John Smallman
Jesus through John: You were created as Life, as Love, as One with God
21.02.2023 16:20
As you all continue to wait expectantly and enthusiastically for the great moment of your collective awakening, do let go of your doubts and anxieties about its certainty. It is God’s divine plan for those who chose to experience the totally unreal state of separation from Him that they awaken when they freely choose to do so, and that irreversible collective choice to awaken has already been made. Your awakening is assured, no other option is required or available. As you continue waiting, be in peace and be patient, as you become increasingly aware of the disasters that major corporate and political organizations are allowing to occur across the world, and as the frequency of extreme weather conditions and earth movements also appears to be increasing worldwide. Read More…
Saul through John: You are all very powerful beings
21.02.2023 15:28
Doubt and uncertainty are part of being in form as humans, part of the unreal experience of separation from your Source, from Mother/Father/God. Yes, it is an unreal experience, even though while you are undergoing it, it does seem totally real. And this is a very good reason for you to awaken, because living in a state of unreality is quite distressing for most people. Yes, at a deep level, you do know that what you are experiencing is unreal, but that deep knowing is not available to you while you are apparently in a fully awake state as you go about your daily human lives. Read More…
Jesus through John: I, Jesus, am always with you all, loving and embracing you constantly
17.02.2023 17:45
All are One, and deep within yourselves you do know this. And the One is Mother/Father/God, Source, Love – you. Only this is Real, any sense or feeling that is not in alignment with Love is unreal, temporary, and will not last. There will be no memory of the unreal to remind you of pain and suffering seemingly experienced as extremely real in the nightmare or dream state of separation from which you will awaken, as you are in fact doing right now. All is well, and you know this is the divine Truth. Love is All. There is nothing else. Read More…
Jesus through John: Only Love is Real, It is Who you are
06.02.2023 19:39
You and I, we are One, and to be One is All that we need, because One is Mother/Father/God, Love, Source, from Whom All flows constantly and infinitely lovingly in the ever ongoing act of energetic creation. This is never interrupted or paused for even the most infinitely small instant that you can conceive of. God, Love, Source is forever and always flowing abundantly into and through each individuated expression of Herself in pure joy, because that is Her divine Will, which is always being extended in delight at the endless wonder that She is. Every sentient beingis an individuated or differentiated expression of God experiencing Herself in a ceaseless and eternal Relationship with Herself through each and every one of you, and it is very good. Read More…
Saul through John: God gave you All that He has and Is at the moment of your creation
03.02.2023 20:35
God’s plan for humanity’s collective awakening is unfolding PERFECTLY! It was created at the precise moment that you chose to experience separation and independence from Him, because He knew that once you experienced such a state you would immediately seek to return home to be once more and forever in His divine and infinitely loving Presence. Read More…
Saul through John: Time is unreal and makes no demands!
27.01.2023 21:33
Yes, it is unfolding right now, in the only moment there is, the eternal moment of now. You do of course know this, because when you allow yourselves to be aware you are aware that everything you think, say, or do is happening now, the only ‘time’ in which it could happen. It’s just that NOW keeps on continuously renewing itself without ever a break, that is what now is – NOW! Read More…
Jesus through John: While experiencing life as humans you are unconscious
24.01.2023 20:15
Life as a human in form presents you with many lessons that you planned for yourselves prior to incarnating, and which sometimes shock you when they are presented to you, as they normally arrive unexpectedly; or you may not even notice them, in which case they will definitely be presented again. This is NOT a failure on your part! Life as a human is confusing and demanding, and just day to living is frequently extremely difficult for many people purely because of the paths they planned for themselves before incarnating. Read More…
Saul through John: Site logo image Johnsmallman's Blog Love in action is being massively demonstrated all across Planet Earth
20.01.2023 20:30
As you have been told so often, and increasingly frequently over the last few moths, humanity’s collective awakening is proceeding precisely on schedule, as divinely intended, and is indeed now very, very close. To be prepared to embrace this wondrous event make sure you do not forget to take quiet time out at least once daily to just be, while holding the intent to be a channel or conduit through which God’s love can flow most abundantly out through you to embrace every human presently incarnate. Each of you incarnated to do this at this moment in the awakening process simply because you generously chose to assist in adding massively to the energy of Love enveloping the planet. You are now bringing it to maximum effect as Love continues to nudge or even shake people out of the dream state, the illusory sense of separation from your infinitely loving Source. Read More…
Jesus through John: Respect and honor yourselves, and respect and honor others
17.01.2023 20:52
Humanity’s collective awakening process is proceeding apace! Do not allow yourselves to be unduly distracted by world events, although they seem very real, very troubling, and as though they are leading to further pain, suffering, and conflict for all of humanity. Instead, be fully aware – and this why you are presently incarnate – that what you are seeing in the world around you IS unreal! Humanity IS awakening, there is no going back because you have collectively chosen to open fully to your true nature – LOVE! This has always been your intention, and God’s Will for you. Read More…
Saul through John: The divine Will is also, and in every moment, your will
10.01.2023 20:59
All are Love. All were created from Love, and there is NO OTHER INGREDIENT! All are One with God as in “I and my Father are One.” And all do know that Mother/Father/God is Love, and that therefore all of you are also Love, and that there is absolutely no other possibility. If you, in your human ego-driven forms, can accept that divine Truth and then choose to allow Love into your hearts so that you feel It, you will move most positively toward a full knowing of that one eternal Truth – that Love Is! Read More…
Jesus through John: God’s Love for His children is infinite, eternal, and unchanging
03.01.2023 14:11
As you prepare to start a new year, do relax into that space of deep inner knowing that you all possess, and allow yourselves to know that God’s plan for humanity is unfolding precisely as She intends, knowing, as you all do, that what She intends always occurs exactly as She wills. Humanity is awakening, and there are signs of this all across the world, even as it seems from the presentations of the various media outlets that pain, suffering, and conflicts are increasing enormously. Yes, there is much conflict occurring, and that is because there are still many on Earth who are clinging very fearfully to large amounts of judgment, anger, resentment, and hatred as it becomes ever more apparent to them, quite naturally, that the authoritarian governmental organizations on whom they have been relying for personal and global safety have been failing in that task. Read More…
Saul through John: Not even one sentient being is in any way unworthy of Love
30.12.2022 17:50
Humanity’s awakening is truly imminent! In fact it is happening now, even though there are no reports of this most wondrous event on any of the media to which you have access. The media, and those who control and direct them, wish to distract people’s attention from this astronomical outpouring of Love that is embracing all of humanity, and their intent is to keep focusing on drama, pain, and suffering so that people will be encouraged to align with these negative and physically draining feelings and emotions. However, this ‘censorship’ cannot and will not in any way at all disrupt this event, it is divinely directed and will, therefore, blossom beautifully just as God wills. No other outcome is remotely possible. Read More…
Saul through John: Let go of any doubt, anxiety, resentment, anger, or fear
20.12.2022 21:47
Today we are going to address issues that are of major concern to many of you – time, waiting, doubts, and anxieties. We have been informing you for some time now that your collective human awakening is extremely close in time. And it is! But your experience of time is somewhat variable within the illusory game in which you are engaged as humans. Many of you as small children could not conceive of becoming adults because such a state appeared to you then to be eons away in time. Now, many of you, especially those who are in old age, are wondering where the time went! Read More…
Jesus through John: It is in fact you that are vast, and, in relation to you, the universe is truly insignificant
16.12.2022 21:39
The collective human awakening is almost upon you, it will NOT be delayed! Now is the moment for this magnificent event to come to fruition, to bear fruit, and it will. You have, with massive intent and through the enormous power of Love, now reached the point from which colossal joy will flow freely and abundantly through vast numbers of you, joy that will totally envelop, embrace, and amaze you. You are going to be so glad that you you chose to be incarnate as a human at this moment in this most beautiful further unfolding of God’s divine will for Her beloved children. Yes, the environment that you experience as humans in form is most certainly unreal, illusory. Read More…
Jesus through John: Releasing personal doubts is an essential aspect of everyone’s awakening
13.12.2022 20:32
We are all One! Any of you reading this cannot be unaware of this divine Truth, the very Foundation upon which Reality, Mother/Father/God rests in eternally glorious Peace and Love. This provides for and satisfies all your needs before you have any, and so you have none! As humans in form, however, it seems that you do have endless needs, a multitude of needs that never are and never can be satisfied. That is what the state of separation is, only it is not, because separation from the One cannot ever happen. Read More…
Saul through John: You are all divine beings whose true nature is LOVE, and NOTHING else!
06.12.2022 21:01
As the collective human awakening process rapidly approaches fruition, there is much happening around the world that would appear to indicate that the levels of conflict and corruption are increasing. This is not the case. What is happening is a massive release of information about the enormously corrupt practices that have been ongoing for all of human history, and which those in power have done their utmost to conceal – until very recently they have been very successful at doing this – and which they no longer have the power or support that they need to continue doing so. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all individual and brilliant Sparks of the Light that is God expressing Herself through you
06.12.2022 20:30
Life is good, it is always good, but then you allow yourselves to be distracted by the unrealities or illusions of the world of form in which you have collectively chosen to experience separation from your Source, Mother/Father/God; and then intense suffering, pain, or terror can rise up into your field of consciousness. When that happens you temporarily cease to experience life as good, and frequently blame the dissatisfaction or pain that you are experiencing on others, the government, or even on God. Read More…
Saul through John: As you know, separation from Source has never occurred
29.11.2022 20:49
As the year of 2022 draws to a close you are all well aware of the enormous numbers of experiences and events that have occurred, many of which were neither happy nor uplifting, and which have mostly served to increase the suffering that so many worldwide are undergoing. However, this growing awareness of the unnecessary but sometimes intentional increases in suffering is effectively leading to a major release by large numbers of people of the ingrained, judgmental, and unloving intentions and behaviors that have plagued humanity for a very long time. It is the time NOW for each human to release all within them that is not in complete alignment with Love, and this is happening. The numbers of you who are finally realizing that judgment and competitive thoughts, words, and behaviors never resolve conflicts, but only increase their frequency, are growing rapidly as the insanity of these sorts of relationships on an individual, organizational, political or international level becomes ever more apparent. Read More…
Jesus through John: Separation is unreal, and has not and never will occur
25.11.2022 21:12
As you wait most expectantly, and filled with excitement for the grand awakening, it is essential that you continue to visit the holy inner sanctuaries deep within yourselves every day to reset the intent to be only loving whatever arises. You are all Love incarnate, but for the most part you become so busy with your daily human lives, and distracted from the reality of who you truly are by the stress of those daily lives as humans, that you remain in your illusory or dream-like state of unawareness of your authentic nature. The world of form seems very real, because this was your intention when you built it, and this is indeed very confusing for you as you live within it today. Read More…
Saul through John: Vastness is of God, because He is All
15.11.2022 21:05
Today, like every day, is a very good day. Days are always good, it’s just how you choose to experience them that changes. Change and uncertainty are major aspects of the dream or illusory state in which you spend most of your ‘time’ during your lives in form. It’s unavoidable because you do need to attend closely to what being alive as a human means and then behave in a manner that aligns with your interpretation – life is dangerous I must acquire the means to protect myself and my loved ones; life is good as long as I pay attention and remain alert to my environment; life is difficult because it is far too often throwing me a curve ball; and so on – and, of course, you can always alter your interpretation, in fact you often do as new information comes into your awareness. Read More…
Jesus through John: Every one of you is an absolutely indispensable master craftsman
11.11.2022 21:25
Good day to you all, and, despite any worries or anxieties you may be feeling, it is a very good day. Humanity is awakening rapidly, the main event is very close now, and, of course, there is only Now! Yes, I and many others have told you that again and again to assist you to come to an awareness of the unreality of time. In fact your most recent science has come to the realization that time is flexible and variable, changeable, and therefore unreal, even though it continues to seemingly flow from the past through the present to the future. And as you can choose to be aware that there is only now, you are, therefore, always in the now; you may remember the past and dream of or dread the future, but you always do that now. Read More…
Saul through John: All is well, humanity is awakening
08.11.2022 20:13
Doubts are arising for you who are reading or listening to this, and of course for many, many others. And I can fully understand why they arise; it appears that you have already been waiting a long time for humanity’s collective awakening, a wonderful event that was seemingly promised for December 2003, and then again for 2012 . . . and still you wait. It is, quite understandably, very frustrating, and reduces your trust in us here in the non-physical realms whose only intent is to assist you all to awaken NOW! Read More…
Jesus through John: Only Love is Real
01.11.2022 10:45
As you are well aware humanity is awakening right now! This is God’s Will, God’s Will for humanity, and God’s Will always comes to fruition just as intended, and His Will is always for eternal peace, joy, and harmonious cooperation throughout heaven – Reality. When you awaken and see the divine gardens of heaven, their brilliance and beauty will most joyfully astound you. To awaken is your divine and fully assured destiny, and the moment for that to happen is closer than you can possibly imagine. Read More…
Saul through John: The reason that you were created was to live in joy
01.11.2022 10:13
As humans in form you are all loved way beyond your ability to comprehend. Love created you as eternal beings, as eternal and inseparable aspects of Itself. In every moment of your existence you are at one with and in the Presence of Mother/Father/God in utter joy and complete harmony. To be unworthy of God’s Love for you is impossible! You and God are One, you are joined inseparably in Love. Your experience of separation from one another and from your Source, as you participate in the unreality of a limited life in form as a human, is completely unreal in spite of the fact that to each of you it feels intensely real. There is only Oneness, no other state is necessary or possible. Therefore allow yourselves to relax into the constant and unchangeable Reality of your true nature nature – Love eternally at One with Itself. Read More…
Jesus through John: To awaken is to know yourselves as Love incarnate
25.10.2022 21:08
We are, to put it human terms, working over time here in the spiritual realms as the human collective continues to move rapidly toward the grand and momentous event – your collective awakening! It truly is very, very close! Yes, we have for many years now been telling you that your awakening is close, that it will happen soon, and that was true. But time, as you experience it in the unreal environment of pure materialism, is variable, it is not a constant one directional flow, as it appears to you, and therefore it makes it difficult for us to address it in a way that makes sense to you. Having made that clarification, I will say again “Your moment of awakening is very close.” Read More…
Saul through John: What God creates is eternal and unchanging, and He created You!
25.10.2022 19:40
All of humanity is right now moving very positively toward the collective awakening, so celebration and joy are totally appropriate as you become aware of more and more positive indications that this is happening. It is an unstoppable process that has been divinely created to direct you toward the Love path that will assist you greatly in strengthening your faith. Faith that God’s Will for all of His most wondrous creation is that they live in peace, harmony, and joy in every moment of their eternal and most glorious existence. You are all glorious beings, and your existence is a glorious expression of the Love in which Mother/Father/God holds you in Their eternal and divine embrace. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your awakening is divinely assured and guaranteed
18.10.2022 20:57
As you await humanity’s collective awakening with eager anticipation, practice being in the ‘now’ as frequently as you can during the day and allow yourselves to enjoy the moments as they unfold. Doing this is very healing for you if you are dealing with trauma that you are in the process of releasing. You have all suffered trauma, and for each of you it has been personal, very intense, and has probably stirred up old emotions you had forgotten or did not even know were within you. Do not attempt to diminish those feelings by comparing what you have experienced to the experiences of other far more horrifically traumatized people you know of or who you have read about. Read More…
Saul through John: Make it an aspect of your daily practice to just be
14.10.2022 19:25
We are One, you all know that, and yet for most of you that statement makes no sense as you perceive a world with billions of individual people, yourselves included, each seeking recognition and love separately and for themselves only. But seekers only find distractions. Those distractions can be quite fascinating, bringing new knowledge and information of value, sometimes of great seeming value – perhaps even a momentary awakening of sorts to be investigated later – to the seeker, but they remain distractions. Seeking needs to cease so that you can quieten your minds, your intellects, your curiosity, and just BE! Eventually seeking will lead you to the awareness of your need to just be, but that awareness is available now, so avail of it now, and take a break right now, and BE! Read More…
Jesus through John: You are Divine
04.10.2022 20:35
We, your individual support teams in the non-physical realms, are with each one of you constantly, in every moment, offering you love and comfort if you choose to open yourselves to receive it from us. You are never alone, even when it perhaps feels to you that you are alone, or even abandoned. You have all experienced trauma during infancy and childhood, which has often left enormous emotional scars. Those traumas have passed, they are over, but when you revisit them – retelling yourselves your (hi)stories – you bring the resultant emotions into the present with almost as much intensity as you felt at the time that they happened; you bring the dead back to life! Read More…
Saul through John: Joy, Bliss, and Love is your true and unchangeable nature
30.09.2022 21:18
As humanity continues on its rapid path to awakening, here in the non-physical realms we continue to watch with joy and delight at the remarkably rapid progress that you are all making on this demanding and often painful journey. Indeed we expected you to achieve this remarkable progress because you all most generously chose to make this much needed pilgrimage, and because it is the divine plan you cannot fail to complete it, perfectly. Nevertheless, it really is most uplifting and inspiring for us to watch and observe you dealing so positively with all the untoward and unexpected issues that arise for you, even though it may often seem to you that you are not making progress, that you are not competent for the task that you have undertaken, and leading you to experience feelings of helplessness and unworthiness. And all of this is indeed an underlying and very unsettling aspect of your human journeys. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are the beloved children of God, forever inseparably in Her Presence
27.09.2022 20:13
All are One, there is only One. You, each and every one of you are One with the One. It is that simple. The divisiveness and separation that you experience as humans in form is extremely confusing for you because, for the brief moment that you spend in form, experiencing the pain and suffering of separation, that state of separation appears to your human senses to be very Real. It is NOT! Reality is One, and the sense of separation that you are all experiencing is completely unreal. Read More…
Saul through John: To awaken is to remember and rejoice
20.09.2022 20:42
Here in the non-physical realms we continue to watch with joy and admiration as humanity continues to move most positively forwards on its rapidly accelerating path to awakening. Yes, your progress is accelerating, even though to many of you it appears to be moving at a snail’s pace! There is so much unraveling now in the world of form as ever more whistle-blowers come forward to report on deceit and dishonesty in the work place – multi-national corporations, governments and their agencies, the media, etc. As a result people are finding themselves unable to continue to ignore so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ as it becomes ever more obvious that they are not just wild and crazy theories, but reports of extreme misbehavior that need to be investigated so that the perpetrators can be called to answer for their actions, and so that honesty and transparency can be established where corruption has been rife. Read More…
Jesus through John: It is utterly impossible to be separated from Source
13.09.2022 21:28
We are all one, and yet as humans in form that is not what you experience, and the reason for this is that you made a collective choice and decision to construct an unreal environment in which to experience the unreal, the impossible – separation from Source. And that is what you are experiencing, each one of you by your own individual choices because, by choosing to engage with unreality, you insisted on experiencing the individuality of separation instead of the unity of Oneness. And that choice remains an insane illusion. It is utterly impossible to be separated from Source, there is nowhere to separate to. Read More…
Saul through John: Your Oneness has never been in doubt
06.09.2022 20:45
All is well, humanity is awakening very rapidly, even though perhaps that does not seem to be the case as you see and hear all the bad news in many areas of your planet on which the MSM and the social media continuously focus their and your attention. Place your trust where it belongs, in God, and in your own brilliant intuition where He is constantly offering you love and guidance. You know that you need to do this, and yet you allow your egos to fill your minds with ‘what if?’ thoughts that serve only to cause you anxiety, or even fear. You, every single sentient being, are at all times, in every moment present in the divine Presence from which it is impossible for you to be separated for even the most fleeting instant. Read More…
Jesus through John: You and M/F/G are in complete harmony in every moment
30.08.2022 20:55
You are all dearly loved – infinitely loved by our loving Father. You always have been and you always will be because the Love of God is eternal and unchanging. Therefore there is nothing you can do to alter this divine truth. As you live your human lives you frequently experience doubts about God’s love for you because, from early infancy, you have all experienced some, or maybe much, shaming and punishment by those who were responsible for your well-being, and having naturally assumed that those who are caring for you are good, you therefore concluded (in very early life!) that there must be something wrong with you. Read More…
Saul through John: You are not in form to save the world!
