May 2022
Judith Kusel -The Law of One
31.05.2022 21:05 Judith Kusel | The Law of One
I am always sharing from my heart and soul and with great love and I feel so guided this morning to share with you, the fact that with the New Earth, we are returning to the Omniversal fold, where the Law of One is fully operational, and all adhere to it. True soul mastery, means the soul adheres to the Law of One and applies it, indeed lives it. It becomes a way of life and living, and thus is steeped in pure intent and pure unconditional love. Read More…
31.05.2022 20:55 Tarot by Janine
A 12-Year Old’s View of Growing Up in Donbass
31.05.2022 20:49 Exiting the Matrix | Hidden Truth
This article was originally posted on the website, ‘,’ one year ago, on May 27, 2021…long before Putin stepped in to put an end to the deep state operations in Ukraine. What’s been happening in Donbass for 8 years now has been entirely ignored, certainly in the U.S. media. What this young writer has to say is important for the world to understand. Read More…
31.05.2022 20:34 Rebecca Porter
For those of us who have peered through the veil and acknowledged the polarities of light and dark that together create the third dimensional world, maintaining trust in a benevolent outcome for humanity has been our biggest challenge. We know in our hearts that the light will prevail, but our external world continues to portray corruption, manipulation, deceit and control as all-powerful and insurmountable forces. The dark players at the top of the pyramid seem mysteriously immune to universal justice and the karmic laws to which the rest of us have agreed. Read More…
MERLIN - The Excalibur Activation - 07-07 Portal
31.05.2022 20:28 EldoRa & Siman | Lord Merlin
Enter the Holodeck
31.05.2022 20:21 Catherine Viel
I’ve been reminiscing about San Francisco’s Chinatown. The old men sitting in doorways wearing tasseled silk caps and brightly patterned kimono pants and tops. Some of them would have a long curled little fingernail on one hand, growing in a two-inch spiral. Such an unexpected sight, you couldn’t help but stare. I have a romanticized memory of the city because I haven’t been there in so long. Visiting again is on my vague list of “things to do at some point.” But when I see current photos of the homeless tent cities, the filthy streets, the gloomy alleyways and tenements, I’m not so sure I want to bother. Cherished experiences can’t be replicated. The tiny deli where I used to get real New York style bagels before French class at the Alliance Française has probably been converted to a Starbucks. Read More…
James Gilliland: Disclosure Hearings, Why They Fail, Making Contact
31.05.2022 20:10 James Gilliland | Disclosure
The disclosure hearings were doomed to fail from the start. They will not take us closer to contact. I want you to reason this. Imagine a spiritually and technologically advanced ET walks into the room. They are telepathic, extremely sensitive to energies, know us better than we know ourselves, can sense all the hidden agendas and intentions of everyone in the room. They possess what is called direct knowing, nothing is hidden. Now take stock in who is in the room. That is all I should have to say but some need more explanation. Read More…
Human Evolution - Gregg Braden’s Perspective vs Mainstream… Something Happened 200,000 Years Ago
31.05.2022 20:07 Gregg Braden | Galactic History
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/28/2022 • Facts, truths, & Truth
31.05.2022 20:04 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, There is a great deal of discussion on your planet these days about truth. On a given topic, the word inspires many perspectives in many different people. You have a thirst for truth, and this thirst is one for a deeper Truth – that you live and labor in love, and that all souls, no matter how awkward or misdirected, are also attempting to live and labor in love. No matter the “facts” of a situation, the love that lives within and beneath all creation is the deepest Truth. It is the Truth worth acknowledging, the Truth worth centering your life around, and the Truth that will keep you in a vibration above all the lower vibrational 3D-“truths” that abound. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 27, 2022
27.05.2022 22:51 Mike Quinsey
The Alliance continues to make advances but as normal they keep their activities to themselves to safeguard those involved. The war with Russia will be the last one of such proportions, because it will not have benefitted anyone. The time for diplomacy to settle disputes is clearly the pathway to follow in future. Naturally the dark Ones are involved, and responsible for maintaining a situation that is calculated to keep Humanity in an unhealthy state and lower levels of consciousness. Read More…
