December 2021
Happy New Year 2022
30.12.2021 21:05
Dear Reader
Another incredible Year comes slowly but surely to a close. A lot of things have happened in the open and behind the scenes. For a lot of us it has not been easy with all the restrictions that have been brought forward. It gave us the opportunity and some time to turn our attention inside of us and to find new ways to define our path in the direction of our Ascension.
I want to thank all of you for being part of our community. I also want to thank again all those of you who have sent me your positive feedback. This gives me the confirmation that we are on the right path to walk together Into the new Golden Age.
I am looking forward to share more enlightening News with you in this coming New Year. I wish You and your family a healthy, joyful and especially Happy New Year 2022.
In Love and Light
Koshima of
2022: Waves of Awakening
30.12.2021 20:33 Kate Woodley
Hello, our dear ones. We are the Council of the Guardians of the light. We will say the second half of this year (2021) was quite intense. As a result of the intense movement of energies within your fields, and the impacts it has had on all of you individually. What we are seeing, and what we have been seeing, is a mass awakening. This is going to continue. But understand that your definition of awakening may be quite different from another’s definition of awakening. It is about teaching others to find their truth through connecting to their inner light and power. It is up to the individual to navigate this roadmap in a way that aligns with them from a place of joy, truth, light, and power. It is your experience and journey to behold. Read More…
A Garden of Peace
30.12.2021 20:17 Inspiration of the day | Catherine Viel
If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present. ~ Lao Tzu
Th above quote from today’s calendar struck home for me. Depression indicates living in the past; anxiety is all about the future. Feeling peaceful means I’m living in the present. Not surprisingly, since I believe in synchronicity, a Golden Age of Gaia forum member posted this morning about peace. Read More…
Th above quote from today’s calendar struck home for me. Depression indicates living in the past; anxiety is all about the future. Feeling peaceful means I’m living in the present. Not surprisingly, since I believe in synchronicity, a Golden Age of Gaia forum member posted this morning about peace. Read More…
The Strengths of Humanity ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 12-29-2021
30.12.2021 20:00 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been observing you long enough to recognize the strengths that you have as a collective, and we would like for you all to focus on those strengths when you are considering your fellow humans and how far you have come. You all have a willingness to put yourselves in tragic circumstances just to elicit a feeling, and the ability that humanity has shown to endure trauma and tragedy is what makes you such a strong race of beings. Read More…
The end of the old, the start of the new - The One through Sophia Love
30.12.2021 19:57 Sophia Love
It is the One. As you turn the page, the first page of this new book being written, there are chapters still unfinished of the last book you wrote. It is the orchestrating and playing out of these remaining events that occupies the consciousness of so many. It is the watching that occupies the intellect of many others. I tell you this, if you are not a part of the direct orchestration of these “exit events”, it will behoove you to limit your intellectual focus on how they play out. That focus is more effectively directed on building the new (our new world). You will witness the “new” everywhere. Read More…
THIS IS HOW YOU HAVE BEEN PROGRAMMED ~ Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - December 2021
30.12.2021 19:54 Aita
5D Compass and 3D Compass
30.12.2021 18:32 Jennifer Crokaert
During my [read: our] current spiritual expansion, we are being flooded with upgrades and insights, so many that it’s hard to remember them all, but this one has been incredibly helpful to me and to my clients. Everyone knows what a 3D compass is: it’s sole function is to help you navigate the map of life in the 3D/4D realm. It points to financial security, stability, a job/home/family, respectability, what the neighbours will say, prestige, power… You recognise it, don’t you?! The 5D compass is that of the light workers. Our compass points to freedom, self-expression, expansion, creativity, truth, integrity, authenticity, love, forgiveness… You recognise that one too, don’t you! Read More…
Judith Kusel: Leave the Old Behind
30.12.2021 18:25 Judith Kusel
Here is a powerful decree to assist you to leave the old behind. Do this only if you truly wish to honor your highest calling and leave the old behind. Read More…
The Cabal, Black Magic & Extraterrestrial Life
30.12.2021 18:20 Dr. Michael Salla | Occult Secret Societies
Four Steps to Becoming Higher Self ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 12-23-2021
27.12.2021 18:17 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to announce to all of you that we see the way that you have been reaching new levels of consciousness through the tragedies and traumas that you have cleared, and we see you all making great progress towards that goal of becoming your higher selves. We want you to understand how beautiful it is for you to awaken and to do this work that you are doing consciously. Read More…