23.08.2022 21:08
All are One, you know that, and yet you have difficulty accepting the truth of it – your egos are at work here distracting you – and thus you find it difficult to feel that you are One, to feel Reality when you take time out to connect. It truly is a question of trust. You need to trust that you will connect when you settle into your quiet contemplative or meditative state, and then allow yourselves to feel the connection. When you set the intent to connect you always succeed, but, because of your doubts, your ego-driven sense of sinfulness or unworthiness, you do not allow yourselves to feel or experience the connection, and you then assume that it has not occurred. Read More…
Jesus through John: You have chosen to enormously limit your full awareness
19.08.2022 19:42
As you are all well aware, humanity is at a major moment of change, a turning point in its spiritual evolution, a massive moment of growth – it’s long planned awakening from unreality – with which it is engaging whole-heartedly as most purposefully intended from the instant in which it appears that separation occurred. The unreal has always been unreal, but because of your most powerful creative abilities as the divine children of God, it has, from the first instant in which you collectively constructed it, seemed absolutely real, which was your intent in the decision and choice to concoct it. Now you have decided that enough is enough. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are doing what you incarnated to do, you are Being
12.08.2022 16:03
As you have been told so often: “There is only One!” This is an impossible concept for you to understand as humans in form, living in an unreal dream/nightmare environment that appears to you to be intensely and unalterably real, firm, and solid. But it is true, and at the depths of your being, behind the veil or mist that you have placed between your true or higher selves and your egos, you do know and can access this divine truth. Take time out at least once daily and set the intent very firmly and positively to access this deep and true inner knowing, and then relax totally – without expectation – thus allowing your higher selves to reveal themselves to you through your inner knowing, your divinely given intuition. Read More…
Saul through John: You are never alone, although it may often seem that you are
08.08.2022 11:44
All is NOT as it seems! There is much going on in the spiritual realms as humanity moves ever closer to its collective awakening. So do not be alarmed by the chaos and confusion that is being reported by your media, because all is moving forward most splendidly in preparation for your grand and illustrious awakening. It truly is extremely close! Many of you are finding that hard to believe, as you have, for a number of years now, been hearing that same forecast, while at the same time all across the world conflict and confusion appears to be increasing. And, as many have explained, to awaken is to become fully aware that there is only Love – nothing else is necessary – and in that state of Love – your natural, unchangeable, and eternal state – you are told you will be in Joy, interacting creatively and harmoniously with each other, with ALL. Read More…
Jesus through John: Awaken now into the Love that you are
19.07.2022 21:48
Humanity is on a roll! The collective awakening process, in which you are all fully engaged, is moving along quite beautifully, as is to be expected because it is God’s divine will. The chaos and confusion planet-wide are themselves signs of your awakening as people start to become more fully aware of the corruption and dishonesty that has always been an aspect of the illusion that is life in form. The illusion was constructed to experience a sense of freedom, and was established to allow an ‘apparent’ movement away from Love, and for each individual to live without consideration for others if he so chose. Read More…
Saul through John: There is only Love, therefore YOU are Love
05.07.2022 22:41
We are rapidly approaching the moment for humanity’s collective awakening. I know that we have already, and frequently, talked about the imminence of this most magnificent and wondrous event. This is because it is essential to keep you ready to respond instantly as it happens. You all know that time is an aspect of the illusion, and is therefore illusory, unreal, and that there is only NOW. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are to awaken into the Brilliance that is M/F/G infinitely loving Itself
28.06.2022 21:15
We are One, there is only One, and yet the One constantly manifests Itself – the power and energy that is the One – in myriad uncountable numbers of sentient beings as expressions of Love. All of us, all life, all consciousness, all awareness, all sentient beings are aspects of and permanently at one with the One. There is NO SEPARATION, and there never could be because the One is ALL, constantly and eternally Present, just wholeheartedly LOVING! Read More…
Saul through John: You have most effectively fooled yourselves about who you are
07.06.2022 21:28
You are never alone! There is only One – and this is NOT a limitation! You, every sentient being, are One with Source always and without interruption; for you to be separated is impossible. However, by incarnating as a human each one of you chose to experience separation and amnesia. The separation that you are experiencing is unreal, illusory, and when you awaken the illusion and all its effects will just dissolve, leaving behind no trace or memory whatsoever. Read More…
Jesus through John: No one needs to seek Love
03.06.2022 21:39
To awaken is your destiny because, being One with Source – being fully aware in complete conscious wakefulness in every moment – is your constant state. As humans in form it is difficult for you to conceive of such a state, because you are almost constantly being distracted by your worldly concerns and interests. They are, of course, totally appropriate while you are in form as they assist you in maintaining your physical well-being. Read More…
Saul through John: Without even one of you Source would be incomplete
24.05.2022 20:26
We are, as we keep reminding you, very, very close to your collective awakening. Therefore it is essential that you maintain your daily practice of setting the intent to be only loving whatever arises during the day, and to open your hearts as channels or conduits thus allowing and inviting Mother/Father/God to direct their immense energy of Love through each and every one of you to each and every human – without any exceptions whatever – to bring your collective awakening to its most magnificent moment of fruition. The plan has been set, the NOW moment has been chosen, so continue to do your parts extremely consciously and conscientiously, and as you do, Celebrate! Your awakening is inevitable, so celebration is utterly and completely appropriate, it intensifies the awakening energy flow and arouses joy in all who are awakening. Read More…
Jesus through John: There are no accidents, every event and experience has a purpose
20.05.2022 21:21
Humanity has entered the final stages of the collective awakening process. You have all done incredible work, both individually and collectively, to bring this about, and you are about to be enormously honored for the work you have been doing, absolutely vital work that only you could do. All are One, so every individual thought or intention to be only loving at all times combines with those of all others with the same intent, vastly and purposefully intensifying the final stages of your collective awakening process. Do not doubt the immense power of your individual intentions to be only loving, because they are massive, being completely integrated with and in alignment with God’s Will. Read More…
Saul through John: In God there is no judgment or condemnation
29.04.2022 20:57
Many are presently experiencing uncertainty, anxiety, and even extreme fear as unexpressed but deeply felt emotional conflicts arise within them, seemingly in response to the worldwide divisive confusion being constantly reported on news and social media. This is the final stage in the karmic release of eons worth of ‘stuff’ that is not in alignment with Love, and which must be acknowledged, thanked, and freely released before your collective awakening. The intense intent to be only loving whatever arises, that so many are now embracing, is permitting this massive and necessary eruption of ‘stuff’ all across the planet so that it may be thanked and rapidly released. Read More…
Jesus through John: You all dearly desire to honor and love God
11.04.2022 15:31
Lovewards is the way forward. You all know that Love is the only Reality, the only way that relationships can grow and evolve, and you all want Love in your lives. But you often do not trust yourselves, mainly because of traumas experienced in childhood, or traumas from past lives as humans, and that lack of trust shows up in yourselves as guilt, shame, unworthiness, and other invalid beliefs you cling to as a result, and then you indulge in further meaningless negative self-assessments as you compare yourselves to others. Read More…
Saul through John: The universe did not arise from the Big Bang by chance
08.04.2022 20:23
Life is an ongoing creative explosion of Love! In the physical realms at present the explosive nature is readily apparent, but the Presence of Love is not as clearly visible, felt, or experienced. However, this is changing. Many who have been unsure, in doubt about Love, Its Presence, and Its meaning are growing in awareness that It is the only sane way with which to engage with life and with ‘others,’ in so far as there truly are no ‘others,’ there is only One. Read More…
Jesus through John: Fear empowers your egos, but Love dissolves fear
05.04.2022 18:52
Life is about Love, and nothing else! Yes, I do keep talking about Love, and that’s because all that exists is enfolded most lovingly within It because It is All That Exists. There is not and could not possibly be anything or anywhere else because It is infinitely vast, enveloping all sentient life, all of creation, and thereby satisfying every need and desire, and, of course, all that exists is alive. Every one of God’s infinite number of creations is alive, is sentient, although humanity has chosen to believe that most of the apparently inanimate matter or basic elements which makes up the world of form – in fact the whole universe – is without life, consciousness, or sentience of any kind. Read More…
Saul through John: Practically everyone who incarnates forgets that they have a spiritual purpose
29.03.2022 15:39
Love is everything, only there is NO THING! Love is ALL, and ALL is pure energy in abundance, boundless, limitless, and in infinite profusion, bountifully providing for all your needs and desires. As humans experiencing the dream/illusion of separation this does not appear to be a valid statement, because in form limits are normal, to be in form is to be in a state of limitation. In fact in today’s world limits are endemic, prevalent, sweeping, and leading many to wonder how life on Earth will be maintained when you come up against the major ones that finally prevent further expansion, as demands for clean water, fresh food, and energy appear to be very rapidly indeed outstripping your ability to find new reserves to satisfy your human earthly needs. Read More…
Jesus through John: Large numbers of you do still not believe in your own unchangeable perfection
25.03.2022 19:37
As your collective awakening process approaches completion an enormous amount of ‘stuff’ is bursting into the collective consciousness for acknowledgment, thanks, forgiveness, and release. It holds within it many generations worth of resentment, denial, and anger that has been deeply buried because it was too intensely painful to acknowledge either as it was happening or at any time afterwards, up until now. Now the whole human collective is allowing it into awareness, and with it comes much guilt and shame for past long forgotten words and actions. Read More…
Jesus through John: God/Love/Source never punishes anyone!
22.03.2022 17:32
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are very much aware of your concerns and anxieties as chaos and confusion seem to be escalating on your beautiful planet Earth. DO make a point of starting your day by going deep within yourselves, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and then opening your hearts to Love, which resides there permanently, waiting patiently, ready and most willing to embrace and comfort you when you choose and remember to invite It in. Read More…
Saul through John: Set the intent and choose to trust Love
15.03.2022 17:56
There is only ONE. Every sentient conscious being is an inseparable and eternal aspect of that One. Within the One are an infinitely vast number of individual fields of consciousness that are at One, and in a state of Oneness with each other, andin that state each is constantly able to interact and communicate with all the others (those VAST numbers) singly or en masse. So vast are those numbers that it is beyond human comprehension, in fact in Reality numbers are meaningless, they are just an aspect of the illusion that, like time, are helpful while you are in form. There are NO limits on your ability to connect, from one to one, from one to all, and from all to one. In form that would cause chaos, in Reality chaos does not and could not happen. Read More…
Jesus through John: Life is a Miracle, and you are all Alive!
01.03.2022 14:18
As you are all well aware, humanity’s awakening process is moving forwards beautifully, just as God intends, no other way is possible. Therefore, relax! God’s intent is always perfectly achieved, so release your doubts about His Reality, which is Reality in all its magnificence and glory, and TRUST Him completely. You only have problems or issues when you engage with doubt about the reality of the divine plan, and when you attempt to conceive of how, in your opinion, it could or should be unfolding. Those ‘mind-games’ that you play with yourselves – the ‘what-ifs,’ and the ‘this has to be wrong,’ and the ‘God would not allow this to happen’ thoughts and arguments you have with yourselves – are egoic distractions which delay your acceptance of the fact that the collective awakening process is occurring right now. Read More…
Saul through John: Disregard fear and move forwards – Lovewards!
25.02.2022 17:15
I would remind you yet again : “There is only ONE!” One is Source, the infinitely VAST field of Aware, Loving, Wise and Intelligent Consciousness in which EVERY LIFE is eternally present from the moment of its creation. There is nowhere else and there is no need for anywhere else. A life in form was a choice to experience separation from that state in an attempt to demonstrate a lack of need for a source from which those lives arose. It has failed dismally, and in that process enormous pain and suffering has been imposed on numerous billions of sentient life forms. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are REAL, form and the fear it stimulates are NOT
18.02.2022 17:05
There is only Love. Nothing else is needed because Love is All. All sentient life is enfolded in the One, the energy field that is the infinite Vastness that is All. Never for even the briefest of instants has Love ceased embracing Its creation. However, due to the free will that is an essential aspect of the freedom in which all were created, free choice is always available, and a choice was made to experience separation, and a seemingly unattached state – an unreal imaginary state that has never existed – was constructed in which to engage in that experience. That state has seemed extraordinarily real because that was the purpose for which it was constructed, and all sentient life that chose to experience form has found it to be an extremely convincing reality, even though it is totally Unreal! Read More…
Saul through John: Very soon you will, once again, be fully awake
15.02.2022 14:49
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with delight as humanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate towards its complete accomplishment. I know you are all very tired of the word “soon,” but by using it regularly as you think, write, or talk about awakening, you validate it. So know that humanity’s awakening will happen soon! You are ready for it, you are tired of waiting, and you are, collectively, bringing it to fruition. There are amazingly large numbers of you who are daily resetting the intent to be only loving whatever arises as you engage with your necessary human routines, and even doing only this is extremely effective in intensifying humanity’s awakening process. You are truly fulfilling the much loved and honored phrase from the Holy Bible: “to be in the world but not of it,” (John 15:19). Read More…
Jesus through John: Intend to be fully integrated within the field of Love
01.02.2022 15:49
The collective awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, so do not allow yourselves to be unduly disturbed by the less than uplifting stories that the MSM focuses on, and then publishes with monotonous regularity in order to spread fear and anxiety. There is far more going on in the world, and of a far more uplifting nature, that is clearly indicating that your awakening is progressing quite beautifully. The divine Will is always achieved, so release any doubts to which you may be clinging, even inadvertently. Read More…
Saul through John: Your divine and holy purpose – Being You Now!
