Nibiru via Galaxygirl | February 12, 2023
14.02.2023 20:58
I am Nibiru, a masculine force within your solar system whom has been long hidden from your view. There are many clever tricks being played upon humanity and these will end, they must end, as the time is coming now for full realization of the illusions that have been placed around your sphere. I am Nibiru, I orbit a binary star that has an elliptical orbit and as our dance is so vast it has been missed by the amateur star gazer. There are holograms surrounding your sphere, your skies show many times what those in power wish for them to show. Your chem trailing and cloud seeding have played a role in keeping up the film screen in some areas. But it matters not. Read More…
Source via Galaxygirl | February 5, 2023
10.02.2023 21:06
I am Source. I am the out-breath and the in-breath and the in-between. I breathe atoms and universes into existence. I am that I am. I breathed you into existence. You are my beloved children, creators in your own right, and I am very proud of your achievements. (I am seeing parents with happy tears in the stands as they watch their children graduate on the field). It is much like that. Gaia has graduated and those upon her made it possible. You are experiencing the great changes and your light is needed to anchor this change deeply into the hearts of men and women whose eyes have yet to see. Read More…
Divine Sophia: Rise of the Divine Feminine
06.01.2023 16:51
I am the Divine Sophia. I stand beside my Christed one, my beloved one. I will no longer be silenced or stilled. I have seen the wickedness and the sorrow in this realm, and I have fully experienced it as well for I am the divine feminine in light form. It is time for the divine rebalancing of the yin and yang, it is time for the divine counterparts to unite in blissful union. It is much more than sexual display of light, it is rather a complete unification, a complete melding of energies such that a new creation is birthed. This new creation, this New Earth, is the divine embodiment of the blissful union with my beloved one. Read More…
A Message from Chief Eagle Feather: Sky People
11.11.2022 21:39
I am Chief Eagle Feather. It is time again to speak. For much change is occurring on your world, just as our ancestors told it to be. As it was and so it is becoming. We see the skies telling their stories. We remember the Sky People in the stories of our ancestors. We remember them coming down and sharing their wisdom. We did not understand at first, but in time we learned to trust them. Our people were visited by the stars in the Pleiades. We were fortunate enough to be bubbled and energetically separated from the others. We were surrounded and protected by the Great Mother who rules and nurtures all things. The Great Mother is returning. Her energies are felt within the soil under our feet. We feel the rumbling of great change, like a mighty stampede. It cannot be stopped. It can be heard from afar. We know it is coming. We feel it is coming deep in our bones. You too feel the stampede of change. Read More…
Blue Angels and Seraphim via Galaxygirl | October 24, 2022
28.10.2022 20:00
Listen to the stillness within. There you will hear your voice. There you will most strongly feel your connection with Source, the Almighty one. We serve the Almighty in the inner most sanctuaries of the heart of hearts of the All that is, the All that will be and the All that ever was. For we are within this presence of the All, of the Ultimate, and we are not singed by this light, but are rejuvenated within the throne room. We see the occurrences on your world and we lend our light now. You will feel some of our blue energy now flow into you. It may feel like a zap or a jolt. (I am seeing electric blue lightning everywhere). Read More…
Helios via Galaxygirl | September 11, 2022
13.09.2022 22:00
Dear children of the Universe, I am Helios, your sun. This one has asked me what I have been up to lately, which caused me to laugh with delight, for I am expanding as you are expanding. Have you felt my light lately? Have you felt the shift that is occurring within your own inner sun, within Gaia’s inner sun? I too am a populated sphere, like your Gaia, there are many living within me, many of the higher dimensional energies who wish to feel my warmth and add their light to mine. You are doing the same here on your planetary realm. You are adding your light, your mirth, your joy, your wisdom and insight. Read More…
New Jerusalem via Galaxygirl - July 30, 2022
01.08.2022 21:10
