Kate Woodley

2023: A Year of Hope & Healing

Hello our dear ones, We are members of the Arcturian Council, and we bring you much love and light. It is always an honour and a pleasure to speak to you through this conduit and to have an opportunity to provide more direct insight and guidance. Our dear ones, the energies at this time on your planet are ripe for release and for healing. And what we wish for you to know and understand as we look past over the last few years, they have been tumultuous for many of you — they have been tumultuous on a global scale. We understand that this has been difficult. It has required much patience and much compassion on behalf of all of you. Read More…

2023: A Year of Hope & Healing

Hello our dear ones, We are members of the Arcturian Council, and we bring you much love and light. It is always an honour and a pleasure to speak to you through this conduit and to have an opportunity to provide more direct insight and guidance. Our dear ones, the energies at this time on your planet are ripe for release and for healing. And what we wish for you to know and understand as we look past over the last few years, they have been tumultuous for many of you — they have been tumultuous on a global scale. We understand that this has been difficult. It has required much patience and much compassion on behalf of all of you. Read More…

How to Connect with Love, with Unity Consciousness

Hello our dear ones, We greet you with love. And we come with so much gratitude for all of you, for the light that you shine in a world that sometimes feels very dense and challenging. We are here to remind you that you are all beings of light. And that in your own individual way, you bring many gifts to the world and gifts to those around you. Do not forget who and what you are. That you are pure energy, pure consciousness, that your core light at an essential level vibrates with that of universal and unconditional love. Though this may not always be your experience, and it may not always be that filter through which all of your experiences nor your reality is felt and understood, understand that within each of you there is the ability to filter and experience all things through this lens of higher love. This is in fact, one of your true inherent abilities. It is an ability to love, to feel love, and to receive love. Read More…

Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 6: Clairsentience

Hello our dear ones, We are the Council of the Guardians of the Light. We are pleased to be here and to have this opportunity to speak to you all. For we understand that as of late, you have been learning much about your innate human abilities. That is, all abilities that you possess at a metaphysical and spiritual level. There are many, many more in fact than we can speak of simply because many of your metaphysical abilities are still in development, they are still evolving and shifting, and many of you are learning about these. Read More…

Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 5: Astral Projection

Hello our dear ones, We are here. We are the Andromeda Council. We bring love. We are at this time connecting with many other Beings and guides, particularly those guides who work very closely with humanity within the human realm and level of consciousness. We always look upon humanity with awe, and we marvel at your abilities to connect with each other —and with all else —in the Universe, in far more ways than you are sometimes consciously aware of. All humans possess certain innate spiritual abilities. These are abilities that allow them to be guided to receive the knowledge, the insight, and the prompting that helps them align with their life purpose, with their path, that allows them to receive information for their own benefit as well as for the benefit of those around them. Read More…

Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 4: Clairaudience

Hello our dear ones, We are here. And as always, it is an honour and a delight to have the opportunity to speak to you, all of our friends, about your innate abilities. These are true abilities that exist beyond your physical senses. They are what many of you would refer to as your metaphysical senses. And it has been our pleasure to bring you information as of late with regards to your empathic abilities, your intuition or clear cognizance, and more recently, with regards to your clairvoyance. What we would like to delve into today is about clairaudience. Read More…

Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 3: Clairvoyance

We are here to share more information with regards to innate spiritual abilities that are shared among humanity. Humanity, at this time, is seeing an unprecedented acceleration and opening up of many innate gifts and abilities. Some of these are gifts and abilities that are quite familiar to humans. But there are more abilities that, we would say, some humans have just begun to learn. But what we wish to speak of today are the ‘clair’ abilities. This is claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, as an example. Read More…

Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 2: Intuition

Our dear friends we will speak to another ability. And we will refer to this as, in many ways, intuition and infused knowing. It is, as we would like to describe and refer to this intuition as, an inner connection to your higher self. It is your Beings, your guides, your higher-self, and even Source’s way of guiding you, of speaking to you, perhaps through an alternate sense. If it is not something that comes through as a fast or immediate knowing or answer, it often speaks to you through your intuition. Read More…

Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 1: Empathic Abilities

Hello, this is Ashtar and I’m here with many from the Federation as well as from the intergalactic Federation. We have been on standby for today. We are always honoured and delighted to come through. And it is a new energy that we bring through today. It is not necessarily my own energy alone, but it is in fact, a blend, a beautiful blend, from the energy of many, many Beings who are at this time present and here to flow energy through to any and everyone who will hear this message. For understand that all intentions, whether they are received or felt in real time or whether they are received and felt after the fact, it is the intention that creates a ripple effect of beautiful energy. Read More…

Arcturian Message: Create in the Vibration of Love

Hello our dear ones, We are at the Arcturians. We are honored and delighted to once again have an opportunity to share our messages, insight and love with you all. As you may know, we in many ways are your brothers and sisters of the light. We are not that different from you. Although perhaps, to the naked eye, you would see and perceive us as quite different. Read More…

The Galactic Federation: The Answer Lies Within

Hello our dear ones, We are here. It is the Federation and we are always delighted and honored to have the opportunity to connect with you. As you are, we are watching world events with bated breath. But we will say we are also marveling at this new light that is coming in. As we have communicated in the past, there has been much new light, many new energies, that have been showered upon your Earth that have been making their way through the human collective. These energies at times permeated inwards as quick or brief pulses. These pulses held their own frequency and served their own purpose. In some cases, it was to help we would say transmute certain frequencies of energies that needed to be cleared and removed from the collective as well as from your beautiful Gaia. Read More…

The Galactic Federation: What’s going on?

2022-03-04-gfl-whats-going-on Read More…

The Galactic Federation: Opening the Floodgates to Greater Energy

The way that we are showing this to this one [Kate], it is as though you can imagine a traffic jam or a blocked blood vessel that is slowly being unblocked, and the energy is beginning to flow forth again. This is how it is being represented. It is as though the human collective is becoming less stagnated. It is as though the collective is beginning to expand more so. We have seen segments and pockets of the human collective awaken, become more aware, do their inner work, expand their gifts, learn to attune to the beyond. Read More…

The Arcturian Council: On the Doorstep of Change

Hello our dear ones. We are the Arcturians along with many members of the Arcturian Council. We are honored and delighted as always to connect with all of you. It is a privilege for us to not only witness humanity’s ongoing evolution, but to be a part of it in any way possible. You are truly at the precipice of a new era. It is as if though, you are at the doorstep of great change. But as you approach this doorstep, and the door begins to open, it shines upon you a new light, a light not seen or felt before. This new light, our dear ones, is bathing you in a universal love, in a universal light that will act for each of you as a catalyst, as a key, if you will, to help open you up to more and more energy, guidance, and information that is dawning upon your Earth at this time. Read More…

2022: Waves of Awakening

Hello, our dear ones. We are the Council of the Guardians of the light. We will say the second half of this year (2021) was quite intense. As a result of the intense movement of energies within your fields, and the impacts it has had on all of you individually. What we are seeing, and what we have been seeing, is a mass awakening. This is going to continue. But understand that your definition of awakening may be quite different from another’s definition of awakening. It is about teaching others to find their truth through connecting to their inner light and power. It is up to the individual to navigate this roadmap in a way that aligns with them from a place of joy, truth, light, and power. It is your experience and journey to behold. Read More…

How the Incoming Energies are Shaping Humanity

Hello, our dear ones. We are the Council of the Guardians of the Light. We do, as always, have a message for humanity and it is always an honor for us to convey these messages through the greatest filter of love and a lens of hope. It is our utmost pleasure to once again confirm, and affirm, that there in fact new energies, energies that we will say are in many ways novel. They have been unknown to humanity for thousands upon thousands of years. These energies are making their way back into this realm. What these energies are doing is they are perpetuating a percolation of sorts, or a grand shake-up not only within individuals, but also within the human collective, and we will add, the many collectives that are upon your beautiful Gaia. Read More…

Galactic Federation: Your Inner Power is the Key

Hello, it is Ashtar! I am here with members of the Galactic Federation. As you know, we the Federation, are becoming more widespread in the knowledge and consciousness of the human realm. This is a beautiful thing to celebrate, for it is important that humanity – whether they are awake or not – that they understand that there are governing groups of Beings that are here to assist. It is important for humanity to know how loved, protected, and supported they all are. Read More…

Galactic Federation: A New Light is Rising!