25.01.2022 10:33
All are One, and you all know that. Yet, because of “the rules of the game”– being a human in form – you have allowed yourselves to forget this eternal and unchanging Truth. The awakening process, in which the human collective recently collectively agreed to participate, is now moving forward very rapidly. You are seeing wonderful signs of this in many locations and circumstances – and yet you doubt! Let go of those doubts, for, like the illusion/dream, they are unreal. To have doubts and dwell on them is a choice many of you keep making – choose not to do so any longer, and when any do arise into your conscious awareness dismiss them immediately, do not dwell on them. Read More…
Jesus through John: Keep on being and expressing the Love that you all are
21.01.2022 16:54
You – all of humanity – are awakening, there are signs of this all around you, so let go of any doubts or negative judgments about it, and allow yourselves to become aware of these signs. As you do so you further strengthen and empower the flow of Love, the Life Force that enlivens you and your human bodies, as it flows through you and out into the collective energy field of humanity, intensifying everyone’s sense of the imminence of the awakening. To do this, and just this, is why you are presently incarnate as a human on Planet Earth at this precise moment of now. Each one of you made the most positive, personal, and individual choice to be here now. So, now that you are here, allow yourselves to know this, and then at least once daily reset your intent to share and extend the Love that you are to all of humanity, thus gently and compassionately nudging all towards wakefulness. Read More…
Saul through John: Your presence on Earth at this moment is not a chance accident or occurrence
14.01.2022 20:25
2021 was a year of “stuff” arising for most people on Planet Earth, and 2022 will be the year in which it all falls away. The human collective, every human presently incarnate on Earth, made enormous progress during the year that has just ended in acknowledging, thanking, and releasing old karmic ‘stuff’ that has been weighing them down for a long time. Now, as they begin to feel much lighter and far more positive about life, they will find themselves uncovering reasons for joy every day in their daily lives. Doing just this – finding a little bit of joy each day – raises your own energy levels and increases the intensity of the Love flow across the planet, the life force that vitalizes every living form. Read More…
Saul through John: You, each and every human in form, is a divinely created child of God
07.01.2022 20:49
As you well know, although you very frequently forget it as you live your daily human lives, we are all One, there is No separation because separation from the One is impossible, the One is All. And humanity is now awakening from the age of forgetfulness into awareness – awareness of the Oneness and indivisibility of All. That growing awareness can be very unsettling because what you had assumed was normal daily life no longer seems to be working, things keep going wrong, and an intense sense of uncertainty – an uncertainty that has always been there, but hidden or denied – leads to anxiety and fear. Read More…
Jesus through John: Death is unreal because all life is eternal, endless, forever
27.12.2021 17:39
Humanity is on a roll! Your collective awakening is happening right now, as many of you are engaged in celebrating the anniversary of my birth, which apparently occurred over two thousand years ago – and yet it was but a moment ago! Time is dissolving now into the eternal NOW as you awaken from an eons long sleep in which you have experienced dreams and nightmares of separation, pain, and wide-spread and pervasive suffering. You have all collectively decided that you have had enough, that finally it is time to dismiss and dissolve the game of separation in which you have been engaged, and to come back together again as ONE. Read More…
Saul through John: Now is the moment to release ALL self-doubts and negative self-judgments
03.12.2021 21:30
There is only the One. You all know this, but, as humans living a life in form, most of you have forgotten it, and you have therefore lost your awareness of your divine nature at One with Source. You believe that there is a Being of infinite Love and Wisdom, that there are spiritual realms beyond the physical, and you pray to and honor those in those vast realms whom you mostly believe are way more spiritually advanced than you are yourselves. But how can this be? You are all perfect divine beings created in infinite Love and Wisdom by Source and therefore you are ALL perfect, exactly as you were created. This has never changed, it cannot change because what God creates is eternally perfect and utterly unchangeable. Read More…
Jesus through John: Forgive yourselves for whatever you feel or believe is unworthy or unacceptable in yourselves
30.11.2021 19:46
You were created free, free beings whose true and only nature is Love. That has never changed, and never can change, because what is created is perfect and eternal. That does not appear to be so for the vast majority of humans, because the dream or unreal environment you constructed collectively in which to experience separation is, by its very nature, imperfect and decays over time. Time is simply an unreal characteristic of the physical environment in which you live your human lives, causing you fear of the seemingly final point – termination and death. Read More…
Saul through John: Trust your inner guidance, your intuition
19.11.2021 21:01
Humanity is awakening! There are signs of this all across the world as awareness grows that the old ways in which people have become accustomed to interacting with each other are now totally inadequate in the modern world of high technology. Technology can be used for healing and evolution, or for destruction. It has, for far too long, been mainly used for the destruction of enemies, whether of a personal, local, national or international nature, and with disastrous consequences. The realization is finally dawning on masses of people that giving your power away to those who enjoy and seek authority over others nearly always leads to conflicts that cause great suffering for many, conflicts in which the vast majority most certainly do not wish to take part. Consequently the motivation for enormous change in the ways that individuals, through to nations, deal and interact with one another has become very strong, and worldwide many people are now engaging in discussion groups to create ways in which to achieve this outcome. Read More…
Jesus through John: To be awake is your God-given right
09.11.2021 20:25
All is unfolding precisely as our dear and beloved Father intends. It always does! No other unfoldment is possible. Therefore, allow yourselves to relax as the Tsunami of Love continues to warmly and completely envelop the Earth, and all the sentient lives who are presently experiencing a very realistic but utterly unreal sense of separation as individual beings. Read More…
Saul through John: Love, the only Truth!
02.11.2021 20:57
Here in the spiritual realms we are enthusiastically cheering you on as you race forward toward the moment of your collective awakening. You have been told for a number of years now, even a couple of decades, that you are very, very close to your awakening, and that is and always has been the case. However, the time aspect of the illusory or dreamlike environment in which you find yourselves, as humans in form, is extremely unstable, and it appears to move forward very slowly when you are waiting expectantly for something wonderful to occur, or when you are suffering, thus intensifying the seeming reality of the unreal environment in which appear to be living. Read More…
Jesus through John: Let go of your doubts and BE yourselves with courage and determination
26.10.2021 20:37
We are all connected, we are all at one with each other, we are in a collective and intimate relationship with each other – always, in every moment. There is NO separation because there is only the ONE! Life is eternal, It is forever, It is Mother/Father/God, the infinite energy field of Love that is REALITY Presently you are experiencing a dream, an illusion, a game of separation in which multitudes are suffering greatly because the human collective believes that life as a human in form is real, is a one time event that unavoidably and inevitably terminates finally and forever in the death of your human bodies. But you are NOT your bodies, your conscious awareness is Who You are and is in an eternal and joy filled state of existence at One with God– even if that awareness, as is the case for the majority of humans, is itself mostly in a state of unawareness! Read More…
Saul through John: You will feel complete, whole, fulfilled, perfect
19.10.2021 21:48
As humanity waits expectantly for the collective awakening to happen – for each individual in their daily lives – be aware that it is happening right NOW! Look around you, observe the large numbers of people behaving far more peacefully and lovingly than you are accustomed to seeing. This is happening because all of you keep setting and maintaining the intent to be only loving whatever arises in your own daily lives. Each of you are personally, individually, and collectively delivering the awakening to all of humanity, even though you are probably not receiving any positive personal feedback to allay your continuing doubts, about whether humanity really is in the process of awakening – doubts that are constantly being activated or intensified by your ceaseless and growing awareness of the enormous amount of suffering that so many are undergoing worldwide, and that is constantly being reported on the MSM. Read More…
Jesus through John: You Are the awakening process, so trust it and celebrate it
08.10.2021 20:15
There is no separation, such a state is impossible because we are all – and ALL – One. Mother/Father/God, Source, Love – whatever word or words anyone chooses to use to label the All is totally immaterial – can only be known and experienced because It is totally beyond naming. And when there is only the One naming is obviously completely unnecessary. The One is infinite consciousness, infinite awareness, infinite wisdom, infinite intelligence that expresses Itself – makes Itself known to Itself, to all sentient life – as the infinite all-embracing vastness that is All.In humans It is experienced as consciousness aware of itself, as constrained and restricted by the limitations that are the nature of human form, the inability to see or sense energy frequencies that are not extremely close to those that enliven that form. Read More…
Saul through John: Fear is unreal, so invite Love into your hearts to dissolve it
05.10.2021 19:55
Deep within every sentient entity there rests an eternal and completely unbreakable connection to the One, the All, LOVE. Every sentient being therefore has access to Source in every moment of their eternal existence, whether they are experiencing life as separate beings in form or as pure consciousness at One with Source. The difference of course is that when a sentient being is in form it has concealed from itself this unbreakable connection. However, by going within to your holy inner sanctuary, which you all have deep within yourselves, and because it is deep within you, you have to be able to be extremely quiet as you allow your consciousness – your Self, your Oneness with the All – to invite the connection to become active, and It will, immediately. Read More…
Jesus through John: The form you have chosen is always perfect for you
24.09.2021 21:53
All sentient life forms are Love expressing Itself through those forms. That is not always apparent because, as beings in form, the need to care for those forms is an ongoing daily requirement that very frequently distracts you from your overall intent to be only loving whatever arises. So forgive yourselves for any “sins or errors” that you “commit,” and make a point of fully accepting yourselves, just as you are, in the here and now environment of life in form. You are all, without any exceptions, doing your best, but because you are all, by design, evolving spiritually in every moment of your lives in form, you keep being brought to the awareness that you need to evolve even further, that you need to stop reacting egotistically when something unexpectedly occurs and upsets you, even momentarily. Read More…
Jesus through John: Guilt never serves you
21.09.2021 21:57
Be at peace with yourselves, all is flowing beautifully, just as divinely intended. Trust yourselves, because you are, every one of you reading this message, precisely where you are meant to be, where you chose to be before you incarnated for this present human life experience. You all chose to be in form at this precise moment – NOW – to massively assist in humanity’s awakening process, and that is exactly what you are all doing. You are all setting and holding the intent to be only loving whatever arises daily in your lives, even if at times it does not seem like that because, unthinkingly and unmindfully, your egos react unlovingly to an unexpected event or personal interaction. Just remind yourselves, when you become aware that such an event has occurred, that your true intent is to be only loving, and forgive yourselves immediately for your error. Read More…
Saul through John: You are awakening humanity just by being You
21.09.2021 20:49
As the collective awakening of humanity draws ever closer, please intensify your intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your day to day lives. These are very difficult times for many of you, and so you do need to call on your friends and your support teams in the spiritual realms frequently – at least once daily – for a powerful spiritual energy boost as you do the work you incarnated to do in this time of mass awakening. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your natural state is Being, Being at One with Source
17.09.2021 21:57
Humanity is awakening, Now! It is the divine Will that you do so when you decide that you no longer wish to engage in the ego’s game of separation, and the collective has made that decision and, therefore, your awakening is already happening; signs of this momentous event are appearing worldwide. Enormous numbers of people have come to understand that life as a human is a marvelous opportunity to evolve spiritually, and to release themselves from reacting unthinkingly to the issues with which life presents them in every moment due to the fear-driven guidance or directives of their egos. More and more people are becoming aware that their egos always encourage fear-driven reactions that do not serve their soul’s bests interests. As you cease allowing fear (ego) to be the leading rationale or motivating factor directing your thoughts, words, and actions, you will find your lives flowing more smoothly and lovingly, and, with increasing frequency, peace and acceptance will replace, or at least reduce, your worries and anxieties. Read More…
Saul through John: Separation from the divine Presence is impossible!
07.09.2021 21:22
We are All One, because there is only One. No more than the ONE is necessary or possible; and in this Oneness there is infinite Love, Peace, and Joy that, as humans in form, you cannot even conceive of, because the love you experience between one another is almost without exception conditional! Love is. Love is without conditions of any kind, and deep within yourselves there is an awareness, a knowing, of this divine Truth which enables you to TRUST that God’s Will is always perfectly achieved, just as intended. However, at times you are filled with doubt, as you pay attention, often too much attention, to what your news media are reporting about situations all across the world that cause great suffering to so many. It is good to be aware that many are suffering so that you are reminded to set the intent at least once daily to be only loving whatever arises in your daily lives, and to send the energy of Love and compassion to those who are suffering. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are alive and conscious of being alive, and that is indeed Miraculous
07.09.2021 20:39
As you wait impatiently for humanity’s awakening to come to fruition, make a point of reminding yourselves regularly throughout the day that the divine Will is always achieved, absolutely perfectly – the only perfection there is – just as divinely intended, and that there is only the divine Will, anything else is unreal, illusory. Your awakening is divinely assured, and is, therefore, absolutely inevitable – just as day follows night! If you will look you will see encouraging signs in many places as the moment for this most magnificent event draws ever closer. Read More…
Saul through John: As humans in form you do need your egos
27.08.2021 21:18
As you all – humans all over the world – move powerfully forward in your awakening process, open yourselves to the awareness that we in the spiritual or non physical realms are most enthusiastically supporting you and cheering you on. You have made enormous progress during the last few decades, just as you all intended when you chose to incarnate and be present now in human form on Planet Earth to participate in this momentous event – humanity’s awakening from the dream or illusion of unreality. It is approaching the moment of fruition far more rapidly than you can imagine, because, as the chaos and confusion that has arisen and is continuing to arise in many places has encouraged you to listen to your egos and doubt and disbelieve in God’s divine plan for you, you find it difficult not to focus your attention on reports from the MSM instead of on your trust in Mother/Father/God. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your awakening will be a most glorious occasion
24.08.2021 19:39
We are all One . . . there is NO separation. The experience of separation is unreal, illusory, like an excessively long dream, from which you are awakening. You need to awaken to enjoy the fullness of life as One with Source, life as it is meant to be lived, fully conscious, fully mindful, fully aware, fully AWAKE! However, your thinking human minds are constantly distracting you from your intended path of spiritual evolution, the path you designed for this human lifetime, and which is leading you – ALL of humanity – back to Reality, the Home that your Father created for you, and in which you have your eternal existence. Separation never occurred, never could occur, because there is only the infinite and limitless energy field that is God, Mother/Father/God, Source, LOVE! Read More…
Saul through John: This is the age of Miracles!
24.08.2021 19:08
Humanity’s awakening is a done deal! Many are now feeling/intuiting the truth of this, the actuality of it, because it is occurring NOW. There is only Now, and more and more of you are becoming aware of this at moments of peace that arise in your daily lives, and it is inspiring and uplifting you as you wonder how many others are also experiencing this inner peace in these now moments. Initially they are but brief fleeting moments, bringing you a sense of wonder, of delight, but as you continue to open your hearts to invite Love in to embrace you they will manifest more frequently and last longer, as you realize more fully how life is Love, is Source, is Oneness and is always happening NOW. Read More…
Jesus through John: The state in which you are most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God
10.08.2021 20:21
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with joy as humanity processes and releases all the ‘stuff’ that is arising purely in order to be lovingly released. The lessons with which the ‘stuff’ has presented you have served their purpose and are no longer needed as an aspect of your awakening process. When all has been fully released – that release is occurring now worldwide – you will feel the strength of peace pervading your individual physical environments, your personal human space, as you open your hearts fully to Love, offering It the invitation to enter into your hearts to embrace you. It has been patiently waiting for this invitation for eons, and receiving it now allows Love to spread the magnificence of Its joy to all of humanity. Read More…
Saul through John: Love never imposes or forces Itself on anyone
03.08.2021 21:21
Here in the spiritual realms we are watching over you lovingly and enthusiastically as you continue your rapid and unstoppable progress towards your awakening, which is now very close. Yes, the MSM is consistently reporting on news that encourages fear and alarm – events and happenings that are mostly of a collective karmic nature that need to be fully acknowledged and released – but the truth is that there is much to uplift and inspire you occurring worldwide as well that is not being widely reported. ‘Stuff’ continues to arise in everyone’s awareness, often painfully, for recognition, forgiveness, and release, and you are all doing great work as you deal in the present with this ancient, painful, and horribly shaming butunrealbaggage. It is not fun, and it is not enjoyable, but it has to be done so that you can fully open your hearts to Love, and your success in dealing with it and completely releasing it is divinely assured. Read More…
Jesus through John: Inner peace is available to all
16.07.2021 21:04
As Saul and I have often told you: There is only One! Let that statement sink in and settle deeply into your hearts, because it is the TRUTH. You need to remind yourselves of this at least once daily, and preferably many times. You are One with Source, with Love, and with all sentient life forms. There is no separation and there is no possibility of separation, so set, and keep setting, the intent to treat all, especially yourselves, only lovingly. There are NO enemies! Love is always unconditionally loving and accepting of ALL sentient life because it is All Sentient Life, that is how It has always been and how It will always continue to be. Read More…
Saul through John: God wants only what is best for you, and for you to delight in that experience
13.07.2021 20:08
There is only One, and you, therefore, are One with One, and the nature of One is Love. There is nothing else. All That Exists Is, and can therefore never be separated from Itself. You know this, and yet it appears to the vast majority of humans that this is not the case, or that it is only an intellectual knowing, without any intuitive or felt sense, any real awareness of this divine truth. However, this not the case either! You do know, it is just that you have chosen to remain unaware even though that knowing is always available to you if you will go within, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and invite and allow this knowing into your hearts so that you can access it easily whenever you wish to do so. Read More…
Jesus through John: You do not need to do anything to move into wakefulness, you just need to BE
06.07.2021 20:25
You are all – every sentient being without any exceptions – firmly established on your personal paths to awakening. Even though there is only the One, the One experiences Itself differently through each of you as you follow your individual paths to awakening. None of those paths are accidental, unintended, or inadvertent, each of you very carefully chose the paths that you are now following towards the grand awakening because you wanted to be as helpful as you possibly could be by proffering and portraying an uplifting and inspiring demonstration of the awakening process to those with whom you would interact during this lifetime as a human in form. Read More…
Saul through John: Let go of any felt need to proselytize, to convert others to God
29.06.2021 22:10
Humanity is moving ever more rapidly towards its grand awakening, as more and more information about corruption in many and various kinds of organizations, that people have for many years believed to be honest, are being publicly revealed. It is shocking for the vast majority, who are themselves honest and who live lives of honesty and integrity, when it is very clearly demonstrated to them that the organizations that they were brought up to trust and respect have been lying, cheating and misleading them for decades. This is now coming to an end because those who have for many years – often quite unwillingly – supported those who control those delinquent organizations are no longer able in good faith to remain silent. Many “whistle-blowers” are now coming forward to reveal the enormity of the deception that has been perpetrated on the citizens of the world by their power-obsessed rulers and leaders. Read More…
Jesus through John: Awakening to Reality - A Joy-filled Book from Jesus
04.06.2021 22:38
Reality is where you are in every moment. So you will awaken Now, and when you do it will seem that you were never asleep, as the joy of this eternal Now moment continues to embrace you and enfold you in the field of divine Love that is Source, that is You! You have never left Home because there is nowhere else, there is nowhere that you could go. You are One with Source in every moment as You constantly co-create in concert with and utterly harmoniously with the One, with the All, in a glorious symphony of praise that is continuously being offered to and accepted by Source, Mother/Father/God, One, Love, Wisdom – You! Joy is your nature and nothing can disturb or change it because Love, which is eternally unchanging, is, by It’s very nature, Joy. Read More…
Jesus through John: Nothing can forestall or circumvent the divine Will
04.05.2021 20:37
We are approaching the Grand Finale of this stage in your awakening process. It is not the Magnificent and most Wondrous Event of the Great Awakening in all its glory, but it will be the most exciting and uplifting event that humanity has ever experienced. You may be wondering what I mean here, because we have for quite a long time been talking of Humanity’s Great Awakening, and I have not previously mentioned that it is happening in stages. Initially, in order to encourage and uplift you all, as the awakening process commenced a number of decades ago, those of us communicating with you from the spiritual realms did not mention that there would be stages in that process. This was because you were only starting to come out of an extremely deep and eons long sleep, where the dream reality, the game of separation in which you had been engaged, still seemed very real, and so a very major event that was to occur very soon was necessary to start you enthusiastically on your awakening path. NOTHING has changed! Read More…
Saul through John: You will discover that there is joy in your lives, joy that perhaps you had largely been unaware of
23.04.2021 21:43
Humanity’s awakening process continues to flow beautifully forward, exactly as divinely planned, while the MSM (main-stream-media) continues to direct your attention toward events that focus on dangers they claim are severely threatening your human existence. Dangers that are presented in an unrealistic and threatening fashion to compound your fears so that you will believe in the authoritarian directives and instructions that your governments are issuing, and thus keep on abdicating your sovereign rights as free and divine beings, while accepting and following those directives and instructions. If you will just do the necessary basic research you will see that those directives and instructions have no scientific basis, and that they are therefore being used solely to control, manipulate, and intimidate you. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all now in the process of uncovering your awareness of your true nature
03.04.2021 21:27
There are, as you cannot avoid noticing, enormous changes of a most impactful nature occurring worldwide at present – of course, there is only the Present/Presence – that are a major aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process. The good news of Love is flowing into people’s awareness as never before in your human history, partly as a result of the massive increase in cognizance worldwide of the Oneness of humanity and of all life forms on your beautiful Planet Earth, which your modern travel abilities and electronic means of communication have made it increasingly possible for you to observe, study, and enjoy far beyond any way that was previously possible. Knowing other nationalities, ethnicities, cultures, philosophies, and the multitude of various ways in which these can be expressed and lived, has brought about a great openness to the wonder that is life. Read More…
Saul through John: There is only Love, Source, and infinite eternal Joy
01.04.2021 20:37
The momentous event – Humanity’s Collective Awakening – for which you have all been waiting with with such hope is very close. Let go of your doubts and continue to reset your intent to be only loving, whatever may arise throughout the day, every day, because it is extremely effective and powerful, and it is what you incarnated to do. Truly, you are on a roll, despite what the MSM and SM are shouting out so vociferously. The present world news is very unsettling and disturbing because it seems that governmental organizations and very large businesses are intent on removing your divine right to your own sovereignty, they are doing this by attempting, most authoritatively and illegally, to increase the myriad numbers of rules and restrictions on your freedom to interact with one another in any way that you may choose. This will not succeed! Read More…
Jesus through John: Your intent to be what You are – Love – brings immense peace and healing to all
23.03.2021 22:53
Humanity is awakening from the deep sleep of eons, during which you have had some horrendous nightmares, and now is the time to bring an end to those seemingly endless experiences of separation and abandonment which have caused you so much pain and anguish.Life is meant to be joy-filled but, since you chose to experience separation from Mother/Father/God, that has very much of the time not been what you have encountered. Separation has been an ordeal in which you have frequently undergone intense pain, suffering, uncertainty, and fear, and now you have finally and collectively decided that enough is enough, that you will awaken and live once more in the state of joy that is Oneness with God. Read More…
Saul through John: You all chose, with enormous generosity and compassion, to be incarnate
02.03.2021 22:05
Humanity is very, very close to the collective awakening, and there are signs of it in many places that are uplifting the hearts of those who see them and recognize them. All is going as divinely planned, as it always does. That often does not appear to be the case because, as humans in form, you are fully engaged in the ‘game’ of separation which can be extremely painful, especially when you are involved in conflict and self-doubt. Read More…
Jesus through John: Fear is not the opposite of Love, it is the sense of its apparent absence
09.02.2021 20:43
As you are all now well aware, the human collective, all on Earth presently incarnate, are in the final stages of the awakening process. As you experience time, when you are in form, it has been a very long time coming, but, as you know in fact, the process commenced only a moment ago, an instant ago, just as soon as you acted on your collective choice and decision to experience separation. Your infinitely wise and loving Father knew – there is nothing, of course, that He/She does not know – that as soon as you experienced separation from Love, from Source you would want to end it. Read More…
Saul through John: Your natural state is “the pure joy of Being!”
