Dimension and to rid her of these dark souls. Coming together in a Collective Consciousness of a Love based Earth is the only way forward Dear Ones. Read More…
Jesus through John: You Are the awakening process, so trust it and celebrate it
08.10.2021 20:15
There is no separation, such a state is impossible because we are all – and ALL – One. Mother/Father/God, Source, Love – whatever word or words anyone chooses to use to label the All is totally immaterial – can only be known and experienced because It is totally beyond naming. And when there is only the One naming is obviously completely unnecessary. The One is infinite consciousness, infinite awareness, infinite wisdom, infinite intelligence that expresses Itself – makes Itself known to Itself, to all sentient life – as the infinite all-embracing vastness that is All.In humans It is experienced as consciousness aware of itself, as constrained and restricted by the limitations that are the nature of human form, the inability to see or sense energy frequencies that are not extremely close to those that enliven that form. Read More…
Jesus through John: The form you have chosen is always perfect for you
24.09.2021 21:53
All sentient life forms are Love expressing Itself through those forms. That is not always apparent because, as beings in form, the need to care for those forms is an ongoing daily requirement that very frequently distracts you from your overall intent to be only loving whatever arises. So forgive yourselves for any “sins or errors” that you “commit,” and make a point of fully accepting yourselves, just as you are, in the here and now environment of life in form. You are all, without any exceptions, doing your best, but because you are all, by design, evolving spiritually in every moment of your lives in form, you keep being brought to the awareness that you need to evolve even further, that you need to stop reacting egotistically when something unexpectedly occurs and upsets you, even momentarily. Read More…
Jesus through John: Guilt never serves you
21.09.2021 21:57
Be at peace with yourselves, all is flowing beautifully, just as divinely intended. Trust yourselves, because you are, every one of you reading this message, precisely where you are meant to be, where you chose to be before you incarnated for this present human life experience. You all chose to be in form at this precise moment – NOW – to massively assist in humanity’s awakening process, and that is exactly what you are all doing. You are all setting and holding the intent to be only loving whatever arises daily in your lives, even if at times it does not seem like that because, unthinkingly and unmindfully, your egos react unlovingly to an unexpected event or personal interaction. Just remind yourselves, when you become aware that such an event has occurred, that your true intent is to be only loving, and forgive yourselves immediately for your error. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your natural state is Being, Being at One with Source
17.09.2021 21:57
Humanity is awakening, Now! It is the divine Will that you do so when you decide that you no longer wish to engage in the ego’s game of separation, and the collective has made that decision and, therefore, your awakening is already happening; signs of this momentous event are appearing worldwide. Enormous numbers of people have come to understand that life as a human is a marvelous opportunity to evolve spiritually, and to release themselves from reacting unthinkingly to the issues with which life presents them in every moment due to the fear-driven guidance or directives of their egos. More and more people are becoming aware that their egos always encourage fear-driven reactions that do not serve their soul’s bests interests. As you cease allowing fear (ego) to be the leading rationale or motivating factor directing your thoughts, words, and actions, you will find your lives flowing more smoothly and lovingly, and, with increasing frequency, peace and acceptance will replace, or at least reduce, your worries and anxieties. Read More…
Jeshua: A Time for Celebration
14.09.2021 22:23
I am in your midst; I am Jeshua. I love being with you; feel my presence in this room. I am an equal, your friend and brother. I would like to tell you that this is a time for celebration. I know that many of you still have doubts and fears about choices you have to make in your life. But Christ consciousness is awakening in all your hearts like a flame. It is still very tender and not yet stable, but it is there; it is awakening. When we are together, like we are now, when we recognize each other from the heart, from the soul, this enables us to light a fire inside us. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are alive and conscious of being alive, and that is indeed Miraculous
07.09.2021 20:39
As you wait impatiently for humanity’s awakening to come to fruition, make a point of reminding yourselves regularly throughout the day that the divine Will is always achieved, absolutely perfectly – the only perfection there is – just as divinely intended, and that there is only the divine Will, anything else is unreal, illusory. Your awakening is divinely assured, and is, therefore, absolutely inevitable – just as day follows night! If you will look you will see encouraging signs in many places as the moment for this most magnificent event draws ever closer. Read More…
A Great Announcement - Sananda through James McConell
27.08.2021 21:07
I am Sananda. I am here at this time. In this quite opportune time, I will add, as things are rapidly changing, both internally and externally, within all that you are coming to understand your lives, as things more and more are coming to the surface. It has been said, those in the shadows cannot stand within the light, so they are coming out of those shadows and being shown for what they are, what they represent, as they do not represent love and Light. They represent fear and darkness, attempting to hold onto the unknown. Keeping you, rather, in the unknown. Keeping you in the shadow within yourself. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your awakening will be a most glorious occasion
24.08.2021 19:39
We are all One . . . there is NO separation. The experience of separation is unreal, illusory, like an excessively long dream, from which you are awakening. You need to awaken to enjoy the fullness of life as One with Source, life as it is meant to be lived, fully conscious, fully mindful, fully aware, fully AWAKE! However, your thinking human minds are constantly distracting you from your intended path of spiritual evolution, the path you designed for this human lifetime, and which is leading you – ALL of humanity – back to Reality, the Home that your Father created for you, and in which you have your eternal existence. Separation never occurred, never could occur, because there is only the infinite and limitless energy field that is God, Mother/Father/God, Source, LOVE! Read More…
Jeshua and Mary Magdalene: TIME FOR LOVE
13.08.2021 22:39
Dearest Ones many of you are wondering when things are going to change. Those of you who are awake are wondering when those around you will also awaken from their slumbers. You watch the news and the real TRUTH is not being revealed and you get disappointed. You get angry when others discriminate against you, for not believing the current agenda and do not listen to your words of TRUTH. Many of you feel alienated from some of your friends and family. Life seems tough but Dearest children we are here to uplift you and to let you know that you are not alone. Read More…
Jesus through John: The state in which you are most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God
10.08.2021 20:21
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with joy as humanity processes and releases all the ‘stuff’ that is arising purely in order to be lovingly released. The lessons with which the ‘stuff’ has presented you have served their purpose and are no longer needed as an aspect of your awakening process. When all has been fully released – that release is occurring now worldwide – you will feel the strength of peace pervading your individual physical environments, your personal human space, as you open your hearts fully to Love, offering It the invitation to enter into your hearts to embrace you. It has been patiently waiting for this invitation for eons, and receiving it now allows Love to spread the magnificence of Its joy to all of humanity. Read More…
Jesus through John: Inner peace is available to all
16.07.2021 21:04
As Saul and I have often told you: There is only One! Let that statement sink in and settle deeply into your hearts, because it is the TRUTH. You need to remind yourselves of this at least once daily, and preferably many times. You are One with Source, with Love, and with all sentient life forms. There is no separation and there is no possibility of separation, so set, and keep setting, the intent to treat all, especially yourselves, only lovingly. There are NO enemies! Love is always unconditionally loving and accepting of ALL sentient life because it is All Sentient Life, that is how It has always been and how It will always continue to be. Read More…
Yeshi: The role of the ‘sleepers’
13.07.2021 19:55
Many are in crisis, which can feel painful. You see the naked truth of ‘reality’ as presented in this matrix, and you are also being presented with the truth of you. The difference between the external and internal ‘truths’ is heart-breaking. Many no longer know where to turn, who to trust, how to cope and how to continue on. This is humanity’s dark night of the soul, and you lightworkers are holding much of the pain and tension that others are currently unable to. Their seeming inability to process what is happening is not stubbornness, ignorance or arrogence. It is a part of the divine plan. This process of evolution has to strip away everything, absolutely everything associated with all lies and distortions for ions past. It is part of the process of rebalance and it cannot be rushed or avoided. Read More…
Jesus through John: You do not need to do anything to move into wakefulness, you just need to BE
06.07.2021 20:25
You are all – every sentient being without any exceptions – firmly established on your personal paths to awakening. Even though there is only the One, the One experiences Itself differently through each of you as you follow your individual paths to awakening. None of those paths are accidental, unintended, or inadvertent, each of you very carefully chose the paths that you are now following towards the grand awakening because you wanted to be as helpful as you possibly could be by proffering and portraying an uplifting and inspiring demonstration of the awakening process to those with whom you would interact during this lifetime as a human in form. Read More…
Jesus through John: Awakening to Reality - A Joy-filled Book from Jesus
04.06.2021 22:38
Reality is where you are in every moment. So you will awaken Now, and when you do it will seem that you were never asleep, as the joy of this eternal Now moment continues to embrace you and enfold you in the field of divine Love that is Source, that is You! You have never left Home because there is nowhere else, there is nowhere that you could go. You are One with Source in every moment as You constantly co-create in concert with and utterly harmoniously with the One, with the All, in a glorious symphony of praise that is continuously being offered to and accepted by Source, Mother/Father/God, One, Love, Wisdom – You! Joy is your nature and nothing can disturb or change it because Love, which is eternally unchanging, is, by It’s very nature, Joy. Read More…
Message from Sananda through Dancing Dolphin - STAY THE COURSE - May 17, 2021
21.05.2021 21:21
Dear Lightworkers, you are so loved and so treasured! You are not alone on your journey, all you need do is ask for help. Angels will come to your aid, I will come to your aid! You will not see us most likely, but you will feel our energy, our powerful energies and our love, just as this one is feeling my love now. I want to tell you that as the chaos level rises on your world, it seems that more and more things will be coming to your attention daily that will be a shock to you. Things are going to be disclosed that were previously held in back rooms and underground; things that were secret are going to be disclosed very shortly. So, some of you may be in for a big shock as the world has not been what you were told it was. I wish to say to you STAY THE COURSE. Although things will be revealed that you did not know about, it does not change your MISSION, it does not change WHY you came here. Read More…
Sananda and OWS via James McConnell, May 2nd, 2021
07.05.2021 21:42
I am Sananda. I am here at this time to continue to help you develop, help you work through all of the changes that are happening in your lives and those lives around you.