Lorie Ladd: You Don’t Need Fixing
27.12.2021 18:15 Lorie Ladd
This world will convince you that you need fixing. This idea, this program, keeps you in a disempowered state. This disempowered state convinces you that you need to create the “right” or “good” version of you. Meanwhile you are denying what is merely your human experience. There has never been anything wrong with you that needs fixing. You have merely been experiencing a human journey and you are remembering how it all works. Read More…
Dearest Ones we are all here together with a strong bond of Unity and a great force for LOVE on the planet NOW. JESHUA: Many of you are going through great stresses as you prepare for the Christmas of this year of 2021. Even though this time is a supposed time of a celebration of my birth, it can also bring up many fears and negative emotions. You may be planning food and drink for the special day and wondering if you have enough, you may be agonising over your gifts for others and whether they are good enough, you may still have many chores yet to be completed, you may even be dreading the day if you are having to spend it on your own. Read More…
Kryon ~ Good News Channels are Coming
27.12.2021 17:50 Kryon | Mockingbird Media
One of the things that’s going to radically change when this event (COVID pandemic) is all over, is the accountability from those who inform you in the media. When the dust clears, you’re going to look at this closely and say, “All the media made it worse!” Dear one, in your life there’s never really been anything like this. Read More…
20 Years & back with the French Secret Space Program
27.12.2021 17:44 Dr. Michael Salla | Secret Space Programs
Jesus through John: Death is unreal because all life is eternal, endless, forever
27.12.2021 17:39 John Smallman | Sananda - Jesus
Humanity is on a roll! Your collective awakening is happening right now, as many of you are engaged in celebrating the anniversary of my birth, which apparently occurred over two thousand years ago – and yet it was but a moment ago! Time is dissolving now into the eternal NOW as you awaken from an eons long sleep in which you have experienced dreams and nightmares of separation, pain, and wide-spread and pervasive suffering. You have all collectively decided that you have had enough, that finally it is time to dismiss and dissolve the game of separation in which you have been engaged, and to come back together again as ONE. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/25/2021 • The Light in Your Heart
27.12.2021 17:37 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Today, take a moment and tune into the energy on your planet. Can you feel the peace? For just a day so many around the world pause and take time to celebrate a holiday of light, love, and hope for a beautiful future. For a day so many choose to gather with family and friends or to reach out to strangers. For just a day so many, even those of you who are down, lonely, and hurting, reach for a slightly better feeling, if only a warm blanket, a cup of tea, and a good movie. Read More…
Jesus through Dianne Robbins - Journey of Your Soul
27.12.2021 17:29 Sananda - Jesus | Dianne Robbins
I am Jesus, here to take you on a journey of your soul. You will be traveling along with me as we embark on this excursion. You won’t need to take anything along, except your thoughts and feelings, for all else will be left behind. We will be taking a long broad road that will lead out to the nethermost reaches of time and space. Read More…
Merry Christmas
23.12.2021 21:10

Dear readers,
I wish all of you and your families a Merry Christmas with much Love and Joy. May these days give you some rest and time to reflect on the year 2021 coming to an end and to go within to prepare for what will come in 2022.
In Love and Light
Koshima of
Jesus: A Christmas Message
23.12.2021 20:55 Sananda - Jesus
Beloveds, I am with you in Spirit and always in your hearts. As the religious festival of Christmas approaches with another commemoration of my birth, I reach out to all living souls at this time, regardless of your religious faith, sexual preference, race, colour, creed or criminal history. I, like you, was born in the light of the love of the Creator and I returned to it at the time of death. During my life on Earth, I never doubted that the love of God was with me, no matter how alone I might have felt at different times. Read More…
The Easier Path to the Fifth Dimension ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, by Daniel Scranton 12-20-2021
23.12.2021 20:50 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have so much compassion for humanity and for how challenging this particular lifetime has been for you. You chose a much harder path in your ascension than we did in ours. Ascension in our system was like walking up a flight of stairs in comparison to what you are all enduring to ready yourselves for the energies that will sweep you up into a fifth dimensional frequency state. You are very much reinventing the wheel as far as we are concerned, and we are not alone in that assessment. This is a universal shift in consciousness, and that means all beings in all dimensions are making the shift with you, and you are at the core. You are at the center of it all. Read More…
Are we Ready?
23.12.2021 20:33 Suzanne Lie
Are we ready to move our thoughts, feelings, desires and knowings in to our next frequency of reality? It takes very little searching on the Internet to find pages and pages and pages of stories about preparation for our own next adventure. This next adventure just may be that more and more third dimensional Earth Humans are realizing that we, the humans on Gaia's Earth, are now being to awaken to their higher dimensional self. Read More…
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 21st December 2021
23.12.2021 18:32 Galactic Federation | Blossom Goodchild
Hello! Giving it a try before Christmas … Anyone home? Welcome to you, dearest Blossom, and to all those who choose to be part of our community in this way. We are aware of all those who write into you in Gratitude for that which we bring through, and we would very much like to take this opportunity to give our Gratitude to Each One for taking heed of that which we offer, which in turn lifts the Vibration of the Planet … which brings us great Joy … because it allows us to note the change in Energy upon your Planet … and within you. This is certainly a very positive outcome for us that so many ‘KNOW’ their Inner Truth and it serves so well in bringing about the enormous ‘Shift’ that is about to take place. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Are you grateful for this....
23.12.2021 18:19 Matt Kahn
Dear Friend, During this holiday season and beyond, the practice of anchoring gratitude assists you in moving further throughout your journey. Simply because each moment of gratitude reminds you of the light already within you -- a light that your ego doesn’t have to compete with, judge, fear, or work hard to impersonate. Since a 5D path of evolution is less centered in how much has been cleared and more rooted in how often you recognize the light of divinity in yourself and others, here are my 5 simple ways to anchor gratitude for the highest good of all. Read More…
Now we know why we are on Earth
20.12.2021 21:17 Sandy Stevenson | Exiting the Matrix
As we know, we are in the process of one of the greatest turn around ever achieved in the Universe. Although we may not have been aware of it, Earth has been controlled by corrupt forces for quite some time. We are now taking the entire planet back to full light. Although this is not simple to achieve, when you consider the control it’s been under for centuries, we are coming out of it surprisingly fast. Yes, I know, we feel it’s not fast enough! But when we grasp the extent of the corruption that has permeated all parts of society from the top down, it is a miracle it can be achieved at all. Read More…
2022: The Year You Take Your Power Back ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council
20.12.2021 21:15 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to offer your our view of your upcoming year, the year known as 2022 on your calendars. First of all, we would like to point out that two years ago we told you that the 2020’s would be the decade of awakening, and certainly it has been by all accounts. We would also like to remind everyone of what our definition of what being awake is. To us, being awake has nothing to do with gathering information on the Internet, and it has everything to do with knowing yourselves as Source Energy Beings and seeing everyone else as Source Energy Beings as well. Read More…
GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT: “Grand news to bring much jubilation…your Ascension Event!” 12-18-21
We come with this message tonight for all our Gaian family. Things have been changing dramatically upon your world, and you have all felt it for many years now. The pace has quickened. World events are happening that you do not understand. Massive energy has been sent to Gaia via solar flares and other celestial events. Your personal lives changed severely in the last year and a half, and this break forced many Gaians to re-evaluate their lives. All this chaos is not coincidence, dear Gaians. It is all connected, all of this has a purpose, and that purpose is your Ascension. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/18/2021 • Peace amidst Conflicting Forces
20.12.2021 20:47 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, As you look into your world and witness the turbulence, know that you can be the peace. As you see the storms caused by the clashing forces within human hearts you can be the calm. As you see the illness, you can choose to be carriers of well-being. For in every situation dear ones, there is a stream of great love and grace attempting to carry each individual – and the collective human race – towards the loving realities that you all desire, and in every case, there is either a willingness to focus upon and attune yourself to those realities or a resistance that causes great turbulence within and without. Read More…
Releasing the Trauma
20.12.2021 20:15 Teri Wade
As we all know this is not an easy time being a participant currently on Earth. Really, what's happening is we are shedding the heaviness that we all have accumulated along the way. I believe what we are experiencing is the repeating of trauma of our past meaning we're repeating Atlantis and the Orion wars. Atlantis was a highly technological and spiritually advanced society which we have on Earth now. Earth is also becoming very advanced in technology and we're all becoming very aware of the advancement in the human race as we become very evolved humans. Earth is much more diverse than we were in the days of Atlantis but just as polarizing. I've said this in the past that the Old Testament was about Atlantis and if we repeat the same patterns we will receive the same fate. That diversity connects us to all different star systems in the galaxy. Read More…
Symptoms Of DNA Activation People Are Currently Experiencing
At this moment, many people are experiencing these symptoms. They are becoming aware of what is really going on with them. And what is actually happening, is activation of all the levels of your consciousness and a general rise of your vibration. These are the symptoms of DNA activation. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 17, 2021
17.12.2021 22:25 Mike Quinsey
After a year of so many ups and downs you will be pleased to know that the overall result is encouraging as in the long term you will see that the changes have been very beneficial. The intentions of the Illuminati were to create an epidemic of such proportions that only a manageable number would survive and be easier to control. They have gone to extreme lengths to stop you learning the truth about your gift of eternal life. Read More…
How the Incoming Energies are Shaping Humanity
17.12.2021 21:57 Kate Woodley
Hello, our dear ones. We are the Council of the Guardians of the Light. We do, as always, have a message for humanity and it is always an honor for us to convey these messages through the greatest filter of love and a lens of hope. It is our utmost pleasure to once again confirm, and affirm, that there in fact new energies, energies that we will say are in many ways novel. They have been unknown to humanity for thousands upon thousands of years. These energies are making their way back into this realm. What these energies are doing is they are perpetuating a percolation of sorts, or a grand shake-up not only within individuals, but also within the human collective, and we will add, the many collectives that are upon your beautiful Gaia. Read More…
Reality and Timelines - Everyone moving onto one timeline
17.12.2021 21:44 Sandy Stevenson
Until now, Earth has been running on many different timelines or realities. Timelines could be called stories that are created by our thoughts and become reality as we add our energy to that idea or belief. Then we gravitate toward a timeline (storyline) that fits with what we have chosen to believe. Example: A person is distrustful of people’s motives, is skeptical, believes they can be ripped off or tricked, that their house or property can be damaged/stolen, they could lose their job, their children could be harmed, divorce is likely, their spouse might cheat on them, they could get cancer and respond to pain with concerns of it being serious, etc. This person has chosen to live in a world of fear where all these things now become possibilities. It doesn’t mean they will happen, but now they can because the person decided they can. All the people with similar beliefs will gravitate into the same timeline. People on the same timeline naturally find people believe as they do, which reinforces the idea their beliefs are correct. Read More…
Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to ETs & Earth Alliance
17.12.2021 21:15 Dr. Michael Salla | Elena Danaan
What Matters Most in this Universe ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 12-14-21
17.12.2021 21:06 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very clear about what it is we are putting out vibrationally and energetically at all times, and we are this clear because we have practiced doing it consciously for so long. It has become second nature to us, and we also have nothing else to do. We don’t have physical bodies, so we don’t have to go to work to get money to pay the bills, the rent, the mortgage, and we don’t have to go get food and eat it, and cleanse our bodies and our homes. We don’t have to drive anywhere. These are all things that you do, and so it is quite understandable that you aren’t always paying attention to what vibration you are offering in any given moment. Read More…
Mary Magdalene: Role Play Of Man And Woman
17.12.2021 21:00 Mary Magdalene
Dear friends, dear men and women, I am Mary Magdalene. I am your sister and your friend. I know your journey; I have been human, too. I know what it is like to go through the depth of human emotion. You are full of courage and I wish you would honor yourself. You all have a deep wisdom inside you; you all are old souls. You consented to take the plunge into material reality to again come back to Earth, knowing that doing so would veil your knowledge, your wisdom. Read More…
Dearest Ones we come together to help you navigate this wonderful time of Christmas tide. Sadly Christmas on 3rd Dimensional Earth has somehow become a stressful time for so many, especially in the last few years. We are here to remind you all, how wonderful this time can be. Jeshua came to Earth over 2000 year ago to bring in the Christ Consciousness and now he comes again to help bring in the 5th Dimension of Peace, Love and Harmony. Read More…
Human DNA
17.12.2021 20:32 Teri Wade | Galactic Human
Humanity has been sought after our entire existence due to a little thing called human DNA. Our DNA has been damaged and we have been dumbed down to the point that we've never known how incredible we really are. Our DNA is being activated meaning, those two biological strands of DNA (in 1st photo) are starting to talk to those 10 strands of DNA that spiral and intertwine up thru them. Those 10 strands of DNA have been intentionally cut from us (in 2nd photo) because those 10 strands are our inter-dimensional strands. Read More…
A Gamechanger for Humanity ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 12-12-2021
14.12.2021 20:43 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun to investigate the different strategies that we see you all employing to bring yourselves into a higher vibrational state. We are talking about your genuine attempts to raise your vibration, rather than the use of drugs, alcohol, sex, or some other way that you have for bringing yourself into a higher vibration by depending on something that is external. We are interested in your processes that you employ when you are sitting home alone, by yourself, and you need to access a higher vibrational state. Read More…
14.12.2021 20:28 Sirius
Dearest Ones Now is the time to sit back and reflect on all that has been going on in your own life in these past few months of this so called pandemic. Many of you as spiritual warriors have been fighting the tyranny that has been going on and it is time now for you all to take a step back and REFLECT on all that you have achieved in your own personal life by so doing. We hear your cries of exhaustion and frustration and wanting the battle to be over. Many of you may be thinking that nothing has even changed and it may seem to you that the majority of people around you are still asleep, so to speak. Read More…
Bringers of the Light...
14.12.2021 20:22 Teri Wade
So much is shifting in our world that is not being reported on by our news media. But it’s not so much in an outwardly feeling as inward. And that ability to feel inwardly is a beautiful, profound and undeniable feeling of higher Universal consciousness. That intuitive feeling is a beautiful gift that we’ve always had and it’s getting stronger and stronger brought on by these higher frequencies. I know the world seems to be in complete chaos right now but this is why you’re here. You came to Earth to see the old structures breakdown. You’re here to watch the last grasp of the fear-based structure we’ve only known our entire existence.
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Matt Kahn: In This Moment, The Universe Wants You to Know...
14.12.2021 20:16 Matt Kahn
Dear Friend, May this moment in time invite a pause of deep heartfelt reflection. Perhaps you find yourself in an in-between phase of your journey-- aware of what no longer resonates, while unsure what is next, what to do, where to go, and even who to be from one moment to the next. Maybe the amplified speed of a fast-paced technology-driven society leaves you emotionally wrung out, existentially exhausted, and emotionally depleted. Perhaps you're even less tolerant of the conditioning within yourself and others as you make your way toward a brighter horizon of total living freedom. I say all this to let you know, you’re not alone. Read More…
Jennifer Crokaert - Catching Up with You
14.12.2021 19:57 Jennifer Crokaert
Hello! Firstly, let me apologise for ‘going dark’ for so long and a massive thank you to everyone who took the time to personally email me and to see if I am still alive: I am! So, where to begin! Exactly two months ago – to the day, as it turns out! – I began a process of unprecedented spiritual expansion. I would spend hours every day in spaces and nuances of love that I have never known before; one day I would be experiencing tenderness in all its shades, another day it would be sweetness, on another day I spent hours in adoration. Interestingly, I discovered that the true meaning of adoration is ‘to love without borders or frontiers, without beginning or end’ – that really resonated for me, it has nothing to with putting the Divine on a pedestal and everything to do with bringing the Divine into our hearts and melting into that sublime love that exists for us. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/11/2021 • A little love is a bright light
14.12.2021 19:47 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Twinkle twinkle little stars...This is how we see you, dear ones - each one of you with a beautiful heart, a beautiful light, and a beautiful ability to be the light in the darkness. You have the ability to share kindness when others are impatient. You have the ability to offer a warm smile to a stranger. You have the ability to listen to someone who is upset, with compassion and non-judgment. You have the ability to pray for peace in the hearts of those who want war. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 10, 2021
