May 2021
You Are Building a Bridge to the New Earth ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
28.05.2021 22:30 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are listening to all of your requests, and we know how much you all want to not only see the changes that you want to see on your world, but we also recognize how many of you want to be a part of those changes. You are the changemakers. You are the ones to question everything and to envision a new world, a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony. This is absolutely the world you are moving towards. Some already experience this world in their minds, in their bodies, in their emotions, and in their energy fields. They are not escaping from the quote/unquote real world in doing this. They are creating the new world and building a bridge with their own bodies, with their own energies and psyches. Read More…
Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Marvin Gaye) | One Voice Children's Choir
28.05.2021 22:28 Enlightened Songs
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 28, 2021
28.05.2021 22:27 Mike Quinsey
Matters are now moving on very quickly and at last the end is in sight of all the problems associated with the coming of Covid19. It is a situation that was allowed to take place, and used to give you more time to think carefully about changes to your way of life. Much has been learned from the lockdown, and there is no doubt that it is obvious that many aspects of your way of life will have to be changed for good. We see it as part of your experience that has caused you to take a deep breath and consider how you could make your experiences more appropriate and uplifting. You will make the decisions with our prompting although as we have told you many times, the final choice will be yours in accordance with the freewill given to you. We see the potential for you and wise decisions will ensure you have chosen correctly. Read More…
5 Interesting Facts about Lightworkers
28.05.2021 22:12 Lightworkers
We’re blessed to connect many of you, including Starseeds and Lightworkers, to benevolent, higher-dimensional Beings. Through our clients sessions, our Beings have revealed some very interesting facts about Lightworkers that we really want to share with you. Read More…
Accelerating Awakening Through Disclosure
Hello and greetings our dear ones. We are the Blue Avians. We are members of the High Council who are affiliated with the Council of the Guardians of the Light who are here to share and impart a message for humanity at this time, particularly for the starseeds and the lightworkers. We the Council of the Guardians of the Light, in tandem with many, many high councils that represent some of the highest-vibrational civilizations and Beings across your Universe, are working together and we have had our eyes and our hearts directed to Earth, Gaia, and humanity, for we will say many eons. Read More…
Mars Wars Remote Viewing by Megan Rose Medium
28.05.2021 22:05 Megan Rose | Galactic Federation
Navigating Your Personal Ascension by Saint Germain through Natalie Glasson
28.05.2021 21:55 St. Germain | Natalie Glasson
Greetings and love, I am Saint Germain. It is a joy to be in your presence today and to bring forth information and guidance. I wish to inspire you to focus upon your own personal ascension. I wish to bring to your attention that there is a need for you to focus upon navigating your personal ascension, creating intentions and focus points, creating thoughts or contemplating what you wish to experience in your ascension. Connecting from deep within your being, guided by your soul, your intuition, your truth, the aspect of the Creator within you. Read More…
THE SOLAR FLASH IS IMMINENT - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore - May 21, 2021
Greetings to all light beings on planet earth! We come forward at a critical juncture, at this time, on your planet. We come bearing wonderful news and excitement for humanity! You have been waiting so long, eons of time in fact, for your planet and human consciousness to reach a certain frequency, if you will. May we say that time is upon you. We too have been waiting, observing, and helping out when universal law permits, to assist humanity and your planet to raise consciousness. Remember, your planet, just as you are, is a conscious being. All of creation is divinely orchestrated. And of course all of creation is connected. Nothing is separate. You only hold the illusion of separateness. Humanity must ultimately embrace this knowing now, especially when humanity and the planet are about to cross over the threshold, so to speak, from the old paradigms, to be catapulted into the new. Read More…