We are here! We are dazzling with excitement! We have been waiting for this. We have been occupied with this grand show that is happening upon your beautiful Earth. There have been quite a few celebratory conversations and we will say meetings that have taken place here in the higher levels of the Galactic Federation. The entire Federation is in a beautiful, joyous uproar, and a beautiful uprising of victory, of light, of new hope that is not only felt among all members of the Federation, but that we are all beginning to glimpse throughout humanity and it is delightful to witness, to savor, to feel, to absorb, to sense. It is the rising of a new sun. It is the dawning of a new era. But it is just the beginning. This sun is finally beginning to rise and humanity is beginning to see light, true light, a new light, a light not seen before or at least not seen in a very, very long time. Read More…

Behold & Embrace Inner & Outer Change by The Andomedans ~ Channeled by Kate Woodley

We are your Andromedan collective and we are joined by a few members of the spiritual high Andromedan Council. We are always honored to connect with you. You have asked what messages humanity needs to hear at this time. There is much change happening upon your world. Many of these changes are visible. To some extent they are tangible, but there are many more changes that are happening energetically, vibrationally, and at the individual level. As we have mentioned in the past, the process of raising one’s consciousness, or ascension, first begins at the individual level. Once an individual has raised their vibration, their light, and their energy is perpetuated to beautifully impact and affect those around them gradually through the process of energetic osmosis. Read More…

Accelerating Awakening Through Disclosure

Hello and greetings our dear ones. We are the Blue Avians. We are members of the High Council who are affiliated with the Council of the Guardians of the Light who are here to share and impart a message for humanity at this time, particularly for the starseeds and the lightworkers. We the Council of the Guardians of the Light, in tandem with many, many high councils that represent some of the highest-vibrational civilizations and Beings across your Universe, are working together and we have had our eyes and our hearts directed to Earth, Gaia, and humanity, for we will say many eons. Read More…

Galactic Federation of Light: Our Members & Missions

Our primary goal is to get our message out, and to begin to allow humanity to get a better sense and understanding of who and what we are. For there are many who see us as an elusive force, who engages daily in battles. Well, this is a very small part of who and what we are. It’s one of our many, many roles. We are in many ways we are missionaries. We are also ambassadors. We are also – and many do not come to understand us as this – but we are also teachers and guides. We are also liaisons. We play many, many roles where we help many different members and races within, or affiliated with, the Galactic Federation of Light connect with each other. In order to promote more harmonious relations, exchanges and even trade between the number of Galactic Federations. Read More…

Med Beds: Accessing Higher Healing

Hello, this is Ashtar. And I’m joined by a couple other members of the Galactic Federation. It is always a pleasure to be back in your presence. There are already a few med beds on your Earth. These are what we would describe as more bare bone, simpler versions of the technology that we have off planet. And the reason for this is because there is a learning curve. In order to learn, for any light worker, medical or health practitioner, they must become familiar with a simpler concept and version of the med bed before new technologies and higher aspects of these med beds can be made available. Read More…

Ashtar’s Remedy for Impatience

There are two themes coming up. There is a focus on lack, and there is much impatience. Many, many are experiencing impatience on a number of different levels. They are impatient with the state of the planet, they are impatient with their fellow humans, particularly those who may not be awakening or may not be standing from a place of unity, those who are creating division. It is triggering many lightworkers. It is creating much more upset than need be. Read More…

