You may think it’s quite ludicrous to even contemplate that the Moon could be harbouring as many as 250 million citizens, but it’s not. Although this may not be true, those who have looked into it know that strange anomalies have surrounded the Moon for decades.
“Contemplation without investigation is the height of ignorance,” a quote attributed to Einstein holds true here. If you actually do some independent research, you might be quite shocked with what you find, especially when it comes to the credibility of the sources.
As far back as 1970, two well-respected members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, created a hypothesis suggesting that the Moon is a spaceship created by unknown beings. Fast forward to today, and we have former high-ranking members of the military and intelligence agencies sharing their knowledge with regards to strange things that are happening on the Moon. A few examples are listed in the articles linked below.
Take for example Timothy Good, one of the world’s leading UFO researchers, who has lectured at universities, schools, and many organizations, including the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences, the Royal Canadian Military Institute, the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Naval Air Reserve Branch, the House of Lords All-Party UFO Study Group, and the Oxford and Cambridge Union societies.
Good says that a former member of MI6 revealed her conversation with Neil Armstrong at a NASA conference, when he confirmed there were “other” spacecraft on the Moon when Apollo 11 landed in 1969. Armstrong also confirmed the CIA was behind the coverup. He also goes into more detail about it in this 2013 lecture.
Dr. John Brandenburg, the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA, has also made some fascinating revelations. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994 (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source). But, according to Brandenburg, the Clementine Mission had an ulterior agenda:
“The Clementine Mission was a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding they expanding them? . . . Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defence community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.”
The quote above comes from the documentary, “Aliens on the Moon.”
Here is an interesting lecture Brandenburg gave with regards to strange anomalies that have been found on Mars. You can read more about that in detail here.
Members of the Society For Planetary SETI Research (SPSR) have recently published a paper in the Journal of Space Exploration about certain features on the far side of the moon that appear in the crater Paracelsus C. Titled “Image Analysis of Unusual Structures on the Far Side of the Moon in the Crater Paracelsus C,” it argues that these features might be artificial in origin, meaning someone other than a human being built them and put them there. It suggest that life could be contained within the moon as well.
Keep in mind that there is an entire side of the moon we can never see, unless we use probes. A new study published in the Journal of Space Exploration titled “The Mounds of Cydonia: Elegant Geology, or Tetrahedral Geometry and Reactions of Pythagoras and Dirac?” has added to the already robust evidence pointing to “artificial surface interventions” on Mars. The paper also mentions that it adds to the evidence which exists already that strongly point to artificial surface interventions.
So you see, you’re not crazy if you see a headline above and actually contemplate if it’s true or not.
Related CE Articles that go into more detail about the moon:
The United States Tried To Detonate A Nuclear Weapon on The Moon – Somebody Responded When We Did
“They’re Parked On The Side of The Crater – They’re Watching Us!” – When Neil Armstrong Landed On The Moon
Dr Steven Greer: “We Did Go To The Moon, But The Footage Was Fake.
Classified Photos From NASA of Big Extraterrestrial Vehicles Taken By Multiple Astronauts & Robotic Probes
The CIA Officer
His name is John Lear, and as a captain for a major US Airline, he’s flown over 160 different types of aircrafts in over 50 different countries. He holds 17 world speed records in the Lear Jet and holds every airline certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. Mr. Lear has flown missions worldwide for the CIA and other government agencies. A former Nevada State Senator candidate, he is the son of William P. Lear, designer of the Lear Jet executive airplane, the 8-track stereo, and founder of Lear Siegler Corporation. Lear became interested in the subject of UFO’s 13 months after talking with United States Air Force Personnel who had witnessed a UFO landing at Bentwaters AFB, near London, England, and three small aliens walking up to the Wing Commander.
In the video below, he shows several images and describes structures, technologies, city like structures and roads. The study mentioned earlier published in the Journal of Space Exploration also mentions something along these lines. In the lecture linked above by Brandenburg, he describes the same thing on Mars.
Below you can watch a lecture given by John Lear regarding his research.
The last video is part 1 of a 4 part series done by Project Camelot.
What’s fascinating is the fact that a lot of his information actually corroborates with other witness testimony, as well as the studies coming out bringing more attention to strange structures on the moon that appear to be extraterrestrial.
Some more related CE Articles:
It’s Official – We Now Know That UFOs or UAP Are Real: So Are They Extraterrestrial or Not Everything You've Been Told about the Moon is a Lie! John Lear from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.
US Department of Defence Releases Video of a UFO Rotating In Mid-Air For The Very First Time