Financial System
The Breakthrough Begins
03.02.2023 21:22
Humanity has massively given away its common sense and responsibility to corrupt governments. Consider the wider implications of this behaviour for human existence. When we give away our sanity and responsibility, we also give away our freedom and essentially our lives. Planet Earth has arrived at the most important crossroads in civilisation. With the aim of enriching themselves, the globalists, with the help of the political establishment, have caused great damage to the planet, our society, industry, culture, etc. Now, however, they are beginning to panic as their corruption is recognised and confirmed all over the world. Read More…
The story of money - The One through Sophia Love
21.10.2022 20:39
It is the One. There are things to say. Many. This period before you will be one of rapid turn-around and change. Entire programs and narratives will appear to take on an opposite approach. This will be due to deals that have been arranged and promises that are being kept. Lives are at stake in some cases. Livelihoods are disrupted in all cases. The story of money, how it is earned and how it is spent, is convoluted. There are assumptions that you hold about value that connect it to money. It is not Truth, yet it is the only way that you can visualize worth or value – as it relates to a specific amount, an amount of money. Read More…
Are Q Phones Ready for Distribution?
18.10.2022 20:49
Please regard this as nothing more than speculation on my part, but we do know the Q Phone is coming. It’ll be everyone’s portal into the Quantum Financial System, unhackable, 8G technology. Could this emailed report be describing it? Read More…
The Great Financial Reset & You ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
21.06.2022 20:42
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in assisting you with your spiritual evolution because we are very interested in the process of returning home to Source. We are excited and eager to see how that process will continue to unfold for humanity there on Earth, and we also enjoy seeing how we can help. We give you the help that we do all the time, of course, but there are times when you feel it more and when you experience it more. As you close out the month of June there on Earth, you will find that the work you have already done begins to pay off and show up in interesting ways in your lives. You can expect to experience more of the manifestations that you have desired coming to you because of the clearing work that you’ve done throughout the month of June. Read More…
“Let’s Play a Game” by Ron Giles – 5.9.21
11.05.2021 21:17
The game I’d like to play is called Whack-a-Banker. To play this game we will use the Quantum Consciousness, which some inaccurately call a computer and the Quantum Financial System (QFS). The QFS uses digital Gold-backed Certificates. A gold-backed Certificate is a block or bundle of Data that acts as an increment of currency. The data refers back to a Serial number on a Kilo of Gold used to back that increment of currency – thus Gold-Backed currency. This is nothing new, we’ve talked about this before.The gold that is used to back the currency is already in place. It is hidden in a series of 4-5 Gold Bullion vaults placed throughout the world in strategic locations. Any new gold used to back more currency will be melted down and given similar ascending serial numbers that fit into the library system used in the vaults. Read More…
What Controls the Banks these Days - by Ron Giles – 4.24.21
27.04.2021 20:48
What Controls the Banks these days? The simple answer is this – not the Banks! What happened to the Central Bank’s SWIFT transfer system? Why is it being unplugged? Banks used to make huge profits using the SWIFT to transfer money. The SWIFT was designed so that when a bank makes a transfer using their SWIFT Account, they could transfer these transfer funds (unknown to prying eyes), to their bank trading accounts, use the funds for trading for 24 hours and then transfer it on to the intended bank account. Billions in profits were made in this process. Read More…
"The RV Plan" by Ron Giles - 4.16.21
16.04.2021 20:40
“Q,” says “Trust the Plan.” So, what is the RV Alliance plan anyway, and why is it so important to understand and trust? These are good questions. A plan is a set-in-motion process(s) that if followed, a person will arrive at a predetermined set of desired results. The adherence to the plan is, therefore, necessary to accomplish the results intended within the plan. If you don’t know the intended results, how can one determine the necessity to follow the plan? A plan helps to keep u-turns at a minimum. This may seem a simple statement and yet why do so many people get confused and get carried around by every wind of doctrine (information) that comes along from the intel gurus they follow. There exist a set of results that must be understood so one can see for themselves the necessity of following the plan. Read More…
"The QFS is the New Gold Standard" by Ron Giles - 2.27.21
02.03.2021 22:01
I guess we didn’t learn from history about the old Gold Standard and so now, the "Powers That Be" may be setting us up for another major letdown - again. Nixon took us off the gold standard with the wisk of a pen. He said there were gold investors manipulating the gold prices, and that affected our currency value so he took us off the gold standard for a two-week period to let things settle down; it has lasted close to 60 years. So all you would be financial reformers, why are you taking us through this again? Who is in charge of this Gold Standard travesty? Is it the Cabal/Socialists/Communists or is it the Patriots? Read More…
Understanding QFS Gold Certificates by Ron Giles - 12.28.2020
30.12.2020 15:12
It has been hard for many to understand the new gold-backed financial system, the new Quantum Financial System (QFS). The absurd amounts of money we will get is incredible, to say the least. Where did it all come from? The best way to understand this new system is to look at currency as gold certificates. Instead of saying I have five hundred dollars in my account, it is now appropriate to say I have five hundred gold certificates in my account. It could be USD or it could be British Pounds, it makes no difference. Let me explain. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call: Is COVID Lockdown Necessary?
