Steve Beckow
Ready for the Go Signal
27.12.2022 16:49
“The days ahead will be fraught with changes unlike most of you have ever thought that you would go through,” said J.A. Holmes (“Poof”) on Dec. 18, 2022. As if we hadn’t had enough or wanted to imagine what “worse” might look like. “The efforts of the criminally inclined are intense and the super enslavers are clearly hard at work to distract and to destroy any efforts to overthrow them.” I really took in what he said next: “You will need to pay attention, steer clear of vengeance and toxicity.” Boy, will that be hard. The desire to say we told you so is immense. Read More…
Are Q Phones Ready for Distribution?
18.10.2022 20:49
Please regard this as nothing more than speculation on my part, but we do know the Q Phone is coming. It’ll be everyone’s portal into the Quantum Financial System, unhackable, 8G technology. Could this emailed report be describing it? Read More…
The Truth about Climate Change
23.09.2022 21:00
The subject of climate change is so politically charged that a balanced discussion is difficult. If it was even desired. The evidence from our sources points to climate change as having been hijacked by the New World Order and used as one card they play to keep the public perpetually off-balance and in fear. The pandemic lagging, they play the climate-change card. If the climate change lags, they’ll play another card. Read More…
Is This 9/11 Critical?
09.09.2022 22:04
The time between now and 9/11 is shaping up to be critical. The Queen’s death has been announced, which I understand is a marker for the ending of many dark connections and contracts. The leadership of NATO is rumored to have been fired. Mass arrests are alleged to have begun in earnest. The Supreme Court is said to have declared the 2020 election invalid using shadow documents. Enter the memorial day for the victims of 9/11, the very day on which a global abundance plan (NESARA) was to be announced in Sept. 2001. The day on which many thousands died at the hands of their own government. For some that day is sacred. For others it’s a huge trigger. For everyone it means something. Read More…
NASA Admits Climate Change Natural and Normal
12.07.2022 10:24
Our sources have been saying for years that climate change is a planned return to a more temperate climate worldwide. Now an article from 2019 says that NASA holds the position that the sun is the greatest factor behind climate change, adding that the warming and cooling that occurs is entirely natural and normal. Read More…
How Soul Contracts Work
17.06.2022 21:02
The soul and ego create an agreement for each lifetime in which the soul provides the opportunities for learning and healing that the ego agrees to complete. There is no final agreement as to the outcome for that is within the realm of the ego and free will. There is an opportunity to express the soul’s intention for the highest and best outcome but the ego must be able to release its attachment to the energies that it has created and willing to raise its vibration for this to occur. Often this agreement becomes a battle of the ego and free will against the soul and the life journey becomes challenging. Read More…
What is a Soul Contract?
10.06.2022 19:08
SaLuSa: You have a life contract of which very few are personally aware, and have seen into the future and planned it accordingly. Matthew: Your world is awash in information, but the majority of the populace has no idea whatsoever about pre-birth agreements and soul contracts, the dark and light forces, the purpose of karma and multiple lifetimes, or the importance of balance. Read More…
Now is the End of the World … of Darkness
17.05.2022 20:36
There are wars and rumors of war. So many of the conditions of Revelations appear to be occurring. But anyone reading these pages knows the end of the world is not going to happen. Well ……. yes and no. I could also say that Gaia will cease to have a Third-Dimensional presence when we ascend. In that sense, with Ascension, a “world” will end. And I could say that another world will end – a world of darkness. I think it’ll end well before Ascension. The rising love energies on the planet will make life difficult for those who have closed off to it and work against it. Read More…
UFOs Obsessed with Our Nuclear Weapons?
13.05.2022 21:16
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), which have now officially been renamed as “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon” (UAP) by the Pentagon, have gone mainstream. Footage, radar tracking data and testimony from ex defense department personnel has introduced and legitimized the topic to millions, if not hundreds of millions of people around the world. This has raised concerns among UFO researchers who have spent decades providing credible sources showing that the phenomenon is indeed “something real and not visionary or fictitious,” as Air Force General Nathan Twining explained in 1954. The fact that this legitimization comes after what was described by Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the very first director of the CIA, as a decades long campaign of “secrecy and ridicule” is a head scratcher. Read More…
How Do We Help Our World Awaken?