Greetings humankind, beloved ones of Source sparks. I am the New Jerusalem, floating nearby your sphere. Some may call me a city, others a ship, others a prophecy revealed. I am all of those things. This one has asked to direct link with my consciousness. I am alive, yes. The consciousness of myself is an aspect of Source in a way for I am a creation of others. I can grow and expand to accommodate the needs of my space. (I am seeing a massive pyramid shaped city of light, crystals, gemstones, radiating such colors of magnificence. It is a massive space, I see there are cities and parks within, vast fields of crops, too many apartments to count. The bridge room is on the top forefront of the pyramid. Everything has a luminescent hue and there is a soft mechanical yet soothing humming, like a heartbeat that feels the collective consciousness of the inhabitants and surrounds them.) Read More…
Alahandran through Galaxygirl - May 31, 2022
07.06.2022 21:03
We ancestors of humanity speak now. (I am seeing a variety of types of beings who are all glowing with love. They are standing in a group observing Gaia and observing us.)Those of lower dimension are not with us. Those who have interfered negatively for their own gain are not in this place. I Alahandran speak. Read More…
Galactic Center: All Roads Lead Home
24.05.2022 21:35
I am the Galactic Center, center of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose Galaxy. This one and I have been sitting in zero space together, in stillness, in union, in peace. This is what I wish to bring through, to facilitate deep inner peace and connection with me, in these times of turbulence and change. Upheaval is present on your world, within the hearts of humankind, but it need not be so. For all are in process of either discovering me, of the connection to the deep inner way of the single walk towards inner unity, or dancing with chaos. The inner chaos of man is only a decision. Read More…
Great Central Sun via Galaxygirl | May 8, 2022
13.05.2022 20:01
I am the Great Central Sun. I shine my light continuously, effortlessly, steadfastly. I am without change and my light can no longer be hidden. Many of you bright lights are of embodied stars. You are lighting up your Gaia with grace and ease of the masters that you are. You are masters from other civilizations, worlds, realms, dimensions and timelines. Truly you are ‘from a galaxy far, far away,’ and yet we are all connected, as a giant neural network of Source, honing skills, learning, growing, expanding. The universe is eternal, vast and free. So are your souls. You were free to choose the Earth experience and many are choosing to awaken at this time, or to remain unawakened, caught in the dream, which is not always a pleasant one. Read More…
Gaia via Galaxygirl | March 7, 2022
11.03.2022 17:53
I am Gaia. I am expanding moment by moment, for there is no time only a string of moments of nows. I am Gaia. I see and feel deeply the pain upon me and I wish for you to send me healing and this one has been, and in turn we will heal eachother. When you ground into me I will ground into you, for we are one. Your atoms are my atoms, we are connected with the same God breath that unites all kingdoms of me. There has been much pain and suffering upon me over my lifetime and yet many joys and treasured moments as well. There will be more joy coming. You are a deep part of this joy for me. When you meditate I feel it, and I am healing with you. My ascended self is very real and it is all happening now. Children, focus on your ascension, on our ascension, for we are experiencing this simultaneously, side by side. Read More…
Grandmother Anna: The Sunrise of Humanity’s Awakening
04.02.2022 15:10
Dear children of my heart, this is your Grandmother Anna. I see your weariness – and I see your strength! Now is not the time to dwell on the external, that which you can see, but on the internal knowing that directs you, that guides your heart amidst whatever may come. I am with you. We, your extended family of the stars, we are with you and we love you. It is always darkest before the dawn and it is dawning now. The sunrise of humanity’s awakening is well underway. It will occur during your lifetimes because yes, it is occurring now. Do not be despondent. Be filled with the life force of Source, that is you, that is within you. A simple yet hard teaching within this Earth realm. I know, I have lived there many times and my last incarnation was a lengthy one. Read More…
Divine Sophia via Galaxygirl | January 2, 2022
07.01.2022 20:15