26.12.2020 17:29
The press and the health-authorities try to pretend that there is a battle going on between the mask-wearing “science” of Dr Fauci and the unmasked politics of Donald Trump. But where is the science? Is there evidence that a non-mask-wearing society will be worse off than one where masks are obligatory? It doesn’t exist. Some places require face masks; some don’t. Some people wear them; some don’t. Even the World Health Organisation now disputes the need for masks. Read More…
"The Sixth and Final Golden Age" by Ron Giles - 11.9.2020
13.11.2020 21:02
As the real Golden Age of Mankind is unveiled, we will see that a very benevolent Being or Intelligence is behind this plan and we as a species will thrive in the absence of the limiting factors that are present in this dense third Dimension. As we naturally balance our body's male and female energies, we will heal our DNA and come back into harmony with our perfected blueprint and go through our ascension. Read More…
The Final Battle Between the Light and the Dark
30.10.2020 20:02
Now it is extremely clear, this United States Presidential Election will decide the fate of the world for many years to come. The question is; will Earth go to the Dark side, or will the Earth go to the Light? This election is not about Democrat or Republican, it is about good vs. evil! Will good people and leaders of the world defeat the evil illuminati who have run the world for many hundreds of years? The election in 2016 decided the beginning of the “Fall of the Cabal” all over the world. This is very clear. But what will happen? Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call - QFS ousts fraudulent monetary system
10.10.2020 13:03
The banking system is a fantastic business; they lend out money they don’t have and charge the lender interest on it, add to it the ‘fractional reserve lending’ that allows the banks to lend ten times more than what they have on deposit. In other words, they lend ‘money’ they don’t have and doesn’t exist, properly called – credit or debt money – with interest charges attached. Under a fraudulent monetary system, debt in real terms, becomes impossible to pay, while the required debt liquidation can only be accomplished by debasement of the currency, that is inflation, in other words theft. Fake money rewards the special interest cliques most closely associated with money managers: such as the Deep State, banking industry, military industrial complex, Wall Street, and the many beneficiaries of government spending.
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The Final Wakeup Call - QFS stops the Deep State in their track
02.10.2020 17:55
Little is it known that this new system has been designed in preparation for the takeover of the Central Bank Monetary Debt System to end the financial slavery and control over the populace. The Alliance gave President Trump the magic wand of taking over the old banking system without changing it. Humanity does not have the technology to fight the Deep State’s financial system. Exterrestrials came to the rescue with alien or even other dimensional technologies to accomplish this task. In Quantum Computers, intelligence is embedded without 3D proprieties. No 3D creation is able to replace the power of a living being. To this end, artificial intelligence (AI) was designed to replace conscious beings. Read More…
The Reval: Bringing the Patient (Earth) Back to Life
15.09.2020 18:05
Other dimensional, galactic civilizations, celestials, and the Mother herself are sending Planet Earth a sustained and increasing shower of transformative energies (OK, love – bottom line). Not so much energy that we’re all in the hospital complaining that we can’t stop itching or we can’t sleep. There’s only so much of an energy increase the human body can take before it develops symptoms. More energy risks more symptoms. Read More…
PAO Galactic Activation Webinar with Jared Rand: Questions and Answers August 23, 2020
25.08.2020 22:03
Normally, each month after a PAO Live Webinar, we post the interview as an archive so that those who missed it can order a replay.
