The Great Event is Coming ~ Sananda, 12 March 2018

My dearest friends,
It is with great delight, joy and immense love that I bring you the biggest update in recent times. The time is NOW for ALL (who are ready) to return to LOVE.
You, my beloved lightworkers, have been patiently waiting for this for a long time. For a magnificent, miraculous Event such as this one can only occur at the perfect Divine Timing. We, the company of Heaven, must wait until the frequency of Light on Planet Earth is high enough to catalyze/trigger the Event and until everyone (who has, at a Higher Level, decided to Ascend) is sufficiently ready.
We all have worked hard for this massive project for thousands of Earth years; for what felt like eons in your linear concept of time. The amount of highly-evolved Light Beings participating in this grand adventure number in the trillions; located on both sides of the realms (physical and non-physical). And you are among them! Your dedication, hard-work, courage, perseverance, immense victories over 'seemingly impossible to overcome' challenges and all the experiences that you had gone through in current and past lives, have brought you right to this point. They have made you ready.
And the time is NOW for all of you to reap the rewards!
This message is designed to give you a clear, easy-to-understand and thorough understanding of the coming 'Great Event'.
Let us begin with the following question 'What is this Great Event?' You may have heard of the Event mentioned in passing, in other messages, blogs or books. And for some of you, this may be the first time you have come across this information.
Simply put, the Event is a singular, cosmic, completely visible, planetary-scale 'explosion' of Divine Light and Love on Earth. These powerful waves of Divine Light and Love will come straight from God/Source; channeled through the Great Central Sun. They will pass through your galaxy and planetary systems, to arrive and encompass all of the Earth in ONE single moment ~ reaching all living within the planet at the same time. Gaia and all of Her inhabitants will be able to see and feel the Event, and not a single person will remain unaffected afterwards.
What is likely to happen during the Event? During the Event, all incarnate souls will feel a powerful, undeniable surge of the following feelings all mixed in together: Unconditional Love, Divine Bliss, Complete Acceptance of who you are, Divine Grace/Blessings, and, strong feelings of finally being HOME again. During this powerful energy surge, some of you will be able to witness the appearance of an Ascended Master: leaders/founders of the religions/faiths that you believe in or have a close spiritual connection with.
For example, if you are a Christian, you may see a vision of Lord Jesus and will be able to talk to Him personally. If you are a Buddhist, you may see a vision of Siddharta Gautama (the Buddha) and be able to have a private conversation with Him. You will instantly be able to recognize who they are, by the very powerful Light and Loving vibrations they emanate and by your own eternal connection with the souls of these powerful, highly-evolved Light Beings.
Even after reading what is written above, it will be challenging for most of you to even imagine what the Event will feel like, because you do not yet have a previous life experience as a starting point of reference to compare it with (from within this lifetime). However some of you reading this had experienced something similar to the Event, during your meditation/spiritual awakening, but on a much smaller scale . If you belong to this latter group, bear in mind that whatever you had previously felt in the past, you will feel all of the above feelings again, but magnified more than a thousand times during the coming Event.
What will happen to everyone after the Event, however, is where it gets a little bit tricky to explain. Every one of you will perceive and process the Event differently: depending on the type of soul group you belong to among the 4 different soul groups below.
Group 1 consists of awakened souls, our Lightworkers; all of you who are reading this. You will know and understand the Event for what it truly is. It is the great catalyst that will simultaneously: mark the beginning of Nova Gaia ~ Utopia Earth and mark the End of Times (the End of Life as you have previously known it, in third-dimensional Earth). You had been awakened earlier than most of Humanity for a very important reason: you have been entrusted to be the guides, the way-showers and the leaders of fifth-dimensional living.
You all have been training and preparing for this moment in time for a very long time, and are now completely ready to take up the mantle of leadership and be the teachers/mentors/trainers you have come here to be. The blueprint of your life; the next steps that you need to take; the role that you will assume after this Great Event will be revealed to you in greater depth and clarity by your Higher Selves and your spirit team. Most of you have answered your Calling and have begun/already settled into these Light-work roles anyway by now, in some way, shape or form.
As leaders of the fifth-dimensional way of life, you will receive constant guidance and direct assistance from your Galactic Brothers and Sisters from many highly-evolved, advanced civilizations. You will enjoy the lessons these Galactics will provide to help with the planetary healing of Gaia as well as the formation of Nova Earth.
Many new, fifth-dimensional structures are now ready to be put into place and your spiritual powers will be fully awakened and start to develop at a faster rate. You will learn how to master your thoughts since humanity will soon be a race of beings who, predominantly, communicates via telepathy. Mastering your thoughts is the first step to Mastering the Art of Creation and Manifestation. And your Galactic Brothers and Sisters will greatly help you on this as well. And when your lessons with them are complete, you will then go out into the world to share this knowledge with others so that ALL HUMANS on Planet Earth will one day, be the Living Embodiment of their Higher Selves. All will become powerful Creators and Manifestors. Earth will become a planet that only consists of Loving Beings who truly embody Oneness and Unity; of Masterful Beings who have Ascended to the fifth dimension.