Everything that is occurring is happening exactly as it needs to. And that is what you need to come to understand, even though it does not appear so. Even though it appears to become darker and darker. It is not—it is becoming lighter and lighter. The light is shining through more and more. This time, this awakening is all about hope. Hope eternal. Hope continues on eternally. And for those that have lost hope, they lose their lives. They become stagnant in their life. Once they have lost hope, they no longer want to continue on. Read More…
Everything that is occurring is happening exactly as it needs to. And that is what you need to come to understand, even though it does not appear so. Even though it appears to become darker and darker. It is not—it is becoming lighter and lighter. The light is shining through more and more. This time, this awakening is all about hope. Hope eternal. Hope continues on eternally. And for those that have lost hope, they lose their lives. They become stagnant in their life. Once they have lost hope, they no longer want to continue on. Read More…
Jesus through John: Nothing can forestall or circumvent the divine Will
04.05.2021 20:37
We are approaching the Grand Finale of this stage in your awakening process. It is not the Magnificent and most Wondrous Event of the Great Awakening in all its glory, but it will be the most exciting and uplifting event that humanity has ever experienced. You may be wondering what I mean here, because we have for quite a long time been talking of Humanity’s Great Awakening, and I have not previously mentioned that it is happening in stages. Initially, in order to encourage and uplift you all, as the awakening process commenced a number of decades ago, those of us communicating with you from the spiritual realms did not mention that there would be stages in that process. This was because you were only starting to come out of an extremely deep and eons long sleep, where the dream reality, the game of separation in which you had been engaged, still seemed very real, and so a very major event that was to occur very soon was necessary to start you enthusiastically on your awakening path. NOTHING has changed! Read More…
Yeshua: Illusory Separation
23.04.2021 19:34
I am Yeshua. I come through this one today as I come through many of you. Many of you have within you the essence of me, for we are all one. We are all aspects of Source in various forms. Therefore, we are all connected and separation is truly impossible. It is possible to become so ensconced and entrapped by the human mind and dogma to feel an illusory separation. This is what is crumbling as humanity rises further from the inter-dimensional entrapment and falsities of religious programming. People are waking up to the god-self within. It is really quite simple. You are aspects of Source. Read More…
Jesus through Tina Spalding: In the Tumultuous Times Ahead, Learn to Listen to Your Guidance
16.04.2021 22:13
I’ve often looked for a channel offering the right blend of information on current affairs and guidance on what we might do about what we learn. Tina Spaulding offers just that right blend. Jesus channels through her, in trance mediumship. He warns of rocky times ahead and much that will challenge and test us. He’s not alone in that. He refers to the time of bifurcation or separation that we’re passing through. SaLuSa has been pointing to it for a decade (as he has with the mass arrests) and now it seems to be upon us. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all now in the process of uncovering your awareness of your true nature
03.04.2021 21:27
There are, as you cannot avoid noticing, enormous changes of a most impactful nature occurring worldwide at present – of course, there is only the Present/Presence – that are a major aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process. The good news of Love is flowing into people’s awareness as never before in your human history, partly as a result of the massive increase in cognizance worldwide of the Oneness of humanity and of all life forms on your beautiful Planet Earth, which your modern travel abilities and electronic means of communication have made it increasingly possible for you to observe, study, and enjoy far beyond any way that was previously possible. Knowing other nationalities, ethnicities, cultures, philosophies, and the multitude of various ways in which these can be expressed and lived, has brought about a great openness to the wonder that is life. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your intent to be what You are – Love – brings immense peace and healing to all
23.03.2021 22:53
Humanity is awakening from the deep sleep of eons, during which you have had some horrendous nightmares, and now is the time to bring an end to those seemingly endless experiences of separation and abandonment which have caused you so much pain and anguish.Life is meant to be joy-filled but, since you chose to experience separation from Mother/Father/God, that has very much of the time not been what you have encountered. Separation has been an ordeal in which you have frequently undergone intense pain, suffering, uncertainty, and fear, and now you have finally and collectively decided that enough is enough, that you will awaken and live once more in the state of joy that is Oneness with God. Read More…
Sananda: Nearing The Finish Line
05.03.2021 21:31
I am Sananda. As always, I appreciate these times that I can be with you and share with you. And be a part of these continuing expression of your awakening consciousness. And oh! What an awakening consciousness is occurring here within each and every one of you, as well as many of your brethren across the planet, as more and more of you are awakening! You may not think that is happening. But, as we have said many times from our vantage point, it is. More and more lights are quickening within them. The flames are quickening within them, rising, growing, expanding, that flame of remembering and knowing and higher consciousness. It is all coming back. And all of you just simply need to continue to allow the process to continue. Read More…
Jenny Schiltz ~ Message from Jesus on the World Affairs
12.02.2021 23:21
Recently I had a dream and interaction with Jesus that I wanted to share. In the dream, I walked outside and on the cross street in front of my house was this giant sink hole. It held boiling bubbling tar that reminded me of the tar pits that dinosaur were said to have fallen in. From every direction people were walking towards the pit. I watched in horror as they walked in without a care in the world. I started trying to stop the lines of people, warn them, rattle them, shake them. I was trying anything I could think of, but it was like I didn’t exist. Read More…
Jesus through John: Fear is not the opposite of Love, it is the sense of its apparent absence
09.02.2021 20:43
As you are all now well aware, the human collective, all on Earth presently incarnate, are in the final stages of the awakening process. As you experience time, when you are in form, it has been a very long time coming, but, as you know in fact, the process commenced only a moment ago, an instant ago, just as soon as you acted on your collective choice and decision to experience separation. Your infinitely wise and loving Father knew – there is nothing, of course, that He/She does not know – that as soon as you experienced separation from Love, from Source you would want to end it. Read More…
Jesus through John: To seek a deeper meaning in life is a task that each human needs to address
02.02.2021 20:26
We are on the edge! Humanity’s awakening is imminent! The time of chaos and confusion is drawing to a close, even though it may well appear that the chance of new conflicts arising in many places is intensifying. Much collective karma is arising to be released as this happens, hence the chaos and confusion. Do not be anxious, the divine plan is flowing perfectly smoothly just as Mother/Father/God intends, it is just not fully apparent to you because the veil that the illusion formed between you and Reality is still in place. As this veil fades from your minds, dissolves, or disintegrates, as it will as you move into wakefulness, you will become increasingly aware that you have just not been able to see the illusion for what it really is . . . illusory, purely due to this illusory veil! Read More…
Messages of hope and support from the Higher Realms - 16.01.2021
17.01.2021 16:45
Dearest Ones we are all here with you at this very auspicious time on Earth to give you hope and support for your future. It is no accident that you all incarnated onto Earth at this time. You came here specifically to help in the awakening of humanity to ASCEND to a new way of being. A HEAVEN ON EARTH, so to speak. The time that you have awaited for centuries to change the paradigm on Earth is upon you NOW. We are here with you, not to interfere with this process, but to help and advise. Call on us now for guidance as you navigate the waters of TRANSITION. Read More…
Jesus through John: Looking within is the key to finding your awakening process
15.01.2021 22:23
Being is your most important task right now – there is no doing involved! Being is to accept yourselves in this moment . . . and this moment . . . and this moment, without judgment or negative self-assessment of any kind. The vast majority of humans have learned during their formative years that they must do or not do certain things in order to be accepted and loved by their parents, siblings, families, and teachers or caregivers. Just being is discouraged because it appears that there is so much that needs to be done, and that hard work is an essential aspect of a successful life, while doing nothing is seen as a waste of time, as laziness. Read More…
Jesus through John: You live inseparably in the Presence of the One, loved and cherished beyond your ability to fully understand
08.01.2021 21:44
Emotional STUFF is arising for everyone everywhere that is unsettling, disturbing, even frightening for many. Too many distractions – COVID-19, US Presidential election, Brexit, among other things – are pulling you, and many, many others, away from your inner work. That work is essential, and it is to be loving whatever arises either in your personal lives or as reported in the world news. Distraction from that work must not be allowed to prevent you from going within when you awaken in the morning, whenever you have a free moment during the day, and before sleeping at night, to relax in the peace and Love of your holy inner sanctuaries. Read More…
Jesus through John: All are infinitely loved, seen, understood, and accepted by God
26.12.2020 18:50
