James McConnell
Creating The New Timeline - Archangel Michael through James McConnell
24.02.2023 12:37
I am Archangel Michael. I come at this time to be with you, in these exciting times that you are in now. Yes, indeed, you may look at these times and not see them as quite so exciting, or at least not as you would want them to be. But take heed, my friends, those times are coming. Those times that you have been dreaming about, wishing for, are indeed coming. And they are not far off date at all now. We will not say the word ‘soon,’ but know that it is in your proximity now, whatever that might be to you, that term ‘proximity,’ however you would look at that. Read More…
Yes, You Will Ascend - Master Saint Germain through James McConnell
17.02.2023 17:28
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, I these moments that continue to evolve and change, and bring on the next moment, and the next moment after that. It is a continuing process that never ends. This process that you are in, this ascension process right now, never ends. Yes, you will ascend. You will move fully through the ascension process and come to that point where you ascend. But what do you ascend to? You ascend to the next level. But then there is another level after that, and another level, and another level. It is a continuing journey, never ending. Never ending until you reach the Godhead once again, the God Source, and you fully and completely realize that you are that God Source. But for the time now, just see things not as they are, not as they are within the illusion, but as you want them to be, as you are creating them to be. Read More…
Archangel Michael: You Have My Sword of Truth
31.01.2023 19:45
I am Archangel Michael, and I come at this time to bring the truth. But more importantly, to bring the truth to you, so that you can set it free, that you can set mankind free. And you have my Sword of Truth. You have always had it within you. As I’ve said previously, you came here to this expression here on the Earth many lifetimes ago with my sword. It was gifted to you before you even incarnated here for the first time. All of you likely did not know that. It has always been there. Now you can raise it up. You can raise it up and swing it around yourselves and sever any remaining psychic ties that still may be holding you to this third-dimensional expression, the third-dimensional illusion in this world. For it is just that, an illusion. And you are breaking that illusion. Read More…
Lord Sananda: Change is Coming, Change Is Upon You
27.01.2023 20:42
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these times that continue to bring great change into your lives, to the lives of your loved ones, to the lives of your friends, your family, to all of those that are around you. Change is coming. Change is upon you. And all of you have been preparing for these changes. You have been preparing for lifetimes for these changes, but now you are right here in the midst of them. Right here at the cusp of the greatest changes to come over this Earth in your entire history. Read More…
You Are The Creators of The Illusion - Master Saint Germain through James McConnell
17.01.2023 20:40
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you a this time, in this time as the illusion, as you have been speaking of. The illusion that is fast fading away more and more. Because you, those of you, the Lightworking community, the Light-Warriors: you are the ones that are creating the fading of this illusion, because you are the creators of the illusion as well. All of you have created this system, And all of you are now also bringing down this system as the System Busters. Read More…
Trust In Who You Are - Master Saint Germain through James McConnell
20.12.2022 20:54
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time to continue the process that was started long, long ago. I speak now not only of this lifetime, but many lifetimes that you have been in this process. You have been working toward bringing the Light forward, bringing the truth forward within all of the darkness, raising the shadows everywhere back into the light. And that is exactly what is happening at this time now. Yes, certainly when you do these exercises, these meditations, you are spreading the light. But you are also doing so each and every moment of your life, whether you thing about it or not. Certainly helps when you are conscious of it. Read More…
Lord Sananda through James McConnell - Perspective
13.12.2022 20:43
I am Sananda. It is always a pleasure to be here with you in this way, that I can continue to bring forward messages that pertain to not only you, those of you that are on this call, but all of those that resonate to these words. And I wish to go back now. I wish to go back to an earlier time when I spoke about the idea of perspective. And how important that is today, as all these things that are happening around you are part of that perspective. Each one has their own perspective on this. But I wish you to understand that as you’re coming to the end of this year now, this 2022, much, much, much this year. Read More…
Archangel Michael: No One Can Control You Unless You Allow It
09.12.2022 20:44
I am Archangel Michael. I come again at this time to continue the process that was started some time ago with this group and with all of those that would resonate to these words. All of those that are the Lightworkers that have become the Light-Warriors: my Warriors of Light. Where you are continuing to spread that light wherever you get a chance, knowing and feeling the truth within you, and letting that truth resonate out from you, letting that light resonate out to all others around you wherever you can. Even your walking amongst others carries the light and spreads the light. Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are spreading the light just by being in closeness with others. Read More…
More And More of Our Ships Are Appearing - Lord Ashtar through James McConnell
06.12.2022 20:45
I am Ashtar. I come at this time, as events are beginning to show themselves more and more across the planet. More and more of our ships are appearing to many more across the planet. It is happening now in the moments you are in right now. And it is going to continue, going to continue for yet some time, where more and more will become aware of us, to the point where it will no longer be able to be held back any longer. They will no longer be able to hold the covers over it. No longer the veil that covers over the existence of beings beyond this Earth, your brothers and sisters returning once again. Read More…
Sananda: Continue to Fully Realize Who You Are, What You Are Here For, and How You Can Continue to Move Everything Forward in a Positive Fashion
18.11.2022 21:25
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue to give you hope. To continue to provide further understandings of all that is happening in your lives, and all of the lives of the collective consciousness of man throughout the planet. For this is that time that you have heard about for so long now, that has been predicted for so long, the Great Changeover that is in process now. Do not become disheartened by things that you are seeing within the illusion. Because as you have heard many times, it is simply that: it is an illusion. It is a show, a movie, that is playing out, if you see it that way. Read More…
Saint Germain: On the Cusp of Great Changes
15.11.2022 20:30
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these special times of great change that is upon you now. Change that has been foretold for may ions of time within your many works: your bible, your Tora, all of the different works that have expressed these changes that are to come and preparing you for these changes. Just as we, those that mentor to you, have been preparing you for these great changes. Read More…
Moving On The New Timeline - Archangel Michael through James McConnell
08.11.2022 18:20