But, during Sunday’s Webinar, Jared Rand gave us so much crucial information about what is likely to unfold over the next few months that we feel it imperative that everyone who follows PAO can hear his message. Read More…
But, during Sunday’s Webinar, Jared Rand gave us so much crucial information about what is likely to unfold over the next few months that we feel it imperative that everyone who follows PAO can hear his message. Read More…
Ivo Of Vega: The Future Won’t Have Money
25.08.2020 21:29
Having units of exchange is not a reversal of universal law. However, shady business practises, theft, taxation, enslavement through work, are all reversals of universal law and certainly not the human condition in the galaxy. When your planet collectively begins to align with universal law, the need for fixed employment and exchange of payment will begin to alter. Read More…
14.08.2020 22:34
The QFS is a megalithic financial structure given to Mankind by the Heavens. It's a megalith because It stands alone as the most advanced Quantum Computer System anyone can imagine. The technology has no peer on Earth at the present time. It is magnificent in that It is the only Computer that can take on the magnitude of accounting needed for every financial transaction in the world in real-time. Read More…
Trump & The FED - True Origins of Money - A World Free From Financial Slavery by Michael Tellinger
06.06.2020 20:52
23.05.2020 16:32
The removal of the many troublemakers by the Galactic Federation of Light along with the RV/GCR and Prosperity Program Funds will revive the world economies shortly. There will be a confirmed Disclosure by many of the world's governments. The Plan is to share suppressed Technologies shortly after the Abundance is Released. This includes Healing Devices that activate our DNA to its natural state of youthful non-aging, health without disease and healing of injuries and instant learning of any subject, skill or ability. There are many amazing technologies. Some can reforest vast areas in a few hours. Read More…
Trump Takes Control of the FED - Leads the way for other leaders to follow - Michael Tellinger
09.05.2020 23:31
Let’s Contemplate A Future Without Money & How It Would Work
25.01.2020 19:49
Several brave thinkers, including Jacque Fresco of the Venus Project and Colin Turner of the Free World Charter, have proposed ways in which a future society could thrive if we eliminated money and trade and instead built a resource-based economy. Read More…
20.09.2019 20:17
The final Wakeup Call - Gold in the Spotlight
19.06.2019 22:08
President Trump with his magic wand, will delay the economic collapse for a while, until the new QFS, with gold-backed money officially goes into operation worldwide. That will be the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset-backed money, to replace the Rothschild-Khazarian controlled Central Bank debt monetary system. The waiting is for the completion of GESARA compliance by Iran, Britain with the Brexit, and Venezuela when the cabal remnants, including Juan Guaido are kicked out. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call - Central Banking Exposed
05.04.2019 22:03
In 1815, Nathan Rothschild, one of five sons of Mayer Amschel Bauer, pulled off one of the most devious financial schemes in history. This was the origin of today’s economic problems. What followed clearly shows that history has not been a random series of events, but rather a carefully planned and executed ‘design’ of land-, wealth-, and resource-grabbing by a small number of wealthy and privileged individuals bent on world domination. These procedures have been executed on such a massive scale that it is almost incomprehensible, not to mention that it seems impossible, but as the old saying goes; “The best kept secrets are the ones hidden in plain sight." Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call - Gold is Back on Track
15.03.2019 19:30
- The End of Khazarian-controlled Central Bank debt monetary system
- The Advantages of a gold-backed Monetary System
- Gold and Silver rigging will end
- Restoration of the American Republic and EU-dismantling Read More…
- The Advantages of a gold-backed Monetary System
- Gold and Silver rigging will end
- Restoration of the American Republic and EU-dismantling Read More…
QFS Off-World Monetary System
06.03.2019 21:21
The QFS-system will cover the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset-backed money, initiated by Russia and China to replace the US-centrally-controlled Swift system. This new Quantum Financial System – QFS runs on a quantum computer, based on an orbiting satellite, and is protected by Secret Space Programs to ensure that it cannot be hacked. The quantum technology was provided by benevolent extraterrestrial Galactics. The purpose of the new financial system is to put an end to Cabal corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking world. The key is to implement limitations that will prevent corrupted banksters from gaining significant profits. Read More…
Rinus Verhagen - The Big Plan, Which has Taken a Totally Different Turn
04.01.2019 19:30
The big plan, which has taken a totally different turn. Here I do a report as I think it was based on facts. The Elite had a plan that turned out completely different from what they worked for. Through the intervention of the Alliance (positive forces against the Cabal) their nefarious plan is 100% reversed for the sake of ending the Cabal and their debt slave system. Read More…