05.02.2021 21:04
All is unfolding precisely as divinely planned! Humanity is awakening, and there are signs and indications of this throughout the world as more and more people choose to be only loving whatever arises in their daily lives. Here in the non-physical realms we have been intensifying our love and support for you as you so powerfully and brilliantly move forward toward your awakening. You are making it happen! Yes it is God’s divine plan and intent for you to awaken, but you have to bring it to fruition in complete and loving cooperation with one another, as you all planned to do before you incarnated for your present human lifetimes. This is because Mother/Father/God and You are One in eternal and most loving cooperation. That is what Oneness means! It is All, forever in the most beautiful and harmonious relationship with Itself – Source and All of the divine creation – totally joyful, totally complete. It is Divine Perfection at One with Itself in every moment, delighted and enraptured with the pure joy of BEING! Read More…
Jesus through John: To seek a deeper meaning in life is a task that each human needs to address
02.02.2021 20:26
We are on the edge! Humanity’s awakening is imminent! The time of chaos and confusion is drawing to a close, even though it may well appear that the chance of new conflicts arising in many places is intensifying. Much collective karma is arising to be released as this happens, hence the chaos and confusion. Do not be anxious, the divine plan is flowing perfectly smoothly just as Mother/Father/God intends, it is just not fully apparent to you because the veil that the illusion formed between you and Reality is still in place. As this veil fades from your minds, dissolves, or disintegrates, as it will as you move into wakefulness, you will become increasingly aware that you have just not been able to see the illusion for what it really is . . . illusory, purely due to this illusory veil! Read More…
Saul through John: Allowing yourselves to become aware that to be alive, as you all are eternally, is the most wonderful experience, that, in truth, it is miraculous!
23.01.2021 23:10
Your awakening is imminent! Yes, many messages from those in the spiritual realms have recently been reassuring you of this, and yet it appears to most of you that it is no closer than it was years ago, because you are seeing no signs of it. But your expectations of what awakening means and what it truly is are quite different. First, of course, time is a major aspect of the illusion, yet there truly is only now. Second, at the cutting edge of modern physics, it is beginning to be understood that events that have occurred in the past can be changed, and that future events have already happened. This is a startling realization, although how that might be possible is not at all clear. Read More…
Jesus through John: Looking within is the key to finding your awakening process
15.01.2021 22:23
Being is your most important task right now – there is no doing involved! Being is to accept yourselves in this moment . . . and this moment . . . and this moment, without judgment or negative self-assessment of any kind. The vast majority of humans have learned during their formative years that they must do or not do certain things in order to be accepted and loved by their parents, siblings, families, and teachers or caregivers. Just being is discouraged because it appears that there is so much that needs to be done, and that hard work is an essential aspect of a successful life, while doing nothing is seen as a waste of time, as laziness. Read More…
Saul through John: It is God’s Will that you feel His Love for you
12.01.2021 19:49
We are One! All are One, there is no separation, ever. There is only LOVE, SOURCE, MOTHER/FATHER/GOD, the divine field of CONSCIOUSNESS in which all LIFE is ONE. Consciousness is eternal, everlasting, a permanent state of existence in which All is always fully present. Form is temporary, and that includes all form, from the Multiverse to the smallest sub-atomic particle that your science is aware of, or anything smaller even than that. You are mostly aware that your human bodies are composed of billions of cells and trillions of smaller particles all interacting in perfect harmony in a healthy body. In the same way your bodies are all interconnected to one another and to the multiverse. Separation is an illusion, everything has an affect on everything else, just as each apparently separate entity of consciousness affects every other. Read More…
Jesus through John: You live inseparably in the Presence of the One, loved and cherished beyond your ability to fully understand
08.01.2021 21:44
Emotional STUFF is arising for everyone everywhere that is unsettling, disturbing, even frightening for many. Too many distractions – COVID-19, US Presidential election, Brexit, among other things – are pulling you, and many, many others, away from your inner work. That work is essential, and it is to be loving whatever arises either in your personal lives or as reported in the world news. Distraction from that work must not be allowed to prevent you from going within when you awaken in the morning, whenever you have a free moment during the day, and before sleeping at night, to relax in the peace and Love of your holy inner sanctuaries. Read More…
Saul through John: There is an infinite abundance of Love available to all
30.12.2020 15:36
As the year of 2020 draws to a close people are increasingly concerned about the restrictions on their freedom that were put into place because of COVID 19, and wondering when they will be rescinded. The damage that they have caused to so many is enormous, and was unnecessary. The truth of this is becoming ever more apparent as more information is being released into the public domain. Fear of imminent death due to the infection was used to convince people to honor these unwise and unnecessary restrictions. Read More…
Jesus through John: All are infinitely loved, seen, understood, and accepted by God
26.12.2020 18:50
God is One. You, each individual spark of consciousness, are One, One with God, One with Yourself, there is NO separation. However there is an illusion of separation, which all who are in form experience as reality, but only when they are choosing to be immersed within it. You are free to discontinue that sense of separation whenever you wish. But, because the illusion, which you collectively chose to establish, is so beautifully designed and constructed – remember, when you were created, God instilled within You All that She is – that once you immerse yourself within it its apparent material solidity and your physical forms constantly reaffirm for you your belief that it is real. And that belief needs to be dissolved. There are some who have succeeded – the Buddha, Lao Tzu for instance – but for the majority it appears to be impossible. Some spend lifetimes following spiritually motivated paths, and some of them do become very wise and allow themselves to be guided by Love, which is of course, Mother/Father/God, Source, the divine energy field that is All That Exists. Read More…
Saul through John: Massive releases of ancient trauma clear the space to allow Love to enter and embrace all
20.12.2020 19:54
As the year end approaches the human collective is experiencing considerable fear and anxiety, because the increasingly authoritarian restrictions on your freedom of movement and freedom to interact socially have been having a very negative impact on family gatherings, especially during the nationwide holiday at Thanksgiving, and now it seems likely that these restrictions will continue through Christmas and the New Year as well. People are very sensibly and naturally questioning the need for these restrictions as it becomes ever clearer that there are no practical plans in place to bring these restrictions to an end, and as it also becomes very clear that the number of people dying from all causes has remained just about normal throughout the year in spite of the dire warnings that were made when the virus was first identified. It can be seen that the damage caused by these restrictions far exceeds any that the virus has actually caused. Read More…
Jesus through John: You truly can have no idea of the immense power of Love that flows through you all in every moment
04.12.2020 21:30
Today I want to talk to you about self-acceptance, not self-esteem, just self-acceptance. There are very few among you who have not suffered psychological and emotional trauma as you grew from infancy – as soon as your consciousness began to arise in-utero – to adulthood. Those traumas are the basis of your fears and lack of self-acceptance. The traumas were the result of judgment and shaming by those who were your caregivers – parents, close relatives, siblings, school teachers – who were all, with no exceptions, doing the best that they could in each moment. They too had been traumatized from infancy. Read More…
Saul through John: Truly, words cannot even begin to suggest to you the joys that await your awakening
24.11.2020 20:39
As governments worldwide are enforcing or attempting to enforce a new lock-down on their citizens, fear and anger is intensifying. This is a very natural result when people feel that the ways in which they live their lives are no longer allowed to be self-determined but will, instead, be decided by various government organizations that ‘claim’ to be doing so purely for the benefit of their citizens. Read More…
Jesus through John: God is pure creative THOUGHT constantly increasing Itself for the utter joy of all that She has created
20.11.2020 21:40
Your collective awakening is progressing most beautifully. Relax, release your doubts and worries, and watch with joy as it all unfolds! You can all feel the momentum increasing, and you can all, if you will allow yourselves to do so, feel the Peace of Oneness within yourselves as you continue to develop your trust in the One, Source, Love, Who is You/you, always and eternally. Read More…
Saul through John: Not one of you is here by chance, by force of circumstance
17.11.2020 20:54
We are watching humanity, from here in the spiritual, or, if you prefer, from the non-physical realms, in wonder and amazement as you continue to accelerate along the collective path of spiritual evolution toward your inevitable and imminent awakening. I know you all keep hearing from your guides and channels that your awakening is imminent, and then you look around you at the worldwide fear and confusion and your doubts arise. Let them go! Read More…
Jesus through John: Your awakening is happening now
10.11.2020 20:59
Life is Good! However, if you focus on what you do not like in your own individual lives this does not appear to be the case. I would therefore remind you . . . AGAIN, that Life is eternal. Life manifests unmistakably and completely palpably, constantly and eternally, in the Presence of Source, with Whom each individual conscious living entity is One in every moment without interruption. Because there is only Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, THERE IS, AND CAN BE, NO SEPARATION . . . EVER! Read More…
Saul through John: The awakening is individual, as well as collective
06.11.2020 20:51
The US presidential election is attracting an enormous amount of attention worldwide as governments continue to adjust their COVID-19 containment plans. This is a very big distraction from the real Event – Humanity’s Imminent Awakening! Most of you are waiting for the Awakening with eager anticipation, but are at the same time harboring doubts and anxieties as the chaos and confusion enveloping humanity plays out in the mainstream media. Therefore, set and maintain the intent to spend less time focusing on the mainstream media, whose main purpose is to keep you distracted, so that you find yourselves with no time for prayer, meditation, or contemplation. The more quiet time you can make available to yourselves the more effective becomes your intent to be only loving of all humanity, and the more effective is the healing flow of Love through you and out to all of humanity. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all ONE, and divisions between you are unreal
30.10.2020 20:27
Humanity is on the cusp of the awakening process as the numbers of ones becoming aware that there is far more to life than its material aspects continue to increase rapidly. The present confusion and uncertainty, along with the major restrictions on your freedom to move and to socialize, is motivating people and inducing them to question the validity of many of the restrictive and invasive regulations that are continuing to be imposed upon you by various governments across the world,and which the major news organizations are reporting on as being not only necessary, but absolutely essential measures to ensure that humanity’s health is fully protected. Read More…
Saul through John: That ‘work’ is to be loving whatever arises
20.10.2020 19:30
Humanity’s awakening process is advancing rapidly now, as each day increasing numbers of the population worldwide become aware of the essential need now for major changes in the manner in which people think of each other – friend, untrustworthy other, or foe – and understand that all, without any exception are, like themselves, the beloved children of God. Realizing that, and knowing it, they are then able to let go of judgment, dislike, and dismissal of others as different and wrong, and instead listen to them and discuss with them issues that need to be resolved. Read More…
Jesus through John: Sorrow is a powerful emotion that arises when you experience loss
16.10.2020 19:00
Today I want to address sorrow. Many people are experiencing great sorrow as a result of being separated from friends and loved ones, due to the present worldwide restrictions on meetings and social interactions of all kinds. When you experience yourself feeling sorrow, sadness, or any kind of dissatisfaction with the circumstances of your life, please call on me. I am always available, and I will always answer your call immediately! It is my joy to assist you all in your ongoing awakening processes, which many of you are finding extremely unsettling. As you spend more time alone, and find emotional issues arising powerfully within you which need to be addressed, thanked, forgiven, and released, ask me to help you to relax into your holy inner sanctuaries where Love awaits you, wishing only to embrace and honor you if you will allow It to do so. Allowing and welcoming is the key, so let go of any negative feelings or self-judgments about your worthiness and invite Love to join you there. Read More…
Saul through John: You are always in God’s Presence, because there is nowhere else!
10.10.2020 15:08
As new information concerning corruption in high places is released into the public domain on a daily basis, people are opening much more readily to the idea that they have been basically asleep and dreaming and that the “shadow side” of the human collective has for eons been working hard to set people against each other by intensifying their sense of the differences between themselves and others, and by persuading them that these differences are bad and can harm them. Many of you, with numbers increasing daily, are realizing that this divisive way of thinking needs to change, and are becoming aware of the enormous creative possibilities available to you if you will listen carefully and lovingly to one another without preconceived ideas or negative judgments. An integration of your light and shadow sides needs to occur, individually and within nations, and you are beginning to see this and, by setting the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you are making this happen. This is a perfect reason to Celebrate! Read More…
Jesus through John: Humanity’s awakening is occurring – NOW!
