Ann Albers
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/18/2023 • Accepting Where You Are
21.02.2023 15:55
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Right now, each of the 7.8 billion people on your planet is having a different and very unique experience of life. As we speak to you, we see a woman sitting by the pool behind her expansive home, juggling several charities she runs. She is concerned about the officers of one who doesn’t seem to be in alignment with her vision while simultaneously trying to coordinate dinner reservations with a group she must network with to fund her cause. Meanwhile, we see a young man who feels disempowered trying to figure out how to lie, cheat, and steal from those who care about him because he doesn’t understand yet that he is loved. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/11/2023 • Opening to Love's flow
14.02.2023 20:01
My dear friends, we love you so very much, We know many of you are devastated by the massive earthquake that rocked your planet last week. Collectively, once again, the human family is realizing that you are all in this together. You are part of the earth – a living organism in which your souls are cells in her body. You have called for love, and yet there is so much resistance to love in so many individual lives that Mother Earth herself had to create a release for this pressure. She moves, shakes, and settles more deeply into a new skin, in much the same way you move, stretch, and shake when you feel the tension that must be released in your own body. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/04/2023 • You are SO Worthy!
06.02.2023 19:54
My dear friends, we love you so very much, If we had a mission here in heaven, you might say it would be to assist you in realizing your true nature. You are birthed from love, given life by love, and will return to love. Part of your journey on the earth is learning to expand love, starting for yourselves. It is easy to love yourself when you feel loved by another. It is a reality in heaven when you feel the love that unceasingly gives you life. It is also easier when things are going your way – when the traffic flows, when you find what you want at the grocery store, and when people are being kind. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/28/2023 • Finding your Heavens
31.01.2023 19:39
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine heaven. It isn’t a place on a faraway cloud or a dream that exists after the brain dies. Not at all. Dear ones, Heaven is a state where you are totally and entirely open to the love that sources you and gives you life. It is a vibrational dimension in which you are intensely present, elevated, and experiencing love. It is an existence of peace, joy, kindness, consideration, creative expression, courtesy, and all you associate with love. It is wisdom, understanding, harmony, and a sense of everything making sense. It is the ordinary imbued by a sense of the extraordinary. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/21/2023 • Focus, Feeling, and Happiness
24.01.2023 19:56
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You are here on earth during one of the most incredibly rapid times of expansion humanity has ever experienced. The challenges and contrasts of the last few years have inspired your desires to grow at an extremely rapid rate. Your feelings are coming to the surface as never before. For some of you, this is incredibly exciting. You are reconnecting with dreams long buried as well as brand-new desires. For some, this is very frustrating because you feel your heart’s desires strongly but don’t yet trust the universe to bring what you desire to you. For others, it is a scary time because you fear that if you make the changes you want, you may upset your life or those around you. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/14/2023 • Living in worthiness
17.01.2023 20:02
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Never tell yourself what can't be done. Never explain to anyone why you can't have what you want. Never believe anyone who tells you that you can't change, whether the change you want is a change of habit, a change of location, or a change in your health. Every time you explain to yourself or anyone else why you can't be what you want, have what you want, or do what you want, you are telling the entire universe that you don't believe in the Divine. You are blocking God's work in your life! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/07/2023 • Making Good use of your New Now
10.01.2023 20:40
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Happy New Year! Happy New You! Happy New Now! As so many of you make your resolutions and intentions for the coming year, we remind you today that while your New Year is a beautiful marker and milepost, you have the opportunity to re-create your life – and yourself– in every “new now.” Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/31/2022 • Happy New Year... with intent!
03.01.2023 13:35
My dear friends, we love you so very much, We love your celebrations. We love how you look forward to the new year and reflect on the old. Even though we live in the eternal present, on your New Year’s eve, the whole earth pauses to release the old and welcome the new. For just a moment each year, you focus with collective hope and anticipation for the future. It is a powerful moment of collective human creation. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/24/2022 • Peace on a silent night...
27.12.2022 16:35
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Many of you reading this are celebrating your holidays at this time. However you gather, or whether you gather, you are embraced by those of us in the heavens. You are loved beyond measure and treasured, for you are a gift to the universe. Your every loving thought sends ripples to the far reaches of the cosmos. You, dear ones, are the peace in the silent night. You are the miracle of light in a world in turmoil. You are the embodiment of the values that help humanity evolve. You, dear ones, are a gift to Life itself. Receive our love, as we celebrate the gift that you are. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/17/2022 • Receiving to Give
20.12.2022 20:44
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You have a saying on earth that it is "better to give than to receive." We would say it is better to exist in the flow of Divine love in which giving and receiving cannot be separated. In this season of giving, sit with the Source and your angels for only a few minutes a day. Breathe and intend to receive love. This never-ending stream of love can help, heal, balance, inspire, and motivate you. It can remind you of your true nature and restore you to a beautiful relationship with yourself. The Source will not force this love upon you. You have free will. You can open to receive it, or not. When you do, it will recalibrate you – body, mind, and soul – and impulse you to think and act in ways that benefit all souls involved, including your own. Your giving will become guided, natural, and joyful. Read More…
Message from Ann & the Angels - 12/10/2022 • Moments of Contentment
13.12.2022 20:15
My dear friends, we love you so very much, If you were to watch a kitty sitting in a sunny spot in the house, a dog taking a nap near a family gathering, or a child playing with something that has captured their full attention, you would witness moments of complete and utter contentment. You would see souls entirely centered in the here and now, appreciating where they are and who is around them. Watching them, you too might sink into a delicious state of contentment, where – if for only a few moments – all is right with your world. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/02/2022 • The Light that Never Leaves
06.12.2022 20:41
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Your holidays are a celebration of Light in the darkness. The Christ child came during dark times of oppression, amid taxation, in a dark, cold cave, through a young, unwed mother. The lamp stayed miraculously lit after intense massacre, war, and turmoil when hope was desperately needed. The celebration of the solstice – the darkest day of your year – marks a turning point towards the Light. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/26/2022 • Have An Authentic Holiday Season
29.11.2022 20:22
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As you move into your holiday season, breathe. Remind yourself to relax, slow down, and enjoy the moment. It is better to do less with more love than more with less love. It is better to fully engage in the activities you choose rather than rush through them and, in so doing, miss the moments of your life. The universe responds to you as you are now. No matter what you have or haven't done for lifetimes, decades, or even in the past five minutes, now is all that matters. You are who you are because you are thinking thoughts now. You are experiencing what you experience because the universe is responding to your vibration now. Often what you are vibrating to is the result of many thoughts you have thought in the past. You develop patterns, momentum, and, therefore, vibrations that are well-practiced. Nonetheless, the universe is responding to you now and only now. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/19/2022 • Living in Appreciation
22.11.2022 20:51
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Those of you who are soon to celebrate your holiday of Thanksgiving know that the holiday centers around appreciation. You take time to appreciate family, friends, or some quiet time for yourself. You take time to appreciate a diversity of food, fun, activities, or rest. You take time to put the world's problems aside so you can enjoy the things that truly matter in your lives – love, laughter, relaxation, sharing, & caring. Even if you spend the holiday alone in peace, you take time to commune with that which is peaceful and beautiful inside yourself. Dear ones, every day can be a day of giving thanks. Every moment offers opportunities for appreciation. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/12/2022 • Keep the Magnet On!
15.11.2022 20:20
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Breathe deeply. Exhale. The vibrations of all creation just flowed through you in that single breath. The energies of all you love and all you hate just flowed into you. Your intelligent body, connected to the Source, attempted to take in all of the frequencies that support its health, happiness, and well-being. Your mind selected and filtered the frequencies that match the vibration of your thoughts and the emotional charge around them. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/05/2022 • Focusing out of fear
08.11.2022 17:45
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Many of you celebrated your holiday of Halloween last week. You make light of the fearful and dress in ways that express your fantasies, alter egos, and sense of humor. You share sweetness with the children and decorate with colors that even bring to life the relationship between opposites – orange, the color of vibrant, passionate life and expression, and black, the color of a womb-like stillness and potential. In so many ways, you temporarily free yourselves from the fear of death and bring it to the party of life, so to speak. Then on the very next day, many of you celebrate your connection with the dear ones in spirit, be it via All Saints Day, Día de Los Muertos, or a variety of other global holidays that celebrate man’s connection to those beyond. Read More…
Message from Ann & the Angels - 10/29/2022 • Nature's Nurture
01.11.2022 10:22
My dear friends, we love you so very much, How could you ever believe in lack when the abundant generosity of the universe is present everywhere you look in nature? You want love and love is all around. You want to feel secure, and everything you need is there waiting to flow into your life. You want joy, and there is joy at every level – macro and microscopic waiting to be enjoyed. Look at the flowers that bloom even more after you cut them. They love to delight you. Look at the grasses that, no matter how much you mow, offer a new and softer carpet upon which you can walk, and the animals can graze. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/22/2022 • Do your Personal Rules Serve You?
25.10.2022 20:22
My dear friends, we love you so very much, One of the most loving beings to ever walk the earth said wisely, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, but give to God what is God's." There are, of course, laws you must follow by virtue of living in a given society or signing a contract with a landlord or an employer. However, there are many personal "rules" that you adopted because someone else told you – or is telling you – that this is the way you must live. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/15/2022 • Look for the Love!
18.10.2022 21:40
My dear friends, we love you so very much, In a world that feeds you a steady stream of drama, you can be at peace. In a world where the news would make you think things are spiraling down by the moment, you can discern a greater truth – love is everywhere – present, emerging, expanding, and interacting in the most beautiful ways! It is present in the interactions between caring human beings. It is present in the joy between you and the animals you adore. Love flows through you as you lovingly water and trim a houseplant or plant a seed with loving hope in your garden. It is streaming into the meals you cook with love and the meals you reheat as you look forward to nourishing your body. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/08/2022 • Feel • Be Real • Let the Love Flow!
11.10.2022 21:19
My dear friends, we love you so very much, There are so many “energy releases” going on around your planet right now. You see it in Mother Earth releasing energy via her storms and in human beings releasing energy in their own swirling outbursts. You feel this inside of yourself in various ways. Many of you have been more reactive than usual and less tolerant of behaviors that never quite suited you. Many of you are feeling strong surges of emotion that you’ve stuffed but can no longer ignore. Many more are having sudden physical challenges appear and then disappear just as quickly. On a happier note, many of you are also feeling a renewal of life, an urge to get going, or a desire for change. Your upsets are shaking loose. The floods of tears are flowing, and the fires of your passions are burning brightly. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/01/2022 • Living in your own flow
04.10.2022 20:02
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Each one of you exists in a beautiful stream of energy. The stream is created and updated with every desire you have – with every wish, every intention, and even with each problem you notice. Each situation inspires new desires. You add a new current to your stream every time you have even the tiniest loving desire. This stream is your flow – your personal guided path to all that you've asked for. This stream takes the easiest and most joyful path, much as a physical stream carves its course in a path of least resistance. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/24/2022 • Are you settling?
27.09.2022 20:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Are you living your life? Are you getting up and looking forward to something each day, or have you settled for coping and getting through a life you don’t truly enjoy? As little children, you knew that you came to this planet to create, feel alive, and thrive. Slowly but surely, however, many of you were conditioned to wait for your joy, work for your reward, and to suffer and sacrifice. Many of you were conditioned by others who thought it was noble, holy, and righteous to put off their own joy. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/17/2022 • Go for the Joy!
20.09.2022 20:38
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Joy is in your grasp at any moment in time. Some moments offer it easily. Others require you to participate in a treasure hunt that must begin within. Nonetheless, the frequency and the energy of joy are there for the tuning and the taking. The more you seek it, the more you will find. You are all like radios – able to tune yourselves to any station you like. You can tune to the good news or the bad news. You can tune to the past or the future. You can tune to unlimited possibilities, or you can limit yourself, and tune in only to what your conditioning says is possible. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/10/2022 • Are you creating life or is life creating you?
13.09.2022 20:50
My dear friends, we love you so very much, There is great movement on your planet earth right now. There is great love being sent to you by the heavens in response to the asking. There is great potential for manifestations and dreams to come true. The question to ask is, “Are you creating life, or are you allowing life to create you?” In truth, you are constantly creating your own experience of life – drawing people and circumstances to you as a result of your vibration. However, since your vibration is a result of your focus and your response to what you focus upon, many of you are allowing your vibration to be dictated by the world around you. Read More…
Message from Ann & the Angels - 09/03/22 • Guided by your natural impulses
06.09.2022 20:28
My dear friends, we love you so very much, There is a natural order and flow to all of life. An impulse comes from the Creator in each moment to all of creation, orchestrating it in a beautiful h harmonious dance in the same way that the brain coordinates every cell in the body. In each moment, the Divine reads your heart, your energy, your intentions, and desires, and in the very next moment sends you a natural impulse to guide you. These impulses are your natural good feelings. For example, you may have a long to-do list but feel like doing something different. You will struggle to accomplish your to-do list if you fight that feeling. However, if you listen to your natural, inspiring impulse, you will feel happy, elevated, and inspired to accomplish all you must do with ease. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/27/2022 • Aligning with a fast flow
30.08.2022 18:11
My dear friends, we love you so very much, A massive stream of love is flowing into your dimension at this time. The past few years have caused countless individuals to pray for so much better upon your earth. While the Divine is always sending you a mighty stream of love, it is you who decide how much to allow into your reality. Right now, the human race is asking for more love than ever before and, at the same time, wobbling between accepting and resisting it. This is why you see so much chaos right now. This is why some of you feel such fatigue. As clearly as a boulder causes turbulence in a swiftly flowing stream, resisting love also causes turbulence in your lives and your world. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/20/2022 • Good everywhere!
23.08.2022 19:44
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Breathe. Relax. Your world is not coming to an end. Your countries are not falling apart. Your world is not sliding downhill. Plenty of people who feed you information on a daily basis would like you to think so. Fear sells. Drama sells. Scarcity and lack mentality sell. Drama IS out there, of course, in so many ways. Dishonesty is out there. Greed is out there. Manipulation, bullying, and abuse are out there. Of course, these things exist, but what is presented to you is by no means a representation of the whole of humanity. Billions of kind, loving souls quietly go about their business every day. The majority of them will never make your news. Nonetheless, every loving thought, word, or deed is celebrated as good news in heaven! If you could see the "news" from our perspective, the good far outweighs the bad. Read More…
Messages from Ann & The Angels - 08/13/2022 • No pressure...