"The QFS and the GCR are Golden" by Ron Giles - 12.9.18
11.12.2018 19:23
With the activation of the QFS, the Alliance will have completely destroyed the Central Bank, banking system that was designed to destroy the world economy and put the world population into debt slavery. The truth is, the QFS has been running in parallel with the Central Banking System for many months and has countered many hacking attempts to steal funds by the Cabal. Many bankers have been arrested as a result. Poor devils, they have been defeated. Read More…
"Faith" by Kat - 10.15.18
19.10.2018 18:31
The Ascension path for Gaia, Her Kingdoms and Humanity is all about Faith. How else to make sense of the Twilight Zone-y circumstances we find ourselves in? Part of the Ascension path is the Currency trudge. And it’s been hard. We’ve been fed disinformation hourly. We’ve been given a thousand false predictions of RV-exchange-dates during the years I’ve been on this path, and this year, we’ve had “immanent” and “any hour now” RV-exchange-predictions every single week in 2018. Read More…
"GCR/RV, Zim Bonds, and Zimbabwe" by Ron Giles - 9.15.18
16.09.2018 13:20
Through the tapestry of intel comes the reality of what is taking place, UNLESS one does not see what can be seen. The value of the Zim Bonds ends up being astronomical. How can that be? The narrative begins with the use of the in-ground assets by the Zimbabwean Government under the Mugabe Regime. The assets have been prostituted for personal gain. When a puppet dictator tries to take back what he has sold to the Cabal, he and the country will suffer. He's lucky he was not killed by his people. Read More…
GCR/RV/GESARA Intel Update: "Welcome" -- September 1, 2018
02.09.2018 17:11
If you’re reading this it means you have reached the end of the revaluation of global currencies odyssey (aka the RV)! This summary is to help those who are late to awaken to the coming global economic transition, as well as serve to aid in your deeper educational understanding of what has already occurred to reach this end; and what may occur in the future, as well as to calm your heart and mind so that you can engage in a very safe, historically abundant currency redemption event which will change life for generations of your friends and family. Read More…
RV/Intelligence Alert: "Alive" - July 7, 2018
07.07.2018 14:25
The RV has evolved beyond a simple revaluation and currency exchange/redemption. The RV event is not going to be the way everyone imagined it. The RV will be handled through the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
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"Refresher" - GCR/RV Intel Update - Sunday - 4.15.18
16.04.2018 18:31
To any and all Human Angels out there still lost in the fog, new and old, maybe out there wanting a refresher course as to who and why we all got here, and where here really is and also where we all might end up shortly… the post is for you. Read More…
Geopolitical RV/GCR Report: "Discernment" - April 9, 2018
09.04.2018 20:47
By any measure, it was openly understood to the global intel community that the end of March, or by Easter we would see and feel the RV, as to celebrate of the resurrection and future ascension of Christ. Didn’t happen. We heard the same thing back at the start of of Q1 (October) and Q2 (January)… nothing materialized. Now we’re into Q3 (April) and again, no release. Are you seeing a pattern here. That after 10 years of planning and execution their still not ready to pull the trigger. Who exactly is that? Not ready to heal the soul of the world? Read More…
"America the Not So Beautiful" - GCR/RV/GESARA Update - Friday - 4.6.18
07.04.2018 19:40
The historical fact of America being the most powerful nation on earth was true for over 74 years, but that truth is over... and that period in history shamefully passing with limited suffering. American soft power, while still loaded with tremendous strengths and unique virtues, is a rapidly changing organism headlined by an irreversible trend backwards, marked by the orange dignity wrecking ball known as the Trump Administration. Read More…
"Final Compromises" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - 1.12.18
12.01.2018 18:30
Singles day Thursday was for final compromises of the GCR completion. All lose issues were “suddenly” announced as settled and completed. The gauntlet has been thrown down by the APTB/NPTB. Penalties include: Complete collapse of national economies, full disclosure of all war crimes committed against humanity, list of pedophilia names and/or human extra terrestrial agenda sympathizers (aka cabal). Read More…
"Beta/Beta" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - 11.01.2018
11.01.2018 20:03
A prime directive from Alpha Command emanated midnight Wednesday in Beijing. Handpicked military command generals from all nations were alerted and ordered to have assets ready for full engagement and deployed in 12 hours, which would have been around 11am Tuesday in the United States. Read More…
Message from the Chinese Elders for December 31, 2017
31.12.2017 17:02
Hello and holiday greetings everyone, I had been busy attending to some urgent matters that cropped up due to humanitarian and spiritual concerns. Redd Hawke (my native american associate) opined that I should say something before the end of the Gregorian year even though I would like to do so prior to the end of the Chinese Lunar Year. He is helping me in composing this in some coherent manner. Read More…