I am Archangel Michael. I am with you at this time to bring you news. To bring you further understanding. To bring you the truth. The truth of who you are, what you are here for. For you have been hearing this for some time, that you are the Chosen Ones. And yes, we know that some of you don’t like that term. But indeed you are the Chosen Ones. You are the Lightworkers, the Light-Warriors, MY warriors. You are here to perform missions, to spread the Light everywhere. We cannot do it but through you. Read More…
It Is Not The Same Old, Same Old - Lord Sananda through James McConnell
04.11.2022 19:51
I am Sananda. I am here now with you in these times, in these grand momentous times of change which you are right in the midst of now. Everything is evolving and revolving around you and within you. So continue to allow the process of change to move through you. Do not shy away from it, for it is all purposeful. But the changes and the movement from the third-dimensional expression to the fourth and higher dimensional expression shall continue. Read More…
Those of you that have awakened! Master Saint Germain through James McConnell
28.10.2022 20:07
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these momentous times of change. And yes, you are right in the midst of these changes, and they are rapidly increasing, as you are beginning to see now. What was once years ago when you would have thought of these things happening at this time, you never would have thought it was possible. That’s you! Those of you that have awakened! Think about how it is for those that are still yet sleep! And all they want to do is live their lives, go through their daily life, not having a care in the world if they can get through it like that. Completely oblivious to the reality of the truth. The truth of who they are, what they are here for. All of these things that you are already aware of, that you have already awakened to. Read More…
KaRa of the Pleiades: The Next Phase of the Great Awakening
18.10.2022 21:08
I am KaRa. I come to be with you at this time, these special times that you are in, as you are moving beyond the old paradigm, the old ways of thinking, the old brainwashing and programming that you have all been accustomed to, not only this lifetime, but for many lifetimes prior to this. But now you have come to the cusp. You have come to the time that you are more and more beginning to realize that it was just simply programming. Programming your mind in a sense of mass hypnosis across the planet, across the collective consciousness. But you, those of you, are more and more fully realizing that you were simply under hypnosis. Read More…
Lord Melchizedek: The Truth is Coming Forward in So Many Ways
07.10.2022 20:53
I am Melchizedek. I have asked to be able to speak to you to bring a message forward, where it was going to be KaRa speaking. But I’ve sent the message to this one, this channel, in the way that he would understand that is it I that wish to speak. For my message is to all of you. Not only here, those of you that are on this call, but to all of those that will read or listen to this at times beyond and resonate to these words, and know them as the truth. Because the truth is coming forward in so many ways, and in so many directions, and from so many different sources. Read More…
Lord Melchizedek: A Great Light Portal Opening
30.09.2022 21:55
I am Melchizedek. I have asked to be able to speak to you to bring a message forward, where it was going to be KaRa speaking. But I’ve sent the message to this one, this channel, in the way that he would understand that I wish to speak. For my message is to all of you. Not only here, those of you that are on this call, but to all of those that will read or listen to this at times beyond and resonate to these words, and know them as the truth. Because the truth is coming forward in so many ways, and in so many directions, and from so many different sources. Read More…
St. Germain - Feel the Light in Everything
27.09.2022 21:11
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, as all of you are now operating, not in the third-dimensional illusion anymore. Yes, occasionally you find yourselves there, whenever those times come up, when you feel like you are lost. When you feel like you cannot go on. Those times that come on. That is the old programming seeping back in. But I say ‘seeping back in,’ because you have moved beyond it. You are all in the fourth dimension now. You must understand that. Read More…
Ashtar: Sign of the Changing Times
27.09.2022 19:41
I am Ashtar. I am here to be with you in these times of immense change that is taking place now, that is moving more and more into your understanding, into your vision, into your perspective. For it is the change that has been long-awaited and long-coming. And everywhere around you, if you look, you can see the signs of these changes that are coming to your world. But not to your third-dimensional world. Read More…
16.09.2022 20:22
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with out in this time, in these auspicious times that are upon you now, as the Great Changeover continues to move forward. The Great Changeover that at this point can certainly not be stopped. It has gained so much momentum that those that were the powers, and are no longer the powers, they, even they, realize that they have lost control. Do they continue to hold on? Do they continue to act as animals that have been cornered? Yes, they do. And they will likely continue to do so. But as the vibrational frequencies continue to increase, and you, as the Lightworking Community, continue to be the catalyst for this raising of vibrational frequencies, and raising your consciousness, and bringing back the light and the love into this planet. As you continue to do that, then those that were the powers and are no longer the powers to be, they continue to recede back into the shadows that they came from. Read More…
Archangel Michael: You Are Going to See The End of This Game
26.08.2022 21:15
I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments of great change, in these moments where the game that you have been playing for so long is indeed coming to an end. You are going to see the end of this game, this game that you started, that you helped create. But just as you helped create this game, this experiment, this expression where will takes over, just as you created this, you can create, and are creating, a new expression. The new creative expression of love incarnate once again on this planet. Read More…
Master Saint Germain: Taking Action And How
26.08.2022 20:56
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time as things continue to move along. And as you continue to understand that everything is indeed the bigger picture, more and more of you, more and more of the collective you, are beginning to understand that. That this is the larger picture. This is the part of the larger plan here, and everything is indeed happening for a reason. So even as you look out and see those many things that are occurring, many things that are occurring within the 3-D matrix, the matrix of illusion, knowing full well that this is an illusion. It is a movie. It is a show that is being played out in front of you. And for those of you that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you know exactly that. You know it is part of the plan, and just an illusion for you to watch over, become aware of, but not become a part of. Because you are not a part of this. You are far beyond this illusion.
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Lord Melchizedek: Take back Control
08.08.2022 12:20
I am Melchizedek. I come at this time to be with you in these special times that are upon you now, as everything is in change. Everything is in flux. For you are, indeed, moving from the old ways, the old paradigm, the old illusion within the third dimension. You are moving away from that, and fully into the fourth dimension, into the vibrational frequencies of that fourth dimension. And even at times, yes, finding yourselves in the higher vibrations of the fifth dimension, moving freely back and forth as you wish, not as you are being controlled. For if you let it be, you are no longer being controlled.
