The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 28th March 2022

Hello again. I’m not really sure if I am holding the right vibe for this today, yet the timing is good, so let’s see. What’s left to talk about … the price of fish? Welcome to you. We feel your Energy and it is alright to be a little under par when we chat. Under par doesn’t change our Love and desire to communicate with you, which in turn allows you to be uplifted, perhaps. Read More…

Elizabeth April: You Are Getting Upgrades

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Adama of Telos: Alignment

Greetings, Beloved Ones. We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos. The recent Spring Equinox has provided massive amounts of Light energies to assist planet Earth and all life on it to raise higher in vibrational frequencies. Every Spring, these high amounts of Photonic Light assist to provide the Life force to re-awaken all life from the slumber of winter time.  As you are stepping out into nature, you can benefit from these energies.  Read More…

One of the Most Powerful Questions to Ask - Matt Kahn

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Arcturian Group Message - 3/27/22

In these times of stress and chaos, our intention is to bring encouragement by reminding you that you have done the work and are spiritually prepared and qualified to see beyond the present violence and negativity. Because you are of the spiritually awakened you understand that the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this time are affecting everyone, often causing them act out in ways of reflective of fear and confusion. Read More…

Most People Don't Even Know It's There

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Remote Viewing Ceres Super soldiers & Mars Insectoid War

In early 2022, Tony Rodrigues published his book, Ceres Colony Cavalier, in which he described in detail his “20 and back” experiences as a slave, both on Mars as a military auxiliary fighting against indigenous insectoids and then serving with a German-led Dark Fleet. Rodrigues’ book came to the attention of Dr. Courtney Brown, who subsequently organized a remote viewing project to investigate two of the book’s core claims. The results greatly surprised Dr. Brown who concluded Rodrigues’ testimony was accurate and carried much significance for full disclosure. Read More…


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Saul through John: Practically everyone who incarnates forgets that they have a spiritual purpose

Love is everything, only there is NO THING!  Love is ALL, and ALL is pure energy in abundance, boundless, limitless, and in infinite profusion, bountifully providing for all your needs and desires.  As humans experiencing the dream/illusion of separation this does not appear to be a valid statement, because in form limits are normal, to be in form is to be in a state of limitation.  In fact in today’s world limits are endemic, prevalent, sweeping, and leading many to wonder how life on Earth will be maintained when you come up against the major ones that finally prevent further expansion, as demands for clean water, fresh food, and energy appear to be very rapidly indeed outstripping your ability to find new reserves to satisfy your human earthly needs. Read More…

Space Arks and the Arriving ET Seeders

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/26/2022 • Look for the Good...

My dear friends, we love you so very much, As the energies of light and "forgetting-light" vie for attention in your world, you feel that tug of war in your bodies, minds, and hearts. So many of you sensitive souls feel the density of the lower vibrational energies tugging at you now, trying to get your attention and convince you that your world is going downhill. It is not. Thanks to each and every one of you and countless others, your world is moving towards a greater light. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 25, 2022

The time has come to reflect upon what you want out of life, because your actions will speak louder than words. You are projecting an energy that creates a path ahead of you and attracts what is needed for it to become your reality. It is like being careful what you wish for as few realise the power in the spoken word. It does not take much to imagine what you are creating for yourself with negative thoughts, after all these also attract similar energies so be careful as to how you express them. Read More…

Lorie Ladd: Self-Care is not Selfish

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Displacement of Truth by the Andromedans – Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Greetings, we are the Andromedans, we come forth as a collective energy from our civilization, bringing forth high vibrations and frequencies, wisdom, codes and energetic symbols to support your ascension in this moment. It is our purpose to aid you in recognising the evolution of your truth from within your being, understanding how you may express your truths and experience your truth in this physical reality. Often many beings believe that their purpose of existing upon the Earth is to progress and advanced spiritually. Read More…

Stepping Fearlessly into the Unknown

Are you feeling a strange shift in your sense of reality lately? Does your external world feel even more weird than usual? Perhaps you feel yourself eerily shifting back and forth between two different worlds? If you are having any of these sensations, you’re not crazy. There actually are two worlds within our reality now, and you are shifting back and forth between them. The old 3D world is crumbling and fading, and the new 5D world is beginning to appear. Read More…

So This Is Why They're REALLY Censoring People | David Icke

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Every thought, belief and picture has its own energy that holds it in place. Many belief patterns roll along with us through lifetimes. Because many of our thoughts are only other people’s ideas we accepted, they are often negative and untrue. We rarely examine our thoughts, so they remain with us. When we do look at them, it offers a chance to see what they really are and we are able to release them. Read More…

Moving from Survival Mode to 5D ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving you exactly what we know you need in every moment. That, however, does not always line up with what you have been wanting from us. We, like your higher selves, and your guides, are more interested in your spiritual evolution than anything else. And all of the members of your team provide you with everything that you need to grow and expand your consciousness, to become more of who you are. Read More…

Ancient Hall of Records found in Romania kept secret since 2003

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The Collective: Now is the Time

Greetings, friends! We are aware of your ever-increasing, ever more powerful Light, and more importantly, we are aware that you are sensing this as well. Perhaps some days you will feel uncomfortable at the amount of Light you are drawing in, transmitting all around you, and allowing to transform your very cells, and the very essence of your Earth self. Read More…

Ashian: Time is up

The time of the slow turn of the wheel is finished. Humanity was given the opportunity to move gracefully into self mastery and into understanding the complexity of your global situation (the light and the darkness) in a gentle manner, providing plenty of opportunities to move into mastery, to practice holding your centre, your intuition. That time is gone. Those who did not avail of the opportunity will now learn a much harder way. Read More…

Wonder If Your Dreams Will Ever Come True?

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Jesus through John: Large numbers of you do still not believe in your own unchangeable perfection

As your collective awakening process approaches completion an enormous amount of ‘stuff’ is bursting into the collective consciousness for acknowledgment, thanks, forgiveness, and release.  It holds within it many generations worth of resentment, denial, and anger that has been deeply buried because it was too intensely painful to acknowledge either as it was happening or at any time afterwards, up until now.  Now the whole human collective is allowing it into awareness, and with it comes much guilt and shame for past long forgotten words and actions. Read More…

Shine Your Light & Activate Everyone ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been interested in the evolution of your consciousness as a collective because we are interested in the evolution of our consciousness. For us, the process is rather easy. There is nothing to impede the evolution of our consciousness. Nothing and no one can hold us back, not even ourselves. We just experience it, and we do so from moment to moment. Read More…

Lorie Ladd: You Are Awakening Out Of A Matrix

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 20th of March, 2022

Good morning to you. Straight to it. As more and more BS churns out to us … I become less and less interested in it, to the point of detaching from any form of emotion other than ‘This is all BS!’. Nothing seems real. I look at others walking by and don’t feel part of the plot. Have I just become totally insensitive to other’s suffering, or am I becoming more ‘aware’? It’s like nothing makes sense, and I can’t be bothered to try and work it out! I’m not depressed, just curious. Read More…

Jesus through John: God/Love/Source never punishes anyone!

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are very much aware of your concerns and anxieties as chaos and confusion seem to be escalating on your beautiful planet Earth. DO make a point of starting your day by going deep within yourselves, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and then opening your hearts to Love, which resides there permanently, waiting patiently, ready and most willing to embrace and comfort you when you choose and remember to invite It in. Read More…

Near Death Experience Showed Me The Purpose Of Our Lives On Earth | Ellyn Dye

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Saint Germain: Hold On To The Dream

I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time as many things across the planet are beginning to gain steam, beginning to become more and more a part of the new higher expression within all of you, as you are all moving forward. Even though you may not know it, even though you may not feel it, you are all moving forward as a collective. It is happening, and the dream is continuing on. So hold onto that dream. Do not let it go. Do not become ensconced once again within the old illusion. For the old illusion is falling away rapidly. And you will begin to see the proof of that. Read More…

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/19/2022 • The Silent Symphony...

My dear friends, we love you so very much, Each one of you wants to be a contribution to this earth. Each one of you wants to feel you have purpose and a reason for being. We know that in every moment you have a chance to make your life purposeful, precious, valuable, and impactful beyond words and your human capacity to comprehend. Read More…


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Ashtar and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, March 6th, 2022

I am Ashtar. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments, these special moments that are upon you now, as all of life is awakening around you. All of life is moving more and more into the higher vibrational frequency as life and energy continues to flood into the planet from the cosmic source. And yes, indeed, the fifth-dimensional sun is expressing through now more and more. Up until recently, we and our ships have been holding this energy back so that it would not come too quickly into the planet, would not interfere with your central nervous systems, as they were not quite ready for this. But more and more now, this is being allowed to come through. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 18, 2022

Without knowledge of the plan for mankind you cannot be expected to know what lays ahead, but be assured that actions are being led by the higher powers that oversee humanity's experiences without usurping their freewill. You can help by remaining positive and not giving your energy to the negative forces by keeping positive and not getting involved with the negative forces. Use your understanding and knowledge to give strength to the forces working for the good of the planet and its people. The more you are able to hold your highest level of vibration the more you are helping the Light to overcome the dark energies. Read More…

The Path to Peace ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We very pleased to be connecting with all of you at this time because we can feel how much your consciousness is shifting as a collective, and we notice the effects that those shifts have upon you as individuals as well. We can see the possibilities opening up before you, and we know that all of the possibilities you have been creating in recent weeks have included peace on Earth. It is a very exciting time for humanity, because you have recognized the futility of conflict that involves bullets, bombs, and other ways of harming each other physically. Read More…

Martin Geddes: There's definitely still life in Q!

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Heart Chakra Implodes/Explodes by Archangel Michael

Greetings and love extend from my being to you, I am Archangel Michael. It is a joy to be in your presence, this is such a tender and sensitive time of your ascension. It is a time where immense love, unconditional and self-love is required. Therefore, we the Angelic Kingdom surround you and embrace you in pure love. We invite you as often as you can to call upon us, the Angelic Kingdom to surround, embrace and bathe you in love. We invite you to inhale love and exhale love into your being, inhale love from outside of you, from the Angelic Kingdom, from your guides, inhale love from your soul within you, from the love of the Creator that is within you and exhale it into your being. Imagine that you are filling your entire being, your body, auric field and so forth with love.  Read More…

The Vaccine Death Report

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James Gilliland: Hang on!

Many do not believe in astrology yet personally I cannot deny the effects of a full Moon. Lunatic derived its meaning from full moon cycles. Vedic medicine factors in the Moon cycles as to dosages and we cannot deny the tides, the power to move oceans. I find it hard to sleep during a full moon, especially about 3 days before. Friday the 18, usually three days before and after the Moon will be having its effect. Things are really reeving up. There is a lot of fear and anger in the air. Don’t worry WW3 was cancelled due to popular demand. Russia is taking out the garbage despite what the lame stream media is telling you. It is a war against the deep state and a Nazi regime. Putin has always been at war with the Satanic/Luciferian global elite. They are also taking out the bioweapons labs funded by the Obama and now the Bidum Admin. Find alternative news sources if you really want to know what is unfolding. Read More…

Alex Colliers Legacy - From Past to Present

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Are We Dreaming?

Two years into a surreal landscape of lockdowns, masks, forced tests and vaccinations, propaganda and censorship have jarred many of us out of what we now view as a lifetime of naive, complacent slumber. Overwhelming the impulse for conformity and comfort, our intuition has compelled us to journey down dark, winding rabbit holes to confront the shadowy agendas and operations that have been controlling and manipulating the world in which we live. Read More…

Some Truths about Ukraine

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Judith Kusel: Let Go

I am finding that such powerful energies are pouring in, and all is in such a state of flux, and disintegration, and assembling of the new, that all is in a morphing process. I literally can feel myself changing on all levels and in far greater levels than ever before. With this, a lot of souls will be repeating the same old dramas, stories, negative patterns again, which have kept them stuck for so long. This will be in families, in society, and in the greater humanity. Yet these lessons are now being churned up, so that all can finally break the patterns and allow themselves to be freed, and free others as well. Read More…


Dearest Ones many of you maybe feeling down at this time and we are here to help you Shine your Light in what may seem a confused and dark world. Those of you who are reading this missive may well have come to Earth from your home in the stars specifically to help Gaia and her Earthly souls go through their transformation from being in a 3rd Dimension world to a true Heaven on Earth which some call the 5th Dimension. Read More…


Over many lifetimes, we have walked a strange and often unfathomable journey, helping and sharing wisdom, as together we travelled through lifetimes, born into different nations as teacher and pupil, anchoring the light of All That is. We carried the frequencies of light destined  for billions of fragments of unconsciousness to rise to the surface to bring about a blueprint of new transformed energy that would raise the conscious awareness of humanity and birth a new world. We have shared a wonderful, strange, magnificent, arduous, complicated, at times difficult - yet magical and love filled journey.  Now we move into Oneness, and words and concepts stream forth as our world fills with understanding of what we came here to do. In its right time, all unfolds as the world changes to love.  Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - March 14th, 2022

Hello there! Well, all I can say after your spectacular live appearance on my last YouTube is … follow that! No pressure! Welcome to Each One who joins you here, Blossom, and we are indeed, impressed with the amount of viewers that ‘came to the table’. For our intent is to assist in elaborating the Truth, so one may know of it! As both you and White Cloud did so beautifully. Thank you. Someone sent a short video about a Pillar of Light that was seen in Perth. Apparently, there were four of them. Which appeared very quickly. I know you are aware of which I speak. Indeed, Blossom. Read More…


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Earth Speaks: Your Mission on Earth

Dear friends, I am the voice of Earth. Feel my energy encircling your feet and legs. I welcome you. Please enter into your bodies by allowing your muscles to relax. Remember that you are always carried by my energy. I want to carry you, like a mother. You are one with me, because you are living inside a physical body, and at the same time you bring in something new, something not of the Earth. It is your star light, your consciousness, which is the gift to this plane of existence. You bring life to this planet, to me, not physical life but the inner life. Read More…

Saul through John: Set the intent and choose to trust Love

There is only ONE. Every sentient conscious being is an inseparable and eternal aspect of that One. Within the One are an infinitely vast number of individual fields of consciousness that are at One, and in a state of Oneness with each other, andin that state each is constantly able to interact and communicate with all the others (those VAST numbers) singly or en masse. So vast are those numbers that it is beyond human comprehension, in fact in Reality numbers are meaningless, they are just an aspect of the illusion that, like time, are helpful while you are in form. There are NO limits on your ability to connect, from one to one, from one to all, and from all to one. In form that would cause chaos, in Reality chaos does not and could not happen.   Read More…

Souls Around The World Are Being Activated - It's Time To Listen!

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The Divine Mother through Joyful Christie, March 11, 2022: Focusing Inwards

In Truth I approach you, my Blessed Children. In Light I over-spread the blessings that pour forth from my Mother’s Heart of One. I ask you now to step into this next task that I have laid out for you here. Oh my dear ones! Never was the time more appropriate for you to lay down the ties to All that came before. In Truth the energies being made available to each of my beautiful Gaians are swiftly increasing, magnifying, and exponentially speeding up the unification on the planet, the return to unified consciousness. Now is the time to broaden your understanding, and I task you with this, again reminding you the path is an inward one. Read More…

Judith Kusel: Divine Love, Joy, Miracles and Crystalline Energy

Divine Love defies all description. It is simply sublime, yet all embracing, and so loving – as no hu-man can possibly express. It is purer than pure. It embraces exquisite beauty and with it comes a deep and abiding joy! The Joy of knowing that one is loved beyond love. This love is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, omnibenevolent. The deepest sense of safety, or being at home, and often sheltered, nurtured, held in the eternal embrace, which never fails. There is such deep inner joy within me this morning, as all is shifting as beautiful Divine Love is being poured into all souls on earth. I am feeling this intensely this morning. Read More…


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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/12/2022 • We're turning the tide toward peace

My dear friends, we love you so very much, So many of you are so very hard on yourselves. We hear your cries. "I want to get moving, but I have no motivation.” “I’m tired.” “Will I ever feel like I have a purpose?” “Is this world ever going to change for the better?” With all the love in our hearts, we want to reassure you... You are always motivated to do something, even if that something is to rest. Of course, many of you are tired. The world is wanting change and resisting change at the very same time. There is a very great love that is washing over your planet in answer to the billions of prayers, but if you resist loving and accepting yourself it will be exhausting. Surrender to your hearts. Surrender to what inspires you in a given moment. Rest when you're tired. Stop pushing yourselves and be the peace. Read More…

Vladimir Putin through Inger Noren - March 7th, 2022

Hello Inger, thanks for letting me talk to you. You have interpreted it quite correctly that even the clone Putin has gone over to the side of the light. Here where I am, I can really see what is happening in my country and I really feel sad over this hatred that everyone is feeling right now for everyone in my country. There will be great difficulties if sanctions continue and we are not going to talk about the economic crisis. It was a great moment for me to be the Putin who could prevent the entire population from being eliminated by the dark ones and it felt like a great honor. Unfortunately, the lies about what really happens in the war are something that comes as a shock when the truth comes out. Many in the Ukrainian leadership are involved in very difficult and vicious acts against their people, which most of their people are unaware of. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 11, 2022

It seemed that matters could not get any worse, and then suddenly you are confronted by a major confrontation that has the potential for a devastating war. Many have left the war zone that is expanding whilst the world watches on in anxiety. It is an hostility that was unprovoked but premeditated by those who hoped to gain by it. As it stands Putin would seem to be achieving his objective to make the Ukraine beholden to him. However, the forces for good are working towards an ending that will stop the anticipated outcome. As events are played out we do not yet know how it will work out, but it may be quite different to what was expected. Read More…

How to Manifest Miracles in Your Reality ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very deliberate when we ask for assistance from the collectives that are in higher dimensions than ours. We no longer ask for what we want and need subconsciously, like you all do. But rather, we are very clear about the asking, and then we let go of the delivery method. In other words, we don’t care how it comes and from whom it comes. We don’t care about the way in which it comes, as long as the desire is fulfilled. When you ask for something that you want form higher-dimensional beings and collectives, notice if you are attached to the when, the how, the delivery system, and even from whom you will receive what you are asking for. Read More…

How to navigate through Intensity & Chaos

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Into the Light by Archangel Metatron

Greetings beloved Beings of Light, I am Archangel Metatron. I invite you to contemplate my words as I refer to you as Beings of Light. You may recognise yourself as having a physical body. Do you recognise yourself as having a light body? That every part of your physical body and energetic systems or field is filled with and created by light? Every part of your being holds a light frequency and vibration and yet it is something that you may not recognise in your daily reality. It is easy to recognise your physical body, and it can be easy to recognise your emotional and mental bodies as you are aware of how you feel and your thoughts. Read More…

Do These 2 Things With Your Feet & Increase Your Brain Power 500%

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Father Absolute through Marta on March 8 and 9, 2022

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you why it is Russia that arouses so much hatred for the part of globalists that they are trying to impress on the rest of the world too by means of the mainstream media under their control. Those who have been reading messages on this website for long have probably noticed that neither me, nor other representatives of the Light Forces never single out or oppose to each other any nations, any countries, any peoples. Read More…

INTUITIVE UPDATE March 2022 - Matt Kahn

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Let me tell you a story...

For a very long time our world has been under the growing influence of a vast trans-generational criminal mafia that was able to rise up to the highest levels of power. We didn’t know because they talked and acted just like you and me. We thought we could recognize true criminals by their words and actions, but were deceived by their sophisticated speech, wealth, education, beauty and power. Through a system of threats, blackmail and bribery, they would come to occupy the highest levels of power in government, corporations and education. You may know them the Deep State, or Cabal. Most dangerously of all, they achieved almost total influence over the media - their primary means of controlling the good people of the world who were just trying to get on with living. They used this power to slowly convince us that WE were the problem, that we were a threat to each other. Read More…


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Gaia via Galaxygirl | March 7, 2022

I am Gaia. I am expanding moment by moment, for there is no time only a string of moments of nows. I am Gaia. I see and feel deeply the pain upon me and I wish for you to send me healing and this one has been, and in turn we will heal eachother. When you ground into me I will ground into you, for we are one. Your atoms are my atoms, we are connected with the same God breath that unites all kingdoms of me. There has been much pain and suffering upon me over my lifetime and yet many joys and treasured moments as well. There will be more joy coming. You are a deep part of this joy for me. When you meditate I feel it, and I am healing with you. My ascended self is very real and it is all happening now. Children, focus on your ascension, on our ascension, for we are experiencing this simultaneously, side by side. Read More…

Space Arks, ET fleets, Ukraine & Human Liberation: An Interview with Alex Collier & Elena Danaan

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The Cosmic Battle

We humans are a very sought after commodity throughout our solar system. For both malevolent and benevolent reasons. We are The Great Experiment! We've had our DNA spliced and diced from many different races for the purpose of creating something "that has not yet been created.” So all this genetic material we're made of is very important to both the good and the bad. "We are literally the Gods we've been waiting for.” This is the core purpose of our suppression. Meaning, these negative beings fear the day we all wake up to this knowledge of ourselves. One agenda wants us to perish, one agenda wants us to thrive! Read More…


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Adama of Telos: Massive Changes

Greetings, Beloved Ones. We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos. Many are affected by the emotional energies of the collective consciousness right now. Humanity is experiencing massive changes in different parts of the world and the generated energies can be felt by many individuals. Please, do not allow for the current events to change your energy field and emotional state, as this is adding to the negative energies. Read More…

Me, White Cloud and a surprize visit from The Federation Of Light!

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ArchAngel Metatron: The Equinox and Integration

You have entered yet another new time/space vibrational vortex with the New Moon of March.  There is an increased intensity to the blending, merging and aligning of the male/female energy: you are being called to integrate and balance both aspects of the male and female within yourself. There is also a merging, blending or even a bleeding through of the the 3D into the 5D energy, almost like shape shifting, subtle and yet at some moments you are so clearly in the 5D of joy, peace, love and harmony, and just as quickly back in the 3D of pain and suffering. Moving between them is the journey at present, as each time you step into the 5D higher vibrational frequency you anchor more of that energy within you, within the collective. Read More…

David Wilcock: Urgent Global Peace Meditation March 2022

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/05/2022 • War or Peace? We choose

My dear friends, we love you so very much, As you watch events unfolding on your earth, keep in mind that you have more power to affect change than you might ever realize. You can't physically stop missiles, or the people who wield them, but you can stop the wars closer to home. You can stop the wars within your own heart and your own mind. You can become ambassadors of peace. Read More…

STOP Feeding The MATRIX (Download for Starseeds March 2022)

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Recovered Memories from Early Childhood & Past Lives ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been exploring the different ways that you have of recovering your lost memories, and we have been noticing how successful those of you who are awake have been at accessing that which has been hidden from your consciousness for quite some time. Of course, the forgetting about all of your previous lifetimes is a key component in giving you the experience that you ultimately want to have when starting a new lifetime. Feeling as though you are doing this for the first time provides you with the opportunity to feel your emotions more deeply, and that is why you forget on purpose when you incarnate. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 4, 2022

The problems upon Earth seem never ending including an unprovoked attack by Russia upon their Ukraine neighbours Some people are understandably questioning why our ET friends stand aside and let it happen. The answer is one I have given a number of times - we must allow you to exercise your freewill, but we will draw the line if any attempt is made to use nuclear weapons. At a stroke we could make all of them inoperative if we so desired. Read More…

Message from Matthew - March 3, 2022

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin with the assurance that all major happenings are right on target with the divine plan to liberate Earth from all vestiges of darkness. Although much of the action still is behind the scenes, some is quite obvious, but the public doesn’t recognize it as the significant progress it is. Such is the case of Russia and Ukraine. Read More…

March - The Quantum Jump!

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FEELING RAGE? It’s Probably Appropriate

If you find yourself suddenly exploding in rage these days, know that you’re not alone. In fact, you’re likely right on track in your Ascension process. Given what has been occurring in the world – and will likely continue for a long while — rage can be very appropriate. Yet, if you are a conscientious lightworker who has been attempting to keep as positive and loving as possible, accepting a feeling of rage within you might be difficult. You know that staying optimistic and peaceful is always helpful in keeping balanced and positive as you go through life. Read More…

The Galactic Federation: What’s going on?

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Dear Ones NOW IS THE TIME TO WAKE UP from your 3rd Dimensional reality and enter your 5th Dimensional life on Earth. It is time to realize that you are all Masters of this and other Universes. You are all capable of changing the world in an instant. You are all co-creators with the one true God and all that you see around you. Forget that small self that you have been told to believe was your destiny. You are immense beings and as such you can manifest all that you so desire in the New World around you. Read More…

March 2022 Message to Humanity

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Buried Ukraine space ark in Kherson activates so Russia takes over

News reports have confirmed that the Russian army has captured the Ukrainian port city and region (oblast) of Kherson, where an ancient space ark is claimed to be buried. According to two independent sources, the space ark is buried under Oleshky Sands National Nature Park, which is only 25 km (15 miles) east of Kherson. The space ark is said to be activating and predicted to eventually begin flying into the air. Read More…


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The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele, Feb. 27, 2022

Welcome, dear readers. Know that these messages are brought to you with love and the intention of bringing encouragement, information, and truth to you, the brave ones who chose to be on Earth at this time in order to assist mankind’s spiritual evolution through the presence of your light and awareness. We honor each and every one of you and are fully aware of your frustration with the seeming slowness of change and disturbing situations continually happening the world over. However, know that all this was clear to you before you decided to incarnate and yet you eagerly wanted to be a part of Earth’s ascension process. You knew that your light and awareness would be needed and that higher incoming energies would make it the perfect opportunity to clear remaining old energy for yourselves. Read More…

7 FACTS the Media is Hiding About Russia & Ukraine

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What Is to Come for Humanity ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very capable of sensing when humanity is making giant steps towards the next level of your consciousness. We can tell when you are on a greater trajectory of that upward spiral that we sometimes talk to you about, and now is one of those times. There has been a lot of despair, sadness, anger, frustration, and fear on planet Earth for quite some time now, but those of you who are awake and who are sensitive to energies have picked up on what the rest of the collective has been offering, and you have taken a stance. You have been more determined than ever to be in and of the light. You have been more determined than ever to radiate love, peace, and joy, and you have gone back to the drawing board, so to speak, and have activated all of your skills as creator beings. Read More…

Pleiadians: Alien Race Influencing Humanity & Preventing Nuclear Disasters

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A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner - February 28, 2022

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am still working full-time on the Earth Council. This is very important work, as you know. We greet you with tender loving care. We know there are ones who are trying to hijack the spiritual process of ascension that is currently in place. We will remind you there is no turning back. The light is true to itself and most powerful. There is nothing they can do to stop what is coming. However, they can sidetrack you somewhat with the illusion of fear, yet if you are tuned into the light and into your hearts, this will be futile. Read More…

If We Can Do It So Can You | This Story Might Change Your Life

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 27th February 2022

Hello, my friends. You were right, the house you ‘chose’ for me is indeed a Sanctuary! I feel so comfortable here. Thank you. Now then, your news of a worldwide lockdown has reached far and wide, it seems. Yet, you have been speaking of the lockdown for a long time. It’s the introduction of ‘Fergus the Fungus’ that has intrigued many. Are you able to elaborate, or not? Read More…

Divine Mother: Apples not Oranges!

Beloveds, you consider that you are partitioned, that you come in segments, that you are not whole, not a perfect entity. You imagine that you have bits that are ‘good’ and bits that you consider ‘bad’, bits that are appropriate and bits that must be rejected. You imagine that there are parts of you that are Divine, and parts of you that are human. You are like an orange that sees only the segments. Truly, that is not how I see you. You are one. You are whole. Read More…


2022-03-01-ukraine-crisis Read More…

Jesus through John: Life is a Miracle, and you are all Alive!

As you are all well aware, humanity’s awakening process is moving forwards beautifully, just as God intends, no other way is possible.  Therefore, relax!  God’s intent is always perfectly achieved, so release your doubts about His Reality, which is Reality in all its magnificence and glory, and TRUST Him completely.  You only have problems or issues when you engage with doubt about the reality of the divine plan, and when you attempt to conceive of how, in your opinion, it could or should be unfolding.  Those ‘mind-games’ that you play with yourselves – the ‘what-ifs,’ and the ‘this has to be wrong,’ and the ‘God would not allow this to happen’ thoughts and arguments you have with yourselves – are egoic distractions which delay your acceptance of the fact that the collective awakening process is occurring right now. Read More…

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/26/2022 • An easy way to play with your angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine yourself in a beautiful place in nature. Perhaps you are in a field of wildflowers with a vast expanse of blue sky overhead. Perhaps you're taking a morning stroll along a forest path, serenaded by birdsong. Maybe you're walking slowly along a beach at sunrise, soothed by the gentle, unceasing sounds of the surf and the whoosh of birds overhead. Maybe you're lying on a picnic blanket under a favorite blossoming tree, or in a garden smelling the herbs and flowers. Perhaps you are standing barefoot in the grass in your yard or a nearby park. Read More…

Global Energy Update on Current Events - Only 1% See the Truth!!

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The Galactic Federation: Opening the Floodgates to Greater Energy

The way that we are showing this to this one [Kate], it is as though you can imagine a traffic jam or a blocked blood vessel that is slowly being unblocked, and the energy is beginning to flow forth again. This is how it is being represented. It is as though the human collective is becoming less stagnated. It is as though the collective is beginning to expand more so. We have seen segments and pockets of the human collective awaken, become more aware, do their inner work, expand their gifts, learn to attune to the beyond. Read More…

The One trough Sopia Love - About the situation in Ukraine

Sophia, it is the One. As I mentioned the last time we spoke, the eye of the storm surrounds you. It is where you find yourself now. During a time such as this, amidst the turning and churning of the storm around you, it will be near impossible to discern from the items moving past you – which you’ll keep and which you’ll let go. Everything is moving too quickly, and discernment becomes a challenge. This is due to your engagement with your life, and with “time”. The time it takes to decide about the truth or worth of an item just won’t be available to you. You are virtually along for the ride now. Things have come to a head and all central players are fully absorbed in their roles. This has to play out. Read More…