God is One. You, each individual spark of consciousness, are One, One with God, One with Yourself, there is NO separation. However there is an illusion of separation, which all who are in form experience as reality, but only when they are choosing to be immersed within it. You are free to discontinue that sense of separation whenever you wish. But, because the illusion, which you collectively chose to establish, is so beautifully designed and constructed – remember, when you were created, God instilled within You All that She is – that once you immerse yourself within it its apparent material solidity and your physical forms constantly reaffirm for you your belief that it is real. And that belief needs to be dissolved. There are some who have succeeded – the Buddha, Lao Tzu for instance – but for the majority it appears to be impossible. Some spend lifetimes following spiritually motivated paths, and some of them do become very wise and allow themselves to be guided by Love, which is of course, Mother/Father/God, Source, the divine energy field that is All That Exists. Read More…
Jesus through John: You truly can have no idea of the immense power of Love that flows through you all in every moment
04.12.2020 21:30
Today I want to talk to you about self-acceptance, not self-esteem, just self-acceptance. There are very few among you who have not suffered psychological and emotional trauma as you grew from infancy – as soon as your consciousness began to arise in-utero – to adulthood. Those traumas are the basis of your fears and lack of self-acceptance. The traumas were the result of judgment and shaming by those who were your caregivers – parents, close relatives, siblings, school teachers – who were all, with no exceptions, doing the best that they could in each moment. They too had been traumatized from infancy. Read More…
Jesus through John: God is pure creative THOUGHT constantly increasing Itself for the utter joy of all that She has created
20.11.2020 21:40
Your collective awakening is progressing most beautifully. Relax, release your doubts and worries, and watch with joy as it all unfolds! You can all feel the momentum increasing, and you can all, if you will allow yourselves to do so, feel the Peace of Oneness within yourselves as you continue to develop your trust in the One, Source, Love, Who is You/you, always and eternally. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your awakening is happening now
10.11.2020 20:59
Life is Good! However, if you focus on what you do not like in your own individual lives this does not appear to be the case. I would therefore remind you . . . AGAIN, that Life is eternal. Life manifests unmistakably and completely palpably, constantly and eternally, in the Presence of Source, with Whom each individual conscious living entity is One in every moment without interruption. Because there is only Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, THERE IS, AND CAN BE, NO SEPARATION . . . EVER! Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all ONE, and divisions between you are unreal
30.10.2020 20:27
Humanity is on the cusp of the awakening process as the numbers of ones becoming aware that there is far more to life than its material aspects continue to increase rapidly. The present confusion and uncertainty, along with the major restrictions on your freedom to move and to socialize, is motivating people and inducing them to question the validity of many of the restrictive and invasive regulations that are continuing to be imposed upon you by various governments across the world,and which the major news organizations are reporting on as being not only necessary, but absolutely essential measures to ensure that humanity’s health is fully protected. Read More…
Sananda: Hold The Line
23.10.2020 20:55
I am Sananda. I come at this time, in this opportune time, these times that are approaching now. You have heard of announcements. You have heard of many changes that are coming, many positive changes. But before the positive changes, the seemingly positive changes, come, there must first be those things that bring the awakening forward, that bring the knowing of the third-dimensional frequencies as you have become aware of. See that coming down. See the establishment coming down. See the various laws, and rules, and all of that coming down. See that happening. Read More…
Jesus through John: Sorrow is a powerful emotion that arises when you experience loss
16.10.2020 19:00
Today I want to address sorrow. Many people are experiencing great sorrow as a result of being separated from friends and loved ones, due to the present worldwide restrictions on meetings and social interactions of all kinds. When you experience yourself feeling sorrow, sadness, or any kind of dissatisfaction with the circumstances of your life, please call on me. I am always available, and I will always answer your call immediately! It is my joy to assist you all in your ongoing awakening processes, which many of you are finding extremely unsettling. As you spend more time alone, and find emotional issues arising powerfully within you which need to be addressed, thanked, forgiven, and released, ask me to help you to relax into your holy inner sanctuaries where Love awaits you, wishing only to embrace and honor you if you will allow It to do so. Allowing and welcoming is the key, so let go of any negative feelings or self-judgments about your worthiness and invite Love to join you there. Read More…
Jesus through John: Humanity’s awakening is occurring – NOW!
29.09.2020 15:44
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with joy and wonder as humanity moves very rapidly forward toward the collective awakening. You have made enormous progress during these last few months, even though the stress of current world affairs is causing you so much uncertainty and anxiety. What needs to arise into people’s conscious awareness to be released is arising, and is being released. Love is flowing abundantly to assist each individual in the collective to move most powerfully along their path Home to Reality. Read More…
Jesus through John: Highlights from “Awakening to Reality”
22.09.2020 19:19
I had an email very recently from someone who has purchased and is reading Jesus' book Awakening to Reality: A Joy-Filled Book from Jesus, in which he attached some excerpts from the book that he had High Lighted because they resonated so beautifully for him. I thought I would share them with you as I thought some of you might enjoy them. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your most important duty right now is to let go of all negative self-judgment
01.09.2020 20:21
As the COVID-19 global turmoil continues, enormous changes are in progress all across the world that will ease and simplify humanity’s awakening process as it nears completion. So keep your spirits high and intend to be a conduit through which Love can flow to all of humanity. When you set the intent to be a conduit through which Love can flow without restriction to all of humanity, you are massively adding to the Tsunami of Love that has been assisting in your awakening process since 2012. Yes, the awakening process has been flowing since 2012 and its intensity has been increasing, and now very few of you could claim to be unaware that change is most definitely in the air as you observe and feel the energy of Love arising in many unexpected places. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your present life is perfect for you
21.08.2020 21:09
Here in the spiritual and non-physical realms we are with you in every moment, cheering you on most enthusiastically, and encouraging you mightily as you move powerfully along the Home straight toward your awakening. Your destination is in sight and your arrival is inevitable. You have been most magnificently and powerfully setting the intent for humanity to awaken, and then, by following through on that intent by also setting the intent to be loving whatever arises, you have been bringing it to fruition. Many of you are sensing the closeness of this most wonderful moment in humanity’s spiritual awakening, this moment when an astounding leap forward or upward on your unfolding path of spiritual evolution or enlightenment will occur, filling you with JOY at a level that you have never before been even able to imagine, let alone actually experience. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all free, totally free, because that is how God so lovingly created you
24.07.2020 17:31
We are approaching a momentous period in humanity’s spiritual evolution. Although life in form, separated from Source, is quite unreal, it appears to be very real indeed, and while experiencing the unreality of life in form you have all chosen to learn lessons that will assist you enormously in your inevitable awakening. If properly understood and assimilated they will greatly decrease the time required for you to ready yourselves for your return to Reality – although, of course, you have never left Reality! The choice to experience life in form was made collectively, and instantly God provided the means for your return to full awareness of your Oneness. Nevertheless, in His infinite Love for You, His divine progeny, He gave you, at the moment of your creation, absolutely ALL of Him/Herself. There is nothing of God that is not also you! Read More…
Jesus through John: I assure you that the inner work that you are doing is very efficacious
11.07.2020 15:51
In these times of continuing confusion and uncertainty it is absolutely essential that you take time out every single day to do your inner work. It is your inner work, no matter how private and individual it may appear to you to be, that is leading humanity forward to its inevitable and long sought awakening. Yes, you all have daily lives during which you need to deal with the issues with which you are constantly being presented while living as humans in form, but your main work is your inner work. You all have inner work that needs to be done, work that you chose to incarnate to do at this point in humanity’s most wonderful spiritual evolution, and it is vital that you do it. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all extremely powerful beings
11.07.2020 11:56
Much is happening as humanity prepares for the pandemic restrictions to be eased, and then hears that in certain areas new restrictions are being brought into effect . It is very confusing for you, but those who are setting the restrictions are themselves very confused because the situation is not unfolding as they had planned and intended. There is much resistance arising as people all across the world come to the realization that they are being asked to conform to rules and regulations that are ineffectual in controlling the ‘pandemic,’ while severely restricting their basic human rights. Those who would control humanity are finding that they are no longer able to do so, and this will shortly begin to be reported in the mainstream media as those media start to reclaim their own right to report the real news instead of promoting the views of those who have been controlling them. Read More…
Jesus through John: All sentient consciousness was created eternally alive!