29.09.2020 15:44
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with joy and wonder as humanity moves very rapidly forward toward the collective awakening. You have made enormous progress during these last few months, even though the stress of current world affairs is causing you so much uncertainty and anxiety. What needs to arise into people’s conscious awareness to be released is arising, and is being released. Love is flowing abundantly to assist each individual in the collective to move most powerfully along their path Home to Reality. Read More…
Jesus through John: Highlights from “Awakening to Reality”
22.09.2020 19:19
I had an email very recently from someone who has purchased and is reading Jesus' book Awakening to Reality: A Joy-Filled Book from Jesus, in which he attached some excerpts from the book that he had High Lighted because they resonated so beautifully for him. I thought I would share them with you as I thought some of you might enjoy them. Read More…
John Smallman: The essential need to honor oneself
18.09.2020 19:32
This morning (Tuesday 9/15/20) I (John) was looking through some notes I had made for myself, and came across this one from April 2016, and with so much uncertainty and anger arising in so many areas of the worlds it really caught my attention. I then thought that some of you might also find it of interest, so here it is with blessings and love, John. Read More…
Saul through John: People everywhere are reclaiming their individual sovereignty
01.09.2020 20:58
As your moment of awakening draws ever closer, there is a palpable air of excitement worldwide, in spite of all the “bad” news that the mainstream media is focusing on so constantly and vociferously. Truly, there is much pain and suffering as age-old hatreds and resentments rise into people’s consciousness to be acknowledged, forgiven, and released. Awareness of the insanity of many of the old patterns of human behavior – one on one, in families, in social, political and religious organizations, and between nations and groups of nations – is spreading, and people are making it clear that change of enormous magnitude and on a global scale is essential NOW! Read More…
Jesus through John: Your most important duty right now is to let go of all negative self-judgment
01.09.2020 20:21
As the COVID-19 global turmoil continues, enormous changes are in progress all across the world that will ease and simplify humanity’s awakening process as it nears completion. So keep your spirits high and intend to be a conduit through which Love can flow to all of humanity. When you set the intent to be a conduit through which Love can flow without restriction to all of humanity, you are massively adding to the Tsunami of Love that has been assisting in your awakening process since 2012. Yes, the awakening process has been flowing since 2012 and its intensity has been increasing, and now very few of you could claim to be unaware that change is most definitely in the air as you observe and feel the energy of Love arising in many unexpected places. Read More…
Saul through John: Whatever you find yourself intuitively drawn to is the right direction for you
28.08.2020 20:29
Dear John, you will be pleased to hear me confirm for you once again that the Divine Plan is unfolding precisely as God wills. It could not unfold in any other way. Do not let the vociferous noise of the mainstream media and the social meeting channels drown out your inner knowing that all is well. To doubt is a necessary aspect of being human, its purpose being to encourage you to go within and listen to your inner guidance, your intuition, and make sure that you respond with love to whatever is causing you to doubt. By doing that you can come to a place of peace from which you can view whatever is causing your doubt with wisdom and without expectation. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your present life is perfect for you
21.08.2020 21:09
Here in the spiritual and non-physical realms we are with you in every moment, cheering you on most enthusiastically, and encouraging you mightily as you move powerfully along the Home straight toward your awakening. Your destination is in sight and your arrival is inevitable. You have been most magnificently and powerfully setting the intent for humanity to awaken, and then, by following through on that intent by also setting the intent to be loving whatever arises, you have been bringing it to fruition. Many of you are sensing the closeness of this most wonderful moment in humanity’s spiritual awakening, this moment when an astounding leap forward or upward on your unfolding path of spiritual evolution or enlightenment will occur, filling you with JOY at a level that you have never before been even able to imagine, let alone actually experience. Read More…
Saul through John: Your awakening will not be delayed
11.08.2020 20:39
All are indeed One. However, most people are finding that the present worldwide restrictions on your freedoms are becoming increasingly divisive and extremely unsettling. The task for those who are consciously following a spiritual path is to intensify their intention to be only loving, and to send love and healing to all of humanity. Doing this is extremely effective, and will greatly assist in alleviating and then dissolving the unloving divisive energies that fear is stirring up in so many. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all free, totally free, because that is how God so lovingly created you
24.07.2020 17:31
We are approaching a momentous period in humanity’s spiritual evolution. Although life in form, separated from Source, is quite unreal, it appears to be very real indeed, and while experiencing the unreality of life in form you have all chosen to learn lessons that will assist you enormously in your inevitable awakening. If properly understood and assimilated they will greatly decrease the time required for you to ready yourselves for your return to Reality – although, of course, you have never left Reality! The choice to experience life in form was made collectively, and instantly God provided the means for your return to full awareness of your Oneness. Nevertheless, in His infinite Love for You, His divine progeny, He gave you, at the moment of your creation, absolutely ALL of Him/Herself. There is nothing of God that is not also you! Read More…
Saul through John: Love always wins
24.07.2020 16:54
The present anxiety and confusion, due to the corona virus, that is continuing to be experienced globally, will not last much longer because new information is being released daily that is helping to resolve the issues that are causing the confusion, and so the uncertainty that is being experienced will be greatly eased. Epidemics have have always been a part of life on Earth, as have storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts, floods, forest fires etc. They are part of the earthly environment that occur, develop, and decay, and they do indeed cause a lot of pain and suffering for many while they are present, and in their aftermath. With your modern transport systems epidemics can spread far more rapidly than they used to do, and they also come to an end far more quickly, as the present one is doing. And because far more people in these times have clean water, good personal hygiene, and sanitation, epidemics are far less harmful than was the case in earlier times. Read More…
Jesus through John: I assure you that the inner work that you are doing is very efficacious
11.07.2020 15:51
In these times of continuing confusion and uncertainty it is absolutely essential that you take time out every single day to do your inner work. It is your inner work, no matter how private and individual it may appear to you to be, that is leading humanity forward to its inevitable and long sought awakening. Yes, you all have daily lives during which you need to deal with the issues with which you are constantly being presented while living as humans in form, but your main work is your inner work. You all have inner work that needs to be done, work that you chose to incarnate to do at this point in humanity’s most wonderful spiritual evolution, and it is vital that you do it. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all extremely powerful beings
11.07.2020 11:56
Much is happening as humanity prepares for the pandemic restrictions to be eased, and then hears that in certain areas new restrictions are being brought into effect . It is very confusing for you, but those who are setting the restrictions are themselves very confused because the situation is not unfolding as they had planned and intended. There is much resistance arising as people all across the world come to the realization that they are being asked to conform to rules and regulations that are ineffectual in controlling the ‘pandemic,’ while severely restricting their basic human rights. Those who would control humanity are finding that they are no longer able to do so, and this will shortly begin to be reported in the mainstream media as those media start to reclaim their own right to report the real news instead of promoting the views of those who have been controlling them. Read More…
Saul through John: Love is always present
03.07.2020 19:42
As you wait expectantly for humanity’s awakening, be aware that it is imminent even though that may not appear to be the case as you read and digest the daily global news offerings of pain, suffering, and political disharmony. These are indeed interesting times, and it is all too easy to become depressed and disillusioned as those in authority continue attempting to withhold your sovereign freedom and persuade or command you to obey rules and regulations that are socially divisive and which tend to lead to conflict among you. Their desperate attempts to control you all are becoming self-defeating as more and more start to realize that the motives of those in power are almost totally self-serving, and have practically nothing to do with serving humanity’s best interests, despite their claims to the contrary. The time in which the many submit in unquestioning obedience to the few has gone on for far too long and is now reaching its inevitable endpoint. Read More…
Jesus through John: All sentient consciousness was created eternally alive!
26.06.2020 21:33
The word ‘awakening’ has become a bit of a “buzz-word” in recent months, as many are hearing it for the first time in the context of the human collective’s spiritual unfoldment. This growing awareness, which is now arising in so many, that to be human at this moment is to have an experience in form, in physicality, that will allow and encourage all to remember that they are and always have been eternal spiritual beings. The life force that flows through all sentient physical life forms, and on which those forms are totally dependent for their existence in form, is LOVE. Read More…
Saul through John: Your presence in form is an absolutely essential presence in this now moment
12.06.2020 22:25
Humanity’s awakening process is moving along very nicely indeed, as increasing numbers of people become aware of how, and for how long, those in governmental positions of authority have been willfully misleading the electorate that they have been elected to serve. This increasing awareness is a necessary part of your awakening process, because it leads you to realize that it is in yourselves that you must trust, allowing your intuitive knowingto guide you powerfully and lovingly along your chosen life paths. That guidance is always with you, you just have to learn to trust it by practicing using it, first in situations that are non-threatening, and then, as your trust strengthens, in situations that are more demanding. Read More…
Jesus through John: You incarnated solely to live lovingly
12.06.2020 20:35
Here in the spiritual realms I, Jesus, and all your individual support teams are watching over you constantly and inundating you with LOVE, as the awakening process continues to unfold perfectly as divinely planned. The “stuff”, that we have talked about previously, has strongly intensified for many as it flows into your conscious awareness to be recognized, thanked, and fully released. Attending to this can be very tiring, very stressful, and very unsettling, because most of you have been unaware of how much stuff you had hidden deep within yourselves, waiting to be acknowledged and released. The intensity has shocked many of you as friends and loved ones have unexpectedly – and mostly quite unwittingly – triggered spontaneous and unloving reactions that have exploded from within you, and which you have then directed powerfully back at those who have triggered you, shocking and offending them, thus triggering them in return. Read More…
Saul through John: It is absolutely essential that you love and honor yourselves
20.05.2020 20:36
We are approaching the completion or the end point of humanity’s awakening process! That probably does not appear to be the case from your perspective as the news media floods the airwaves and the internet with further misinformation about the worldwide pandemic, along with news of the ensuing dramas. However, humanity is on a roll toward a new way of living that will totally change the ways in which you relate to one another, as your perception of the meaning of life as a human evolves into spiritual awareness of the real purpose of your lives as humans in form. Memory of your true nature is returning, and therefore you are seeing your human lives in a completely new LIGHT! Read More…
Saul through John: You need to care for yourselves at least as comprehensively as you take care of small children
13.05.2020 20:26
As the global pandemic lock-down continues, be aware that changes of great importance for humanity are also occurring that are not being reported on the mainstream media. What is happening is all part of humanity’s collective choice to awaken, a choice that has been made by vast numbers of you, mostly below the level of your conscious awareness, and which will permanently alter the way you live your human lives as you each come to know who you really are – divine beings temporarily in human form in order to experience separation from Source as apparently real – and to learn some essential and inspiring lessons in the process, before you awaken from that illusory state. Read More…
Jesus through John: Allow yourselves to forgive – yourselves, and all others
05.05.2020 21:19
All are One, because there is only One. That One is Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, which is eternally present in the hearts of all sentient beings, because It is the life force, Consciousness aware of Itself as individual in each and every perfect and beautiful expression of Itself. However, in form, as a human, It is free either to accept the limits that a human form imposes upon It, or to recognize Itself as One with Source. Mostly It accepts the limitations of form, and over the eons those limitations have distracted It from choosing to know Itself as It truly is. Nevertheless, the path to remembrance of It’s true and eternal nature as Love was established at the moment It first entered into form, so that It would never become totally lost, unable to find Its way Home. Read More…
Saul through John: Eternal joy awaits your awakening
05.05.2020 20:45
To start with, a metaphor: humanity is out surfing, an enormous wave is approaching, therefore . . .relax, but be ready and allow this magnificent wave to carry you along for an exhilarating ride into the new era which you have all been working so assiduously to bring into being for a very long time. You will not fail to rise up on it, because you have great expertise and you have been practising with powerfully focused intent to be ready for this precise moment, and you are ready, and you will rise to the occasion. You will be filled you with joy and wonder as you finally come to know yourselves, the true You, at One with all of God’s divine Creation. Read More…
Saul through John: The intense need to be right and to make others wrong is a very common human egotistical phenomenon
26.04.2020 18:26
At this time, as most people are focused on or distracted by the ongoing and constantly updated news of the worldwide pandemic, many are very concerned and unsettled as their governments require them to stay home, or stay isolated, while the Coronavirus flows across the world bringing sickness and further anxiety to many. It will pass, as epidemics and pandemics always do, but while it is present you do need to take extra care of yourselves, being aware of any message with which your bodies present you, and then tuning in to uncover their meaning. Read More…
Jesus through John: Truly, even in these unsettling times, there is enormous reason for hope and for joy
24.04.2020 20:10
Earth’s population is presently experiencing much anxiety as the government imposed lock-down in many countries is severely limiting people’s sovereignty and freedom. The reason for this lock-down is officially reported to be for humanity’s protection, a precautionary measure that is essential to prevent, or greatly limit, the spread of the Coronavirus, thus enormously reducing the number of people who become ill, and greatly reducing the number of possible deaths from this contagion. People are generally accepting the wisdom of these measures, but they are very naturally worried about the long term intent of those who have imposed these restrictive regulations, and about how they might be used to continue limiting personal freedom after the pandemic has peaked and largely dissipated. Read More…
Jesus through John: Deep and lasting changes are occurring everywhere
14.04.2020 21:10
We are One, there is only One, therefore everyone is safe! Despite the fear that is being powerfully encouraged by governments across the world and which is constantly being reported on the mainstream news, ALL are safe. Yes, some will lay down their physical bodies and transition to the spiritual realms, that is one of the aspects of life in form, but that happens every day, year in year out, with the numbers rising and falling according to the seasons – more in the winter less in the summer. There is much confusion about numbers – numbers of people infected, and numbers dying due to the infection – and the accuracy of the counting leaves much to be desired. So do not be in fear for yourselves or for your loved ones as the conflicting reports about the pandemic fill the news channels. Read More…
Jesus through John: Stop trying to shut yourselves out from Reality
07.04.2020 21:46
With the COVID-19 pandemic very much on people’s minds I would like to offer some loving guidance to assist you in coming to accept what is occurring so that you do not become unduly fearful or anxious. As you know, the collective awakening of humanity is divinely assured, and your task is to continue to BE Love in every moment, because this greatly assists this magnificent divine event in its unfoldment precisely as divinely planned. You are Love, so all you have to do is to be yourselves. That means to let go of or release the personas or masks – your professional personal face that you present in the work-place, or the regular adult face that you present in other interactive situations, and also the 5-8 year old emotionally reactive child within that explodes occasionally without warning – that you normally present as yourselves when meeting with or in any way interacting with others. Read More…
Saul through John: Moving from fear to Love is what your awakening process is all about
04.04.2020 15:35
As the coronavirus continues to spread globally and the number of consequential deaths reported increases daily there is much fear and anxiety being experienced. However, although it is proving to be extremely virulent in a very small percentage of cases, for most people who actually become infected the illness will be experienced with only minor unpleasant effects. So do not dwell on the endless flow of alarming outcomes that many are suggesting may occur. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are never alone
31.03.2020 20:55
In these times of increasing chaos and confusion know that your support teams in the non-physical realms are awake and alert to your every call. Do call on your own personal supporters who are in spirit for guidance and comfort in these troubling times, because they very much want to communicate with you so that you can feel the embrace of their loving energy fields bringing you peace and reducing your anxiety. Read More…
Saul through John: Your presence in form at this moment in the awakening is an absolutely essential part of the divine plan
28.03.2020 13:01
The worldwide pandemic, and the constant stream of advisories concerning it, is unsettling and disturbing for many of you as you worry about the health and well-being of friends and loved ones. The self-quarantining that many of you are engaged in tends to intensify the sense of separation that is a major aspect of the illusory world of form in which you are experiencing yourselves as humans, and this can cause you unnecessary anxiety. However, being in quarantine or self-isolation is in fact an excellent opportunity for you to spend much more time relaxing into the peace of your holy inner sanctuaries from where you can call on your support teams in the spiritual realms for comfort and guidance. Read More…
Jesus through John: There is no divine judgment
24.03.2020 20:40
You are on the cusp of great revelations that will amaze and alarm humanity, as the scale of corruption and deceit in human affairs, engaged in for eons by those who would rule and control you, are brought to light by some very courageous investigators of the utmost integrity. Part of the game of separation has been the motivation by those of high intelligence to set themselves up as leaders and controllers because they consider themselves superior to others and, therefore, totally deserving of power and privilege. They see “the masses” as tools to be used to help them achieve their aims. Read More…
Jesus through John: Engage with Love, and allow It to dissolve your fears and anxieties
19.03.2020 21:23
Humanity is approaching a moment of change, a moment of enormous change, and as you all move forward through it there will be much uncertainty and disturbance. You know that God’s Love for everyone of his children is infinite and eternal, and that His Will for you is eternal joy. However, as you move through these times of uncertainty there will be moments of intense disagreement and some conflict will result. The way forward is to fully embrace your true nature – Love – and engage with life and with others in every moment from that state. Read More…
Saul through John: Know that Love is the antidote to fear
19.03.2020 21:11
As you are well aware the Coronavirus pandemic is giving rise to much fear all across the world, while daily life becomes increasingly difficult for most people due to government restrictions on gatherings and travel. Know that Love is the antidote to fear. Fear causes stress, sometimes intense stress, and this places a heavy load on your immune system which can reduce its ability to deal effectively with the wide variety of infections to which it is exposed as you lead your normal daily lives. Read More…
Jesus through John: You know that you are awakening!
