Message from Matthew - July 1, 2022
01.07.2022 23:19
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You have a saying that pertains to real estate—”It’s all about location, location, location.” In every location throughout this universe it’s all about vibrations, vibrations, vibrations. As we have said in previous messages, simply by BEing you are radiating light’s high vibrations, so let us speak about some of the developments you have been assisting. Read More…
Why is the Alliance operation taking so long...?
24.06.2022 21:47
While it may seem like the nation is lost and little has been done to prevent a repeat of the 2020 election crimes, the drama is all for the purpose of waking the snoozers. There are nearly ten states tossing around the possibility of decertifying the election results and all it takes is one to officially do so and shazam! The election from coast to coast, border to border is declared unlawful and the Resident will be ousted. Not without fanfare, violence, media freak-outs and chaos, but hey---it has to be this way. Read More…
James Gilliland: Disclosure Hearings, Why They Fail, Making Contact
31.05.2022 20:10
The disclosure hearings were doomed to fail from the start. They will not take us closer to contact. I want you to reason this. Imagine a spiritually and technologically advanced ET walks into the room. They are telepathic, extremely sensitive to energies, know us better than we know ourselves, can sense all the hidden agendas and intentions of everyone in the room. They possess what is called direct knowing, nothing is hidden. Now take stock in who is in the room. That is all I should have to say but some need more explanation. Read More…
Catherine Austin Fitts and Foster Gamble - FROM GLOBALIST TYRANNY TO A THRIVING ECONOMY
26.04.2022 20:53
David Wilcock tells Mike Adams the global cabal will be taken down BEFORE the mid-term elections
20.04.2022 21:07
Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion
11.02.2022 11:51
We, a group of international lawyers and a judge, hereby are conducting criminal investigation modelled after the United States Grand Jury proceedings. This Grand Jury Investigation serves as a model legal proceeding to present to a jury (consisting of the citizens of the world) all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against “leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices” who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. Read More…
The High Council of the Pleiades: Disclosures
19.11.2021 21:53
It is with great pleasure that we can tell you that now is finally the time to go come with the disclosures that so many have been waiting for. With these difficult but absolutely necessary decisions to come out with disclosures that will shock most of the population and make those who are still sleeping deeply wake up from the illusion and to see the true reality. Read More…
The Whole Truth Must be Revealed
18.06.2021 21:40
There have been so many references to “watch the water” and “TerraMar” that at last I went to an article on TerraMar. (No, I’m not going to reference it.) I had to put my laptop down for an hour. Again I offer the concept of “honest witnesses to the truth.” (1) Some people watch the videos of human-rights abuses so that you don’t have to. Usually it’s their job. Read More…
UFO Disclosure Is Coming To The Forefront Of Human Consciousness
15.06.2021 21:34
UFO disclosure is hitting the mainstream media these days, and many wonder about the different directions this still-unfolding story could potentially take. The governmental leaders and mainstream media may create another fear-based narrative by twisting the truth and utilizing this subject to their advantage. UFOs have always been around, but never before has there been more activity than now. That is because the peoples of Earth had never been abused to such extremes as in this present moment. It is imperative to understand who these beings are who are navigating the mysterious aircrafts. We have lived in supreme arrogance, thinking we're the only populated planet of the universe for a very long time because those who rule over Earth decided that they would be more powerful if they kept us in darkness. Read More…
Accelerating Awakening Through Disclosure
28.05.2021 22:09
Hello and greetings our dear ones. We are the Blue Avians. We are members of the High Council who are affiliated with the Council of the Guardians of the Light who are here to share and impart a message for humanity at this time, particularly for the starseeds and the lightworkers. We the Council of the Guardians of the Light, in tandem with many, many high councils that represent some of the highest-vibrational civilizations and Beings across your Universe, are working together and we have had our eyes and our hearts directed to Earth, Gaia, and humanity, for we will say many eons. Read More…
THE SOLAR FLASH IS IMMINENT - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore - May 21, 2021
28.05.2021 21:49
Greetings to all light beings on planet earth! We come forward at a critical juncture, at this time, on your planet. We come bearing wonderful news and excitement for humanity! You have been waiting so long, eons of time in fact, for your planet and human consciousness to reach a certain frequency, if you will. May we say that time is upon you. We too have been waiting, observing, and helping out when universal law permits, to assist humanity and your planet to raise consciousness. Remember, your planet, just as you are, is a conscious being. All of creation is divinely orchestrated. And of course all of creation is connected. Nothing is separate. You only hold the illusion of separateness. Humanity must ultimately embrace this knowing now, especially when humanity and the planet are about to cross over the threshold, so to speak, from the old paradigms, to be catapulted into the new. Read More…
David Wilcock: Human ETs' Full Disclosure in the 1950s: What Did They Say?
21.05.2021 21:30

A Message to Humanity...