26.06.2020 21:33
The word ‘awakening’ has become a bit of a “buzz-word” in recent months, as many are hearing it for the first time in the context of the human collective’s spiritual unfoldment. This growing awareness, which is now arising in so many, that to be human at this moment is to have an experience in form, in physicality, that will allow and encourage all to remember that they are and always have been eternal spiritual beings. The life force that flows through all sentient physical life forms, and on which those forms are totally dependent for their existence in form, is LOVE. Read More…
Jesus through John: You incarnated solely to live lovingly
12.06.2020 20:35
Here in the spiritual realms I, Jesus, and all your individual support teams are watching over you constantly and inundating you with LOVE, as the awakening process continues to unfold perfectly as divinely planned. The “stuff”, that we have talked about previously, has strongly intensified for many as it flows into your conscious awareness to be recognized, thanked, and fully released. Attending to this can be very tiring, very stressful, and very unsettling, because most of you have been unaware of how much stuff you had hidden deep within yourselves, waiting to be acknowledged and released. The intensity has shocked many of you as friends and loved ones have unexpectedly – and mostly quite unwittingly – triggered spontaneous and unloving reactions that have exploded from within you, and which you have then directed powerfully back at those who have triggered you, shocking and offending them, thus triggering them in return. Read More…
Jesus through John: Allow yourselves to forgive – yourselves, and all others
05.05.2020 21:19
All are One, because there is only One. That One is Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, which is eternally present in the hearts of all sentient beings, because It is the life force, Consciousness aware of Itself as individual in each and every perfect and beautiful expression of Itself. However, in form, as a human, It is free either to accept the limits that a human form imposes upon It, or to recognize Itself as One with Source. Mostly It accepts the limitations of form, and over the eons those limitations have distracted It from choosing to know Itself as It truly is. Nevertheless, the path to remembrance of It’s true and eternal nature as Love was established at the moment It first entered into form, so that It would never become totally lost, unable to find Its way Home. Read More…
Jesus through John: Truly, even in these unsettling times, there is enormous reason for hope and for joy
24.04.2020 20:10
Earth’s population is presently experiencing much anxiety as the government imposed lock-down in many countries is severely limiting people’s sovereignty and freedom. The reason for this lock-down is officially reported to be for humanity’s protection, a precautionary measure that is essential to prevent, or greatly limit, the spread of the Coronavirus, thus enormously reducing the number of people who become ill, and greatly reducing the number of possible deaths from this contagion. People are generally accepting the wisdom of these measures, but they are very naturally worried about the long term intent of those who have imposed these restrictive regulations, and about how they might be used to continue limiting personal freedom after the pandemic has peaked and largely dissipated. Read More…
Sananda: The Great Changeover
17.04.2020 22:45
I am Sananda. It was going to be one of my aspects, that one known as Yeshua, that was going to be with you today, because of this time, these moments that you are in now, this special day that you call ‘Easter.’ But it was determined by many that I should come in his stead, I should be the one to bring this momentous news to you. Read More…
Jesus through John: Deep and lasting changes are occurring everywhere
14.04.2020 21:10
We are One, there is only One, therefore everyone is safe! Despite the fear that is being powerfully encouraged by governments across the world and which is constantly being reported on the mainstream news, ALL are safe. Yes, some will lay down their physical bodies and transition to the spiritual realms, that is one of the aspects of life in form, but that happens every day, year in year out, with the numbers rising and falling according to the seasons – more in the winter less in the summer. There is much confusion about numbers – numbers of people infected, and numbers dying due to the infection – and the accuracy of the counting leaves much to be desired. So do not be in fear for yourselves or for your loved ones as the conflicting reports about the pandemic fill the news channels. Read More…
Jesus through John: Stop trying to shut yourselves out from Reality
07.04.2020 21:46
With the COVID-19 pandemic very much on people’s minds I would like to offer some loving guidance to assist you in coming to accept what is occurring so that you do not become unduly fearful or anxious. As you know, the collective awakening of humanity is divinely assured, and your task is to continue to BE Love in every moment, because this greatly assists this magnificent divine event in its unfoldment precisely as divinely planned. You are Love, so all you have to do is to be yourselves. That means to let go of or release the personas or masks – your professional personal face that you present in the work-place, or the regular adult face that you present in other interactive situations, and also the 5-8 year old emotionally reactive child within that explodes occasionally without warning – that you normally present as yourselves when meeting with or in any way interacting with others. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are never alone
31.03.2020 20:55
In these times of increasing chaos and confusion know that your support teams in the non-physical realms are awake and alert to your every call. Do call on your own personal supporters who are in spirit for guidance and comfort in these troubling times, because they very much want to communicate with you so that you can feel the embrace of their loving energy fields bringing you peace and reducing your anxiety. Read More…
Jesus through John: There is no divine judgment
24.03.2020 20:40
You are on the cusp of great revelations that will amaze and alarm humanity, as the scale of corruption and deceit in human affairs, engaged in for eons by those who would rule and control you, are brought to light by some very courageous investigators of the utmost integrity. Part of the game of separation has been the motivation by those of high intelligence to set themselves up as leaders and controllers because they consider themselves superior to others and, therefore, totally deserving of power and privilege. They see “the masses” as tools to be used to help them achieve their aims. Read More…
Jesus through John: Engage with Love, and allow It to dissolve your fears and anxieties
19.03.2020 21:23
Humanity is approaching a moment of change, a moment of enormous change, and as you all move forward through it there will be much uncertainty and disturbance. You know that God’s Love for everyone of his children is infinite and eternal, and that His Will for you is eternal joy. However, as you move through these times of uncertainty there will be moments of intense disagreement and some conflict will result. The way forward is to fully embrace your true nature – Love – and engage with life and with others in every moment from that state. Read More…
Jesus through John: You know that you are awakening!
03.03.2020 20:21
As the awakening process that humanity is presently experiencing moves inexorably forward, there is much occurring worldwide that is causing fear and alarm to escalate. Your awakening requires you to release your hold on outdated belief systems that no longer serve you – humanity – and the judgments that inevitably arise from them. Despite the fact that many do claim to be based on love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self, they often judge other beliefs that are not in agreement or alignment with their own to be wrong. Read More…
Jesus through John: Love is both powerful and gentle
19.02.2020 20:06
Humanity’s awakening process, as you keep hearing from many sources, is moving forward rapidly and most effectively. More and more people, who have so far been totally engrossed in the seeming reality of their lives in form as humans, are beginning to become aware that they are far more than their bodily experiences would suggest, and are now very actively seeking knowledge about life after death, and about their spiritual heritage. This vast increase in interest and awareness is partly because all in human form at this moment chose to be here to take part in and assist with the awakening process, and partly because it is only now that they are beginning to sense – i.e. remember – that life has a much deeper meaning than focusing onlyon life as a human in form can provide. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are far, far more than your ego would have you believe
05.01.2020 20:47
The changes essential for humanity’s awakening have been ongoing for a number of years now, and they will climax in 2020. There were many changes in 2019 that were quite astounding for large portions of humanity who were deeply asleep, and which led them forwards to question many of their enculturated but frequently unseen beliefs. These beliefs, which they held unknowingly, directed their thoughts, words, and actions, often with less than totally positive results. Read More…
Jesus Sananda’s Christmas Message: You are the Gift
23.12.2019 18:40
Greetings, I am Yeshua, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Jesus, I am Yeshi. And I am yours as you are mine. I welcome you to this time of re-birth, to this time when quite literally the heavenly host announce the re-birth in and out of form.
Traditionally, this time of year has meant the exchange of gifts, of presents. Your presence on planet, on Earth, with sweet Gaia is a deep profound gift to me, to the Mother, to the Father, to the All. Read More…
Traditionally, this time of year has meant the exchange of gifts, of presents. Your presence on planet, on Earth, with sweet Gaia is a deep profound gift to me, to the Mother, to the Father, to the All. Read More…
Jesus through John: The infinite joy of that most wondrous moment awaits you
17.12.2019 21:21
Humanity’s progress towards awakening is quite phenomenal! God’s divine plan is for you to awaken, and it always has been since the moment that you chose to experience an unreal state of separation from Source, the Source with Whom ALL are One. Therefore it is inevitable that you awaken, and all that you can do is choose when this will be by choosing when to open your hearts to let Love enter. Read More…
Sananda through Dancing Dolphin - You Are All Powerful Creators!
07.12.2019 18:11
Dear DD, it is I, Sananda who would love to give a message to Lightworkers of Earth at this moment. This is Sananda, I am the OverSoul of the one you call Jesus or Yahshua or Yeshi. Although there are various levels in our Soul, we each keep our own personality even after the life has passed for one of our Soul Sparks. I hope this clarifies my various lives and/or existences for anyone who was confused. Read More…
Ashtar Command and Yeshua via galaxygirl, November 13th, 2019
19.11.2019 20:55
Greetings, family and friends of the light. This is Ashtar on board the New Jerusalem. We are patrolling your skies with love, with tender care, asserting our presence with love and the power of it. For we are here on divine mission, as are you. We are here to ground and guard the light, as are you, light bearers of the way. And so we offer you encouragement this day. Read More…
Jesus through John: Love never discriminates, it is unconditionally accepting of All that God has created
08.11.2019 20:43
Here in the spiritual realms – which of course is not ‘a place’ but is the One infinite energy field of Love, Mother/Father/God, where All That Is has Its eternal Presence, and therefore, where all sentient life has its eternal existence, even when unaware of this – we are joyfully observing humanity’s long anticipated awakening process approaching fruition. All is proceeding beautifully. The chaos, conflict, and confusion in so many areas is drawing to a close because the collective intent to awaken has intensified enormously over the course of this current Earth year. Read More…
Jesus through John: Anyone who presents a loving presence always has a healing and comforting effect
24.10.2019 19:14
The mood worldwide is amazingly uplifting as more and more of you come to the realization that essential changes are necessary in the way in which you interact with one another, with the planet herself, and with all the life forms she so lovingly supports. Although your physical environment is unreal, illusory, nevertheless, because the vast majority of you believe that it is real, your thoughts and intentions concerning it intensify its apparent reality, causing much joy or much suffering depending on those intentions. Read More…
Jesus through John: Love of a magnitude never before experienced in human form fills each one’s heart
28.09.2019 21:47
Constant change is an aspect of the illusion which is constantly being demonstrated by the “passage of time.” Time, too, is an aspect of the illusion; in Reality there is only Now! That makes no sense to beings in form because you have clear memories of times that have past, and you have ongoing expectations, moment to moment, that show you that in the future certain events will probably occur, and that other, as yet unknown events, will also occur. Time and change are two facets of the same material environment in which you experience your existence as humans in form. Most clearly seen and acknowledged as your bodies grow, strengthen, and develop emotionally and intellectually from infancy to adulthood, then maintain that state for a number of years, followed by the aging process that leads to bodily death and decay. And your history, however far back you choose to look, confirms this. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all perfect manifestations of the Divine One
14.09.2019 22:13
The most important subject with which humans have to deal is Love – which is their true and only state of being – or the apparent lack of Love they experience while they are in form as humans. But, of course, there is no lack of Love, because there is only Love, which is the infinite field of divine energy in which all sentient life is lovingly and eternally held and embraced. Love is found within! There is nowhere else that it can be, because there is no without, there is no outside, outside is unreal, is nowhere, is the unreal dream-world of form which lasts only as long as the sentient collective that is experiencing form chooses to maintain it. Read More…
Jesus through John: To be incarnate as a human in form is a gift of inestimable value that you have given yourselves
10.09.2019 21:05
Life is a divine and infinitely joyful creation of our infinitely wise and loving Source, and It is what we are, both those of us in form and those of us without form – an eternal and expanding flow of infinite energy that is most easily understood if defined as LOVE. As humans in form, you all want LOVE, and for many it seems that it is outside you, to be found within someone else. So you spend large parts of your human lives seeking it from that perfect other who you hope will, when found, fulfill you, making you feel complete, seen, heard, understood (at last!), and cherished above all others. But of course what you seek elsewhere can only be found within yourselves, because you are all, each and every one of you without any exceptions of any kind, already and utterly inseparably One with Source – you are the Love that you seek. Read More…
Jesus through John: Love is always calling to you to remind you of your true nature
17.08.2019 11:58
Although this does not appear to be the case, humanity is on the fast track to awakening. It has always been the collective intent that humanity awaken from the dream or nightmare that it appears to be actually living and experiencing so very realistically. The realism is because the vast majority of you fully identify with your bodies which are very vulnerable to pain and suffering through disease, accident, and conflict. When you chose to experience separation from Source you also chose to use your bodies as as your main means of experiencing life in form, effectively shutting out the absolute vastness of Reality, and thus reducing your ability to enjoy the fullness of life. Instead avoidance of pain and suffering became one of your driving motivations, along with the motivation to seek pleasure as a distraction from the seemingly never ending succession of painful realities with which life in form is constantly presenting you. Read More…
Jesus through John: Wisdom – your spiritual support team – offers gentle guidance to you at all times
27.07.2019 16:07
The signs of humanity’s most wonderful awakening are clearly visible, as ever more choose to engage in contemplative or physical activities to assist in this most marvelous event. The awakening process is proceeding apace, and there is no one on Earth whoremains completely unaware that something of great importance is occurring. A great release is in progress as much buried or denied anger, resentment, bitterness, and hatred is arising into people’s conscious awareness and shocking them. There are very few who have not buried or denied aspects of themselves that arose and were acted upon when they believed that they were under attack, physically or psychologically. These aspects that are not in alignment with your true nature – Love – have to be released because they are effectively the screen or veil which hides your true nature from you, leaving you feeling separated, abandoned, and unloved. Read More…
Jesus through John: Separation never occurred, it could not occur because the One is indivisible
24.07.2019 16:19
Humanity’s awakening is proceeding beautifully, just as divinely planned and intended. Do not be distracted and dismayed by the various unhappy events on which the mainstream media focuses its attention, and which it uses to keep your fear and anxiety exercised and alert. As I have already told you many times, the purpose of the mainstream media is not benign, it is clearly directed, by those who own and control it, to focus on the items of news that deal almost totally with conflict, tragedy, and loss of life, and that are therefore unsettling or even alarming to its audience. Read More…
HOW TO CREATE MIRACLES Part 2 ~ Sananda via Adele Arini (24 June 2019)
28.06.2019 21:54
The time has come for us to continue our higher dimensional teaching series, designed to help you master your Mastery. All the 7 Precepts we had discussed in Part 1 (the 5th Precept encompassed the following three attributes: Acceptance, Gratitude and Joy) are essential in your ascension journey to fully become Master and Architect of the Matrix. Humanity had used many different labels to describe souls who had successfully attained this Christ-Creator Level. Read More…
Jesus through John: Delayed gratification is inconceivable and impossible when there is only now
19.06.2019 21:44
All of us here in the non physical realms are enormously, and enthusiastically cheering you on, as the awakening process that has enveloped humanity, and for which all of you reading or listening to this message are doing such great work, essential work that can only be done by those who are in form, races ahead towards completion. It is a truly massive undertaking that God, in His infinite Wisdom, meticulously planned when you chose to experience the unreal state of separation. Now its time has arrived and it is proceeding apace. Read More…
Yeshi (Yeshua / Sananda) via Galaxygirl on 5/14/2019
19.05.2019 16:17
HOW TO CREATE MIRACLES Part 1 ~ Sananda via Adele Arini (10 May 2019)
17.05.2019 21:34
It is now time for me to play a greater part in reminding you just how powerful you are, and showing you the next stepping stone, in your journey to reach the destination of: ultimate freedom to be your Self. In my lifetime as Yeshua ben Yosef, believing in my own inherent God-powers, and fully understanding Oneness, came easily to me. I was privileged to be born to two awakened parents - something that rarely occurred, during that dark period of mankind's history. My parents made sure (from an early age) to instill within me, only higher dimensional beliefs/programming that reflected our God-like nature. They also made sure to always talk to themselves and to everyone they encountered, in the language of God - the language your Higher Selves speak in (please read 'The Cornucopia' if you need a reminder), and they taught their children to do the same. Read More…
Jesus through John: The ability of Planet Earth to continue to support life is assured
01.05.2019 19:39
We are all One. From the smallest least significant life forms to the most highly developed ones, everyone of them without exception are contained, embraced, and most lovingly held within the infinite field of Consciousness that is ALL THAT EXISTS. Awareness of this truth, which for eons had been recognized by only a very, very few, has, over the last five or six years, been growing exponentially within humanity. Yes, I want to confirm for you most positively that there is no separation, because Life/Love is One. Life is an ongoing creative event, an endless expansion of divine Love that is fully aware of all and that discards nothing. What is created is forever, endless, eternal, and what is created is always alive, purely because it is an expression of pure undiluted consciousness – GODNESS! Read More…
Jesus through John: Truly there is SO MUCH for which you should be filled with gratitude!