Humanity is Free - Official Decree from St. Germain - December 24, 2017
24.12.2017 14:49
I can feel the words coming out of my mouth like it just happened, "Humanity is free" and I meant it exactly the way I said it and the way you feel it. I wasn't speaking cryptically in an abstract version of completeness, referencing the timelessness of another dimension. I knew it, the same way I knew it when we signed the Declaration of Independence. Read More…
"Master Plan" - GCR/RV Intel Update - Tank - 12.21.17
22.12.2017 20:18
Anything can happen I'm just putting the pieces together for you. You can draw your own conclusions but this is pretty close to right. Read More…
Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for December 7, 2017
08.12.2017 17:37
… Worldwide peace (no wars) and Cabal containment have always been the primary requirements for the RV release. Authorities under the orders of the Republic are cleaning up the streets in D.C. prior to initiating the mass indictments. … Read More…
Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 30, 2017
30.11.2017 21:18
Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 27, 2017
28.11.2017 20:13
“Past, Present & Future” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Friday – September 29, 2017
29.09.2017 21:04
Chinese Sovereign Elders bought and still own the vast majority of the Republic of the United States of America sovereign debt circa 1776. When these bonds defaulted in 1933, instead of turning over the country’s assets to their creditors, the fake cabal government formed in 1861 gave us WW2. Now there is no more USA, Inc and there hasn’t been since August 2012 when Obama surrendered the cabal’s illegal government in exchange for keeping the American economy afloat until September 30, 2017. Read More…
“Reckoning” – GCR/RV SITREP – Friday – September 23, 2017
23.09.2017 14:16
This is the end or the beginning depending on which side you’re on. And while you will get wealthy this weekend, you will be such a small number that will do so worldwide it is your moral and human responsibility to serve the masses. Read More…
“The Benevolents” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Monday – September 18, 2017
18.09.2017 17:30
The world is a big scary place… so we are told. Full of terrorists and dictators, thieves and hidden dangers waiting to pounce on our naive but good nature. Until it’s not. Which is precisely what’s happening this week in New York City.
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"The Transition" by Jeff - 9.14.17
14.09.2017 17:22
I always thought The Event and Disclosure were about the public announcement of our UFO Star Families. Now I see there must be Disclosure of the falsehood of our government and banking system and an Event to oust their control, first. Read More…
“Neutrality” – GCR/RV SITREP – Wednesday – September 13, 2017
13.09.2017 18:07
The longer the Elders make humanity wait in the short term, the safer it is to redeem and enjoy the blessings long-term for all of humanity; thus, serving the greater good of 7.8 billion means more than the 70 million who hold currency. Read More…
"Recess" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - September 8, 2017
08.09.2017 17:10
The GCR/RV is a high level chess match between two powerful global domination adversaries, not some checkers game by children on the play ground at recess to determine who gets all the lunch money (which your individual currency redemption represents to both parties). Read More…
"2018" - GCR/RV SITREP - Friday - September 1, 2017
01.09.2017 21:01
All redemptions must be complete by the new fiscal year 2018 which begins on Saturday October 1, 2017. October 1st is the NPTB's drop dead date (maybe always was the RV backwall). Do the NPTB trust that they can pull off a safe and quiet September RV while the world is fascinated watching Trump's public execution? Yes. Read More…
"Tantrum" - GCR/RV SITREP - Tuesday - August 29, 2017
29.08.2017 21:23
Meaning, there is no permanent or real chaos remaining in the world, so all this foolishness must be manufactured or ginned up chaos in an attempt to stop the RV. This you know. What you don't know is the cabal end game started over 20 years ago when their alien Annunaki mastermind left them. Read More…
“Star Wars” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Monday – August 28, 2017
28.08.2017 18:05

Now that I have everyone’s full attention… Benevolents stopped Hurricane Harvey before it reached Fort Hood (Killeen, Texas) which is the military and gold headquarters for the restored Republic. Read More…
"Deeper" - GCR/RV SITREP - Saturday - August 26, 2017
27.08.2017 12:44
It’s the end of August, a perfect time to release the RV due to low business / trading volume. The kids are still out of school, and most families are soaking in one of the last summer weekend before everyone gets back to work post Labor Day. Read More…
"Clay" - GCR / RV SITREP - Friday - August 25, 2017
25.08.2017 17:56
Like a slab of raw clay, here's Thursday's latest Intel for you to shape, mold, fire and glaze: End of August has always been the desired release period because it's the slowest trading / banking time of the year. End of August has always been the safest releas period because children are out of school (soft targets) and the vast majority of Western world vacations are taken in August before September begins.
