March 2021
Saint Germain: Part of a Greater Whole
28.03.2021 22:17 St. Germain | James McConnell
I am your Saint Germain. I am here to continue to carry on, carry on what was started–not years ago, but lifetimes ago, here on this planet with all of you. All of you that have been working, moving forward, forward in consciousness lifetime after lifetime, and coming in the next lifetime, and remembering little bits here and there, but to the point in this lifetime you are reaching the end. The end of this era, and the beginning of the next. Read More…
Radical Honesty - The Importance Of Telling The Truth In Relationships
28.03.2021 22:14 Bridget Nielsen
28th March 2021 by Blossom Goodchild – The Federation of Light
28.03.2021 22:07 Galactic Federation | Blossom Goodchild
Here we are again then! I leave today’s discussion in your hands. I am Truly stumped as to where we take our conversations, at this point. Yet, where are my manners? Hello. How are you? Dearest Blossom, we very much look forward to these discussions. We understand that each week you are hoping that something MAJOR will have taken place, in order to amp up the Energy and to dismiss all thoughts of ‘The waiting Game’ etc. Is this not so? Read More…
Naomi Wolf updates her New York Times Bestseller THE END OF AMERICA
28.03.2021 22:03 Exiting the Matrix
Archangel Michael: This is All Part of the Illusion
28.03.2021 21:57 Archangel Michael | James McConnell
I am Archangel Michael. And I am here at this time to continue to assist you in working through everything that is occurring in your lives now as you focus more and more as how things are changing with your loved ones, your surroundings, everything that is happening to move you to a point where you are needing to become more and more unattached to everything that is yet a 3-D illusion of this third-dimensional paradigm that is, indeed, an illusion. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/27/2021 • Would your rather be happy or right?
28.03.2021 21:43 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As you earth continues to rebirth itself we wish for you an awareness of your incredible freedom. Each one of you regardless of external circumstances is free to tune your energy to attract and allow the life you want. When you focus, in your inner world, on the things that you appreciate and give you joy, on the people you resonate with, the causes you admire, in this joyous space of thinking about what makes you happy and inspires you, you begin to draw it to you. Read More…
Ashian: Parenting Your Higher Dimensional Children
26.03.2021 23:10 Star Children
Jennifer: I know I’m not the only mother worrying about how her children are coping. What advice can you give us? Ashian: Good morning dearest sisters and brothers, and to all who feel these words. We are delighted to have the opportunity to address this often overlooked question. Let us start with an uplifting answer: your children are fine, they came here for a far greater purpose. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call: The Great Awakening is upon us
26.03.2021 22:17 Exiting the Matrix
Containership Evergreen story. Logical thinking and connecting all known dots, learns the following conclusion; This operation, is a false flag but this time by the White Heads. The ship ‘Ever Green,’ pseudonym of Hillary, is owned by the Clintons, HRC – Hillary Rodham Clinton is listed on it. The cargo consists of containers containing children and uranium, the route from the Suez Canal onward is Rotterdam to Baltimore. Read More…
THE REASON WE ARE HERE ON PLANET EARTH Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - March 2021
26.03.2021 21:54 Aita
Med Beds: Accessing Higher Healing
Hello, this is Ashtar. And I’m joined by a couple other members of the Galactic Federation. It is always a pleasure to be back in your presence. There are already a few med beds on your Earth. These are what we would describe as more bare bone, simpler versions of the technology that we have off planet. And the reason for this is because there is a learning curve. In order to learn, for any light worker, medical or health practitioner, they must become familiar with a simpler concept and version of the med bed before new technologies and higher aspects of these med beds can be made available. Read More…
Forgiveness Offers Everything I Want
26.03.2021 21:41 Rebecca Porter
Many of us are yearning for a lighter, more expansive experience, a profound healing, a final unraveling of the enmeshed, knotted threads that have held our third dimensional world together for millenia. We long for beauty, self-discovery, and for the freedom to share what we are holding deep within our hearts. Some days we feel our patience diminishing, but in quiet, reflective moments we know that, as with all manifestations, the New Earth we long for must be birthed first within our minds and hearts before it can be expressed in the outer, material realm. Read More…