The Ark of the Covenant's True Purpose: Advanced Ancient Technology
28.05.2021 21:37 Galactic History | Science and Technology
28.05.2021 21:30 Rebecca Porter
As we go about our daily lives, many of us are struck by the level of fear and condemnation we are witnessing in the outer world. Clearly, a division in belief systems continues to unfold. There are those who miss the comfort and security of their pre-Covid lives who have been convinced by the mainstream media, big pharma, big tech narrative that we cannot return to “normalcy” until all are injected with experimental chemicals, heavy metals, nanoparticles, and God-knows what else. Read More…
THE JOURNEY OF THE SOUL - Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - May of 2021
28.05.2021 21:20 Aita
On this wonderful day, in May of 2021, we are very pleased to connect with you. It is so wonderful how you, our dear lightworkers, are changing. It is wonderful how you are coming into your own. Your consciousness, your Soul, now is leading your life. For you have lived the human hero’s journey. You have sifted and sorted the preferred and not preferred. You have made mistakes, in that you have not followed your highest excitement. You have not always followed the path of love. And from these mistakes you have learnt that you do not prefer negative emotions. You do not prefer duality and division, anger and hatred, depression and apathy. Read More…
Good News: Even A Mild COVID Infection Develops Antibody Protection That Could Last A Lifetime
An article written by Dr. Tamara Bhadari, a senior science writer from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, explains that even a mild COVID-19 infection induces lasting antibody protection that can last a lifetime. She sites a study recently published from researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis showing that the protection gained from mild COVID-19 illness “leave those infected with lasting antibody protection and that repeated bouts of illness are likely to be uncommon.” Read More…
Dearest Ones it is time now for you all to learn to have some compassion for those humans, who you think have not woken up yet, so to speak. The dark agenda on the planet have been using mind techniques as a weapon to keep many humans in a matrix of lies and control. Many of you as workers of the LIGHT have indeed woken up to what has been happening to the human race for millennia. As you have woken up, so will others, but they may need more time. It is your duty now to proceed into the 5th Dimension in your own world and to let others, including your friends and family, follow you in your wake so to speak. Read More…
Allison Coe: Disclosure, Chaos, Ships, Avalanche of Light BQH audio only
25.05.2021 21:27 Allison Coe | The Event
Conspiracy Theories, Cabals & Keys to the Kingdom~ 9D Arcturian Council~ Daniel Scranton 05-22-2021
25.05.2021 21:22 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are an extension of what you are, just as you are an extension of what we are. And while that statement can make a human being feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it also forces you to conclude that each and every human being is also an extension of you, and you are an extension of them. And that can be troubling for those who want to separate. Those who want to draw a line in the sand have a very hard time accepting that everyone and everything outside of them is also inside of them, is also a part of them that is being projected on the outside for the purpose of getting the individual to love that fallen aspect of self. Read More…
Twin flame Ascension report: dig deep now brothers and sisters we are on the final stretch
25.05.2021 21:05 Jen Mccarty | Ascension
Dearest brothers and sisters, Greetings of the most high. We come forward now, in this moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity. There is so much going on in the world stage at the moment, and so much of what is being presented is actually optics, that it is very difficult to decipher the true agenda of what is happening behind the scenes. We would like to remind you that on the higher dimensional planes of consciousness, God has won, the light has won and the fifth-dimensional timeline has anchored. The despicable powers that “were” know this, and they know that the lower dimensional realms take a little bit of time to catch up with the higher dimensional realms. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/22/2021 • What would your loving heart do?
