The Cabal and the Galactics, According to Adamu
10.08.2019 18:58 Galactic Federation | Steve Beckow

August 9, 2019 By Steve Beckow
In the course of researching Subs Under America, I came across a passage from Adamu that is so illuminating that I “have to” repost the quote in its entirety.
We tend to think in terms of fads and fashions, trends and obsolescence. So a passage like this from 2009 may be considered passé, yesterday’s knowledge.
But there’s no time for the galactics, as Adamu said: “Our consciousness resides outside of space and time.” (2) The past, present, and future are equally available to them.
And their wisdom doesn’t have a “best before” date. So something Adamu said in 2009 is as alive and applicable for me as something he said in 2019.
Here he lays out for us that the galactics see the secret space fleet as “tin toys and party favors.” The cabal wants to destroy the galactics and they cannot; the galactics have the power to destroy the cabal and they will not.
Speaking of 2019, let me attach as well his statement that the galactics have lost faith in the terrestrial intent ever to disclose – from 2019.
“Adamu Speaking,” Sept. 29, 2008, at
Some of you have all manner of fears about a so-called Project Bluebeam. (3) Others fear our ships will be attacked and this could trigger a war and so on and so on. My young friends, I can send messages … full time all day every day, until the day we arrive and every day there will be those that present new fearful scenarios that I might have to dispel. This is because you are falling for the manipulation games of those that do not wish for this event to take place.
Please, take a second. Try to think. If we are able to surround your planet with millions of ships of living light. If we are able to bring ships across thousands of light years in an instant. If our consciousness resides outside of space and time. If we can manifest a ship many miles across by desire alone. If we can defeat a warring enemy without ever attacking them. If we can disable your nuclear devices without touching them. If we can balance your planetary magnetosphere. I could go on and on. The point is, if we can do all these things and so much more, do you honestly think your Earth cabal’s tin toys and party favours are going to get in our way? They are not.
And the other space races with which they are in cahoots? Well, it’s time that I bring some light to that situation as well. You need to understand that we of the Galactic Federation of Light are of a unitary consciousness. This means we are of the understanding that we are one with all. This is powerful in ways that you can`t imagine. It means we share understanding, knowledge, wisdom, truth, technology! We share in fact…life! With all that is.
We are almost like a single organism that expands into untold and unfathomable realities. We have access to the technologies, to the best thinking, of infinite intelligence. These other space races with their metal flying ships … do not. They are of duality consciousness. Which means each of them must think alone. Each of these races sees themselves opposed to all the others. And internally they are split into factions as well. They are divided and divided and divided. We are united. We are one.
What this means is that our spirit technology surpasses their material technology by an almost unimaginable margin. Now these others, they feel we stand in the way of their plans and they feel they want what we have. So they will attack us when they can. They would in fact destroy us if they could and take everything we have from us. But they cannot. They very rarely manage to even hurt one of us in the slightest way.
We on the other hand could, if it was in our consciousness, destroy them right now. But we will not. Because, you see, we know that they are us. We know that they are actually one with us. They just don`t know this yet. So in summary. They would destroy us but cannot. We could destroy them but will not. And that is the state of play.
It would seem on the face of it to bring about a stalemate, but it doesn’t. We are winning. And do you know how we proceed to win? Not by attacking them, not by hurting them. No, in fact by loving them. Each and every being that comes to us and says I am tired of fighting, I am tired of fear, I am tired of pain, I am tired of being alone. Each one is welcomed to us. And so over time it is an absolute inevitability that all will return to the oneness.