I am Sophia, Mother Divine. I am the pause between the silence. I am the light within the dark. I am all things for it was I who breathed it. Source is an aspect of me as I am an aspect of Source. All things came though my womb of creation. Some call me the dark mother that births the light. Others call me the voice in the stillness that whispers within. I am all of this. The quantum entanglement of this realm ends now. The great unraveling is at hand so that a new wiring can take place. This new rewiring of your DNA encompasses worlds of codes. Not just Gaia is affected and all upon her, but her surrounding realms and worlds that are not within your sight are affected. Gaia is breathing in rhythm with me. She is within me and I am within her. She is a part of my creation. The quantum entanglement ends as the mis-creations are dis-created and recreated. Read More…
Merlin via Galaxygirl | November 16, 2021
23.11.2021 20:26
Hello, students! My, what bright shiny faces, such eager listeners! I am your professor of magic and science, which is really all the same, but I digress. I am Merlin. And I have been asked to prepare a quick lesson today for you, by this one. Many of you are my pupils at night, or have been at least over the eons. We learn this and that in various lifetimes. In these realms you remember what your lave learned, which is most helpful indeed, is it not? Such a pity that one does not remember entirely in the realm of mist and shadows. Read More…
Seraphim Collective via Galaxygirl | November 14, 2021
16.11.2021 21:42
Beloved ones of Earth, we are the Seraphim Collective, here to offer you hope for humanity as you undergo these tremendous changes within and without. All around you and all within you is changing as the higher dimensional light vortexes pummel your atmosphere. We are surrounding you all now, those who are partaking of this vibration in any form, we are surrounding you now with our numerous feathery wings of light, enveloping you with great tenderness and mercy. Life is a mercy. There has been little tenderness on this realm of grit and dust, of fierceness and survival, but tenderness we hold for you. Read More…
Xylenia: Medical Beds
12.10.2021 18:52
We are the consciousness of the medical beds that are about to and are in process of serving humanity in this auspicious moment of the transition upon your planetary world. I Xylenia am speaking, head operator of the medical beds of one of the many facilities. Many of you have been operating your process of ascension. Individuated ascending moments coalesce into the whole. (I am seeing how one aspect of DNA its being lit up from within and spreading down the chain). Each moment of choice for the light makes an incredible impact on your body, on your human consciousness and upon Gaia. We are seeing human ones becoming more kind and loving with these higher dimensional shifts. Read More…
Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet via Galaxygirl | August 14, 2021
17.08.2021 21:39
Welcome humanity to the fold of the higher dimensions. Many of you have felt the escalation of the energies of late especially with the Lion’s Gate Portal, or the Earthly Portal of the Lion as we say. For we all have our own planetary portals and constellations that work with our own planetary stars and systems. Heaven is very complex and yet simple in its predictability of mathematical and energetic interactions. As heavenly bodies move they create massive gravitational pulls, energetic pulls and as the stars dance through the vortexes all are affected, especially those nearest. We have been coming near to your sphere to aid, to assist. Many of you have been assisting in your sleep state. Many of you know and love us deeply. As you are never ending souls you have had infinite adventures within many different forms, and this is another one of those adventures that you are having. We wish for you to lighten up and to not take yourselves so seriously for it will be like oil and water for you, and the lower dimensional muck will not stick. Read More…
Chief Eagle Feather via Galaxygirl | August 7, 2021
10.08.2021 21:19
Hou. I am Chief Eagle Feather. Humans of Earth, of Gaia’s reawakening. Mother Earth needs you now. You are here for such times that lie ahead. You must not grow weary or become faint of heart. The warrior rests in between battle. You have been in near constant battle for energy hijacking, clearing. Smoke. Sage smoke assists. I blow it towards you now to soothe you, mighty warriors all around I see listening. I do not see much talking. I see much listening, a quiet has come over the grounded ones of Gaia. And this is good. Read More…
Seraphim Collective via Galaxygirl | July 19, 2021
23.07.2021 21:05
Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is and is to come. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. Holy are you, dear human embodied for undertaking such a mission as this. Holy, holy, holy is the human collective, who is triumphing despite all that is thrown against. Holy are the insights that are about to be experienced. Holy are the tears that are about to be shed. Holy is the release of that which is not perfect into the embrace of that which is perfect. We see perfection in humanity for we see the possibilities of the all and we feel the light within every choice, every possible timeline and we see that all things lead to Source for all is Source. Holy, holy, holy are these eyes reading these words, Source eyes reading words from the higher echelons. Read More…
Metatron & Source ~ galaxygirl 7/9/2021
18.07.2021 21:10
I am Metatron, greetings, light bearers of Gaia. You are in the midst of a storm of spiritual and energetic proportions that the multiverse has not previously witnessed or experienced. (I am seeing a purple temple curtain with stars embroidered on it rip from top to bottom. I am seeing space rip apart and feeling the ensuing silence.) Those of you who are ardent students of the light and of Creator’s purpose understand that with great experience comes great learning and development. Read More…
Crystals of Inner Earth and Agarthans ~ galaxygirl 6/27/2021
29.06.2021 22:29
Greetings, most beloved ones. We are the Crystals of Inner Earth. We are connecting currently with this one from Agartha, inner realm of peace and great beauty. (I am seeing a crystal city surrounded by forests and fields of green. I am hearing a humming and feeling that this is a very high vibrational place. Beautiful tall people are walking wearing simple white clothing that is draped, adorned with precious metals in their hair and on their clothing. Serene crystal homes that are size adjustable, simple and clean have privacy technology or can be made transparent, depending on the need. Fountains, springs, water is all around and you can hear it through the city and neighborhoods. Read More…
Source via Galaxygirl | June 21, 2021
25.06.2021 21:45
In the beginning all was me, the light of myself, illuminating and free, unbound by any physicality of expression. In the beginning all I knew was of myself and the great mystery beyond myself. For I had not further expanded, I was all that I knew. And so I created aspects. Aspects of myself that I could communicate with, share the great mystery and joy of life with. And as aspects of myself they were creators of the highest order, for they were the first order. Elohim. Seraphim. Archangels. All were created to experience further differentiation of themselves as myself. Read More…
Bethulia: Earth’s Sister Planet
22.06.2021 22:07
I am Bethulia. I am watching your progress upon my sister planet, Gaia. We are energetically linked for we have had similar experiences in many ways. I have ascended beyond my pain and I am assisting with sending my love to your planet, my dear friend, moment by moment. We planetary grid members are banding together more and more to offer our support and love for you and for Gaia, for we are like the neurons in your brain. We are always firing messages to each other and together create a pulsing white grid of light, of interdimensional consciousness and deep community. Read More…
Alisheryia the Dragon: Align with Peace
11.06.2021 21:57
Greetings little humans. I Alisheryia am speaking. I am here as representative of the divine feminine with my soothing blue vibration of deep peace, creativity, tranquility. I soothe the fires of the divine masculine. Those who align with peace, harmony and creativity are aligned with the divine feminine deep within them that is now rising and coming full force to the surface realm. She retreated deep within the earth and within the distant memories of men as the time of imbalance and discord played out upon the surface and inner astral realms. The divine feminine is rising, returning into the memories of those who had forgotten and it is cooling the fires of disharmony upon your planetary sphere. Read More…
Alisheryia and the Ascended Dragon Collective: Humanity
30.04.2021 22:30
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We offer peace this day. When hatchlings are agitated we draw them close, just as we put our large wings around you. Wings are meant for flying but also for comforting and for creating a safe place, nestled in. It is never cold in the nook of a wing for love beats in that space of darkness and paternal / maternal warmth is felt as well. We have also been rescuing human children from various places of your galaxy. We say ‘your’ for we are not contained by time space. We easily fly in between the galaxies and traverse the universes for we serve all sectors.