25.05.2021 21:02 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You have heard us say often, "follow your heart in the moment," and we hear you say often to us, "exactly what does that mean?" Today we'd like to help clarify that for you. The heart is where the energies of your human "self" meet up and mingle with the energies of the Divine. We are not talking about the physical heart but rather the energy center that resides near the heart, in the center of your chest. Many have called this your "sacred heart." Read More…
The Bigger Picture: No Triumph of Darkness on Planet Earth
To assist lightworkers with Covid-related choices, the Golden Age of Gaia has published "Dark to Light: The Covid Virus and Vaccine". It looks at the virus and vaccine through the lens of the Company of Heaven’s channeled messages. What we lightworkers can contribute to people struggling with chaos is “the bigger picture.” If you’re a reader of this site, you should be able to explain that bigger picture to someone who asks, “Is there a purpose to life?” You’re right up there with the Artist, painting on the canvas of life. Read More…
Are You Prepared for The Shift/Event? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, by Daniel Scranton 5-21-2021
25.05.2021 20:29 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have finished our evaluation of the human collective consciousness and its ability to handle higher frequency energies. Here is what we have discovered. Not everyone responds in the same way to higher frequency energy. Those who are unprepared for it completely have quite a few ascension symptoms and can sometimes even experience a sort of mental breakdown, or even a seizure. Those who are awake, but have not been preparing themselves for the higher frequency energies, might experience some bodily sensations, some weird dreams, and some physical dehydration. Those of you who are awake and do expect the higher frequencies as they come in have beautiful experiences where you tap into new abilities, where you know yourselves as your higher selves for periods of time, and you also have many other positive outcomes. Read More…
FORGIVENESS AND LOVE - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore
21.05.2021 22:43 Penni Moore
Good day dearest ones! What a beautiful spring morning it is in your hemisphere! Is it not a great feeling to be in gratitude for all of your blessings? One question on your mind is with all the inflation and economic changes this past year or so, “How is it that you are to acquire monies to live a comfortable life in your retirement years? May we say so much is going on behind the scenes at this time to honour your desires and your concerns. Stay in a high vibration, living in your joy, and all your needs and desires will come into fruition. You are manifesting your desires right now where you are sitting and reading this transmission. The universe is working diligently to put all of what you desire into fruition on the physical planes. Now, how exciting is that? This advice is for all of you, as you are all connected whether you realize it or not. The old ways of acquiring an income are no longer of value for those of you moving into 5D. Read More…
Why the Light Warriors Are Really Among You ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council ~ Daniel Scranton 05-20-2021
21.05.2021 22:40 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are sustaining ourselves by allowing in the highest-frequency energies available to us and letting those energies fuel our consciousness. We have said this before, and we will say it again – we are not so different from all of you. The main difference between the ninth-dimensional Arcturian Council and the average Earthling is that we choose consciously which energies we allow to move to us and through us, whereas for you it can be much more of an unconscious choice, one that is not taking your feelings into consideration. You get to choose what you focus upon, and there is so much for you to focus upon in your information age, and so you have to choose wisely. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 21, 2021
21.05.2021 22:17 Mike Quinsey
We see you rather confused and worried about events on Earth that every now and again take a turn for the worse. Be assured that what you are seeing is the final outworking of old ways of dealing with each other. There is less enthusiasm or support for them and there will be no place for them in the coming higher vibrations. How many more times will you try to settle your differences by using force when diplomacy, common sense and a desire to create a peaceful dialogue would result in a peaceful solution. The people tire of violence being used to settle differences and are rising up in anger at their leaders, who seem unable or unwilling to seek answers that bring peace. Eventually common sense will prevail, but how many more unnecessary deaths will occur before peaceful negotiations take place with the necessary “give and take” that will enable success without bloodshed. Peace will come and not a single drop of blood need be spilt in the process. Read More…
The Dark: Who They Are, What They Want
21.05.2021 21:44 Occult Secret Societies | Steve Beckow
Given that we’re heading into topsy-turviness, chaos and mayhem – however you wish to see it – I thought it might help to gather the comments of our galactic and celestial sources together on who exactly the dark are and what it is they want. What follows is the “Introduction” to that 27-page booklet. Read More…
The Galactic Federation: Current Narrative
21.05.2021 21:34 Galactic Federation
We would like to emphasize the importance of not letting yourself get pulled into the current narrative. As usual, things are not as they might appear at first glance. It is so easy to be dragged down into worry and despair about the events on your planet. This fear should not be your “place of residence”… The dark forces are trying everything to regain their power and they will stop at nothing. Everything is designed to keep you stuck in the 3D matrix construct of fear and control. Read More…
David Wilcock: Human ETs' Full Disclosure in the 1950s: What Did They Say?