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"Big Deal" - GCR/RV SITREP - Thursday - August 24, 2017
25.08.2017 17:51
Everything below has been confirmed via multiple sources over several weeks: Banks worldwide have been given an updated transaction code list for all other participating RV global banks. That is a big deal. Read More…
"Reasons" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Wednesday - August 23, 2017
23.08.2017 19:15
Listen to this song's lyrics closely as we are all Human Angels chosen to enter into our bodies, for this time, to do greater good acts of mercy and return home. Nothing more, nothing less. Sobeit.
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“Showtime” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Tuesday – August 22, 2017
22.08.2017 19:20
The American Republic Government is slowly being introduced to the public person by person, day by day, leader by leader, policy by policy, until it all appears both obvious and long standing or in place (aka normal). Obama is behind everything having to do with the US transition domestically and globally. Absolutely everything. Like him or don’t like him… that’s a fact. Read More…
"Collision" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Monday - August 21, 2017
21.08.2017 17:53
It’s all happening. The RV. Feel any different? Better? Worse? Same? No difference? Have lost all sensation in your heart for anything currency related? Most to all have. Great psy-ops Elders. Time. Start and stop so many times and deal fatigue will wear down even the most dedicated treasure hunters. Genius. Read More…
“Frog Feet" - GCR/RV SITREP - Sunday - August 20, 2017
20.08.2017 19:37
The boiling frog is a parable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out. But if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. Yet what if we reverse this parable to speak of peace and prosperity. Read More…
"APTB" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - August 18, 2017
18.08.2017 18:54
So much disturbance today in the political, financial and military arenas. Makes one ask is the greatest good really being served here? In Feng Shui terms this time deemed unstable, as chi (energy) prefers calm so its healing powers can settle in the soils of benevolence.
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"Quantum" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday, August 18, 2017
18.08.2017 18:43
What's hard... what's difficult about change is changing. Thinking differently is challenging, but permanently changing is painful. Just considering different points of view, different constructs of reality... it's no easy task. But the truth evolves. And so must we. Read More…
"Paper Lion" - GCR/RV SITREP - Sunday - August 13, 2017
13.08.2017 19:57
Very hard to impeach a sitting US President during a potential time of war? Even harder to RV though:(
Isn't it interesting how two "potential wars" suddenly arose in both North Korea and Venezuela at exactly the same time Special Prosecutor Bob Mueller is closing his investigative noose around President Trump's closest confidants? Read More…
Isn't it interesting how two "potential wars" suddenly arose in both North Korea and Venezuela at exactly the same time Special Prosecutor Bob Mueller is closing his investigative noose around President Trump's closest confidants? Read More…
“Dinner” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Thursday – August 10, 2017
10.08.2017 18:38
If you’re from a big family, you know what it means to be made to wait for a tardy brother or sister before eating dinner.
Momma says nobody eats till everyone is present, seated and well behaved. And since she is the one who cooked the meal, she calls the feeding frenzy start time.
The Elders are doing the same thing to the world as it appears they won’t start the RV until little brother North Korea is safely seated at the dinner table. Read More…
Momma says nobody eats till everyone is present, seated and well behaved. And since she is the one who cooked the meal, she calls the feeding frenzy start time.
The Elders are doing the same thing to the world as it appears they won’t start the RV until little brother North Korea is safely seated at the dinner table. Read More…
“Cash Grab” – GCR/RV Sitrep – Wednesday – August 9, 2017
09.08.2017 21:38
It’s a brand new paradigm, for a brand new dimension, in a brand new era. Exciting? For some. Terrifying? For most. Reality? For all. Read More…
"Dinosaurs" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Monday - August 7, 2017
07.08.2017 17:59
Not sure how to post the intel tonight. So I’ll just say wow.
The cabal was pronounced dead this week on Friday afternoon at the ASEAN summit in Manila. Over. Gone. Dead. Poof.
Words that come to mind are easy, simple, invisible, abundant and safe. Love defeated fear in every corner of the world.
Hallelujah! Read More…
The cabal was pronounced dead this week on Friday afternoon at the ASEAN summit in Manila. Over. Gone. Dead. Poof.
Words that come to mind are easy, simple, invisible, abundant and safe. Love defeated fear in every corner of the world.
Hallelujah! Read More…