February 2022
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 25, 2022
25.02.2022 17:36 Mike Quinsey
Changes have been taking place on many levels, clearing out that which is unsuitable for the New Age, and promoting the future from a different angle that is more in line with the needs of this moment and lays down the foundations for it. For some souls this time period is causing much anxiety and even pain. It is regretfully both inevitable and unavoidable due to the scale of changes necessary. However, it is all for a good cause and it will compensate you for your difficult experiences. Time is of a premium and the sooner you advance beyond the present period the sooner the better times can commence. Read More…
The Struggle Between Russia & Ukraine ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
25.02.2022 17:22 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very interested in watching you evolve and ascend, because your growth is so easy to measure from our perspective, and when we can see and feel your progress, that brings us joy. We look at the positive when we look at humanity. We make a point of tuning in to your successes, to the ways in which you are doing better. We don’t ignore the rest, but instead, we see those other aspects of humanity as in the process of catching up to the rest of you who are demonstrating that you are evolving and ascending there on Earth. Read More…
Saul through John: Disregard fear and move forwards – Lovewards!
25.02.2022 17:15 Saul | John Smallman
I would remind you yet again : “There is only ONE!” One is Source, the infinitely VAST field of Aware, Loving, Wise and Intelligent Consciousness in which EVERY LIFE is eternally present from the moment of its creation. There is nowhere else and there is no need for anywhere else. A life in form was a choice to experience separation from that state in an attempt to demonstrate a lack of need for a source from which those lives arose. It has failed dismally, and in that process enormous pain and suffering has been imposed on numerous billions of sentient life forms. Read More…
The Divine Mother through Joyful Christie, Feb. 19, 2022: What Would Love Do?
25.02.2022 16:45 Mother God
Dear Hearts, Rise up in your Sovereignty, in your Truth in this now moment. Step into All that you are. All that is for you is already present, abundantly available, and in turning your attention to the opening and expansion of your heart, a flooding occurs - the Creator’s deluge. You do have wings, and yes my children you can take flight. Read More…
Saint Germain: Let It Go
25.02.2022 16:41 St. Germain | James McConnell

Let go of the old. That is what the Violet Flame is all about: letting go. Purging out all the old programming that is no longer needed, the old memories that hold you to this illusion of separation.
Know that it is all being purged away whenever you use the Violet Flame. Or the other tools that you may have become aware of over the years, whatever they might be. Whether it is Archangel Michael’s Flaming Blue Sword of Truth to sever any old ties, or crystals that you are working with bringing back memories of Atlantis and Lemuria to you, whatever it is.
Know that this is all about a letting-go process. Let go of the old. Be established in the new. And look toward the future. Because you are creating it each and every moment right now, whether you are in the illusion or outside of the illusion. You are creating your life as you move forward.
You are creating your own reality. Your reality is not creating you. It is those that believe that reality is creating them that are remaining ensconced within the old illusion within the third-dimensional illusion. And as long as they continue to feel and know that, or believe that, that is where they will remain. There is nothing you can do to bring them out of that until they are ready.
But indeed, when they are ready, they will call upon you, many of them. Many of your family, your friends will remember that, yes, you brought that up to them once before, and here now, maybe you have been right all along!
Now, this is not an ego expression we are talking about here that I am referring to. Not about ego, but about letting go. Letting go of whatever anybody thinks or feels about their own lives, or even about you–it matters not. Just focus on your own life moving forward. And express to them, or help them, assist them when they call for it, when they ask for it.
And that is your mission at this point. Many of you are in that part of your mission right now, and are recognizing that that is a mission for you. Now your mission, though, will change as you move along. Mission, Missions will continue to evolve as this entire process of letting go, this entire ascension process continues through this transition that you are already moving through.
Yes indeed you are in the transition right now. The transition from the old life, the old illusionary third-dimensional expression into the new higher expression of the fourth and fifth dimension. You are already doing that. You are already moving through this transition, all that is happening around you, all of the things that are happening within the illusion.
As you have heard many times, think of it as a show, as a movie that is playing out, and you are just witnessing it, observing it. You can be a part of it at times. Yes, indeed, you are a part of it at times. But most of the time, just be the observer as much as you possibly can. And when you are the observer, you are not part of the third-dimensional expression in those moments. So be the observer, and let the show play on. And know that the end of this show is going to be amazingly exciting to you. Just be ready for that. Because it is all coming together.