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Lord Ashtar - The Beginning of Disclosure - 22.07.2022
01.08.2022 19:19
I am Ashtar. I come to be with you at this time, at this opportune time, this time that has been long coming. Long have you been looking for those various things that could happen within your society that would bring about change, or bring about the showing of change. Or the toppling of those dominos that you have heard of many times. And I am here now in this moment to tell you that that is coming very shortly. Many various changes are about to befall mankind in many different ways, and from many different sources. Read More…
29.07.2022 17:00
I am Sananda. I am here to be with you in these times as yes, indeed, you are moving through the various vibrational frequencies, the various dimensions. You are traversing them, as one gave earlier in your discussion. You are moving freely through them because you have the awareness to do so. How many across the planet do not have that awareness? Do not even know that they are in third dimension, or that there are dimensions beyond. So they would not know that they are traversing, just as you are. But it is awareness that is enabling you to do so, awareness as you have moved already from the third dimension, and the illusion within that third dimension, into the fourth and beyond into the fifth. Read More…
Archangel Michael: A New Phase of Higher Vibration
26.07.2022 20:41
I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time as many things are changing across your world. Not only in the external world, but within your internal world as well. Everything is in flux. Everything is in motion. And vibration. Vibrational frequency is indeed increasing across the planet which is, in turn, extinguishing the old vibration, the old lower vibration which is bringing about change. Everything now is about change in your life. Change, because you are moving with that higher vibration, and moving through the attraction process of light attracting light. You are finding that you are no longer comfortable in the older, or the lower, vibration. All of you know this. Read More…
Saint Germain: Hear the Bells of Freedom
15.07.2022 17:40
I am Saint Germain. I come at this opportune time, this time of an expression of freedom within this country, but indeed even out across the entire planet. For the 4th of July, Independence Day, although it was meant initially for the United States For America, it is meant for so much more. It is meant for the independence of the entire planet and all of the people on the planet. It is about freedom. It is about oneness. It is about togetherness. No more separateness. It is about everyone coming together as one. The United States: united, together as one, and bringing the entire world together, the entire planet. All of the people together as one. Read More…
Sananda: The Christ Consciousness Grid
12.07.2022 10:06
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue the process. The program that we began some time ago with each and every one of you, both within this group on this call, but even far before this, lifetimes before this, bringing you all together once again as lost souls coming together, as gathering my flock together again. For that is what you are. You all belong to me. To me as Sananda, as Yeshua. You are my flock. You are the ones that I tend to. Read More…
Saint Germain: Momentum of Truth Coming Forward
17.06.2022 21:35
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time to be with you in these changing moments as everything around you is happening, even though you tend to still not be fully aware of all that is occurring, and that is by purpose. For those across the planet, all of those that yet find themselves asleep, would not be able to handle the great influx of truth, of light, to come forward all at once. So it must be doled out over a period of time. A little bit here, a little bit there. And then gaining momentum, as it is happening now. Momentum is happening now. Read More…
Sananda via James McConnell - June 5th, 2022
14.06.2022 20:02
I am Sananda. I come at this time again to be with you, to continue to bring forth the understanding of all that you are experiencing in these times. These times of great change that many of you, if not all of you, are experiencing in various ways now as these energies become stronger and stronger. Or, as your terminology says, ‘ramping up.’ And, indeed, these energies are ramping up. Read More…
A Matter of Perspective - Sananda through James McConnell - Mai 30, 2022
07.06.2022 20:20
I am Sananda. I come at this time to be with you, to continue to share, to continue to bring messages forward. So it is time now for you to consider a matter of perspective, as many of you are at times disconsolate, afraid even, but coming to the control issues, the fear issues that are everywhere across the planet, as those of the forces of darkness continue to hold on to, or attempt to hold onto that control and attempt to continue to spread fear. Sometimes we do succumb to that, even for just a moment. Then once that moment has passed, your discernment kicks in, and you realize once again, and you feel those higher vibrations once again, then the fear dissipates, no longer to be controlled. Read More…
Sananda Through James McConnell: Allow the Process
27.05.2022 22:12
I am Sananda. I come at this time to be with you in these special times that you are in. These times of great change that is coming based on the energies that are coming into the planet. And we know that many of you have been feeling these greater higher energies coming in and having an effect on you. In the past, these effects would have wrecked havoc with your central nervous system. But not any longer. For most of you are able to withstand or take these energies in because you have been acclimating to these energies. And you can take more and more stronger levels of these energies coming in and be able to work with the energies, and know that the energies, although very strong, and even may bring some difficult times as far as your physical body is concerned, but you know that it is something that will pass. And it always passes. So know that each time as these energies become stronger, and stronger, and stronger. Read More…
Saint Germain: In the Midst of the Great Change Over
24.05.2022 22:17
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time to be with you, to continue to express with you, to continue to bring this entire program forward. And indeed, this is a program. A program that we, those of us, the Ascended Ones, those of the Galactics, all that have been working with this group, and with all of you that are raising your consciousness across the planet. Sometimes unconsciously, but more and more now consciously, it is all happening as it needs to. All is happening in what we call God’s time, divine timing. And know that everything is indeed in divine timing here. Maybe not your timing, but it is divine. And it is part of the Great Plan that has been in the works for a long, long time. Read More…
Lord Yeshua and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, April 17th, 2022
23.04.2022 16:21
I am your brother, Yeshua. I come at this time, in these moments, these moments of great cheer, because the Spring has come. The renewal of all of life is here now in these moments. This day, which you call Easter, is not about what you have been told many, many times over, and over, and over. It’s not about that at all. It is about the renewal. It is about the new Spring coming forward. All of life coming back alive. It’s about not my resurrection, but ascension. It is all about ascension. Not my ascension, but all of our ascension. Ascension has humanity together, as one, moving into higher space of vibration in dimensional frequency. Read More…
Sananda: All is Being Revealed
08.04.2022 20:38