30.11.2021 20:11
Another person’s awakening can present a challenge for us. The challenge is not to say “I told you so.” The challenge is to forgive what it took to get here. The challenge is to go back to the last point of agreement and start again. You and I know that this craziness will not go on forever. But a descent into lawlessness creeps ever closer. Read More…
No Chance of Nuclear War
12.10.2021 19:06
I repost this article from 2016 to allay fears of a nuclear confrontation between the USA and China – no matter how much it looks like things are going that way. Rumors of a nuclear World War III persist but will a world war be allowed to happen? And need it be a factor in our considerations of building Nova Earth? Those of us who know that the planet is surrounded and protected by intergalactic federations of light know that Armageddon will never happen. Read More…
The Whole Truth Must be Revealed
18.06.2021 21:40
There have been so many references to “watch the water” and “TerraMar” that at last I went to an article on TerraMar. (No, I’m not going to reference it.) I had to put my laptop down for an hour. Again I offer the concept of “honest witnesses to the truth.” (1) Some people watch the videos of human-rights abuses so that you don’t have to. Usually it’s their job. Read More…
The Dark: Who They Are, What They Want
21.05.2021 21:44
Given that we’re heading into topsy-turviness, chaos and mayhem – however you wish to see it – I thought it might help to gather the comments of our galactic and celestial sources together on who exactly the dark are and what it is they want. What follows is the “Introduction” to that 27-page booklet. Read More…
The Hidden War
12.03.2021 20:55
When someone comes to write the history of this (r)evolutionary period in human history, I think they’ll look upon what’s happening right now as the hidden war. It’s happening in DUMBs (deep underground military bunkers), surface military bases, tunnels connecting Rome and Jerusalem, under Atlantic islands, under Antarctica. Read More…
Are Plans Afoot to Remove the Chinese Communist Party?
02.02.2021 20:28
In a most interesting interview, Singaporean journalist Cirsten W, who was selected by a member of the Taiwanese government to share this information with those who are listening, asserts that in the coming months, plans exist, with Chairman Xi participating, to dissolve the Chinese Communist Party and reform the government along democratic lines. Read More…
Free Book: New Maps of Ascension
26.12.2020 18:11
A Christmas Gift from Golden Age of Gaia: A copy of the newly-completed, 577-page New Maps of Ascension. This book looks at Ascension from a number of angles. I consider it especially important for reminding ourselves, at this time of chaos and mayhem, what the Mother’s Plan is. Read More…
The Reval: Bringing the Patient (Earth) Back to Life
15.09.2020 18:05
Other dimensional, galactic civilizations, celestials, and the Mother herself are sending Planet Earth a sustained and increasing shower of transformative energies (OK, love – bottom line). Not so much energy that we’re all in the hospital complaining that we can’t stop itching or we can’t sleep. There’s only so much of an energy increase the human body can take before it develops symptoms. More energy risks more symptoms. Read More…
Our Greatest Challenge
17.12.2019 21:47
The forces that oppose global peace, unity, and harmony fall into three types. The first type is the deep state, which chose decades ago to precipitate World War III, reduce the population to a docile 500 million slaves, and assume full-spectrum dominance over the planet. Read More…
Beyond Project Bluebeam
29.11.2019 23:16
Back in the day, lightworkers in the know feared a false-flag operation called Project Bluebeam. Project Bluebeam was a top-secret American project which was designed to use holographic and other technologies to project images onto the sodium level of the Earth’s atmosphere of spaceships or religious figures. It would be used to manipulate the followers of various religions and sell them a new New-Age religion, one designed to suit the Illuminati’s purposes. Read More…
What is Our Future? – Steve Beckow
30.08.2019 20:42
If I were addressing the whole world and telling everyone what I regard as going on right now, what would I say. Well, I’d begin by saying that, every inhabited planet, bound by time, goes through cycles. Where we are in our cycle is important. It’s what’s causing all manner of activity throughout the galaxy and beyond.
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The Cabal and the Galactics, According to Adamu
10.08.2019 18:58
What this means is that our spirit technology surpasses their material technology by an almost unimaginable margin. Now these others, they feel we stand in the way of their plans and they feel they want what we have. So they will attack us when they can. They would in fact destroy us if they could and take everything we have from us. But they cannot. They very rarely manage to even hurt one of us in the slightest way. Read More…
Steve Beckow: Rapid and Steady Progress
04.01.2019 19:11
As we close 2018, it may be sobering to think that we’ve closed the last year in which the threat hung over the world of a nuclear world war. World War III was planned such that only 500 million people were projected to survive, to serve as slaves for the elite. Read More…
The Storm Before the Calm
11.01.2018 19:52
While I was away, large numbers of U.S. airports were shut down due to burnt bagels and a variety of other amusing reasons. Undoubtedly something was installed or removed or something similar. I haven’t a clue what that might have been. Read More…
Starseeds: Waiters at the Banquet of Ascension
31.12.2017 16:56
This article is one of my favorites. A blast from the past of 2011, to be exact. I think I may have said earlier (maybe not) that most people reading this blogsite and all the other sites on 2012, are in my estimation Starseeds. Terrestrials reading these sites, I believe, might mostly say, “Hey, these folks are nut cases. I’m outta here. Stanley Cup’s on tonight.” Terrestrials may feel no resonance or they may not feel it until after Disclosure. Starseeds feel more resonance, perhaps for a reason they know not. Read More…
Who are the Illuminati?
07.12.2017 18:27
In these Accountability and Reconciliation phases of Ascension, some people may for the first time be hearing about a group that has so far managed to operate largely in the shadows. Or people have ignored what they consider to be “conspiracy theories.” By now, the reality of this group and their agenda is becoming better known. Let me offer an introduction to them here from the messages of Matthew Ward. Read More…