10 Supposed Secret Space Program Insiders

Over the years, dozens of apparent insiders have come out of the woodwork with stories of free energy, reverse engineered UFOs, secret slave colonies, antigravity, and government cover-ups that, if ever proven true, would spark drastic and irrevocable changes to life on this planet for every one of its inhabitants. The advent of free energy technology alone would put a permanent end to poverty and hunger, freeing humanity from the rule of a tyrannical and corrupt elite who have foisted upon them war after meaningless war. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle UPDATE - 30.01.2018 - Transforming Humanity...

Selamat Jalwa! Be Righteous. Much is happening. This new year begins with many cabal attempts to derail your promised prosperity by fabricating a war. Today we will discuss the nature of our blueprint to defeat the dark cabal. Our multi-layered strategies have garnered many successes and confused the cabal. They are desperate and each move they make only further tightens the noose around their necks. Our plan has forced the cabal to give up many of the positions it held at the end of last year. It has also caused the loss of many of their members to yet-unannounced arrests. Read More…

Ascending off of the Wheel of Karma

Secret Space Program Insider William Tompkins Final Interview - July 23rd, 2017

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Mothers and Pets via Galaxygirl, January 27th, 2018

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Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Focus, Feeling, & FUN!

You are always creating! The reality you experience today was one you created yesterday, perhaps even yesteryear or in lives past. The reality you experience tomorrow, or even an hour from now is one you are creating in this very breath. Are you creating what you want? Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message January 26, 2018

It seems apparent that the battle by the dark Ones to retain some kind of power on the Earth reached new levels when they attempted to destroy Hawaii and Japan. However, their nuclear devices were stopped from operating in accordance with orders from the Forces of Light that control events on and off the Earth. Certainly great numbers of people who have been working against those of Earth, have been arrested and placed where they can no longer cause trouble. Read More…

Jesus through John: The unreal is weakening in the Presence of Love, and it is dissolving

All across Planet Earth the energy fields of humans are moving toward each other, and melding, blending, and integrating, in evermore harmonious cooperation as the Tsunami of Love continues to strengthen and intensify. Yes, there are still conflicts arising, suffering is still being inflicted on the weak, as your various news agencies keep on reporting, but while this is occurring a massive release of old buried hatreds and resentments worldwide is taking place. Read More…

Saul through John: Life is a most wonderful gift, but how you use it is almost entirely up to you

Humanity’s awakening process is progressing beautifully. And that is, of course, to be expected.  It is a divine plan to awaken you from the dream in which it seems that you had become lost.  However, dreams are but ephemeral wisps of unreality in which you cannot really become lost.  You are a little like a small child who hides in a dark closet or in the dark space under the stairs and then believes that it is lost and abandoned. Read More…

Galactic Humans 101 FREE Webinar

Topics Include:
• Story And Mission of Sheldan Nidle
• About PAO
• Our History & ET origins - Starseeds
• The Great Shift - Why Now?
• The Galactic Federation and Other Factors in the Shift
• Becoming Galactic Humans Read More…


By now, you may have come across some information on the health benefits associated with grounding. If you haven’t and you are unsure of what grounding is, it’s the process of connecting your body to the Earth. This can be done either by sitting or walking on the ground without shoes on.  Read More…

Who are our Asleep and Recalcitrant Sisters and Brothers?

Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Doing what you don't love?

We always advise you to follow your hearts, but being human you'll discover as you follow your heart towards your larger desires there are things along the way that don't excite you much at all. Many of you have asked us, "What do I do if a desire is in my heart, but I don't have the desire to do the work required to get there." Read More…


You may think it’s quite ludicrous to even contemplate that the Moon could be harbouring as many as 250 million citizens, but it’s not. Although this may not be true, those who have looked into it know that strange anomalies have surrounded the Moon for decades. Read More…

Jared Rand Update – “Upcoming Events” – January 17 & 18, 2018

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Message from Mothers via Galaxygirl – January 18th, 2018

Parenting an Indigo Child from an Indigo's Point of View

Before we came here, we chose you as parents for a reason. Perhaps we thought you could help us learn the best, or maybe even we could help you. The only thing we didn’t anticipate was the fact that you weren’t particularly ready for our arrival. In many cases Indigo children chose Indigo parents or grandparents because it would allow them to develop in specific ways. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message January 19, 2018