James Gilliland: The Veils Are Coming Down
26.03.2021 21:10 James Gilliland
The Veils Are Coming Down, The Onion Is Being Peeled, You Were Never Alone Both Positive and Negative. Welcome to March madness. The recent equinox and the coming Super Moon along with the CMEs, “solar flares” the off the scale Schuman Resonance is going to make March a month to remember. This will continue through April. It is time to heal, end the victim cycle and take your power back. The onion is being peeled, layer after layer and now we are dealing with our core issues. The peeling back is happening with all institutions exposing their core as well. We are being made aware of contracts and connections that are not in our highest and best good. Read More…
Jesus through John: Your intent to be what You are – Love – brings immense peace and healing to all
23.03.2021 22:53 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
Humanity is awakening from the deep sleep of eons, during which you have had some horrendous nightmares, and now is the time to bring an end to those seemingly endless experiences of separation and abandonment which have caused you so much pain and anguish.Life is meant to be joy-filled but, since you chose to experience separation from Mother/Father/God, that has very much of the time not been what you have encountered. Separation has been an ordeal in which you have frequently undergone intense pain, suffering, uncertainty, and fear, and now you have finally and collectively decided that enough is enough, that you will awaken and live once more in the state of joy that is Oneness with God. Read More…
23.03.2021 22:50 Sirius | Spiritual Awakening
Dearest Ones at your time of the Spring Equinox in the Northern hemisphere, the EARTH and humanity are at last awakening from their slumber. The sap is rising so to speak. GAIA is coming into the dawning of her Spring. Birds are making nests, animals are being born, seeds are sprouting and the first plants are flowering. There is much HOPE in the air, as lockdowns finish and hope for a summer of freedom from restrictions. This is the HOPE and dawning of a NEW WORLD. Many STARSEEDS have already awoken to the fact that the dark agenda has been controlling the population for eons of your time on EARTH. These LIGHTWORKERS are now helping to awaken others to acknowledge their own FREEDOM, which is their birthright on EARTH today. Read More…
Allison Coe: The "Magic" is returning - "Logic" destroyed this planet - Audio
23.03.2021 22:40 Allison Coe | QHHT
March 22, 2021: On the Path to Victory of the Light
23.03.2021 21:36 Exiting the Matrix | Disclosure
We’ve said for some time that “anything is possible”, but I never thought the “anythings” would be anything like what I’m hearing now. We believe there will be some mind-blowing surprises and they might be difficult for some to accept. I’m keeping an open mind because to outsmart the dark ones, the Light had to play a loooong game and be very creative. What am I talking about? The fact that many people we believed had died or were murdered are still very much alive and will re-enter the public life in due course is something many will struggle with. Timing is everything. And maybe those clever Lightworkers kept their family lines going by procreating with other powerful Beings of Light. Read More…
The 9D Arcturian Council: Help from the Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius, Cassiopeia & Lyra
23.03.2021 21:24 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are enormously satisfied with the progress we see you making there on Earth, as you have been open and receptive to the energies of the equinox and to all of the beautiful energies that have been coming in to support you during the month of March. When we see one of you accessing what is yours and free to access at any time, it brings us such joy, and it informs us as to how to serve and assist you better. Read More…
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 21st of March 2021
23.03.2021 21:17 Galactic Federation | Blossom Goodchild
What ho, chaps! How’s things in your neck of the woods? Greetings Blossom and to Each one that resides upon the Earth plane, whether they know of us or not … our Love still reaches out to them. I am sure it does. A question by many is … ‘Where does the land lie regarding the Announcement? Is there still to be one?’ Indeed. For the changes that are to take place in/of Great Magnitude, pivot around this. In that … when such a matter is brought into the open … it’s the BIG GAME CHANGER. Read More…
JFK: Love One Another!