10.12.2021 21:44 Mike Quinsey
The Pleiadians have undertaken to stop “horror and suffering” but not exactly when, but as we are preparing for an upliftment in the vibrations as part of our advancement, logically it cannot be very far away. Certainly the higher vibrations will overcome the negative energies to bring about harmony for all life forms. These will be necessary to get you onto the path that leads to fulfillment and Ascension. Much is lined up to be manifested as you rise up and experience an increase in your levels of consciousness. By comparison the Pleiadians are already on a much higher level. Read More…
Adama through Dianne Robbins - Breaking the Death Codes
10.12.2021 21:27 Dianne Robbins
You are all great Warriors carrying the Light. You are all remnants of past great civilizations who have embodied again at this time to change the course of history. You are here to break the codes of death and aging. You are here to set belief systems on a new spiral – a spiral upward toward immortality, instead of spiraling downward toward death. Read More…
Separation the Initiation by Archangel Metatron - Channeled through Natalie Glasson
10.12.2021 20:58 Natalie Glasson | Archangel Metatron
Greetings, I am Archangel Metatron, I bring forth the Angelic Kingdom to embrace you now. It is so important at this time of Ascension that you call forth the Angelic vibration and Kingdom to surround you, it is essential that you recognise that we are your companions as you Journey upon this Earth. We are present to gift you with love, to support you, to protect you, and to guide you. We are present to speak with you, to communicate with you and to share. It is essential that you understand that we the Angelic Kingdom are present with you in friendship now because an initiation is unfolding and has already begun. Read More…
The Future Moment that Will Bring Humanity Together ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council
10.12.2021 20:45 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving ourselves plenty of opportunities to see humanity from a variety of different angles and perspectives. We know that looking at all of you through just one narrow lens is not going to serve you or us. We also know that in order to help all of you, we need to be efficient, and we need to understand exactly what it is that you need. That’s one of the reasons why so many of you meet up with us in the astral plane at night. We can speak to you about the issues that you face as an individual and the issues that you know are in front of humanity as a whole. Read More…
07.12.2021 20:28 Tarot by Janine
Use Your Power for the Ascension of Humankind ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council
07.12.2021 20:23 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have determined that the best approach for humanity in getting to a place where you can all live together harmoniously is to look for the moments of connection that you have with people that you would not have expected to have anything in common with. When you remember those times when you met someone who looked very different from you, and yet had very similar beliefs, you open yourselves up to the possibility of a reality where everyone on Earth can get along and live on one harmonious planet. Read More…
“The Event”/"Solar Flash" & how Glastonbury & Australia will trigger a mass awakening
07.12.2021 20:19 EldoRa & Siman | The Event
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 03, 2021
07.12.2021 19:58 Mike Quinsey
You are in the storm before the calm and the cleansing will continue until the Earth has increased its vibrations, to allow many of you to advance your evolution in readiness to move into the 4th dimensional vibrations. You will be noted for your calmness in testing conditions and through your example many others will follow. It is your destiny and the old energies will be left behind. The level you reach will determine the future for you and you will most likely move to a planet that meets your needs to continue your present evolution. The transition will be smooth and much to your liking. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/04/2021 • Simple Kindness leads to big change
07.12.2021 19:52 Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, A baby in a manger... a flame in the lamp... such small things really. The babe and the lamp were tiny lights in a darkened and chaotic world, a world in which there was political unrest, financial challenges, divisiveness between castes and nations – not unlike your world today. What difference could a baby make? What difference could even a miraculous lamp symbolize? What difference can your kindness to a stranger make, or your anonymous dollar in the charitable donation pot? How does your willingness to be happy regardless of what the world is doing around you shine a light upon this earth? Read More…
03.12.2021 22:30 Sirius