I am Sananda. Again, I come to you at this time, to continue to bring to you the new expression. The new expression of love and oneness that is overtaking all of life here on the planet, even though you do not realize it. Maybe you do. But many across the planet to not realize this, or even know anything about this. But this indeed is a great expression of the Great Plan that is in the works. And all of you are the ones that are bringing this plan forward. And you must continue to understand, even though it appears to not be so, that the plan is not working out the way you wanted it to. Know that perhaps in a round-about-way, but it is still coming forward. For you do not know the full ramifications of all that is involved. Your three-dimensional consciousness is not yet ready to experience it or express it. But your fifth-dimensional consciousness, which you find yourselves in from time to time, can accept this, and is accepting this. And not only accepting this, but being the creator of all that is yet to come. Read More…
Saint Germain: Hold On To The Dream
22.03.2022 17:10
I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time as many things across the planet are beginning to gain steam, beginning to become more and more a part of the new higher expression within all of you, as you are all moving forward. Even though you may not know it, even though you may not feel it, you are all moving forward as a collective. It is happening, and the dream is continuing on. So hold onto that dream. Do not let it go. Do not become ensconced once again within the old illusion. For the old illusion is falling away rapidly. And you will begin to see the proof of that. Read More…
Ashtar and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, March 6th, 2022
22.03.2022 16:54
I am Ashtar. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments, these special moments that are upon you now, as all of life is awakening around you. All of life is moving more and more into the higher vibrational frequency as life and energy continues to flood into the planet from the cosmic source. And yes, indeed, the fifth-dimensional sun is expressing through now more and more. Up until recently, we and our ships have been holding this energy back so that it would not come too quickly into the planet, would not interfere with your central nervous systems, as they were not quite ready for this. But more and more now, this is being allowed to come through. Read More…
Saint Germain: Let It Go
25.02.2022 16:41

Let go of the old. That is what the Violet Flame is all about: letting go. Purging out all the old programming that is no longer needed, the old memories that hold you to this illusion of separation.
Know that it is all being purged away whenever you use the Violet Flame. Or the other tools that you may have become aware of over the years, whatever they might be. Whether it is Archangel Michael’s Flaming Blue Sword of Truth to sever any old ties, or crystals that you are working with bringing back memories of Atlantis and Lemuria to you, whatever it is.
Know that this is all about a letting-go process. Let go of the old. Be established in the new. And look toward the future. Because you are creating it each and every moment right now, whether you are in the illusion or outside of the illusion. You are creating your life as you move forward.
You are creating your own reality. Your reality is not creating you. It is those that believe that reality is creating them that are remaining ensconced within the old illusion within the third-dimensional illusion. And as long as they continue to feel and know that, or believe that, that is where they will remain. There is nothing you can do to bring them out of that until they are ready.
But indeed, when they are ready, they will call upon you, many of them. Many of your family, your friends will remember that, yes, you brought that up to them once before, and here now, maybe you have been right all along!
Now, this is not an ego expression we are talking about here that I am referring to. Not about ego, but about letting go. Letting go of whatever anybody thinks or feels about their own lives, or even about you–it matters not. Just focus on your own life moving forward. And express to them, or help them, assist them when they call for it, when they ask for it.
And that is your mission at this point. Many of you are in that part of your mission right now, and are recognizing that that is a mission for you. Now your mission, though, will change as you move along. Mission, Missions will continue to evolve as this entire process of letting go, this entire ascension process continues through this transition that you are already moving through.
Yes indeed you are in the transition right now. The transition from the old life, the old illusionary third-dimensional expression into the new higher expression of the fourth and fifth dimension. You are already doing that. You are already moving through this transition, all that is happening around you, all of the things that are happening within the illusion.
As you have heard many times, think of it as a show, as a movie that is playing out, and you are just witnessing it, observing it. You can be a part of it at times. Yes, indeed, you are a part of it at times. But most of the time, just be the observer as much as you possibly can. And when you are the observer, you are not part of the third-dimensional expression in those moments. So be the observer, and let the show play on. And know that the end of this show is going to be amazingly exciting to you. Just be ready for that. Because it is all coming together.
As you have heard many times, trust the plan. Trust the plan. The plan cannot be stopped at this point. And everything that is happening, no matter whether it is seemingly part of the dark or of the light, everything that is happening is part of the plan. And know that. Know that as you continue moving forward through this transition that you are in right now. Know that everything indeed is happening for a reason as part of the plan, no matter what it is.
And as the plan continues on, so too does the ascension process. So know that also. You are all moving toward the ascension.
As you have heard many times, the dark forces have been doing everything they can to hold you back from ascension, because they knew. As soon as the population began to wake up, they were finished. So they have been doing everything they can to keep you from waking up.
But alas, you are all waking up. And I speak now beyond just the Lightworking Community. Many, many more are waking up across the planet in countries all over the planet, waking, becoming aware of what has been happening to them. Becoming aware that their freedom has been taken away. And it cannot be given away unless you give it away. And those ones that are in Canada, the Freedom Truckers, and other countries now, are aware of this. Maybe not on the level that you are, but they are aware that they want to hold onto their freedom. That is the most important thing to them—freedom! And that cannot be taken away from someone who does not let them take it away.
So know as you continue to move through the rest of this year, that everything indeed is happening exactly as it needs to. Being tweaked here and there, yes, certainly. Those of the Forces of Light are working hard to overcome all of the plans, the programs that the dark forces have attempted to usher into the population of this planet. Because it is all a part of their plan, their old plan. But the forces of Light know this plan. They know it, and they are coming against it every opportunity that they have, and know ahead of time what their next move it going to be, and their next move. As you have heard many times, this is a chess match. But the forces of darkness are working in the 3-D world of chess. Whereas those of the Forces of Light are in 5-D. And many, many steps ahead of those of the forces of darkness.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And know that freedom is indeed at hand for the entire population of this planet.
Peace and love be with all of you.
**Channel: James McConnell
Sananda: Touch Others With Your Light
22.02.2022 11:57
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments during this great transformation that is occurring, the great transition that is moving more and more people throughout the planet to awaken. They are awakening. More and more are finding themselves becoming distressed, becoming disillusioned by the life that they have always known. More and more are realizing that it is time to move out of that illusion. And many are realizing that it is an illusion now. They are seeing all of those things that they had come to believe were true, they are realizing now that they are not true any longer. They have been lied to. Just as many of you, all of you, have come to that understanding as well. You have been lied to most of your entire life. But you are now seeing through the veil. Read More…
Saint Germain: Transformation of the Illusion
15.02.2022 15:17
I am your Saint Germain. And I applaud you, each and every one of you, for speaking about transformation. For this entire experience that you are going through is all about that, all about transformation. Transforming your very lives. Transforming the illusion that, as I said, is no longer there. Transforming it into the new vision, the new vision of the New Age of Gaia, the New Golden Age. You are all creating that now. And the more that you do experiences such as we just did, and hold that experience, hold that expression, that feeling, that life force within you, the I Am Presence that is within each and every one of you, and all life here, all consciousness here on the planet. The more that you hold that, and remember that, and be that, you are moving step by step toward this New Earth, toward creating this New Earth, creating this higher vibration and frequency. It is the new fifth-dimensional Earth. Read More…
Ashtar: On the Verge Of Great Change
08.02.2022 11:10
I am Ashtar. I come at this time in joy that I can be with you, and share with you, and be one with you. As these times that you are upon right now continue to raise, continue to bring new understanding, new truths are coming forward in many different ways and many different respects as you see the various things that are happening, even within your third-dimensional illusionary state. They are happening. Much of what you have heard in the past from us and all of your various guides that have been speaking to you and bringing you this information forward, that this would be a time of great change. Read More…
Saint Germain via James McConnell, January 23rd 2022
28.01.2022 16:20
I am your Saint Germain. I come at this opportune time, these moments of continuing to find yourselves, find yourselves in the higher vibration more and more. You are all doing this. We watch you. We know of your higher vibrational frequencies. Not all the time, certainly, but more and more of the time you are finding yourselves communing with nature, feeling the oneness all around you, experiencing the love, knowing, remembering the I AM Presence within each. For it is this I AM Presence that will never lead you astray. It will always guide you in the way that you need to move moment, to moment, to moment. Read More…
Saint Germain: Be In The Now
14.01.2022 20:19
I am your Saint Germain. I have come at this time to be with you in this new year. This new year that is just beginning. A year that you have just left, and a year now that is beginning. For it is the start of something grand. You are in the process right now of becoming more and more of who you came here to be. Your thinking processes and your feeling processes. You are coming to know and understand that you are so much more than you have been programmed to believe all of this life and lifetimes prior to this. You are coming into your own more and more now. Read More…
Archangel Michael: Timelines Are Now Diverging
04.01.2022 19:38
I am Archangel Michael. I come at this time to be with you. To be with you more, and more, and more. Myself and many others that are your guides that are working with you are coming into your space, I will say, more and more. If you will become aware of those of us that are here to bring you forward, to continue to guide you. But up until now, many of you have had this guidance, but you did not fully believe that it was there. But in the times coming ahead, you will feel it more and more. Some will even see evidence of our arrival of our more full connection with all of you. And it will be in many various ways that this will happen. Some will see. Some will hear. Some will feel. Read More…
Sananda: Moving Forward
03.12.2021 21:46
I am Sananda. I come at this time, in these opportune times. These opportune times for truth, indeed, is coming forward from many different directions, many different sources. The truth is coming. The truth is here. It is still yet for those that have the ‘eyes to see, and the ears to hear.’ For those that are closed off to the truth, those that don’t want to know, those that will stay stagnant where they are in their comfort zones, they themselves will not know the truth. They will be shown it, perhaps. They will be told it, but they will not accept it. There will be many of these that will not accept this truth, that will not accept the light. Read More…
Saint Germain: Hold On And Do Not Comply
19.11.2021 21:47
I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time to bring the message that I intended for the last time you were together, where This One was not strong enough, though, to allow for the message to come forward.(following a 2 week bout with the flu/covid – never got tested) But the message this day, my friends, is hold on. Hold on to your mission. Hold on to who you are. Hold on to everything that you know dear to your heart. Not to the old illusion, not to the old programming, but to the new programming. The new paradigm that you are forming within yourselves. Read More…
Archangel Michael and OWS via James McConnell, October 10th, 2021
19.10.2021 21:40
I am Archangel Michael. And as always, it is my pleasure to be here with you and connect with you in this way. To be able to continue the process that was started long ago for many of you. Lifetime after lifetime we have been working with you. But it is this lifetime where you have all been drawn back together again where we can work with you as a group, coming together as you are. Old souls being called back into service once again. And I say service, because that is what you are here to do. You are here to be of service. And all of you are being exactly that in your own way. Read More…
Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, October 3d, 2021
12.10.2021 17:33