My beloved Patriots, Lightworkers, TruthSeekers, and all others...I welcome you all to my message here today! I love you all, and I watch over you all! Each one of you souls, are very important to me! It is a very exciting time, is it not, dear ones? Yes, it is also very exhausting and frustrating, I agree with you on that...however, can you not feel how every single event that is happening daily now, is showing those who have “eyes to see”, how very close we are to the tide turning completely in the Light’s favor? And, I promise you will never return to the old ways, ever again! We are almost done with the Dark side! Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/20/2021 • Memories, Daydreams, Tuning in the Present
23.03.2021 19:15 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a moment. Look around. What is happening in your world right here and now? What room are you in? Are you in your car? Outside? Take a moment to appreciate your computer, phone, tablet, or the device with which you are reading our words. Take a moment to appreciate your environment. Take a moment to appreciate yourself for taking a few minutes to connect with those of us in the heavens who love more than we can possibly ever convey with worlds. After reading this paragraph shut your eyes, breathe for a minute or two and simply open to receive our love for you. Do it now, if you like. Read More…
3.19.21 Scott McKay's Patriot Streetfighter POWERFUL Interview W/ Thrive Time's ClayClark
23.03.2021 19:08 Scott McKay | Exiting the Matrix
What if Princess Diana and JFK Jr. were still alive?
What if…. I’m going to tell you about the GREATEST PLAN IN THE WORLD. I’m going to tell you about a beautifully good princess and two strapping young men who chose a totally different path than the elite/dark cabal. They were in the same circles but never conformed to them. I’m going to tell you how these three have created a plan that has literally shaken and shattered our “matrix” of reality. Read More…
The 9D Arcturian Council: What Must Happen to Bring About the Event/Solar Flash
19.03.2021 22:55 Daniel Scranton | The Event
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been feeling the excitement that humanity feels for all of you to get back to a sense of normalcy on your world. You have moved past frustration, anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, and a host of other emotional states to get to this place where you can actually fathom co-creating a new Earth with a new society. You are ready for something new and something different, however, not just going back to the way things were on your world. Read More…
St. Germaine: The Three Fold Flame of God
19.03.2021 22:50 St. Germain | Sharon Stewart
I am St Germain and wish to memorandum this reminder to you, the people of Earth. You are in a part of the process now, the wonderful process of awakening of the souls and minds of the people of planet earth. Yet you do not understand the significance of this process. Some do, and others do not. And some are lost within it. Allow me please to give you guidance. At this time in the history of earth, timelines are being created that will enable again, the ascension of the soul through the earth school. For many years, these timelines were not available to many on account of manipulation of your minds; only those seeing beyond the manipulation were able to escape the trap that had been set for you. Read More…
Nikola Tesla via Erena Velazquez, March 18, 2021
19.03.2021 22:47 Nikola Tesla | Erena Velazquez
Good Morning America and the World, I am Nikola Tesla and I am glad to be here today and speak to all of you. It has been a while since I left this dimension about 78 years ago. I was called an electrical and mechanical engineer during my life on Earth, I viewed myself more as an inventor. Read More…
19.03.2021 22:43 Sirius | Meditation
Now as to the changes that are taking place at this present time, it is vital to stay centered and to connect with the Higher Dimensions who are working with the LIGHT. There are many confused souls both on the Earth plane and in other Dimensions who are creating havoc for whatever reason. The LIGHT also attracts the dark and it is imperative that when you go into your meditations or do any form of spiritual or healing work, that you ask to be surrounded and protected by the LIGHT in the form of wise and loving beings. These can take the form of Angels, Ascended Masters, Gods, Goddesses, High Spiritual Guides and other planetary beings who are assisting within the LIGHT. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 19, 2021
19.03.2021 22:38 Mike Quinsey
In a way time is standing still and unable to progress until action is taken to finally curtail the power of the dark Ones, to a point where they can no longer interfere with the planned changes leading to freedom from their cynical and evil plan to control and reduce the world’s population. The audacious plan has only been possible through their infiltration and control in so many areas of business and politics, you could say in many instances it has only been possible through coercion, blackmail and even murder. Clearly it cannot and will not be allowed to achieve its aims and it will be upheld by those who are your unseen and often unknown protectors from the higher levels. It has been a long and arduous journey that must soon come to an end so that the New Age can truly commence. Read More…