As you have heard many times, trust the plan. Trust the plan. The plan cannot be stopped at this point. And everything that is happening, no matter whether it is seemingly part of the dark or of the light, everything that is happening is part of the plan. And know that. Know that as you continue moving forward through this transition that you are in right now. Know that everything indeed is happening for a reason as part of the plan, no matter what it is.
And as the plan continues on, so too does the ascension process. So know that also. You are all moving toward the ascension.
As you have heard many times, the dark forces have been doing everything they can to hold you back from ascension, because they knew. As soon as the population began to wake up, they were finished. So they have been doing everything they can to keep you from waking up.
But alas, you are all waking up. And I speak now beyond just the Lightworking Community. Many, many more are waking up across the planet in countries all over the planet, waking, becoming aware of what has been happening to them. Becoming aware that their freedom has been taken away. And it cannot be given away unless you give it away. And those ones that are in Canada, the Freedom Truckers, and other countries now, are aware of this. Maybe not on the level that you are, but they are aware that they want to hold onto their freedom. That is the most important thing to them—freedom! And that cannot be taken away from someone who does not let them take it away.
So know as you continue to move through the rest of this year, that everything indeed is happening exactly as it needs to. Being tweaked here and there, yes, certainly. Those of the Forces of Light are working hard to overcome all of the plans, the programs that the dark forces have attempted to usher into the population of this planet. Because it is all a part of their plan, their old plan. But the forces of Light know this plan. They know it, and they are coming against it every opportunity that they have, and know ahead of time what their next move it going to be, and their next move. As you have heard many times, this is a chess match. But the forces of darkness are working in the 3-D world of chess. Whereas those of the Forces of Light are in 5-D. And many, many steps ahead of those of the forces of darkness.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And know that freedom is indeed at hand for the entire population of this planet.
Peace and love be with all of you.
**Channel: James McConnell
ARE YOU FREELY INTENDING LOVE? ~ Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - February 2022
25.02.2022 16:29 Aita
Judith Kusel: The Great Collapse
25.02.2022 16:24 Judith Kusel
This is the time of the great collapse of the Old Earth, the Old systems, the old ways. We are being pushed out of our comfort zones and way beyond anything we have ever known or experienced before, as we transfigure into the New Lightbodies and new Earth and new forms of life and patternings of life. The old systems are going to have crazy last and desperate attempts to cling onto the old ways, yet find as much as they cling and try to fix all the cracks appearing everywhere, the more all comes tumbling down. Read More…
Matt Kahn - Loving what is
25.02.2022 16:17 Matt Kahn
Dear Friend, “Loving what is” means equally embracing the one who likes how things are or wishes everything was different with the same respect, acceptance, kindness, and compassion. It does not mean loving circumstances that don’t feel good. Read More…
The February 22nd (2-22-22) Energies ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
22.02.2022 13:31 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very excited to see what you will do with the February 22nd 2022 Energies that are already upon you and that will continue to come in over the next couple of days. You are meant to change the world that you are living in right now, and these energies are meant to help. They are first and foremost going to be about stabilizing and aligning you so that they then can initiate the changes within you that need to occur before the changes outside of you can. Many people there on Earth are waiting for things to change in society first so that they can then breathe a sigh of relief. Read More…
22.02.2022 12:27 Tarot by Janine
How to get through the storm - The One through Sophia Love
22.02.2022 12:24 Sophia Love
It is the One. You are surrounded with activity and it is boisterous. You have entered the storm, and sit balanced on the edge of the eye. This is not a balance you’ll hold for much longer, as the sheer force of the eye will pull you into it. At that moment – the activity, the change and the conflict will reach into your lifetime without you looking for it. It will be evident in your daily life. There is to be a change and this moment for its start is right here, and right now. You will not escape sight of it, and will feel its impact in your day to day. It is not clear, not precisely, how this change will appear to you in your hometown. It is clear that it will appear. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/19/2022 • Peace from the inside out