Dearest Ones many of you maybe experiencing many different feelings at this very special time on your planet. You maybe having contradictory feelings of Hope, hopelessness, Joy, sadness, Elation, despair, Extreme Energy and exhaustion and all of these feelings can be quite challenging for you in these current times. One day you maybe feeling the Love for humanity and your friends and families, the next day there maybe anger about the differences you see in them. One day you maybe feeling much Hope for the future, the next day you are in despair. One time you might be thinking how lucky you are to be on the planet at this time, the next you are worrying for your future or harking back to the bad times that you have had in your life. Read More…
03.12.2021 22:28 Exiting the Matrix
Awakening Cosmic Lion by Lord Melchizedek - Channeled through Natalie Glasson
03.12.2021 22:25 Natalie Glasson | Lord Melchizedek
Greetings, I am the consciousness and the collective energy of Melchizedek known as Lord Melchizedek. I am the overseer of the universal level. In this space of the universal level of the Creator's Universe, I can view the entire universe, understanding all the ascension shifts that are taking place and how they impact the planetary level, the galactic level, the universal level, the multi-universal level, and the cosmic level. I, Lord Melchizedek wish to make you aware of an energy that is coming forth, it is awakening energy from the cosmic level, a beautiful manifestation of light that is being created and appears as the most majestic lion. Read More…
Message from Matthew - December 1, 2021
03.12.2021 22:06 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As the year is nearing its end, many are wondering if traditional religious services and festivities with family and friends ever will be like they once were. Yes indeed, dear family, absolutely you will be able to enjoy all of this season’s celebrations without mandated restrictions and requirements, and, with recent developments, it could well be holidays in your new calendar year. Read More…
We Needed to Get Permission to Give You This Message ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton
03.12.2021 21:58 Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very pleased to be able to give you the following transmission. Sometimes we must get permission from the higher selves of each individual who will receive the message before we can proceed, and that was the case this time around, because we only can give you that which will serve you vibrationally, spiritually, psychologically, and in every other imaginable way. That is why we sometimes need approval before moving ahead with a transmission. This transmission is about the way you all are shifting energetically as awakened ones, as what we refer to as ‘The Awakened Collective.’ Read More…
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council November 30, 2021, Channeled through Valerie Donner
03.12.2021 21:54 Valerie Donner
Greetings I am Mira. I am pleased to speak with you. We acknowledge your forbearance and your ability to adjust and adapt during these unusually challenging times. Your efforts are being acknowledged. You will be rewarded. In the long run all of your challenges will be forgotten. You will rest in the renewal of the new earth. You will find happiness and joy daily in your lives. You are moving into what was once called “the promised land.” When this was written, few knew what those words meant. You only had what you were experiencing at that time, and it was most challenging. In actuality, the message was coming from the Creator with the energy of all the love and support that could be given. The words anchored in the timing for the new age, the new earth, the age of Aquarius. Read More…
Sananda: Moving Forward
03.12.2021 21:46 Sananda - Jesus | James McConnell
I am Sananda. I come at this time, in these opportune times. These opportune times for truth, indeed, is coming forward from many different directions, many different sources. The truth is coming. The truth is here. It is still yet for those that have the ‘eyes to see, and the ears to hear.’ For those that are closed off to the truth, those that don’t want to know, those that will stay stagnant where they are in their comfort zones, they themselves will not know the truth. They will be shown it, perhaps. They will be told it, but they will not accept it. There will be many of these that will not accept this truth, that will not accept the light. Read More…
Saul through John: Now is the moment to release ALL self-doubts and negative self-judgments
03.12.2021 21:30 Saul | John Smallman
There is only the One. You all know this, but, as humans living a life in form, most of you have forgotten it, and you have therefore lost your awareness of your divine nature at One with Source. You believe that there is a Being of infinite Love and Wisdom, that there are spiritual realms beyond the physical, and you pray to and honor those in those vast realms whom you mostly believe are way more spiritually advanced than you are yourselves. But how can this be? You are all perfect divine beings created in infinite Love and Wisdom by Source and therefore you are ALL perfect, exactly as you were created. This has never changed, it cannot change because what God creates is eternally perfect and utterly unchangeable. Read More…