Dianne Robbins: Weather Anomalies, Confusion and Chaos are Unnatural
19.03.2021 22:30 Dianne Robbins | Nature Spirits
Mikey is here, waiting for you out at Sea, where I pick up your frequency range. Know that I wait for you every morning, hoping you will pick up my signal and reply to my call. Today we will talk about rain — the floods and quakes and tornadoes on land. The governments cover up underwater testing experiments that are being done under the ground and in the Oceans. The governments are themselves disrupting the weather patterns by their testing devices and explosives that destroy the eco-balance of the Earth’s atmosphere and biosphere, causing anomalies and disruptions in Nature. Read More…
2021 A YEAR OF INSPIRED GLOBAL CHANGE - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore
Good day lightworkers residing on planet earth! We the Highest Council of Light have been watching and assisting humanity, and your planet for eons of time. It is biblical of that which is occurring on your planet, at this time! Speaking in linear time, it has taken millions of years to return humanity and planet earth to a higher vibration of existence. May we say, you are almost there! Read More…
Ashtar: New Truths
19.03.2021 21:52 Ashtar | Sharon Stewart
Sharon: Ashtar, can you please give us some intel on what you are doing, what we can expect in the next few months and where all this is going? Ashtar: Hello again Sharon. I can indeed. Yes, we are on the ground. As a matter of fact, there are more embodied Pleiadians walking your streets than you would ever have expected. They are working in your governments, in your agencies, your councils, lobbying for the good and for change. They also work with incoming energies in order to strengthen the changes going on on your planet. They work at a physical level, but always at metaphysical levels. Read More…
LIGHTWORKERS ARE HIGHLY SENSITIVE PEOPLE. Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - March 2021
19.03.2021 21:50 Aita
Get excited! The world IS changing for the better
19.03.2021 21:33 Ashley Ulizzi
It is interesting, to be in a place of such peace, calmness, and anticipation while a lot of the world is in chaos. I know that it is my divine purpose to pass the light of information, and energy that I am feeling, onto those ready to feel the same. So here I am! Friends, we are in the process of normalizing a beautiful new world. It is happening, and if you take a moment to allow the residence of those words inside your own body, you can feel it too. As we look at the 3D reality right now, it looks heavy, lost, destructive, and broken. In fact, if you are looking only at what humanity is fed, that is all that you will see. However, the light is dominant on the planet, but it is not obvious to everyone just yet. Read More…
Synchronicity Numbers and Their True Meaning
19.03.2021 21:28 Spiritual Awakening
If you’re seeing repetitive sequences of numbers everywhere you’re not alone. Synchronicity numbers are secret messages that the Universe send us. They can help us as we navigate through life and provide us with life-changing wisdom. So what do certain angel numbers mean and is there a way of cracking their code? We’ve broken down some of the meanings behind some of the most common synchronicity numbers to help you decipher what the Universe is trying to tell you. Read More…
Healing Karmic Patterns With Reiki
17.03.2021 21:58 Reiki Distance Healing
Karmic patterns usually run deep. They take some time to heal and break. It is not something you can simply intend to remove and they go away like magic…of course, that would be ideal. But the deeper the wound and pattern, the greater the work that needs to be done to heal it. Taking initiative, strides and correcting the inherent pattern is something that takes time. Every effort chips away at the issue. It is necessary to take action towards correcting it, yet there is something that can give your actions an added boost. This is where energy healing has its place. Read More…
Adronis - A Powerful SECRET Revealed About Crop Circles
17.03.2021 21:55 Brad Johnson | Crop Circles
Twin flame Ascension report: March madness and the rise of the divine masculine
17.03.2021 21:51 Ascension | Jen Mccarty
Dearest brothers and sisters, greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you, ever evolving humanity. Welcome to March Madness, everybody all is not what it seems on the world stage. We are currently in the process of dismantling a 15,000-year agenda to keep humanity enslaved. For those of you who are wondering why it's taking so long, please may we offer you some perspective. The deep state has had its tentacles in every aspect of society, and their agenda has been to deprogram God's children, to enforce a false idea of lack limitation and secularism into the individual and collective consciousness. Read More…
Earth Intelligence Report - March 2021
17.03.2021 21:35 Earth Intelligence Report | Brad Johnson
KaRa of the Pleiades: Remembering Who You Are
17.03.2021 21:25 James McConnell