You’ve Been Here Before: Lemuria, Atlantis & Egypt ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are offering higher-vibrational energies to all of you at this time because we have noticed an ability amongst the awakened collective to handle higher-vibrational energies. And when you demonstrate that ability, we amplify the frequency, and we send a fresh batch, and we see how you handle them. You are getting quite good at noticing when higher-vibrational energies are upon you, and most of you have been able to make adjustments in order to receive them and acclimate to them. We know we say this often, but it bears repeating. You need to be hydrated, grounded in your bodies and present, and then you can handle the latest energies that are upon you, and you can do even more than just handle them. You can work with them; you can co-create with them. You can access more of your gifts and abilities with them, because those are the things they are meant to do. Read More…
27.05.2022 22:40 Tarot by Janine | MK Ultra
Judith Kusel: Your Earthly Bodysuit
27.05.2022 22:30 Judith Kusel
All is intensifying as the higher dimensional and consciousness states are being revved up and thus we are going through a huge morphing process. Note, if the caterpillar, when knowing that it is about to liquidized, in order to become a butterfly buys into the fear or resistance modes, it will simply wither and die, and never allow itself to go through the most amazing transfiguration process into a butterfly. Read More…
Sananda Through James McConnell: Allow the Process
27.05.2022 22:12 Sananda - Jesus | James McConnell
I am Sananda. I come at this time to be with you in these special times that you are in. These times of great change that is coming based on the energies that are coming into the planet. And we know that many of you have been feeling these greater higher energies coming in and having an effect on you. In the past, these effects would have wrecked havoc with your central nervous system. But not any longer. For most of you are able to withstand or take these energies in because you have been acclimating to these energies. And you can take more and more stronger levels of these energies coming in and be able to work with the energies, and know that the energies, although very strong, and even may bring some difficult times as far as your physical body is concerned, but you know that it is something that will pass. And it always passes. So know that each time as these energies become stronger, and stronger, and stronger. Read More…
Ashian: The Pre-stages of the Ascension Event
Jennifer: Well, this may come as no surprise to you, but I’ve been avoiding you! A lot. Ashian: And we thank you for returning – if indeed there was anywhere to hide! – you were missed by us. Would you care to share? J: I hate to repeat myself, but here we go… It’s raw. Life is far too raw at the moment. There’s too much pain in my own life and I know from what I’m being told, many light workers (myself included) are tired, deflated and – quite frankly, although I will never quit – I have lost sight of the finish line. In fact, I think I’ve passed several lines I thought were finish lines, and we are still here, holding on, without significant change. I’m probably not meant to say this but I’m tired and angry. There you go. I said it. Read More…
Saint Germain: In the Midst of the Great Change Over
24.05.2022 22:17 St. Germain | James McConnell
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time to be with you, to continue to express with you, to continue to bring this entire program forward. And indeed, this is a program. A program that we, those of us, the Ascended Ones, those of the Galactics, all that have been working with this group, and with all of you that are raising your consciousness across the planet. Sometimes unconsciously, but more and more now consciously, it is all happening as it needs to. All is happening in what we call God’s time, divine timing. And know that everything is indeed in divine timing here. Maybe not your timing, but it is divine. And it is part of the Great Plan that has been in the works for a long, long time. Read More…
24.05.2022 22:11 Tarot by Janine
Galactic Center: All Roads Lead Home
24.05.2022 21:35 Galaxygirl
I am the Galactic Center, center of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose Galaxy. This one and I have been sitting in zero space together, in stillness, in union, in peace. This is what I wish to bring through, to facilitate deep inner peace and connection with me, in these times of turbulence and change. Upheaval is present on your world, within the hearts of humankind, but it need not be so. For all are in process of either discovering me, of the connection to the deep inner way of the single walk towards inner unity, or dancing with chaos. The inner chaos of man is only a decision. Read More…
Arcturian Group Message - 22nd May 2022
24.05.2022 21:17 Marilyn Raffaele
Dear readers, because so many have begun to question and even loose hope as they look out on today's world, this message is intended to bring greater understanding and encouragement with regard to earth's ascension process. Much of this has to do with the fact that so many are continuing to hold three dimensional concepts of what the ascension process should look like and then when it doesn't, they begin to doubt and question. Read More…
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 22nd May 2022
24.05.2022 21:04 Galactic Federation | Blossom Goodchild
