Ashtar via James McConnell, March 24th, 2018
30.03.2018 15:34 Ashtar | James McConnell

I Am always pleased to be with you in these times, in these moments, always remembering that we are in the now moment. Yes there are many things to look forward to and yes there have been many things that you have gone through in your past. But begin more and more now to let go of the past. Let go of all of the programming of the past and begin more and more to live in this perfect now, knowing that this is the perfect now. That everything is being prepared, orchestrated as you will, to bring in the perfect system for this planet. And realizing that you are this perfect system here in this planet.
Several weeks ago I spoke about preparation that we are in the final stages now. We have been given that signal to be in that final stage of the preparation through this transition process. And I come now to share that with you again so that you know that not only are we prepared to move in a moment’s notice when that signal is given by Prime Creator, but that each one of you are also prepared to be in that moment.
You are hearing, much of you are hearing now about landings, about contact, and yes that is also in preparation. Those that you know of as the Pleiadians are the forerunners of this. They are the ones that you will be primarily making contact with and will be making contact with you. Because this is that moment prior to when these events can begin to happen.
You have heard about the Great Event and we have spoken to you about many mini events that will be leading up to this. This is one of those mini events where you will begin to have more and more sightings of our ships in the skies. Many of you will begin to make contact with those of us in our ships and we with you as you call upon us. For we will never interfere with your direct lives unless you call upon us. But know that even when you do call that it may not yet be quite the right moment for you, individually.
But know that those times are coming. Those moments are ahead. We relish these times where we can be of assistance. But always remember that even though we are here to be assistants to you, you are here to be of assistance to us. For we cannot do it without you and together, all of us working with you, are bringing about this great orchestration here in this transition on the planet.
You are going to be hearing of many revealings that are coming forward. From many different sources they will come. Those moments prior to this, you have been leading up to and everything is about to begin to take its course. Everything is about to begin to shift more and more. But as always it is for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. Those of you that have been readying for this will be the first ones to make contact with those of us in our ships. You will be the first ones to hear the revealings that are coming forward in many different areas. You will be the ones that will be hearing about the financial changeover that is in the works now.
But as always be patient. Let it come to you. And as the One Who Serves is so fond of saying, go with the flow at all times for this is the way of the future. This is the way of the fifth dimension, the higher frequencies. Learn to go with the flow and learn to be neutral at every moment that you can. Find that neutrality within you just as you find the Source within you which is neutral.
I AM Ashtar. I leave you now with all my peace and love and know that we are standing by to move at a moment’s notice to be there with you when the times call for it and the frequencies have reached their crescendo.
Channeled by James McConnell