Sananda via Galaxygirl, June 4th, 2018
05.06.2018 18:49 Sananda - Jesus | Galaxygirl

Greetings friends! It is I, your Sananda. As I look upon my beloved friends and family from the bridge of the New Jerusalem, I am delighted and astonished at the rate of acceleration of both personal and collective growth of you all in such a short amount of time. It is truly exhilarating to witness and it is may privilege and honor to be of service at this most critical juncture of your ascension and your evolution.
2000 years ago Earth was a dark void. That is why I was born into it, to seed the consciousness of humanity with the Christed light codes that had been wiped out and genetically eliminated from your DNA. But that has been long resolved. For my DNA and Christed light energy work has done the trick in creating a seed and now a full tree has grown and multiplied so that now the dark void that I used to call my home is verdant and green energetically with the Christed light codes glowing from within, a pulsing verdant green of light.
Green is healing you know. It is the color of the heart, just as dear Mother Gaia’s name Earth is an anagram for Heart. It is all the same. She is the planet of love, of life and of hard lessons learned and learned most brilliantly! Look! See how you have grown, expanded into the angels of love light and mercy that you were destined to be! My friends, you have fulfilled your promises to yourself and to to me and to the collective and oh, I am so proud of you! I am tearing up right now through this one as I see through misty eyes of love that dims the hard edges and blurs all out into light and love – this is how I see you. Glowing, verdant, green, healed.
I am your Sananda! I am so in love with humanity this day and every day. I am love, as are you, you are only in the midst of remembering. And some of you now have risen through your own exquisite trials and tribulations that you had designed for yourselves to experience (hard to understand and accept I know) and you are growing now, thriving and these lessons cracked you open like a geode as this one likes to say, and has exposed your beautiful crystalline codes within that are growing, increasing, and becoming you, your new you; your crystalline you that is so stunningly beautiful and strong, so much stronger. You are becoming your superhero self! Ha! This is so tremendously exciting, it is better than any movie that could have been dreamed up.
You the human collective is a mighty creative force. Your potential and your understandings for such things have been walled off from your grasp but for no longer. Intention is the key. Meditation is the key. Talking with your higher self, with me if you so choose, is the key. You have all the tools needed. Your crystal friends are becoming so much stronger as well with the new glorious energy codes that are blasting through the darkness that once enshrouded you. No more! The light is blasting through, has cleared – and you transmuters have cleansed and cleared the energetic dross that had suffocated you and the mother Gaia for far too long!
It is finished. And you friends, are the finishers of this mighty intense marathon, and oh, we are all so very proud of you. Can you hear the applause and the cheers from behind me? Yes, we are all here, and yes, we love you so much. You will begin to see more of our ships in the sky dancing and cheering you on. For we are here, just cloaked, most of us. But we are here none the less. As humanity begins to ask the questions we will begin to provide more clues and answers.
But you my friends, the relentlessly patient ground team are the leaders of this, the way showers, gently seeding the consciousness so that new questions are pondered and then asked. It is how it should be, that you who have worked so tirelessly should have the most exciting job at the end. Ha! No eye rolling. You’ve got this. Only the best qualified who applied got the job and well, here you are, my friends! Reading this means that you have all the feathers in your cap and badges on your uniform required to do these things. Just wrap everything in love and you’re be fine. Love is the answer. It is the key that unlocks the miracles of life and of the mysteries of the world around you.
I love you. I am your Sananda! Now be encouraged! You have won the race! Now is the process of cleaning up and explaining to the others that they were in a race to begin with. No problem, right? I am always here for you. I love you. I am always available for consultation. It is my joy to talk with you this day and everyday. Blessings upon you this day and everyday.
~ galaxygirl