Jesus through John: Release your fears and doubts, and embrace a life that is love-filled
20.02.2019 18:49 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman

by John Smallman
Jesus Audio Blog for Tuesday February 19th
Here in the spiritual realms we watch with joy as humanity’s awakening process moves forward swiftly toward the moment for which you have all been waiting since the moment that you chose to experience separation from your Source. Namely your return to awareness that there is no separation. That awareness, once awakened, is permanent. It is also majestically intense, so much so that you will wonder how you could possibly have remained asleep and unaware for so long. And you will also realize that in fact you were only asleep, unaware, for just an instant. Returning to your natural aware state of permanent joy will thrill you, and, unlike during your experience in form as humans, the thrill will not fade or weaken, because that is what joy is, a permanent state of thrilling excitement as you continually create new wonders for the joy of all. This is the divine plan for all sentient life, and all life is sentient, although in human form you are not capable of really understanding or appreciating this, although some of you do have an intuitive sense of it.
There is only Consciousness, which is called or addressed by different names depending on the culture, ethnicity, and religious persuasion or none of the person calling on It or addressing It – Supreme Intelligence, Divine Wisdom, Source, Mother/Father/God, All That Is, etc. – and while indeed It created you, because only It could have done so, It then gave you everything that It possesses. You are like unto It, One with It, as is all sentient life. There is no separation, there is only the One, and that is an enormously difficult paradox for you grasp. As humans, in the world of form, you experience everything as having opposites – up/down, left/right, North/South, positive/negative, good/bad God/Satan – and to accept that there is only One is possible for you intellectually, but to understand truly what that means is not possible, it can only be experienced.
Consciousness, the One, experiences Itself through all that It has created, and knows that It is only Love, because there is nothing apart from It. Everything is in perfect alignment with Love, nothing but Love, and therefore all is always perfect. Consequently what you experience as humans is confusing to say the least, and often terrifying, because life appears to you to be limited to a few short years in the overall scheme of the billions of years that the universe has existed, and in those few years you experience much pain and suffering before your life, as you understand it, is permanently terminated with the death of your bodies.
Even if you believe in life after death, very few of you know that you are eternal and everlasting beings who will experience a wonderful shift in consciousness when you lay those bodies down. Your egos grew out of the fear of separation, and they need to engage constantly in judgment and blame to retain their identities as individual beings in form, as they compete with each other for recognition and approval. As they see it, if they are to gain approval others must be disapproved of, so they are constantly on the alert for threats to their approval rating. You can see this very clearly among politicians, movie stars, sports stars, academic professors, and business executives, who are forever seeking approval and admiration from others. In order to achieve this they have to pretend to be someone other than who they truly are – divine beings created perfect and unchanging.
In the competitive world of form that you experience as humans, it seems to be insane to love and trust others, because they are almost constantly trying to deceive you or get one up on you. It is sometimes referred to as “a dog eat dog world.” Thus, even with the best of intentions, it seems that world peace is an absolutely unattainable dream, because the others involved in bringing it about can never really be trusted, as they always have their own undisclosed agendas which will inevitably undermine the peace effort, often leading to further conflict. And so you too must have an alternate plan to protect yourselves against such a betrayal.
Egoic personalities will never achieve peace because they always want more for their own team, they need to be winners, and therefore, of course, there must always be a multitude of losers. Your present chaotic world state is due to the excessively divisive ambitions of those who run and control all the large organizations, regardless of those organizations' “mission statements,” whether political, corporate, industrial, societal, religious, etc. Ambition drives people to seek the best for themselves and their loved ones or their team, often with total disregard for the needs and rights of others. Globalization is a very good demonstration of these self-centered and egoic ambitions, as ever greater numbers of people struggle just to survive, while a very small minority seemingly flourish. Nevertheless, they too live with fear as a constant companion, and are constantly checking to make sure that their positions of power and influence remain secure, even if they face serious threats from time to time. Therefore they are unable to take time out to appreciate and enjoy life, that is to enjoy just being.
The ONLY way forward is through Love! You cannot change the world, it is as it is, and you have to deal with it. BUT you can change yourselves. If you make the choice to be loving whatever arises and set the intent daily to live like that, letting go of fear, anger, judgment, and blame, you will find that the world around you will change. You all chose to be incarnate at this moment in Planet Earth’s spiritual evolution in order to assist enormously in humanity’s collective awakening. And those of you reading or listening to this, and to other messages of a similar nature, are well aware that enormous changes in attitudes and behaviors are essential worldwide if your children, and their children, and their children’s children are to have a happy, beautiful, and supportive environment in which to live, thrive and have their own families.
Planet Earth has a long life ahead of her, what is presently uncertain is whether she will be able to continue to support life forms that require clean air, clean water, and wholesome food supplies. For that to happen a truly loving relationship with her must be established, and very soon. Therefore, each one you must make the necessary changes in your personal lives that will allow Love to enter your hearts. That means letting go of any attitudes and behaviors that are not fully in alignment with Love.
The Tsunami of Love is flowing powerfully and freely across the planet, and all that you need do is open yourselves to receive It. As more and more of you do this, thus fulfilling the intention you each set before incarnating, the chaos and conflict across the planet, having reached an utterly unsustainable level, will start to decrease very rapidly indeed, just as is most definitely needed, and I can assure you that each of you is bringing this wondrous change about because of your intentions.
Your intentions of this nature are enormously powerful. You incarnated to do this knowing that you could do it, so release your fears and doubts, and embrace a life that is love-filled, regardless of what may arise in your own individual lives, and rejoice in humanity’s collective awakening, an awakening that is truly inevitable as long as you all play your part. And you are doing that!
Your loving brother, Jesus, and, remember, I am fully supporting you all in every moment.
John Smallman | February 19, 2019 at 5:54 pm | URL: