"The RV Plan" by Ron Giles - 4.16.21
16.04.2021 20:40 Ron Giles | Financial System

NOTE: For those with suspected Fake Zim Bonds - if you paid for them the NPTB will fund your Humanitarian Projects, they know who you are.
“Q,” says “Trust the Plan.” So, what is the RV Alliance plan anyway, and why is it so important to understand and trust?
These are good questions.
A plan is a set-in-motion process(s) that if followed, a person will arrive at a predetermined set of desired results. The adherence to the plan is, therefore, necessary to accomplish the results intended within the plan. If you don’t know the intended results, how can one determine the necessity to follow the plan? A plan helps to keep u-turns at a minimum.
This may seem a simple statement and yet why do so many people get confused and get carried around by every wind of doctrine (information) that comes along from the intel gurus they follow. There exist a set of results that must be understood so one can see for themselves the necessity of following the plan.
The Old Central Bank, banking system…why must it be replaced?
The Central Bank's financial system is designed to create inflation that destroys the currency and the people's assets and results in the necessity to re-establish a new currency to take the place of the old system. Inflation consumes the buying power of currency over time. When the buying power of currency is lost, people will turn to loans to solve financial problems. This creates a downward spiral into debt slavery.
In 1917 when the Central Bank's banking system (CB) took over the then-existing financial system of the US, the US dollar was worth 100 cents. When inflation deteriorates the buying power of the dollar, at a Fed desired rate of 2% inflation per year, then the dollar loses 2 cents of value per year. After 50 years of 2% inflation, the dollar then loses 100% of its value when compared to when the cycle was started UNLESS it is reset and started over, which it has been due to the wars. A war messes up the supply chain and justifies the higher costs. The new prices hide the real inflation and blame it on the war when the real problem is inflation. Talk about hood-winked.
Couple this with the interest rates charged to use the money and the economy is on a collision course with near-complete destruction. It needs to be re-set, usually by a catastrophic war scenario or some other major public event, to hide the demise of the inflation-prone currency. The built-in design of the CB financial system is intended to last 50 – 70 years and then needs to be re-set to continue.
It is not hard to see why the Cabal, with their war hawks, are feverishly trying to start World War III? It is at the end of its cycle, and to continue, it needs the war to reset the CB financial system. This will not happen as the Alliance will not allow a World War to be started again. The CB financial system cannot carry the world debt without the re-set, so it will die of natural causes on its own.
The New Quantum Financial System (QFS) will replace the old Central Banking financial system.
As the last dying embers of the CB are being shown to the world, the Alliance is set to pull the trigger on the Fed and let the world know the CB is not needed anymore. They will not go peacefully into the trash, but into the trash, they will go. The forced Fiat system of currency backed by nothing of value will be buried and the old Gold-based, real money systems will emerge like the Phoenix rising out of the dust, but with a more secure way of using gold to back currencies of the world.
Beyond the necessity of a financial structure that supports the economy, the CB has always been the limiting factor for national and international Economic Growth. With its millstone around the neck of the public, to inhibit the financial growth of both individuals and Corporations, the CB has been the culprit that has cost the people of earth dearly. Of necessity, Governments have been complicit in supporting the CB with their bribery and extortions and all manner of illegal activities so that career politicians can become millionaires off the backs of people they are supposed to serve. The Government must keep the CB intact as the entity that controls and manipulates the Economy. It is a system that has created the DC swamp and must be returned to the Constitutional form of government that this nation was founded upon as well as the new National Economic Security And Reformation Act. (NESARA, GESARA for the world)
The QFS stands as a sentinel to allow the new financial system to be economically successful for the people. The CB loans money into existence with interest attached. This acts like a pick-pocket to society. "The Plan" uses the "Transaction" of selling our currencies to the QFS to activate the Digital Gold Certificates that are just waiting to be activated. These funds are not taxed by governments but rather left in the hands of Humanitarians with the charge to invest in infrastructure and bypass the corrupt government programs that tax people's income and then do the most minimal degrees of maintaining the infrastructure. We Humanitarians take over and we build the roads, the bridges, etc., and do it for free.
The "lack- mentality," of the Cabal economic system gives way to allow the people to become "Abundant" and self-sufficient with all the money they need to not only survive but to thrive.
The RV is essential to the “plan.”
The new financial system must have the financial where-with-all (cash/currency) for every person to have what they need to take care of their own requirements without needing to go on the dole or borrow money to survive. The RV supports this premise. Certain things in the new financial system will need to be held inviolable. The home and income should never be subject to foreclosure or loss that destroys the Family Unit and its security. Zim Benefactors must create provisions to avoid this problem, because it will not come from a Socialistic government, as in the dole. (LWS's RSS program). Becoming responsible for ourselves and others will become the social norm instead of greed, hatred, dependancy, and divisions such as Race, Religion, Politics, Gender identity, etc. that destroy society. If you’re not willing to give up your prejudices you might not make it in this new system. These divisions separate we humans and are part of the Cabal takeover that supports the Central Bank financial system that is being moved to the trash bin. Holding on to these divisions will be detrimental to society as a whole and will alienate individuals from full participation in a Thriving Society. Question: are we Zim Benefactors up to the task of creating a new Economic System for Society?
Society functions well when the basic structures are protected with all peoples contributing to the whole as responsible individuals. This is not Socialism, nor is it greedy Cabal Capitalism. Everyone willing to do their part for society and their family unit will add to the whole by doing things within their uniqueness to contribute to society as they desire. Lazy people will not do well, but those willing to do their part will find great opportunity and comfort in the new economic system that is coming.
What is the “Plan” and what are the desired “results?”
The PLAN is to create an economic system where every person, who is willing, can find financial success and live lives worthy of being the Sovereigns that we, as children of God, are by inheritance. Sovereigns conduct their lives according to correct principles that allow all persons to THRIVE and meet the full measure of their Creation.
The RESULTS are a Financial System that supports each individual as a viable member of society, worthy of respect and honor as each person contributes their uniqueness to the whole. Without each person participating in the bounty, the whole is not complete. The answer is to love and serve one another.
There is a PLAN that when fully implemented will produce the desired RESULTS.
When you read information, use your inner discretion and ask yourself: "How does this fit into the plan?"
It might be misinformation or disinformation or it might go against the plan:
1. If the information does not support the demise of the CB financial system post RV, then disregard, (there are no bank charges or fees in the QFS, Banks will not survive.)
2. And, if the information creates doubts in the RV process, the negotiable rates, or the amount of the funds available, then disregard.
3. And, if the information given lowers the belief you have in yourself or your ability to do your humanitarian work or if it supports any outside control or power-over-you, then disregard. (We are Sovereigns and control ourselves by adhering to Correct Principles in harmony with other Sovereigns) (Telling Zim Holders they will only receive ??? millions for a 100 T note, reflects power-over-people by un-named Shills, don't stand for it)
4. And, if the information does not support the absolute security of our funds in the QFS, then disregard it.
5. And, if the information does not include a discussion of Re-Valued gold-backed currencies to be deposited into your accounts within the QFS and not in a bank, then disregard it.
6. And, if the information gives any expected dates for the RV or the release of the 800#, then disregard. (We are under a strategic, military disinformation protocol, we do not have a "need to know." So we are left to our discernment to guide us. Surprise! Surprise!)
7. And, if the information or person gives continuing unfulfilled-expected-dates which has destroyed the credibility of all gurus who participate in this travesty, then disregard.
8. And, if the information gives any expected exchange or redemption rates, then disregard. (We negotiate on our own rates, it's called Sovereign Rates.) The Alliance requires a Face-to-Face redemption appointment. No one bypasses this requirement.
9. And, if the information talks about tranches or the movement of bank funds, then disregard. (The QFS has no need to move funds for exchanges or redemptions, it will be an account to account transfer within the QFS) (Banks use codes, QFS uses direct personal access using PIN numbers)
10. And, if the information says fake Zim Bonds will not be redeemed, then disregard. (All Zim Bonds support humanitarian projects, even if they are fake.) There is no resale value of the Zim bonds. The Humanitarian is the value of the redemption, not the Zim Bonds.
11. And finally, and perhaps most importantly, if the information makes you feel uncomfortable in your heart or if it does not jive with what you already know to be correct, then disregard.
For we Humanitarians, there is a PLAN in place that is being meticulously followed with military precision. It will produce the RESULTS of a New Economic System that will inure to our benefit as we go about our Humanitarian Work. Let's be very careful about who we follow. If it is not the Alliance, we might lose our future financial freedoms.
I believe in the PLAN and expect the RESULTS to be far greater than we can presently comprehend.
Have a blessed day and "believe in things that are TRUE."
Ron Giles