22.02.2022 12:20 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Given the choice, would you choose war or peace? In truth, you are given this choice countless times a day. You choose war or peace between your head and your heart. You choose war or peace between your desires and your thoughts about them. You choose war or peace between your thoughts and your actions. You choose war or peace with the people around you in traffic, with the customer service representatives on the phone, and with those who play even more important roles in your life. You can choose war or peace with your computer equipment, with your body, with your food, your finances, or with an ideology. You choose war or peace with those whose behaviors you love and those whose behaviors you abhor. A thousand times a day, or more, you can "go to battle" or you choose to be at peace. Read More…
Sananda: Touch Others With Your Light
22.02.2022 11:57 Sananda - Jesus | James McConnell
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments during this great transformation that is occurring, the great transition that is moving more and more people throughout the planet to awaken. They are awakening. More and more are finding themselves becoming distressed, becoming disillusioned by the life that they have always known. More and more are realizing that it is time to move out of that illusion. And many are realizing that it is an illusion now. They are seeing all of those things that they had come to believe were true, they are realizing now that they are not true any longer. They have been lied to. Just as many of you, all of you, have come to that understanding as well. You have been lied to most of your entire life. But you are now seeing through the veil. Read More…
22.02.2022 11:51 Sandy Stevenson
Perhaps we need to adopt a broader understanding of exactly what rallies achieve. Some people feel unless the stated goal is instantly achieved, it all failed. This is a limited view of what s really occurring during these events. To expand our understanding, we need to think of a multi dimensional world of energy frequencies. We know wave lengths exist that can’t be seen, such as for phones, TV, microwaves, etc. But there are many other wave lengths that are sensed by our spiritual self. Love actually emits its own wave length of energy and although we can’t see it, we often feel it. Light also has a range of different energy frequencies. Many wave lengths are sensed from our spiritual self. Read More…
Tarot by Janine - As You Wish Talk Radio
22.02.2022 11:50 Tarot by Janine | James Gilliland
Divine Mother: The Great Reboot
22.02.2022 11:48 Jennifer Crokaert | Mother God
My divine, precious children, I am here to draw your attention to the great changes that are about to occur across your beloved Gaia. You do not need a reset; that would only ‘rearrange the deckchairs on the Titanic’. You need a substantive change that completely alters not just the way your world functions, but the way each one of you perceive yourselves and each other. You need a profound experience of reconnection to your Divine Creator Selves. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 18, 2022
18.02.2022 17:28 Mike Quinsey
If at last the confrontation being experienced brings about a peaceful solution, it signals a desire to avoid action that involves death and destruction. It would start a more sensible way of settling disputes without the need for force to be used. It could create a precedent for the future, and with the increasing upliftment of the vibrations peace is starting to come to Earth. Your history is one series of battles and wars with a great loss of life, and the cost of making good the massive damage it causes. We see more than a glimmer of hope that this altercation can be the last time that war is threatened and carried out. Common sense will have prevailed and set a marker for any further disputes. Read More…
JFK: Keep On Truckin'!
My dearest Patriots and LightBearers…I know you are weary and feeling downtrodden, however just look at how many positive events are happening around you! (smile) The biggest and brightest event that is happening right now is the Trucker Convoys, which was started in our beloved Canada, and its call for sovereignty and freedom is now traveling around the world…Glory Be! In case it wasn’t clear, my “Title” for this message was to be a cute play on words! (smile) As for what else is happening around the world that is positive…well, Losha has been reading of many new advanced technologies which are being widely disseminated for all to use now. I will ask Losha to update her “Technologies” page soon with these latest methods. Read More…
Jesus through John: You are REAL, form and the fear it stimulates are NOT
18.02.2022 17:05 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
There is only Love. Nothing else is needed because Love is All. All sentient life is enfolded in the One, the energy field that is the infinite Vastness that is All. Never for even the briefest of instants has Love ceased embracing Its creation. However, due to the free will that is an essential aspect of the freedom in which all were created, free choice is always available, and a choice was made to experience separation, and a seemingly unattached state – an unreal imaginary state that has never existed – was constructed in which to engage in that experience. That state has seemed extraordinarily real because that was the purpose for which it was constructed, and all sentient life that chose to experience form has found it to be an extremely convincing reality, even though it is totally Unreal! Read More…
18.02.2022 16:57 Sirius