21.05.2021 21:30 David Wilcock | Disclosure

Message from Sananda through Dancing Dolphin - STAY THE COURSE - May 17, 2021
21.05.2021 21:21 Dancing Dolphin | Sananda - Jesus
Dear Lightworkers, you are so loved and so treasured! You are not alone on your journey, all you need do is ask for help. Angels will come to your aid, I will come to your aid! You will not see us most likely, but you will feel our energy, our powerful energies and our love, just as this one is feeling my love now. I want to tell you that as the chaos level rises on your world, it seems that more and more things will be coming to your attention daily that will be a shock to you. Things are going to be disclosed that were previously held in back rooms and underground; things that were secret are going to be disclosed very shortly. So, some of you may be in for a big shock as the world has not been what you were told it was. I wish to say to you STAY THE COURSE. Although things will be revealed that you did not know about, it does not change your MISSION, it does not change WHY you came here. Read More…
21.05.2021 21:07 Michael Love
You are Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore
18.05.2021 22:02 Penni Moore
Greetings dearest light beings! We have been watching you and encouraging you from afar for eons of time. Some of you tap into the knowledge we bequeath you and some of you feel that there is indeed knowledge of the light within you. All of you are all capable of receiving divine knowledge and wisdom. How do you receive this knowledge? You sit in silence and tap into this vast array of incredible knowledge and wisdom. Read More…
The 9D Arcturian Council: You Are Receiving Signs from the Universe
18.05.2021 21:29 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are completely fascinated by humanity’s ability to know things on an intuitive level, but also by the inability for you then to make the leap of faith from the intuitive to the pure knowing of something as truth in the moment. You are constantly being given signs, and many of you recognize them and their significance, but you will only go so far. You will not allow for one synchronicity to be enough to convince you of something. You will want to see it again and again. So many of you are incapable of having enough faith in the flow of the universe to understand how cared for you are. Read More…
Earth Intelligence Report May 2021
18.05.2021 21:11 Earth Intelligence Report | Brad Johnson
JFK: A "Different" Perspective on the Covid-19 Vaccine
Welcome to my beloved Patriots, Lightworkers, Truth Seekers and all others! I am so very glad that you are here with me today. I would like to address a very interesting topic...the topic of the Covid-19 vaccination. There has been much, much negative press about the vaccine...and for many good reasons. However, as you are learning, there is much misinformation, disinformation, and outright fake information, coming out these days regarding every topic under the sun, right now. So, it is difficult for you to use even your own discernment to determine what is true or false. Hence, I wanted to bring a couple new perspectives to this topic. Read More…
THE REASON FOR THE EXISTENCE OF PLANET EARTH - Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - May 2021
18.05.2021 20:23 Aita
The Galactic Federation - The manipulation behind wearing masks
18.05.2021 20:16 Galactic Federation | Covid-19
Dear ones, Those of you who practice yoga, pranayama, and meditation on a regular basis know about the importance of your breath. Your breath is sacred. What is the difference between life or death? It's your breath. You can survive 30 days or more without food, 3 days without water but, not even 3 minutes without breathing. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/15/2021 • Relax... let your vibe naturally rise
18.05.2021 20:11 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine you are sitting by a clear mountain stream. The air is pure and clear. Take a deep breath and revel in the feeling of the air flowing into your lungs. Release gently. Feel a slight coolness in the air mingling with the warmth of the sun. Imagine your bare feet on the smooth rocks or the cool grasses. Watch the wildflowers waving in the wind. Perhaps you’d prefer a beach or a forest. That’s ok too. Imagine a beautiful, peaceful, and happy place and just “be” there, in your inner world. Relax. Breathe deeply. Enjoy the "view' or the sensation. Bask in the serenity. Take your time and come back when you please. Read More…
18.05.2021 20:05 Exiting the Matrix | Disclosure
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 14, 2021
14.05.2021 21:18 Mike Quinsey
World events are still very mixed but there are the first real signs of the Pandemic coming to an end. The after effects will last for quite some time but eventually it will all settle down and life will return to some kind of normality. As a result of your experiences many permanent changes are to come, but will mainly address the problems that were holding your progress back. In fact, the coming changes will enable you to speed up your activities, and you should by now have a good idea of what will be involved. Your so called hotspots will be amongst the last to be sorted out and an end to hostilities will come in due course helped by the increasing vibrations that will not support them. Read More…
The 9D Arcturian Council: This is Instant Manifestation
14.05.2021 21:05 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are sending you waves and waves of appreciation for what you have been willing to do there on Earth. You have been able to endure so much in the name of the expansion of consciousness, because that’s what this is all about. That’s why we all left the Source Energy dimension and came, by the power of our own free will, to this galaxy to create these unique experiences. We all decided to be a part of this galactic experience because we knew that in so doing we would be breaking new ground, accessing aspects of Source that had never been accessed before, and we knew that we couldn’t fail. Read More…
5.13.21 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE w/ Mike Jaco & Mel K: BOOMS Incoming...
