Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Gardening in the Soil of the Soul
07.04.2018 19:52 Ann Albers

Think of your life like a garden. There are seasons of planting your dreams, seasons of tending and weeding them, and seasons of harvest. There are seasons of rest, and seasons of growth.
There are seasons of allowing yourself to dream. There are seasons of tending to your dreams and weeding out the thoughts and obstacles that prevent their growth. There are seasons of enjoying the fruits of your labors and seasons of rest before you begin anew.
There are long seasons of your life such as going to school, being in a marriage, healing from a serious illness, or raising a child, and there are quick seasons, such as dreaming up, cooking, and eating your dinner.
Each thought is a seed that you plant in the garden of your life. You water your thoughts when you think of them with love. You deny them water and allow the weeds to grow when you think of them with fear. The sun of Divine love is always there to shine upon the and coax them to grow, whether you see it or not.
Play with us now. Think of a dream you have – a thought that gives you great joy to imagine! It may be a future vacation, a relationship, a home, your ideal career (even if you don’t know what that is), or simply peace of mind.
Now imagine you hold a tiny seed in your hand. Take moment and imagine what it would feel like to have this dream in your life, right here and now. Imagine you can put all those feelings of love into this seed.
Next, imagine you are going outside to plant this seed in moist, fertile, and nourishing soil. Carefully dig a hole for the seed. Place it in the ground with reverence, and cover it gently. Place your palms upon the earth and bless your seed. Imagine all those good feelings you just had running as energy into the ground. Fertilize the earth around your little seed with loving anticipation.
Imagine that you can see this tiny seed growing. Every day imagine you go out and check on it’s progress. As you imagine looking at the little patch of soil, sit and dream. Feel the feelings of having this dream come to fruition. As you dream your dream and think about it with love, your love becomes the water that nourishes the soil. The tiny plant bursts forth reaching for the light of love. It wants to ripen and come to fruition. You have planted it. You are watering it with love. The sunshine light of Divine love beckons it to grow.
Every day, in your imagination, look around. Do you see any weeds? Those are your fears and doubts. Imagine you pull them. You don’t even have to know what they represent. Simply pluck there from the soil of your soul.
If you continue this process daily, in your imagination, you will witness your little plant growing and eventually blossoming or bearing fruit. Water it with love. Weed it daily. Watch as your little plant grows into maturity – blossoming or bearing fruit.
Notice what is happening in your mind, heart, the soil of your soul and your daily life.
This little game is a wonderful way to keep the energies within you watering and weeding your dreams. Plant the seeds of love at every moment in your life dear ones. Water you dreams with your loving attention to them when they arise in your minds. Weed out your doubts and fears.
Then, like the greatest of gardeners, your life, your dreams, and your heart will blossom in a glorious expression of beautiful love!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels