March 2018
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 30, 2018
30.03.2018 16:24 Mike Quinsey
The vibrations are picking up quite quickly and are already having an effect that is noticeable. There is a mood change amongst people that is resulting in a more peaceful approach to world matters. Sympathy for those who are needy and live in poor conditions has grown, and the oneness of the Human Race is being understood and appreciated. There is a coming together of those who have at times been arch enemies. At last the futility of war and its consequent outcome is being seen as unacceptable, and there is a movement towards mutual cooperation. There are opportunities arising for settling old issues in a way that is acceptable to all who are involved. Read More…
To be or Not to be, That is the Question ~ Father God, 27 March 2018
30.03.2018 16:06 Adele Arini
Today I would like you to remember another higher dimensional concept that you are now ready to embrace. Every day you are getting closer and closer to Nova Gaia. With every message channeled, we are fulfilling our promise to you. A promise to remind you of the truth of: Who You Are, Where You Came From and What You Can Be. Every single one of these messages contain Divine Light Codes; meant to awaken you more and more to the wise, powerful, multidimensional Being that is your Higher Self. Read More…
30.03.2018 15:55 Health
It has become increasingly common knowledge in recent years that sugar wreaks havoc on our health, leading to such prevalent and serious ailments as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. We are eating more sugar now than ever before, as almost all processed foods are laced with some form of the sweet poison. While once we believed fat to be the culprit for our expanding waistlines, that theory has been proven incorrect, and the obesity epidemic has only worsened since food manufacturers began replacing fat with sugar in all our favourite products. Read More…
Ashtar via James McConnell, March 24th, 2018
30.03.2018 15:34 Ashtar | James McConnell
I Am always pleased to be with you in these times, in these moments, always remembering that we are in the now moment. Yes there are many things to look forward to and yes there have been many things that you have gone through in your past. But begin more and more now to let go of the past. Let go of all of the programming of the past and begin more and more to live in this perfect now, knowing that this is the perfect now. That everything is being prepared, orchestrated as you will, to bring in the perfect system for this planet. And realizing that you are this perfect system here in this planet. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 23, 2018
24.03.2018 12:53 Mike Quinsey
For some time now much has been happening behind the scenes, and if anything has increased as the dark Ones are removed so as to ensure that the needed changes can go ahead without interference. Over a long period matters have been formed so that they could manipulate events and turn them to their advantage. Those days are almost over and they are no longer the power that they used to be. In the meantime no opportunity has been overlooked in establishing a web of Light that will be fully activated at the appropriate time. More support for the Light workers has arrived and their influence will help speed up the changes. Read More…
5 Privacies You Didn't Know You Lost
24.03.2018 12:51 Corbett Report | Hidden Truth
The Long-Awaited Landings ~ Sananda, 20 March 2018
21.03.2018 19:23 Sananda - Jesus | Adele Arini
Not long after my previous message about the coming Great Event, here comes along another important update for you all. Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters of the Light are now planning for a major landing on the surface of Gaia. The first wave of landing will be led by a spiritually-advanced race of beings called the Pleiadians. Read More…
21.03.2018 19:20 Patricia Cota-Robles
Sheldan Nidle Update - 20.03.2018 - Joy, Peace & Prosperity
21.03.2018 19:17 Sheldan Nidle | Galactic Federation
Selamat Balik. A new day is being born. Lightworkers and their allies now understand that victory approaches. For a very long time the prophecies foretold this now-inevitable victory. It is a time when your prosperity is to be released and a new way of doing things is to become the least of your worries. Lightworkers understand this new scenario and welcome the demise of the cabal with ease and with grace. Read More…
Jesus through John: To awaken is to evolve spiritually, and that is humanity’s divine and inevitable destiny
21.03.2018 19:12 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
As the mainstream media focuses almost entirely on the drama of conflicts occurring all over the world – military, political, social, business, criminal, etc – I would like to remind you that there is an enormous change occurring in the way that most people see the world. People are waking up to the fact that conflict needs to cease and that harmonious conversation and discussion between all races, nations, cultures, political factions, and business and religious leaders must be started with the intent to cooperate together to ensure that every form of poverty and abuse is eradicated planet-wide and that every human is honored and respected as a child of God. Much preparation has already been done, and there are many working tirelessly towards this end. Each one holding the intent to make this happen adds powerfully to the energies of Love inundating the planet. Read More…
Message from Matthew - March 17, 2018
18.03.2018 18:44 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by allaying concerns that your world is going to run out of drinking water. The Illuminati’s use of weather technology to create areas of drought—one part of their now-doomed plan to eliminate most of the world’s population—was intended to cause millions to die of thirst. That will not happen. Weather manipulation, which also is responsible for the wild storms and record temperatures that have delayed Mother Nature’s return to a moderate climate globally, is going to meet its end along with all of the Illuminati’s other diabolical activities. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 16, 2018
16.03.2018 18:39 Mike Quinsey
Be assured that all goes well and although it is chaotic in some countries. The underlying reason is that dramatic changes are occurring, that are necessary to make way for that which is to be introduced. The changes are all part of your introduction to the New Age that is gradually showing itself as the old energies dissipate. Do not be dismayed at whatever measures are called for to clear the old away, as you will have everything to gain in the course of time. As time progresses the old ways that have no place in the future will gradually disappear. It will be an unsettling unavoidable situation, so never lose sight of the fact that the best is yet to come. Read More…
Saul through John: You are always unconditionally accepted and infinitely loved
16.03.2018 18:35 John Smallman | Saul
As humanity’s awakening process continues and intensifies more and more people are finding themselves swamped or overwhelmed with emotional stuff, stuff that was so deeply buried or so strongly denied that they just did not know it was lying there waiting for acknowledgment and release. You are not your emotions, you are not your feelings, you just experience them . . . Read More…
Welcome to Nova Gaia ~ Father God, 15 March 2018.