20.04.2019 21:08
Easter is a time of celebration because it honors my resurrection, the main feast in the Christian year, the feast that reminds you all that you are the divine children of God, forever enfolded in His most loving embrace, and that you are eternal beings blessed with life everlasting. Life should and can be joy-filled, and when you awaken it will be! Read More…
Jesus through John: Endless joy is your destination
12.04.2019 19:57
The crazy world you see around you is not as crazy as it may at first appear, because enormous changes, changes that were decided upon at the moment of your apparent separation from Source, are coming into effect, one after another with great rapidity. These changes are a major aspect of humanity’s awakening process, and are indications of the enormous progress humanity has made, and is continuing to make in its spiritual evolution. Read More…
Jesus through John: Life is meant to be enjoyable for all, and it can be
22.03.2019 21:37
As humanity’s awakening process progresses rapidly and most effectively, it is producing amazing changes all over the world in the way that business, industry, politics, religion, and society in general everywhere deals with the issues that are arising, presenting them with difficult problems that need to be addressed. Many hidden scandals and corrupt practices, that have been ongoing for many decades, are being revealed and publicized, further emphasizing the intense need for essential changes in every area of human activity, so that honesty, integrity, and love replace the odious and self serving agendas that have been common practice for such a long time. Read More…
Jesus through John: You find peace and self-acceptance as the Love that you are arises into your awareness
17.03.2019 20:27
The rate of change that is occurring worldwide in human attitudes and behaviors is truly amazing, and is extremely uplifting and inspiring to observe. In fact it is way beyond wonderful as more and more of you become aware that Love is the only meaningful energy with which to engage as you pursuewhatever you may be thinking, saying, or doing during your daily human activities. The effect that you – and your numbers are VAST – who consistently and daily set the intention to be only loving, whatever arises, is fantastic. Before you incarnated you knew that you could do this, but you did not know if you would do it, because the state of amnesia into which you slide as you embody yourselves as humans is rather like being incarcerated in a highly fortified prison or correctional facility, one that totally blocks all information from outside that might be of interest or of use to you. You knew this would be the case, but you also knew that you had enormous power available to you if you could remember how to access it. Read More…
Jesus through John: Forgiveness calms the storms of painful emotions within
09.03.2019 15:39
The Oneness that is God, that is All That Is, includes every sentient being ever created or that ever will be created: There is NO separation! Ever. But, living in form, as humans, the reality of this escapes you. You have forgotten the Truth, and because of the severely limiting beliefs that being human imposes upon you, you need divine Guidance to find your way Home. And that Guidance – the Holy Spirit – is always with you waiting patiently for you to take the time to listen. Read More…
Jesus through John: Release your fears and doubts, and embrace a life that is love-filled
20.02.2019 18:49
Here in the spiritual realms we watch with joy as humanity’s awakening process moves forward swiftly toward the moment for which you have all been waiting since the moment that you chose to experience separation from your Source. Namely your return to awareness that there is no separation. That awareness, once awakened, is permanent. It is also majestically intense, so much so that you will wonder how you could possibly have remained asleep and unaware for so long. And you will also realize that in fact you were only asleep, unaware, for just an instant. Read More…
Jesus through John: The vastness of who you truly are becomes strikingly apparent
05.02.2019 19:10
We are ALL. That is: all sentient life is one Consciousness that is infinitely aware and all-knowing in every moment. However, since the apparent separation occurred, those in human form have lost this awareness of the one Consciousness which is who they truly are in every moment of their existence. This is what separation is about – loss of knowing who you are. Every sentient being is permanently and inseparably connected to and one with Source, and no other state is remotely possible! Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 25, 2019
25.01.2019 23:19
Following the interest shown in the “Event” extract in a recent message, I am now including a longer extract that is very informative and well detailed. It certainly reads better in the present day, bearing in mind that the original message as per the extract below went out on the 22nd November 2013.
“THE EVENT” a Lord Sananda message extract through ElizabethTrutwin. Read More…
“THE EVENT” a Lord Sananda message extract through ElizabethTrutwin. Read More…
Jesus through John: The apparent separation that humans experience is but a trick of the ego
18.01.2019 20:23
As you are well aware, enormous changes are occurring all across the world both within humanity, and within the planet herself and all the life forms she so willingly supports. This is a time of great change that has been divinely planned for eons, it is indeed very stressful for all, however, it is a necessary part of humanity’s awakening process. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 11, 2019
11.01.2019 20:04
Information coming through many reliable sources, not unexpectedly gives much detail about the coming “Event”. I believe it is correct to say that no one knows exactly when it will take place, except that it is coming very soon and to this end much information is being released to prepare us for it. My impression is that the Event will take place approximately around 2028, so at least you will have some idea as to when. However, as the years pass it almost certain that firm indications will be possible, and we should expect to have a much better idea of the timing of the Event. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are continuously and lovingly watched over by those in the spiritual realms
25.12.2018 14:23
As humanity prepares for the grand awakening – and everyone on Earth at present is preparing, even if unaware of doing so – Christmas is an excellent time to report on the progress already made, and on what you can do to increase the power and intensity of the already made collective decision to awaken. This will assist others, who are still deeply asleep, to feel or become aware of the nudges they have been receiving to move them forward toward awakening. Read More…
Jesus through John: Remember your are LOVE!
22.12.2018 20:04
Christmas day, my birthday, is approaching rapidly, so CELEBRATE!
Enormous changes are occurring all across the planet as the moment of your awakening approaches. And that is reason for celebration. Yes, there are many who are in pain, and many who are suffering, and a very effective way to assist and support them is to set the intention to send them love and healing. For many of you that is the most effective thing you can do because you are not physically in their presence. If you are in a position where you can be physically present for someone who is in pain and is suffering, and your intuitive guidance is to attend to them, then do so, even if you fear doing this. Fear is of the ego, so tell it that you understand its concern and that you know that this is what you need and intend to do, and the fear will greatly decrease in intensity, or fall away altogether. Read More…
Enormous changes are occurring all across the planet as the moment of your awakening approaches. And that is reason for celebration. Yes, there are many who are in pain, and many who are suffering, and a very effective way to assist and support them is to set the intention to send them love and healing. For many of you that is the most effective thing you can do because you are not physically in their presence. If you are in a position where you can be physically present for someone who is in pain and is suffering, and your intuitive guidance is to attend to them, then do so, even if you fear doing this. Fear is of the ego, so tell it that you understand its concern and that you know that this is what you need and intend to do, and the fear will greatly decrease in intensity, or fall away altogether. Read More…
SANANDA through Dancing Dolphin "The new Golden Age has started!" 11-25-18
26.11.2018 18:38
I AM SANANDA and I do have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth at this time. This message is to be short and sweet as you say. For I AM busy celebrating with your Brethren, with your Ascended Masters, Angels, Company of Heaven, Galactic Family, Gaia and all her Kingdoms and your Inner Earth Brethren who are awake and aware. We are all celebrating the coming of the New Age, the New Golden Age which has in fact started already! Read More…
Jesus through John: Deep within you is the knowledge that you are Love, that you are complete
23.11.2018 20:24
Many are finding themselves experiencing inner turmoil at present, as the awakening process intensifies, and more “stuff” arises into people’s conscious awareness for acknowledgment and release. It has to be released so that Love may be personally known and experienced, and as the moment for the grand awakening is approaching very rapidly, the intensity with which it is arising has intensified enormously. For many, who are already under a considerable amount of stress, this increasing intensity is extremely unsettling. Read More…
THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE (Part 4) ~ Sananda via Adele Arini, 7 Nov 2018.
06.11.2018 20:45
It is time for all of you to remember who you are. Remember from whence you came. Remember the reason why you are here, in a time line when Earth and most of her inhabitants are ascending. The process of remembering all of this will serve to help you plot a course to your destination. Not only that, it will also help you to become that which you so deeply desired - to achieve the state of complete oneness with your Divine Christ-Self; oneness with God. Your remembrances will lead you to a place of inner knowing and understanding. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 02, 2018
02.11.2018 21:15
About 2000 years ago Sananda Kumara was incarnate on Earth as Jesus with the Master plan to put in place, and to Ascend Earth. The plan failed then as Caesar of Rome created Maritime Law making slavery the Law of the Land. A new plan had to be made because the dark Cabal had taken the grand experiment beyond anyone’s intentions. Read More…
Sananda via Sion, October 31st, 2018
02.11.2018 21:06
The great events that are about to happen will change humanity’s course forever taking you to the start of a new golden age where the new human beings will be able to enjoy their true essence as gods of love and peace. Read More…
Jesus through John: Do not allow doubts about your worthiness, your competence, or your abilities to discourage you
26.10.2018 19:46
We, God, the All, Source, Reality, the One, YOU – all sentient life – areintensely and creatively fully involved in the awakening process. It is ongoing, and it has been since the moment of apparent separation, and now the next moment of awakening is approaching rapidly, as “stuff” arises for everyone to release and make room for L O V E, your true nature, to unveil Itself in your hearts and minds. Many of you are already getting a sense, a feeling of this, so open yourselves fully to It, there is nothing to fear, no one is in any way unworthy, or undeserving. The Divine Will is that you KNOW yourselves as One with Source, absolutely fearlessly because that is your Home, that is where you belong, that is the “Place” that you have never left. So, Wake Up, and ENJOY REALITY! Read More…
SANANDA through Dancing Dolphin: "Call on us. Ask us for help! We love to help!"
