Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Go with the flow
03.02.2018 21:36 Ann Albers

Suppose for example a friend asks you a favor. You don't really want to do it. You feel like you should. You say "yes." You have resisted the natural flow of life by being dishonest with yourself and your friend. Unless you can authentically change your mind and honestly, lovingly do the favor, you will feel exhausted, resentful, or resigned.
Suppose you desire a relationship. You will feel joy, excitement and enthusiasm when you imagine having it, for you have aimed the creative forces of the universe and in your excitement you have aligned your energy with a powerful, invigorating flow! However, suppose you begin to doubt. You feel you have to "settle" or "be alone." Now you are resisting the very forces you have set in motion, and that resistance will exhaust or depress you.
Suppose you ask for help in finding a dream home. Your intention sets the creative forces of the universe in motion. If you take time to dream of how you will feel, trust that you are guided, and listen to your heart in each moment – whether it logically relates to having a home or not – you will be guided straight towards the perfect home. However if you doubt, feel unworthy, resigned, or fearful, then you are resisting the very forces you have set in motion. It is as if you have aimed a river towards your dream, jumped in, and you now struggle against its flow.
The question is never, "Does God hear your prayers," but rather, "Are you energetically aligned with your prayers or are you energetically resisting them?"
"Are you allowing your faith, enthusiasm, and anticipation to guide you, or are you creating resistance with your doubts, fears, and feelings of resignation?"
Assume you are loved. Assume that the flow of life itself is directed by and towards your loving intentions... or even better. Rather than trying to figure out how to create your dreams, spend more time aligning yourself with them through faith, focus, and feeling... not fear!