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time, in these times that are expressing great change, across not only this country where many of you find yourselves now, but across the entire planet. Many changes. Many changes that are seemingly not what you are wanting to happen, but knowing that these are changes that must happen. For it cannot be stopped. For the light coming into this planet, raising the vibrations, raising the consciousness of this planet and all within this planet, all must rise as one. So great many changes are in process right now. Read More…
Archangel Michael and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, September 12th, 2021
21.09.2021 21:30
I am Archangel Michael, and it is my pleasure to be with you here in this time, in these moments. These moments that are gathering more and more momentum. Momentum that is taking you further and further, deeper and deeper within yourself, when you allow it to be. Yes, of course, you can get wrapped up into the third-dimensional illusion. It is very easy to do so. It is more difficult though to let go of that and feel the connection, feel the oneness, feel the consciousness of The One. For you are that consciousness of The One. You have always been; you’ve just forgot. Read More…
Lord Ashtar and OWS via James McConnell, September 4th, 2021
14.09.2021 21:57
I am Ashtar. I come to be with you at this time to continue to assist you in bringing the truth to you, opening you up to the truth. Yes, you can handle the truth. For it has been being leaked out, filtered out, for some time now. But as many of you are noticing, it is becoming more and more so as the truth comes out in larger and larger quantities. In other words, more truth is coming forward. And there is nothing at this point that can stop the truth from coming forward. For many of the Lightworking Community, many have stepped out, stepped out in their power and are bringing these truths to you now. Read More…
A Great Announcement - Sananda through James McConell
27.08.2021 21:07
I am Sananda. I am here at this time. In this quite opportune time, I will add, as things are rapidly changing, both internally and externally, within all that you are coming to understand your lives, as things more and more are coming to the surface. It has been said, those in the shadows cannot stand within the light, so they are coming out of those shadows and being shown for what they are, what they represent, as they do not represent love and Light. They represent fear and darkness, attempting to hold onto the unknown. Keeping you, rather, in the unknown. Keeping you in the shadow within yourself. Read More…
KaRa and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, August 1st, 2021
17.08.2021 21:24
I am KaRa. I come at this time to continue to bring you along, bring you along through this long period of darkness. For indeed, you have weathered the storm through these dark ages, lifetime, after lifetime, after lifetime. You find yourselves now at the end of those dark ages. Even though it seems quite dark now to many of you as you look within the illusion, and at times you forget that it is an illusion. You forget that it is a show. A drama being played out in front of you. And the more that you can be the observer self and witness all that is happening as a show, as a movie, as a play that is being enacted, and in many cases re-enacted, the better. Read More…
Archangel Michael, OWS and Shoshanna via James and JoAnna McConnell , July 11th, 2021
13.07.2021 20:43
I AM Archangel Michael. I am here at this time to be with you to continue to bring these energies to you. Rather, not bring the energies to you, but bring your conscious awareness of these energies to you so that you are re-awakened to who you are. To be able to understand more and more that your consciousness is not the consciousness that you have grown up to know here. Your consciousness has increased tremendously, beyond what it was even five, ten years ago. Even months ago in some respects. You have increased in vibration. Your DNA process is reconnecting once again. Read More…
Ashtar: Connecting the Dots
09.07.2021 22:52
I am Ashtar. I come at this time, in this auspicious time, I will add here, in these times of great changes that are occurring both on the planet, within the planet, and above the planet. So many changes that you at this time do not have any idea of, but you are getting an inkling of it. You are getting of it. You are getting bits and pieces of everything that is happening. Always still, yes, behind the scenes. But they are coming out. Read More…
Ashtar: You Are Not Responsible For Anyone Else
06.07.2021 20:43
I am Ashtar. I come at this time to be with you, and to continue to help you understand, again, a different perspective. A perspective that you have all moved to at various times. More and more are you finding yourselves in those higher vibrational frequencies. More and more are you realizing that you cannot be penetrated by the lower vibrations. Your barriers cannot be penetrated as long as you believe that that barrier is there. As long as you believe that you re protected, you are protected. And always know that. Read More…
Saint Germain: Believing is Seeing
02.07.2021 22:18
I am your Saint Germain. I am here at this time to continue to assist and bring you along in your new reality, the new reality that you are creating every moment, with every thought. As you have heard before, and in many different ways, focus on your thoughts, and realize your thoughts have so much power. Power beyond your belief at times. Know that with that power, you control not only your destiny, but the destiny of the entire human evolution. Yes, YOU! You, each one of you, as a collective, coming together in unity consciousness, control everything. You control the plan. For you are the plan. Read More…
Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell, May 9th, 2021
14.05.2021 20:18
I am your Saint Germain. I am here, as always, to continue to assist you and guide you as one of your guides, while there are many guides that are working with you. Guides that are working alongside and within you, as well as your Higher Self, certainly. And all of this is coming together to bring the oneness within you. To bring you back to who you are. To bring you back to the knowing and the understanding that you are one with your multidimensional selves. And all is coming together as you are moving through this ascension process. And as you are moving through this ascension process, you have already moved into the higher vibrational frequencies and higher dimensions. It is not something you are moving to, the fifth dimension. You are already there. Read More…
Sananda and OWS via James McConnell, May 2nd, 2021
07.05.2021 21:42
I am Sananda. I am here at this time to continue to help you develop, help you work through all of the changes that are happening in your lives and those lives around you.