16.09.2018 13:27
Yes, Dear One, this is Sananda and I would love to tell the Lightworkers of Earth that we are here, that we are always here and would love for you all to call on us more often. We see you all struggling with the heavy energies, the incessant news stories which are created to drain your energy, the high stress levels that you all have in your lives and many, many other reasons. Read More…
Jesus through John: In forgiving yourselves, you find it much easier to forgive others
27.08.2018 20:36
The way you, humanity, live on Earth is to change soon and dramatically for the better. Awareness is finally dawning on enough of you that to live as separate individuals attending mainly to your own needs and desires does not work and cannot work. The evidence has been there for eons, but your ego-driven selves have either been refusing to see it, or have totally denied it. Instead the world has been a place where unbridled competition has held sway on all levels of society and in every nation and culture. The fear of rejection and the need to belong to a group that is supportive and protective has been extremely divisive, as wars and conflicts within families or between nations throughout your recorded history clearly demonstrates. Read More…
Jesus through John: You all have egos, and to live as humans in form you do need them
10.08.2018 17:54
When humanity awakens, as it inevitably will, there will be an enormous outpouring of LOVE world-wide. You have, collectively, been working towards this event for a very long time, and you are now ready for it. The chaos, confusion, and conflict across the world, at this moment in your spiritual evolution, is a result of your collective choice to awaken. Many agonizing memories of conflict, pain, and suffering are arising so that they may be released. Read More…
THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE (Part 3) ~ Sananda via Adele Arini, 18 June 2018.
17.06.2018 20:22
Today Adele is at last ready in every way to channel my rather-long, third message in the 'Truth will set you free' higher dimensional teaching series we all have planned to create together, in this exact NOW moment. Most of the time, something needs to first 'happen' in Adele's personal/work life to then trigger the next channeled message. Read More…
Jesus through John: Be the Love that you truly are!
13.06.2018 18:09
All are One! This is not a new thought, this is a divine Truth that is forever unchanging, but, as humans living the illusion, you have hidden this knowing from yourselves to make the sensation of separation as real as possible. Now it is time to acknowledge this Truth, open yourselves to know it, and then allow it to guide you in every moment. There is no possibility of separation from God, from Source, because That is All That Is, and all consciousness, awareness, sentience, arises here. When you don’t sense It, feel It, know It, then you are choosing to be unaware. Read More…
Sananda via Galaxygirl, June 4th, 2018
05.06.2018 18:49
Greetings friends! It is I, your Sananda. As I look upon my beloved friends and family from the bridge of the New Jerusalem, I am delighted and astonished at the rate of acceleration of both personal and collective growth of you all in such a short amount of time. It is truly exhilarating to witness and it is may privilege and honor to be of service at this most critical juncture of your ascension and your evolution. Read More…
Jesus through John: Every single human has their own direct connection to Source through the Holy Spirit
15.05.2018 21:07
Humanity’s progress along the path to awakening is moving rapidly forward, and there is evidence of this all across the world as more and more of you set the intent daily to be only loving whatever arises. This is the most powerful intent that you can set, and when you do you are enormously assisted by the unseen ones who watch over you lovingly and support you in every moment of your earthly existence. You are never alone, you are always fully supported as you follow the paths to awakening that you set up for yourselves before you incarnated. As a direct result your success is divinely assured. Indeed the tipping point for humanity’s awakening has already passed, and many of you are now feeling the certainty of this. Read More…
THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE (Part 2) ~ Sananda via Adele Arini, 8 May 2018.
08.05.2018 18:52
It is now time to continue my last message by first sharing with you all a little bit of my real-life story as the famous Jesus of Nazareth. Unlike what had been previously said in Part 1, I will be sharing my true, authentic teachings from that lifetime here through Adele, one channeled message at a time in the future. This is due to the length of each channeled message, which I prefer to keep to the bare minimum. Read More…
THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE (Part 1) ~ Sananda via Adele Arini, 18 April 2018.
20.04.2018 20:20
Greetings my brothers & sisters! Today I am here to help you break the chains of powerful 3-D beliefs coming from certain religious teachings. This message will show you the way to a healthier physical body; a healthier, happier life. Read More…
The Best is Yet to Come ~ Sananda, 9 April 2018
09.04.2018 21:04
Greetings my friends, Today I would like to discuss potential futures/timelines faced by the Human Collective, based on current Light data and planetary vibrations level. I am sure all of you know that the future is fluid. The future is what you all make of it. Your individual and collective futures are very interconnected. The thoughts, words, feelings and actions of just one person can have great, far-reaching ripple effects on the entire planet. Read More…
The Long-Awaited Landings ~ Sananda, 20 March 2018
21.03.2018 19:23
Not long after my previous message about the coming Great Event, here comes along another important update for you all. Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters of the Light are now planning for a major landing on the surface of Gaia. The first wave of landing will be led by a spiritually-advanced race of beings called the Pleiadians. Read More…
Jesus through John: To awaken is to evolve spiritually, and that is humanity’s divine and inevitable destiny
21.03.2018 19:12
As the mainstream media focuses almost entirely on the drama of conflicts occurring all over the world – military, political, social, business, criminal, etc – I would like to remind you that there is an enormous change occurring in the way that most people see the world. People are waking up to the fact that conflict needs to cease and that harmonious conversation and discussion between all races, nations, cultures, political factions, and business and religious leaders must be started with the intent to cooperate together to ensure that every form of poverty and abuse is eradicated planet-wide and that every human is honored and respected as a child of God. Much preparation has already been done, and there are many working tirelessly towards this end. Each one holding the intent to make this happen adds powerfully to the energies of Love inundating the planet. Read More…
The Great Event is Coming ~ Sananda, 12 March 2018
12.03.2018 20:30
This message is designed to give you a clear, easy-to-understand and thorough understanding of the coming 'Great Event'. Let us begin with the following question 'What is this Great Event?' You may have heard of the Event mentioned in passing, in other messages, blogs or books. And for some of you, this may be the first time you have come across this information. Read More…
Jesus through John: It is impossible for you to even imagine the Truth of Who You are!
25.02.2018 12:35
As the human awakening process intensifies and accelerates much is arising that has been buried or denied and that needs to be acknowledged, recognized, and released. There is no need to engage with these powerful emotions and feelings, they are like tropical storms that arise, expend an enormous amount of energy quite indiscriminately, and then dissipate. And, like storms, the feelings and emotions that arise will express themselves very powerfully, and that, of course, can be very painful,so do not attempt to suppress or control them, just allow them to flow though you, as they will, without attempting to direct them or dump them on others. Read More…
Jesus through John: The unreal is weakening in the Presence of Love, and it is dissolving
26.01.2018 18:04
All across Planet Earth the energy fields of humans are moving toward each other, and melding, blending, and integrating, in evermore harmonious cooperation as the Tsunami of Love continues to strengthen and intensify. Yes, there are still conflicts arising, suffering is still being inflicted on the weak, as your various news agencies keep on reporting, but while this is occurring a massive release of old buried hatreds and resentments worldwide is taking place. Read More…
Sananda via James McConnell, December 31st, 2017
14.01.2018 14:11
As always it is wonderful to be with you, to be able to share in these ways, knowing that in the not too far off future these ways that we are sharing now will no longer be necessary. For you, each one of you will have your own connection to those levels of consciousness beyond yours, beyond the consciousness that you are now. In other words going to your higher level consciousness; those levels of your being that encompass the entire you. This is what you are moving toward. Read More…
Jesus through John: Truly, death is but a transition and should not be feared
11.01.2018 20:08
2018 is here and well established, and much needed change is happening planet-wide. Love is penetrating the hearts of even the most fear riven because the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify as more and more of you set and hold the intent to be only loving all day and every day, whatever arises. Read More…
Sananda via Ann Dahlberg, December 31st, 2017
31.12.2017 16:43

I am Sananda and I wish you all A Happy New Year. We are at the cusp of large changes in the coming year. These changes will take place on both the inner and outer plane. The peace is here now dear children on Earth and this can create completely different conditions than those that you are used to. It means that resources can be used for humanitarian purposes and for better and more humane technologies for yourself and your Earth.
It is now a time for still calmness. The calm before the storm somebody might wonder, but the storm has weakened. There are only some strong winds here and there. The pot can however start to boil in this year of disclosure. Many feelings can be stirred up and might need to be calmed down by the more experienced who already know and feel what is on the way. It is a time for deliberation, a time for planning and a time for putting a new plant in the ground. Times are changing and so are we – nothing can continue as before. From the truth the knowing comes forth that a new era has dawned and a new way of living has started on Earth. Think again and think new are the slogans that are heard on Earth today. We are One and we belong together – everything that is done is done for us, for us as a grand human collective. Everything that is done is also done for all other inhabitants that live on our Earth in various societies. Together we form a unit with much respect and love for each other. It is time to take each other by the hand now and to dance to the new music that is now sounding all over our Earth. Hear the tones, feel the vibrations – they are light and joyful. Feel how the heart vibrates with the new tones that sound across the Earth today. The heart wants to sing, it wants to dance and it vibrates of love for all that is. Feel the relief that is in your body, let the tears fall out of joy for the new song that now is heard across Earth. The angels play and sing. Their songs can be heard wide and far and it makes your heart vibrate. Listen and feel how it vibrates in your body. Feel that a new époque has been born on Earth. A new époque of peace, joy and love. Allow yourselves to live in the light, in joy and in love, as this is where you belong.
Everything that you say and do will now be guided by the love in your heart and this is the only thing that can help you forward now. The love in your heart is the key that makes the door open up to the new world of peace and love that is now available to you whenever you decide to enter into it. This can sound a bit unbelievable in your ears, but it is nevertheless true as the truth resides in your heart and at the same time as you reach it you understand that it is true. It is true for you and all other beings that are together with you in that moment. In this moment anything can happen and it is you who steer your steps with the help of the wisdom in your heart. It is time to bring out your wisdom now dear children on Earth – your ancient wisdom of love and truth. It is time to bring out the tools, the tools that allow you to understand that you are more than you have become. These are the tools that make you understand the meaning of your life and the role you play in this world. It is a role that will lead to a new world of love and beauty being born. It is the role that will lead to your heart opening up and blossom into full bloom. It is these open hearts that now form a new world on Earth. You are all part of it.
I now send my light to all your hearts so that yet more can open up and show their unique flower. All these beautiful and unique flowers then together form a world the kind of which has never been seen before. It is fantastic, wonderful and beautiful.
Much love,
Jesus through John: For God to lack anything is impossible
29.12.2017 15:11
As the year of Our Lord, 2017, draws to a close, make a point of giving thanks. There are none among you who have been completely without occasion to give thanks in 2017. Giving thanks is a very powerful energy exchange, much like forgiveness, which you should all also be offering to those you have offended – including yourselves for the negative self-judgments and disparagements you have dished out to yourselves far too frequently during these last twelve months. Read More…
Sananda via Galaxygirl, December 18th, 2017
19.12.2017 19:22
It is I, Sananda! I greet you with a hearty hug and am telling you that all is well tonight, dear friends. All is well, and all is going to be well. For I see splendor and a glorious timeline projecting here, from the New Jerusalem, where I am currently standing on the bridge, and the view is most stunning. Read More…
Jesus through John: As humans many of you think or assume that you were born without any input or choice in the matter
14.12.2017 20:48
As Christmas approaches and the year draws to a close, much is happening for all humans at a level that is far below their conscious awareness, and this is bringing into their normal conscious awareness discomfort, unsettling thoughts and ideas, and much confusion. For a very long time people have been accustomed to burying or denying extremely painful experiences that they have undergone in order to carry on with their lives and the commitments that they have taken on. Read More…
Sananda via Galaxygirl VIDEO, December 3d, 2017
07.12.2017 19:15
Jesus through John: As creators your abilities are limitless
28.11.2017 20:36
As humanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate, know that it is unstoppable. The collective has made the choice and the decision to awaken, and that intent goes on intensifying. There are signs of your awakening everywhere, however, at the same time, much is arising that is not in complete alignment with Love, and it is arising only to be seen, recognized, and released. Your own daily individual visits to your holy inner sanctuary to open your hearts ever more fully to the Love residing there greatly assist in that intensification, and are an essential aspect of it. Read More…
Jesus through John: There is absolutely nothing to fear
16.11.2017 21:16
As you well know – YES, you DO! – you are all dearly loved, so let go of your doubts, they are utterly and completely invalid. You are presently in human form, and you know, because Saul and I and various other channels keep telling you and reminding you, that every human without exception is a beloved child of God. Therefore stop trying to leave yourself out to remain alone and unloved, because to do so is impossible. OK? Read More…
Jesus through John: Love is, of course, the antidote to fear, being all that is Real
10.11.2017 18:09
There is only One, but It is infinitely vast, and It is You at One with Source, your Creator, from Whom you are never and can never be separated. So relax, all is well and always will be, as you will fully understand when you awaken from the dream that has been causing you so much pain and suffering over the eons. The human collective has made the decision to awaken, and so the process of awakening has started. Read More…
Jesus through John: Dreams always end and the dreamer always awakens
19.10.2017 20:27
Everyone, all of humanity, is becoming aware that there is no separation, because modern physicists have proclaimed it in public many times now, but the vast majority of humanity has no idea what that really means. Those of you reading or listening to this blog, and to other uplifting and inspiring ones, know that it relates to the fact that there is only God, Source, Love, and that there is NOTHING ELSE! And even you have great difficulty grasping what that actually means. IT MEANS THAT THERE IS NO SEPARATION! Read More…
Jesus through John: You can change the way you experience life
15.10.2017 16:56
The divine plan for your awakening is unfolding in the only way it can – PERFECTLY! There is only Father/Mother/God, Source, Love, and because of Its nature It is always perfect. There is no other possibility. Because you are God’s divine children, each and everyone of you without exceptions of any kind whatsoever, you too are PERFECT! Read More…
Jesus through John: Humanity’s awakening is the change you wish to see in the world
02.10.2017 23:02
As the moment for humanity’s Grand Awakening draws ever closer the energy of the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify to assist you in your preparations for this most wondrous event. I know that many of you have doubts, because it seems that you have been waiting for this divinely promised event for a very long time, while chaos and conflict throughout the world seems to be increasing and intensifying. Read More…
Sananda via Ann Dahlberg, September 28th, 2017
28.09.2017 22:27
I am Sananda and I walk together with you. It is a day for the wake-up song that sounds all over Earth today. There are many souls that are waking up now and they see the sun rising over the horizon. Their eyes have become clearer and they can see a clearer light. Read More…
Jesus through John: When God created you He gave you everything that He had
24.09.2017 18:41
Humanity is in the process of awakening from a very deep sleep, filled with myriad dreams and nightmares. Some of the dreams have indeed been enjoyable, but the nightmares have left many in intense pain and suffering – and they seem intensely real. When you awaken the memory of them will fade rapidly as you settle back into the divine and infinite field of Love, Reality, the state of perfect peace, joy, and harmony that in truth you have never left. It is your HOME! And there is nowhere else. Read More…
Sananda via Ann Dahlberg, September 17th, 2017
18.09.2017 18:08

I am Sananda and I come today to wish welcome to the new era that has taken a great step forward. Up till now all wars have been stopped, which have been attempted to start up. There are loving and conscious beings that sit on many important posts today and they have seen through all attempts to sow divisions on our Earth. Read More…
Jesus through John: Providing a safe space for others is why you are on Earth
16.09.2017 20:21
There is only Love. You all know that, you also know that everything else is illusory, and yet many of you engage unlovingly and judgmentally with others almost every day – frequently you are so unaware of your own ingrained beliefs and behaviors that you do not even realize that you are doing this. Taking time daily to go within, to your sacred altar, and relax in the divine Presence that is always there with you, the field of infinite and unconditional Love that is your true nature, will help you, if you choose, to become increasingly aware of how your egos are constantly attempting to distract you from perceiving yourselves as others see you. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are loved, guided, and supported by those in the spiritual realms in every moment of your human life time
03.09.2017 21:30
Humanity’s awakening process is opening out, coming into bloom, and therefore extending to all, as always divinely planned and intended. It may seem to you that chaos and confusion are increasing worldwide, but in fact an enormous amount of releasing is occurring. Read More…
Jesus through John: When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety
30.08.2017 19:15

All of humanity is now on a highly accelerated path towards waking up, it is both exciting and uplifting, and, at the same time, quite unsettling because you appear to have lost your sense of direction spiritually speaking. Really it is a time of allowing life to unfold for you, just as you originally planned it, instead of attempting to direct it from your human and egoic perspective which nearly always leads to pain and disappointment. Read More…
02.08.2017 20:08