Dearest Ones many of you have been asking about how to protect yourselves in these uncertain times that you are living on Earth today. You may have been used to protecting yourselves in many ways. Practically you wear heavy clothes, hats and gloves in times of extreme cold weather. When you are in the heat of the sun you have to protect yourselves by wearing sunglasses and covering yourself in suntan cream. Spiritual people have long been using various methods of spiritual protection from negativity which abounded on Earth in the past. We ourselves have also given you a form of protection from our planet such as the Blue Light of Sirius as have the Angels and Ascended Masters in other various forms. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Release and Forgive
18.02.2022 16:44 Judith Kusel
The energies now are churning up so much which needs to released and forgiven once and for all so that we can return to the very heart and soul of unconditional love and unity. As long as there is anger, fear, resentment, those deep festering wounds, we are are in dis-ease and thus attract more dis-ease into our lives as well as stress. As with our new lightbody forms, our central nervous systems are getting more sensitive to negative energy in any form or way, as our pineal and pituitary glands are reawakened to the highest degree. Read More…
Is Happiness a Part of Your Ascension? ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
18.02.2022 16:38 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in what makes humans happy, what brings you the most joy and puts you in the greatest amount of alignment that is possible. We witness you in many different scenarios, and we notice the ones that you thought would make you happy and compare those to the ones that actually do make you happy. What we have noticed is that happiness comes spontaneously to those who are choosing to look for that which is intrinsically joyous in their experience. In other words, if you turn your head slightly, you could be looking at a pile of garbage, but if you turn your head slightly in the other direction because you are seeking something to observe that will put a smile on your face, you could notice that there’s a field of flowers, just forty-five degrees from that pile of garbage. Read More…
The 6 Powerful Spiritual Awakening Stages: How To Navigate Each One!
18.02.2022 16:23 Spiritual Awakening
15.02.2022 15:33 Sirius
Dearest Ones many of you are wondering what is happening to you at this auspicious time in Earth's history. We have talked before of Ascension symptoms and for many of you as Lightworkers, these are coming to the fore quite strongly now. It is no accident that the current so called pandemic has affected the population in so many ways. The symptoms that many are experiencing at this time are being attributed to a virus and the fear that it has caused has been exaggerated by the darker element on Earth as a means of control. However those of you in the know, may now be coming aware that viruses are not the cause of illness but are the end result of a contamination by other means. Your planet has been bombarded by poisons from above and inside of the Earth, in the air and in your food, for many years.
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Saint Germain: Transformation of the Illusion
15.02.2022 15:17 St. Germain | James McConnell
I am your Saint Germain. And I applaud you, each and every one of you, for speaking about transformation. For this entire experience that you are going through is all about that, all about transformation. Transforming your very lives. Transforming the illusion that, as I said, is no longer there. Transforming it into the new vision, the new vision of the New Age of Gaia, the New Golden Age. You are all creating that now. And the more that you do experiences such as we just did, and hold that experience, hold that expression, that feeling, that life force within you, the I Am Presence that is within each and every one of you, and all life here, all consciousness here on the planet. The more that you hold that, and remember that, and be that, you are moving step by step toward this New Earth, toward creating this New Earth, creating this higher vibration and frequency. It is the new fifth-dimensional Earth. Read More…
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 14th of February, 2022
15.02.2022 14:55 Blossom Goodchild | Galactic Federation
Blossom … as ‘The lady of the cards’ wisely mentioned, it actually matters not what ‘Our label’ is. What matters is that the Truth we bring through resonates within the core of the Being. It is for Each One to ‘discern and decipher’ for themselves … our words … and whether or not they ‘Ring True’. As we have said in previous chats … we are not in competition. Our desire is to assist your Planet and all upon Her, to move into the Higher Vibration where all that no longer serves … in these times … will be ‘left behind.’ Read More…
15.02.2022 14:50 Tarot by Janine
Saul through John: Very soon you will, once again, be fully awake
15.02.2022 14:49 Saul | John Smallman
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with delight as humanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate towards its complete accomplishment. I know you are all very tired of the word “soon,” but by using it regularly as you think, write, or talk about awakening, you validate it. So know that humanity’s awakening will happen soon! You are ready for it, you are tired of waiting, and you are, collectively, bringing it to fruition. There are amazingly large numbers of you who are daily resetting the intent to be only loving whatever arises as you engage with your necessary human routines, and even doing only this is extremely effective in intensifying humanity’s awakening process. You are truly fulfilling the much loved and honored phrase from the Holy Bible: “to be in the world but not of it,” (John 15:19). Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Balancing Act