03.03.2020 20:21
As the awakening process that humanity is presently experiencing moves inexorably forward, there is much occurring worldwide that is causing fear and alarm to escalate. Your awakening requires you to release your hold on outdated belief systems that no longer serve you – humanity – and the judgments that inevitably arise from them. Despite the fact that many do claim to be based on love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self, they often judge other beliefs that are not in agreement or alignment with their own to be wrong. Read More…
Saul through John: Humanity has everything it needs to put an end to the conflicts and poverty that so many are enduring
26.02.2020 21:09
We are all watching with delight from here in the spiritual realms as humanity races towards its awakening! You are definitely moving along very rapidly towards that wonderful event, when shock and delighted amazement will fill your hearts with joy, as you realize that you have arrived! The journey has been long, and at times extremely stressful and painful, in fact, as stuff is now arising for nearly everybody to be acknowledged and released, you cannot fail to be aware that there is an enormous amount of needless suffering still being endured by millions of people all across the planet. This will cease. Read More…
Jesus through John: Love is both powerful and gentle
19.02.2020 20:06
Humanity’s awakening process, as you keep hearing from many sources, is moving forward rapidly and most effectively. More and more people, who have so far been totally engrossed in the seeming reality of their lives in form as humans, are beginning to become aware that they are far more than their bodily experiences would suggest, and are now very actively seeking knowledge about life after death, and about their spiritual heritage. This vast increase in interest and awareness is partly because all in human form at this moment chose to be here to take part in and assist with the awakening process, and partly because it is only now that they are beginning to sense – i.e. remember – that life has a much deeper meaning than focusing onlyon life as a human in form can provide. Read More…
Saul through John: The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed
31.01.2020 21:15
Humanity is riding the wave towards its moment of awakening and this is very close now. Let go of your doubts and anxieties because all is well. Your awakening, as you have been told so often, is inevitable! It seems to you that you have been waiting a very long time for this magnificent event, but in truth it has been but a moment, an instant. Separation from Source never occurred, it could not occur because there is nowhere to separate to, there is only Source the infinite field of Love in which all that is created has its eternal existence in peace and joy. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are far, far more than your ego would have you believe
05.01.2020 20:47
The changes essential for humanity’s awakening have been ongoing for a number of years now, and they will climax in 2020. There were many changes in 2019 that were quite astounding for large portions of humanity who were deeply asleep, and which led them forwards to question many of their enculturated but frequently unseen beliefs. These beliefs, which they held unknowingly, directed their thoughts, words, and actions, often with less than totally positive results. Read More…
Saul through John: Prepare yourselves for the joy to come
01.01.2020 20:13
Today, as you prepare to enter into a new terrestrial year, I would like to remind you that there is only and can only be L O V E! Love is Reality, is Mother/Father/God, is The Source from which All That Is flows constantly out embracing and re-embracing Itself in every moment, creating infinite Joy for All. Read More…
Jesus through John: The infinite joy of that most wondrous moment awaits you
17.12.2019 21:21
Humanity’s progress towards awakening is quite phenomenal! God’s divine plan is for you to awaken, and it always has been since the moment that you chose to experience an unreal state of separation from Source, the Source with Whom ALL are One. Therefore it is inevitable that you awaken, and all that you can do is choose when this will be by choosing when to open your hearts to let Love enter. Read More…
Saul through John: All will feel the infinite intensity of divine Love
14.12.2019 11:24
Here in the spiritual realms, as we watch over you and support you, we are all elated with the progress that the human collective is making as it moves purposefully forward on its path towards awakening. It has, in regards to the time spent on it, been a long and arduous journey, and many have suffered greatly due to the general ignorance or lack of understanding of the purpose of life as a human. Read More…
Saul through John: To awaken is to know who You are
02.12.2019 18:22
As a large part of humanity – those who are aware that they are on a spiritual path leading to their awakening – waits expectantly for the awakening to happen, much is occurring worldwide that is very unsettling for nearly everyone, and very painful for those who are living in war zones or in areas in which the planet herself or the weather is causing damage and disruption on a large scale. This is all in preparation for the awakening, because much negativity – resentment, hatred, bitterness, anger, and negative judgment – that humanity has been clinging to, has to be seen, acknowledged, and released in order for you to awaken. Read More…
Saul through John: The time for egoic power struggles is coming to an end
19.11.2019 20:49
Changes of great magnitude are occurring all across the world as the human collective moves at an ever accelerating pace towards awakening. There is hardly anyone on Earth at present who is unaware that something of enormous significance is happening. The mainstream media is reporting, as usual, on chaos, confusion, and catastrophe in various areas of the world, or more locally on dramatic neighborhood events that encourage fear, but these are not the changes to which I am referring. Read More…
Jesus through John: Love never discriminates, it is unconditionally accepting of All that God has created
08.11.2019 20:43
Here in the spiritual realms – which of course is not ‘a place’ but is the One infinite energy field of Love, Mother/Father/God, where All That Is has Its eternal Presence, and therefore, where all sentient life has its eternal existence, even when unaware of this – we are joyfully observing humanity’s long anticipated awakening process approaching fruition. All is proceeding beautifully. The chaos, conflict, and confusion in so many areas is drawing to a close because the collective intent to awaken has intensified enormously over the course of this current Earth year. Read More…
Saul through John: You all made very conscious choices be incarnate at this time in humanity’s spiritual evolution
01.11.2019 13:40
Life at One with Source is perfect, complete, absolutely blissful. Life separated from Source – were it possible, and it most definitely is NOT – when it was not terrifying, would be boring, meaningless, a waste of “time.” In fact it would be an ongoing and endless attempt to deny or ignore the fear filled disaster of being separated from Source, from the bliss, while experiencing a terrifying sense of aloneness, of abandonment, of the lack of LOVE. Read More…
Jesus through John: Anyone who presents a loving presence always has a healing and comforting effect
24.10.2019 19:14
The mood worldwide is amazingly uplifting as more and more of you come to the realization that essential changes are necessary in the way in which you interact with one another, with the planet herself, and with all the life forms she so lovingly supports. Although your physical environment is unreal, illusory, nevertheless, because the vast majority of you believe that it is real, your thoughts and intentions concerning it intensify its apparent reality, causing much joy or much suffering depending on those intentions. Read More…
Saul through John: Everyone wants only to be seen, honored, respected, and loved
18.10.2019 21:44
Humanity’s awakening process is accelerating very rapidly now, and signs of this are plainly evident on the mainstream news media channels. People have chosen no longer to accept the rhetoric and promises made by politicians and other well known figures who express their views and opinions publicly, because it has become utterly apparent that they are meaningless. Read More…
Saul through John: No one has the right to override your own sovereign authority
02.10.2019 18:35
You are the Oneness that you seek, and so is your sister, your spouse, your friend, and your enemy – everyone is the Oneness that you seek! When you find It within yourself, where It resides eternally, as you most surely will, then you will also find It in everyone else, and the peace and love that this brings you will fill your heart. You are Love, your nature is Love, there is nothing else! And you will come to awareness of this when you allow yourself to fearlessly open your heart to invite It in and toallow It in, because It is your nature which cannot be denied entrance for longer than the briefest of moments. Read More…
Jesus through John: Love of a magnitude never before experienced in human form fills each one’s heart
28.09.2019 21:47
Constant change is an aspect of the illusion which is constantly being demonstrated by the “passage of time.” Time, too, is an aspect of the illusion; in Reality there is only Now! That makes no sense to beings in form because you have clear memories of times that have past, and you have ongoing expectations, moment to moment, that show you that in the future certain events will probably occur, and that other, as yet unknown events, will also occur. Time and change are two facets of the same material environment in which you experience your existence as humans in form. Most clearly seen and acknowledged as your bodies grow, strengthen, and develop emotionally and intellectually from infancy to adulthood, then maintain that state for a number of years, followed by the aging process that leads to bodily death and decay. And your history, however far back you choose to look, confirms this. Read More…
Saul through John: Love accepts what arises and deals with it lovingly
21.09.2019 22:03
The world is changing, and it is changing for the better as ever increasing numbers of people reclaim their divine power, the power integrated within them at the very moment of their creation, and are using it to change themselves, and in this way they are changing the world! You are all expressions of Source, and as such you are beings of Love, you are Love. And, as you have so often been told, your nature is Love, and it can only be Love because you are each One with God Who is perfect Love. What is not loving is unreal and has to be continuously rebuilt, reimagined, and reconstructed because it has no foundation or underpinning. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are all perfect manifestations of the Divine One
14.09.2019 22:13
The most important subject with which humans have to deal is Love – which is their true and only state of being – or the apparent lack of Love they experience while they are in form as humans. But, of course, there is no lack of Love, because there is only Love, which is the infinite field of divine energy in which all sentient life is lovingly and eternally held and embraced. Love is found within! There is nowhere else that it can be, because there is no without, there is no outside, outside is unreal, is nowhere, is the unreal dream-world of form which lasts only as long as the sentient collective that is experiencing form chooses to maintain it. Read More…
Saul through John: The being that you feel yourself to be as a human is eternally connected to Source, Mother/Father/God
10.09.2019 21:11
Humanity’s awakening process is very well advanced, as all the unacknowledged or denied issues that humans need to own and release arise into their conscious awareness both individually and collectively. Your mainstream media is focused on conflict in many areas of the world, and all of these conflicts are major signs of the awakening of the collective unconscious – of the collective arising of major issues that people in positions of authority all over the world have either denied or been unwilling to address because of their egotistical needs to prove themselves right and make others – those with whom they are in disagreement – wrong. Read More…
Jesus through John: To be incarnate as a human in form is a gift of inestimable value that you have given yourselves
10.09.2019 21:05
Life is a divine and infinitely joyful creation of our infinitely wise and loving Source, and It is what we are, both those of us in form and those of us without form – an eternal and expanding flow of infinite energy that is most easily understood if defined as LOVE. As humans in form, you all want LOVE, and for many it seems that it is outside you, to be found within someone else. So you spend large parts of your human lives seeking it from that perfect other who you hope will, when found, fulfill you, making you feel complete, seen, heard, understood (at last!), and cherished above all others. But of course what you seek elsewhere can only be found within yourselves, because you are all, each and every one of you without any exceptions of any kind, already and utterly inseparably One with Source – you are the Love that you seek. Read More…
Saul through John: The divine welcome awaiting you all will instantly dissolve all your fears, anxieties, pain, and suffering
23.08.2019 20:08
Enormous changes are occurring worldwide as an essential aspect of humanity’s awakening process. This moment in your spiritual evolution was planned at the same moment that you chose to construct a dream environment in which to engage in the game of separation. Having been gifted by God with all His Power, Wisdom, and Intelligence at the moment of your creation, in order that you would be One with Him in eternal joy, you chose to build an unreal dream world in which to play with your divine gifts in the way that human children often choose to imagine a world in which they are free from the oversight of their parents, until they need food, or sleep, or reassurance. At that point they immediately demand their parents’ undivided attention! Read More…
Jesus through John: Love is always calling to you to remind you of your true nature
17.08.2019 11:58
Although this does not appear to be the case, humanity is on the fast track to awakening. It has always been the collective intent that humanity awaken from the dream or nightmare that it appears to be actually living and experiencing so very realistically. The realism is because the vast majority of you fully identify with your bodies which are very vulnerable to pain and suffering through disease, accident, and conflict. When you chose to experience separation from Source you also chose to use your bodies as as your main means of experiencing life in form, effectively shutting out the absolute vastness of Reality, and thus reducing your ability to enjoy the fullness of life. Instead avoidance of pain and suffering became one of your driving motivations, along with the motivation to seek pleasure as a distraction from the seemingly never ending succession of painful realities with which life in form is constantly presenting you. Read More…
Jesus through John: Wisdom – your spiritual support team – offers gentle guidance to you at all times
27.07.2019 16:07
The signs of humanity’s most wonderful awakening are clearly visible, as ever more choose to engage in contemplative or physical activities to assist in this most marvelous event. The awakening process is proceeding apace, and there is no one on Earth whoremains completely unaware that something of great importance is occurring. A great release is in progress as much buried or denied anger, resentment, bitterness, and hatred is arising into people’s conscious awareness and shocking them. There are very few who have not buried or denied aspects of themselves that arose and were acted upon when they believed that they were under attack, physically or psychologically. These aspects that are not in alignment with your true nature – Love – have to be released because they are effectively the screen or veil which hides your true nature from you, leaving you feeling separated, abandoned, and unloved. Read More…
Saul through John: Now, on Earth, this awakening is ongoing and unstoppable
24.07.2019 17:20
There is only The One, Source, Mother/Father/God, into which all are eternally enfolded. Many terms have been used over the eons in many different cultures in an attempt to describe and even define our Source, and these days either ocean or infinite field of consciousness seem to work for most people. But no matter what term or sequence of words are used they remain totally inadequate to describe or define what can never be put into words. Source has to be experienced! No other way of knowing It or being aware of It has any meaning. Nevertheless, each and every sentient being has within it – very deep within it – a memory or trace of its divine nature which can never be removed or destroyed, and which will lead the being to choose, in its own time, to awaken to its true Nature, One with Source. Read More…
Jesus through John: Separation never occurred, it could not occur because the One is indivisible
24.07.2019 16:19
Humanity’s awakening is proceeding beautifully, just as divinely planned and intended. Do not be distracted and dismayed by the various unhappy events on which the mainstream media focuses its attention, and which it uses to keep your fear and anxiety exercised and alert. As I have already told you many times, the purpose of the mainstream media is not benign, it is clearly directed, by those who own and control it, to focus on the items of news that deal almost totally with conflict, tragedy, and loss of life, and that are therefore unsettling or even alarming to its audience. Read More…
Saul through John: The age of crude, gross, and insane materialism is over
05.07.2019 21:52
Humanity is most definitely on the brink of awakening! You need to wake up from the dream/nightmare/illusion that has encouraged you to believe in separation and engage in interminable conflict for eons. Over the last few decades the technological achievements of mass instant communications worldwide has enabled awareness to grow of your global interdependence – no one is an island – and of the essential requirement for a change in attitudes and behaviors to eradicate poverty and become true guardians of your beautiful Planet Earth. Read More…
Jesus through John: Delayed gratification is inconceivable and impossible when there is only now
19.06.2019 21:44
All of us here in the non physical realms are enormously, and enthusiastically cheering you on, as the awakening process that has enveloped humanity, and for which all of you reading or listening to this message are doing such great work, essential work that can only be done by those who are in form, races ahead towards completion. It is a truly massive undertaking that God, in His infinite Wisdom, meticulously planned when you chose to experience the unreal state of separation. Now its time has arrived and it is proceeding apace. Read More…
Saul through John: When there is celebration conflict is impossible!
08.06.2019 13:01
Changes of enormous significance are occurring worldwide as humanity moves increasingly positively toward awakening. Some, political or geophysical, are being reported in the mainstream media, while others, of a far more positive nature, are being reported in less public spaces, and then shared person to person through the vast network of social media channels. People worldwide are choosing to communicate person to person on spiritual matters arising for them personally, matters that they have found their faith-based or religious organizations do not or cannot address. Read More…
Saul through John: You have never been separated from Love
24.05.2019 21:17
We all – Father/Mother/God, supreme Intelligence, divine Wisdom, all of creation that is not in form (an unimaginably vast number!) – are watching with delighted and enthusiastic excitement as your moment of awakening draws ever closer. And yes, I hear you as you again express your doubts and your irritation because we have been telling you for a seemingly very long time that your awakening is about to happen. And to many of you it appears that nothing is going on. Your doubts and irritation, even intense anger, increase. Read More…
Saul through John: Truly life for all on Planet Earth is about to become far more harmonious
08.05.2019 20:20
As all are very well aware enormous changes are occurring all across the world in politics, in business, and in religious, social, and charitable organizations, as aspects of their affairs, about which they have for so long been very secretive, are now being widely disclosed by myriad whistle blowers for all to see. And while these disclosures are long overdue, many people have been amazed to hear how much has been going on that is almost beyond the bounds of belief. People in positions of trust and authority, placed in those positions because of their apparent honesty and integrity,and who have been seduced by the sense of power that their positions have bestowed upon them, and who have then totally misled those to whom they are supposed to be answerable, are finally being compelled to answer important questions about processes that they were charged with overseeing, and which have not been carried forward with the honesty and integrity for which they were instigated. Read More…
Jesus through John: The ability of Planet Earth to continue to support life is assured
01.05.2019 19:39
We are all One. From the smallest least significant life forms to the most highly developed ones, everyone of them without exception are contained, embraced, and most lovingly held within the infinite field of Consciousness that is ALL THAT EXISTS. Awareness of this truth, which for eons had been recognized by only a very, very few, has, over the last five or six years, been growing exponentially within humanity. Yes, I want to confirm for you most positively that there is no separation, because Life/Love is One. Life is an ongoing creative event, an endless expansion of divine Love that is fully aware of all and that discards nothing. What is created is forever, endless, eternal, and what is created is always alive, purely because it is an expression of pure undiluted consciousness – GODNESS! Read More…
Saul through John: Fear is unreal!
26.04.2019 22:53
You, humanity, is finally opening to Love, and thus arriving on the same page where we in the non-physical realms spend a lot of our time. This is making it far easier for us to bridge the seemingly vast gap between form and non-form so that we can commune with you all far more easily and spontaneously. Awareness of your true nature, the Self that is using the body as a vehicle to experience form, is rising into the consciousness of increasing numbers of you, as the felt Presence of the Tsunami of Love, which is pouring down on Planet Earth, continues to intensify. Everyone incarnate on Earth now is feeling It, although the vast majority do not, as yet, have any understanding of what is happening, what it is that they are feeling, they just feel slightly to extremely uncomfortable, and all their denied or hidden non-specific-fears are adding to that discomfort. Read More…
Jesus through John: Truly there is SO MUCH for which you should be filled with gratitude!
20.04.2019 21:08
Easter is a time of celebration because it honors my resurrection, the main feast in the Christian year, the feast that reminds you all that you are the divine children of God, forever enfolded in His most loving embrace, and that you are eternal beings blessed with life everlasting. Life should and can be joy-filled, and when you awaken it will be! Read More…
Saul through John: You can change your beliefs!