14.05.2021 21:00 Scott McKay
Our Mission by the Arcturians - Channeled through Natalie Glasson
14.05.2021 20:54 Natalie Glasson
We, the Arcturians, have been sharing our information and knowledge with many upon the Earth, especially those incarnate in physical bodies. We have been creating inspiration for some and for others we have been downloading with their conscious knowledge, wisdom, ideas, and plans. The Creator and many beings upon the inner planes have advised us to download our wisdom, information, and technology into those who are receptive upon the Earth. With the purpose of creating love and truth upon the Earth, you might like to call it heaven upon the Earth or a greater remembrance of the Creator. Our purpose is aligned 100% with love and it is our mission to embrace, embody and empower the love of the Creator for all upon the Earth. Read More…
The Physical Body’s Role in Ascension
14.05.2021 20:49 Ascension
Many of us have had an aversion to the human form and difficult time acclimating to third dimensional life, which has manifested in one form or another as dis-ease. There are positive aspects to the state of illness that aren’t easily recognized due to the sheer amount of pain that illness comes with. One of the undervalued aspects to illness is that it teaches us how to properly care for our physical vehicle. Personally, I know that if it wasn’t for my own health conditions I have suffered from over the years, I wouldn’t be as conscious of my health as I am today, nor would I be that very helpful of a healer. Imagine the aether as a sea of consciousness made up of different radio waves. These radio waves are broadcasted into infinite versions of reality, or “radio stations.” Each station broadcasts a different version of reality. Read More…
14.05.2021 20:38 Sirius
Dearest Ones we say to you that it is time NOW for you all to have some HOPE for the future. Each and every one of you has been through a challenging time in the last year on your planet. As many of you start to come out of your lockdowns and you are beginning to get back to some sense of normality, many of you are starting to feel into this vibration of HOPE. Whether you believe in the virus, whether you believe that it was man made or otherwise, whether or not you believe in taking a vaccine, the Truth is that the vibration of HOPE is now coming to the fore. Read More…
David Wilcock: Interplanetary Climate Change 2021
14.05.2021 20:33 David Wilcock | Climate Change
Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell, May 9th, 2021
14.05.2021 20:18 St. Germain | James McConnell
I am your Saint Germain. I am here, as always, to continue to assist you and guide you as one of your guides, while there are many guides that are working with you. Guides that are working alongside and within you, as well as your Higher Self, certainly. And all of this is coming together to bring the oneness within you. To bring you back to who you are. To bring you back to the knowing and the understanding that you are one with your multidimensional selves. And all is coming together as you are moving through this ascension process. And as you are moving through this ascension process, you have already moved into the higher vibrational frequencies and higher dimensions. It is not something you are moving to, the fifth dimension. You are already there. Read More…
HOW to go within, and ALLOW more light, love, and happiness into your life
11.05.2021 21:27 Ashley Ulizzi
“Let’s Play a Game” by Ron Giles – 5.9.21
11.05.2021 21:17 Ron Giles | Financial System
The game I’d like to play is called Whack-a-Banker. To play this game we will use the Quantum Consciousness, which some inaccurately call a computer and the Quantum Financial System (QFS). The QFS uses digital Gold-backed Certificates. A gold-backed Certificate is a block or bundle of Data that acts as an increment of currency. The data refers back to a Serial number on a Kilo of Gold used to back that increment of currency – thus Gold-Backed currency. This is nothing new, we’ve talked about this before.The gold that is used to back the currency is already in place. It is hidden in a series of 4-5 Gold Bullion vaults placed throughout the world in strategic locations. Any new gold used to back more currency will be melted down and given similar ascending serial numbers that fit into the library system used in the vaults. Read More…
World War 3 ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton ~ 05-08-2021