Blue Avian Message: The Key to Ascension is Inward Focus

What is of a huge disturbance at this time is that so many individuals are focusing on particular processes, on specific predictions that are very detailed and that are anchored in politics, and that are focused on high-ranking, high-powered individuals and the role that they have to play on Earth. It is very, very important that we take this opportunity to remind humanity not to hang their hopes, nor their personal Ascension journey, on specific occurrences and the unfolding of specific events that lies outside of themselves. They cannot control what happens to a specific individual whether they are of the light or not, when it will occur, or how things will unfold. Read More…

Ashtar on Spiritual Gift Giving

This is Ashtar. And I’m joined by a few members of the Galactic Federation of Light. It is a pleasure to be in your presence again. We are always honored when you come to us. We would like to talk a little bit about the holidays and the shift that is happening. It is beginning now but is going to grow in time with regards to material gift giving to spiritual gift giving. We have observed, as many humans have felt across your planet for at least a year now, that with such confusion, with such chaos and uncertainty, there is an increasing yearning and hunger for clarity. Clarity that comes through spiritual insight through information and messages and gifts (for this is the word of the night) that cannot be granted in anything that is tangible. A true gift is one that exists at an energetic level that serves to dwell in one’s heart for the purpose of awakening, of opening up to one’s innate calling or ability. But spiritual giving is truly the gift that keeps on giving. We know that this is an expression that you are familiar with, but let us plant a visual for you. Read More…

The Galactic Federation of Light: Our Future Economy - Part 1

Hello. We are key members of the Galactic Federation of Light in conjunction with Ashtar. Ashtar is present, but he has called upon a handful of the, we will simply call ourselves, the ground crew coordination primes or masters if you will, for there are members of the Galactic Federation that have been tasked with specific mandates to carry out work on Earth, and to help lead humanity towards significant and positive changes. Read More…

Commander Ashtar: Incoming Energies are Preparing You for the Solar Flare

This is why so many who are not awake will be confused. For all of a sudden that which they have resonated with will be gone. And there will be a great period of disorientation until they—and their vibration—can calibrate with the energy and the vibration that will be ushered in through the flare. So, the flare truly is not necessarily just a bright flash of light. It is a highly potent wave of energy—high vibrational energy—that without these prior and smaller waves of incoming energies, no human could withstand physically or spiritually. Read More…

Blue Avian Messages: Solar Flare, Ascension & Timelines

Hello, this is Eir Ar. I’m a Blue Avian. And I’m delighted to once again come to you through Kate. Hello. We understand you have quite a few questions. But we would first like to open up with a message. And this certainly plays in to your earlier conversation with regards to patience and what you are seeing versus what is truly occurring and happening on your planet. From our standpoint, Mother Earth Gaia, is far far brighter. It is not to say that there are no more dark stains, patches of confusion, and an underlying sentiment of fear. But we must say that much of this fear, much of this confusion, has begun to clear. It has lifted. However, this is not being made clear through your mainstream news. Read More…

Commander Ashtar’s Update: Humanity Must Stand United

Interviewer:  I wonder if you could speak to why this solar system is the hub of your activity right now? Ashtar: There are a number of reasons. The main reason is that hundreds of thousands of years ago the war for the rights for lack of a better word, and for use and access to this solar system was lost by the Light forces. And as such, there were many dark forces that came in and they created many vortexes and portals, through which many more dark forces from around this universe and others could come in. This is how they reinforced their protection. This is how they created barriers around the solar system. And more importantly, one of the many jewels of the solar system which was Gaia. Read More…

Progress Update from Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Light Forces

There has been much happening here. From the perspective of the Galactic Federation of Light, we are evermore busy. We are constantly and readily engaged with many Alliance members or white hats in this ongoing game, or battle, as some of you have referred to it. We understand that from your standpoint many are becoming increasingly impatient for progress is not moving fast enough… It is difficult to see. But understand that from the standpoint of most, in fact, the vast majority of humans, the progress that we see is nearly impossible for you to see. Read More…