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Yeshua: Illusory Separation
23.04.2021 19:34
I am Yeshua. I come through this one today as I come through many of you. Many of you have within you the essence of me, for we are all one. We are all aspects of Source in various forms. Therefore, we are all connected and separation is truly impossible. It is possible to become so ensconced and entrapped by the human mind and dogma to feel an illusory separation. This is what is crumbling as humanity rises further from the inter-dimensional entrapment and falsities of religious programming. People are waking up to the god-self within. It is really quite simple. You are aspects of Source. Read More…
Ascended Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl | April 11, 2021
13.04.2021 21:15
Humans currently embodied, we are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Resurrection fire burns brightly within. Trust the fire. Feel the warmth. We are and have been spreading the dragon flame of truth and inner awakening, partnering with the comets who weave webs of light in your galaxy, our galaxy. Energetically the dark is no match for the light. You are seeing the final gasps and grasps for power. The light is the true power and it has returned. Within the lightworkers burn hot coals of fiery truth, truth that oneness with Source is within. Read More…
Archangel Zadkiel and the Seraphim Collective: Rising Light
09.04.2021 22:19
Greetings beloved angels in form, walking on hallowed ground of the New Earth in the making. We see you as holiness in progress, exploring deep purpose and forgiveness in this time. This one has been having ascension symptoms presenting as spine pain for over a week as have many of you. Be encouraged, for your etheric wings are strengthening in the gusts of the energetics that surround. You are growing stronger, wiser, braver, bolder. Your light is rising up as the surrounding darkness dissipates with the light. Purple wings envelop. Utilization of the violet flame in this time is essential. It will promote forgiveness, cleansing and internal healing. Read More…
Archangelic Collective via Galaxygirl | March 29, 2021
01.04.2021 21:57
Greetings beloveds on ascending Gaia. We are the Archangelic Collective. You likely feel as a little boat on a rocky sea, navigating the winds and waves, the currents, the unexpected gusts. No storm lasts forever. Calm seas with gentle breezes are ahead of humanity. But in this now you are here to navigate the currents as the masters that you are. You are not here to be comfortable. You are here to be strong. And you are strong. We say this while wiping a few tears from our eyes as we watch you and assist from the ethers. Giant wings are all around, beloved ones. Giant wings ready to whisper encouragement or dispel a foe, or to assist you with your alignment process. There are many of us, too many to count. There are many archangelic realms in many universes and we have all joined our consciousness for Gaia’s rebirth so that we may assist most effectively and lovingly. Read More…
Elohim via Galaxygirl | February 1, 2021
05.02.2021 21:25
We are Elohim. We are ancient, we are wise. We are the creators of many places and experiences. Many of us are embodied upon your Earth to correct, to guide, to transform that which is not light into light or at least into neutrality. We wish to speak of neutrality. You have been living within a world of duality, a word that is mentioned frequently but is perhaps not fully understood, even thought you have been immersed within its side effects. Duality, divorce from self, from the true self, division from unity, opposites. It is the energy of these things that has been all around and submerged within the matrix framework of your frame of reference, but perceived as normal. Normal is changing. Read More…
Waters of Nova Gaia via Galaxygirl | January 16, 2021
19.01.2021 21:17
We are the waters of Nova Gaia. This one has summoned us for our higher energies are soothing, clear and deep. We nurture our mother and we nurture those upon and within her form. We will nurture you, should you like. We are the Waters of Nova Gaia. Our energies are of the highest light, of the higher ways. Many healing modalities are utilized through our form as we are crystalline and our atoms hum and sing the codes of divinity. If you listen you can hear us sing. You hear us in your more diluted lower form upon your realm. We are there nonetheless. Read More…
Planetary Ancestors via Galaxygirl | January 13, 2021
15.01.2021 23:19