Good morning to you. Well, there’s some monkey business going on! Many are writing, asking if this latest ‘monkeypox’ that’s going around, is Fergus the Fungus in disguise? What are your thoughts, please? And a Bright Good Morning to you, Blossom and all. Hardly bright outside my house, as the rain continues to cause havoc over Queensland. Yet, I guess that is another story. Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Crown Jewel of Creation
24.05.2022 20:48 Judith Kusel
When planet earth was first created, she was known as “The Crown Jewel of Creation”. She was vibrant, beautiful, filled with new Life and thus all who passed here in their Great Motherships, admired her and wanted to experience her. Thus the first who created her, and brought life into form and being upon, her petitioned the Intergalactic Federation, and asked if they could continue living her, and thus start civilization here in earnest. Thus Elysium, the first Civilization was born. Read More…
Saul through John: Without even one of you Source would be incomplete
24.05.2022 20:26 Saul | John Smallman
We are, as we keep reminding you, very, very close to your collective awakening. Therefore it is essential that you maintain your daily practice of setting the intent to be only loving whatever arises during the day, and to open your hearts as channels or conduits thus allowing and inviting Mother/Father/God to direct their immense energy of Love through each and every one of you to each and every human – without any exceptions whatever – to bring your collective awakening to its most magnificent moment of fruition. The plan has been set, the NOW moment has been chosen, so continue to do your parts extremely consciously and conscientiously, and as you do, Celebrate! Your awakening is inevitable, so celebration is utterly and completely appropriate, it intensifies the awakening energy flow and arouses joy in all who are awakening. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/21/2022 • When life offers hate - turn to love
24.05.2022 20:22 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You are all challenged these days to stay in a kinder, more compassionate, and more loving reality than one being demonstrated by some very hurting souls on your planet Earth. When you see the hateful, try not to fall into hate. Would you hate a child that doesn’t know the consequences of their angry tantrums and hurtful behaviors, or would you rather see them learn a better way? When you see the consequences of hate, try not to wish for revenge. Why hurt a hurting soul and drive them more deeply into their hatred, when instead, you can pray for their understanding so they never again commit such atrocities? Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 20, 2022
20.05.2022 22:48 Mike Quinsey
Each move by the dark Ones is counteracted by the Alliance so that when it would appear they have achieved their objectives, they find that they have been caught out and experience a different end result. So whilst the Light must play to the rules, the dark Ones will attempt to bend them to achieve their aims. As we have informed you many times they will use the most devious means to gain the advantage, but the Light will ultimately win. Read More…
Awakening Your Divine Plan by the Andromedans
20.05.2022 22:32 Natalie Glasson
Greetings, we emanate light, the light of the Andromedans to you. We come forth as the Andromedan’s civilisation to be of service to you in this major ascension movement that you are journeying through upon the Earth. We wish for you to know we are present to support and serve you in every moment of your ascension. It is our purpose and our divine plan, to assist each soul incarnate upon the Earth in achieving their ascension. To begin this awakening of your divine plan, we the Andromedans first wish to encourage you to spend a number of days, contemplating what your divine plan is. We invite you to ask yourself as you go about your daily reality and also in meditation. Let go of any seriousness that may come up. Think of this activity as play, you are playing with the idea of your divine plan. Read More…
Mars, Keys of Enoch, Space Arks, Portals, Pyramids & Return of ET Seeders
20.05.2022 21:54 Dr. Michael Salla
Predictions About ‘The Event’ & a Solar Flash ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
20.05.2022 21:40 Daniel Scranton | The Event
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very much in favor of humanity choosing your own path. We do not feel that we have a better perspective than you do on what should come next for humankind. We know that there are a lot of predictions out there about what needs to happen before you can shift your consciousness, but this shift has never been about external factors. It has never been about what the sun is doing or what the planets are doing in your solar system and beyond. It has always been an inside game, an inside job, and therefore, each of you are allowed to choose what comes next on your individual paths and what you want to experience as a part of a human collective. Read More…
Jesus through John: There are no accidents, every event and experience has a purpose
20.05.2022 21:21 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