20.04.2019 20:48
Once humanity has awakened the multitudinous issues and problem facing you at present will be easily and rapidly resolved. You are all beings of enormous power and you have the creative abilities to bring forward new ideas from within your collective awareness that will enable you put into effect the programs necessary initially to alleviate all forms of poverty – hunger, homelessness, loneliness, shame, guilt, apathy, disempowerment, hopelessness – worldwide, and then start to create loving communities in uplifting and inspiring environments to replace the shanty towns, favelas, and slums in which so many of God’s beloved children live in a state of permanent impoverishment. Read More…
Jesus through John: Endless joy is your destination
12.04.2019 19:57
The crazy world you see around you is not as crazy as it may at first appear, because enormous changes, changes that were decided upon at the moment of your apparent separation from Source, are coming into effect, one after another with great rapidity. These changes are a major aspect of humanity’s awakening process, and are indications of the enormous progress humanity has made, and is continuing to make in its spiritual evolution. Read More…
Saul through John: You all have pain from way back that needs to be seen, thanked, and released
12.04.2019 19:54
We are watching from the spiritual realms with joy, as humanity moves forward very rapidly indeed along its collective path to awakening. That awakening is absolutely inevitable because collectively the Oneness of Spirit that is the life within humanity, in all its many cultures, races, ethnicities, and religious and political persuasions and none, has chosen to cease playing the game of separation. Separation was a choice to experience a totally unreal state, a state in which you, each individual sentient being, was in competition with every other one for the resources to ensure your survival. Initially food, shelter, and clothing for your bodies, then power over others as the individual felt that that was the only practical way to ensure its survival. Read More…
Jesus through John: Life is meant to be enjoyable for all, and it can be
22.03.2019 21:37
As humanity’s awakening process progresses rapidly and most effectively, it is producing amazing changes all over the world in the way that business, industry, politics, religion, and society in general everywhere deals with the issues that are arising, presenting them with difficult problems that need to be addressed. Many hidden scandals and corrupt practices, that have been ongoing for many decades, are being revealed and publicized, further emphasizing the intense need for essential changes in every area of human activity, so that honesty, integrity, and love replace the odious and self serving agendas that have been common practice for such a long time. Read More…
Saul through John: You find peace and self-acceptance as the Love that you are arises into your awareness
22.03.2019 21:30
The rate of change that is occurring worldwide in human attitudes and behaviors is truly amazing, and is extremely uplifting and inspiring to observe. In fact it is way beyond wonderful as more and more of you become aware that Love is the only meaningful energy with which to engage as you pursuewhatever you may be thinking, saying, or doing during your daily human activities. The effect that you – and your numbers are VAST – who consistently and daily set the intention to be only loving, whatever arises, is fantastic. Read More…
Jesus through John: You find peace and self-acceptance as the Love that you are arises into your awareness
17.03.2019 20:27
The rate of change that is occurring worldwide in human attitudes and behaviors is truly amazing, and is extremely uplifting and inspiring to observe. In fact it is way beyond wonderful as more and more of you become aware that Love is the only meaningful energy with which to engage as you pursuewhatever you may be thinking, saying, or doing during your daily human activities. The effect that you – and your numbers are VAST – who consistently and daily set the intention to be only loving, whatever arises, is fantastic. Before you incarnated you knew that you could do this, but you did not know if you would do it, because the state of amnesia into which you slide as you embody yourselves as humans is rather like being incarcerated in a highly fortified prison or correctional facility, one that totally blocks all information from outside that might be of interest or of use to you. You knew this would be the case, but you also knew that you had enormous power available to you if you could remember how to access it. Read More…
Jesus through John: Forgiveness calms the storms of painful emotions within
09.03.2019 15:39
The Oneness that is God, that is All That Is, includes every sentient being ever created or that ever will be created: There is NO separation! Ever. But, living in form, as humans, the reality of this escapes you. You have forgotten the Truth, and because of the severely limiting beliefs that being human imposes upon you, you need divine Guidance to find your way Home. And that Guidance – the Holy Spirit – is always with you waiting patiently for you to take the time to listen. Read More…
Saul through John: Your loving presence on Earth at this moment in her evolution is not an accident
06.03.2019 21:41
Humanity is on the verge of an enormous breakthrough in consciousness, in awareness, that will release untold new information into every heart that chooses to open to it about your ongoing spiritual evolution. This moment was instantly and divinely planned when you chose to undergo the experience of separation, because God, in His infinite Love for you, immediately willed that you have the perfect route out of the experience of separation and back to full awareness of your Oneness with Him. As you have so often been told it is your natural state, and it is a state from which you have never departed, despite all the apparent evidence to the contrary. Read More…
Saul through John: By spending time quietly within you will come to a state of self-acceptance and peace which cannot be found in the world outside
02.03.2019 14:22
The Tsunami of Love continues to strengthen and intensify as more and more of you set and hold the intention daily to be only loving, whatever arises. You all incarnated to do just this, and you are doing it, and it is having a most wondrous effect. Do not doubt the efficacy of your intentions! Without them the awakening would be moving a lot less rapidly, so your intentions truly are a most essential aspect of humanity’s collective awakening. When you come into awareness of what you have achieved you will be amazed, and filled with untold joy. In fact, you will have become fully awake, you will have returned to your natural and most holy state, that of knowing that you are One with and inseparable from God. Read More…
Jesus through John: Release your fears and doubts, and embrace a life that is love-filled
20.02.2019 18:49
Here in the spiritual realms we watch with joy as humanity’s awakening process moves forward swiftly toward the moment for which you have all been waiting since the moment that you chose to experience separation from your Source. Namely your return to awareness that there is no separation. That awareness, once awakened, is permanent. It is also majestically intense, so much so that you will wonder how you could possibly have remained asleep and unaware for so long. And you will also realize that in fact you were only asleep, unaware, for just an instant. Read More…
Saul through John: As the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify
17.02.2019 15:59
The mainstream media have been avoiding issues of real significance, while attempting to draw your attention towards distractions which are intended to confuse and divide you so that you live in anxiety and fear. Politics is a game played by influential people who are blinded by their own self-importance and driven by their desire for power over others, and who are supported by the mainstream media, while both are controlled and manipulated by a tiny but very powerful elite who have unlimited financial resources, and who have personal information about those influential ones which ensures that they can brought down in a moment, if they refuse to obey their masters, by releasing scandalous information about them. Thus many politicians and news organizations are “owned” and used by a few very wealthy people with self-serving, secret, personal agendas that have been kept hidden from the public view. Read More…
Jesus through John: The vastness of who you truly are becomes strikingly apparent
05.02.2019 19:10
We are ALL. That is: all sentient life is one Consciousness that is infinitely aware and all-knowing in every moment. However, since the apparent separation occurred, those in human form have lost this awareness of the one Consciousness which is who they truly are in every moment of their existence. This is what separation is about – loss of knowing who you are. Every sentient being is permanently and inseparably connected to and one with Source, and no other state is remotely possible! Read More…
Saul through John: As Being, as pure Consciousness, there are no needs
28.01.2019 19:17
As you wait expectantly for the dramatic shift in personal feeling experiences, and in outside events, to demonstrate absolutely conclusively for you that awakening is occurring in this now moment, be cheerful and spontaneous as you go most positively and hopefully about your daily human lives. You know, deep within yourselves, that the tipping point has been reached, and that the human collective is awakening rapidly and most enthusiastically, despite all the negative mainstream media news reporting which is most definitely suggesting otherwise. Your awakening, as you have so often been told, is a done deal! Read More…
Saul through John: Fear is unreal, a figment of unreality
25.01.2019 23:00
The New Age has arrived! Yes, there appears to be increasing chaos and confusion, with some major catastrophes occurring across the world at present, but that is just a sign that life on earth is changing for humanity. The ongoing changes are enormous, never before, in all of human history, have such major changes happened. This is a First,and it is a VERY GOOD SIGN! Nearly everyone is going through very unsettling emotional and or psychological issues as they make room to fully accept the Love that has been waiting patiently for this moment in order to enter into and completely infuse your hearts. Read More…
Jesus through John: The apparent separation that humans experience is but a trick of the ego
18.01.2019 20:23
As you are well aware, enormous changes are occurring all across the world both within humanity, and within the planet herself and all the life forms she so willingly supports. This is a time of great change that has been divinely planned for eons, it is indeed very stressful for all, however, it is a necessary part of humanity’s awakening process. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are continuously and lovingly watched over by those in the spiritual realms
25.12.2018 14:23
As humanity prepares for the grand awakening – and everyone on Earth at present is preparing, even if unaware of doing so – Christmas is an excellent time to report on the progress already made, and on what you can do to increase the power and intensity of the already made collective decision to awaken. This will assist others, who are still deeply asleep, to feel or become aware of the nudges they have been receiving to move them forward toward awakening. Read More…
Jesus through John: Remember your are LOVE!
22.12.2018 20:04
Christmas day, my birthday, is approaching rapidly, so CELEBRATE!
Enormous changes are occurring all across the planet as the moment of your awakening approaches. And that is reason for celebration. Yes, there are many who are in pain, and many who are suffering, and a very effective way to assist and support them is to set the intention to send them love and healing. For many of you that is the most effective thing you can do because you are not physically in their presence. If you are in a position where you can be physically present for someone who is in pain and is suffering, and your intuitive guidance is to attend to them, then do so, even if you fear doing this. Fear is of the ego, so tell it that you understand its concern and that you know that this is what you need and intend to do, and the fear will greatly decrease in intensity, or fall away altogether. Read More…
Enormous changes are occurring all across the planet as the moment of your awakening approaches. And that is reason for celebration. Yes, there are many who are in pain, and many who are suffering, and a very effective way to assist and support them is to set the intention to send them love and healing. For many of you that is the most effective thing you can do because you are not physically in their presence. If you are in a position where you can be physically present for someone who is in pain and is suffering, and your intuitive guidance is to attend to them, then do so, even if you fear doing this. Fear is of the ego, so tell it that you understand its concern and that you know that this is what you need and intend to do, and the fear will greatly decrease in intensity, or fall away altogether. Read More…
Saul through John: Be in Joy!
19.12.2018 20:48
Humanity is on the verge of a breakthrough in its awakening process! Yes, on the mainstream news everything seems politically chaotic wherever you look, but that is as a result of the vast increase in loving energies flooding the planet to help you take a massive leap forward on your spiritual evolutionary path. The conflicts, made known in the news, are occurring because the underlying fear and anger that is causing them needs to be released not only at the personal level, but also at the planetary level. For eons divisive and damaging beliefs and belief systems have caused enormous rifts between people, leading to the extremely painful severance of relationships at either a personal or an international level, and frequently resulting in violent and vicious conflicts. Their arising now demonstrates very clearly indeed to all of you the essential need for enormous change in the ways in which you choose to relate to one another. Read More…
Saul through John: When you feel at one with another, fear, conflict, and distrust dissolve
30.11.2018 22:17
Change is in the air, in fact enormous changes and revelations are shortly to be unveiled, as humanity progresses most effectively towards the moment of its grand awakening. Your awakening has always been God’s Will for you, and God’s Will, the divine Will, in fact humanity’s Will – your collective will since the unreal but very real seeming separation experience commenced – is One Will and It is always achieved. There are no exceptions! Read More…
Jesus through John: Deep within you is the knowledge that you are Love, that you are complete
23.11.2018 20:24
Many are finding themselves experiencing inner turmoil at present, as the awakening process intensifies, and more “stuff” arises into people’s conscious awareness for acknowledgment and release. It has to be released so that Love may be personally known and experienced, and as the moment for the grand awakening is approaching very rapidly, the intensity with which it is arising has intensified enormously. For many, who are already under a considerable amount of stress, this increasing intensity is extremely unsettling. Read More…
Saul through John: Live today with love in your hearts
20.11.2018 18:53
Humanity is on a roll! Yes, I have said that before! Nevertheless, as you attend to the news media, you mostly find news of disasters and catastrophes of various kinds, and mostly ones that do not directly affect you. Don’t focus your attention there, because it just drains your energy, allowing guilt, anxiety, fear, and anger to fill your minds. If you can help with your presence, or by making donations, then do so; but just sending love to those who are in need and who are suffering is very powerful. Then get on with living your lives lovingly and consciously, because that is what you are in form to do. And humanity is on a roll, because it has collectively made the decision to awaken, and that is what is happening. Read More…
Saul through John: What you are experiencing as humans seems extremely real
09.11.2018 21:44
There is only Love, God, the supreme and infinite Intelligence, the divine Wisdom, the infinite field of Conscious Awareness – how you define what is beyond imagination or definition is immaterial – and every conscious sentient being is part of and permanently connected to that divine field, and receives from it everything that makes life and consciousness possible. Read More…
Saul through John: Truly this is both a crazy and a fantastic time to be incarnate!
26.10.2018 19:51
As the mainstream media continues to focus on conflict, disagreements, and general calamities, set your intent to focus on Love. Love is the power of God extended to and shared with all of creation. There is absolutely nothing that approaches Its power, strength, intelligence, and wisdom, or Its complete and utter unconditional acceptance of all sentient life. Love is the infinite field in which all of creation expands to add joy continuously to all that it contains. Love always acts joyfully and with infinite wisdom, It is the Truth that is Reality. There is nothing else. Read More…
Jesus through John: Do not allow doubts about your worthiness, your competence, or your abilities to discourage you
26.10.2018 19:46
We, God, the All, Source, Reality, the One, YOU – all sentient life – areintensely and creatively fully involved in the awakening process. It is ongoing, and it has been since the moment of apparent separation, and now the next moment of awakening is approaching rapidly, as “stuff” arises for everyone to release and make room for L O V E, your true nature, to unveil Itself in your hearts and minds. Many of you are already getting a sense, a feeling of this, so open yourselves fully to It, there is nothing to fear, no one is in any way unworthy, or undeserving. The Divine Will is that you KNOW yourselves as One with Source, absolutely fearlessly because that is your Home, that is where you belong, that is the “Place” that you have never left. So, Wake Up, and ENJOY REALITY! Read More…
Saul through John: Your human death is but a transition back into full conscious awareness
13.10.2018 17:16
Humanity’s awakening process has accelerated enormously since we last communed. Even on the mainstream news programs it is apparent that something untoward is happening, and it is being experienced worldwide. Despite the naysayers’ misgivings and skepticism humanity is waking up! Within the concept of time, which is ever-present in your daily lives, there is a divinely planned series of events occurring that is leading you forward to your inevitable awakening into experiencing the Reality that is God/Source/Love. Read More…
Saul through John: Life is truly far more wonderful than you, as humans, can possibly imagine
14.09.2018 19:39
Humanity’s spiritual evolution is now progressing very rapidly, as it most certainly needs to do. There is an enormous amount of evidence available on-line confirming this. Be of good cheer, your awakening is imminent! Yes, there is much chaos and confusion across the world, as “stuff” that needs to be addressed arises into everyone’s awareness, and this can be quite alarming, especially for those – and there are many of them – who have, until now, been solely concerned with their daily lives as humans. Read More…
Jesus through John: In forgiving yourselves, you find it much easier to forgive others
27.08.2018 20:36
The way you, humanity, live on Earth is to change soon and dramatically for the better. Awareness is finally dawning on enough of you that to live as separate individuals attending mainly to your own needs and desires does not work and cannot work. The evidence has been there for eons, but your ego-driven selves have either been refusing to see it, or have totally denied it. Instead the world has been a place where unbridled competition has held sway on all levels of society and in every nation and culture. The fear of rejection and the need to belong to a group that is supportive and protective has been extremely divisive, as wars and conflicts within families or between nations throughout your recorded history clearly demonstrates. Read More…
Saul through John: To awaken is to let go of fear
25.08.2018 17:49
We, all of the divine creation, are on a path of spiritual evolution that is eternally ongoing. You may ask “Why? Are we not all already perfect divine creations?” And, yes, of course we are, but, being creative beings, there is always more to create, infinitely more, and that is one of the joys of being One with Source, there is always the joy of discovering more to create. Quite a paradox! Read More…
Saul through John: You are all loved beyond measure
12.08.2018 17:14
As so many channels are telling you, humanity is moving collectively forward very rapidly toward the moment of awakening. And there are signs of this in many places where loving concern and compassion are arising in discussions about the major issues that need to be practically resolved in order to prevent further, and possibly irreparable, catastrophic damage from being done to the planet, which could cause mass extinctions. Humanity is at a tipping point, a point at which balance must be restored allowing and encouraging a whole new way of living to be established that honors all life forms. Read More…
Jesus through John: You all have egos, and to live as humans in form you do need them
10.08.2018 17:54
When humanity awakens, as it inevitably will, there will be an enormous outpouring of LOVE world-wide. You have, collectively, been working towards this event for a very long time, and you are now ready for it. The chaos, confusion, and conflict across the world, at this moment in your spiritual evolution, is a result of your collective choice to awaken. Many agonizing memories of conflict, pain, and suffering are arising so that they may be released. Read More…
Saul through John: Negative self-judgment, recrimination, and blame closes you off from the Love that is your true nature
16.07.2018 18:56
All the apparent ongoing chaos in the world most definitely does have a purpose and that is to encourage and nudge humanity to move forward enthusiastically along the path to awakening. In this context moving forward means to recognize and become fully aware of all the “stuff” that no longer serves you, and then to very consciously intend to release it. Read More…
Saul through John: When you choose to cooperate for the benefit of all there are NO losers!
17.06.2018 20:00
In many parts of the world humanity is presently in a state of turmoil as all the buried or denied issues that people have been avoiding dealing with for eons arise to be dealt with NOW! All know, deep within themselves, below their level of conscious awareness, that Love is their nature and that they have mostly hidden that divine Truth from themselves as they have played the game of separation from Source, and lived lives that are basically infantile – the me, me, me, syndrome. Read More…
Jesus through John: Be the Love that you truly are!