15.02.2022 14:43 Judith Kusel
The Balancing Act between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine and the great family constellations. I was made aware last night, when I had my weekly Zoom meeting with my students, of the challenges which are occurring world-wide in the family constellations. One needs to realize that within the family content, no soul belongs or is owned by another soul. The soul in essence is free. Before a Soul incarnates it does choose its own parents, yet the self-same parents also agree to become the vessels which conceive the child, and therefore take on whatever such task and responsibility it involves. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/12/2022 • Allow for your likes & dislikes
15.02.2022 14:32 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, So many of you are so hard upon yourselves. You live under a false premise that to be "holy" or "spiritual" you must like all things and all beings. This is a misunderstanding of love dear ones. While it is your very nature to love, you never came to the planet expecting that you would like, or more accurately resonate, with everyone and everything. The light within you does love the light within all beings and all things, but the personality that you embody on earth has its own unique preferences and desires and that is how it was intended to be. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 11, 2022
11.02.2022 19:45 Mike Quinsey
The period ahead is one of the most important you are likely to encounter. You will be laying down the foundations of a new way of managing your affairs that will prepare you for the changes that are to come. You will be prompted to think in terms of a new way of working that will equip you in readiness for the future. Many of the old ways are inadequate for what lies ahead and you will find it quite different to what you have been used to experiencing. Systems and methods will gradually change for the better, placing you in a more agreeable situation. You will also find that you have much more time on your hands for personal matters. There may be some problems to overcome but in the long run it will be to your advantage and evolution. The good times are beckoning, but first you must put things in order to make room for what is waiting to be introduced. Read More…
The Rainbow Tint by Archangel Gabriel - Channeled through Natalie Glasson
11.02.2022 13:04 Natalie Glasson | Archangel Gabriel
Greetings, I am Archangel Gabriel, I bring forth a charge and a force of energy from the universe. This vibration is currently known as the Over Lighting Project. It is a river of light flowing into the Earth, and throughout the entire Universe of the Creator. It anchors into the cells of all beings and activates wisdom. Some wisdom is ancient and familiar while other wisdom is new and unspoken. This activation of wisdom within your cells is creating a deep cleansing as well as igniting enlightenment within your being. Therefore, you have and will gain the knowledge, the understanding and remembrance that is required for you to navigate through your reality and spiritual growth at this time. Read More…
Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion
We, a group of international lawyers and a judge, hereby are conducting criminal investigation modelled after the United States Grand Jury proceedings. This Grand Jury Investigation serves as a model legal proceeding to present to a jury (consisting of the citizens of the world) all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against “leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices” who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. Read More…
How to Jump Timelines & Accelerate Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
11.02.2022 11:38 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are often pleasantly surprised by humanity and the way that you can have these sudden bursts of high-frequency vibrational states of being. We see many of you jumping timelines and going to much better realities in the blink of an eye, because you are willing to do the work that is necessary on yourselves and that enables you to keep up with the energies of ascension, which are energies of transformation. Ascension is not about just taking you to a better place because you’ve been a good person. Ascension is about helping you to transform yourselves from within, which then creates the better place around you. And that’s what you’re doing all the time. Read More…
11.02.2022 11:35 Tarot by Janine
11.02.2022 11:29 Suzanne Lie
There are many ways to be a leader. However, what leaders have in common is that they have the courage to state their opinion and put their opinion to work for the best reasons that you see within the Now. One of the ways that we can be and learn to be leaders, is to call in your Higher SELF to assist you to remember the vows you made to others, as well as to yourself. Your Inner/Higher SELF is willing to tell you if you are on the right road, or if you have wavered from your intended decision. Read More…
11.02.2022 11:07 Sirius
Many of you have been asking when and how things are going to change on Earth. You may have been feeling impatience that things are not changing fast enough for you. You also ask why it is that you do not have the finances, partner or the life that you so desire. You may be feeling that you have been working tirelessly as a Lightworker and staying true to your work but still you do not have what you really want. It may seem as if other less Light minded souls are getting more than you in their life and your life does not seem fair. Read More…
Energies of Awakening We Are About to Send ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
08.02.2022 11:24 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of examining all the various energies that are upon you at this time, and we are sifting through them to see which ones are doing the most good and which ones are not having the desired impact. We know that the shift in consciousness is happening and will be complete at some point, and we also know that the energies upon you are supposed to make that transition easier and more joyous for you, as they also help to awaken those who have been asleep. Read More…
Ashtar: On the Verge Of Great Change
08.02.2022 11:10 Ashtar | James McConnell
I am Ashtar. I come at this time in joy that I can be with you, and share with you, and be one with you. As these times that you are upon right now continue to raise, continue to bring new understanding, new truths are coming forward in many different ways and many different respects as you see the various things that are happening, even within your third-dimensional illusionary state. They are happening. Much of what you have heard in the past from us and all of your various guides that have been speaking to you and bringing you this information forward, that this would be a time of great change. Read More…
A night with the untouchables
08.02.2022 10:59 Exiting the Matrix
I live in downtown Ottawa, right in the middle of the trucker convoy protest. They are literally camped out below my bedroom window. My new neighbours moved in on Friday and they seem determined to stay. I have read a lot about what my new neighbours are supposedly like, mostly from reporters and columnists who write from distant vantage points somewhere in the media heartland of Canada. Read More…
The Telosians: The Big Change
08.02.2022 10:49 Hollow Earth
We greet you, dear children of the Earth. We know that currently there is a lot of commotion in your country of France. You are approaching what you call the “presidential elections”. After what happened during the previous two years, many of you are wondering about the future president. Many of you ask yourselves the question of why give your power to a single human being, surrounded of course by a group of ministers, but you are still in this great questioning by wondering if there is would not have another way of managing a country in a way that is more respectful of human beings and their lives in this country. Read More…
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 6th February 2022
08.02.2022 10:45 Galactic Federation | Blossom Goodchild
Hello again, my friends. There are thousands of ‘Heroes’ all over the world in their trucks and thousands of Heroes supporting them … in the name of FREEDOM. Rather than hold on to my hat, I take it off to each and every one. Is it then, that your crystal ball still shows a world lockdown? The Brightest of greetings to you Blossom, indeed the Brightest of Light Greetings to all that are drawn to our ‘service’. If you were to see from our perspective the ENERGY that is radiating from the places where these vast engines are gathered, it would fill you with such Hope! Read More…
08.02.2022 10:41 Tarot by Janine
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/05/2022 • Choosing your path of joy
08.02.2022 10:17 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine you are standing in front of a very large and diverse buffet. You absolutely love some of the foods being offered. Others you can't stand. Many items you could take or leave without any emotional effect whatsoever. You are free to choose any foods that you like. Some of you would think about which foods you "should" be eating. Others of you would go straight for the foods you love and adore. Still others – a much smaller percentage – would fuss about the foods that you don't think have a right to be at the buffet. Which of these groups would enjoy their meal the most? You already know the answer. Read More…
Divine Mother: Jumping between The Two Worlds
08.02.2022 10:14 Jennifer Crokaert
Have you found yourself sliding between worlds, from 5D to 3D and back? Have you felt saddened ordisappointed that you were triggered? Regreted that you weren’t able to hold on to love, peace, compassion and understanding? Let your regret go! What if sliding between the worlds is part of the divinely orchestrated plan? What if that is part of your soul journey, your spiritual contribution to humanity’s ascension? Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 4, 2022
04.02.2022 15:55 Mike Quinsey
The world does not want to see another war, and fortunately the energies that have arisen because of the confrontation in the Ukraine show without a doubt that the desire for world peace is growing very rapidly. It means that they are having a calming influence on the situation, and that a way out for the Russians is possible without them losing face. Peace is coming to Earth and it is a precursor of better times to come where countries can come together to broker peace agreements. Certainly the people have spoken and the powers that be will feel compelled to take notice otherwise they will lose all credibility. It should be realised that the Alliance of Planets are awaiting such a development to enable them to safely show themselves to the people of Earth. It will happen because that is your destiny and the future is full of welcome changes that will quickly bring the advancements into being. Read More…