07.05.2021 21:20
It’s time for the world and America to wake up and grow up and end the ignorance and beliefs that have nothing to do with God or the origins of humanity. We no longer have the luxury of remaining in ignorance and acting outside of Universal Law. What is being done in the name of God and country is an abomination. We have been lied to and mind controlled our entire existence and it must end. Earth has been visited and colonized many, many times going back hundreds of millions of years. The Annunaki… Those who came from Heaven to Earth were one of these colonizers. Some of these races operated under Universal Law and service to others, others were self-serving and took advantage of the human race. Read More…
04.05.2021 21:32
You must understand that what we are seeing right now is all optics. There has been a Military Operation going on for years. Liberating humanity and removing a hidden crime syndicate that has been enslaving humanity for hundreds of years. Understand that Covid is the theater that sets the stage to remove, reset and awaken humanity from the illusion of freedom. Understand that all political, financial, pharmaceutical scenarios are part of the same Military operation behind the Covid stage. Understand that this is not about countries and leaders but about Good fighting Evil. Read More…
Absolute Interference - The sequel to Absolute Proof - BOMBSHELL evidence of 2020 election theft
23.04.2021 20:34
Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal
06.04.2021 20:46
Over a thousand trafficked children and dead bodies have been rescued out of shipping containers in the Suez Canal by US Navy Seals. Sources say that as of this writing, children were still being rescued and bodies discovered in Evergreen’s 18,000+ containers. The containers were on an Evergreen Corporation ship that blocked the Canal from Tues. 23 March to Mon 29 March, causing billions in lost revenue to shipping companies internationally. Read More…
March 22, 2021: On the Path to Victory of the Light
23.03.2021 21:36
We’ve said for some time that “anything is possible”, but I never thought the “anythings” would be anything like what I’m hearing now. We believe there will be some mind-blowing surprises and they might be difficult for some to accept. I’m keeping an open mind because to outsmart the dark ones, the Light had to play a loooong game and be very creative. What am I talking about? The fact that many people we believed had died or were murdered are still very much alive and will re-enter the public life in due course is something many will struggle with. Timing is everything. And maybe those clever Lightworkers kept their family lines going by procreating with other powerful Beings of Light. Read More…
Short Film - Global Reset, Reptilian Overlords, Rise of the Resistance & Full Disclosure
23.03.2021 19:18
2021 A YEAR OF INSPIRED GLOBAL CHANGE - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore
19.03.2021 22:18
Good day lightworkers residing on planet earth! We the Highest Council of Light have been watching and assisting humanity, and your planet for eons of time. It is biblical of that which is occurring on your planet, at this time! Speaking in linear time, it has taken millions of years to return humanity and planet earth to a higher vibration of existence. May we say, you are almost there! Read More…
Time to Rejoice – The Council
02.03.2021 22:20
We wish, at this time, to update those who follow our messages in order to somewhat prepare you for the revelations regarding what has been happening and what is very shortly to occur. It has appeared to many that nothing extraordinary has been transpiring during the period of weeks since the beginning of the year. We tell you now that this is exactly how it was meant to appear, but it is also exactly not the case. Read More…
02.03.2021 21:20
The Heavenly Realms engaged Their Best to assist with the demise of those who have taken away our freedom of choice and to pursue life, liberty and Bliss basic in our US Declaration of Independence and Natural Constitution Rights. The Heaven Masters came with the ability to know all persons on the Earth; their needs, talents, Awareness level and also their hearts. They also have knowledge of where the enemy resides and how to terminate their despicable hatred of humans and remove them from all Creation, as they have created much chaos. Read More…
26.02.2021 21:21
Arrests and clearing of the whole DS (Deep State) cabal group worldwide continues. The EA (Earth Alliance) has managed to clear the vast majority of their underground bases and made a significant blitzkrieg breakthrough on Feb. 10 and now holds the upper hand in the subterranean domain and sex trafficking is almost at a complete end. Read More…
Treasures in Heaven
16.02.2021 19:30
As we collectively traverse this foggy hall of mirrors between the old world and the new, many may find this current limbo state confusing or dispiriting. With all that is happening behind the scenes, the main stage of our culture resembles an absurdist drama recycled from scraps of film left on the cutting room floor of a once-popular TV series. But the juice that made that show hum just isn't there anymore. However, nothing has replaced the old series yet. And most of the audience don't know that backroom deals have been made to cancel the entire production. Another impeachment charade has now come and gone. Supposedly, President Trump isn't the President anymore, yet they tried to impeach him again, because even when he is "gone" he is still the only game in town. Read More…
Twenty-Two Days from Now
12.02.2021 22:30
Twenty-two days is the number of days between now and March 4, 2021. I still feel that day is significant. Why? It's the date set aside by our original Constitution, as Inauguration Day. And why do I think that's important, it's because we now are facing a new election mandated by NESARA, a date that must take place on or before March 2nd. Since the new Republic is now in place under our original Constitution, the timing is right, and why wouldn't we use the date our founding document says we should use to install a new President (leader)? Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call - Media most important Deep State Tool
05.02.2021 22:02
Hopefully, more people are now waking up to the fact that for their entire live they have been lied to. From where they come from, to where they are heading, everything is a huge lie. But the lies people have been living, are about to come to a screeching halt. Don’t trust mainstream media to explain the socio-political processes shaping our world with any real accuracy and certainly not without infusing their own insidious agendas. The Protocols of Sion explain in detail the meaning of the Deep State world domination, and how that will be achieved by controlling the thinking of the populace by monitoring what they hear and see. With the help of these methods, they weaken resistance in the people and offer them better control over the world; at least that is their way of thinking; to become soon the rulers of planet Earth. Read More…
David Wilcock 1/27: The Joan of Arc Timeline Requires a "Scare Event" Before It Gets Good
29.01.2021 20:59
21.01.2021 21:24
James Gilliland: Golden Wolf - Common Sense and Critical Thinking
12.01.2021 21:03
This newsletter may be my last on this subject. It is not for those who know necessarily it is a last attempt to help those on the fence that feel something just isn’t and hasn’t been right. It is also ammunition for those who want facts and insights to state their case. We realize there are some folks may not be able to comprehend or desire to face the obvious. The problem with common sense and critical thinking both are no longer common. In fact, both are extinct within the majority of the democratic party, mainstream and social media. Anyone using common sense or critical thinking has been silenced, banned, soon to be banned or shamed for pointing out the obvious. Read More…
Simon Parkes’ Update, Jan. 12, 2021
12.01.2021 20:50
Simon discusses an hour-and-a-half phone call he’s had with the member of the Q Team who administers the group. He discusses the mechanics of Q and their proximity to the President. He reveals that the Q team allegedly uses a quantum computer that can predict the future (the Looking Glass?), which is why the Q Team keeps citing Q posts that were released in 2017-8, etc. as proof of their intel. “Don’t think for one minute that the good guys are going to lose. This has been planned for far beyond and above anything that the bad guys can come up with.” Read More…
The Second Revolutionary War will be Revealed for all to See!
12.01.2021 20:29
The Storm is upon us, dear Americans and Patriots worldwide brace yourself and have faith. The Great Awakening for the public is at hand. President Trump, the Q Team, military and especially our great military Special Operation are in control. Let us call it “Thor’s Hammer” of justice that is coming, as the picture above portrays. The [D]eep State players have all revealed their hands, to which side they are on, and Justice will rain around their whole corrupt organization worldwide. Read More…
Twin soul Ascension report: The light has already won, so many awakening now
02.01.2021 16:30
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this great moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity. This ascension report is being birthed and brought through to you all on the 2nd of January, 2021. Beloveds, we would like to take a moment now just to put some things into perspective with regards to the monumental year of 2020. On the surface, it may seem as though it was a very chaotic year, and it may seem as though the forces of darkness were running amock with humanity. But, may it be shouted from the furthest rooftops, the head of the deep state monster was cut off in 2017, Here, we are referring to the highest echelons of the deep state pyramidic structure. Read More…
Countdown to Disclosure: The Secret Technology Behind the Space Force! Official Trailer 2021
26.12.2020 19:45
26.12.2020 19:40
A completely new dream world, in which every human being can be wealthy, healthy, cultured, free, happy and fulfilled, is not a utopia, but the next inevitable evolutionary step. This transformation must necessarily be accomplished now, because the accumulated millennia of suffering of the inhabitants of the planet make it unstoppable. That beautiful world is already here, waiting to be able to manifest itself. In fact, we have all the potential, the means and the necessary knowledge, technology, entrepreneurial skills, inventiveness, capital and so on to be able to implement this planetary metamorphosis without delay. Read More…
Transition Update by Per Staffan, September 9th, 2020
11.09.2020 21:52
We are now entering the final stretch up to the all important November 3d presidential election. It is important not only to the United States, but to the world. In many respects it is a question of if the rule of law and the American Constitution will prevail or are we descending into chaos and revolution, which the age-old deep state cabal has organized previously, including both the Russian revolution and the French revolution. What is going on now has many parallels to the French revolution. Read More…
Viral Shadowgate Documentary Deleted By Facebook And YouTube After Film-Maker's Arrest
18.08.2020 21:34
The Shadowgate documentary, which went viral after one of its producers was arrested on Friday, has now been removed by both YouTube and Facebook.The arrest occurred on the eve of Weaver releasing Shadowgate, a documentary that purports to expose the “operational role the shadow government played behind the scenes carrying out the coup against President Trump. Read More…
Is COVID-19 Even Real?
07.08.2020 22:32
Thanks to Jim for the heads-up on this video from April discussing a medical journal that says basically that there’s no actual test that isolates the COVID-19 virus from any other. This little-known bombshell basically throws all the statistics we’ve been given about who has it and who died from it right into the trash. In fact, now it appears that it’s generally not significantly different from any other cold or flu. Read More…
Blue Avian Messages: Solar Flare, Ascension & Timelines
31.07.2020 19:01
Hello, this is Eir Ar. I’m a Blue Avian. And I’m delighted to once again come to you through Kate. Hello. We understand you have quite a few questions. But we would first like to open up with a message. And this certainly plays in to your earlier conversation with regards to patience and what you are seeing versus what is truly occurring and happening on your planet. From our standpoint, Mother Earth Gaia, is far far brighter. It is not to say that there are no more dark stains, patches of confusion, and an underlying sentiment of fear. But we must say that much of this fear, much of this confusion, has begun to clear. It has lifted. However, this is not being made clear through your mainstream news. Read More…
Ascension report: 8:8 lions gate royal marriage codes & feline DNA activation
31.07.2020 18:03
Dearest brothers and sisters. Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time, to share with you some essential and sacred information regarding the upcoming 8:8 lions gate portal. Many of you are experiencing the intense energetic waves that are bombarding Earth's atmosphere currently, and which are truly unlike anything any of us have ever experienced before. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call - Face Masks is Health Hazard
24.07.2020 17:40
The Corona pandemic was and is not deadly for humanity, but has a deadly effect on economics. International mobility screeched to a halt, which devastated industries like tourism, travel, hotel & restaurant business, and broke down global supply chains. Governments are closing businesses and churches and forcing people to stay home. Politicians who promise to pay your rent or send you a check are soaring in popularity. While no one realizes it is all fake money, ending up with hyperinflation. In other words, these promises are a big scam. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call: Trump Card played as the Masses Awake
11.07.2020 14:27
The world has become an insane asylum but the majority of society is too much asleep to notice the insanity about what is happening with the Coronavirus pandemic. Just as insane dreams are not questioned, some people never question their insane lives. The implications of mass sleepwalking are obvious: with billions of people asleep, those in power who are awake have the advantage, as sleeping people are easily controlled. Read More…
ECETI News: The Eye of Soros, the Force, When the Accusers Become the Abusers - James Gilliland
03.07.2020 19:10
There is a common theme being played out within the collective consciousness most are missing. There has been a shift in roles, we are living in a world of opposites and the polarities are increasing. There are time old spiritual truths which are as true today as they were in the past. What see I am I, whenever you point the finger at someone there are three pointing back. Personal responsibility, self-observation especially concerning one’s emotional state has gone out the window along with self-mastery. Einstein said doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insanity. This insanity is playing out exponentially, lessons are not being learned, the wisdom from the experiences are not being gained, and the lessons are becoming harder and harder. There is so much resistance in some cases the lesson becomes more of a wrecking ball. Read More…
Ascension report 144: GESARA timeline anchoring... Protect the children in this spiritual showdown..
03.07.2020 18:11
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you- rapidly ascending humanity. As we have stated numerous times in these Ascension reports the light has already won- the 5th-dimensional timeline has already anchored on the higher planes of consciousness, and what we are currently experiencing collectively is the holographic simulation movie designed to Awaken the vast majority of sleeping masses to the atrocious Ways of those whom the masses have given their power away to govern them. Read More…
ATTENTION LIGHTWORKERS: A message from The Galactic Federation
29.05.2020 21:41
Why many "lightworkers" aren't working for the "light" at all. You've probably come across those who talk only about "love and light" and angels or ETs but never mention the satanic pedophile cannibalistic cabal elite of this planet who have kept you enslaved for thousands of years. Some even have the audacity to say that you must stay away from those who do and that this is a 3D concept that will keep you from ascending... We kindly ask that you question this concept. Since when does ignorance stem from the truth? Light is information therefor darkness is the lack of information. Read More…
Action against Censorship of Social Media Platforms
29.05.2020 20:59
It’s official. President Donald Trump and his administration are finally cracking down on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for illegally using their massive company to silence and censor the American people. Read More…
29.05.2020 20:20
This is about a beautifully good Princess and two strapping young men, who chose a totally different path, than being part of the elite/dark Cabal, who were in the same circles, but never conformed to them. These 3 Co-Created a Plan that has literally shaken and shattered our 'tecnho-matrix' world. Read More…
Ascension report 144: White hats are controlling narrative to awaken masses
23.05.2020 16:49
Dearest brothers and sisters, Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share about the current situation that we as a collective are going through at the moment. At times like this, it is absolutely essential to remember that a multidimensional chess game is being played, and there are currently multiple different narratives being pushed in order to awaken the masses. At this conjecture it is imperative that we draw your attention to what is currently occurring…. We are bearing witness to what could be called the “Changing of the Guard”, and by this, we are referring to the timeline that marks the end of the age of Darkness- Kali-yuga- and the opening dawn of the golden age; that which is known as the Satya Yuga. Read More…
23.05.2020 16:32
The removal of the many troublemakers by the Galactic Federation of Light along with the RV/GCR and Prosperity Program Funds will revive the world economies shortly. There will be a confirmed Disclosure by many of the world's governments. The Plan is to share suppressed Technologies shortly after the Abundance is Released. This includes Healing Devices that activate our DNA to its natural state of youthful non-aging, health without disease and healing of injuries and instant learning of any subject, skill or ability. There are many amazing technologies. Some can reforest vast areas in a few hours. Read More…
A Conversation with Ex-Illuminati Insider Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone
16.05.2020 12:44
Warning: The subject matter may shock you. Only watch it if you have a need to know. You can choose your battles. One of the bravest whistleblowers of our time, putting truth and forgiveness ahead of personal safety and fear. To make this stuff matter …. please SHARE widely and beat the drums! Read More…
The Full Interview With Dr. Judy Mikovits That’s Been Deleted By Social Media Platforms
13.05.2020 20:06
A segment of a new film set to be released this summer titled “Plandemic” featured an interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits. The interview is being deemed as false, misleading and a “conspiracy theory” by fact-checkers and mainstream media. As a result, multiple social media platforms are removing and banning the interview which received more than 1.5 million views in a very short period of time before it was removed. If you want to watch the full interview, you can do so here. Read More…
Coronagate: the scandal to end all scandals
05.05.2020 22:11
I was going to title this essay “Hydroxychloroquine: does it cure CONS” — with the joke being CONS as an abbreviation for Credulous Official Narrative Syndrome. But people dying and losing their livelihoods worldwide for no good reason is not a joke. Coronagate is the political con job that promises to eclipse all others, even against stiff competition like Spygate. Read More…
Ascension report: White hats controlling narrative in order to awaken sleepers
05.05.2020 20:49
Greetings of the most high. we come forward now in this moment of your time with a very important message for those of you who are vibrationally drawn to these sacred words. It is important at this conjecture to remind everybody that what is being played out on the global stage must be perceived multidimensionally. Within human society which is now nearing 8 billion people, there are many differences in people's level of consciousness….There are many on this planet that could be termed spiritually asleep and thus vulnerable to the 3-D media’s narrative on what is going on globally on the planet right now. Read More…
The Lockdown is not about Covid-19; It’s about a Cabal Takedown
26.04.2020 18:30
There’s continuing debate over whether social isolation helps flatten the curve or not. Voices out of Sweden are saying we only postpone the epidemic. What we need to do is develop herd immunity, they say, and that doesn’t come with lockdown. Otherwise when we leave the lockdown, the outbreak could start up again. Does the virus know we just locked down? Does it care? But that isn’t why we’re all locked down in the first place and even I keep getting distracted by the debate. I have to keep reminding myself we’re indoors for a reason. Read More…
24.04.2020 20:31
We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with all you divine truthers, star-beings, light-workers, and way-showers. There is so much for us to speak about in this Ascension Report but the first thing that we would like to say is a great thank you to all of you light-workers who are having a huge effect on waking up many of your friends and family at the moment. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call: Inflated Pandemic Scare
24.04.2020 19:00
There’s nothing like free money to calm people’s nerves and dull their brain. Stupidity is an unwitting tendency towards self-destruction. It’s why operations run by bad people always go bad. It is why, since the Deep State is run by bad people – sociopaths are actively drawn to it – guaranteeing its inevitable collapse. Normally, businesses earn the money to cover their expenses by providing goods and services. That’s how a real economy works; A baker makes money by baking, not by getting a check from the government. In other words, the baker produces real wealth. Read More…
Disclosure - 10.04.2020
11.04.2020 11:40
Over the next few days and weeks we will be exposed to a lot of information coming through regarding the disclosure of the very dark agendas that have been playing out on this planet for a very long time. It is important to remember that what is to transpire will be a shock to many but that it concerns us all. Disclosure is not just for the masses, it concerns everyone of us. We always discover greater truths, all of us. None of us knows it all and we will all be affected by the process of disclosure to some degree or another. It is also important to remember that we all occupy our own realities to a certain extent, so what is our truth isn't that which everyone else is experiencing. Some will fall into denial. Let us hold space for EVERYONE. Read More…
David Wilcock on The Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture!
31.03.2020 21:00
14.03.2020 21:12
Greetings of the most high....We come forward now in this moment of your time and indeed many of us are deeply aware that these times are absolutely unprecedented. In these powerful times that we are in - we are all bearing witness to what could accurately be called the “Changing of the Guard” by this we are referring to the timeline that marks the end of the age of Darkness Kali-yuga and the opening dawn of the golden age that which is known as the Satya Yuga. Read More…
Twin soul ascension report: 3.3 Christ seal activation... Equinox disclosure and new earth timelines
19.02.2020 22:27
Greetings of the highest. We come forward now with much news to share with you Divine, beautiful Evolving humanity. We have much to share with you as ever and please know it is our greatest desire for it to be known far and wide that the year 2020 will be the year of planetary Disclosure. There is so much that has been kept in secret, there are so many Technologies from our off-planet brothers and sisters that are already available on the Earth that have been kept hidden, and only allowed to be accessed by the extremely privileged elite, however, this is all changing and the white hats are now in full control. Read More…
Twin soul ascension report: Deep shifts taking place for all 144000 1st wavers
09.02.2020 17:20
Greetings of the most high. It is our sincerest honour to come forward to you all in this moment with a sacred message from the higher dimensional realms of consciousness - that which is known as home.We would like to Take this opportunity to remind you all that 2020 is the year of disclosure. 2020 is the year All previously hidden technologies Will be released to humanity. Read More…
Twin soul energy report: Alliance has won: 2020 year of disclosure
22.01.2020 20:48
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this precious and sacred moment of your time with very exciting news to share with all of you - dear souls who have been vibrationally drawn to these words. We are coming forward to confirm what many of you are currently intuiting, and that is that we, as a Collective Consciousness are drawing closer and closer to the timeline of enmass collective Disclosure. Read More…
The Final Disclosure: A New Year 2020 EXCLUSIVE with COREY GOODE [Part 2/2] | Edge of Wonder
11.01.2020 14:45
Twin soul ascension report: 11.1 astrological master portal.. disclosure is imminent
05.01.2020 20:56
Currently there are many many transformational shifts taking place behind the scenes so to speak and here we are referring to the vast and complex handover of power from the “powers that were” to the “forces of light”. Please know that none of your mainstream Media will be reporting on the truth about what is really going on behind the scenes at the moment, suffice to say that those who have initiated extraordinary atrocities and trauma to humanity are now being gathered up and justice is being served. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call: The Year of the Light - When the TRUTH will Prevail
01.01.2020 20:17
The Mainstream media may be more widespread because they are better funded but while they have the power of money, we the people have the power of many. And we have the facts on our side. We need to unite in our fight against the cabal’s disinformation apparatus, there are many ways in which everyone can help. Read More…
Trump signs Space Force Act – Stage Set for Secret Space Program Disclosure
22.12.2019 16:17
President Donald Trump signed the Space Force Act into law yesterday night. It was included in the omnibus 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) funding Pentagon operations for another year, and officially creates a sixth branch of the military – US Space Force (USSF). Trump’s signing sets the stage for some amazing disclosures of what the USAF has secretly deployed in space for decades. Read More…
The Old World Order [Episode One, Part 1 - Youtube ver.] SSP & Advanced Technology | Edge of Wonder
17.12.2019 22:01
David Wilcock SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS: Declassified in 2020? (Pete Peterson's Final Interview)
14.12.2019 11:58
Twin Soul Ascension Report: 1212 Master Portal; Disclosure is Imminent
10.12.2019 19:33
Greetings of the most high. We come forward in this sacred moment of your time on wings of great great excitement and jubilation. Please know dearest ones that the so deeply prayed for transformations are finally truly taking place now on this earthly realm. Read More…
DECLAS, Disclosure and David's New Ascension Film Incoming!
19.11.2019 21:09
Quantum Leaps Toward Disclosure: Antigravity and Free Energy! On September 16th, 2019, the US Military formally acknowledged that UFOs exist. On one level, this is THE moment we've been working towards since I began posting disclosure articles online in 1996. It has been very surprising to see how little our society has changed since we got the "Formal Acknowledgement" we've all been waiting for in the UFO community. Read More…
Contact and Disclosure | Gigi Young
27.09.2019 21:05
How to Prepare for a Global Corruption Purge
23.08.2019 20:29
In the last few weeks my thoughts have drifted towards the events of this autumn that are going to shake our world. We have seen all the pieces being put in place for a mass justice event in the USA — the like of which has never been encountered before. Read More…
Area 51 Testimony: Richard Doty, AFOSI
10.08.2019 19:08
Richard Doty was a Special Agent for Counter-Intelligence for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). For over eight years, he was specifically tasked with the UFO/Extraterrestrial issue at Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico and also at Nellis Air Force Base (also called Area 51) and at other locations. Read More…
Is Trump Waking People Up?
16.07.2019 20:46
No doubt, Trump is a character. From some of the actions he takes to the things he says, there is a lot to talk about and poke fun at if you really wanted to. But what motivates this poking fun? What about ourselves wants to reduce his actions down to something that’s childish? What do we miss when we get caught up in this identity-driven approach to viewing politics. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call: Power and Wealth, Not Economics
05.07.2019 22:01
The root of today’s problems, clearly show that history has not been a random series of events, but rather a carefully planned and executed ‘design’ of land-, wealth-, and resource-grabbing by a small number of wealthy and privileged individuals bent on world domination. This has been done on such a massive scale that it seems almost incomprehensible, but as the old saying goes, “The best kept secrets are the ones hidden in plain sight.” Read More…
The 2nd American Revolution
05.07.2019 21:47
Mega Update by David Wilcock: DECLAS - Social Media Nukes an Entire Generation... But Why?
28.06.2019 21:38
They Can Control The Weather
19.06.2019 21:59
The More the NWO Pushes Their Dark Agenda, the More It Awakens People Worldwide
17.04.2019 20:36
As you may know, the cabal has pursued its dark agenda for centuries if not millennia, but there are signs of hope that the Deep State is finally being dismantled and we, the people worldwide, are taking back our power. We do it by exposing the truth, because the truth and nothing but the truth will free us. Read More…
06.03.2019 21:48
If you’re feeling a bit off don’t feel alone. This has been a huge transitional past week! You may notice physical symptoms such as sore throat, headache/migraine, extreme exhaustion, upset stomach, nausea, sinus drainage, congestion in the head and sinuses, and much more. You may also notice that there are days you can barely get out of bed due to lethargy, and depression and there’s a good reason for this. Most will just pass this shift off as flu. Read More…
09.02.2019 17:32
DAVID WILCOCK: Military has Terminators for Alien Invasion?
09.02.2019 17:30
Deep State Predictions 2019: Major Data Dump with DAVID WILCOCK
06.02.2019 21:44
Steve Beckow: Rapid and Steady Progress
04.01.2019 19:11
As we close 2018, it may be sobering to think that we’ve closed the last year in which the threat hung over the world of a nuclear world war. World War III was planned such that only 500 million people were projected to survive, to serve as slaves for the elite. Read More…
Behind Majestic with David Wilcock - 6 part series
25.12.2018 13:33
In a riveting series of interviews, New York times best-selling author David Wilcock tells all for the first time! The origins of his research into the ufology field, insider contacts, never before released information regarding the Secret Space Program and much more. Read More…
Who's Behind Free Energy Disclosure? David Wilcock Exclusive Interview On EOW [Part 3/3]
19.12.2018 20:15
MASSIVE Breakthrough In 9/11 Investigation
15.12.2018 17:11
Plans of the light forces: Planetary liberation
07.12.2018 23:54
Basically there are three phases in the plans of the light forces for planet Earth and its inhabitants:
- Loosening the grip of the dark forces by weakening and eliminating their power structures and technological controls, increasing awareness among the general population and preparing for the Event
- Taking over from the dark forces, kicking off with fundamental changes in governance, finance, media, healthcare and science and bringing Cabal members to justice
- Cleaning up and healing the planet and human beings, revealing the hidden history of Earth, disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence and bringing people back to full consciousness
Above Majestic Producer Reveals Secret Space Program Disclosures & Document Dumps Imminent
20.11.2018 19:22
Corey Goode, producer of the bestselling Above Majestic documentary, released a major update on November 17 concerning a new insider that he has privately met and vetted. The insider is a retired surgeon with 30 years experience in a major branch of the US military, and used the pseudonym “Bones” after revealing his true identity. Goode says that after he met Bones about a year ago, he subsequently put Bones in touch with his other insider sources, including “Sigmund”, another pseudonym used by former senior officer in a USAF run secret space program. Read More…
Corey Goode: Disclosure Needs Your Spiritual Awakening | Above Majestic Producer Exclusive Interview
18.11.2018 20:38
Discussion of David’s Critical New Disclosure Film — #1 Documentary!
02.11.2018 20:58
The Secret Space Program, Q Anon, elongated skulls, ETs, the Cabal and so much more have all been rolled into one film for the very first time. David Wilcock has top billing and extended screen time in the movie, making it a “must-see” for all fans of his website and his overall body of work. Read More…
David Wilcock: MOMENT OF TRUTH - Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program
28.10.2018 20:50
On Wednesday, September 19th, 2018, the mysterious Q Anon revealed that we are not alone in the universe, and that we do indeed have a Secret Space Program. This is arguably the single most exciting development we’ve had in the entire time we’ve been doing this research… which has been full-time since February 1993. Read More…
Q - We Are The Plan
19.10.2018 18:48
IntoTheLight.news does not support the point of view concerning Barack Obama. Otherwise good video.
Adronis - 2019: The Year of Disclosure
13.10.2018 17:15
Message from Per Staffan – Temporary Turmoil in October, October 8th, 2018
13.10.2018 17:06
This message is prompted in part by some reactions to the recent message from POTUS, but also as a preparation for what is coming. Some of you might have heard that this month has been labeled Red October, by Q and others. Originally, Red October was the name given to the month of October in 1917 in Russia, when the revolution took place there. Read More…
Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent?
09.09.2018 20:48
Six different insider sources have confirmed that several spy satellites and computer systems for the Deep State have been blinded… in a stunning attack. There is widespread agreement among these insider sources that some sort of major, visible action against this genocidal, globalist entity is now impending. Read More…
31.08.2018 17:43
The following DRAFT speech was written by Dr. Greer when requested by two separate points of contact to President Trump and President Putin. The two contacts do not know each other but both requests were made over a few weeks in the Spring of 2018. Dr. Greer wrote this speech as a DRAFT template that could be adapted by any world leader to announce that we are not alone in the Universe and have had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Read More…
Why Full Disclosure is in the Best Interest of Humanity
27.08.2018 20:50
Let’s be precise. Full Disclosure is not simply the exposure of elite malfeasance. Full Disclosure does not stop with the exposure of deep state political machinations, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, human trafficking, pedophile networks, or any other dirty secret of the global elite. This would only be a Partial Disclosure, a Political Disclosure. This would merely be the tip of the iceberg, a first step. And there would undoubtably be a great many steps to take within this first level of disclosure, as some of the revelations would be extremely challenging for the public to absorb. Read More…
UFOs: The Uncontrolled Narrative
25.08.2018 17:47
RV/Intelligence Alert: "Alive" - July 7, 2018
07.07.2018 14:25
The RV has evolved beyond a simple revaluation and currency exchange/redemption. The RV event is not going to be the way everyone imagined it. The RV will be handled through the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
Read More…
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David Wilcock: Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now
28.04.2018 12:43
The behind-the-scenes war to take down the Deep State has finally reached critical mass, based on multiple insiders. “It” is happening now. Even though things may still appear fairly quiet to the casual observer, multiple independent sources are now saying major, visible moves against the Deep State are imminent. Read More…
09.02.2018 17:28
Never in human history have we seen such a disclosure of sensitive information that was previously kept classified. Never in human history have we seen new revelations and information emerge that severely challenge the belief systems many of us hold, or have held. We’re living in a special time here on Earth, there is currently a big shift in the way we collectively perceive our world. Read More…
10 Supposed Secret Space Program Insiders
31.01.2018 18:48
Over the years, dozens of apparent insiders have come out of the woodwork with stories of free energy, reverse engineered UFOs, secret slave colonies, antigravity, and government cover-ups that, if ever proven true, would spark drastic and irrevocable changes to life on this planet for every one of its inhabitants. The advent of free energy technology alone would put a permanent end to poverty and hunger, freeing humanity from the rule of a tyrannical and corrupt elite who have foisted upon them war after meaningless war. Read More…
20.01.2018 22:34
You may think it’s quite ludicrous to even contemplate that the Moon could be harbouring as many as 250 million citizens, but it’s not. Although this may not be true, those who have looked into it know that strange anomalies have surrounded the Moon for decades. Read More…
Corey Goode Mega-Update: Ancient Builder Race- Recovering Humanity's Billion-Year Legacy
12.01.2018 18:25
The Secret Space Program has landed on and entered Oumuamua, the mysterious cigar-shaped "asteroid" that NASA announced in December. What they found was a technological wonderland that they estimate to be over a billion years old -- from what insiders call the Ancient Builder Race. Read More…
James Gilliland Newsletter, January 5th, 2018
08.01.2018 20:47
America and the world are going to have to swallow a very large red pill. It is unfolding as we speak. I know I will get some extreme feedback from extremely ignorant people who have been brainwashed and programmed by CNN and the other lame stream media.
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Jared Rand Update - Upcoming Galactic Technologies To Be Released To The Public: MedBeds, Free Energy, Replicators
06.01.2018 18:48
Global Elite taken to GITMO by US Special Forces – Full Disclosure Implications
06.01.2018 17:44
The internet has been buzzing with rumors that high level VIP members of the Deep State (aka Cabal/Illuminati/Global Elite) are being detained for human rights abuses and corruption, and are being taken by U.S. Special Forces to military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Gitmo) as a result of thousands of sealed indictments. Multiple sources have been reporting on some of the key VIP figures taken there. Read More…
Interviewing Liz Crokin on The Storm, QAnon, Pedogate, & Twitter Feuds (Jan 2, 2018)
06.01.2018 17:38
Message from the Chinese Elders for December 31, 2017
31.12.2017 17:02
Hello and holiday greetings everyone, I had been busy attending to some urgent matters that cropped up due to humanitarian and spiritual concerns. Redd Hawke (my native american associate) opined that I should say something before the end of the Gregorian year even though I would like to do so prior to the end of the Chinese Lunar Year. He is helping me in composing this in some coherent manner. Read More…
Trump Executive Order targets Deep State & Opens Door to Full Disclosure
28.12.2017 18:10
Something very profound happened in the U.S. on December 21 with the passage of President Donald Trump’s “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption”. Read More…
Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure
26.12.2017 23:52
On 12/21, we received remarkable high-level briefings about the takedown of the Deep State now in process. Hours later we called the now-legendary 4Chan insider Mega Anon, who confirmed almost everything we heard in the briefings as being true. Read More…
CEO Resignations from Sept-Dec. 2017
24.12.2017 12:06
Resignations from Sept to Dec in chronological order …
Do you believe in coincidences? Read More…
Do you believe in coincidences? Read More…
Interview w/ James Gilliland of ECETI - Deep State, True Human History, UFO Disclosure & Ascension
23.12.2017 15:12
12.22 - Q/Executive Order/Uranium One/FBI/Pedogate News & More!
23.12.2017 15:06
THE DEEP STATE - 50 Year Old Recording Explains Why The World Is Falling Apart Today
23.12.2017 15:01
This is a recording from 1967, It describes events we see in the news today with shocking accuracy. Everything was pre planned and they only have one goal…. Read More…
White Hats Report #61, December 22nd, 2017
23.12.2017 14:54
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land,
The swamp creatures were worried, cause a line has been drawn in the sand.
The indictments were sealed and sent to the courts,
Plans being made to cut off escape and cancel passports. Read More…
The swamp creatures were worried, cause a line has been drawn in the sand.
The indictments were sealed and sent to the courts,
Plans being made to cut off escape and cancel passports. Read More…
"We Are NOT Alone!" Going Mainstream? US Navy Pilot gives full account of "Tic Tac" UFO sighting.
21.12.2017 20:01
“We are not alone” going Main Stream? – Interesting Interview with Navy Pilot who witnessed “Tic Tac” UFO on Fox - There is obvious excitement among the Ufology Community about the recent revelations of a DOD UFO study program along with footage of a “Tic Tac” UFO filmed by a Navy Fighter Pilot in 2004. We are seeing a major increase in interest from the media and among the general population. Read More…
Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for December 7, 2017
08.12.2017 17:37
… Worldwide peace (no wars) and Cabal containment have always been the primary requirements for the RV release. Authorities under the orders of the Republic are cleaning up the streets in D.C. prior to initiating the mass indictments. … Read More…
Who are the Illuminati?
07.12.2017 18:27
In these Accountability and Reconciliation phases of Ascension, some people may for the first time be hearing about a group that has so far managed to operate largely in the shadows. Or people have ignored what they consider to be “conspiracy theories.” By now, the reality of this group and their agenda is becoming better known. Let me offer an introduction to them here from the messages of Matthew Ward. Read More…
Massive UFO Landed Mount Adams
02.12.2017 20:20
Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 30, 2017
30.11.2017 21:18
Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 27, 2017
28.11.2017 20:13
"A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. RTC Call with Jared Rand" by ChangeComing! - 11.19.17
19.11.2017 20:32
Then, at 2:29:29 -- Everything CHANGED!!I Because, a True White Hat Insider -- who clearly and deliberately identified himself as JARED RAND [of RAND McNally, Sperry-RAND, and RAND Corporation......] came on. Read More…
Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat?
13.11.2017 17:20
49 top Saudi officials were arrested and hundreds more have had their bank accounts seized, beginning on November 4th. Once we understand that these individuals were coordinating ISIS, 9/11 and other "false flag" attacks for the Cabal, the significance of these arrests becomes quite awesome. Read More…
11.7 - Storm is Getting Stormier/SKYKINGS/Help From Above?
08.11.2017 19:37
Message to Humanity and the Earth: It is Time - By James Gilliland, November 1st, 2017
05.11.2017 17:07
We are going to reveal some information that will be similar too and as controversial as a message delivered over 2000 years ago. Yet this message will not be in fables and allegory it deals with facts. This story goes back over 460,000 years. It is time for America and the World to wake up, grow up and end the ignorance in beliefs that have nothing to do with God or the origins of Humanity. Read More…
Papa Force returns through Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba - September 14, 2017
15.09.2017 20:12
I return today in such a short time because I want to share some more information about what is going on everywhere on earth and in the higher dimensions. Even though many may find it almost impossible to believe because of the smoke screens and mirrored reflection of the old guard, you find it hard to believe, let alone accept that change is here and that what appears to be is not and what is not, is. Read More…
"The Transition" by Jeff - 9.14.17
14.09.2017 17:22
I always thought The Event and Disclosure were about the public announcement of our UFO Star Families. Now I see there must be Disclosure of the falsehood of our government and banking system and an Event to oust their control, first. Read More…
Papa Force through Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba - September 13, 2017
13.09.2017 18:26
Papa Force (Porda):
I would like to begin by greeting all of humanity with the greetings of freedom, empowerment, divine love and oneness. That greeting is known as Mushaba Greetings.
I come to you today as the voice of the Mushaba People. I have been given permission to speak on behalf of all people on the planet Mushaba. All of creation is now moving into what is called "The New Era of Evolvement" as decreed by The All That Is. The All That Is is the energy, the being where everything in existence comes from. This being created everything that exists before creation, as well as everything in creation. In this new era of evolvement, the Mushaba People have been given the responsibility to have the leadership position. Just recently, the planet earth has been put under the authority of the Mushaba People to take the leading role in the evolvement and ascension of planet earth and all beings inhabiting the earth on the surface and within the earth.
There have been many major changes that have taken place in the universe and the high dimensions. Many of the universal, galactic, and planetary council's have been removed, restructured, or disbanded. All the beings of evil and negative darkness have been put on notice to work toward evolvement or be either sent to source, or quarantined and taken through training until they evolve toward the only way of being, which is love, light, truth and integrity.
Also those beings of the light that have been convoluted have also been put on notice to shape up as well. You see, The All That Is has intervened in all of what is going on in creation and have discovered many things that were being done by dark hearted beings dressed in the clothes of light. All of the universe, and that includes all planets in all dimensions and all beings, have been subject to the house cleaning decreed by The All That Is. No one or nothing gets away. All things are being made right in all of creation.