I am KaRa. I, as many of you know, I am an emissary, a Pleiadian emissary to the council here on the Earth. Yes, there is a Great Earth Council here. And many of you, in your multi-dimensional forms, are already a part of, a part of the Earth Council, or a part of the Pleiadian councils, or the Sirian councils, or the Arcturian councils, many of the different councils you, as your multi-dimensional selves, are already a part of. Some of you already command ships as your multi-dimensional aspects! Read More…
Mass Awakenings in 2021 & Your Role in Them ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
17.03.2021 21:16 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are placing a great deal of emphasis at this time on helping you all access more of your own spiritual gifts and abilities because we can see so many mass awakenings coming in the year 2021. And as the mass awakenings occur, there will be so many individuals who will be looking for guidance, healings, and to better understand the experiences they are having. They are going to need more teachers, more healers, more channelers, more psychics, more intuitives, more people just like you who have recognized that you do have so much to offer. Read More…
Thor Han speaks about the dangers for our young ones - March 11, 2021
17.03.2021 21:09 Elena Danaan | Star Children
The 9D Arcturian Council: The Keys to Our Beautiful Universe
14.03.2021 18:11 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a tendency to look for the positive in a person, a situation, an event, and even in our own history. As we look back at the lives we lived in physical form, we do tend to see how everything was a positive in our life experiences. Sometimes not getting what you want is the best possible outcome in a situation, but it can be very hard to see that when you are standing right in the middle of that situation and even hurting emotionally because of it. Read More…
A GENTLER, A KINDER ASCENSION PROCESS Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - March 2021
14.03.2021 18:09 Aita
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/13/2021 • Loved Exactly as You Are
14.03.2021 18:07 Ann Albers
Sleep is a glorious experience of dying unto the "self" and expanding into your greater being. In your sleep your consciousness temporarily ceases to identify with the body and mind. You re-emerges into a greater awareness and understanding of yourself as a soul. You surrender to love. This is why, when your mind is not in the way, deep healing can take place in your sleep. This is why you can go to bed with questions and wake up with answers. This is why your feel refreshed after a good night's sleep. Read More…
TRANSFORMING DARKNESS INTO LIGHT - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore on March 10, 2021
14.03.2021 17:50 Penni Moore
Good day beings of light! We see a lot of you have been following the events, narrative, and speculations as to what is truly occurring on your planet over the last year. As you are well aware, there are so called digital warriors who are instrumental in helping and guiding humanity at this time. Your world as it appears to you is being turned upside down. Day after day for quite some time now events and plans are revealing the dark, and transforming the dark into the light. This darkness has heavily weighed down your planet for a very long time. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 12, 2021
12.03.2021 22:28 Mike Quinsey
At last events appear to have reached a point where it seems possible for a major event to take place, it could be just weeks away but the timing must be absolutely correct as so much is at stake. It will certainly not be broadcast in advance, as it would give the dark Ones warning of a long established plan to make their supporters answer for their crimes against humanity. Such action would be the forerunner of many changes to restore freedom and the right to be allowed a peaceful life without fear and threats of violence. For too long mankind has been controlled and continually involved in wars or threats of wars, that have been instigated by those whose agenda was for total world control and a major reduction in the population. Read More…
Trinity of Archangel Healing by Archangel Michael - Channeled through Natalie Glasson
12.03.2021 22:09 Natalie Glasson | Archangel Michael | Archangel Gabriel | Archangel Raphael | Health
Greetings and love, I, Archangel Michael, extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence and to bring forth the Angelic vibrations. Today I bring forth the Angelic vibrations of Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel. We create a trinity, a trio of Archangel light and Archangel healing that we wish to share with you. Read More…
12.03.2021 21:50 Sirius | Meditation
Souls come to Planet Earth to learn and grow their soul. It may be a hard lesson to learn and be tough at times but there is always a higher purpose to everything that happens to you. Your own body is your greatest teacher. If you have an ache or pain, sit still and ask your body why you have this pain. If you clear your mind, you will always get an answer. Your body and soul are trying to tell you something, so listen and learn from this wise teaching. Read More…
Pryme & Special Guest Elena Danaan * The Galactic Light Forces * Who Are They??