16.03.2018 18:21 Adele Arini
My dear children, It is with great joy that I now welcome you to your new home, Nova Gaia. It has been quite a challenging journey for Gaia, your Earth Mother, to reach this point in her evolution. I created and appointed the great, powerful, living being that is Gaia as your guardian, your protector, your life-giver, and as your temporary home whilst away from your real HOME with Me. Read More…
Ashtar via James Mc Connell, March 11, 2018
15.03.2018 15:32 Ashtar | James McConnell
I AM Ashtar. Always wonderful to be with you, to share with you, to continue this expression, this program that we have been on, that you have been on. We have been preparing for a long time, just as you have. And we have received now, and this is the reason for the urgent message that was given through the James to reach out to all of you, that you would be on this call, be on this expression that we can bring to you. Read More…
Bright Star: Wave of Love Coming from Everywhere
15.03.2018 14:50 The Event
“Bright Star,” who had a heart opening on Dec. 21, 2017, sent in this channeled message. Bright Star is a medium. He may be describing the planetary heart opening, which others are calling “the Event.” Notice how this dust/smoke “replaces all,” just as the inner tsunami of love I experienced swept away all worries, concerns, regrets, etc. Read More…
The Great Event is Coming ~ Sananda, 12 March 2018
This message is designed to give you a clear, easy-to-understand and thorough understanding of the coming 'Great Event'. Let us begin with the following question 'What is this Great Event?' You may have heard of the Event mentioned in passing, in other messages, blogs or books. And for some of you, this may be the first time you have come across this information. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Time is a gift
12.03.2018 20:15 Ann Albers
You live in a fast paced, “fast food," instant gratification society. You push a button and something is delivered to your home. You turn on your computer or your phone and the world is at your fingertips. You want a quote now, a text response now, an order confirmation now. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 09, 2018
09.03.2018 19:32 Mike Quinsey
As always much is still happening that it is out of sight, and the good news is that most of it is in preparation for the coming time when the details can be given out. Activities continue in Antarctica but you will recall that they were soon subject to a cover up about new discoveries, following those that were sensational inasmuch that extremely tall Human Beings were found encased in the ice. However, the facts cannot be hidden from you indefinitely, as work in those areas will go on for many years due to the sheer size of it that needs to be uncovered. Freedom of Information has its place and should be fully applicable in peaceful times. Read More…
07.03.2018 20:40 Patricia Cota-Robles
The Secret Origin of Humanity with Graham Hancock
07.03.2018 20:28 Galactic History
Before, During and After the Event - QHHT Client Sessions
Dear reader
I just came across this young lady some days ago and am profoundly amazed by the information she is presenting. Enjoy.
I just came across this young lady some days ago and am profoundly amazed by the information she is presenting. Enjoy.
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: False fear....
03.03.2018 20:16 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Today we'd like to speak to you on the subject of false fear. With very few exceptions, nearly everyone upon your planet earth has been infected by it. Without exception you'd be much happier without it. Read More…
The Weaponization of Social Media
03.03.2018 20:13 Corbett Report | Hidden Truth
Message from Sylphs, Fairies, and Salamanders for March 1, 2018
03.03.2018 20:09 Galaxygirl | Nature Spirits
Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: A New Breed of Humans ~ What to Expect From the Children Incarnating Now
03.03.2018 19:57 Star Children
Today we would like to focus your attention on the children who are now incarnating into your reality. With each new generation, progress is made. However these children are more advanced than ever before. They are not only more advanced in their capabilities, they also are chemically and innately different on a cellular level as well. Read More…