Beings everywhere not just on earth have not been given the appropriate assistance needed, especially those sent on missions on behalf of the councils. All is being rectified now and you will begin to see many changes taking place everywhere on earth and the universe. For earth, you have been witnessing the cleansing of darkness, evil and corruption everywhere. The energetic codes and established protocols have been removed and rewritten and all the built up negative energies are being swept away by the many tribulations of nature through, fire, water, and shaking of the earth. Earth is cleansing, blowing away, washing away, burning away, and shaking off the build up of negative protocols, codes and energies that have been causing great unbearable stress in all of earth and humanity.
These energies were feeding those in power to stay in power and to continue to usurp the free will of the people. The holding up of the prosperity and healing technologies from the People will all come forth now. No more do the negative dark hearted beings have unchallenged power anymore. The RV process has also been taken away on the galactic level from the ones that were in charge of it, and those beings were sent back to their home planet along with their mothership and scout ships. They weren't doing their job so they lost it.
On the earth level, the elders have been completely replaced by a group of new elders. Also those around General Dunford that resisted his orders concerning the RV release have been removed and replaced. Other people in the entire chain of command from the highest to the lowest have been removed and replaced. Now we can expect a smooth transition to the era of prosperity. Know that the way for your President Trump to be removed has been cleared as well.
Why am I telling you all this? Because its total freedom time for you; it’s your independence day. You have some of the same beings that are of light, love, truth and integrity working with new beings with the same qualities on your behalf and on the behalf of all beings in the universe. These new beings have been ordered here by the All That Is to assist in getting the New Era of Evolvement well on the way and all planets and people in the universe on the right track toward evolving to be the living epitome of Love, Light, Truth and Integrity! A major universe wide wake up call has been sent out to all beings in the universe rather light or dark, good or evil. So dear loving brothers and sisters of earth, your prayers are now in the throes of being answered right in front of your face. Look for it because it's there. Embrace it because you earned it.
You are dearly loved forever!
I am Porda known as Papa Force
Father of Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba
I would like to begin by greeting all of humanity with the greetings of freedom, empowerment, divine love and oneness. That greeting is known as Mushaba Greetings.
I come to you today as the voice of the Mushaba People. I have been given permission to speak on behalf of all people on the planet Mushaba. All of creation is now moving into what is called "The New Era of Evolvement" as decreed by The All That Is. The All That Is is the energy, the being where everything in existence comes from. This being created everything that exists before creation, as well as everything in creation. In this new era of evolvement, the Mushaba People have been given the responsibility to have the leadership position. Just recently, the planet earth has been put under the authority of the Mushaba People to take the leading role in the evolvement and ascension of planet earth and all beings inhabiting the earth on the surface and within the earth.
There have been many major changes that have taken place in the universe and the high dimensions. Many of the universal, galactic, and planetary council's have been removed, restructured, or disbanded. All the beings of evil and negative darkness have been put on notice to work toward evolvement or be either sent to source, or quarantined and taken through training until they evolve toward the only way of being, which is love, light, truth and integrity.
Also those beings of the light that have been convoluted have also been put on notice to shape up as well. You see, The All That Is has intervened in all of what is going on in creation and have discovered many things that were being done by dark hearted beings dressed in the clothes of light. All of the universe, and that includes all planets in all dimensions and all beings, have been subject to the house cleaning decreed by The All That Is. No one or nothing gets away. All things are being made right in all of creation.
Beings everywhere not just on earth have not been given the appropriate assistance needed, especially those sent on missions on behalf of the councils. All is being rectified now and you will begin to see many changes taking place everywhere on earth and the universe. For earth, you have been witnessing the cleansing of darkness, evil and corruption everywhere. The energetic codes and established protocols have been removed and rewritten and all the built up negative energies are being swept away by the many tribulations of nature through, fire, water, and shaking of the earth. Earth is cleansing, blowing away, washing away, burning away, and shaking off the build up of negative protocols, codes and energies that have been causing great unbearable stress in all of earth and humanity.
These energies were feeding those in power to stay in power and to continue to usurp the free will of the people. The holding up of the prosperity and healing technologies from the People will all come forth now. No more do the negative dark hearted beings have unchallenged power anymore. The RV process has also been taken away on the galactic level from the ones that were in charge of it, and those beings were sent back to their home planet along with their mothership and scout ships. They weren't doing their job so they lost it.
On the earth level, the elders have been completely replaced by a group of new elders. Also those around General Dunford that resisted his orders concerning the RV release have been removed and replaced. Other people in the entire chain of command from the highest to the lowest have been removed and replaced. Now we can expect a smooth transition to the era of prosperity. Know that the way for your President Trump to be removed has been cleared as well.
Why am I telling you all this? Because its total freedom time for you; it’s your independence day. You have some of the same beings that are of light, love, truth and integrity working with new beings with the same qualities on your behalf and on the behalf of all beings in the universe. These new beings have been ordered here by the All That Is to assist in getting the New Era of Evolvement well on the way and all planets and people in the universe on the right track toward evolving to be the living epitome of Love, Light, Truth and Integrity! A major universe wide wake up call has been sent out to all beings in the universe rather light or dark, good or evil. So dear loving brothers and sisters of earth, your prayers are now in the throes of being answered right in front of your face. Look for it because it's there. Embrace it because you earned it.
You are dearly loved forever!
I am Porda known as Papa Force
Father of Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba
“They Don’t See the Cabal” by Victor – 9.11.17
12.09.2017 18:39
They don’t see the Cabal. I live in a small town in the South. You are an outsider here if your family has not been here 150 years or more. We have music in the old town square all summer once a week. Read More…
Kryon through Nancy Tate - 12.08.2017
13.08.2017 15:23
I bring you tonight a message I received from Kryon, a wonderful being whom I have not received messages from for several years. Read More…
13.08.2017 14:34
Part 2 of this series gives an excellent resume of the decades long cover-up of the past featuring Dr. Steven Greer. If you are interested in the details of how this cover-up came upon us or how it was possible to be kept secret then part 2 is for you. If you are rather interested in the future and how we can overcome the problems and prepare for a brand new world in love and unity then I would suggest you skip part 2 and go directly to part 3 featuring Bentinho Massaro. IntoTheLight.news Read More…