12.03.2021 21:46 Galactic Federation | Elena Danaan
The 9D Arcturian Council: What If Your Third Eye Isn’t Wide Open?
12.03.2021 21:35 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are constantly tracking your progress there on planet Earth while maintaining a feeling of patience within ourselves, as we understand how hard what you are doing truly is. And we know that real growth and progress does not happen overnight. It takes time, and we know that you are always moving in the right direction, so when we look in on you, we do so with that expectation that we will notice some progress, and we will be able to build on that progress with you. Read More…
The Hidden War
12.03.2021 20:55 Exiting the Matrix | Steve Beckow
When someone comes to write the history of this (r)evolutionary period in human history, I think they’ll look upon what’s happening right now as the hidden war. It’s happening in DUMBs (deep underground military bunkers), surface military bases, tunnels connecting Rome and Jerusalem, under Atlantic islands, under Antarctica. Read More…
Anneke Lucas On Forgiving Her Mother Who Sold Her To A Pedophilic Sex Trafficking Ring
12.03.2021 20:51 Hidden Truth | SRA
12.03.2021 20:40 Sirius | Meditation
Concentrate on the positive aspects of your being and eliminate the negative. Get rid of anger and fear. Even the so called higher beings are learning from humans on Earth. This dear child is an evolved soul from Sirius who came down to Earth to help humans evolve at this special time in Earth's history. Souls who incarnated on Earth from Sirius or other Stars and Planets in your Universe can be called Starseeds. On the whole they are highly evolved, loving beings and sometimes find it hard understanding others who are less than loving. They are constantly feeding back information from their subconscious. It is a learning for all of us. Read More…
JFK: We Are Almost There!
My beloved Patriots...we are almost there! I ask you to hold the line for just a bit longer! I know the wait seems interminably long, however those of you who have studied the long and sordid history of our United States (and the world), know “why” it is taking this long...there is so very much to sort out! I am so very proud of all you Patriots, Light Workers, Truth Seekers, and all others, who have almost literally “sacrificed” your families and friends in order to follow the Truth. I know it hurts so very much right now, however all souls who have it in their path to continue to evolve here on Mother Earth, will see a much brighter future together...and in very good time, I might add! Read More…
Help Coming from Sirius, Andromeda & the Pleiades ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
08.03.2021 21:05 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have our arrangements with other ninth-dimensional collectives from other star systems to ensure that we are covering all the bases, so to speak, for humankind there on Earth. We work together as one gigantic team in the sky. And working together has proven to be very effective. Read More…
Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam
Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum. In this respect, it is worth recalling that Reiner Fuellmich is the lawyer who succeeded in condemning the automobile giant Volkswagen in the case of the tampered catalytic converters. And it is this same lawyer who succeeded in condemning Deutsche Bank as a criminal enterprise. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/06/2021 • Your Truth My Truth So Many Truths!