Yet again I find that Kryon has put out a message that contains very important information that will help to increase people’s awareness and understanding. It also tells us how we are going to help to learn how to get on with each other. The idea of war will be replaced by tolerant and peaceful intentions. Learn about the new triad that is the new consciousness and realize that with the upliftment of the vibrations, Mankind is leaving the old paradigm behind as it has served its purpose, and makes way for a new one. Have no doubt that a new era has begun, and once the old ways are disempowered progress will speed up as that which has been hidden will be revealed. You the people are already helping create a new future that will be one of peace and loving intentions.  Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 16.01.2018 - The time of your liberation is near at hand...

Selamat Balik! We return. The events of today are encouraging and continue to foreshadow the defeat of the dark cabal. The important point is to understand what this defeat would truly imply. The dark is reeling as it collapses in the wake of its unavoidable defeat. Consequently, we are ecstatic and realize that this is just the beginning of many rewarding events to come. We recognize what this process truly means to all of you who are working in the Light. Read More…

New Message from Matthew - January 14, 2018

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is joyous to see so many of our beloved Earth family starting off the year with confidence and optimism—you shall see this approach is merited as the pace of developments starts to hasten. As much as we wish that everyone there had an uplifting outlook, we know this is more difficult for some than for others. Read More…

A Message to Lightworkers – January 15, 2018

Greetings, beautiful Light Bringers in this new age of humanity! This new era for humanity, and for all upon the Earth, whether they are members of the two-legged nations, the four-legged nations, the winged and feathered nations, the rock or tree people, or the gods and goddesses of the seas, air, or soil. Within and without, and all around this planet of great beauty and astounding diversity, there is without question a vibration of Change. Read More…

Sananda via James McConnell, December 31st, 2017

As always it is wonderful to be with you, to be able to share in these ways, knowing that in the not too far off future these ways that we are sharing now will no longer be necessary. For you, each one of you will have your own connection to those levels of consciousness beyond yours, beyond the consciousness that you are now. In other words going to your higher level consciousness; those levels of your being that encompass the entire you. This is what you are moving toward. Read More…


Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Treasure your life

Your life upon the earth, whether it is only a few years or a hundred, is so very short in the span of eternity. It is a precious gift and an experience that each and every one of you desired before you were born. You wanted to shift your awareness from the world of spirit into the physical because you saw it as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to love, and to expand in your awareness of the love that lives within all things. Read More…

Sirius the Star via Ann Dahlberg VIDEO, January 11th, 2018

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Saul through John: As humans you want to live forever for the good times

You all have high hopes for 2018.  Much has been promised and much will be delivered!  The awakening process is proceeding apace, and this not new information, it is just further confirmation of what we in the spiritual realms have been telling so many of you over the last 2 or 3 years.  Yes, that long!  Nevertheless, major changes are occurring all over the world as humanity’s collective intent to awaken continues to intensify.  More and more are daily choosing to live only lovingly whatever arises, and the powerful energies that these choices are putting into effect keep intensifying. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 12, 2018

I cannot emphasise sufficiently what a fantastic achievement it was of yours to pass the marker in 2012. From here on you will begin to see the signs of positive change around you, and the quicker the vibrations increase, the quicker they will manifest. In general terms some of the most important changes that will affect everyone are with the general lifting up of the vibrations. The higher energy will transmute the lower energies so that negative actions will begin to lose their power, and the ultimate will be when only the higher vibrations can exist. Read More…

"Final Compromises" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - 1.12.18

Singles day Thursday was for final compromises of the GCR completion. All lose issues were “suddenly” announced as settled and completed. The gauntlet has been thrown down by the APTB/NPTB. Penalties include: Complete collapse of national economies, full disclosure of all war crimes committed against humanity, list of pedophilia names and/or human extra terrestrial agenda sympathizers (aka cabal). Read More…

Corey Goode Mega-Update: Ancient Builder Race- Recovering Humanity's Billion-Year Legacy

The Secret Space Program has landed on and entered Oumuamua, the mysterious cigar-shaped "asteroid" that NASA announced in December. What they found was a technological wonderland that they estimate to be over a billion years old -- from what insiders call the Ancient Builder Race. Read More…