We are the ancestors. We are the ancestors of Gaia. Gaia is the jewel of all of the multiverse. Gaia is to be honored, treasured, the jewel in the crown, the heart of hearts expanding. Gaia offers all of us the chance to witness the depths of self discovery from within the ensconced mind of the human condition. Planets have ancestors. For the soul that embodies them has a past. All are expanding on their own path of discovery of the light within. Gaia’s great light was dimmed and now she will shine again, the brightest of the bright, the most honored of guests. Send Gaia your light. Together you will shine. Read More…
Ashtar via Galaxygirl, January 1, 2021
05.01.2021 19:59
Greetings galaxygirl, greetings beloved warriors of light! Welcome to 2021! Welcome to the higher energies, for they are rising incrementally bit by bit and your earth realm will be almost unrecognizable, and quite higher energetically a year from now. These energies that are bathing your beautiful sphere in the golden light of the love of Source are being felt within the plants, within the rocks, within the hearts of humankind and we can see this most concretely from our vantage point in the ships. We have numerous technologies for measuring such increases in vibratory speed, and it is quite exciting to be able to watch and observe and lend a hand when we are permitted. Read More…
Joaquin of the Galactic Federation via Galaxygirl - June 1, 2020
06.06.2020 20:43
We are representatives of the Galactic Federation. Last night we woke this one up to inform her that humanity was freed. We wish to elaborate upon this news bulletin. For you are currently experiencing a cacophony of energetic realities that we know, and can observe being felt as overwhelm. The light has overwhelmed the darkness. You are now seeing and feeling this expression of battle, of discord as energies separate and stretch higher or lower into different dimensional constructs and realities. Read More…
Aieshla of Oceana via Galaxygirl, May 17, 2020
20.05.2020 20:25
Yes! I am Aieshla of the Oceana realm of Nova Gaia. I speak to you now as representative of my people. We wish to welcome you to your new vibratory home, those of you who have chosen the higher and narrow path of ascension. It is a lonely road, but in this loneliness true inner peace with the golden one within, is made. Such is the treasure at the end of the proverbial rainbow. There are many rainbows here in Nova Gaia and we harvest their energies to power our ships. Read More…
Source, Alcyone, Ter ‘Aka via Galaxygirl, February 7, 2020
09.02.2020 17:42
I am Source. I am the all that is and the all that is not. I am surrounding you with intense love and light in this time of metamorphosis of your bodies, of your planet, of your minds, of your hearts. For all is changing. Time marches on and it has been not only marching, but sprinting to try to keep up with these blasts of light from our friend here, Alcyone. Alcyone, do you have a message for our precious ground team today? Read More…
Blue Avians, Ter’ Aka via Galaxygirl, January 30, 2020
31.01.2020 21:52
Herald to the light! We are the Blue Avians making contact through this one once again, as we bring good tidings of high energies and encodements through this one, in this most illustrious now. For the tide has turned. You are seeing, you are experiencing, you are witnessing the destruction of the matrix programming that has brought so much pain, and yet great learning and understanding, to so many. Gaia is to be praised for her willingness to withstand the dark, so that she may more aptly explode into the light. Read More…
Pleiadian Medical Team via Galaxygirl with Video, January 10, 2020
15.01.2020 21:09
Hello friends, we are one of your Pleiadian Medical Teams that are uniquely assigned to you. We offer a variety of healing modalities and we visit you when you remember to request a visitation, an appointment. We are here to gently remind you that you have tremendous support and love made available to you and that you need not feel so isolated or alone. We are infusing the vibration of “home” within these words for so many of you have felt adrift, apart from this vibration in your current incarnation. We find that the word “home,” which we wish to transmute and elevate, can be tremendously cleansing, healing, uplifting. It can also be maligned when immersed within a challenging 3D plane of existence. Read More…
St. Germain via Galaxygirl, November 30, 2019
02.12.2019 18:06
