Vidya Frazier
Learning to Love Yourself Unconditionally
21.02.2023 16:39
If you are weary of all the emotional baggage coming up within you recently – old traumas and unresolved dramas from your past – you can know you’re right in the flow of what is happening for many lightworkers these days. At times, it can feel as if you’re dealing with one emotional crisis after another, without much of a break in between. It can be exhausting. But the good news is that this means your vibration is rising, and there is no longer any room for all the residue of painful events and experiences you couldn’t fully handle in your past that had to be stuffed into your unconscious mind. Read More…
Is It Ever Going to Get any Better?
03.01.2023 14:16
This has got to be the question most people on the planet are asking these days. There is so much turmoil occurring all over the world in so many arenas, and so many predictions about dire situations that await us as time goes on, we can’t help but wonder: Can it all truly ever be resolved? It’s hard to imagine that humanity isn’t simply headed for extinction. And yet, there are those of us who are aware of the fact that we are currently traveling through what has been called the Transitional Times. We understand that this chaotic period on Earth has been predicted in numerous and diverse spiritual scriptures throughout the centuries and also in teachings passed down through indigenous tribes across the planet for a long, long time. Read More…
How to Make it through the Storm in the Coming Days
08.11.2022 19:19
There is so much chaos and upheaval going on in the world these days, it’s hard to keep up with it all. As we near the full-moon eclipse on November 8, the anxiety and confusion in the air is almost palpable. And, of course, in the US, with the midterms about to occur, great unrest and heightened emotions are only adding to it. You’ve probably heard intel about all sorts of things that might begin happening any day now — things that could either be very exciting or rather frightening, depending on your point of view. Either way, for many people in the world, the events that are being predicted are ones that could cause great anxiety, confusion and grief. Read More…
Have You Recently Jumped onto a New Timeline?
01.11.2022 10:17
Have you noticed lately that something strange has happened – that you seem to be existing in a reality that is somewhat unfamiliar to you? Maybe nothing much has changed in your external life, but somehow you are experiencing a sense of greater ease and well-being, less inner pressure? More self-love? And even at times a feeling of joy that wells up out of nowhere? If so, this may mean you have recently shifted onto a new timeline that holds a higher frequency. Or, it could be said that you’ve “gone up a gear” in your Ascension process – or that you’ve moved up a level within the Fourth Dimension. This is happening more and more for people consciously headed for the Fifth Dimension. Read More…
Resting in the Deep Silence Within
27.09.2022 20:07
Being able to relax and truly experience peace for any length of time these days is becoming increasingly difficult for most of us. There’s so much craziness occurring in the world. Between threats of food shortages, energy shortages, drought, war, a global financial collapse, strange new illnesses continuing to come on the scene – it’s really challenging to find a sense of peace and optimism about life – or about the future of humanity. Read More…
Dance between Your Old Self and New Self
13.09.2022 21:31
Life these days can certainly be confusing. Sometimes, from day to day, you can’t know how you’re going to feel, what might occur during the day, or what you’ll be able to do. A friend recently described her life like this: “I wake up in the morning, knowing I have planned to accomplish A, B, C, D and E that day. Later, I’m just finishing up A and B — and suddenly, K walks in the door. And that’s it for the rest of the day.” To make matters worse, you can’t even depend at times on which part of yourself is going to show up on a given day. Some days, you might wake up feeling clear, optimistic, powerful, peaceful and heart-centered, convinced you’re finally moving in a new direction that feels fantastic. Read More…
Vidya Frazier: Are We Emerging from the Matrix?
19.07.2022 21:42
Many people I know are reporting a strangeness in their experience of life these days. Something new, but rather subtle, is occurring. Perhaps you can relate to some of these experiences: New State of Consciousness: You realize you’re in a new state of consciousness, but you can’t quite describe it yet. It’s as if you’ve somehow entered a new reality — one that’s kind of empty and quiet, and there’s often nothing much happening in it. Even despite all the noisy chaos occurring out in the world, there’s a feeling of being somewhat detached from it now, like it’s happening in some other parallel reality. Read More…
Vidya Frazier: Birthing the New YOU
07.06.2022 21:31
The last couple of years have been like a marathon obstacle course for most of us — a non-stop challenge of pushing through drastic change, profound loss, and dealing with old unresolved traumas. All this, along with handling deep fear about events occurring in the world that don’t look like they’re going away any time soon. You may believe that the alarming catastrophes being broadcast from the media and the internet will probably not happen. And yet, you might sense there’s likely some truth in what you’re hearing about the food shortages, the continued health scares, the war-mongering, and the financial system crashing in some way. Read More…
Stepping Fearlessly into the Unknown
25.03.2022 20:10
Are you feeling a strange shift in your sense of reality lately? Does your external world feel even more weird than usual? Perhaps you feel yourself eerily shifting back and forth between two different worlds? If you are having any of these sensations, you’re not crazy. There actually are two worlds within our reality now, and you are shifting back and forth between them. The old 3D world is crumbling and fading, and the new 5D world is beginning to appear. Read More…
FEELING RAGE? It’s Probably Appropriate
04.03.2022 15:41
If you find yourself suddenly exploding in rage these days, know that you’re not alone. In fact, you’re likely right on track in your Ascension process. Given what has been occurring in the world – and will likely continue for a long while — rage can be very appropriate. Yet, if you are a conscientious lightworker who has been attempting to keep as positive and loving as possible, accepting a feeling of rage within you might be difficult. You know that staying optimistic and peaceful is always helpful in keeping balanced and positive as you go through life. Read More…