16.08.2022 18:40
My dear friends, we love you so very much, While we always advocate reaching for the best feeling you can find and being as positive as you can be, we understand that there are times when you just can't find a positive thought. Sometimes you stumble into a well-practiced, deeply conditioned set of beliefs. Instead of possessing your own mind, you feel possessed by it. Take heart. There is a way out of those mental "spin-cycles." Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/06/2022 • Embracing the Divine Child
08.08.2022 11:55
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Play with us for a moment here... Imagine living your life as an innocent child. For a moment, set aside your worldly concerns and either remember or if your childhood did not permit such freedom, imagine living this way... Imagine waking up, eager for the adventure of the following day. Perhaps you were doing something you enjoyed before bed and you can’t wait to wake up and get your chores done and play again. Perhaps you have the promise of going on an outing that you are looking forward to and you’re not sure if it is tomorrow or ten days from now since time isn’t a concept you’ve fully mastered. Perhaps you are thinking of all the fun things you can do in your life. You may have school and school work, but you just do it and you breeze through it while looking forward to the rest of the fun you have imagined. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/30/2022 • Your Greatest Purpose
01.08.2022 19:33
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As hard as it is to fathom, everything and everyone on this earth has purpose. There is not a single person, no matter how filled with light or disconnected from it that is without purpose. There is not a single thing in nature without purpose. There is not a single action without purpose, nor even a single thought. Everything and everyone on this earth contributes to the expansion of love, whether it is by actually expanding love, or by triggering a desire for love in the hearts of those who experience or witness their unloving acts. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/23/2022 • God wants for you...
26.07.2022 21:03
My dear friends, we love you so very much, In every heart there lies a wealth of knowing. Deep within you are all the answers you would ever seek. What is the next step in your life? Why are you here? How can you relate to others who don’t relate too well? All the answers lie within dear ones. Far more powerful than your search engines or your computers is the Infinite mind to which you all have access. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/16/2022 • You are SO Loved
19.07.2022 21:08
My dear friends, we love you so very much, We say this every week. We love you so very much. These are not idle words. They come with a vibration of love from the heavens, of unconditional acceptance, and of seeing your beautiful soul’s perfection. We love you. Can you take a moment, breathe, and receive this love? Can you fathom that you are so loved that no matter what you do or don’t do, say or don’t say; no matter how you “succeed” or “fail” we love you. We love you in your proudest moments, and we love you in your darkest hour. We love you. Don’t just read those words, dear ones, take them in. Breathe them in. Receive our love. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/09/2022 • Feeling Fine Aligned with the Divine!
12.07.2022 09:47
My dear friends, we love you so very much, There is upon your planet a great deal of fear right now, as the world slowly realizes that no amount of attempting to control others can guarantee your happiness, your safety, or your abundance. After centuries of attempting to control the external, it is time upon your earth when you are beginning to realize where your true power lies. How is it some people sail through tough financial times with abundance? How does one person stay home and avoid a shooting while another is present for the incident? How is it that one person has freedom in their body while millions of others feel bondage? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/01/2022 • Your Expansion into Love
05.07.2022 22:33
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You came to this earth eager. You came wanting to create. You came, not because you were flawed, not because you messed up in prior lives, not because you wanted to learn to be a better person, but rather because you wanted to embody, experience, and expand love – both within yourself and within the world around you. You are nothing less than the love of the Source in human form, expanding love. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/25/2022 • Flowing around the boulders
28.06.2022 20:50
My dear friends, we love you so very much, So many times you ask us, “When will life stop being such a struggle?” Our answer, with great love, is always, “when you stop struggling with life.” Consider a stream. Unobstructed it flows smoothly, gracefully, swiftly, and powerfully. When it encounters an obstacle, such as a boulder that it cannot move, temporarily some of the currents in the stream push against the boulder. Their flow becomes chaotic, slower, and less powerful. Sometimes the water that runs into the boulder even bounces back upstream, temporarily…. until it surrenders to the greater current, joins the path of least resistance, and flows smoothly around the boulder. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/18/2022 • I prefer to feel good
21.06.2022 19:23
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine a pure, clean, and clear stream. It flows ceaselessly, nourishing everything along its banks. Unobstructed it would be a mighty force, but its flow is blocked, directed, limited, or allowed by all that stands along its banks or in its way. The stream doesn't judge any of this. It nourishes equally the trees that block or divert its flow as well as the ones that adapt to allow its natural flow. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/11/2020 • Who can you trust...
14.06.2022 20:49
My dear friends, we love you so very much, In your world today, so many of you have been shaken, upset, and saddened by the seemingly random acts of violence that have erupted in the hearts of the hurting hurtful. How do you make sense of what seems like a senseless loss of life? How do you feel safe in an uncertain world? How can you trust that you’ll be safe, or your children will be safe? We hear your cries, dear ones. Much more importantly we see you striving not to fall into hate, hurt, and worse the desire to hurt back. We see you striving to love, striving to trust, and striving to live your lives in joy in spite of some of the really tough things you witness going on in your world. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/04/2022 • So Many Loving Souls!
07.06.2022 20:54
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Tell yourself often, “My life is good. I am good. There are good people in the world.” You can focus on what others wish you to focus on or you can focus on what you choose to focus upon. There are indeed horrific things going on in your world, but there are as well countless, innumerable acts of love and kindness. We would love it, if you would see on your news more stories about all the people helping children, animals, the elderly, the down and out, the lost, the lonely, and the weary. We would love it if you would see the brilliant scientific discoveries that are going to save lives and save your planet. We would love for you to see as we do– to see all the beautiful souls engaged in beautiful, loving actions even as you read this. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/28/2022 • Facts, truths, & Truth
31.05.2022 20:04
My dear friends, we love you so very much, There is a great deal of discussion on your planet these days about truth. On a given topic, the word inspires many perspectives in many different people. You have a thirst for truth, and this thirst is one for a deeper Truth – that you live and labor in love, and that all souls, no matter how awkward or misdirected, are also attempting to live and labor in love. No matter the “facts” of a situation, the love that lives within and beneath all creation is the deepest Truth. It is the Truth worth acknowledging, the Truth worth centering your life around, and the Truth that will keep you in a vibration above all the lower vibrational 3D-“truths” that abound. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/21/2022 • When life offers hate - turn to love
24.05.2022 20:22
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You are all challenged these days to stay in a kinder, more compassionate, and more loving reality than one being demonstrated by some very hurting souls on your planet Earth. When you see the hateful, try not to fall into hate. Would you hate a child that doesn’t know the consequences of their angry tantrums and hurtful behaviors, or would you rather see them learn a better way? When you see the consequences of hate, try not to wish for revenge. Why hurt a hurting soul and drive them more deeply into their hatred, when instead, you can pray for their understanding so they never again commit such atrocities? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/14/2022 • Feel Good, Feel God, Flow Love
17.05.2022 18:25
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Be very gentle with yourselves. Many energies are vying for your attention right now. What you focus on, whether positively or negatively, you empower. You cannot easily stay tuned to a radio station you hate while listening to the one you love. You cannot stay tuned to a radio station you love if you focus on the one you dislike. So, dear ones, care about how you feel. Care about how you focus. Care about yourself and your own heart so thoroughly you refuse to give in to the hatred, fear, and anger that is being stirred up upon your planet at this time. Refuse to empower the denser vibrations with your focus on them. You know they exist. You witness them on your news or in your conversations with others. Some of you witness these energies as bombs dropping from the sky or fortunes temporarily lost. You know these vibrations exist. Now turn your sights to something better. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/07/2022 • Flow, Frogs, and the healing stream
10.05.2022 17:58
My dear friends, we love you so very much, So many of you are so sensitive. You feel the world inside of you.Although you have your unique physical form, personality, and combination of energies, like a wave you can feel the currents in the ocean beneath you.This is why so many of you are feeling waves of sadness. That is why so many of you are feeling edgier, or less tolerant than usual. This is why, it is also very important that you focus on that which feels like love, that which you can appreciate about life, and that which gives you joy. The more you consciously choose to tune into the higher vibrations, the more you send these higher and happier vibrations into the “ocean” of shared energy in which you are all connected. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/30/2022 • Keepers of the Peace
03.05.2022 19:23
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a breath. Take time to appreciate something you overlook every day. Perhaps the grass is soft under your feet. Go out and feel it. Perhaps there is a warm sunbeam that falls on your patio at a certain time of day. Experience the pleasure of it upon your skin. As you run the water from your faucet feel its coolness or warmth flow over your hands. Take time to smell your morning beverage and appreciate it. Listen to the sizzle of food in the pan before dinner and enjoy the tiny flecks of oil jumping about. Tune into the hum of the bees on a warm day and feel their collective vibration. Take the time to appreciate the sensory delights of your physical world. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/23/2022 • Add a little more love to life
23.04.2022 16:43
My dear friends, we love you so very much, When you awaken, take a moment to ask yourself this question: "What is one thing I can do today to add more love to the world?" Perhaps you can smile and make eye contact with a stranger. Perhaps you can pray for the world for a minute or two. Perhaps you can hold your cup of tea with reverence and appreciate the miraculous chain of events and people that brought this beverage to your table. Perhaps you can forgive someone, or be kind to another. Perhaps you can make a choice to be gentler with yourself. There are countless ways, both great and small, to add a little more love to this world, and in so doing, you make the world a better place and feel like you are in a better place within it. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/16/2022 • Receiving love to give it
20.04.2022 21:03
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Breathe. Relax for a moment and simply intend to open to our love. For a few minutes, shut your eyes, imagine opening your heart, and intend to receive the steady stream of love and energy we are always flowing to you. If you like, place your palms upward in a comfortable position and imagine that as light and love flow into you, it also streams outward from you into your world, and to all who are in need. The more you open to receiving, the more love that will flow to you and through you. In your receiving you give. In your giving you receive. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/09/2022 • Faith is a Vibration of Creation
11.04.2022 14:47
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You have a phrase upon your earth that we love: "Faith is believing in things unseen." Most would agree with that definition. Few, however, truly understand the depth of its meaning or importance in creating your world. Faith is believing in things unseen, so much so, that you live, breathe, and speak as if they were coming. True faith causes you to emit a vibration that matches your desire so thoroughly that you draw it unto you. When you have true faith, you don't muddy your energy field with doubt, fear, scarcity consciousness, or a need to know how/when/where. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/01/2022 • Look for Love Emerging
05.04.2022 17:44
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Your prayers are working. Your simple acts of kindness are rippling outward. You are changing history. As your earth experiences a chance to go backward into fear and conflict, or forwards into a brighter future, you – with your commitment to love, peace, prayer, and kindness – are part of a rising tide of love. Right now upon your earth, being loving and being at peace is a purpose beyond any personal purpose. It is more important than what you accomplish or whether you accomplish anything at all. Loving is your soul's career! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/26/2022 • Look for the Good...
29.03.2022 15:34
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As the energies of light and "forgetting-light" vie for attention in your world, you feel that tug of war in your bodies, minds, and hearts. So many of you sensitive souls feel the density of the lower vibrational energies tugging at you now, trying to get your attention and convince you that your world is going downhill. It is not. Thanks to each and every one of you and countless others, your world is moving towards a greater light.
Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/19/2022 • The Silent Symphony...
22.03.2022 17:02
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Each one of you wants to be a contribution to this earth. Each one of you wants to feel you have purpose and a reason for being. We know that in every moment you have a chance to make your life purposeful, precious, valuable, and impactful beyond words and your human capacity to comprehend. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/12/2022 • We're turning the tide toward peace
15.03.2022 17:32
My dear friends, we love you so very much, So many of you are so very hard on yourselves. We hear your cries. "I want to get moving, but I have no motivation.” “I’m tired.” “Will I ever feel like I have a purpose?” “Is this world ever going to change for the better?” With all the love in our hearts, we want to reassure you... You are always motivated to do something, even if that something is to rest. Of course, many of you are tired. The world is wanting change and resisting change at the very same time. There is a very great love that is washing over your planet in answer to the billions of prayers, but if you resist loving and accepting yourself it will be exhausting. Surrender to your hearts. Surrender to what inspires you in a given moment. Rest when you're tired. Stop pushing yourselves and be the peace. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/05/2022 • War or Peace? We choose
09.03.2022 19:47
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As you watch events unfolding on your earth, keep in mind that you have more power to affect change than you might ever realize. You can't physically stop missiles, or the people who wield them, but you can stop the wars closer to home. You can stop the wars within your own heart and your own mind. You can become ambassadors of peace. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/26/2022 • An easy way to play with your angels
01.03.2022 14:14
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine yourself in a beautiful place in nature. Perhaps you are in a field of wildflowers with a vast expanse of blue sky overhead. Perhaps you're taking a morning stroll along a forest path, serenaded by birdsong. Maybe you're walking slowly along a beach at sunrise, soothed by the gentle, unceasing sounds of the surf and the whoosh of birds overhead. Maybe you're lying on a picnic blanket under a favorite blossoming tree, or in a garden smelling the herbs and flowers. Perhaps you are standing barefoot in the grass in your yard or a nearby park. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/19/2022 • Peace from the inside out
22.02.2022 12:20
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Given the choice, would you choose war or peace? In truth, you are given this choice countless times a day. You choose war or peace between your head and your heart. You choose war or peace between your desires and your thoughts about them. You choose war or peace between your thoughts and your actions. You choose war or peace with the people around you in traffic, with the customer service representatives on the phone, and with those who play even more important roles in your life. You can choose war or peace with your computer equipment, with your body, with your food, your finances, or with an ideology. You choose war or peace with those whose behaviors you love and those whose behaviors you abhor. A thousand times a day, or more, you can "go to battle" or you choose to be at peace. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/12/2022 • Allow for your likes & dislikes
15.02.2022 14:32
My dear friends, we love you so very much, So many of you are so hard upon yourselves. You live under a false premise that to be "holy" or "spiritual" you must like all things and all beings. This is a misunderstanding of love dear ones. While it is your very nature to love, you never came to the planet expecting that you would like, or more accurately resonate, with everyone and everything. The light within you does love the light within all beings and all things, but the personality that you embody on earth has its own unique preferences and desires and that is how it was intended to be. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/05/2022 • Choosing your path of joy
08.02.2022 10:17
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine you are standing in front of a very large and diverse buffet. You absolutely love some of the foods being offered. Others you can't stand. Many items you could take or leave without any emotional effect whatsoever. You are free to choose any foods that you like. Some of you would think about which foods you "should" be eating. Others of you would go straight for the foods you love and adore. Still others – a much smaller percentage – would fuss about the foods that you don't think have a right to be at the buffet. Which of these groups would enjoy their meal the most? You already know the answer. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/29/2022 • One Soul at a Time
01.02.2022 15:46
My dear friends, we love you so very much, While your world focuses on death, we focus on life. When your world focuses on war, we focus on peace. When one of you focuses on hatred, we focus on the love trying to sprout beneath a hardened surface. Eternally, we hold the vision of the life you want to live and the version of earth that you all, mutually, want to create – one of harmony, well-being, kindness, peace, and tolerance. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/22/22 • Blossoms or Thorns?
