David Wilcock: Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now

The behind-the-scenes war to take down the Deep State has finally reached critical mass, based on multiple insiders. “It” is happening now. Even though things may still appear fairly quiet to the casual observer, multiple independent sources are now saying major, visible moves against the Deep State are imminent. Read More…

Message from Mother Gaia via Galaxygirl - 4/23/18


The concept of the electric car has been around for a very long time, and as with any other world revolutionizing technology, it’s taken a while to actually bring them out and have them on the market. It would be great to just throw out all of the red tape that delays the process, but our world doesn’t work that way, in fact, it’s quite the opposite and in an industry dominated by oil, it’s hard to make your presence felt. Read More…


James Gilliland (Political, New Currency, The Event, Aliens, Bigfoot)

Taryn Crimy: How to Deal with Negative People

Messages from Ann & the Angels - Angel Apps? Really!

You live in an unbounded universe, rich with potential and possibility. You are connected with the power that creates universes and runs them, in all their harmony and complexity, with simple loving intent. When you think about it, the magnitude of human problems and challenges, no matter how great they feel in a single lifetime, are minuscule compared with the challenge of making sure the planets and galaxies don't collide. Read More…

A Message to Lightworkers – April 20, 2018

Even if your own life situations are calm and flowing forward at present, you may have a feeling at times that many others are suffering, living a day-to-day existence in which they are wondering what their fate will be, if their particular challenges in health, finances, family, or other life situations are not soon resolved. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 20, 2018

The current altercations of the West with Russia over the Syrian forces and their likely use of chemicals should not escalate any further as neither side has the appetite for another war. Diplomacy should be able to find a way of cooling the situation as the escalation of it will not help anyone, or the rise in sentiments that now look for world peace. In truth the people have had enough of wars and for some time now have urged their leaders to broker peace agreements that lead to permanent peace. Read More…

How Hemp Threatens the Corporatocracy | Brainwash Update


There is a new buzz phrase circling throughout the spiritual community. People are anticipating an occurrence that many are referring to as ‘The Event.’ This phrase has been around for a while now. However, we had a mass expectation of ‘The Event’ taking place back in 2012 when the term became more socially familiar. Read More…

THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE (Part 1) ~ Sananda via Adele Arini, 18 April 2018.

Greetings my brothers & sisters! Today I am here to help you break the chains of powerful 3-D beliefs coming from certain religious teachings. This message will show you the way to a healthier physical body; a healthier, happier life. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 17.04.2018 - Hooray for the onset of a brand new day!

Selamat Balik. Let us resume our look at what is happening around your world. The dark's unrelenting arrogance, which is not permitting it to face your new and growing reality, is further allowing the Light filter in behind them. This is making it possible for the Light to merge in new and better coalitions, which are also allowing prosperity to break out of the endless delays caused by the dark. The Galactic Federation is stepping up its penetration of the growing flaws in the dark cabal's old strategies. Read More…

Mother Gaia Via Ann Dahlberg - 04.04.2018

Read More…

Corey Goode Update | New Briefings, Mass Arrest Updates, Syria Attacks Hitting Cabal Targets, Military Tribunals

I know we have been promised for years there would be mass arrests. Some of the Syrian missile strikes were actually against cabal targets and were approved by Putin (Allegedly, according to a briefing). As I have stated previously… The Deep State would have had to [sic] arrested itself. That was not going to happen. Read More…

Message from Matthew - April 15, 2018

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We thank the reader who listed several areas wherein she sees progress, then wrote: “So thank you for helping us all stay the course, keep finding our optimism, and keep working for the world we know is possible!” Because optimism is light-filled, it plays a vital role in a society’s evolvement, and people who view the world as tumultuous and fearful rarely can feel optimistic about what is to come. Read More…

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/14/2018 • Why wait to celebrate

You have celebrations scattered throughout the year. You have your holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and more. You celebrate births, commemorate deaths, and even have a holiday dedicated to playing jokes with one another. You have celebrations for the seasons, the equinox, the solstice. Read More…

"Refresher" - GCR/RV Intel Update - Sunday - 4.15.18

To any and all Human Angels out there still lost in the fog, new and old, maybe out there wanting a refresher course as to who and why we all got here, and where here really is and also where we all might end up shortly… the post is for you. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 13, 2018

With the awakening that is slowly taking place, people in general are waking up to the way they have been deceived by the Press. They are also becoming aware of the extensive censorship that is used to keep them permanently in the dark regarding home and world affairs. Gradually the truth is slipping out and in time it will be vastly different and impossible to conceal it from the people. Ahead there is a different time coming when you will only be able to tell the truth. Read More…

What Are They Trying To Tell Us...