08.03.2021 20:32 Ann Albers
Imagine two people are standing next to each other. A new person comes to stand between them. Suppose we asked the original two, "On which side is the new person standing?" One would answer truthfully, "They're on my left." The other would answer truthfully, "They're on my right." It is easy to see in this example that each person – answering from their individual position, perspective and point of view is telling their truth. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 05, 2021
05.03.2021 22:15 Mike Quinsey
There is so much taking place that you are unaware of which is why when a major announcement is made about it, it will go worldwide. At the appropriate time you will be told why certain action has been taken, and the explanations will be received with both shock and surprise. Unbeknown to most people there has been a major battle taking place between the dark Ones and the Light for millennia of time. It is drawing to a conclusion and as a result many changes will take place to release you from the false position you have been placed in for so long. Read More…
The 9D Arcturian Council: The Rules of the Game on Planet Earth
05.03.2021 22:07 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been waiting for the most appropriate moment to bring you the following transmission, and it just so happens that the proper moment is now. We have been watching you as you struggle there on Earth to figure out what it is that you are supposed to do, how it is you are supposed to live, and in what you are supposed to believe. You have been looking for answers for a very long time there on Earth to these questions, and even bigger ones that you face, as human beings. Read More…
You are the Truth by Saint Germain - Channeled through Natalie Glasson
05.03.2021 21:51 St. Germain | Natalie Glasson
Greetings beloved brothers and sisters, I am St Germain. I come forth with love, respect, and truth. It is an honour to come forth to you and to share an activation. It is not an activation instigated by myself nor those upon the inner planes, it is more of a reminder of who you are and what you are capable of. As I bring forth information and a remembrance, so the activation will automatically take place within your being. It may require your focus and your attention as you draw the energy and the truth from your being into your awareness, into your reality and your experience. Read More…
05.03.2021 21:47 Sirius | Meditation
Connect with your higher self, whether it be, The Universe, God, The One or just You. There are many higher beings available to help you. e.g. Angels, Gods, Goddesses, Ascended Masters and many planetary beings in the different Dimensions. Living in the 3rd Dimension on Earth, you can learn to connect with beings in Higher dimensions. Open your mind to the higher dimensions through clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience. Seeing, feeling and hearing. Learn to talk and listen to these higher beings to help with your own problems. Ask for advice. Read More…
WHAT IS IT TO BE AN ENLIGHTENED BEING Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - March 2021
05.03.2021 21:45 Aita
James Gilliland: Why We Don’t Have Contact
05.03.2021 21:44 James Gilliland
When we say we don’t have contact we have to qualify contact. There has been contact since the beginning of humanity, civilizations have come and gone often due to the influence of imbalances and power struggles within their societies. Some perished, some continued having to start over as primitives, some continued to evolve spiritually and technologically. Those who have continued to evolve spiritually went back to the stars, the original colonies, “civilizations” came from the stars. Read More…
Sananda: Nearing The Finish Line
05.03.2021 21:31 Sananda - Jesus | James McConnell
I am Sananda. As always, I appreciate these times that I can be with you and share with you. And be a part of these continuing expression of your awakening consciousness. And oh! What an awakening consciousness is occurring here within each and every one of you, as well as many of your brethren across the planet, as more and more of you are awakening! You may not think that is happening. But, as we have said many times from our vantage point, it is. More and more lights are quickening within them. The flames are quickening within them, rising, growing, expanding, that flame of remembering and knowing and higher consciousness. It is all coming back. And all of you just simply need to continue to allow the process to continue. Read More…
Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, March 1, 2021
05.03.2021 21:13 Valerie Donner
The energies on your planet are chaotic right now. This requires intense focus for what is occurring. Nothing is happenstance. It is purposeful in this part of realigning the earth energies for ascension. The same applies to you and your physical bodies. They are messengers of what you need to heal and release in order to rise and take in more light. Some of this clearing is karmic and is from past lives. The more problematic that it seems, could mean that you have to work a little harder and listen more closely to the body for healing. Every situation, even though it seems dire, carries with it a gift, the opportunity for renewal, miracles, and blessings. Read More…
Message from Matthew - March 2, 2021
