CLEARING YOUR PATH TO ASCENSION - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore
04.05.2021 20:33 Penni Moore
Greetings dear ones of planet earth! So much has transpired, not only from behind the scenes of what is going on right now on your planet, but also right in plain site. Humanity has endured so much over the last year. May we commend you for being steadfast in not only working on yourselves and your ascension but assisting your brothers and sisters by explaining what is actually taking place on the world stage, whether they choose to listen or not. You all have free will to make your own choices. As outlined in A Course In Miracles, you are advised that you can always choose again, if a choice you have made is not in your highest good, whether it be taking action, or clearing your fears and emotions. Remember, your planet is a learning forum. It is a so called “school of hard knocks” if you will.
Moving forward on the world stage change will be like a revolving door! There will be one change after the other. One situation is taken care of and then another one pops up in its place. Get ready for more wild rides, so to speak! It is like a “to do list”. There will always be the next thing on the list to tackle. Events and situations will be taking place that will absolutely “blow your minds”! Here we are talking more about positive change, as most of you are well aware, as to what has been happening on the world stage. But you must do your part in the ascension process. Humanity, as a whole, can no longer remain asleep and expect to herald in the beautiful transformation that is occurring on your planet, moving forward into the next thousand years of peace.
The Time to Awaken is Now
Those who are awakening now have a lot to not only discern but get up to speed on what has been occurring on the planet, and what is to come. Indeed, each person who is awakening, at this time, will have so much to catch up on! The main goal of humanity is and will be to continually increase your vibration. Allow yourselves to heal by clearing your emotions and fears and taking the needed time to acclimate as to your ongoing transformation. All healing and ascension work is vital and takes time. For those who have been asleep coming out of a cocoon can be traumatizing yet very liberating!
All of humanity has assistance from the higher realms in their healing process. All one needs to do is ask for assistance and we are with you in an instant. In fact, we have never left your side. We have always been with you. This time period right now is a healing phase for humanity. Everyone, no matter who you are or where you are on the ascension path has work to do on the self. It is a continuing process. This process never stops until you are fully enlightened and out of the illusion you place yourself in with each incarnation. It doesn’t stop until you are sitting at the right hand of God, so to speak, and knowing you never left his side in the first place. Thus, the illusion of separation is broken. Now, how wonderful is that?
Over time each one of you through work and diligence on yourselves will eventually come to be not only at peace within, but “at one” with God. That my dear ones is your ultimate goal. Each of you has had thousands of lifetimes, where one lesson after the other needed to be learned and thus cleared from your karmic charts. Some of you, like this channel, learned multiple lessons in one foul swoop, just in this lifetime alone. You could say, she was on the “fast track” to ascension. (chuckle) You all choose your paths and how you will go about your lessons prior to each incarnation. It takes lifetimes to get through the curriculum you set up for yourselves, with the help of your guides. At least for most of you that is. Talk about a journey! Each lifetime could be described as a chapter in your saga to enlightenment. But what a journey that is! Humanity as a whole have come a long way, but many still have a ways to go. But no worries, no need to panic or rush. You set up your life plan at a pace that you could handle. It is your journey and only you decide how it will unfold.
Many Changes Ahead for Humanity
So, moving forward many changes, as we said are in front of you. Your planet is ascending and you right along with it. No one will be left behind. You each have the same goal of enlightenment to attain. Know in your hearts that what is to come is for the benefit of all of humanity. Growing pains are inevitable. No one said ascension is easy! At times it can be down right painful, but remember you are never given more than you can handle. As we advised we are always with you. Do you choose to recognize our nudges, or do you choose to ignore them? It is totally up to you!
The New Earth - Residing in a Higher Dimension
The new earth is a utopia of sorts, heaven on earth, if you will. But it is up to each of you to do the work to get there. The new earth is not a place. It is a higher dimension. It is a higher vibrational way of being, if you will. As we said, work on self is the key to residing in a higher dimension. What is this work we talk about? It is about clearing your emotions and pain body until you are fully at peace within, no matter what is occurring around you. You can assist your transformation by doing many things. First, as we said, clear your emotions consistently. Secondly, meditate every day and bask in your light. Thirdly, get out in nature every day and commune with not only the earth but all of what nature has to offer. This can be walking along a sandy beach or speaking with and enjoying the antics of the birds, squirrels, animals and trees. Have you ever just stopped and watched the movement of the leaves through the trees from the effects of the wind or a breeze? It is your journey so commune in whatever way gives you joy and peace. Next, it is imperative that you consume light filled foods! This means fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and pure water. Unfortunately, most of the water you consume is dead water. So, bring it to life by adding lemon juice or lime juice to your water. The juice of one whole lemon or lime in a litre of water. This makes your water alive. Also, you can drink other types of infused water. This channel often drinks infused cherry, mango and coconut water throughout the day. But first thing in the morning drink a litre of lemon or lime water to kick start your liver. The other infused waters can be consumed throughout the day. The liver is the largest organ in the body, next to your skin. You must maintain a healthy light diet to not only heal the liver but maintain it as well. Raw foods give your body a trickle down effect, positively affecting all aspects of your body, even your moods and energy levels. Also, with juicing you are getting infused water because the basis of all juicing is predominately water. You can juice oranges, watermelon, mangos, celery, cucumbers to name a few sources.
Most of you have a lot of work to do on self to enhance your ascension in the way of diet and lifestyle. Know all of you can do this. And everyone will do it their own way. Only the principles need to remain consistent in the process. Again, we are here for you, so there is no need to go through it alone. By working on yourselves you are all doing your part to help not only your growth and evolvement but the planet’s as well.
So, moving forward you all know what your goal is. Transformation and true change always begins with the self. It is an “inside job” if you will. No one can do the work for you! That is the beauty of ascension. Everyone has their own Divine blueprint within.
Godspeed on your journey to wholeness. We are always with you!
April 2021