Everything that is occurring is happening exactly as it needs to. And that is what you need to come to understand, even though it does not appear so. Even though it appears to become darker and darker. It is not—it is becoming lighter and lighter. The light is shining through more and more. This time, this awakening is all about hope. Hope eternal. Hope continues on eternally. And for those that have lost hope, they lose their lives. They become stagnant in their life. Once they have lost hope, they no longer want to continue on. Read More…
Everything that is occurring is happening exactly as it needs to. And that is what you need to come to understand, even though it does not appear so. Even though it appears to become darker and darker. It is not—it is becoming lighter and lighter. The light is shining through more and more. This time, this awakening is all about hope. Hope eternal. Hope continues on eternally. And for those that have lost hope, they lose their lives. They become stagnant in their life. Once they have lost hope, they no longer want to continue on. Read More…
Ashtar: Atlantis and Lemuria Will Rise Again
13.04.2021 20:20
I am Ashtar. I come at this time to continue to assist you and help you in understanding the perspective that we have. Perspective that we want all of you to have as well. As we look down and we see the Earth, we see life here on the planet. But we see it as it is meant to be. Not necessarily how it is now. We see the higher consciousness all across the planet, not those pockets of lower consciousness. Yes, of course, we are aware of the darkness. We are aware of those dark ones that continue to do everything they can to hold back the ascension process, as they have known about this ascension process for thousands and thousands of years of this coming. And they have done everything they can to hold it back. But hold it back, no longer are they able to do. Read More…
Saint Germain: Part of a Greater Whole
28.03.2021 22:17
I am your Saint Germain. I am here to continue to carry on, carry on what was started–not years ago, but lifetimes ago, here on this planet with all of you. All of you that have been working, moving forward, forward in consciousness lifetime after lifetime, and coming in the next lifetime, and remembering little bits here and there, but to the point in this lifetime you are reaching the end. The end of this era, and the beginning of the next. Read More…
Archangel Michael: This is All Part of the Illusion
28.03.2021 21:57
I am Archangel Michael. And I am here at this time to continue to assist you in working through everything that is occurring in your lives now as you focus more and more as how things are changing with your loved ones, your surroundings, everything that is happening to move you to a point where you are needing to become more and more unattached to everything that is yet a 3-D illusion of this third-dimensional paradigm that is, indeed, an illusion. Read More…
KaRa of the Pleiades: Remembering Who You Are
17.03.2021 21:25
I am KaRa. I, as many of you know, I am an emissary, a Pleiadian emissary to the council here on the Earth. Yes, there is a Great Earth Council here. And many of you, in your multi-dimensional forms, are already a part of, a part of the Earth Council, or a part of the Pleiadian councils, or the Sirian councils, or the Arcturian councils, many of the different councils you, as your multi-dimensional selves, are already a part of. Some of you already command ships as your multi-dimensional aspects! Read More…
Sananda: Nearing The Finish Line
05.03.2021 21:31
I am Sananda. As always, I appreciate these times that I can be with you and share with you. And be a part of these continuing expression of your awakening consciousness. And oh! What an awakening consciousness is occurring here within each and every one of you, as well as many of your brethren across the planet, as more and more of you are awakening! You may not think that is happening. But, as we have said many times from our vantage point, it is. More and more lights are quickening within them. The flames are quickening within them, rising, growing, expanding, that flame of remembering and knowing and higher consciousness. It is all coming back. And all of you just simply need to continue to allow the process to continue. Read More…
Saint Germain: Endings and Beginnings
19.02.2021 21:33
I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time to continue to assist you in all that you are doing at this time, and all that you are doing to find yourselves out of this illusion of separation, this illusion that you yourselves long ago were part of creating. You created this as a collective. And as a collective, you can now move beyond this and change this. Yes, there are those that are attempting to hold onto the status quo, attempting to hold onto the life as they know it to be, which is the old 3D paradigm, the matrix. They attempt to hold onto it in every way that they can, every way that they know to do. Using that same old playbook over and over and over, which has worked for so many years and years, thousands of years even, it has worked. But their biggest fear was always that the population would awaken and no longer follow their playbook, no longer follow their programming. And that is what is occurring now. Read More…
Ashtar: Seeing Beyond The Illusion
16.02.2021 21:42
I Am Ashtar. And I have come at this time to be with you in these moments that are changing. Moments even now as you look out across the various things that are happening everywhere, those things that are still yet in the shadows. Those things that are still yet being held in subterfuge, coverup, all of this. But this, as you have been saying and you have been hearing, is all an illusion. It is part of the three-dimensional illusion that is breaking apart. It is coming down. Read More…
Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell, January 10th, 2021
19.01.2021 20:44
I am Saint Germain. I ask you now to take a moment as you are coming back into your body to take several deep breaths. Breathe. Hold the light within you. Be the light within you. Allow yourselves now to feel the love that is coming into you. Just feel it permeating throughout your body: the love of the Creator, the Source. The Source that is within all of you, all of us. Feel that immense love. That higher consciousness coming over you and through you now. Know that you are going to be taking this love of this higher consciousness and assimilating it within yourself, and then spreading it out. Spreading it out to all that are ready for this. Read More…
Saint Germain: Time to Finish the Game
08.12.2020 19:33
I am your Saint Germain. I have come again at this time because of a calling, a calling that is reaching out to the many. The many, not only here in this country, but across the entire planet. A calling that is raising the voices on-high, and the power coming back to all of you as you fully awaken into who you are. For these are those times, those times you have been working for. Not just this lifetime, but for many lifetimes, working up to this time. These moments that are ahead yet, but coming on swiftly. Read More…
SAINT GERMAIN via James McConnell, November 8th, 2020
10.11.2020 21:05
I am your Saint Germain. I know that Sananda was going to be with you today, but I have asked him if I could be the one to bring this message to you. But before I bring this message to you, I want you all now to take a deep breath. Breathe. Breathe in the life that is around you. Not the three-dimensional chaos that is happening around you now, but life itself. Higher consciousness itself. Feel it. Know it. It is all here. It has always been here. But you have been blinded. Not by the Light, but by the darkness within each and every one of you. Read More…
Sananda: Hold The Line
23.10.2020 20:55
I am Sananda. I come at this time, in this opportune time, these times that are approaching now. You have heard of announcements. You have heard of many changes that are coming, many positive changes. But before the positive changes, the seemingly positive changes, come, there must first be those things that bring the awakening forward, that bring the knowing of the third-dimensional frequencies as you have become aware of. See that coming down. See the establishment coming down. See the various laws, and rules, and all of that coming down. See that happening. Read More…
Saint Germain ~ The Beginning of the Next Phase
16.10.2020 19:11
