Penni Moore

2022 - AMPLIFIED DUALITY - Highest Council of Light Through Penni Moore

Greetings dearest light beings! May we direct your attention to the numbers 2022. The #2 is one of duality. Divided equally into two 1+1=2. The year 2022 also symbolizes new beginnings from a duality standpoint but compounded because the number is in fact a 2. Now add to that a 0 which symbolizes infinity, and all that is. In otherwards the full spectrum of the Divine. It represents a complete circle with no beginning and no end. Stay with us here as this may seem a bit confusing. Add to the 2+0 the double 2’s. Do you see where this is going? Duality is amplifying on your planet right along with angelic guidance, love, and abundance on all levels. Read More…

EMBRACE PEACE AND JOY - Highest Council of Light Through Penni Moore

Greetings light beings! May we begin by advising that all is unfolding as planned, over these next few days, weeks, and months. For sure the earth is changing along with all of creation, and you are being recalibrated to meet the demands of future evolvement. This is a beautiful and creative time on our planet. Rest assured the right people and entities are in place, and they are carrying out the procedures that need to be taken care of, at this time. Step back and look at the bigger picture each time you are confronted with and introduced to the changes and situations occurring around your global communities. All, as you know is in divine order and no step or piece of the puzzle is left out. Each step leads to the next, and each step must be achieved before proceeding forward. Read More…

SEE YOUR LIFE AS A COLOURFUL TAPESTRY - Highest Council Of Light Through Penni Moore

Good day to all lightbeings! We see some of you are struggling somewhat as to your direction, at this time. May we say that your paths are unfolding as they were laid out to be. Where humanity gets into trouble with their mindset is when they cannot see what is going on behind the scenes, at any given time. This struggle is not only within you individually, but the collective as a whole. This channel does recall that life is living us as a species. All direction and activation of the energy downloads come from within the Divine blueprint within each and every one of you. As the energies from other planets star systems and the central sun come into the planet, assimilations and activations take place within the corporal body which stimulates the human into action through the knowledge received within. We trust this gives you a better idea as to how ideas and inspirations are processed within and acted upon. Read More…

ALL ASPECTS OF HUMANITY CONTRIBUTE TO THE WHOLE - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore

Dearest beings of light, what a beautiful time it is on your planet, where new truths are coming to light every day. We know many of you have had your doubts as to how life on your earth plane has and will be playing out. But if you are very aware you are able to feel within your beingness that positive changes are beginning to show up on the level of form. We call this awareness your inner knowing. So there is nothing to fear, and certainly divine trust for all of you is a major component at this time, and in moving forward. Read More…

THE SOLAR FLASH IS IMMINENT - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore - May 21, 2021

Greetings to all light beings on planet earth! We come forward at a critical juncture, at this time, on your planet. We come bearing wonderful news and excitement for humanity! You have been waiting so long, eons of time in fact, for your planet and human consciousness to reach a certain frequency, if you will. May we say that time is upon you. We too have been waiting, observing, and helping out when universal law permits, to assist humanity and your planet to raise consciousness. Remember, your planet, just as you are, is a conscious being. All of creation is divinely orchestrated. And of course all of creation is connected. Nothing is separate. You only hold the illusion of separateness. Humanity must ultimately embrace this knowing now, especially when humanity and the planet are about to cross over the threshold, so to speak, from the old paradigms, to be catapulted into the new. Read More…

FORGIVENESS AND LOVE - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore

Good day dearest ones! What a beautiful spring morning it is in your hemisphere! Is it not a great feeling to be in gratitude for all of your blessings? One question on your mind is with all the inflation and economic changes this past year or so, “How is it that you are to acquire monies to live a comfortable life in your retirement years? May we say so much is going on behind the scenes at this time to honour your desires and your concerns. Stay in a high vibration, living in your joy, and all your needs and desires will come into fruition. You are manifesting your desires right now where you are sitting and reading this transmission. The universe is working diligently to put all of what you desire into fruition on the physical planes. Now, how exciting is that? This advice is for all of you, as you are all connected whether you realize it or not. The old ways of acquiring an income are no longer of value for those of you moving into 5D. Read More…

You are Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore

Greetings dearest light beings! We have been watching you and encouraging you from afar for eons of time. Some of you tap into the knowledge we bequeath you and some of you feel that there is indeed knowledge of the light within you. All of you are all capable of receiving divine knowledge and wisdom. How do you receive this knowledge? You sit in silence and tap into this vast array of incredible knowledge and wisdom. Read More…

CLEARING YOUR PATH TO ASCENSION - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore

Greetings dear ones of planet earth! So much has transpired, not only from behind the scenes of what is going on right now on your planet, but also right in plain site. Humanity has endured so much over the last year. May we commend you for being steadfast in not only working on yourselves and your ascension but assisting your brothers and sisters by explaining what is actually taking place on the world stage, whether they choose to listen or not. You all have free will to make your own choices. As outlined in A Course In Miracles, you are advised that you can always choose again, if a choice you have made is not in your highest good, whether it be taking action, or clearing your fears and emotions. Remember, your planet is a learning forum. It is a so called “school of hard knocks” if you will. Read More…

YOUR WORLD AS YOU KNOW IT IS RAPIDLY CHANGING - Highest Council of Light Through Penni Moore

Welcome to this transmission dear one. You heeded our call and we are grateful for your immediate response! Let's begin by saying times are changing at a rapid rate. Those of humanity who are awakening to the light and the truth want so much more truth to be revealed to them. You are all spiritual beings whether you are living in darkness or light. All will eventually, some over many lifetimes, return to Source. You all know this is the ultimate path of humanity. Those in the light know with great certainty that the light is winning! In order to understand the magnitude of what has been transpiring for eons of time on your planet, the truth of what “appears" to be happening, for thousands of years, is coming to light. People have to be shown what has been hidden from them so positive change can occur, and more and more of humanity awaken. Read More…

YOU ARE SEEDED IN LOVE - The Council of 12 through Penni Moore

You are all spiritual beings, seeded in love and all it’s glory by what is! Relish that knowing! Celebrate that knowing! For it is a truth not fully understood, or even believed by most of humanity in a 3D world. Those of you who know and understand this are far ahead of the average human. For sure you will all get there and graduate from 3D school, so to speak, but the work has really only just begun! Read More…

2021 A YEAR OF INSPIRED GLOBAL CHANGE - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore

Good day lightworkers residing on planet earth! We the Highest Council of Light have been watching and assisting humanity, and your planet for eons of time. It is biblical of that which is occurring on your planet, at this time! Speaking in linear time, it has taken millions of years to return humanity and planet earth to a higher vibration of existence. May we say, you are almost there! Read More…

TRANSFORMING DARKNESS INTO LIGHT - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore on March 10, 2021

Good day beings of light! We see a lot of you have been following the events, narrative, and speculations as to what is truly occurring on your planet over the last year. As you are well aware, there are so called digital warriors who are instrumental in helping and guiding humanity at this time. Your world as it appears to you is being turned upside down. Day after day for quite some time now events and plans are revealing the dark, and transforming the dark into the light. This darkness has heavily weighed down your planet for a very long time. Read More…