Judith Kusel: The Great Collapse
25.02.2022 16:24 Judith Kusel

by Judith Kusel
This is the time of the great collapse of the Old Earth, the Old systems, the old ways.
We are being pushed out of our comfort zones and way beyond anything we have ever known or experienced before, as we transfigure into the New Lightbodies and new Earth and new forms of life and patternings of life.
The old systems are going to have crazy last and desperate attempts to cling onto the old ways, yet find as much as they cling and try to fix all the cracks appearing everywhere, the more all comes tumbling down.
Yes we are all getting challenged.
Me too and immensely so, but this morning I know for sure to not attach to anything anymore, but to move forward, one single step at a time, ever forward into the unknown, with faith and trust that all will work out in ways we cannot even imagine right now.
More than this, with every single step, we are being assisted and being carried through by the Divine and the hosts of heavens.
It time to open our hearts and souls even more and to expand in all directions, way beyond anything known before, but which our souls are more than capable to fully expand into.
We have been prepared for this many lifetimes and agreed to be here to transfigure in the New Earth and to now fully lay down the foundations of the New Golden Age, with unconditional love.
All is well and all is on track.