I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be with you. To be able to share. To be able to open up new vistas, new understandings for you to come to. For as you are contemplating much that is happening now across your planet, as you are looking at the scene in front of you and wondering, your third dimensional consciousness is wondering what is happening? Why is this happening? Why can’t we just get on with it? Many of you ask that question—why can it not just be over? Why can we not end this game now? Read More…
Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, September 20th
29.09.2020 16:10
I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be here with you in these times, in these moments that you find yourself in now. These times of fear that are spreading across the planet in many ways. For they, those of the cabal, the dark forces, are doing everything they can to spread that fear, to increase the fear if they can. Read More…
Ashtar: Be The Warriors of Light
08.09.2020 19:24
I am Ashtar. I come at this time to continue to bring you news, yes, but more and more experience, more and more love that we generate and bring to you, our brothers and sisters. For as we have said many times, we are all in this together. As your saying is traveling now more and more across the world, “where we go one, we go all.” That is not an Earth saying, that is a Galactic saying that comes to you from far outside of your planet. We have brought this to you. For we all go together through this. Read More…
Ashtar: The New Dawn
26.06.2020 22:02
I am Ashtar. I come at this point in your evolutionary process, in your awakening process. For this is that grand awakening. This is what you all came here for. These are those times, those moments just prior to the Great Awakening. You are in it now. And you are moving through it rapidly. Because everything is exactly as it needs to be in these moments, even though everything appears around you to be in chaos. Read More…
KaRa via James McConnell, April 26th, 2020
01.05.2020 17:30
I am KaRa. I come at this time, in these momentous times that you are finding yourselves now. But it is certainly not by happenstance that you are here. It is not by accident that you are here. It is all a part of the greater expression of the plan. You have heard ‘trust the plan.’ But it is so far beyond the plan that you are experiencing now here on the Earth. The ‘plan’ is the universal plan. And you have also heard that nothing can stop what is coming. Read More…
Sananda: The Great Changeover
17.04.2020 22:45
I am Sananda. It was going to be one of my aspects, that one known as Yeshua, that was going to be with you today, because of this time, these moments that you are in now, this special day that you call ‘Easter.’ But it was determined by many that I should come in his stead, I should be the one to bring this momentous news to you. Read More…
Ashtar: New Dawn Beginning To Peak
07.04.2020 21:57
I am Ashtar. I speak to you now from high above you, from those many ships that you peer up into the night and you think you see. And many times you look at stars and you think, just as many have over many thousands of years, that they are stars. But many times they are much more than that. They are ships. Very large ships. Beyond your imagination as far as what ships can be. Read More…
Saint Germain: The Blue Dawn Of The Aquarian Age
24.03.2020 21:40
I am Saint Germain. I am here at these moments now to tell you, just as your Dear Beloved Sister KaRa spoke to you. You have arrived! We have all arrived! These are the moments that you came here for. You are on the cusp now, of many, many changes that are coming to this planet, coming to the consciousness of man, to the Collective Consciousness. Read More…
Saint Germain: You Have The Power Of A Thousand Suns
22.01.2020 20:55
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you in auspicious time, in these auspicious moments that you have arrived at. For all is happening exactly as it has been foretold for eons of time. Not to the point of catastrophes and devastation which would lead to the ascension of man. But the absence of this devastation. Read More…
Ashtar via James McConnell, 11 november, 2019
15.11.2019 21:18
I am Ashtar. I have given you a small sample of what you can expect (Note: this message followed a guided meditation led by Ashtar), first within your next Advance, but then beyond this. And when that Solar Flash, the Event, the Changeover occurs, what you can expect as an expansion of consciousness in those moments and well beyond what your expectations are at this point. Read More…
Saint Germain via James McConnell, April 28th, 2019
01.05.2019 19:35
I am pleased to be with you to continue working together with this group, and with you each as individuals. Because together we are all bringing this about. We are all making this happen. As I have been associated many times with the advent of this country, this America, as well as other areas of Europe, so I am not just associated with America, I am associated with many areas of the world. Read More…
Ashtar via James McConnell, March 24th, 2018
30.03.2018 15:34
I Am always pleased to be with you in these times, in these moments, always remembering that we are in the now moment. Yes there are many things to look forward to and yes there have been many things that you have gone through in your past. But begin more and more now to let go of the past. Let go of all of the programming of the past and begin more and more to live in this perfect now, knowing that this is the perfect now. That everything is being prepared, orchestrated as you will, to bring in the perfect system for this planet. And realizing that you are this perfect system here in this planet. Read More…
Ashtar via James Mc Connell, March 11, 2018
15.03.2018 15:32
I AM Ashtar. Always wonderful to be with you, to share with you, to continue this expression, this program that we have been on, that you have been on. We have been preparing for a long time, just as you have. And we have received now, and this is the reason for the urgent message that was given through the James to reach out to all of you, that you would be on this call, be on this expression that we can bring to you. Read More…
Sananda via James McConnell, December 31st, 2017
14.01.2018 14:11
As always it is wonderful to be with you, to be able to share in these ways, knowing that in the not too far off future these ways that we are sharing now will no longer be necessary. For you, each one of you will have your own connection to those levels of consciousness beyond yours, beyond the consciousness that you are now. In other words going to your higher level consciousness; those levels of your being that encompass the entire you. This is what you are moving toward. Read More…
Ashtar via James McConnell, October 29th, 2017
06.11.2017 18:00
This is the moment when you are awakening and helping many others across the planet to awaken as well. Because it is all about consciousness. It is all about the movement of consciousness; your consciousness as well as all of those around you and as many as you can begin to assist in these endeavors to move through this transition. And a transition you are all moving through. Read More…
Ashtar via James McConnell, September 10th, 2017
18.09.2017 17:49
There are those moments that come when all things do not seem as they need to be or that you want them to be but yet they are so. Yet they are doing what they need to do in those times, in those moments. I speak now of consciousness. I speak now of the love that you share and you spread throughout all the planet. Read More…
Saint Germain via James McConnell, August 27th, 2017
31.08.2017 21:09
I AM St. Germain. I come with the Violet Flame, Violet Light to continue this process that was begun long ago, the process that you all came here with as the light workers, the light sharers, the light warriors that you were and have once again become. Read More…
Ashtar via James McConnell, August 13th, 2017
23.08.2017 19:33
I AM Ashtar. I did not announce myself to James but here I Am. And I Am here to continue this process, to continue to let you know that all is in motion. All is in preparation. We are all prepared, we of the Ashtar Command and all of the other various commands within the Galactic Confederation and the Galactic Confederation of planets, we are all here ready, willing, and able to assist in any way that is needed as these times continue on. Read More…