The Art of Letting Go ~ Father God, 11 April 2018

My dearly beloved, I would like to help you all remember the ancient art of letting go. Now some of you may be wondering why is it so important to let go and let Me take over? So much so that today there's another message addressing this topic. Sananda had also recently discussed this art of 'surrendering' in his last message through this channel. His message had served as a good introduction for me to build and expound on. Read More…

Message from Sanat Kumara, Sananda, and Friends for April 8, 2018


The Best is Yet to Come ~ Sananda, 9 April 2018

Greetings my friends, Today I would like to discuss potential futures/timelines faced by the Human Collective, based on current Light data and planetary vibrations level. I am sure all of you know that the future is fluid. The future is what you all make of it. Your individual and collective futures are very interconnected. The thoughts, words, feelings and actions of just one person can have great, far-reaching ripple effects on the entire planet. Read More…

Message from the Mothers Via Galaxygirl - 05.04.2018

Geopolitical RV/GCR Report: "Discernment" - April 9, 2018

By any measure, it was openly understood to the global intel community that the end of March, or by Easter we would see and feel the RV, as to celebrate of the resurrection and future ascension of Christ. Didn’t happen. We heard the same thing back at the start of of Q1 (October) and Q2 (January)… nothing materialized. Now we’re into Q3 (April) and again, no release. Are you seeing a pattern here. That after 10 years of planning and execution their still not ready to pull the trigger. Who exactly is that? Not ready to heal the soul of the world? Read More…

Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Gardening in the Soil of the Soul

Think of your life like a garden. There are seasons of planting your dreams, seasons of tending and weeding them, and seasons of harvest. There are seasons of rest, and seasons of growth. There are seasons of allowing yourself to dream. There are seasons of tending to your dreams and weeding out the thoughts and obstacles that prevent their growth. There are seasons of enjoying the fruits of your labors and seasons of rest before you begin anew. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 06, 2018

Dear Friends, I came across this message in my file, and in view of the period of change we have just entered it is now more relevant than ever, by giving us a clear view of what to expect in the near future.
ANDROMEDAN COUNCIL 27 NOVEMBER 2011. Questions put to the Andromedan Council. Read More…

"America the Not So Beautiful" - GCR/RV/GESARA Update - Friday - 4.6.18

The historical fact of America being the most powerful nation on earth was true for over 74 years, but that truth is over... and that period in history shamefully passing with limited suffering. American soft power, while still loaded with tremendous strengths and unique virtues, is a rapidly changing organism headlined by an irreversible trend backwards, marked by the orange dignity wrecking ball known as the Trump Administration. Read More…

QAnon reveals Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection behind the Deep State

In a recent series of posts, the anonymous whistleblower (group) QAnon made an important connection between the Vatican, Rothschild family, and Reptilian symbolism. Many followers of QAnon, who fall into the camp of Christian patriots, perceive the connection as exposing an other-worldly Satanic influence over the Vatican, the Rothschilds, and other forces making up the Deep State. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 03.04.2018

Selamat Jalwa! We are pleased to inform you that there is a strategy that we, the Galactic Federation, have implemented quite successfully. The cabal, arrogantly believing that no one could defeat them and unwilling or unable to change how they operate, has been hanging on to power with all their might. This is changing. Although they now realize that they are losing their stranglehold on Earth's citizenry, they stubbornly choose to fight to the bitter end. Read More…

Secret Diplomatic Meeting near Saturn Discussed Humanity’s Future

In the three years that Corey Goode has been revealing his stunning information about secret space programs, extraterrestrial civilizations, and diplomatic meetings, there has been a steady build up to some major revelations about humanity’s future. It appears that a critical threshold was reached in a December 2017 meeting near the planet Saturn where multiple delegations met to discuss humanity’s future in light of the ending of 22 genetic experiments run by multiple human-looking extraterrestrial civilizations. Read More…