11.05.2021 20:59 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are able to detect changes in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, and we have noticed that you are vibrating at a higher frequency than ever before as a collective. You have had pockets within the human collective where the overall vibration was higher than what it is right now, but you have never been at this point as a collective, where you could take everyone’s vibration into account and have it be as high as it is right now. Why is that, you might wonder? What is unifying humanity at this time? It is that you are all experiencing a global pandemic, and because you are all experiencing it together, you are all working on the same things. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/08/2021 • Getting in your flow
11.05.2021 20:45 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, It is time to let go of your expectations for yourselves, your future, and one another. It is time to create instead, to dream. It is time to drop into your hearts and listen deeply to what feels right, good, and loving to you in a given moment, then do that, focus on that, marinate in those thoughts and actions. The world, and everyone else in it, is quick to offer you a multitude of ideas, opinions, and suggestions for how you should live your life, solve your problems, and manifest your dreams. The problem is that no one else lives in your body. No one else has your exact mind, nor do they know the deepest desires of your own soul. No one else can dictate to you what is best for you. People can offer suggestions and ideas with which you may resonate. They can also offer many with which you don’t. What you do, how you choose to think, and how you feel as a result, is all up to you. Read More…
The Gateway to Sirius: The Calm before the Storm
11.05.2021 20:42 Sirius
Dearest Ones it is time for you all to retreat from the pressures of the outside world now, to go within and to clear the last vestiges of negativity from your mental, physical and spiritual selves. Many of you may be feeling sad, depressed, disorientated, angry, irritable, unloved, alone and suffering from many different physical symptoms. All of these feelings and symptoms are coming to the fore now, to be finally cleared from your system as you move from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension. As way showers you are now being challenged to heal and perfect your own lives. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 07, 2021
07.05.2021 22:01 Mike Quinsey
In Europe the Covid19 virus seems to be in decline and relaxation of the measures to end its effect, are beginning to take place. Freewill and karma are in play so that some souls will have a totally different experience to others. Even a soul’s life plan is involved so you cannot say for certain how things will work out. However, on a greater scale for humanity in general, all will be affected in one way or another as things cannot return to the way they were before the lockdowns. Read More…
Sananda and OWS via James McConnell, May 2nd, 2021
07.05.2021 21:42 Sananda - Jesus | James McConnell
I am Sananda. I am here at this time to continue to help you develop, help you work through all of the changes that are happening in your lives and those lives around you.
Everything that is occurring is happening exactly as it needs to. And that is what you need to come to understand, even though it does not appear so. Even though it appears to become darker and darker. It is not—it is becoming lighter and lighter. The light is shining through more and more. This time, this awakening is all about hope. Hope eternal. Hope continues on eternally. And for those that have lost hope, they lose their lives. They become stagnant in their life. Once they have lost hope, they no longer want to continue on. Read More…
Everything that is occurring is happening exactly as it needs to. And that is what you need to come to understand, even though it does not appear so. Even though it appears to become darker and darker. It is not—it is becoming lighter and lighter. The light is shining through more and more. This time, this awakening is all about hope. Hope eternal. Hope continues on eternally. And for those that have lost hope, they lose their lives. They become stagnant in their life. Once they have lost hope, they no longer want to continue on. Read More…
Humanity Just Avoided a Very Dark Timeline ∞The 9D Arcturian Council ~ Daniel Scranton 05-05-2021
07.05.2021 21:30 Daniel Scranton
A Message to Humanity...