Hello friends and family. I am your St. Germaine. I am here on official business, which is to cheer you up and to let you now that yes, all is proceeding nicely and that the payouts are being paid out. Now to those of you who have not heard hide nor hare of this it may feel like this proclamation is a bit of an eye roller. And I understand, I can see and sense that many of you are a bit steamed that this has taken so long. Read More…
Ashtar Command and Yeshua via galaxygirl, November 13th, 2019
19.11.2019 20:55
Greetings, family and friends of the light. This is Ashtar on board the New Jerusalem. We are patrolling your skies with love, with tender care, asserting our presence with love and the power of it. For we are here on divine mission, as are you. We are here to ground and guard the light, as are you, light bearers of the way. And so we offer you encouragement this day. Read More…
Flower Fairies and Alisheryia ~ Galaxygirl ~ 11/9/2019
19.11.2019 20:54
Universal Mother and Pegasus Collective ~galaxygirl~ Nov 4
15.11.2019 21:06
Shasha and Andrew of the Pleiadian Medical Teams via Galaxygirl, November 4, 2019
08.11.2019 21:25
Hello! We are one of the many Pleiadian Medical Teams currently dispatched on assignment to assist one of our own in human form. We eagerly desire to work with the starseeds of Gaia as she transcends dimensional realities. We invite you to work with us, to request our assistance, for that is our main duty and current mode of service to Nova Gaians. As you know the ascension symptoms have been intense. Many of you are clearing for the collective as well as for yourselves, and so it is very taxing on the body. Read More…
Magdalenes and Mother Mary ~ Galaxygirl ~ 9/23/19
27.09.2019 21:01
Alcyone via Galaxygirl with VIDEO, September 9th, 2019
14.09.2019 22:07
I am Alcyone, your great Central Sun. I am not great in my own eyes, but to you and those in this section, I am. Nor am I truly central in a relative universe. But I see you as great, oh children of Earth, of this great experiment of the unveiling of light. I see you as great, very great, and very central to the success of this experiment. Read More…
Golden-Triangle Head Beings via Galaxygirl | July 27, 2019
01.08.2019 15:23
We are the Golden-Triangle Head Beings. Hello humans reading these encoded words. This one was hesitant to speak with us and asked us if we were “indeed a thing”, which we find highly amusing. Yes, true, humanity has been so bombarded and enmeshed with inaccurate half-truths and it is wise that you are seeking clarity. Seek clarity in all things, in the inner truth of your own heart-space be your compass. We are a part of the Sphere Being Alliance. Read More…
Blue Avians via Galaxygirl with VIDEO, June 3, 2019
08.06.2019 12:29
Greetings human typing and humans reading these words. I am Tier-Eir of the Blue Avian grouping, higher ascended beings that have been monitoring this space time quadrant in all of its changing. For the time is now ripe for the planetary ascension of your planet, Gaia, who is morphing and changing right under your feet. We monitor the planetary encodements of numerous worlds. We assist the others in their quest for ascension on a planetary level. Read More…
Message from Alcyone via Galaxygirl, May 29th, 2019
01.06.2019 15:11
Hello friends of the light, of the way. I am your central sun Alcyone. I guard this time-space quadrant with my light, radiating, warming, cleansing, blasting away the dark. I am surrounded by the darkness of space and yet it makes my light seem brighter to those witnessing its brilliance. So too, Source fractal, human embodied, so too are you shining up your own space quadrant with your tremendous love and light. It brings me great joy for in the times of old it was foreseen that this would be a most epic journey for those humans lucky enough – and brave enough – to be an embodied soul in this most auspicious now of planetary enlightenment. Do you feel the rush and tingle of excitement shoot down your spine, causing your arm hairs to raise up? Yes friend, I am speaking about you. Read More…
Crystal Collective of Nova Gaia via Galaxygirl 5/20/2019
26.05.2019 18:51
Yeshi (Yeshua / Sananda) via Galaxygirl on 5/14/2019
19.05.2019 16:17
Ashtar via Galaxygirl - 04.04.2019
05.04.2019 22:20
Ashtar via Galaxygirl, March 11th, 2019
15.03.2019 19:23
Greetings comrades in arms, I am your Ashtar, leader of the Intergalactic fleet for Gaia’s Ascension. Yes, we have updated our fleet name for the occasion for we as are eager as you are to see this mission completed and it is with great joy that I speak with you today.
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Elemental Collective of Gaia via Galaxygirl on 1-13-2019
15.01.2019 20:08
Ashtar via Galaxygirl, November 20th, 2018
23.11.2018 20:27
Greetings Friends! I am Ashtar, lending my voice tonight. Much is proceeding and going according to plan / schedule that I am not at full liberty to discuss. But please be assured that you are an integral part of this plan and we couldn’t do it without you. I send you my love and light and we all extend our arms and hands to you in blessing. Read More…
The Mothers via Galaxygirl, October 13th, 2018
19.10.2018 18:20
It is I, your Mother Sekmet. All eyes are currently on your little Earth, this beautiful blue glowing sphere being inundated with the Christed light frequency from many of you light seeds and from the womb of the Great Mother of All Things, who waits not much longer. This one has noticed the restlessness of the canine kingdom this week. Perhaps you also have noticed inner stirrings of discontent and inner knowing that things were not supposed to be this way. For many of you light workers, star seeds, have past lives and memories of how grand civilizations in ascended societies work, and you are remembering this and feeling this discontent rise up within and your inner knowing can no longer be stifled. Read More…
Message from the Feline Race via Galaxygirl, August 26th, 2018
31.08.2018 17:13
Greetings Humanity. We are the Feline Race from another time stream, another place, far from your realm of understanding of what is and what is not. However, we, along with a myriad of other beings (for as you know your universe is teeming with life of all sorts) are here to observe, to support energetically and to uphold the light amidst Gaia’s planetary ascension. We are here in great numbers now for we all wish to witness and to lend our energy signatures towards the greatest experiment of all time. For this has never happened before in any planetary system, and you friends, are the forerunners of this grand energy wave. Read More…
Elthor the Dragon & the Dragon Collective - Galaxygirl 8/12/18
17.08.2018 18:31
Ashtar via Galaxygirl, June 7th, 2018
10.06.2018 17:26
Greetings friends! It is I Ashtar with the Galactic Federation and we are hovering in your orbit in this ever present now, watching and being of service to your evolution as a collective. The individual part of it is up to you, and we see our ground team performing as professional athletes, who, even thought they thought they were beyond exhausted, found the inner knowing and motivation to push through the final entropy burst that would allow their successful victory. Read More…
Sananda via Galaxygirl, June 4th, 2018
05.06.2018 18:49
Greetings friends! It is I, your Sananda. As I look upon my beloved friends and family from the bridge of the New Jerusalem, I am delighted and astonished at the rate of acceleration of both personal and collective growth of you all in such a short amount of time. It is truly exhilarating to witness and it is may privilege and honor to be of service at this most critical juncture of your ascension and your evolution. Read More…
Crystal Kingdom & The Universal Mother via Galaxygirl - 5/2/18
05.05.2018 21:16
Message from Sanat Kumara, Sananda, and Friends for April 8, 2018
11.04.2018 20:15
Message from the Mothers Via Galaxygirl - 05.04.2018
09.04.2018 20:56
Mother God via Galaxygirl, December 28, 2017
31.12.2017 16:33
Sananda via Galaxygirl, December 18th, 2017
19.12.2017 19:22
It is I, Sananda! I greet you with a hearty hug and am telling you that all is well tonight, dear friends. All is well, and all is going to be well. For I see splendor and a glorious timeline projecting here, from the New Jerusalem, where I am currently standing on the bridge, and the view is most stunning. Read More…
Mother Sekhmet via Galaxygirl, December 17th, 2017
18.12.2017 20:59
Dear children of Earth, of ascending Gaia, hear me. I am your Mother Sekmet. Much has been written of me but eroded away through the sands of your time and history editions. It matters not. My message tonight, today, for you dear ones, is that of hope and finding your own inner strength, for this is currently a stumbling block for many who are unsure of how to begin, of how to proceed, of who they are. The amnesia has gone deep with many of you and it is time to wake up from the trance of forgetfulness! Listen to me roaring and stand at attention, for these are hard truths that must be heard, and understood, carried deeply into the most tender, and often forgotten, innermost places of you. Read More…
Mother Gaia via Galaxygirl, December 13th, 2017
18.12.2017 20:47
Sananda via Galaxygirl VIDEO, December 3d, 2017
07.12.2017 19:15
Elthor the Dragon via galaxygirl - 04.11.2017
06.11.2017 18:30