Humanity has entered the final stages of the collective awakening process. You have all done incredible work, both individually and collectively, to bring this about, and you are about to be enormously honored for the work you have been doing, absolutely vital work that only you could do. All are One, so every individual thought or intention to be only loving at all times combines with those of all others with the same intent, vastly and purposefully intensifying the final stages of your collective awakening process. Do not doubt the immense power of your individual intentions to be only loving, because they are massive, being completely integrated with and in alignment with God’s Will. Read More…
Now is the End of the World … of Darkness
17.05.2022 20:36 Steve Beckow
There are wars and rumors of war. So many of the conditions of Revelations appear to be occurring. But anyone reading these pages knows the end of the world is not going to happen. Well ……. yes and no. I could also say that Gaia will cease to have a Third-Dimensional presence when we ascend. In that sense, with Ascension, a “world” will end. And I could say that another world will end – a world of darkness. I think it’ll end well before Ascension. The rising love energies on the planet will make life difficult for those who have closed off to it and work against it. Read More…
9/11, Apollo, Covid — Lies, Lies, Lies
On September 7th, 2001 I was on a business trip to New York as an employee of Sprint. It was a beautiful blue-sky day, and I recall standing in a skyscraper on Times Square and looking down Broadway towards Lower Manhattan and the Twin Towers. Four days later I was hiking in Zion National Park when the world exploded into madness. For years I had no reason to question the official narrative of that day, and accepted it without question. I was aware of “conspiracy theories” and alternative views, but I saw them as fringe and unimportant. My life revolved around professional advancement, small children, and personal dislocations. Read More…
17.05.2022 20:07 Tarot by Janine | The Event
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 15th of May, 2022
17.05.2022 19:53 Galactic Federation | Blossom Goodchild
Here we are again, then. A thousand topics one could pick and yet, not one seems appropriate. So, perhaps once again, I feel it best to leave it up to you. You seem to always know the ‘Soup of the day’. Welcome, Blossom, and All who Enjoy our conversations. We Appreciate the Appreciation that was expressed to you regarding our last conversation concerning Gratitude. Yet, let us now turn our thoughts to something quite different. Read More…
James Gilliland: Questions I would like to see asked on mainstream news
17.05.2022 19:37 James Gilliland
If this was a fair election with no fraud what about the overwhelming evidence in 2000 mules? Why are we giving multiple billions to Ukraine when we are experiencing runaway inflation, insane gas prices, empty shelves, veterans left to die in the streets along with other homeless and to top it off the shelves are empty with no baby formula? Is the Biden family heavily invested in Ukraine, receiving millions from Russia and China, are they covering their tracks, some deep dark secret which will be known to all the world if Ukraine falls? Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Time of Signs and Wonders
17.05.2022 19:31 Judith Kusel
This is the time of signs and wonders, when more and more will be revealed, as the old disintegrates, the old false programming is exposed, and more than this, as souls transcend into the New Lightbody Form and the New Earth, and thus remember the truth of who and what you are! I have never witnessed so many Light craft from the Intergalactic Fleet and Federations revealing themselves as in the past few weeks. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/14/2022 • Feel Good, Feel God, Flow Love
17.05.2022 18:25 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Be very gentle with yourselves. Many energies are vying for your attention right now. What you focus on, whether positively or negatively, you empower. You cannot easily stay tuned to a radio station you hate while listening to the one you love. You cannot stay tuned to a radio station you love if you focus on the one you dislike. So, dear ones, care about how you feel. Care about how you focus. Care about yourself and your own heart so thoroughly you refuse to give in to the hatred, fear, and anger that is being stirred up upon your planet at this time. Refuse to empower the denser vibrations with your focus on them. You know they exist. You witness them on your news or in your conversations with others. Some of you witness these energies as bombs dropping from the sky or fortunes temporarily lost. You know these vibrations exist. Now turn your sights to something better. Read More…
Grand Jury Revealing the Agenda for World Domination
17.05.2022 18:08 Exiting the Matrix | Disclosure
17.05.2022 18:00 Sirius
Dearest Ones it is time to learn about living in the 5th Dimension. You have been so used to living in a 3rd Dimensional world that you thought that there was no other way of living. In effect you have been living in a cage and now the cage door is open and you wonder whether to fly out or stay in your comfort zone, inside of the cage. The world that you have known is changing fast and you need to change with it. Supposedly you have been looked after from cradle to grave by your Governments who have tricked you into believing that there was only so much money that you could have to live on and this is how they kept you under control. Read More…
Sophia Love - Pleiadian Pipeline Update
17.05.2022 17:57 Sophia Love | Medbeds
Hi there, it's good to see you again! I've got a quick update (it's been over a year since the last one). Enjoy! It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted. The intent was to wait until I had seen and touched a pod/med-bed before doing so. I feel compelled to explain where this stands as of today, so that at the very least we can all be on the same page. I have not seen a pod physically. There have been a few false starts where I expected to do so, but did not. At this point it’s been years (since 2016) and frankly, I question whether they’ll ever pull it off. We’ll all find out together on that score. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 13, 2022
13.05.2022 22:06 Mike Quinsey
There is still a way to go before there will be any signs of normality, and even then it will be a new way of experiencing what was normal for you. However, all changes will be for the better so as to place your feet firmly onto the new path that awaits you. Everything has to start somewhere and it is no mean task to do so without overwhelming you. As you see the benefits from the changes you will be eager to participate in them. Be assured that the old will be considered cumbersome by comparison and the net result is that you will have more time to follow for your own desires. Read More…
UFOs Obsessed with Our Nuclear Weapons?
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), which have now officially been renamed as “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon” (UAP) by the Pentagon, have gone mainstream. Footage, radar tracking data and testimony from ex defense department personnel has introduced and legitimized the topic to millions, if not hundreds of millions of people around the world. This has raised concerns among UFO researchers who have spent decades providing credible sources showing that the phenomenon is indeed “something real and not visionary or fictitious,” as Air Force General Nathan Twining explained in 1954. The fact that this legitimization comes after what was described by Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the very first director of the CIA, as a decades long campaign of “secrecy and ridicule” is a head scratcher. Read More…
As Awakened Souls, This is Your Work Right Now ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
13.05.2022 21:13 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always impressed with the way that humanity has been handling all of the challenges that you have thrown at yourselves in this particular lifetime of ascension. It hasn’t been an easy path for most people, whether awake or asleep. You would think that being awake would make it a lot easier to be there at this time, but as awakened souls you are less likely to sweep something under the rug or numb yourself to it with drugs, alcohol or some other way of smothering emotion. This is the time where everything is rising to the surface, and that is why it looks like things are not going so well there on Earth and humanity is not making the progress that we always report you are making. Read More…
Discover Your Internal Reset by Archangel Metatron
13.05.2022 20:55 Natalie Glasson | Archangel Metatron
I Archangel Metatron extend my blessings and love to all beings upon the Earth now, we are walking tremendous, and magnificent transformations with you. Upon the inner planes we are supporting major shifts that are occurring within your being, for all of humanity and the Earth. Our role in this moment is to support you in remaining grounded, balanced, stable and connected with the Creator. Such vast transformations are taking place within your being. This has been occurring for some time now, however, it is climaxing. We are noticing many souls and beings upon the Earth are now making shifts internally that they have been preparing for in the last months. This shift may come about because of a cleanse of the body, a new perspective born in the mind, an upset that brings forth clarity, or a new sense of gratitude and appreciation for all that is. Read More…
Great Central Sun via Galaxygirl | May 8, 2022
13.05.2022 20:01 Galaxygirl
I am the Great Central Sun. I shine my light continuously, effortlessly, steadfastly. I am without change and my light can no longer be hidden. Many of you bright lights are of embodied stars. You are lighting up your Gaia with grace and ease of the masters that you are. You are masters from other civilizations, worlds, realms, dimensions and timelines. Truly you are ‘from a galaxy far, far away,’ and yet we are all connected, as a giant neural network of Source, honing skills, learning, growing, expanding. The universe is eternal, vast and free. So are your souls. You were free to choose the Earth experience and many are choosing to awaken at this time, or to remain unawakened, caught in the dream, which is not always a pleasant one. Read More…
Ashian: Redefining success and failure
13.05.2022 19:52 Jennifer Crokaert
We wish to discuss the redefining success and failure. We are aware that our dear Jennifer is by no means the only person on Gaia at present who has had more than one divorce. Her 3D fear is that people will believe she is not committed, or has certain failures in her personality. This could not be further from the truth. This transmission for all of you who feel you failed: repeatedly. Many people have chosen this lifetime to finish all their karma: to wrap up all the loose ends. All of them. This can look like erratic behaviour on the 3D plane and it can feel like failure to you, our dear friends, when you are going through it. But it is not. It is the accelerated clearing of old karma. Read More…
E.T.s Are Watching: Use Your Superpowers ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
10.05.2022 20:40 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been exploring the connections that you feel with one another when you have a shared experience. When you know that you have something in common with someone else, that is important to you, then you are more likely to open your heart to the individual or individuals that you have that important thing in common with. You need to find these commonalities right now, even when you are aware of the differences that you have between yourself and anyone out there in the world. Read More…
10.05.2022 20:36 Tarot by Janine
The PERU Formula for Instant Discernment
10.05.2022 20:28 Discernment
Most of you have likely heard of Peru, the South American country. But have you ever heard of the P.E.R.U. formula for instantaneous discernment (of spiritual messages and channelings?) Likely not, I guess. I mean, how even could you? It was literally discovered just yesterday. So anyways, of the last two of those discernment bibles that I posted on here – while insightful and helpful indeed – are quite a helluva lot to remember and recollect. And therefore, a collective request from humanity went up into the universe for something that was far simpler, smarter, and shorter (above all else!) And thus, the PERU Formula was born! Read More…
Adama of Telos: A Higher Dimensional Civilization
10.05.2022 20:20 Hollow Earth
Greetings, Beloved Ones. We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos. As you are moving through this profound transition of Earth, many old paradigms and societal structures are changing. The question is: “What are they changing too?” This is entirely up to The Vision each one of you is holding on a consistent basis. When Lemuria sank and the remaining population was rebuilding itself as Telos, within sacred Mount Shasta, we had to “remember” what life is like in the higher dimensions. This is what we wanted to create – a higher dimensional civilization. Read More…
White Hat Takeover
10.05.2022 19:50 Teri Wade
If you look back only a few years wow have things changed, this is because of the White hat takeover. They are assisting humanity bringing us to a shared timeline of Light. The success of the White Hat takeover within the U.S Military was a key factor. Cosmic, Universal law was petitioned to help assist our species confidently trigger the shift in consciousnesses and role out a global shift towards a timeline of Light. These top officials of the US military started to realize what was happening and decided to plan a takeover of this global Cabal who have destroyed our planet through their wars. The Trump administration was put in place by these White Hats at the top of the US military to take down this global scourge. Again, nothing is a coincidence. The placement of Donald Trump and his administration has been in the works for decades. Read More…
10.05.2022 19:44 Sandy Stevenson | Spiritual Awakening
This really is the most comprehensive and incredible Light Divine plan ever imaginable. It is mind boggling in the intricacy of detail involved that seems to take into account all that is needed to fully clear Earth and humanity of dense energy. It is completely reversing the entire situation on Earth, which if even half of what we hear is true, is way too big to really comprehend. Just as well we arranged a multi dimensional light force and quantum computers to assist us. Even though most of us have been preparing for a long time, it still would not have been easy to handle the really tough stuff. Read More…
Qualitles of the Children of the New Era
10.05.2022 19:34 Star Children | Mother Gaia
Dear friends, I am the voice of the Earth and I am with you. I am always present in your body: in every cell, in every breath, in the blood that flows through your veins, in your feet that touch the ground. You sense my presence, but I so want us to fully meet and to embrace you. I want you to know that you are safe here on Earth. Imagine that you are borne by me. You can let go of all tension because there is a power that supports you, one that is greater than your thoughts. Feel my power for a moment and how it flows from the ground up through your feet. Feel my strength that bears all weight. Read More…
Arcturian Group Message - May 8th, 2022
10.05.2022 19:29 Marilyn Raffaele
Dear readers, greetings and welcome to another message from the Arcturian Group. These messages are sent in love with the intention of bringing information and courage to you brave ones who chose to incarnate on a planet suffering within a fog of negativity and falsehoods in order to bring the light of your evolved consciousness to it. A great deal of old dense energy is rising to the surface at this time causing many to question and even despair. Remember that what you are witnessing is the exposure of concepts, trends, beliefs, laws, activities, propaganda, and hundreds of sub-facets of the three dimensional belief system in order for them to be seen, recognized, eventually discarded, and risen above by a sleeping majority. Read More…
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 8th May, 2022
10.05.2022 18:24 Blossom Goodchild | Galactic Federation
Good morning! The harder one falls, the higher one climbs! So True. On coming out of my slumps, I am finding such sweetness in Gratitude. More so than ever. Has someone up there had a Gratitude bag explode right above my house? Welcome Blossom, and Each one. You could say that! You see, Blossom, the Energies that are able to reach Each One in these ‘troubled times’, are far from troubled. They are Energies of such Light and those who are willing to receive them are finding Great DeLight and indeed, comfort, in these newfound Heights. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/07/2022 • Flow, Frogs, and the healing stream
10.05.2022 17:58 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, So many of you are so sensitive. You feel the world inside of you.Although you have your unique physical form, personality, and combination of energies, like a wave you can feel the currents in the ocean beneath you.This is why so many of you are feeling waves of sadness. That is why so many of you are feeling edgier, or less tolerant than usual. This is why, it is also very important that you focus on that which feels like love, that which you can appreciate about life, and that which gives you joy. The more you consciously choose to tune into the higher vibrations, the more you send these higher and happier vibrations into the “ocean” of shared energy in which you are all connected. Read More…
06.05.2022 22:11 Tarot by Janine
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 6, 2022
06.05.2022 22:05 Mike Quinsey | Kryon
The turmoil continues upon Mother Earth with no immediate signs as to where it is going, yet the very nature of the changes are destined to lead you onto a path that will bring you the final peace upon Earth that you desire so intensely. There are factors of which you are unaware at present that will pave the way for major changes that will speed up your transition to a New Age. We have often mentioned them because they are a major part of every ones future. There has always been a plan that is controlled by the higher Forces of Light, and it will ensure that progress is made accordingly. Read More…
Kryon ~ We’re Headed into Uncharted Territory
06.05.2022 21:40 Kryon
There’s a door I want you to go through that leads to a place that you’ve been before. You go into this room, and there’s a person you have met before. You will humanize it. Even though it’s an energy, because for you it needs to be a person with a personality. You’re going to meet this person, one person, who’s about to show you something spectacular. This is an entity; this is a combination of a Star Master and Time Master. You’ve always heard of space and time. But this day, this Star Master you’ve met before will take you back in time and show you the stars. You’re going to see the cycle of the Earth represented in other times and other places in your galaxy. Read More…
06.05.2022 21:32 Covid-19 | Exiting the Matrix
How to Remain Balanced in Times of Uncertainty by the Arcturians
06.05.2022 21:20 Natalie Glasson
Greetings and love, we the Arcturians extend to your being now. We envelop you in the stars of the Universe of the Creator, surrounding you in blazing light, to support your ascension and spiritual journey upon the Earth. Allow yourself to inhale the light of these many stars as they fill you with the Creator's sacred qualities, everything that you need and require is within your being. There is always light that you can draw upon, especially from the stars in the Universe of the Creator. Although the entire Universe of the Creator exists within your being, you can imagine the stars of the Universe of the Creator surrounding you almost like fireflies radiating and emanating light into your being, allowing you to bathe in the most glorious, nourishing light of the Creator. Read More…
The Trump Time Travel Miracle / Operation
06.05.2022 21:02 Science and Technology | Potus DJT | Nikola Tesla | JFK | Time Travel | Q | Nicholas Veniamin
You are the Starseeds & Galactic Ground Crew ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
