New Message from Matthew - January 14, 2018
16.01.2018 20:16 Matthew

One reader’s long commentary includes, “There is NO sign of LIGHT disseminating the DARK. The Dark is getting darker by the hour.” And it ends, “If anything he [Matthew] states is true, it’ll be centuries and centuries from now. Even to propose it may be forthcoming is misleading.” We feel sadness for this dear soul who has closed her heart and mind to the light in hope, thus its high vibrations cannot enter to dispel the discouragement she expressed, primarily about the direction the United States government is taking.
We welcome this reader’s perspective: “How does Trump’s role as president help us get to where we need to go to be free?” To be sure, the United States is not the only country where stark divisiveness abounds, it’s that the president’s decisions can affect nations around the world. What you observe going on there, like everywhere else, is only the public face, so to say. From our awareness of what is happening off-stage and its gathering momentum in Earth’s energy field of potential, actions you may deem worrisome are catalysts for the ever-intensifying light to bring order out of chaos and usher onto the world stage reasoned discussion and ultimately reconciliation.
What we said in a message a year ago is taking form—nebulous still, but gaining in shape and clarity:
Planetary vibrations will strengthen and advance only endeavors that best serve Earth and all her life forms; anything to the contrary cannot be long-lasting.
Hard-won rights and progress in social justice cannot be dismantled. It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature. [December 9, 2016]
While manifesting that sublime world can’t happen in the blink of an eye—because the peoples don’t believe it can!—it will not take centuries and centuries. Myriad forms of assistance from civilizations afar, crews in spacecraft nearby, and the invaluable service of lightworkers on the planet have enabled Earth’s civilization to transition from slumbering in deep third density into an awakening populace with speed that is universally unprecedented. Even with the decade of delay in conscious and spiritual advancement, consider the national laws that grant equal rights to all citizens, many of whom previously had no recourse against the unjustness of bigotry, discrimination and inferior treatment. Indeed, there is a long way to go before fairness encompasses every person on Earth, each of whom is an equal part of God and all of whom He loves unconditionally, but that time comes closer with each passing day.
Utopia is a novel, a work of fiction, but life described therein derives from the power of love energy prevailing overall. Such is Gaia’s choice for her Earth body and all life upon it; therefore, you and the planet are heading toward planes of light so intense that only the high vibrations of love can exist. With countless souls choosing to complete third density karma and every person’s free will in the mix, the course has zigged-zagged since it began 80-some years ago. It will become more direct and smoother as Earth continues her steady ascension into successively lighter astral planes.
Our comments about climate will be clear without including your questions, and we begin by saying that record low temperatures and snowfalls do not disprove “global warming science,” nor does Australia’s unusual heat wave prove it. Climate change accurately describes what is happening, but the claim that this is occurring naturally—based on a once-superheated planet eventually having an abrupt ice age, which gave way to an era of tropical temperatures for long ages before another ice age suddenly struck, and so forth—is specious. Never before in the planet’s recorded history has there been technological weather-manipulation, which is one cause of temperature extremes and the unusually powerful storms, or has the atmosphere been so heavily polluted with toxins, the other cause, and neither happens naturally.
El Nino and La Nina are not contributing at all to climate change, they are its effects. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tremors are related to climate change only in the sense that one of their two causes also is manmade—severe disturbances in Earth’s body by the processes involved and the extraction itself of fossil fuels. The other cause is Earth’s release of negativity so it can’t accumulate, but the need for her to do so comes from humankind’s actions that produce the negativity. No, neither an ice age nor a broiling world is in Earth’s future, and yes, she still is moving toward a moderate climate globally. Yes, too, “human interference is hampering Earth’s progress” in that respect; however, just as all other aspects of life on the planet are on the way to betterment, the changing climate process will pick up speed.
“I understand Matthew’s reluctance to say anything critical about President Trump because that would be judging and souls at his station don’t do that, but can he tell us if there was collusion between Trump and Putin or not?” If “collusion” means they made a formal agreement whereby President Putin would do whatever he could to sway the election outcome in President Trump’s favor in exchange for Trump ending US sanctions, no such agreement was made, therefore there was no collusion. What is so is this: President Trump did want information from the Russians that could be used to discredit Hillary Clinton, and he does not want the Russians who know of his financial dealings, which he did not report as officially required, to disclose any information about those. Both presidents genuinely want their countries to have a mutually beneficial relationship.
“I think Matthew’s information sounds credible about who ‘meddled’ in the 2016 presidential election. There is unanimous belief that Russia/Putin are responsible, but without irrefutable evidence that this belief is justified. If there is proof of who actually was culpable in the computer hacking, why hasn’t it been revealed?” That wide-held belief about Russia, which is an Illuminati coup insofar as punishing President Putin for his refusal to cooperate with them, is due to lack of knowledge about the truth. Other than Putin himself and readers of our messages, the only individuals who are certain that he didn’t order the “meddling” are the Illuminati intelligence agents who did the hacking and our special force members in the same agencies; so we’d say that what is commonly believed in this matter is an excellent example of how anything repeated often enough becomes “fact.” Evidence implicating Hillary Clinton’s Illuminati colleagues in the Democrat National Committee was available prior to the presidential election. They don’t want that evidence ever to become publicly known or Russia to be exonerated, and through bribery, blackmail, death threats and assassinations, they have kept the evidence under wraps, but the truth will come forth.
“I hope the film clips of ET spacecraft on US news mean that government is ending its cover-up and Disclosure will be soon!” That was a heartening first step, and that government eventually will acknowledge the existence of other civilizations; however, because this administration is in a rather tumultuous state, officially announcing extraterrestrial presence is not on the agenda and it isn’t clear when it will become a priority. Full disclosure would include landings of spacecraft and introducing space family members who are living among you, and we don’t know when that will be—God is in charge of the timing because only He knows when safety can be assured for everyone.
From our observations, the United States government is much more interested in revealing information about matters that have nothing to do with the existence of other civilizations. Some members are participating in an international effort to expose and hold accountable the people behind slavery and pedophile rings; illegal drug trade; manipulation of the global economy via control of lending institutions, taxes and stock markets; control of mainstream media; influence in governments, religion, education and the entertainment field; theft of monies on a grand scale, some of which funds terrorist groups; and instigating upheavals around the world. In short, uprooting the Illuminati and their minions. Whenever a glimmer of truth about any of those nefarious activities has come to light, the Illuminati have labeled it “conspiracy theory,” a term devised to consign that information to the trash heap, thereby keeping intact their elaborate web of deceit. Now that the web is fast unraveling and many arrests have been made, the Illuminati will keep falling like a row of dominoes.
You are inundated with historic amounts of information that include contradictory reports, distortion by omission of relevant facts, flawed language translations, opinions or misinterpretations passed on as factual, and a great deal of intentional falsity. So, yes, “info assimilation & assessment burnout” could befall you. But rather than eschew awareness of world happenings, limit your sources to those you feel are the most trustworthy. Separate wheat from chaff by honing your discernment capability and asking within—your soul knows what is true and what is not.
And, dear ones, please do not get emotionally drawn into “the news.” We have lived in frenzied worlds like yours is in this moment, and we know it is difficult to put everything into the context that masses of souls are experiencing what they chose to achieve balance and evolve. Compassion, sympathy and caring don’t require emotional involvement in global dynamics. Simply send love-light to all of Earth and feel peaceful—the energy of peace within creates a peaceful world.
All lighted beings in this universe support you with unconditional love and cheer you ever onward.
Suzanne Ward