Who Should You Believe Regarding Current Events? ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council
04.02.2022 15:50 Daniel Scranton | Mockingbird Media
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are listening to the rhetoric that is being passed along there on Earth at all times, and we want all of you to know that whether you are getting your perspective from someone who is an anchor on a mainstream media news channel, or you are getting it from someone on social media or YouTube, you are only getting their perspective. You get one person’s angle on something, and you can accept that as fact, as truth, if you want to, but you don’t have to accept just one opinion, one point of view. You can pull back from the entire situation and look at it from all the angles to have a more bird’s eye type view of whatever the topic is. Read More…
James Gilliland - Coming Out The Other Side
04.02.2022 15:44 James Gilliland
We just went through a major planetary alignment which brought up our deepest darkest wounds. The Sun also contributed to this event with major flares. Obviously the Spiritual and UFO community did not fair to well in this experience as other communities, cities, even countries. Minus the truckers. They are awesome teachers concerning Unity, the whole world is uniting in support of them. There are other examples, doctors, nurses, lawyers, even some politicians, people from all walks of life are coming together with a common cause. Preserve humanity. Unity is the death knell of tyranny. Read More…
Message from Matthew - February 3, 2022
04.02.2022 15:38 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by citing part of an email my mother recently received: “I thought I’d feel elated because Earth is in acceleration mode, but I’m even more distressed than I used to be.” The dear soul who wrote that also mentioned what is causing her to feel that way. We want to address those matters because many others are feeling somewhat the same as she. They may not know about accelerated energy or actual causes, but they are apprehensive about the same world affairs. Read More…
Consciousness: Quantum Science or Total BS?
04.02.2022 15:34 Spirit Science | Science and Technology
04.02.2022 15:27 Sandy Stevenson
Amazing things are happening. Globally, a huge transformation is underway as every area of corruption is exposed and begins to disintegrate. Those who would keep humanity enslaved are exposed daily. Aside from the already exposed major corporations; pharmaceuticals, social media platforms, justice depts, media and governments, each new event draws people to show their true colours. We see who is supportive and who is a part of the old system. Local courts refusing to set dates; sheriffs, governors, mayors, health officers, scientists, doctors, professors, police chiefs, police, companies and local businesses – show us who support human rights. Read More…
The One through Sophia Love - February 2, 2022
04.02.2022 15:22 Sophia Love
It is the One. Hello. Thank you. Hello Sophia. Many are the days in which you’ve waited for better news, for good news, for long lasting tales of harmonious happenings. You do so still today. It is as if your story is on repeat. Yet, if you take a step back, and separate emotionally from your daily angst – you will see not only progress, but systemic change. You are in the process of re-structuring civilization. This is not something you’ll find instructions for. This is something done primarily from your seminal organ, and not from your brain. This is done with your heart. Read More…
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, February 1, 2022
04.02.2022 15:19 Valerie Donner
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council serving full-time on the Earth Council. You currently find yourselves in an uncomfortable state on the planet Earth. It is not simply Mercury Retrograde this time, but a combination of energies that the dark forces have used to try detaining you from your missions. I am here to establish that their ploy will not work. Their narratives are already failing. More than half of the population has awakened enough to question everything. Little by little their failures are piling up. They are appearing to us as a heap of trash to which we would like to apply a match! Read More…
Grandmother Anna: The Sunrise of Humanity’s Awakening
04.02.2022 15:10 Galaxygirl
Dear children of my heart, this is your Grandmother Anna. I see your weariness – and I see your strength! Now is not the time to dwell on the external, that which you can see, but on the internal knowing that directs you, that guides your heart amidst whatever may come. I am with you. We, your extended family of the stars, we are with you and we love you. It is always darkest before the dawn and it is dawning now. The sunrise of humanity’s awakening is well underway. It will occur during your lifetimes because yes, it is occurring now. Do not be despondent. Be filled with the life force of Source, that is you, that is within you. A simple yet hard teaching within this Earth realm. I know, I have lived there many times and my last incarnation was a lengthy one. Read More…
Dearest Ones you are all going through a change in your lives as you move forwards into a different dimension. Eventually you will reach a 5th Dimension of Love, Peace and Harmony. As you can imagine a part of humanity is not even close to living in this New World. Every single soul has the choice to be able to live in this new Dimension but some souls will have decided that they may need to learn more on another plane of existence. We are here to remind you that the main body of lightworkers and their families (even though they may not have woken up, yet so to speak) have contracted to stay on planet Earth at this time. Read More…