06.05.2022 20:50 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been in this galaxy for so very long, and we have been able to make connections from beings in every single star system, including of course yours. We have been able to determine that your star system, and your planet specifically, is a wonderful representation of all of the energies that we have ever encountered. Read More…
The Biggest Battle is Yet to Come : A Surrogate Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session
06.05.2022 20:39 QHHT
06.05.2022 19:19 Sandy Stevenson
It may appear Earth is in chaos with many unusual agendas surfacing everywhere, but what if it is all in Divine Order? Could it all be leading humanity on a new path of wellbeing and a way of life we long for? On the surface, that may not seem to be the case. But it would need a huge project to free humanity from its strong connection to 3D existence. It would need some pretty extreme steps to get the whole world to see that everything they thought was true and real was not as they believed. Read More…
Message from Matthew - May 2, 2022
03.05.2022 20:20 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Anxiety about what is happening in your world and disappointment about what is not happening is causing even the most dedicated lightworkers to feel downhearted. Gaia is aware of those feelings and has asked to speak to you. GAIA: Beloveds, I am Gaia. God asked that one of Matthew’s recent messages include a message I gave to Suzanne several years ago. During those years you have endured a great deal, yet you have remained steadfast in your mission. I know living on Earth hasn’t been easy and I understand why you become discouraged at times. I, too, felt discouraged and despaired for long ages before universal family infused my body with light and caring lightworkers like you came from distant homelands to lift me out of the depths of darkness.
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03.05.2022 20:13 Sirius
Dearest Ones you have all been through so much in the last 2 years or so and you have experienced many personal challenges that have brought you to this moment in time. If you look back to 3 years ago you would not recognize yourselves, for you have all grown in physical, emotional, spiritual knowledge and stature since that time. Honour yourselves for that growth, for much of the human population have not progressed as much as you have done but this is how it was meant to be. There are always the Wayshowers in each generation and those of you who are reading these words are such as these super heroes and heroines, so to speak. Read More…
Inner Earth E.T.s As the Gateway to First Contact ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
03.05.2022 20:07 Daniel Scranton | Hollow Earth
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been exploring the numerous possibilities that you all have there on Earth for the best possible first contact experience for the entire human collective. We have an understanding of what makes you all afraid of the e.t.s that could come and land their ships at any time. And so we have been exploring the possibility that the first contact experiences will be with the e.t.s that have been living underneath the surface of your planet. Read More…
03.05.2022 19:48 Tarot by Janine
Significant changes have recently taken place within every person’s Earthly Bodies due to the powerful influxes of Light we have all experienced since the beginning of 2022. Our I AM Presence has assisted each of us in assimilating these changes at a cellular level. Now, we are able to safely receive the incredible waves of Light we will be blessed with throughout what the Company of Heaven refers to as “The Mystical Month of May.” Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/30/2022 • Keepers of the Peace
03.05.2022 19:23 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a breath. Take time to appreciate something you overlook every day. Perhaps the grass is soft under your feet. Go out and feel it. Perhaps there is a warm sunbeam that falls on your patio at a certain time of day. Experience the pleasure of it upon your skin. As you run the water from your faucet feel its coolness or warmth flow over your hands. Take time to smell your morning beverage and appreciate it. Listen to the sizzle of food in the pan before dinner and enjoy the tiny flecks of oil jumping about. Tune into the hum of the bees on a warm day and feel their collective vibration. Take the time to appreciate the sensory delights of your physical world. Read More…
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council from Valerie Donner, April 28, 2022
03.05.2022 19:18 Valerie Donner
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with all of the love in my heart. You are such an amazing ground crew. I want you to know how important you are to the whole Divine Plan for the ascension of the earth. As you might have realized by now, the ascension of the earth is a complex order of things. They are interlocking and intertwining, almost like the wiring of a computer but far more complex. The complexities contain past, present, and future considerations, which are also modulated and modified with ongoing, ever-changing quantum circumstances. Read More…