13.06.2018 18:09
All are One! This is not a new thought, this is a divine Truth that is forever unchanging, but, as humans living the illusion, you have hidden this knowing from yourselves to make the sensation of separation as real as possible. Now it is time to acknowledge this Truth, open yourselves to know it, and then allow it to guide you in every moment. There is no possibility of separation from God, from Source, because That is All That Is, and all consciousness, awareness, sentience, arises here. When you don’t sense It, feel It, know It, then you are choosing to be unaware. Read More…
Saul through John - Truly, there is nothing to fear because there is only Love
25.05.2018 23:33
As humanity continues to grow in wisdom and maturity, and it has always been in the process of doing this, changes of an amazing nature will continue to occur. You chose to build the illusory world of separation in order to experience aloneness, abandonment, and loss of meaning and purpose in your lives so that you could then evolve spiritually and return from that experiential state to the Source from which you have never been separated. This endless journey back to Source is your life purpose and gives it meaning. It is endless because time is endless . . . until you choose to be aware that time is illusory, that there is only the ever-present now in which all of creation has its permanent and endless existence at One with Source, Love, Mother/Father/God. Read More…
Jesus through John: Every single human has their own direct connection to Source through the Holy Spirit
15.05.2018 21:07
Humanity’s progress along the path to awakening is moving rapidly forward, and there is evidence of this all across the world as more and more of you set the intent daily to be only loving whatever arises. This is the most powerful intent that you can set, and when you do you are enormously assisted by the unseen ones who watch over you lovingly and support you in every moment of your earthly existence. You are never alone, you are always fully supported as you follow the paths to awakening that you set up for yourselves before you incarnated. As a direct result your success is divinely assured. Indeed the tipping point for humanity’s awakening has already passed, and many of you are now feeling the certainty of this. Read More…
Saul through John: Spiritual evolution is humanity’s purpose and intent
08.05.2018 18:19
Humanity is at the cusp or tipping point – at the moment of enormous change – when the collective intent to choose meaningful and attentive discussion to resolve issues on a global scale is initiated, instead of resorting to flagrant and disrespectful rhetoric that practically always leads to conflict without resolution. This is an extremely important moment in your human evolution because you are consciously choosing to change your attitudes and behaviors so that issues may be resolved peacefully and for the benefit of all, instead of continuing to react defensively or preemptively when you feel threatened. Read More…
Jesus through John: To awaken is to evolve spiritually, and that is humanity’s divine and inevitable destiny
21.03.2018 19:12
As the mainstream media focuses almost entirely on the drama of conflicts occurring all over the world – military, political, social, business, criminal, etc – I would like to remind you that there is an enormous change occurring in the way that most people see the world. People are waking up to the fact that conflict needs to cease and that harmonious conversation and discussion between all races, nations, cultures, political factions, and business and religious leaders must be started with the intent to cooperate together to ensure that every form of poverty and abuse is eradicated planet-wide and that every human is honored and respected as a child of God. Much preparation has already been done, and there are many working tirelessly towards this end. Each one holding the intent to make this happen adds powerfully to the energies of Love inundating the planet. Read More…
Saul through John: You are always unconditionally accepted and infinitely loved
16.03.2018 18:35
As humanity’s awakening process continues and intensifies more and more people are finding themselves swamped or overwhelmed with emotional stuff, stuff that was so deeply buried or so strongly denied that they just did not know it was lying there waiting for acknowledgment and release. You are not your emotions, you are not your feelings, you just experience them . . . Read More…
Jesus through John: It is impossible for you to even imagine the Truth of Who You are!
25.02.2018 12:35
As the human awakening process intensifies and accelerates much is arising that has been buried or denied and that needs to be acknowledged, recognized, and released. There is no need to engage with these powerful emotions and feelings, they are like tropical storms that arise, expend an enormous amount of energy quite indiscriminately, and then dissipate. And, like storms, the feelings and emotions that arise will express themselves very powerfully, and that, of course, can be very painful,so do not attempt to suppress or control them, just allow them to flow though you, as they will, without attempting to direct them or dump them on others. Read More…
Saul through John - What you seek you already have!
25.02.2018 12:07
Here in the spiritual realms we are observing humanity’s ongoing progress towards awakening with joy. You are making astounding progress and moving forwards very rapidly as all the issues that have been buried and forgotten about arise into the collective consciousness to be addressed and released. Many lightworkers and wayshowers are working hard and most effectively to connect via your modern communications networks with those who are starting to come into awareness of their spiritual nature. Read More…
Saul through John: For eons Love was practically unknown among humans
06.02.2018 19:42
Here in the spiritual realms we are watching over you with joy as humanity’s awakening process continues to unfold, just as divinely planned. Remember, we are all One. Therefore anything we think, say, or do affects everyone else, and here in the spiritual realms we are offering you constant encouragement and love to assist your awakening process, while all of you are holding the intent to awaken, and to be loving in every moment no matter what arises. Read More…
Jesus through John: The unreal is weakening in the Presence of Love, and it is dissolving
26.01.2018 18:04
All across Planet Earth the energy fields of humans are moving toward each other, and melding, blending, and integrating, in evermore harmonious cooperation as the Tsunami of Love continues to strengthen and intensify. Yes, there are still conflicts arising, suffering is still being inflicted on the weak, as your various news agencies keep on reporting, but while this is occurring a massive release of old buried hatreds and resentments worldwide is taking place. Read More…
Saul through John: Life is a most wonderful gift, but how you use it is almost entirely up to you
25.01.2018 21:48
Humanity’s awakening process is progressing beautifully. And that is, of course, to be expected. It is a divine plan to awaken you from the dream in which it seems that you had become lost. However, dreams are but ephemeral wisps of unreality in which you cannot really become lost. You are a little like a small child who hides in a dark closet or in the dark space under the stairs and then believes that it is lost and abandoned. Read More…
Saul through John: As humans you want to live forever for the good times
13.01.2018 12:34
You all have high hopes for 2018. Much has been promised and much will be delivered! The awakening process is proceeding apace, and this not new information, it is just further confirmation of what we in the spiritual realms have been telling so many of you over the last 2 or 3 years. Yes, that long! Nevertheless, major changes are occurring all over the world as humanity’s collective intent to awaken continues to intensify. More and more are daily choosing to live only lovingly whatever arises, and the powerful energies that these choices are putting into effect keep intensifying. Read More…
Jesus through John: Truly, death is but a transition and should not be feared
11.01.2018 20:08
2018 is here and well established, and much needed change is happening planet-wide. Love is penetrating the hearts of even the most fear riven because the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify as more and more of you set and hold the intent to be only loving all day and every day, whatever arises. Read More…
Jesus through John: For God to lack anything is impossible
29.12.2017 15:11
As the year of Our Lord, 2017, draws to a close, make a point of giving thanks. There are none among you who have been completely without occasion to give thanks in 2017. Giving thanks is a very powerful energy exchange, much like forgiveness, which you should all also be offering to those you have offended – including yourselves for the negative self-judgments and disparagements you have dished out to yourselves far too frequently during these last twelve months. Read More…
Saul through John: Everyone’s task is to be the Love that they are
26.12.2017 23:57
The Christmas season is a time for renewal as you prepare to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Jesus by opening your hearts more fully to the Love that is the energy field in which you are forever present. As you open your hearts, all with whom you interact in any manner at all will themselves be assisted in opening their hearts, so intensify your intent to be only loving whatever arises. Read More…
Saul through John: You are each exactly where you are meant to be in every moment
15.12.2017 17:48
Humanity’s progress toward awakening has amazed all of us here in the spiritual realms. Despite all the chaos and confusion that is arising worldwide, the awakening process is now proceeding extremely rapidly. All the bits and pieces, all the strings and connections, all the pieces of the puzzle are in fact coming beautifully into alignment, and your moment of mass awakening is very close. Read More…
Jesus through John: As humans many of you think or assume that you were born without any input or choice in the matter
14.12.2017 20:48
As Christmas approaches and the year draws to a close, much is happening for all humans at a level that is far below their conscious awareness, and this is bringing into their normal conscious awareness discomfort, unsettling thoughts and ideas, and much confusion. For a very long time people have been accustomed to burying or denying extremely painful experiences that they have undergone in order to carry on with their lives and the commitments that they have taken on. Read More…
Saul through John: God has given you everything and denied you nothing because that is His nature
30.11.2017 21:22
As humanity collectively moves toward awakening, much is happening to accelerate and intensify your relentless progression. As you well know, Love Is, there is only Love, all else is of the illusion, and more and more of the world’s human population are beginning to realize this. At first it is a personal realization, something that they feel uncomfortable sharing because they fear being ridiculed and laughed at. Read More…
Jesus through John: As creators your abilities are limitless
28.11.2017 20:36
As humanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate, know that it is unstoppable. The collective has made the choice and the decision to awaken, and that intent goes on intensifying. There are signs of your awakening everywhere, however, at the same time, much is arising that is not in complete alignment with Love, and it is arising only to be seen, recognized, and released. Your own daily individual visits to your holy inner sanctuary to open your hearts ever more fully to the Love residing there greatly assist in that intensification, and are an essential aspect of it. Read More…
Saul through John: While playing the separation game, you have chosen to be unaware of Reality
22.11.2017 20:16
Here in the spiritual realms we are delighted to watch humanity’s amazing progress as you move rapidly and inexorably towards awakening. You need to awaken, and increasing numbers of you are doing so, one at a time, but that one by one, “left lane closed ahead” method is coming to an end because the new Super Highway to awakening will shortly be brought into operation. Read More…
Jesus through John: There is absolutely nothing to fear
16.11.2017 21:16
As you well know – YES, you DO! – you are all dearly loved, so let go of your doubts, they are utterly and completely invalid. You are presently in human form, and you know, because Saul and I and various other channels keep telling you and reminding you, that every human without exception is a beloved child of God. Therefore stop trying to leave yourself out to remain alone and unloved, because to do so is impossible. OK? Read More…
Saul through John: You will be enraptured and enchanted to recognize yourselves just as you truly are
12.11.2017 16:37
Humanity is most definitely awakening, there are powerful signs of this everywhere, “for those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear!” Allow your intuition to guide your web searches for evidence and you may well be greatly surprised by what you find. The collective intent to awaken – your individual intentions joined together and greatly amplified – will be achieved because that is the divine plan, your plan. Read More…
Jesus through John: Love is, of course, the antidote to fear, being all that is Real
10.11.2017 18:09
There is only One, but It is infinitely vast, and It is You at One with Source, your Creator, from Whom you are never and can never be separated. So relax, all is well and always will be, as you will fully understand when you awaken from the dream that has been causing you so much pain and suffering over the eons. The human collective has made the decision to awaken, and so the process of awakening has started. Read More…
Saul through John: The vast majority of humans have forgotten their life purpose
30.10.2017 18:03
All humans on Earth at this time of enormous change are here to help with the awakening, yes ALL humans. There is not just a special group of Light workers and Light holders who are horribly overworked as they assist in the awakening process. Read More…
Saul through John: Do not lose heart or surrender to doubt
23.10.2017 17:57
Humanity’s awakening process is an enormous undertaking that has been ongoing for eons, but the vast majority of humans have been, and remain, unaware that human life is but a minute portion of what is available to them, and that to awaken from the dream into the utter joy of Reality is their inevitable destiny. The illusion you collectively invented and constructed seems totally real to those within it, as was your intent when you built it. However, the intent was not to get lost in it for all eternity, but to experience separation and then make a choice as to whether you wanted Reality or illusion. Read More…
Jesus through John: Dreams always end and the dreamer always awakens
19.10.2017 20:27
Everyone, all of humanity, is becoming aware that there is no separation, because modern physicists have proclaimed it in public many times now, but the vast majority of humanity has no idea what that really means. Those of you reading or listening to this blog, and to other uplifting and inspiring ones, know that it relates to the fact that there is only God, Source, Love, and that there is NOTHING ELSE! And even you have great difficulty grasping what that actually means. IT MEANS THAT THERE IS NO SEPARATION! Read More…
Saul through John: You all have a very important divine purpose which you cannot fail to achieve
15.10.2017 17:35
As you wait expectantly and confidently for humanity’s Grand Awakening, continue to hold your Light on high, and continue to hold firmly to your intent to be only loving whatever arises. Doing this is very powerful indeed because your intent combines with similar intentions held by others resulting in an exponential increase in the intensity of the field of Love in which humanity is firmly held, even while choosing to remain asleep within the illusion. It is the Light and the Love from you, the Light bearers and Light workers, seeping steadily and constantly into people’s awareness that is nudging them toward their moment of awakening. Read More…
Jesus through John: You can change the way you experience life
15.10.2017 16:56
The divine plan for your awakening is unfolding in the only way it can – PERFECTLY! There is only Father/Mother/God, Source, Love, and because of Its nature It is always perfect. There is no other possibility. Because you are God’s divine children, each and everyone of you without exceptions of any kind whatsoever, you too are PERFECT! Read More…
Saul through John: God is. And, like God, so are you
06.10.2017 10:25
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are all delighted with the progress that you are making towards the awakening, which is now very close. You have worked very well and very hard to bring it about, and you will not be disappointed. To awaken is humanity’s divine destiny, it is inevitable and unavoidable, so relax in the inner knowing that you all have, that your awakening is no idle dream, that it is a real event which cannot be prevented or avoided. The time for dreaming is over, now it is time to awaken into Reality. Read More…
Jesus through John: Humanity’s awakening is the change you wish to see in the world
02.10.2017 23:02
As the moment for humanity’s Grand Awakening draws ever closer the energy of the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify to assist you in your preparations for this most wondrous event. I know that many of you have doubts, because it seems that you have been waiting for this divinely promised event for a very long time, while chaos and conflict throughout the world seems to be increasing and intensifying. Read More…
Saul through John: Knowing yourselves is a major aspect of your awakening process
28.09.2017 22:24
The energy of the Tsunami of Love is strengthening and intensifying daily, and many of you can feel it. Many others, who remain very much involved in the 3D issues of daily life as a human, are also aware of and feeling these energies, which they find disruptive and confusing because they are bringing to the surface of their sensory faculties emotional issues that have lain buried or denied for a long time. It is very unsettling for many. Read More…
Jesus through John: When God created you He gave you everything that He had
24.09.2017 18:41
Humanity is in the process of awakening from a very deep sleep, filled with myriad dreams and nightmares. Some of the dreams have indeed been enjoyable, but the nightmares have left many in intense pain and suffering – and they seem intensely real. When you awaken the memory of them will fade rapidly as you settle back into the divine and infinite field of Love, Reality, the state of perfect peace, joy, and harmony that in truth you have never left. It is your HOME! And there is nowhere else. Read More…
Saul through John: You can even live in a war zone and be at peace
23.09.2017 14:25
Humanity is on a roll! You already know that because I have told you before, but I very much want to reemphasize this point. Enormous changes are happening right now, as you read or listen to this, all across the planet. And I am not talking about the political, seismic, or weather events that are well reported on by most of the media, but about spiritual events that are having a very powerful effect on all of humanity in preparation for the awakening. Read More…
Jesus through John: Providing a safe space for others is why you are on Earth
16.09.2017 20:21
There is only Love. You all know that, you also know that everything else is illusory, and yet many of you engage unlovingly and judgmentally with others almost every day – frequently you are so unaware of your own ingrained beliefs and behaviors that you do not even realize that you are doing this. Taking time daily to go within, to your sacred altar, and relax in the divine Presence that is always there with you, the field of infinite and unconditional Love that is your true nature, will help you, if you choose, to become increasingly aware of how your egos are constantly attempting to distract you from perceiving yourselves as others see you. Read More…
Saul through John: Remember, fear is just an absence of Love, but there is only Love
14.09.2017 18:13
We commune with you, and the many other channels presently incarnate as humans on Earth, because the messages that you receive and share greatly assist the Grand Awakening process by conveying to many the divine plan for humanity. All on Earth at this point in your spiritual evolution, whose purpose is to lead you Home to Oneness, chose and volunteered to be human in order to take part in the awakening by dissolving the veil you had inserted between yourselves and Reality. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are loved, guided, and supported by those in the spiritual realms in every moment of your human life time
03.09.2017 21:30
Humanity’s awakening process is opening out, coming into bloom, and therefore extending to all, as always divinely planned and intended. It may seem to you that chaos and confusion are increasing worldwide, but in fact an enormous amount of releasing is occurring. Read More…
Saul through John: Love is all-pervasive. All you have to do is open yourselves to receive It
01.09.2017 20:47

The awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, and most enthusiastically, because, in spite of the unsettling and disturbing mainstream media news, people everywhere are beginning to see the Light and feel uplifted and inspired to make the daily intent, on waking in the morning, to be loving throughout the day, whatever arises. Doing only that is enormously powerful and effective, it is what you all incarnated to do – to be conduits for the Tsunami of Love enveloping the planet. Read More…
Jesus through John: When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety
30.08.2017 19:15

All of humanity is now on a highly accelerated path towards waking up, it is both exciting and uplifting, and, at the same time, quite unsettling because you appear to have lost your sense of direction spiritually speaking. Really it is a time of allowing life to unfold for you, just as you originally planned it, instead of attempting to direct it from your human and egoic perspective which nearly always leads to pain and disappointment. Read More…
Saul through John: To evolve spiritually is your earthly task, it always has been
26.08.2017 20:44

Within the human collective there is enormous creative ability which will be put forward in service to heal the damage to humanity, all life forms, and the planet herself. These restorative procedures, which are long overdue, are now being initiated in many parts of the world as realization dawns and intensifies that you can no longer use and abuse the Earth and her inhabitants and expect to survive. Read More…