Matt Kahn: You always have this - no matter what
01.02.2022 15:53 Matt Kahn
In every breath you take, love is always here. Throughout any personal encounter, love is always here. No matter what comes together or whatever is pulled apart, love is always here. In your greatest moment of achievement or even in your darkest hour of uncertainty, love is always here. Whether in the aftermath of tragedy or in the presence of your highest triumph, love is always here. When life is flowing, inspired, and harmonious, and even if it’s frustrating, annoying, painful, or inconvenient, love is always here. Read More…
Jesus through John: Intend to be fully integrated within the field of Love
01.02.2022 15:49 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
The collective awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, so do not allow yourselves to be unduly disturbed by the less than uplifting stories that the MSM focuses on, and then publishes with monotonous regularity in order to spread fear and anxiety. There is far more going on in the world, and of a far more uplifting nature, that is clearly indicating that your awakening is progressing quite beautifully. The divine Will is always achieved, so release any doubts to which you may be clinging, even inadvertently. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/29/2022 • One Soul at a Time
01.02.2022 15:46 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, While your world focuses on death, we focus on life. When your world focuses on war, we focus on peace. When one of you focuses on hatred, we focus on the love trying to sprout beneath a hardened surface. Eternally, we hold the vision of the life you want to live and the version of earth that you all, mutually, want to create – one of harmony, well-being, kindness, peace, and tolerance. Read More…
SaLuSa: The Mesh Of Time, War Rumors, Marian Fleet, Inevitable Fate, Portal 02/02
01.02.2022 15:37 Salusa
The idea of a secure future where you can roam freely and have access to the most wonderful galactic technologies, travel through the Solar System and beyond, and see the eradication of all diseases from your planet seems far from happening in the minds of some. It is true that with the picture they are shown every day on their news, this really does seem like a utopian dream. For this reason, we have been calling all of you not to focus on what they try to deliver every day, so that you are not in low vibrations, but that you feed the good thoughts that will surely move the energies and take you to this most sublime reality, which is not mere utopia, but a truth that is in the lifting of the veils. Read More…
James Gilliland: Phoenix Rising in The UFO Community
01.02.2022 15:33 James Gilliland
It seems as if a nuke has been dropped on the UFO community. It is becoming like a reality show. Truth is, it has always been, like the show, Survivor with extreme competition, backstabbing with a jungle of traps and pitfalls. I call what is now unfolding the uncivil war. We wonder why we have not had contact within the UFO community. Why don’t the ETs land and join the conferences? Fact of the matter is contact with spiritually and technologically advanced beings on the whole has never been welcome. The good old boys club want to keep it nuts and bolts constantly bringing on their experts most of which have never even seen a UFO, had contact and are extremely jealous of anyone that has. There is also the extreme cover up of the fact that we have been going back and forth to the moon and mars since the 60’s and have been in contact as well as working with ETs before then with German technology. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Entering the Age of Love
01.02.2022 15:28 Judith Kusel
We have entered the Age of Love, with the New Earth. It means the beautiful balance, harmony and inner wisdom which true love brings within us, and I am not talking about the love between a man and woman here. I am talking about the deepest marriage within, between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, within and thus the true balance, the harmony, the return to the androgynous state, of the All Being. We are in a state of immense transfiguration and as the Divine Feminine and the Holy Sophia are making their presence felt intensely now, we are being reminded that this is Age of the Heart and Soul, and indeed living, being, expressing unconditional Love, which is all-embracing, while living our innate Soul Wisdom, As ONE with the Divine Source. Read More…
The Arcturian Council: On the Doorstep of Change
01.02.2022 15:21 Kate Woodley
Hello our dear ones. We are the Arcturians along with many members of the Arcturian Council. We are honored and delighted as always to connect with all of you. It is a privilege for us to not only witness humanity’s ongoing evolution, but to be a part of it in any way possible. You are truly at the precipice of a new era. It is as if though, you are at the doorstep of great change. But as you approach this doorstep, and the door begins to open, it shines upon you a new light, a light not seen or felt before. This new light, our dear ones, is bathing you in a universal love, in a universal light that will act for each of you as a catalyst, as a key, if you will, to help open you up to more and more energy, guidance, and information that is dawning upon your Earth at this time. Read More…