Group 2 consists of unawakened souls (who, at a Higher Level, have decided to Ascend in this lifetime). For this group, the Event will: trigger tremendous shock, confusion and cause them to initiate research into greater understanding on what exactly has happened to them. The Event can be likened to THE loudest wakeup call they have ever heard in their entire lives; one that can no longer be ignored. They will start (with a sense of deep urgency that only they can feel) to seek and attract into their lives, guidance from you, my beloved Lightworker friends. They will intuitively find the 'perfect' mentor for them who possesses the higher knowledge needed to help them move forward in their own Great Path of Light. Spiritual development will become their main focus in life. And with time as they grow more spiritually mature, these souls will also come into a full remembrance of their true, Higher Selves and strive to embody Divine Love in their everyday lives.
Group 3 consists of unawakened souls (who, at a Higher Level, have decided Not to Ascend in this lifetime). They will still feel the intensity of the Great Event and also experience all the feelings that come during it. However, after it is over, they will slowly return to life within the third-dimensional paradigm. Even if they were to come across 'real and authentic' news about The Event and what it signifies, their inner reaction will be strong: doubts, disbelief and denial.
The Event is the greatest wake-up call to all incarnate souls on Planet Earth who are currently still sleeping. This group of souls however is sleeping too deeply and have (at a Higher Level) decided not to wake up in this lifetime. Thus the Event will not trigger any interest in all things spiritual; as they are not at the phase where spiritual development becomes a priority. In other words, they are not mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually ready to Ascend right Now, in this current lifetime.
Group 4 consists of unawakened souls (who, at a Higher Level, have decided to play the roles of the Darks in this lifetime). If you haven't already done it, please read this channel's last week message titled 'Embracing the Dark' for more information about this particular group of souls. There are two types of the Darks in this particular soul group. One that is 'in-the-know' of what is happening on Earth right now, and another who is 'completely in the dark' and have no idea/care about the Event and what it means.
Those who are 'in the know' - who have so far actively and deliberately tried to prevent and stop the spiritual progress of Humanity - will come to a sudden realization that their time has now come to a complete end. They will know that all is lost for their Dark purpose/cause, as Humanity will no longer hold any interest in living in the type of lower-vibrational, third-dimensional consciousness these Darks thrive in.
All the souls in group 4 will be faced with only two possible paths to undertake after the Great Event.
Path A is the path of a possible return to the Light and Love of their Higher Selves. This is the path that offers, one final, last chance, for these souls to embrace the Light and return to their Divine origins in this current lifetime. For the souls who are choosing this, great courage is needed to walk the path. They all have to 'come clean' with all the wrongs they had done in their current lifetime (i.e. all the things that were harmful to the Planet, and/or harmful to the people, groups/societies/citizens of their own countries).
All will be disclosed anyway, in one way or another. Nothing can remain hidden in Nova Gaia. Every human being on the Planet will one day find out all the wrongs that had been done to them by this group of souls whose previous purpose was to have 'Power over Others' and satisfy their greed. Every harmful action they had ever been a party of (either directly or indirectly) will come under intense scrutiny.
Spiritual leaders, from soul group 1, from all across the world will be selected to come forward and represent Humanity ~ to decide what to do with all the souls in group 4 who have decided to walk path A. If you are selected to be one of these spiritual leaders, (and many of you reading this article will be), please remember what I had said at the end of my last week's message through this channel. Here it is again:
You are called to be the voice of reason; the voice of LOVE. You will be called to be the anchors of a fifth-dimensional way of being: the way of Unconditional LOVE. You will be the voice of Calm, the voice of Peace. You will speak and stand up in front of many citizens of Earth and persuade them to choose the way of Unconditional Love, the way of Forgiveness and the way of Letting Go of the Past.
These leaders will first have to assess the true intention of all who belong to group 4. There must be TRUE remorse; a genuine intention to reform and a willingness to surrender to the decisions of: not only the selected spiritual leaders, but also the group of people they had harmed in the past.
The leaders will have the ability to detect all deceits and lies they may be given by some of these souls. A deliberate attempt to deceive and lie will definitely fail; in the event where some of these souls' true intention is just to, one way or another, escape the consequences they are being forced to face.
Only those with the most genuine of intention to: make amends, reconcile and pay for their mistakes and adopt the fifth-dimensional way of living in the spirit of Love, Unity, Peace and Abundance for all, will eventually be forgiven, embraced and continuously guided so that they will once again walk the path of One Living in the Light.