02.03.2021 22:43 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by saying that everything in your world is happening in what rightfully can be called divine order. The plan to transform life on Earth did not originate only two decades ago with the US legislation called NESARA, or a decade before that, with the global peace movement known as Harmonic Convergence. Indeed, those were grand milestones to celebrate, but the plan to restore the planet to its Eden self—a beauteous pristine world where all life forms live together peacefully and joyously—came into being untold millennia ago when God inspired the highest universal council to undertake that divine mission when the time was right. Read More…
02.03.2021 22:25 Sirius | Meditation
Learn about other cultures, practices and other ways of being. Be Non-Judgemental. There is no right and there is no wrong, there just IS. Before criticising another and their way of being, look to how other people may criticise you. If something annoys you, it is often the very thing that you do not like in yourself or something within you that you lack. e.g. If you do not like confrontation you might have trouble communicating, and prefer to bottle things up, instead of attracting adverse comments from others. All of Life is learning about yourself and who you are. You are not on Earth to make money or become famous, you are here on Earth purely for soul growth. Earth is the perfect planet, where souls can experience everything, both good and bad. Souls incarnate on Earth to learn and grow. Read More…
Time to Rejoice – The Council
02.03.2021 22:20 Exiting the Matrix | Disclosure
We wish, at this time, to update those who follow our messages in order to somewhat prepare you for the revelations regarding what has been happening and what is very shortly to occur. It has appeared to many that nothing extraordinary has been transpiring during the period of weeks since the beginning of the year. We tell you now that this is exactly how it was meant to appear, but it is also exactly not the case. Read More…
Ashtar’s Remedy for Impatience
02.03.2021 22:10 Ashtar | Kate Woodley
There are two themes coming up. There is a focus on lack, and there is much impatience. Many, many are experiencing impatience on a number of different levels. They are impatient with the state of the planet, they are impatient with their fellow humans, particularly those who may not be awakening or may not be standing from a place of unity, those who are creating division. It is triggering many lightworkers. It is creating much more upset than need be. Read More…
Saul through John: You all chose, with enormous generosity and compassion, to be incarnate
02.03.2021 22:05 Saul | John Smallman
Humanity is very, very close to the collective awakening, and there are signs of it in many places that are uplifting the hearts of those who see them and recognize them. All is going as divinely planned, as it always does. That often does not appear to be the case because, as humans in form, you are fully engaged in the ‘game’ of separation which can be extremely painful, especially when you are involved in conflict and self-doubt. Read More…
CHOOSE JOY, CHOOSE JOY, CHOOSE JOY Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - February 2021
02.03.2021 22:03 Aita
"The QFS is the New Gold Standard" by Ron Giles - 2.27.21
02.03.2021 22:01 Ron Giles | Financial System
I guess we didn’t learn from history about the old Gold Standard and so now, the "Powers That Be" may be setting us up for another major letdown - again. Nixon took us off the gold standard with the wisk of a pen. He said there were gold investors manipulating the gold prices, and that affected our currency value so he took us off the gold standard for a two-week period to let things settle down; it has lasted close to 60 years. So all you would be financial reformers, why are you taking us through this again? Who is in charge of this Gold Standard travesty? Is it the Cabal/Socialists/Communists or is it the Patriots? Read More…
How “The Bidan (sic) Show” is saving America (and the world)
MAGA is the end game of the original 18th century American Revolution. The European banking aristocracy and monopolising monarchies didn’t just pack up and go home when they were shot at and it was heard around the world. They simply switched tactics and played a long game to stealthily retake America. The war of invasion became a war of infiltration; the War of Independence never ended in reality. After various attempts to impose a central bank, the 19th century Civil War plunged America into debt and set up the conditions for a “bankocracy” to take power. America was turned into a corporation ruled by a Masonic city state — Washington DC — that was effectively an extension of the alliance of the British Crown. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/27/2021 • Dancing in Harmony in a Diverse Universe
02.03.2021 21:28 Ann Albers
It might be hard to imagine, in a world of vastly diverging opinions and perspectives, that you can find harmony. Nonetheless, all of life – including yourself – exists in a beautifully synchronized dance of vibration. Harmony is what you experience when you surrender to the natural impulses that arise within you – when you are in harmony with your own deeper Self. Read More…
Q&A | Answers From The Galactic Federation
02.03.2021 21:25 Lorie Ladd | Galactic Federation
The Heavenly Realms engaged Their Best to assist with the demise of those who have taken away our freedom of choice and to pursue life, liberty and Bliss basic in our US Declaration of Independence and Natural Constitution Rights. The Heaven Masters came with the ability to know all persons on the Earth; their needs, talents, Awareness level and also their hearts. They also have knowledge of where the enemy resides and how to terminate their despicable hatred of humans and remove them from all Creation, as they have created much chaos. Read More…