Galatril from Atlantis via Ann Dahlberg, January 6th, 2018

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Jesus through John: Truly, death is but a transition and should not be feared

2018 is here and well established, and much needed change is happening planet-wide.  Love is penetrating the hearts of even the most fear riven because the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify as more and more of you set and hold the intent to be only loving all day and every day, whatever arises. Read More…

"Beta/Beta" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - 11.01.2018

A prime directive from Alpha Command emanated midnight Wednesday in Beijing. Handpicked military command generals from all nations were alerted and ordered to have assets ready for full engagement and deployed in 12 hours, which would have been around 11am Tuesday in the United States. Read More…

The Storm Before the Calm

While I was away, large numbers of U.S. airports were shut down due to burnt bagels and a variety of other amusing reasons. Undoubtedly something was installed or removed or something similar. I haven’t a clue what that might have been. Read More…

Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, January 8th, 2018

I am Judas Iscariot and I have come today to tell you that much has happened when it comes to putting the right people in the right places. Some people have had to change places in the power hierarchy. Some people whom you know have had to resign, others less well known have taken their place. It is all the way it should be dear folks on Earth. Changes on Earth are progressing at the pace that is permissible. One thing cannot happen before the next. Read More…

Message from the Merpeople via Galaxygirl, January 7th, 2018

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A Message to Lightworkers – January 8, 2017

Greetings, dear ones, and welcome to this astounding and co-Creative year of 2018!
Our writer has a question to ask, which is utterly relevant to all Lightworkers’ situation at present . . . Read More…

James Gilliland Newsletter, January 5th, 2018

America and the world are going to have to swallow a very large red pill. It is unfolding as we speak. I know I will get some extreme feedback from extremely ignorant people who have been brainwashed and programmed by CNN and the other lame stream media.
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January Message from the Hollow Earth through Dianne Robbins

I am Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos inside the Hollow Earth.  Know that in the Hollow Earth there is more land mass than there is water.  We have less islands, and more continental area.  Our land masses have not broken up as yours have. Ours have been held together by our balanced thoughts and feelings and we have had no cataclysms to break them apart and no continental drifts such as occur on the surface.  Everything remains intact here, which is part of our immortality syndrome, so to speak. Read More…

Message form the Angels through Ann Albers: It all leads to love

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Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, January 2nd, 2018

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The REAL X-Files Fox Mulder: Jan Harzan, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)

200,000 Year Old Levitaion Technology - Michael Tellinger

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Jared Rand Update - Upcoming Galactic Technologies To Be Released To The Public: MedBeds, Free Energy, Replicators

prometheus Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 05, 2018

Another year has passed quicker than ever, full of events that have given you a tremendous lift for what is coming. As the years have flown by since the present Age commenced in 2012 so things are starting to take shape that will signal the reality of the New Age. So to say, the dust has settled and now you should be able to see the beginning of changes that are going to carry you forward. As you must already be aware, much is being held back until the right time to be released, and that really means the safe time. Read More…

The Secrets Behind Anti-Gravity Propulsion Systems

Over 1,000 Apps Are Spying On You...And Your Kids!

Global Elite taken to GITMO by US Special Forces – Full Disclosure Implications

The internet has been buzzing with rumors that high level VIP members of the Deep State (aka Cabal/Illuminati/Global Elite) are being detained for human rights abuses and corruption, and are being taken by U.S. Special Forces to military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Gitmo) as a result of thousands of sealed indictments. Multiple sources have been reporting on some of the key VIP figures taken there. Read More…

Interviewing Liz Crokin on The Storm, QAnon, Pedogate, & Twitter Feuds (Jan 2, 2018)

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Sheldan Nidle Update - 2.1.2018 - Use your amazing visions...

Joy and salutations from the Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters! We come after this wonderful holiday season that kick-started the final stages of the cabal’s demise. Although for many decades they have been referred to as the “powers that be”, we now refer to them as “the powers that were”. More will be revealed in the coming weeks as to why we say this year-end holiday season has brought many gifts for your freedom. We wish to alleviate your frustrations, for this journey has been long and rambling. Now, however, you can glimpse the Light at the end of the tunnel. Read More…