After going through the above assessment, if/when it is found that some souls are so lost in the Dark that nothing further can be done to return them back to the path of Light (i.e. this will likely be group 4 souls who are 'in the know'), then Path B is the only option these souls can undertake. No other path will be allowed.
Path B is where these souls will have to be 'returned', 'transitioned' or 'merged' back to the Light of Source, back to God's loving embrace in the spirit realm, to then be re-born/re-incarnated to a different third-dimensional planet that still supports Duality, Fear, Lack and Separation consciousness. Their ‘return to the Light of Source’ will happen in a loving, respectful manner. These souls will be allowed to continue to engage their own Great Path of Light by living in another low-vibrational planet and 'play' the roles of the Darks until they are ready to reunite with the Light and Love of their Higher Selves.
There is 1 important point to remember here: God has given each soul the free will to do whatever it wishes with the life He/She had given it. There is no judgment. No condemnation.
Every single soul, who currently belongs to group 4, has (pre-birth; at a Higher Self level) decided whether to follow the Path of A and Ascend Now in this lifetime, or Path B and Ascend Later in their future lifetimes elsewhere, once they become ready.
Your job, all of my beloved Lightworkers currently reading this, is to lead and live by example. You must be one of the first ones to step up and show your willingness to embrace, forgive and let go of all the wrongs these souls, in group 4 Path A, had done prior to the Great Awakening; prior to the Great Event.
Now, here comes the BIG question that I am sure everyone reading this is asking within. 'When is this Great Event supposed to take place?' There had been many different answers. Some channels recently reported that it will happen soon this very month, in late March 2018. Some wrote that it will happen before the end of this year. Others predicted it will occur much later, perhaps between 3 to 10 years' time from now. Which one of these answers is the correct one?
Predicting the future is a risky business. That is why when you go to visit two different psychics at two different times (say, one visit in your early twenties and another in your early thirties), there is a big possibility that these psychics will give you two very different answers to the same question you had asked them. Out of the INFINITE number of potential, future realities lying ahead of you, i.e. your probable timelines, these psychics can only provide predictions based on your vibrations and intentions you held, at the time of your visit. Every single person you met in life, who played a part in your life back then, or, who would (in the future timeline) play a part in your life, will have the power to change your probable future. It is really 'Forks in the Road' stuff for everyone who will play a potentially significant role in your life.
In the case of the timing of this Great Event, however, the risks of a misprediction is magnified a million fold. There are many micro and macro factors, coming from the human collective, that can influence time and space to produce a different timeline than what was originally predicted/estimated/forecasted.
That being said, here comes our final answer to your BIG question. With the presumption that all things/all matters continue to develop at their current velocity of change, there is a 56% possibility that the Great Event will probably take place within the next 3 to 6 months from today. This answer is based on current Light Data and planetary vibration level of Earth. Please do not be disappointed if it comes slightly later than the above forecast. There is even a 30% chance that it will take place before the above time range.
The most important thing to bear in mind, regardless of when the Great Event will actually occur, is that this cosmic, magnificent and miraculous Spiritual Event is inevitable. It will definitely happen. The Light is already victorious! Absolutely nothing can prevent Nova Earth from being manifested into your physical reality right here, right now.
It will soon be time for you to join the extremely lively celebrations now already going on in Heaven, in the higher dimensional realms. Cheers and great joy are resonating throughout all the galaxies in this Universe. The entire Galactic community, all of your Brothers and Sisters of Light (from your past/future lifetimes in the higher dimensions; in different races/civilizations), stand ready to embrace and welcome all of Humanity into their fold. Into the spirit of Oneness and Unity with All That Is.
These are truly great times you are living in. Please deeply recognize the honour you had been given by being physically embodied on planet Earth whilst this Great Change is happening. Let us give our profound, heartfelt thanks; in loving gratitude to Father/Mother God, Source/Prime Creator for this Great Gift of Love and to Mother Earth, Gaia, for Her deep enduring Love and the sacrifices She had given for all of Humanity throughout the eons of time.
There is truly nothing extra for you to do from this moment onward, my beloved Lightworkers. Continue to shine your Light and live every day, fully committed to: your own magnificent Great Path of Light and a high-vibrational way of living.
Please also continue to walk around every day acting like you are the embodiment of your Higher Self, and acting as if Nova Earth is already here. Both facts, in the great NOW moment, are definitely true and not a false belief at all.
All of us here in the higher dimension, bow to you all in great respect, love, gratitude and much admiration for your continued participation, courage, bravery and hard work in creating and physically manifesting Nova Earth. We will continue to be your loving, supportive work partners in this grand Ascension project. All the way through to its completion; to the very end.
I am walking with you, every step of the way. Call out for help whenever you need it. We all stand ready to assist. You are never alone.
Sending much love & light your way.
Your brother in Light,
Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2018. If you re-post, please retain message in its entirety, and provide the link below. Much love & gratitude. Namaste.