It’s time for the world and America to wake up and grow up and end the ignorance and beliefs that have nothing to do with God or the origins of humanity. We no longer have the luxury of remaining in ignorance and acting outside of Universal Law. What is being done in the name of God and country is an abomination. We have been lied to and mind controlled our entire existence and it must end. Earth has been visited and colonized many, many times going back hundreds of millions of years. The Annunaki… Those who came from Heaven to Earth were one of these colonizers. Some of these races operated under Universal Law and service to others, others were self-serving and took advantage of the human race. Read More…
Quantum Energy Healing Session for Starseeds, Empaths and Light-workers
07.05.2021 21:15 EldoRa & Siman | Health
Galactic Fleet Command: Expansion
07.05.2021 21:05 Galactic Federation
Greetings, Dear Ones! We are so very pleased to be back with you as we bring a message that may be somewhat new to you. The new message is that Galactic Fleet Command is much expanded over the seven patrol ships that we have been in the past. We now have many more from other planets and galaxies that have joined with us in these final days of the Ascension process… both spaceships and personnel! Your skies overhead are now literally filled with our spacecraft! All of this is added to the fleet of Ashtar Command, which has existed for eons of time. Read More…
Get Excited About the New Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 05-03-21
07.05.2021 20:58 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very happy to see so many humans coming back to a place within themselves of stability and hope. We notice when there is any type of change there within the human collective consciousness, and we have noticed that many more people have been grounded in their physical bodies of late and accessing excitement about what is to come there on Earth. We know that you have been through a very hard time there on your world, and it has lasted for over a year now, much longer than most people assumed it would be affecting all of you, this pandemic. And we know that you are becoming so much more of who you really are as a result of the adversity you have faced, but we also know that spiritual growth is often not the goal for humankind. Read More…
Gene Decode - As You Wish Talk Radio
07.05.2021 20:51 James Gilliland | Exiting the Matrix
Ashtar: Update May 2, 2021
04.05.2021 22:01 Sharon Stewart | Ashtar
I am Ashtar Sheran with a message to those of the planet Earth. Reviewing your round table discussions, reviewing the news put forth by those in the know in your alternative communities, we must say to you that you are all doing a wonderful job in informing the public. News is being passed on despite large levels of censorship, and the message is getting through to many, not all, but many. Of course on the planet, you are not privy to all of the Light, and this is as I have stated before: because your collective can only carry so much Light as a collective. Read More…
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council for Valerie Donner May 2, 2021
04.05.2021 21:48 Valerie Donner
Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I bring you good tidings today from all of us on the Earth Council and from everyone who is working for the betterment of the planet. Again, I want to reiterate how important your presence on the earth is right now. You are doing some amazing things of which most of you are unaware. You were blocked from your connection with God; you lived in a veil of forgetfulness; your DNA was changed and you lost memory of who you really are and why you are on the earth. Read More…
Message from Matthew - May 3, 2021
04.05.2021 21:41 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Evolving in spiritual and conscious awareness is a self-discovery process that removes one layer after another of forgetfulness about your very being, Creator’s love-light energy. That will continue until you remember your Beginnings and return to Creator Source. What is going on throughout your world is a different kind of discovery process. The combined light beamed to Earth from powerful civilizations and the light you generate has been exposing one layer after another of darkness. That will continue until every layer has been vanquished and its energy transmuted into light. Read More…
David Wilcock: The Great Pyramid is an ET Monument, Post-Disclosure
04.05.2021 21:38 David Wilcock | Galactic History
04.05.2021 21:32 Exiting the Matrix | Disclosure
You must understand that what we are seeing right now is all optics. There has been a Military Operation going on for years. Liberating humanity and removing a hidden crime syndicate that has been enslaving humanity for hundreds of years. Understand that Covid is the theater that sets the stage to remove, reset and awaken humanity from the illusion of freedom. Understand that all political, financial, pharmaceutical scenarios are part of the same Military operation behind the Covid stage. Understand that this is not about countries and leaders but about Good fighting Evil. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Be Gentle With Yourself
