Sananda: Hold The Line
23.10.2020 20:55 Sananda - Jesus | James McConnell

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Sananda. I come at this time, in this opportune time, these times that are approaching now.
You have heard of announcements. You have heard of many changes that are coming, many positive changes.
But before the positive changes, the seemingly positive changes, come, there must first be those things that bring the awakening forward, that bring the knowing of the third-dimensional frequencies as you have become aware of. See that coming down. See the establishment coming down. See the various laws, and rules, and all of that coming down. See that happening.
Because that is what’s happening now. Even though it does not appear to be so, it is. Everything is coming together exactly as it needs to, and you are in that cusp right now with the Great Awakening that is occurring across the planet. And again, not only across the planet, but the solar system and the galaxy.
All is coming together. And all is happening in the moment now. Even now, as we are together in this moment, the awakening is proceeding forward. And in order to have this Great Awakening, you have heard that there first has to be this great division, this great dividing, before uniting can come fully forward. And this is what is happening. The falling of the establishment. The falling of society as you know it, as you have come to know it. It cannot, and could not, and will not continue as it has. It is not possible.
For life to continue here on this planet, you must come into this awakening process. All across the planet must come to this awakening. And that is what the three waves of Ascension are all about, is to allow for this awakening to happen as more and more people become ready for it. More and more people become prepared for it. Just as you have been preparing, each and every one of you on this call. Each and every one of you that resonate to my words, you have been preparing, and as I have said many times, acclimating to these energies.
Because as these energies continue to come in, they become more and more forceful. That is what is creating the chaos that is happening across the planet. As these energies become stronger and stronger, it is bringing the awakening to those that have been asleep for so long.
And those that have been attempting to hold onto control are doing everything that they can now more and more to hold that control. They are putting out all the stops, you might say, everything that they can, to follow that plan that they have had, or what we call ‘the playbook.’ They have been following this every time that they can to continue the control issues to hold onto that control.
But as you know, and you have heard many times, this can no longer be stopped. Your awakening can no longer be stopped. They cannot do it, even though they attempt to hold on and attempt to do these various things that they have become accustomed to that have worked for them in the past. They are no longer working, and cannot work.
And you are approaching that time period. That time that we have been preparing you for. In every one of these meditations, every one of these times you come together, and in your various other meditations, you have been preparing for the Grand Event, the Great Event, THE Event, the Solar Flash. You have been preparing for this, so that when it happens, you are ready for it. And then you can indeed turn around and assist those that may not understand what is going on when they see this great flash in the sky.
First their thoughts might be fear. They might feel like it is something that is coming from the heavens that is there to destroy them. But you will be the calming influence. You will be the one to bring their attention back to the higher vibrations, to bring their attention back to those things that have, and are, being orchestrated right here now in these moments.
And you are the ones. You are the ones that volunteered to come here. You are the ones that have brought this forward, this Grand Awakening, forward. And you are the ones that are foreshadowing the Grand and the Great Event here as it comes closer and closer.
Dates cannot be given at this point. But that does not mean it is not imminent. Just understand that.
I am Sananda, and I leave you at this time in peace, and love, and oneness.
And that you continue to carry on, carry on the missions that you came here for. And not become disconsolate, not become discouraged, even though those things around you are seemingly falling apart—they are not, they are coming together.
Peace and love be with all of you.