25.01.2022 10:17
My dear friends, we love you so very much, When you walk past a rose bush, do you admire the rose or complain about the thorns? Typically you'd only notice the thorns if you ran right into them. Most of you would simply be drawn to the beauty of the rose. If you were a gardener pruning the branches, you'd be aware of the thorns, but you wouldn't curse them for being there. You would instead, cut away the dead wood, trim off the expired flowers, and simply be careful not to catch yourself on a thorn. The beauty of the blossoms would make this extra effort worth your time and energy. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/15/2022 • Loving Impulses are flowing
18.01.2022 17:19
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take heart. Although there are a lot of forces on your planet now vying for your attention, the greatest pull on you is nothing less than the love that lives and breathes within you. This love calls you towards thoughts that feel better. It pulls you to rest when you're tired, to eat when you're hungry, to comfort yourself when you feel down, and to celebrate when you feel good. This love inspires you to take the next step towards your dreams when the timing is perfect. It gives you the urge to be somewhere at the perfect time, so you'll run into someone with whom you'll have a mutually positive interaction. It guides you to sit quietly and allow healing and rejuvenating energies to flow through you. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/08/2022 • The Freedom to Live & Let Live
11.01.2022 19:55
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a breath and promise yourself that this year you will grant yourself permission to be happy no matter what the world around you is doing. Grant yourself permission to feel free in your spirit no matter the restrictions you witness in your world. Grant yourself permission to know what you know when you know it, no matter who or what is trying to convince you to think as they do. You are uniquely you, and you didn't come to be or to please anyone else. Neither did anyone else come to earth to be or to please you. There are those with whom you will naturally fit with and those with whom you will not, and this is exactly how your earthly life was designed to be. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/01/2022 • Happy New You in 2022!
04.01.2022 19:57
My dear friends, we love you so very much, We love your celebration of the new year because it is a huge reminder that you can start fresh. You can change old habits. You can create new, more supportive routines. You can clean out your closets – physically and emotionally and point yourselves in new directions. Of course, you can do that at any time, but when you, collectively as a human race, choose to mark the point of a new beginning, you create a beautiful field of energy. You create a field of hope. You create a field of dreams. You create a field of resolve to be happier, healthier, and better than you were before. On this day you, collectively, as a human race, point yourself in newer, kinder, happier directions. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/25/2021 • The Light in Your Heart
27.12.2021 17:37
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Today, take a moment and tune into the energy on your planet. Can you feel the peace? For just a day so many around the world pause and take time to celebrate a holiday of light, love, and hope for a beautiful future. For a day so many choose to gather with family and friends or to reach out to strangers. For just a day so many, even those of you who are down, lonely, and hurting, reach for a slightly better feeling, if only a warm blanket, a cup of tea, and a good movie. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/18/2021 • Peace amidst Conflicting Forces
20.12.2021 20:47
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As you look into your world and witness the turbulence, know that you can be the peace. As you see the storms caused by the clashing forces within human hearts you can be the calm. As you see the illness, you can choose to be carriers of well-being. For in every situation dear ones, there is a stream of great love and grace attempting to carry each individual – and the collective human race – towards the loving realities that you all desire, and in every case, there is either a willingness to focus upon and attune yourself to those realities or a resistance that causes great turbulence within and without. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/11/2021 • A little love is a bright light
14.12.2021 19:47
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Twinkle twinkle little stars...This is how we see you, dear ones - each one of you with a beautiful heart, a beautiful light, and a beautiful ability to be the light in the darkness. You have the ability to share kindness when others are impatient. You have the ability to offer a warm smile to a stranger. You have the ability to listen to someone who is upset, with compassion and non-judgment. You have the ability to pray for peace in the hearts of those who want war. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/04/2021 • Simple Kindness leads to big change
07.12.2021 19:52
My dear friends, we love you so very much, A baby in a manger... a flame in the lamp... such small things really. The babe and the lamp were tiny lights in a darkened and chaotic world, a world in which there was political unrest, financial challenges, divisiveness between castes and nations – not unlike your world today. What difference could a baby make? What difference could even a miraculous lamp symbolize? What difference can your kindness to a stranger make, or your anonymous dollar in the charitable donation pot? How does your willingness to be happy regardless of what the world is doing around you shine a light upon this earth? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/27/2021 • Happy Holidays - Just Add Love!
30.11.2021 19:50
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Upon your earth, something magical transpires over the holidays. A vast majority of you take time, no matter what is going on upon your planet to love. You take time to love your homes. You take time to share love with those dear to you. Through charitable acts, you share love with those less fortunate and those whom you will never meet. You put on beautiful music, set a festive table, and take time to prepare meals with love. You share of your hearts more easily with one another as you run your errands, and you take the time to focus on the only thing that will matter at the end of your lives, which is Love. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/20/2021 • Get your Gratitude Game On!
23.11.2021 20:18
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate! You can all count on the fact that we are giving thanks for you every day, and indeed in every moment of your lives. We are giving thanks for your courage, your light, your hearts, your tenacity, your willingness to be here upon the earth at this time of great and yet turbulent awakening. We are giving thanks for your desire to live and let live. We are giving thanks for your authenticity, for your willingness to be the you that you really are, rather than the "you" others say you should be. We are giving thanks for your gatherings, your feasts, your kindness, your care, your compassion, and your grace. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/13/2021 • Feeling the Love
16.11.2021 19:56
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine for a moment that you are outside, wrapped in a warm blanket on a cool night, looking at the vast expanse of twinkling stars overhead. Feel the smallness of your physical form, the relative smallness of your planet when compared to the immense reaches of space and the countless galaxies that revolve within it. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/06/2021 • Are you living in "Reality?"
09.11.2021 19:56
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Are you living in the real world? Are you living in the world of love, abundance, peace, joy, and harmony? Are you living in the world where the Source of all love and life wants to fulfill the essence of each and every desire in your heart? Or are you living in the world created by those who have blocked the flow of love in their world a long time ago? Are you living in a world that you were conditioned to believe is real? Heaven and hell and every world in between exist simultaneously, in every single space and time. These are dimensions of awareness that exist at different frequencies, much as your different television and radio stations. You get to choose which one you attune yourselves to. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/30/2021 • Away from Fright to Delight
02.11.2021 20:29
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As many of you celebrate your holiday of Halloween, we love the fact that you are taking things that might otherwise be considered "frightening" and instead "lightening" them up! From our view of reality you have nothing to fear at all because you are, and always will be, in control of your own vibration, and therefore in control of your experience of reality. Love wants to flow, and as we expressed last week, you either allow it or pinch off its supply. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/23/2021 • Are Your Docks Unblocked?
26.10.2021 20:26
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Each one of you is a microcosm of the entire universe. You can activate any frequency you like within yourself. With love and appreciation, you can activate your connection with the Source, or you can activate your connection with world problems, such as supply-chain issues, by pinching off the love waiting to flow through your own borders. You can activate frequencies of joyous celebration or frequencies of abject hatred. Within each one of you is the potential to tune into anything at all that already does, or can, exist in your reality. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/16/2021 • Are You a Reactor or Creator?
19.10.2021 20:22
My dear friends, we love you so very much, It is time upon your earth to ask yourself, "Am I a reactor, or a creator?" Are my feelings based on reactions to what I see around me in my external world, or are my feelings based on the kinder, happier thoughts I choose to embrace in my inner world? Do I live in the 3D paradigm and feel my fate is determined by external conditions and how I manage to control the external world? Or am I willing to embrace a 5D reality wherein I value my focus in my inner world, knowing that as I emanate a vibration I draw unto myself the very same? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/09/2021 • Expanding the Universe
12.10.2021 17:20
My dear friends, we love you so very much, In your hearts dear ones, there is a bridge between heaven and earth. In fact, you are a bridge. You are an embodiment of the Divine experiencing a human reality. You are pure consciousness taking a beautiful form, interacting with consciousness in other forms, and creating new forms. It is easy at times to wonder about your value upon this earth and yet we reassure you that there is not a moment in your life or even a breath that is wasted. In every moment, you have tremendous value. In every moment, you are part of the unfolding creation. In every moment you are either adding to the vibration of love on the planet or calling for more. It is through your willingness to be upon the earth, to experience diversity and contrast, and to desire more, that you become creators within creation. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/02/2021 • Be the love of your own life
05.10.2021 20:15
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine that you are with the love of your life, whether you are or not. It might be a partner, a child, a beloved pet, or anyone – real or imagined – that you can bring to mind in this instant. Imagine now how you would treat this individual. How would you greet them every morning? What would you love to do for them? How would you encourage them? How would you soothe them when they were feeling down? Can you treat yourselves this way? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/25/2021 • Do you Love your Sweet Self?
28.09.2021 21:06
My dear friends, we love you so very much, We would wish for each of you to love yourself without condition. We would love for you to look in the mirror each morning and see the Presence of the loving Divine. We would sing for joy if you could build yourselves up when talking to self or others, rather than casually putting yourselves down. We know you feel good about yourselves at times. We also see how easily so many you find fault with yourselves. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/18/2021 • Own your Own Mind
21.09.2021 20:42
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You are discerning about who you allow into your homes. You lock your cars when you go into a store. You select foods that nourish or comfort you and discard that which is spoiled. In most physical areas of your life, you are careful to discern who and what you allow in. You"mind your matter" very well in most cases. But do mind your mind? Does it matter to you what you allow to infiltrate your thoughts? If your thoughts were people and your mind was a house, what kind of atmosphere would you like in your mental house? What type of thoughts would you allow in when they come knocking on the door of your attention? In this mental house, you get to choose the thoughts that keep you company. Read More…
Message from Ann & the Angels - 09/11/2021 • Are you pinching or flowing?
14.09.2021 20:28
My dear friends, we love you so very much, For a moment, imagine you are a farmer living in a very beautiful land. Your crops depended on water from a nearby spring. Now imagine that this is a magical spring. When you think thoughts of love, kindness, peace, or any that inspire you, soothe you, or delight you the water runs freely. It bubbles up, unobstructed, and fills all the trenches. When you think thoughts of anger, sadness, frustration, or jealousy, the ground closes temporarily and the water supply is pinched off. When the waters are running your crops are nourished and flourish. When the waters are pinched off, your crops barely grow, if at all. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/04/2021 • Drop the Defenses...
07.09.2021 20:43
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a deep breath. Relax into your deeper truth. You want to love. You want to enjoy the variety life offers and choose from it what you enjoy and what you wish to create. You want to listen to your God-given inner compass and do what feels right to you. You never intended to be at odds with one another. You don't truly want to fight over vaccines, viruses, variants, or a variety of other topics. You want to love. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/28/2021 • What are you for?
31.08.2021 19:54
My dear friends, we love you so very much, What are you for? We're not asking in the generic sense. We're offering you a tool that you can ask yourself any time you find yourself in the position of feeling that you are against something. In a culture of complaints, you empower what you are complaining about... simply because you place your strong focus upon it. Right now upon your planet, there are so many people focusing on viruses, and variants, that your pandemic has gone on long past when it could have ended. Focus is focus, whether positive or negative and focus tunes you into a given reality in the field of all possibility. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/21/2021 • The kingdoms within
24.08.2021 19:14
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You are rulers of a kingdom. Every one of you is sovereign over the fate of trillions of individual cells that live and breathe, eat, digest, metabolize, and create within you. Take a moment and see if you can imagine the vast populations of little tiny beings that make up the body you inhabit. Imagine them working together, signaling each other, taking in nourishment through their membranes, and releasing waste. Imagine the workers carrying the nutrients in the blood stream. Imagine the messengers in the nervous system carrying the guidance to each cell. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/14/2021 • Water the fruits, not the weeds
17.08.2021 21:30
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine you had a garden. Imagine that every time you paid attention to one of the plants, it received nourishment, water, and plenty of sunshine. If you focus your attention on your fruits and vegetables they would ripen into a glorious harvest. If you focused on the weeds, they would grow just as eagerly. By your focus alone you would determine what would grow in your garden. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/07/2021 • Coming to our Senses
10.08.2021 20:50
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a breath and as you exhale, relax. Take another one. Exhale. Relax even more deeply. With each exhale release your cares to the universe. All is well at this moment. You are sitting here and now, connecting with angels, and open to receiving our love. Right here, right now, breathe. Sit quietly for a few moments and imagine streams of light from our hands pouring into your hearts. Imagine your heart is open, like a flower is to the sunshine, drinking in this light. As you breathe and take in this light through your heart, imagine it filling your body, nurturing you, enlivening your cells, and loving you from the inside out. Stay in this space as long as you like. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/31/3031 • Are you enjoying your day?
03.08.2021 20:52
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Are you enjoying your life now? If not, what could you do today, to enjoy your life more? Are you enjoying your thoughts? If not what could you think about instead? Are you enjoying the things you focus on in the world? If not, what else might you focus upon? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/24/2021 • Intentions that manifest
27.07.2021 20:42
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a few minutes after you read our words. What do you want your life to look like as you move forward? Who do you want to be? What do you want to have? How do you want to live your days? What would that feel like? Explore those questions for a few minutes. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/17/2021 • Riding the Waves of love
18.07.2021 21:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Breathe. Look around you. You are spirit in flesh, the Divine experiencing its own life in a body, a personality, a time, and space. You – through your free will – are the creators and architects of Love in form. It is because of your human lives that the purse unbounded Love that is the Divine is molded and shaped into things, experiences, concepts, ideas, and systems. It is because of your existence, that Love continues to expand, grow, and find new expression. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/10/2021 • Who do you want to be?
13.07.2021 19:08
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As you rebirth your world and your own lives, ask yourselves, "What do I want to take with me into this new reality? What do I wish to leave behind?" We are not talking about your belongings as much as your habits, your routines, your thoughts, beliefs, and stories. Think about this often... "Who do you want to be?" We don't expect you to answer this quickly. You are like newborn children right now upon your planet. Individually and collectively, you are in a deep exploration of Self. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/03/2021 • Are you really free? Yes!
06.07.2021 20:34
My dear friends, we love you so very much, For many of you on this list, tomorrow is a celebration of freedom and freedom is, as you say, a very hot topic upon your earth now! It would be our wish that you could wake up every day knowing, cherishing, celebrating, and enjoying your true freedom! After all, you are and always have been, eternally free. You could be locked in a cage and your spirit would still be free, for no one can contain or limit the unbounded soul. Any perceived lack of freedom comes from identification with the physical body and the world of the senses, rather than identification with your true spiritual nature. The more you identify with your spirit, the less you will feel restricted as you live, breathe, and move about your earth. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/26/2021 • Does your focus spark joy?
29.06.2021 21:30
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As the human race continues your transition into the 5D reality, you are learning a very different way of living – one that has always been the way the universe truly works, but one that is more obvious than ever before. Your focus determines your thoughts. Your thoughts (or silent mind) tune you into a vibration, and your vibration is made manifest first through your feelings, then by what shows up in your life. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/19/21 • From exhaustion to inspiration & tools for happiness
22.06.2021 21:24
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Never in your human history have you, as a species, been clearer on what you want from life. Your pandemic inspired you to send cries unto the heavens. "We want to be in this together. We are one world." "We want to connect! We are tired of hatred!" "We are tired of polluting the planet we walk upon." "We are tired of doing things that feel meaningless, going through the motions in life, and feeling duty-bound." "Dear heavens, we are tired..." Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/12/2021 • Untether the Rope....
15.06.2021 20:59
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You have a saying upon your earth, "A rising tide raises all boats." We would add, "as long as the rope that tethers the boats to the dock is long enough to withstand the tide!" Can you imagine what happens to a boat tethered by a short rope during a high rising tide? You already know the answer – either the rope must break, or the boat will flood. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/05/2021 • Obi Wan Had it Right!
08.06.2021 20:54
My dear friends, we love you so very much, It is time upon your planet earth to care about how you feel and to tend to your own feelings. Like a gardener nurtures his or her plants in all phases of development – whether they are lying dormant in dark soil, sprouting, blossoming, or releasing their seeds – so too you can gently tend to your heart at all times. Whether you are in a phase of dormancy, creating new life, enjoying a harvest, or letting go, your feelings matter. Your feelings let you know whether or not you are in a higher vibration and traveling on a grace-filled path. They are your guides. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/29/2021 • Force, Source, Impulse, & Surrender
01.06.2021 20:53
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Be gentle with yourselves. These are intense times upon your planet earth. A mighty force of love is cascading into your planet right now and it is stirring up all that was once stagnant, releasing all that was once stuffed, and pushing up against all the walls of your resistance to love. This force of love is catalyzing the massive awakening that humanity, collectively, has prayed for. You are re-birthing yourselves, and birth can either be a glorious experience of surrender, or a tough process of pushing past the pains of resistance. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/22/2021 • What would your loving heart do?
25.05.2021 21:02
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You have heard us say often, "follow your heart in the moment," and we hear you say often to us, "exactly what does that mean?" Today we'd like to help clarify that for you. The heart is where the energies of your human "self" meet up and mingle with the energies of the Divine. We are not talking about the physical heart but rather the energy center that resides near the heart, in the center of your chest. Many have called this your "sacred heart." Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/15/2021 • Relax... let your vibe naturally rise
18.05.2021 20:11
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine you are sitting by a clear mountain stream. The air is pure and clear. Take a deep breath and revel in the feeling of the air flowing into your lungs. Release gently. Feel a slight coolness in the air mingling with the warmth of the sun. Imagine your bare feet on the smooth rocks or the cool grasses. Watch the wildflowers waving in the wind. Perhaps you’d prefer a beach or a forest. That’s ok too. Imagine a beautiful, peaceful, and happy place and just “be” there, in your inner world. Relax. Breathe deeply. Enjoy the "view' or the sensation. Bask in the serenity. Take your time and come back when you please. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/08/2021 • Getting in your flow
11.05.2021 20:45
My dear friends, we love you so very much, It is time to let go of your expectations for yourselves, your future, and one another. It is time to create instead, to dream. It is time to drop into your hearts and listen deeply to what feels right, good, and loving to you in a given moment, then do that, focus on that, marinate in those thoughts and actions. The world, and everyone else in it, is quick to offer you a multitude of ideas, opinions, and suggestions for how you should live your life, solve your problems, and manifest your dreams. The problem is that no one else lives in your body. No one else has your exact mind, nor do they know the deepest desires of your own soul. No one else can dictate to you what is best for you. People can offer suggestions and ideas with which you may resonate. They can also offer many with which you don’t. What you do, how you choose to think, and how you feel as a result, is all up to you. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/01/2021 • Rebirthing ourselves
04.05.2021 20:30
My dear friends, we love you so very much, So many of you are feeling that you want to create change, but not all of you know exactly what changes you want to create. It is OK! You are feeling the stirrings of new life moving and growing within you as surely as a pregnant woman feels the stirrings of life as her baby matures from within. You are all giving birth. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/24/2021 • Feel Good Feel God
27.04.2021 19:52
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As long as you live in a human body your heart is beating as it attempts to send oxygen-rich blood to every one of the trillions of cells in your body. Likewise, your nervous system is firing, sending signals along neurons to harmonize and maintain the dynamic balance of the body. You have, within your own physical vehicle, an entire universe, with a multitude of systems sending signals, flow, nourishment, and removing toxins. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/17/2021 • You've got Guidance!
20.04.2021 20:05
My dear friends, we love you so very much, The energies upon your planet are intense at this time, perhaps more so than ever before in human history. You have collectively prayed for a new reality. You have collectively asked the heavens for support in re-creating your lives as individuals, nations, and a global community. Each one of you has angels guiding you to experience these changes in the healthiest, happiest, and most harmonious way for your own unique and beautiful soul. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/10/2021 • The stronger the flow, the stronger the feelings
13.04.2021 19:51
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Upon your earth there is an unprecedented flow of love creating movement and change. You have, collectively called for it. In the confinement of quarantine, you longed for freedom. In months of separation, you cried for connection. Watching the horrors of racism you prayed for unity. Going within and creating better futures in your inner world, your desires were prayers that called to the heavens for support! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/03/2021 • Embracing Death & Resurrection
03.04.2021 22:18
My dear friends, we love you so very much, If you celebrate Passover, Easter, or even the coming of spring or fall, you are celebrating the reality of life eternal, and the inability of death to vanquish that Life. Death seems so real in your third dimensional reality because the body can, and will, eventually die. Death was "built into" your experience here on the earth, not as some horrible end but rather, as a way in which you can return to the greater, more glorious dimensions from which you came. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/27/2021 • Would your rather be happy or right?
28.03.2021 21:43
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As you earth continues to rebirth itself we wish for you an awareness of your incredible freedom. Each one of you regardless of external circumstances is free to tune your energy to attract and allow the life you want. When you focus, in your inner world, on the things that you appreciate and give you joy, on the people you resonate with, the causes you admire, in this joyous space of thinking about what makes you happy and inspires you, you begin to draw it to you. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/20/2021 • Memories, Daydreams, Tuning in the Present
23.03.2021 19:15
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a moment. Look around. What is happening in your world right here and now? What room are you in? Are you in your car? Outside? Take a moment to appreciate your computer, phone, tablet, or the device with which you are reading our words. Take a moment to appreciate your environment. Take a moment to appreciate yourself for taking a few minutes to connect with those of us in the heavens who love more than we can possibly ever convey with worlds. After reading this paragraph shut your eyes, breathe for a minute or two and simply open to receive our love for you. Do it now, if you like. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/13/2021 • Loved Exactly as You Are
14.03.2021 18:07
Sleep is a glorious experience of dying unto the "self" and expanding into your greater being. In your sleep your consciousness temporarily ceases to identify with the body and mind. You re-emerges into a greater awareness and understanding of yourself as a soul. You surrender to love. This is why, when your mind is not in the way, deep healing can take place in your sleep. This is why you can go to bed with questions and wake up with answers. This is why your feel refreshed after a good night's sleep. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/06/2021 • Your Truth My Truth So Many Truths!
08.03.2021 20:32
Imagine two people are standing next to each other. A new person comes to stand between them. Suppose we asked the original two, "On which side is the new person standing?" One would answer truthfully, "They're on my left." The other would answer truthfully, "They're on my right." It is easy to see in this example that each person – answering from their individual position, perspective and point of view is telling their truth. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/27/2021 • Dancing in Harmony in a Diverse Universe
02.03.2021 21:28
It might be hard to imagine, in a world of vastly diverging opinions and perspectives, that you can find harmony. Nonetheless, all of life – including yourself – exists in a beautifully synchronized dance of vibration. Harmony is what you experience when you surrender to the natural impulses that arise within you – when you are in harmony with your own deeper Self. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/20/2021 • Patience, Appreciation, Answers
23.02.2021 20:45
You have a saying on earth that "Patience is a virtue." You understand intuitively that no matter how difficult life might be, you will weather it more easily with a bit of patience, for patience is a willingness to surrender yourself into the moment, to embrace the gifts and opportunities therein, and to find the love right where you are, in the here and now. We absolutely understand that many of you want much more and much better than the present moment seems to offer, and we are not asking you to stay stuck in it. If you are cold, you want warmth. If you are broke, you want abundance. If you are lonely you want companionship. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/13/2021 • Challenges or Opportunities? Your choice.
16.02.2021 20:11
When you came to earth you knew that you were entering into a world of variety and contrast. You knew that you would encounter people and circumstances that would challenge you to deepen your awareness of who you really, strengthen your ability to love, and motivate you to use your minds in a way that draws a more loving reality into your physical experience. Why would you do this? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 012/06/2021 • Calm in the center of the storm
09.02.2021 20:34
Take a long breath in. Now let it out very, very slowly – as if you are a balloon slowly deflating. Do this once again. Breathe in. Exhale very slowly allowing your body to simply release the air. No forcing is necessary. One more time. Breathe in deeply and then allow the body to exhale, slowly, gently, thoroughly. How did you feel when you were doing this? Just notice. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/30/2021 • Here. Now. Take charge of your Tuner
02.02.2021 20:20
You've heard it countless times. "The power is in the present." You know it. Most of you believe it. Yet in the throes of human drama, you forget this fundamental principle of human empowerment. We don't blame you. While presence has been practiced in monasteries and mystery schools throughout the ages, you are among the first generation of human beings striving to weave this wisdom into the mass consciousness. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/23/2021 • Avoiding the agony of over-analysis
23.01.2021 23:42
My dear friends, we love you so very much, No matter what is going on in your world, the 5D laws of vibration are, and always will be in effect. You have worked hard this past year to being to take charge of your minds, to focus on things that make you feel better, and to adopt a positive and uplifting outlook when you can. Now it seems the world is tugging and pulling at you now in so many different directions. So many have strong opinions. So many think they know what is best for all. So many want you to agree with their perspectives. Should you take a vaccine or not? Should you live in fear of a political party or not? Should you take up arms or not? Should you pull your money out of the markets or pool it and put it in? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/16/2021 • Peace Amidst Diverse Perspectives
17.01.2021 16:36
You are living in exciting times upon your planet earth. Never before has the opportunity to explore other perspectives been so easy or so accessible. Never before have you been able to sample from the abundant diversity of life while sitting in your own homes. Never before have the contrasts been so vividly played out in the theater of human existence. For some of you that is frightening. Most of you were raised to feel safe around sameness. Most of you were raised to feel right in worlds and with words that were passed down throughout generations. Many of you were raised to "keep the peace" by never disagreeing. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/09/2021 • Your world or "the" World?
12.01.2021 19:33
As you move forward into your new year it would help to ask yourself the following question: "What world do I choose to live in?" While you all live upon your planet Earth, there are billions of worlds within this world, and each one of you – by your vibration – will choose the one in which you reside. You need only to put a large group of people in a room and ask them what they think about "the world" and you'll get as many differing viewpoints as there are people. Each person would say they are telling you about "the world," when in reality they would be telling you about "their world." Consciously or not, they would be sharing their perspectives, beliefs, and opinions. Consciously or not, they would be citing the situations, issues, sources, and the evidence that they choose to focus upon, and the resulting situations that they have attracted into their lives. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/02/2021 • Resonance vs. Right & Wrong
02.01.2021 16:41
Happy New Year! Happy New Now! Happy year of emerging from behind the masks – some of which you've metaphorically worn for decades and, little by little, from behind the masks that currently cover your faces. One soul at a time, you are coming to the realization that you live in a vibrational reality in which unmasking yourself means a lot more than simply removing a piece of cloth from your face. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/26/2020 • What will you carry into 2021?
26.12.2020 19:50
As you approach the end of a year unlike any other, ask yourself, "What do I want to take with me as I move forward into a new year?" As challenging as this year has been, the gifts have been many. If you focus on what you are vehemently glad to be leaving behind, you will energetically take it with you. If instead you focus with appreciation upon what you have learned, how you have grown, and all the gifts of grace that have emerged from the seeming chaos, then you take those gifts with you. You can pick up the gifts of 2020 and bring them into 2021, or you can carry the baggage and bring that forward. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/19/2020 • Celebrate your Bright Shining Light!
20.12.2020 19:36
While so much has been unpredictable, scary, and unfamiliar this year, our wish is that you find peaceful solace in the celebrations of your season of light. Whether you are alone or with family and friends, the light in the manger and the lamp that burned brightly are the same light that lives and breathes, and burns brightly within you. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/12/2020 • Dreaming of a better future
15.12.2020 20:31
You are all so very precious and so important to this world. You are the lights on the tree, the candle in the menorah, and the rays of hope that shine brightly in a world where so many beautiful souls are frozen in fear. Your light, your hope, your love, the present of your Presence, and the gift of your positive expectations are the most important things you can share with humanity during your holiday season. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/05/20 • The Power of Simple Appreciation
08.12.2020 19:29
As you enter your busy holiday season, pause every now and then for moments of pure appreciation. Take a few seconds here and there to stop and give thanks for life's simply pleasures. Enjoy a shaft of sunlight as it filters through your windows in the morning, the scent of fresh coffee or tea, a snuggle with your beloved animals, a moment of connection as you look into the eyes of a total stranger. Admire the smoothness of you dishes, the softness of your towels, the strength of the engine that powers your car, the beautiful blue sky, and the air that you breathe. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/28/2020 • Change your focus Change your life
01.12.2020 20:11
We have, in recent months, been gently assisting and guiding you in shifting your reality from a 3D paradigm to the 5D – a reality in which energy is more important than effort or action. We continue to do so because it serves your soul, your joy, and your desire to create a happy experience of life no matter what the rest of the world is doing. Read More…
Message from Ann & the Angels - 11/21/20 • Managing your inner world
24.11.2020 19:15
Never before on your planet earth has the soil been so tilled by the differences and the diversity. Never before have human beings been so strongly bringing their opinions, ideas, beliefs, and desires to the surface. You have always had wars and disagreements but here and now, with your increased ability to communicate and share via your technology, each and every one of you has the opportunity to let the world know who you are and to share your beliefs with one another. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/14/2020 • Giving up is giving in
17.11.2020 20:50
Your world looks to us like a choppy sea right now – stormy on the surface, and yet always calm and peaceful in the depths of your being. On the surface there is great division. In the depth of your shared essence, there is unity. On the surface there is a clashing of ideas. In the depth of your shared humanity there is a unification of ideals. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/07/2020 • Vote with your Vibration
10.11.2020 18:56
Celebrate your freedom. You don't "vote" every couple of years. Rather, in each and every moment of your existence, you vote with your vibration. You vote for peace or you vote for war. You vote for unity or you vote for divisiveness. You vote for equality, superiority, or inferiority. You vote for health or you vote for disease. You vote for chaos or you vote for order. You vote for love, judgment, or even hatred. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/31/2020 • Relating Beneath the Costume
03.11.2020 20:05
Today, many of you celebrate Halloween – a holiday where you make light of darkness, dress in costumes, share tricks or treats, and in general have fun with what might otherwise be considered very scary topics. Can you imagine that you are all souls in costume, that all darkness will indeed eventually be seen for the illusion it is, and that, through your free will, you alone have given yourself either tricks or treats! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/24/2020 • Loving the hurting hurtful... so you don't hurt
27.10.2020 20:21
Take a moment right now. Think of someone in your life who has once bothered you, or is bothering you at this moment. It can be someone you know, or someone you simply witness on the news. It can be someone you care about deeply, or someone you'd prefer never to see again. Just for a moment think of this individual. Trust the first one that comes to mind. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/17/2020 • Real is the new Right
20.10.2020 19:22
We are so proud of each and every one of you. You have been working hard to reap the gifts offered by this extremely challenging year of contrast upon your earth. You have been diligently striving to gently shift your thoughts towards ones that make you feel better. You have been doing your best to stay out of fear. This is the work your soul came to do. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/10/2020 • Permission to be happy
10.10.2020 15:14
In your hearts you want to be happy. In your hearts you want to feel connected. In your hearts you have dreams and desires. These exist right here, right now, within you. They are not yet tangible in your 3D reality, but they exist, nonetheless, quite real, in the world of energy. When you think of these desires and fantasize about having them in your life, you feel good. When you think about not having them you feel bad. When you think about having them you feel inspired, guided, and clear. When you think about not having them, you can easily fall into depression, despair, and despondency. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/03/2020 • Stand for right but give up the fight
06.10.2020 20:29
There is an age old belief that you must battle darkness, battle ignorance, and battle disease. You battle people with opposing beliefs or those whom you believe to be threats. You battle with your weight, fight with your hair, battle your ex... and the list goes on. The human race is steeped and stewed in the idea that life is a battle on levels great and small. Someone pushes at you. You push back. You see something you don't like. You focus on it, often obsessively, and fight it. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/26/2020 • Look for the love
29.09.2020 15:42
You are in the middle of powerful birthing contractions upon your planet earth. Just as a human mother exerts energy, then rests while attempting to ride the natural cycles of life that force a baby out of the womb, so too your mother earth is allowing the powerful energies of love that have been repressed by humanity to be released through her body – in the form of fires, floods, and various other earth changes. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/19/2020 • In Connection you are powerful
22.09.2020 18:45
Be kind to yourselves. There is only so much you can control in your external reality by using external means. You can't control the behavior of others, even if you're trying to help them choose a happier life. You can't control the outcome of elections, although your vote certainly counts. You can't stop a hurricane by standing with arms wide open, nor put out a wildfire with a garden hose. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/12/2020 • Don't fear your differences
15.09.2020 18:20
There are worlds upon worlds in both your 3D reality and beyond. There are entire communities of diverse individuals all within a mere half inch of your pinky finger – communities of skin cells, bone cells, blood cells, capillaries, cuticles, hormones, neurons, and so much more! There are a myriad of diverse communities within a square foot in your yard – leaves, soil, bacteria, bugs, molds, water, roots, etc. Likewise there are nations in your gut. Without exception, each of these natural communities is designed to follow its direction from the Source and exist in harmony and balance with the diversity of life around it. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/05/2020 • Flowing Love
08.09.2020 19:12
You have heard and heeded the call. You have been working hard to be agents of peace, love, and hope in a world in need. Many of you have been listening to our recommendations these past few weeks, and practicing a vibration of peace. You have been striving to love whenever and wherever you can. You have been catching yourselves when you focus on what is wrong with the world and shifting – one thought at a time – towards a better and brighter future. You have been, not only willing, but powerfully able to assist the heavens in creating vibrational change. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/29/2020 • A Choice for Peace
01.09.2020 20:18
Take a moment. Breathe. Go to a place of peace inside of yourself. Allow yourself to imagine the most beautiful, heavenly world you can – a world where people walk freely, unmasked, looking into one another's eyes while knowing they are looking into the eyes of God. Imagine a peaceful world – a word in which all perspectives are understood to have value. Imagine a world in which there is an understanding that all races comprise a beautiful kaleidoscope called the human race. Dear ones, imagine a world in which you know who you are, what you are, and who everyone else is too. Imagine a world in which you see only One Love in countless forms. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/22/2020 • Programming for Peace
25.08.2020 21:26
Your words, in their best and most powerful usage, are symbols for the vibrations they represent. For example, when you say, "I love this," and you allow yourself to feel love, your words contain the vibration of love. When you say, "Peace be with you," and you feel the vibration of peace in your heart, your words share the very same. When you do not feel what you are saying, your words are vibrationally weak. When you take the time to speak with heart and feeling, your words can calm the storms. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/15/2020 • Please Practice Peace...
18.08.2020 20:52
Breathe deeply. Think of a situation – either real or imagined – in which you feel deep peace. It can be a place you have visited, a place you have seen in a movie, or one you imagined in your wildest dreams. It may be a memory of being in your lover’s arms, or the first time you held your newborn child. It could be a moment of snuggling with your dog or petting your purring cat. It may be a time you watched the sunrise, listened to the birds, walked in the forest, or sat upon the sea shore. Shut your eyes for a moment and see what comes to mind. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/08/2020 • Self Love is a Gift for the World!
11.08.2020 20:23
You are courageous, loving, beautiful, light-filled beings! You are souls who have an inner desire and a strong intention to be here upon this earth in this time of incredible growth and expansion. You chose to wake up this morning! You choose to transition from your excursions out of the body in the higher realms of reality, and to reincarnate into your earthly dimension each new day. You chose to be here at this time in human history, helping to usher in a grand and glorious new reality during this tough, but nonetheless amazing, time of awakening! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/01/2020 • Don't fear conspiracies
07.08.2020 20:57
From time immemorial there have been theories about conspiracies. Who is controlling you? What is controlling you? Secret governments. Chem trails, 5G, vaccinations, and the list goes on. Some of these theories have a foundation in truth, for fearful souls have always tried to control others through fear. Many are simply fabrications. We would like to share with you the most hidden fact of all upon your planet earth, namely that you are so powerful that no one or nothing can control you without you vibrationally allowing for it. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/25/2020 • Embrace the Opportunities
31.07.2020 16:16
"When will it all be over," you ask? "How about now?" we reply. In the midst of a historic, unprecedented, and uncertain time upon your planet earth, you have incredible opportunities for spiritual growth and expansion. Even now, you can find bliss by embracing the power, beauty, and majesty of your true Self. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/18/2020 • Dreaming a Better World
18.07.2020 16:55
Imagine your world in the distant future. Imagine people working in harmony with Mother earth, building Eco-friendly buildings powered by the sun, wind, and waves. Imagine plants growing on rooftops, and energy-efficient clean transportation. Imagine parks and natural preserves that give human beings an appreciation of the vastness and beauty of creation. Imagine that well-being has replaced sickness, and that people understand the quality of their thoughts creates the quality of their entire lives. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/11/2020 • Wobbling between 3D & 5D
11.07.2020 16:08
What world are you living in this very moment? Are you living in a world of pandemic with no seeming end, horrible divisions, and scathing political disagreements? Or, are you living in a world where you are eternally connected to the Source of well-being, experiencing unity within self, and experiencing a love for all perspectives, because you know that all help you find clarity about your own point of view? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/04/20 • The freedom to be and disagree
11.07.2020 12:01
What an incredible time you are living within! Everything is coming up and out. You're going within, taking inventory of your feelings. You're taking inventory of your life. You're getting clearer on who you are, what you want in your life, and what you don't. So is everyone else. There is wonderful growth and expansion, as never before. During quarantine you sent tsunamis of desire unto the heavens. "Yes! We are in it together!" "Yes! We love to see our mother earth clear and pure!" "Yes, we want to be safe, healthy, happy and connected." "Yes! We are coming to life as never before, craving to show up in the world in a whole new way!" "We want to live! We want to breathe! We want to experience our unity!" Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/27/2020 • Weathering a Wild World
03.07.2020 14:25
Breathe dear ones! Feel the life and energy of love moving through you with each inhalation. Allow this love to flow into your lungs, mingle with your blood and then be transported to every cell of your body. You are alive! That in itself is a gift you gave yourself when you chose to incarnate upon your planet earth. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/20/2020 • Peace that surpasses understanding
26.06.2020 21:14
Peace, dear ones is within your grasp this very moment. Peace is available no matter what your world is going through. Peace can be found even in the midst of disease, debt, division, and disruption. Lasting peace can never be guaranteed by your outer world. There will always be waves at the surface of the ocean, and turbulence as you look outward, into your world. Lasting peace can only be found by diving within. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/13/2020 • Breathe (with Video)
19.06.2020 18:20
Take heart! You are re-birthing your world into a much better, kinder, more equitable, and connected reality. You are re-birthing yourselves into a more authentic, divinely inspired reality. You are all midwives of a new consciousness that has been awaiting the right and ripe time to make itself known... in your hearts first and then in the world. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/06/2020 • I Love you I am You
06.06.2020 22:19
Dearest embodiments of my love, Patiently I wait for all of you to open your hearts. I am working through you to the degree you will allow me, to restore a greater harmony, a more peaceful dance of co-existence, and a loving interchange between you and all of creation. Within My being I have allowed you the free will to choose how you will live your lives, what you will create, and whether or not you will allow or refuse My love to inspire and move you. Read More…
Let us not fall into hate... and a video from God
02.06.2020 20:46
I rarely watch the news or comment on it, but I cannot remain silent tonight. As riots break out in our cities, and hatred has reached fever pitch, let us be the lights that we truly are – no matter our skin color, no matter what we've suffered through, no matter our differences, for in our depth we are one and that is truth. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/30/2020 • Dealing with Intense Emotion....
02.06.2020 19:27
Many of you are empathic. You feel the world deeply. You feel its fears, its upsets, and hopefully its love and hopefulness as well. You may know intellectually that you're not afraid of the virus, yet from time to time you feel fear. You may know you're not by nature an angry soul and yet you find yourself more irritable and a less tolerant than usual. You may feel hopeful, excited about the future, and grateful to be alive, one moment, then in the next, frustrated with yourself when worries or guilt creep in. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/23/2020 • Opening up society with an open heart
23.05.2020 17:56
Center yourselves in an open heart, for as your society begins to open up once again, your heart will be your guide for staying safe, happy, loving, and even joyous as the human race continues to rebirth itself into greater love. It may not be an easy birthing in the short term. There are going to be a wide variety of opinions expressed in the months ahead – some kindly, some loudly, and some gently, and some in rather obnoxious and offensive ways. Nonetheless you can sail through this time, buoyed by love and guided by grace. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/16/2020 • Finding Love as we rebirth...
16.05.2020 15:27
Sit for a moment in silence if you can. Listen to your heart beat. Notice your breath. Feel the temperature of your skin. You are here. You are now. That is the only moment you ever have. Why not make it beautiful? Can you think of something or someone you love? It might be a person, a pet, a sunset, a location, a favorite meal or a memory from long ago. It might be a feeling of fantasy about the future. Take a moment now. Drop into your heart, and feel the love that lives within you simply by thinking of someone or something you love. For some of you this will be easy. For others it will take willpower and intention. Do it now. Breathe while focusing on that love, expand it, and come back to read more when you’re feeling yourself in a space of love. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/09/2020 • Let's not "go back" to normal...
09.05.2020 23:41
We hear you dear ones, "When is life going to get back to normal?" It is an understandable question. The past few months have been life-altering for many of you. So rather than going "back to normal" we would ask you to consider "going forward into a new reality."
"Normal," for many, was an emotionally isolated reality in which texting replaced talking and really conversation. "Normal" for many was stressed, hurried, and out of balance. "Normal" for many meant living in a sort of numb and complacent reality where the daily goals activities became more important than the heart's dreams. Read More…
"Normal," for many, was an emotionally isolated reality in which texting replaced talking and really conversation. "Normal" for many was stressed, hurried, and out of balance. "Normal" for many meant living in a sort of numb and complacent reality where the daily goals activities became more important than the heart's dreams. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/02/2020 • A world in rebirth....
05.05.2020 19:31
Breathe. Be patient with yourselves and one another. You are in a state of re-birthing upon your planet earth and birth is not a process that can be easily rushed. It must come in its own time. The human race is going through intense contractions right now – one moment feeling very hopeful that things are progressing and that you can see the light at the tunnel, and in the next feeling stuck, frustrated, and stagnant. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/25/2020 • Who do you want to be ...
26.04.2020 18:50
So many of you are asking, "When is this going to be over?" A better question might be, "Who will I be when this is over? How will I have grown? What improvements have I made inside of myself that will cause a happier resonance in my life in the future?" Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/18/2020 • It is OK to unplug
19.04.2020 20:21
It is OK for you – even if only temporarily – to detach from the world and all its pain. You may go to work and see it. You may be "exposed" every day, or you may be one of the fortunate souls sitting in a comfortable home with little to do. In any case, each and every one of you needs to take time to unplug from the pain and suffering, to unplug from the dramas of the human condition, and to plug back into the truth of Love and Light that exists within and behind all things. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/11/2020 • Be Patient with Yourself...
11.04.2020 21:34
Be a little more patient these days as you all strive to get through this difficult time upon your planet earth. Be kind to yourselves and one another, for no matter what the circumstances, each moment is ripe with opportunity to bring love to the surface. Impatience is a very normal human reaction when life doesn't look as you wish. We understand. You are afraid this may go on forever. You want to say, "Hurry up universe! Show me this will end! Show me I will make money again! Show me I will meet my partner! Show me I'll be OK!" It is hard at times, to believe in what you cannot yet see. You get impatient for proof that your prayers will be answered. Read More…
A message of Hope & Inspiration from Summer Bacon
11.04.2020 11:58
My (Ann Albers) friend Summer Bacon is an amazing trance medium who brings through a beautiful spirit, Dr. Peebles who is a spokesperson for the “band of angels” as he says. Summer and I frequently bring through similar information in our own ways and through both of us the angels continue to focus on the good coming out of this pandemic for our entire world. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/04/2020 • Tuning into Your Angels
04.04.2020 16:03
Breathe. Take a moment and imagine you can relax into the arms of the Divine and the arms of your angels. We are standing behind you now. Imagine you can lean back against us and feel our hands over your shoulders, wrapped around you and placed over your heart. Shut your eyes for a moment and simply breathe. Intend to receive. Whether you feel us or not, we are soothing your energy field, amplifying your light, and sending you a loving, comforting, and reassuring vibration. Do this any time you are in need of comfort or love. Rest for a moment now in our arms... Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/28/2020 • Peace... even now.
28.03.2020 14:54
Right now we honor each and every one of your upon your earth, for you are making history – spiritual history – ushering in a new era of light, cooperation, connection, harmony, and truth. Amidst the darkness, a great love and great light continue to arise. The human spirit is strong beyond measure. Your love is coming to the surface as never before. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/21/2020 • A little story... & all the good...
21.03.2020 20:20
Let us tell you a little story about a race of beings who forgot their connection with one another and with the source. They were brilliant, intellectual, scientific, and very advanced in their society. They created marvelous technologies. However, in their quest to automate tasks and communications that once required true connection, they started to create greater and greater emotional separation. In time they became so technologically oriented and so separated that they forgot how to connect with their hearts, one another, and thus how to connect to the Loving Source. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/14/2020 • Love is Contagious
14.03.2020 21:27
Take heart! Don’t fear. Love is as contagious as your worst virus. Love spreads like wildfire if offered freely. Love lights up the hearts and minds of souls to the point where they simply don’t have the right chemistry to let the viruses of biology and mind possess them! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/06/20 • A mightier force....
08.03.2020 18:48
In spite of a parasitic vibration of fear that seeks to separate you from one another and from your experience of the Source – for this is the nature of a virus when you look at its energy – we see an even greater force of love arising upon your planet earth. Read More…
The Angels View on the history of Fear, Viruses, and becoming the Cure
07.03.2020 14:49
While the fear of coronavirus is spreading more rapidly than the actual virus itself, the angels remind us that we need not sit idly by and wonder what will happen. We are connected to the power that creates universes and heals all ills! We have guardian angels to guide us. Each one of us is a powerful force of love, whose light contributes to the cure for the fear, and the cure for the viruses that energetically arise from it. There is such a thing as spiritual immunity. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/29/2020 • Starve the Fears | Feed the Love
29.02.2020 22:12
You have an old saying on your planet, "Starve a cold and feed a fever." We would borrow that and say instead, "Starve your fears, and feed your love!" The viruses on your planet live off fear. They starve with love. Fear creates a chemical cocktail in your body that weakens your healthy cells and creates imbalances that allow these parasitic energies to take hold. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/22/2020 • The Universe is "on it!"
22.02.2020 16:26
Breathe dear ones, you are all loved beyond anything you can possibly imagine. You are supported in the heavens in ways that are beyond belief. Your only task is to surrender to your heart in each moment, to do what you know to do, and find the joy therein. In a vibration of love, joy, or peace, you allow the universe to help you. In a vibration of fear, worry, or doubt, you block the love that is ever-present and always trying to reach you. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/15/2020 • Though I walk in the valley....
15.02.2020 19:15
Not a single soul has more power over you than you do. Your feelings are your feelings. Your vibration is your vibration. Your spirit is yours and yours alone, and it has power and dominion over your body, your vibration,and therefore over the external circumstances that affect you in your outer life. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/08/2020 • No more Self Punishment
09.02.2020 16:48
For every choice, the soul knows there is a vibrational consequence. For every action, there is a ripple of energy that travels throughout the universes. With every thought, a vibration is experienced throughout creation. There is nothing ever said, done, or thought without affecting the entire cosmos. You are that important! Your thoughts, words, and deeds are important – each and every one of them. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/01/2020 • Safe & Protected
07.02.2020 21:01
You need not fear your world. You need not fear one another. You need not fear your politics, your economy, or even the instability of the earth upon which you live and breathe, for each and every one of you is always and forever guided. If, without fear, you intend to be safe, protected, and to allow your path to unfold in grace, then so it shall be. If instead you worry and harbor fears about everything and anything, then sadly dear ones, there are many in this world and in other dimensions, willing to match those vibrations. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/25/20 • Travel Plans & Choices Now
25.01.2020 20:45
Each one of you is without blemish in our eyes. Each one of you is nothing less than the light of the Divine formed and shaped into a precious and unique human soul, who has been given the gift of creation! You, dear ones, get to create whatever experience you like here upon the earth. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/18/2020 • Seek & Therefore Find....
18.01.2020 20:45
Take a breath. Pause. For a momet look arnt, jusound and witness the goodness all around you. Notice areas of stillness and peace. Notice the sky above. Notice the ground below. Notice the comforts in your life – your clothing, your home, your bed, and the food that you eat. Think about the kind people on this earth. Think about the people working to create a better life and a better world. Think about the flowers that blossom for you joy and the birds that sing to remind you to give thanks for life and its glorious cycles. If you are willing to see, then everywhere you look you can find evidence of love. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/11/2020 • Just Breathe... Bliss!
11.01.2020 15:22
Take a breath and luxuriate in the sensation of the abundant air entering your lungs. Relax and release it. Take another breath, and as you do so, feel the fullness and richness of the oxygen mixing and mingling with your body. Sense the joy of the body as it takes in the air and begins to share this nourishment throughout your bloodstream, delivering the oxygen to fuel every precious cell. Relax. Release. Allow all that does not serve to simply flow away from you. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/04/2020 • 20/20 Visions of the Divine!
05.01.2020 20:44
Happy New Year! Happy Year of Getting Clear! This is a wonderful year in which to make a commitment to see yourself through the eyes of love – with perfect “2020” vision! This is a wonderful year to enter into a deeper partnership with the Divine. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/28/2019 • Look Back with Love
28.12.2019 21:06
As your year draws to a close, rather than breathing a collective sigh of relief and saying, "Whew, thank goodness that's over," take time to focus on your lives with gratitude and love. The soul knows that no matter how challenging, or how easy, every precious moment of life upon your planet earth is a gift. As the decade turns dear ones, use this as an opportunity to give thanks for your life, your blessings, and most of all for yourself. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/21/2019 • Happy Season of Light
22.12.2019 16:11
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Winter Solstice Happy holy holiday season of celebrating life and light! We in the heavens feel your love as the human race strives during this season to share it with one another – more so than at any other time of year. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/14/2019 • A Year of Being more true to you
17.12.2019 21:15
Celebrate! You have achieved the miraculous this year! You have soothed the heart of Mother Earth and although there are volcanoes blowing, "the big one," was mercifully calmed because of your love and prayers. Through your love, Mother Earth was calmed and soothed, and thus able to dissipate the pressure she's been feeling as a result of the divisions within the human race. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/07/2019 • Imagine... Your Favorite Feelings
07.12.2019 20:02
For a moment, be silent. Imagine you are standing outside at night, wrapped comfortably in a warm blanket. Perhaps you're on a patio deck, or out in nature. Imagine that it is a cool and silent night. The stars are twinkling overhead. There is an almost imperceptible breeze. It is so quiet that you can hear your own breathing. Moonlight illuminates the area with a soft and subtle glow. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/30/2019 • Giving from Joy!
02.12.2019 17:41
Your Mother Earth wishes to thank you. Earlier in the year she was so exhausted from all the bickering and tension among humanity that she wasn’t sure she could hold herself together much longer. Like a mother weary of hearing her children’s arguments, she was ready to blow. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/23/2019 • Appreciate your Self in All Creation
25.11.2019 19:29
Can you imagine, dear ones, that the creator of universes imagined you? The Source of all being wondered what it would be like to be the unique soul that you are, and in that one moment of dreaming, your soul was born. You, and we, exist within the Divine mind. We are thoughts molded into form. We are the vehicles through which the Creator experiences itself and all that it can become. You and we are as fingers on a hand, waves upon an ocean, and colors within a spectrum of light Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/16/2019 • Controlling Your Inner World
17.11.2019 12:32
When you find yourselves wondering about how to change your outer world, go inward. When you don't know what to do, focus on who to be. When life isn't going your way, go inside and find your own way. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/09/2019 • Finding Clarity in Confusion...
15.11.2019 20:43
Most of you, at some time or another have experienced absolutely clarity in your lives. Your head and heart aligned. You knew what you wanted. You didn't have any reservations about voicing your dream, envisioning it, and moving towards the goal. The desire for something arose organically. It was easy for you to focus on it. You moved towards your goal with decisiveness, guidance, and flow. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/02/2019 • You really can't fail!
08.11.2019 20:55
Never in your soul's eternal history have you ever failed! You have not failed yourself, for you are, in your deepest essence, the light of the Divine in form. You have not failed others, for they, like you, are simply having an experience upon this earth. You cannot fail God, as surely as a wave cannot fail the ocean. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/26/2019 • Peace or chaos...
26.10.2019 17:48
Everything you see happening upon your earth is an out-picturing of the collective inner world of human hearts. Every kind act is an out-picturing of the goodness within human hearts. Every harsh and violent act is an out-picturing of the violence within human hearts. The gentle waves upon the ocean reflect your peace, and the storms reflect your chaos. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/19/2019 • What's really real?
24.10.2019 18:52
Shut your eyes for a moment after you read these words. Imagine you are in one of the most beautiful places you can imagine. Perhaps you are on a pristine beach. Maybe you are walking through the woods, standing on a mountain, or in the most elegant room you can imagine. Perhaps you are beholding beautiful artwork, or maybe you are in a crowd of people basking in the beauty of their diversity. It doesn’t matter… allow your soul to show you a beautiful place in your imagination. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/12/2019 • Choices, choices...
12.10.2019 19:19
Paths appear and disappear in your lives. Doors open and close. Opportunities come and go, and yet, never can you ever “miss the boat!” It is not possible to bypass your growth, for it shows up always in one form or another. It is not possible to bypass the essence of your desires, for if you miss one opportunity another will simply arise. You cannot lose! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/05/2019 • Perspective, Storms, & Sunshine....
05.10.2019 19:21
Our channel has a little phrase this time of year, "Its pumpkin season!" In truth, there are so many seasons on your earth, all at once! In some places it is planting season. In others, it is the season for harvest. In still others, it is the season to prepare for a very cold winter to come. For some it is swimming season! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/28/2019 • Travel Plans for the Soul
28.09.2019 21:45
There is purpose for everything in your world, everyone, and everything in your lives. There is value in the situations you consider good, and in the situations you consider bad. Love is attempting to surface in the kind people and in those who aren't so kind. Everything and everyone you come across serves a purpose in your life. Every encounter offers you a chance to grow. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/21/2019 • Banish unworthiness....
21.09.2019 22:21
Each cell in the human body, dear ones, has meaning, purpose, and value. Without it, you would not be who you are. You cannot discount a cell simply because it is so tiny in comparison to the body, and the Divine cannot discount you because you feel so small by "comparison" to the vast reaches of the cosmos. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/14/2019 • Soul-satisfying Synchronicities
14.09.2019 22:25
Imagine your life as a Divine dance of synchronistic events that seem to fall magically in place. Imagine that you live in a flow of grace and guidance that allows you to enjoy the journey of life even as you create more. Imagine enjoying seeming "coincidences" that surprise and delight you at every turn. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/07/2019 • How to Pray more Powerfully
10.09.2019 20:46
Your prayers are beautiful to us because we hear the love in each and every one of them. We work very hard to answer the true desires within each and every one, but you - yourself - are in charge of how much you are capable of receiving. You are in charge of how strong a "signal" you send out with your prayers and how much you are able to receive. There are ways to pray that are more powerful than most of you were taught. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/24/2019 • Fear or Infinite Possibility
30.08.2019 20:39
In your world, and in your lives, there are an infinite number of possible futures. Some are more probable than others. We can see your probable future simply by reading your energy field today and gaging how much growth you are willing to do along the way. You can change everything. With each choice, thought, and action, you either stay on the same path or change course, for your choices, thoughts and actions define your vibration, and your vibration defines your future. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/17/2019 • Embracing challenge and fear
17.08.2019 21:39
Each and every one of you upon the earth is here to grow ever closer to the understanding of your unity with the creator and one another. Each one of you has times of glorious flow, and times where the growth you are on earth to do propels you into seeming chaos. Yet, even in these seeming times of chaos, you will see in retrospect, that a greater order was emerging in you life, and a greater understanding of the beauty, the truth, and the light that you are rising up from within. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/10/2019 • Peace amidst life's storms
10.08.2019 19:12
So many of you are feeling the world’s unrest. It manifests in anxiety, crankiness, intolerance, impatience, fear, or a multitude of other feelings that can be summed up in one word – unsettled. You feel unsettled because you are sensitive and your world is unsettled. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/03/2019 • Don't let your focus flicker
03.08.2019 18:36
You experience yourselves as flesh and blood, body and mind, moving through physical space and linear time. In truth you are infinite consciousness, experiencing itSelf through the filter of your body and your mind. In an infinite matrix of possibility, you use your free will to focus your thoughts, and thus – consciously or otherwise – choose what you will experience in this dream you call life. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/27/2019 • The World Needs Your Peace... Now.
27.07.2019 16:49
We know your beautiful hearts. We see your beautiful light. We know how deeply you want to love and be loved, for that is woven into the very fabric of your being and is the purpose of your existence here upon the earth. You are here, hoping to witness your Self – your true Self – in your human self and in all of creation. You are as the waves upon the ocean wanting to know the ocean – within yourselves and all others. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/20/2019 • Cells, Souls, & the good of the Whole
24.07.2019 17:25
You have more cells in your body than there are people upon your earth. They form a vast and complex civilization. They know that their existence depends upon one another and they work for the good of the whole. It would be absurd for the heart to say to the toenail, "I am more important than you! Without me the body would die." If you ask anyone who has lost a toenail, being in heaven due to a failed heart is certainly easier than coping with the pain of losing the nail on earth! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/13/2019 • Our Mother Wants us to Love
16.07.2019 20:37
Be kind to one another dear ones. Your Mother Earth is in need. She can withstand pollution, drilling, and all manner of ills. She puts up with these things in the same way a human mother allows her little children to make a mess of her living room. With the help of inspired humans she can clean up these problems. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/06/2019 • No Act of Love is Ever too Small
12.07.2019 23:17
Each one of you is an integral and important part of the puzzle of life. Each one of you contributes on a daily basis to the whole of humanity. Your love, your care, your prayers, and your good deeds ripple into the fabric of the cosmos just as clearly as pleasurable and healthy sensations in the body ripple through the entire nervous system. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/29/2016 • Forgiving Yourself....
05.07.2019 21:49
This week we journey deeper into our discussion of forgiveness, so you can free yourselves from the pains of the past and reclaim your birthright of Divine Joy! If you embrace this discussion beloved souls, then reclaiming your Divine joy will be so much simpler, for beneath every single upset, every single frustration, every feeling of anger towards an insensitive, abusive, or unconscious soul there is only one feeling, one thought, that binds you to pain. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/22/2019 • The Courage to Forgive
23.06.2019 21:14
Today we'd like to address a topic that you are all familiar with and yet one that provides great struggle for the human heart – forgiveness.
We know that if we asked you a simple question, "Do you want to carry the pain of your past into your future?" each and every one of you would answer with a resounding "No! I wish to be free of it." Read More…
We know that if we asked you a simple question, "Do you want to carry the pain of your past into your future?" each and every one of you would answer with a resounding "No! I wish to be free of it." Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 06/15/2019 • Programming Your Sleep
19.06.2019 21:42
Your sleep is a rich and productive time. It is a time when the majority of your spirit leaves your physical body and visits the heavens. You can engage in a multitude of activities while your awareness is in these other dimensions. Some of you have “planning meetings” with your angels. You examine your upcoming choices, creations, and the many possible pathways for your upcoming growth. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 06/08/2019 • Dealing with Challenges/Finding Love
14.06.2019 21:32
Life, dear ones, will have its challenges. You spill your milk. The refrigerator breaks. You stub your toe, or more seriously lose a job or a loved one. Elements of your dream here upon the earth shift and change. The constant behind and beneath all things, however, is and always will be, love. Read More…
Message from Ann & the Angels – 06/01/2019 • Moving Beyond Judgment...
01.06.2019 15:19
When you look at your world dear ones, what do you see? Do you see the magnificence, glory, and wonder of creation, or do you see the pain and problems? Do you see an evolving consciousness present in all things or a disparate group of beings all trying to survive? Do you see hope, or do you see despair? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/25/2019 • Feeling Connection
26.05.2019 18:58
It has been awhile... This week as I sat to channel the newsletter the Presence came through along with a peace so deep and sweet I could barely stay present to type. I wanted to sink into it and feel the bliss. I hope you can feel it too. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/18/2019 • Your Purpose is SO Simple!
19.05.2019 16:15
So many of you upon the earth wonder, “What is my life’s purpose?” You seek to find meaningful work or meaningful projects, hoping that once you “find your purpose” you will also feel significant in the greater scheme of life. You want to feel like you matter. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/11/2019 • Tuning into the Divine Mother
12.05.2019 18:26
Happy Mother's Day to those of you who nurture life in any form. Be you male or female, is the energy of the Divine Mother within you that gives birth. It is the energy of the Divine Mother that nurtures, not only yourselves and one another, but your ideas, your projects, and plans! It is the energy of the Divine Mother that helps you sit in silent reception to God's love. For within God, dear ones, all energies exist, and all energies are present within you to some degree. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/04/2019 • Got Challenges? Find Opportunities!
04.05.2019 17:19
Challenges will always be part of life, but you will always have the opportunity to see them as opportunities. By their very nature, challenges are situations that you don't know how, or if, you can handle. When you see something as a challenge, your personality is not certain it is up for the task! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/27/2019 • Programming yourself.... and this week's spiritual adventure!
01.05.2019 18:41
Before you go to bed tonight, take a few moments to think about who you wish to be. Ask yourself, "What parts of me would I like to leave behind as I ease my spirit back into the realms of Oneness tonight? What within me must be released so I can resurrect greater love, greater health, greater abundance, greater expression, and greater joy tomorrow?" Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/20/2019 • Resurrecting good feelings
20.04.2019 21:01
Search your hearts dear ones. What is it you would most like to feel here upon this earth? Take a moment, shut your eyes, breathe and ask the question, "Dear heart of hearts, what would you most like to feel here upon this earth, right here, right now?" Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 0412/2019 • Got Guidance? Yes!
17.04.2019 19:42
In every second of every day you are guided by the power that creates universes. With every breath you receive a unique impulse from the Source guiding you towards your hearts truest desires upon the most loving and joyful path. In much the same way as the nervous system conveys messages from each every cell in the body to the brain and then carries back its instructions to every cell, there is a vibrational system of communication in the universe that guides each of you to a more loving and harmonious interaction with life. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/06/2019 • Putting my fears on Ice!
12.04.2019 19:52
Your minds are so much more powerful than you could ever imagine. It is with your mind that you get to exercise one of your greatest gifts – the gift of free will. In the vast realms of mind, you are unlimited. Like a television tuner, you can use your mind to focus on any reality you wish to experience. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 0330/2019 • Embracing Joy... no matter what
05.04.2019 21:54
Allow me to introduce myself. I have a name that is musical in nature, rather than verbal. I transmit to you via vibration. You might perceive me as feminine in nature and I am, in a sense, one of the many spirits of Joy. If you had to use a name for me, you could call me Ilina (pronounced ee-lee-na) for its vibration suits me well. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 3/23/2019 • Little Deaths, New Births, and more...
30.03.2019 15:43
Celebrate the changing seasons on your earth, and even more so, the changing seasons of your lives. You were born to go through cycles of birth, death, and dormancy, time and again. Some of your cycles are brief. You are born into life anew with each day. You die unto your waking lives at night when you go to sleep, renew your spirit and body, and then you are birthed anew once again. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/16/2019 • Life - The Soul's Dream
17.03.2019 20:04
Imagine that all your problems are simply dreams from which you have to awaken. Imagine that you could wake up tomorrow morning, and before you even open your eyes, you think to yourself, "Oh wow!!! I remember I am an amazing creator! I had a dream that I forgot! How awful. How unpleasant. Thank Goodness, I remember now!" Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/09/2019 • Making Peace with Change
09.03.2019 16:27
Take a breath while we embrace you with our love. Release your tensions, fears, upsets, anxieties and stress. Breathe in with us. Now release. The energy is circulating swiftly upon your planet. In many cases, it is bringing up old fears, old issues, and things you though you already dealt with at much deeper levels. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/02/2019 • Love Feels Better!
02.03.2019 15:22
It is time upon your earth to resolve your love/hate relationships. You really love everyone! You really love everything. When we say "you" in this context, we mean your soul. You are nothing less than love. Herein lies a confusing point for most of the human race. Your soul loves it all because your soul knows that everything and everyone is the Divine in disguise. However, you came to earth with very distinct personalities, distinct preferences, and distinct likes or dislikes. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/2/2019 • What exactly is Divine Timing?
23.02.2019 21:24
Today we wish to speak to you about "divine timing." It is an interesting phrase, for in our reality there is no space or time. In our reality we see all possibilities occurring all at once. We witness you travelling through this matrix of infinite possibility, experiencing specific spaces, situations, and and times, simply because you tune into them. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/16/2019 • Living in the intersection between Heaven & Earth
17.02.2019 16:16
Look to the horizon. There you will see a line where earth meets the sky. Imagine you walk towards it, hoping to touch the sky, and yet no matter how far or fast you travel you can never each it for it is always moving farther out in front of you. Then one day you realize the obvious – that no matter where you are, you already stand at the intersection between earth and sky. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/09/2019 • What's it like to be God?
09.02.2019 17:47
With a single act of will, you can dream up entire worlds in your imagination. You can imagine your perfect home, your perfect partner, your ideal life. You can be and do anything you like in these realms inside of you. You can fly, swim, play music, paint, write poetry, do great feats of strength, help thousands... for within the realms of your imagination, anything is possible. In your inner world you have no limits. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/02/2019 • Love and the flu
02.02.2019 20:55
The universe loves you dear ones. The Divine loves you in so many diverse forms. You are loved when the sun shines upon you. You are loved by the grass beneath your feet. You are loved by the sound of the birds singing their prayers morning and evening, and you are loved by the food on your table. You are loved without condition, without measure. Can you fathom this? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/26/2019 • The Eclipse and You
28.01.2019 19:24
Be gentle with yourselves this week. The energy of last weekend's eclipse has caused each and every one of you to dive deep and examine your "shadows" as surely as earth witnessed her own reflected upon the moon. This is why you may have had sudden intense fears, upsets or issues you thought you were done with coming up for examination. In the end, this is a gift, for the things that hold you back in life are rarely the things you are aware of inside of you, but far more often the subtle fears, stuffed upsets, and bottled up emotions that you have forgotten all about. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/12/2019 • A Visit from the Divine Feminine
15.01.2019 20:03
I come to you today with a message of peace, hope, and tenderness, for as surely as you are the children of the Source, you are my children too. When I walked the earth I knew myself only as a humble woman whose son had a purpose I could barely comprehend. As He grew in his awareness, I listened with respect, awe, and reverence. I drank from the wellspring of love, wisdom, and being that he shared, and yet guided him in his human doings as any mother would. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/05/2019 • Resolutions vs. Real Solutions
08.01.2019 20:12
Happy New Year to you! Happy New You! Instead of making resolutions, make this the year of Real Solutions! Instead of focusing on what you want to accomplish, ponder instead who you want to be. Instead of looking at what you feel you must do, dive deep into your hearts and admit to yourself what you wish to experience!
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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/29/2018 • Creating Your New Year Now!
30.12.2018 19:56
Happy Almost New Year to you! Those of you on this list know our belief - that in every breath you begin a new year, a new moment, a new life, a new you! That said, we understand that as human beings you need mileposts and markers – times in your life to pause, reflect, recalibrate, and resurrect the light from within! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/22/2018 • A Love Beyond Limits
22.12.2018 20:18
I feel within me the warmth of your celebrations. I feel within me also those of you who feel sad and alone. I embrace and love each and every one of you equally for within me you are all one. Where ever one is willing, there I can be felt within. Whenever two or more are gathered, you can witness me in the eyes of another. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/15/2018 • Happy Holiday Thoughts
15.12.2018 17:18
It is a human tendency to be nostalgic during your holiday season – to reminisce, and dream of times gone by. Remembering times with loved ones, simpler times, times with joyful memories is a wonderful pastime... if it makes you happy in the here and now. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/08/2018 • Relax! You've got help!
11.12.2018 19:06
If only you knew how deeply you were loved you would wake up every morning expecting to receive help from the universe, expecting your day to flow smoothly and gracefully, and feeling free to embrace another joyous day of life!Unfortunately so many of you were not raised to expect love, help, and assistance from the creator and the angels. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/01/2018 • Are You in a Balanced Flow...
07.12.2018 23:27
Before every exhale, you must inhale . Before every inhale there is an exhale. When you give you receive. When you receive you give. When you spend it is because you have saved or you will save to pay for your purchase. In all things within the vast and magnificent Presence of the Divine, there must be circulation. Energy must flow to you, through you, and from you in order for you – and the universe – to be healthy. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/24/2018 • A Happy Honest Holiday!
26.11.2018 18:30
As so many of you embark upon your holiday preparations, remember that your life, even at this busy time of year, can be easy, joyful, graceful, and fun. Furthermore, if you allow yourself such joy in the moment, then the next will be even better. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/17/2018 • The Gratitude of the Infinite
18.11.2018 21:01
I love you with a love beyond measure. I am grateful for your willingness to go beyond the dreams I once dreamt for you when you were originally created. I appreciate your creativity, your tenacity, you love, and your kindness to one another. I appreciate even your sadness, for it shows you care. I appreciate even your anger because it shows you are seeking deeper love. I appreciate every breath you take for you are giving me an experience of life in your human forms, as clearly as the cells in your own body give you the experience of life. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/10/2018 • You really love them
12.11.2018 19:13
I cherish each and every one of you. I know you as intimately as you know your own face in the mirror or the back of your own hand. I am aware of your needs, your dreams, and your desires, as clearly as you know the needs of your own body. For you are the cells in my body and I care about each and every one of you. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/03/2018 • Take Your Joy Seriously!
06.11.2018 20:38
Before you came to earth, you intended to experience life with a spirit of adventure, discovery, and desire. You intended to create joy, seek joy, and share joy, for joy is a celebration of love and love is your natural state of being. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/27/2018 • Are You True To You?
28.10.2018 20:46
Your differences on this earth are here to provide contrast and to help you grow in understanding about what you wish to create – both in life and within yourselves. You can more easily focus on what you want when you see examples of it in the world... or examples of its polar opposite. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/20/2018 • Are You Asking Your Angels...
26.10.2018 19:04
We are always here beside you. Never do you live your lives alone. Never do you have to handle a challenge without wisdom, a betrayal without a trusted friend, a loss without a reminder of your eternal connection to abundance. Never do you have to figure out how to solve a problem or create a dream. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/13/2018 • You are Perfect...
13.10.2018 17:26
Dear beloved souls. When I dreamt you into being I knew you were perfect. I saw you as exquisite and magnificent creations, as surely as those of you who are parents dream of your children's perfection before they are born. Each of you remains exquisite, magnificent, and perfect in my eyes, now and forevermore, no matter what you think about yourselves. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/06/2018 • The Power of Play
10.10.2018 21:57
Play dear ones! Allow yourself to schedule time without serious purpose or plan so your spirit can remember what it is like to be free! We know you are busy. We know you have many things you want to accomplish this lifetime. We know you're responsible... yet, your life is so much more easily accomplished when you give yourself time to relax and seek joy in the present moment. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/29/2018 • My Dreams for Your Joy...
30.09.2018 12:54
I never intended for you to suffer. When I dreamt you into being, my desire was to explore the many facets of self. I was still, silent potential and I began to imagine worlds, in much the same ways you – who are created in my image and likeness energetically – do when you are little children. I imagined worlds with beings of varied races and species. As I created, and experienced, these worlds within me, I imagined even greater possibility. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/22/2018 • The Answer to all Problems
23.09.2018 18:44
It happened again this week. As I sat to channel the angel messages, I felt the most loving presence come over me and the words came with a great sense of peace. I suspect we'll go back to the angels' voice at some point, but for now enjoy the sweetness of the energy behind these words... Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/15/2018 • Melting into God...
16.09.2018 13:14
Hi Everyone - For over 17 years I've channeled angel messages. This one is different. I was sitting in a comfy chair late at night, fingers on the keyboard, waiting for the angels, when this came through. I'll describe the experience in my message this week. For now breathe and ask to feel the beauty of the Presence sharing these words...
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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/08/2018 • Choices, Choices....
14.09.2018 18:55
Your life is filled with choices from the moment you awaken until the moment you fall asleep. You decide, for example, to open your eyes or not when your alarm rings. You decide if you will get up, get out of bed, and go to work or get to your day’s tasks. You decide what to wear, what to eat, what to think, what to say, and so much more. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/01/2018 • Who do you Trust? How do you know?
02.09.2018 17:06
In a world with many truths, it is important to examine the questions, "How do you know when to trust?" "Whom do you trust?" This is especially true now that you have access to such a wealth of information and opinions on your Internet social media. You all want to trust and yet many of you are wary, because you've had that trust betrayed. So how do you stay open to life, open to other human beings, open to hearing the many perspectives, and still honoring of your own beautiful hearts? Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/25/2018 • Guidance - Are you Listening?
25.08.2018 17:53
Take heart. Beneath the seeming chaos of your world, a more beautiful order is emerging. Beneath the hatred, bigotry and division, a desire for unity cries out within human hearts. Within every unkind interaction you witness on the news or even within your own families, there is within all present a deep desire for greater harmony. Everything, dear ones, is always in right order. There are times when the lurking dis-eases in society must be exposed in order to be healed. So too with your dreams and manifestations, everything is in right order. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/18/2018 • The Answers are All in the Ocean...
19.08.2018 18:00
There is within each one of you a vast reservoir of love. There is, within your grasp, a profound universe of wisdom. You have the answers, the resources, the strength, and the courage to overcome any obstacle in your path. You have within you the wisdom to discover the answer to any question. You have the love to light a path so brightly in front of you that you could never falter. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/11/2018 • Bringing Order into Chaos
12.08.2018 18:56
There are times in your life when it seems like everything is going crazy. There are times upon your earth where you feel the same. Yet in the midst of the so-called chaos a greater order is emerging. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 08/04/2018 • Are you a Control Freak?
08.08.2018 19:33
We wish to be very loving with you today as we address a sensitive topic – one that if properly understood can grant you great freedom and grace, and this is the subject of "control." You have a saying on earth about certain individuals on your planet – “Oh he’s a control freak! She’s a control freak!” You say it as if this is an unusual ailment, but as we see it (and we say this with love), almost every human being upon the earth is a "control freak" in one way or another. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 0728/2018 • Do You Choose Your News?
03.08.2018 21:16
We have good news! You get to choose your news! You get to choose your views! Will you focus upon the worlds ills, deceits, manipulations, greed, and problems or… will you choose to set your sights on all the good that happens all around you, every day. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/21/2018 • Reclaiming Your Natural State... and a hike in heaven!
26.07.2018 20:06
You've heard it so many times, "Be as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven." Children, before they learn otherwise, trust themselves. They speak their mind innocently. They move towards what feels good and move away from what does not. They love to share their gifts with others, and yet they honor themselves. In a natural state of being, you would too. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/07/2018 • Melting into Oneness
07.07.2018 14:31
Inside each of you, a pure loving consciousness trying to come to the surface and express itself through your unique and beautiful personality. This is the Divine consciousness – the consciousness of Love itself. As you already know, although One, the Divine has many expressions and an infinite number of forms. Each one of you is nothing less than this Divine love, simply having an experience as a human being. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/30/2018 • Emotions & Your Inner Compass
30.06.2018 17:01
Be kind to yourselves. You are all going through a period of re-birthing. It is a time upon your earth when that which lies deep within you, and your planet, is coming up to the surface for your consideration. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/23/2018 • Don't Close Your Heart...
23.06.2018 15:09
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Open your hearts to receiving the love that is all around you Breathe. Imagine your heart opening as a flower opens to the sun. It is in a state of open heartednes that you can receive all the gifts and guidance life has to offer. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/16/2018 • Divine Love Allows...
17.06.2018 20:11
You need not wait for another to live In Love! You can live in Love right here, right now. When you witness and take delight in the goodness of another person, in nature, in your coffee or your chocolate, you are in Love! When you look with compassion and witness the light in another who is struggling, you are in Love. When you strive to see the light trying to surface, even in the darkest of souls, you are in Love!
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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/09/2018 • Time to Take an Honest Look...
10.06.2018 17:23
The world is topsy turvy now! In mid-May you were catalyzed to bring to the surface that which you have ignored within yourselves. As a result you may suddenly notice old patters of behavior that no longer serve you, feelings that you've stuffed, or it gifts, talents, and desires that you no longer wish to ignore. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/02/2018 • Loving When Other's Don't
05.06.2018 17:47
Divine love wants to circulate throughout the entire universe. It wants to flow to you and through you into every area of your lives. It wants to help you find perfect health and well being, abundance, and beautiful relationships. It wants to gently guide you away from that which hurts and towards that which expands. The Divine lives within all creation, dear ones, as surely as the ocean lives within each wave. It desires harmony within, and that means it desires harmony in your lives. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/12/2018 • The You Beyond Death
15.05.2018 20:56
Take heart! There is no death. You live eternally, changing costumes, changing lives, and yet never you never lose the essence of who you truly are. You let go of the illusions of your material life each time you transition, but you keep the memories, the lessons, and most importantly the love. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - Angel Apps? Really!
22.04.2018 15:30
You live in an unbounded universe, rich with potential and possibility. You are connected with the power that creates universes and runs them, in all their harmony and complexity, with simple loving intent. When you think about it, the magnitude of human problems and challenges, no matter how great they feel in a single lifetime, are minuscule compared with the challenge of making sure the planets and galaxies don't collide. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/14/2018 • Why wait to celebrate
16.04.2018 18:38
You have celebrations scattered throughout the year. You have your holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and more. You celebrate births, commemorate deaths, and even have a holiday dedicated to playing jokes with one another. You have celebrations for the seasons, the equinox, the solstice. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Gardening in the Soil of the Soul
07.04.2018 19:52
Think of your life like a garden. There are seasons of planting your dreams, seasons of tending and weeding them, and seasons of harvest. There are seasons of rest, and seasons of growth. There are seasons of allowing yourself to dream. There are seasons of tending to your dreams and weeding out the thoughts and obstacles that prevent their growth. There are seasons of enjoying the fruits of your labors and seasons of rest before you begin anew. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Time is a gift
12.03.2018 20:15
You live in a fast paced, “fast food," instant gratification society. You push a button and something is delivered to your home. You turn on your computer or your phone and the world is at your fingertips. You want a quote now, a text response now, an order confirmation now. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: False fear....
03.03.2018 20:16
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Today we'd like to speak to you on the subject of false fear. With very few exceptions, nearly everyone upon your planet earth has been infected by it. Without exception you'd be much happier without it. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Go with the flow
03.02.2018 21:36
You don't have to struggle with your lives. You can relax, breath and trust that the power which creates you, also guides you. To the degree that you surrender to your own hearts in each moment, you are being guided. To the degree that you resist your authentic self, you feel exhausted, stuck or in pain. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Focus, Feeling, & FUN!
27.01.2018 22:40
You are always creating! The reality you experience today was one you created yesterday, perhaps even yesteryear or in lives past. The reality you experience tomorrow, or even an hour from now is one you are creating in this very breath. Are you creating what you want? Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Doing what you don't love?
20.01.2018 23:29
We always advise you to follow your hearts, but being human you'll discover as you follow your heart towards your larger desires there are things along the way that don't excite you much at all. Many of you have asked us, "What do I do if a desire is in my heart, but I don't have the desire to do the work required to get there." Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Treasure your life
13.01.2018 12:47
Your life upon the earth, whether it is only a few years or a hundred, is so very short in the span of eternity. It is a precious gift and an experience that each and every one of you desired before you were born. You wanted to shift your awareness from the world of spirit into the physical because you saw it as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to love, and to expand in your awareness of the love that lives within all things. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers - Ready for 2018?
30.12.2017 17:04
My dear friends, we love you so very much. Celebrate! You made it through an extremely tumultuous year upon your planet earth! It was a year of extreme movement upon your planet. It was a year of birthing selves and souls. It was a year when everyone and everything came uncorked and love was attempting to flow more freely than ever before. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: You are the Miracle
23.12.2017 15:22
Celebrate! It is the season where humanity temporarily sets aside their differences and shares their beautiful diversity, generosity, kindness, and compassion. In the fabric of the One Love that weaves us all together, we feel your hearts. We feel your joys. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Give thanks for the future
18.11.2017 15:50
As so many of you celebrate your holiday of Thanksgiving, we in the heavens give thanks for each and every one of you. We celebrate your existence. We cheer you onward. We gently guide you towards a more loving, more abundant, and more joyous existence. We comfort you, strengthen you, and help refresh your spirit while you sleep. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: The value of differences
12.11.2017 16:32
There is, deep within human hearts, a deep desire for unity. Deep down, you all have a desire to connect in a loving and meaningful way. At times it seems like a dream to find this union with all the diverse and conflicting opinions upon your planet earth. However, unity never requires sameness, never requires similarity, and has never even asked for agreement. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Be Gentle with Yourself
04.11.2017 15:55
Be gentle with yourselves. Speak to yourself with words of compassion, tenderness, and love. Be as kind to yourself as you would to a little child, for in truth that innocent child lives within you. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Angels love Halloween
29.10.2017 12:14
In a few days many of you celebrate the holiday of Halloween – an occasion which has become an opportunity to take what is dark and frightening in life and turn it to light. We love this holiday! It reminds you that life, death, and everything in between are completely defined by how you choose to see them. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: You choose the course
21.10.2017 16:00
It is very important at this time on earth, not to run from your feelings, but rather to take a few seconds each day to tune into your own hearts and see what you find within. What is it you want in life? What do love about your life? What would you change if you could? The answers to these questions will help you understand why your life is working or not. To the degree you accept your feelings and desires, you move in the direction of having them. To the degree you resist your own feelings, there is pain, anger, upset, sadness and depression. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Earth is growing, you too
15.10.2017 17:33
Your planet earth continues to grow dear ones, much in the same ways you do. She stretches her awareness into greater love. She shakes and erupts to release dense and stuck energies. She, like you, wishes to allow love to flow through every pore and vein of her celestial body, but like you sometimes movement, growth, and change are necessary. She loves you very much. She never wants to hurt you. She warns you before disasters and attempts to create peaceful movements. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: The greatest protection
01.10.2017 16:20
There is peace, comfort, and safety available to you right here, right now. Don't fear the darkness and the differences. Try not to violently push them away with anger. Simply accept that which you do not like, as part of life, and focus elsewhere. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Make love not war
24.09.2017 16:05
You exist in a beautiful vibrational dance upon your planet earth. You are drawn to those people and circumstances to which your energy is attuned. Your energy consists of all you think, feel, and believe – both consciously and unconsciously. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Not in control
16.09.2017 20:17
Being human is a beautiful experience when you realize you can take charge of your inner world. Being human can be a very difficult experience when you feel disconnected from the Divine, and seek to control your outer world. In this scenario, happiness is a temporary experience, dependent upon the cooperation of more than seven billion other souls with whom you share your current reality, and the natural forces as well. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Not the end
09.09.2017 21:21
It is not Armageddon. You are not facing the end of the world. There is never a time on earth when you are being punished, nor is earth "mad" at you. The fires, floods, earthquakes, solar flares, and other natural phenomena do not signify the "end times" but rather opportunity for new beginnings. It is a time in which you are invited to expand into a more beautiful flow of love, trust, and respect for your interconnected reality. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: You cannot fail
26.08.2017 20:57

It is only the human conditioning which robs you of your natural state of joy and makes you feel anything less than Divine.
In our eyes, you are perfect, exactly as you are.
When you came to earth as babies, you knew you were perfect. You loved yourselves. You cried when you had need. You laughed when something was funny without worrying about being "socially correct" You didn't have a shred of guilt in reaching out for what fascinated you. You lived authentically.
And then, as you say, life happened. You became conditioned by others.You started to feel guilty when your authentic self no longer matched what others wanted, or expected of you. You were trained to conform, to "succeed," and to "please."
Deep down however, a fire of Divine Love (self love) burns within you. Whether it has been covered over so strongly that the sheer effort of denying your truth has resulted in depression, whether it erupts in angry spurts when quenched too long, or whether it burns warmly... it is always there. It cannot be extinguished. It is who you really are.
A rose does not feel guilty for its thorns. A river makes no apology for carving a channel through stone. The sun does not take responsibility for anything other than shining, even though clouds may obscure its light. All of nature knows that its only duty is to be what it is in a given moment. That is all that is ever asked of you.
Don't apologize, dear ones, for being who you really are. Don't worry about whom you please or whether or not you are a "success" in the eyes of the world. Don't change yourself to "fit in" with what others expect. Don't let guilt rob you of your natural joy.
You are already "good enough." You already "fit" perfectly in this beautiful puzzle of life. If you think even the smallest loving thought about yourself or another, you have succeeded today. If you have loved in even one breath then, in our eyes, you have not lived in vain.
In our eyes, you are perfect. In our eyes, you cannot fail.
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Dealing with Violence in the world
20.08.2017 19:44
We know that so many of you are deeply disturbed by the violence you witness in the world. Certainly we would wish for each and every one of you a kind and loving experience in your lives, and peace in your hearts even when the world is not loving. Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: A Story of creation
12.08.2017 14:37
Your lives were meant to be a joyful co-creative dance with the Divine and with one another. "So what has happened upon your earth?" you ask us. Why is life so challenging? Let us tell you a little fairy tale – a story of how you came to exist... Read More…
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers - Dissolving the shell
06.08.2017 18:30
Take a moment right now. Imagine for a moment that you have a shell around your body. Imagine this shell is made of any beliefs or circumstances that have convinced you that you are unloved or unworthy of love. Read More…