04.05.2021 21:25 Matt Kahn
Through the rational mind, it would seem as if parting ways with limiting beliefs, addictive patterns, and self-defeating behavior would be nothing but a positive experience. While deeply rewarding in the profound relief such healing provides, because most people have spent more time in their human conditioning and self imposed limitations than any time spent in liberation and empowerment, the disappearance and dissolving of human conditioning actually triggers the grief of loss. Read More…
04.05.2021 21:18 Sirius
Dearest Ones we have come to you today to remind you all, how Powerful you are. You are being bombarded by many stories on Earth today on all types of media. Some of these stories are not real and being shown to you to WAKE you up to your own inherent power. We have always told you that we can neutralise anything that you think may be harmful to you such as Nuclear weaponry, viruses, bacteria, vaccines, 5G etc etc. THE ONE gave every soul Free Will but never to destroy a planet. We have said before that the Higher beings have had to intervene when the Earth was in danger of being annihilated. Read More…
WE NOW HAVE THE INSIGHT TO MAKE THE CONNECTION ~ Aita: Channeling her Higher Self April 2021
04.05.2021 21:18 Aita
A message from The Galactic Federation to the Family of Light
04.05.2021 21:13 Galactic Federation
We have transmitted new codes to the cells of your being while you were sleeping, dear ones. You are empowered and have all the necessary tools to bring forth the liberation of Gaia. We have given you the means to "beat your enemies with their own weapons" as you could say in your human language. There's a lot going on on your earth star Gaia at the moment. It is the final battle between dark and light. Remember, that light is information and therefore darkness is the lack of it. Read More…
Is Mars in the midst of a Planetary Liberation War?
On April 30, Elena Danaan, a former professional archeologist whose claims of contact with extraterrestrials from the Galactic Federation of Worlds have gained widespread attention, delivered a bombshell report about an ongoing series of military raids on Mars that aim to destroy the bases of a rival extraterrestrial alliance: the Draconian Empire and the Orion Collective. These extraterrestrial bases were created to suppress the indigenous Mars population; manage the operations of human colonists associated with a German breakaway group called the Dark Fleet (aka Nacht Waffen); and oversee major Earth corporations that have relocated to Mars. Read More…
Jesus through John: Nothing can forestall or circumvent the divine Will
04.05.2021 20:37 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
We are approaching the Grand Finale of this stage in your awakening process. It is not the Magnificent and most Wondrous Event of the Great Awakening in all its glory, but it will be the most exciting and uplifting event that humanity has ever experienced. You may be wondering what I mean here, because we have for quite a long time been talking of Humanity’s Great Awakening, and I have not previously mentioned that it is happening in stages. Initially, in order to encourage and uplift you all, as the awakening process commenced a number of decades ago, those of us communicating with you from the spiritual realms did not mention that there would be stages in that process. This was because you were only starting to come out of an extremely deep and eons long sleep, where the dream reality, the game of separation in which you had been engaged, still seemed very real, and so a very major event that was to occur very soon was necessary to start you enthusiastically on your awakening path. NOTHING has changed! Read More…
CLEARING YOUR PATH TO ASCENSION - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore
04.05.2021 20:33 Penni Moore
Greetings dear ones of planet earth! So much has transpired, not only from behind the scenes of what is going on right now on your planet, but also right in plain site. Humanity has endured so much over the last year. May we commend you for being steadfast in not only working on yourselves and your ascension but assisting your brothers and sisters by explaining what is actually taking place on the world stage, whether they choose to listen or not. You all have free will to make your own choices. As outlined in A Course In Miracles, you are advised that you can always choose again, if a choice you have made is not in your highest good, whether it be taking action, or clearing your fears and emotions. Remember, your planet is a learning forum. It is a so called “school of hard knocks” if you will. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/01/2021 • Rebirthing ourselves
04.05.2021 20:30 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, So many of you are feeling that you want to create change, but not all of you know exactly what changes you want to create. It is OK! You are feeling the stirrings of new life moving and growing within you as surely as a pregnant woman feels the stirrings of life as her baby matures from within. You are all giving birth. Read More…